Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2876126Fold c.47: Thioredoxin fold [52832] (2 superfamilies)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 4 strands, order 4312; strand 3 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2876127Superfamily c.47.1: Thioredoxin-like [52833] (24 families) (S)
  5. 2878967Family c.47.1.0: automated matches [191312] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2878968Protein automated matches [190056] (195 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2878969Acinetobacter baumannii [TaxId:509173] [257404] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2878971Aeropyrum pernix [TaxId:272557] [225140] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2878976African malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae) [TaxId:7165] [225347] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2il3:
      1. 2878981Domain d2il3a1: 2il3 A:2-86 [204807]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2il3a2, d2il3b2
        automated match to d1pn9a2
      2. 2878982Domain d2il3b1: 2il3 B:1-86 [204809]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2il3a2, d2il3b2
        automated match to d1pn9a2
    2. Domains for 2imi:
      1. 2878977Domain d2imia1: 2imi A:2-86 [204819]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2imia2, d2imib2
        automated match to d1pn9a2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2878978Domain d2imib1: 2imi B:1-86 [204821]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2imia2, d2imib2
        automated match to d1pn9a2
        complexed with gsh
    3. Domains for 2imk:
      1. 2878979Domain d2imka1: 2imk A:2-86 [204823]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2imka2, d2imkb2
        automated match to d1pn9a2
        complexed with gtx
      2. 2878980Domain d2imkb1: 2imk B:1-86 [204825]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2imka2, d2imkb2
        automated match to d1pn9a2
        complexed with gtx
    4. Domains for 4gsn:
      1. 2878983Domain d4gsna1: 4gsn A:2-86 [237589]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gsna2, d4gsnb2, d4gsnc2, d4gsnd2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with 1pe, gol, gsh
      2. 2878984Domain d4gsnb1: 4gsn B:2-86 [237590]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gsna2, d4gsnb2, d4gsnc2, d4gsnd2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with 1pe, gol, gsh
      3. 2878985Domain d4gsnc1: 4gsn C:2-86 [237587]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gsna2, d4gsnb2, d4gsnc2, d4gsnd2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with 1pe, gol, gsh
      4. 2878986Domain d4gsnd1: 4gsn D:2-86 [237588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gsna2, d4gsnb2, d4gsnc2, d4gsnd2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with 1pe, gol, gsh
  4. 2878987Akkermansia muciniphila [TaxId:239935] [380639] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2878998Alkaliphilus oremlandii [TaxId:350688] [260042] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4tr0:
      1. 2879001Domain d4tr0a1: 4tr0 A:1-85 [260043]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4tr0a2, d4tr0b2
        automated match to d2khpa_
        complexed with act, gds
      2. 2879002Domain d4tr0b1: 4tr0 B:1-85 [261991]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4tr0a2, d4tr0b2
        automated match to d2khpa_
        complexed with act, gds
    2. Domains for 4tr1:
      1. 2878999Domain d4tr1a1: 4tr1 A:1-85 [261990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4tr1a2, d4tr1b2
        automated match to d2khpa_
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879000Domain d4tr1b1: 4tr1 B:1-85 [261989]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4tr1a2, d4tr1b2
        automated match to d2khpa_
        complexed with gsh
    3. Domains for 7c10:
      1. 2879003Domain d7c10a_: 7c10 A: [394412]
        automated match to d3zija_
      2. 2879004Domain d7c10b_: 7c10 B: [394385]
        automated match to d3zija_
      3. 2879005Domain d7c10c_: 7c10 C: [394392]
        automated match to d3zija_
      4. 2879006Domain d7c10d_: 7c10 D: [394533]
        automated match to d3zija_
      5. 2879007Domain d7c10e_: 7c10 E: [394395]
        automated match to d3zija_
    4. Domains for 7c12:
      1. 2879010Domain d7c12a_: 7c12 A: [394426]
        automated match to d3zija_
      2. 2879011Domain d7c12b_: 7c12 B: [394389]
        automated match to d3zija_
      3. 2879012Domain d7c12c_: 7c12 C: [394365]
        automated match to d3zija_
      4. 2879013Domain d7c12d_: 7c12 D: [394366]
        automated match to d3zija_
    5. Domains for 7c13:
      1. 2879008Domain d7c13b_: 7c13 B: [394436]
        automated match to d3zija_
      2. 2879009Domain d7c13c_: 7c13 C: [394470]
        automated match to d3zija_
  6. 2879014Alopecurus myosuroides [TaxId:81473] [381852] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2879017Alvinella pompejana [TaxId:6376] [189859] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 2879020Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans [TaxId:290397] [226674] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 2879023Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans [TaxId:455488] [226576] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4igj:
      1. 2879024Domain d4igja1: 4igj A:1-85 [223165]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4igja2, d4igja3, d4igjb2, d4igjb3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879025Domain d4igjb1: 4igj B:1-85 [223167]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4igja2, d4igja3, d4igjb2, d4igjb3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 4kae:
      1. 2879028Domain d4kaea1: 4kae A:1-85 [224237]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kaea2, d4kaea3, d4kaeb2, d4kaeb3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with cit, gol, tgg
      2. 2879029Domain d4kaeb1: 4kae B:1-85 [224239]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kaea2, d4kaea3, d4kaeb2, d4kaeb3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with cit, gol, tgg
    3. Domains for 4kdy:
      1. 2879026Domain d4kdya1: 4kdy A:1-85 [224256]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kdya2, d4kdya3, d4kdyb2, d4kdyb3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with cit, gol, gsh
      2. 2879027Domain d4kdyb1: 4kdy B:1-85 [224258]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kdya2, d4kdya3, d4kdyb2, d4kdyb3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with cit, gol, gsh
  10. 2879030Anopheles dirus [TaxId:7168] [226778] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3f6d:
      1. 2879031Domain d3f6da1: 3f6d A:1-90 [209808]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3f6da2, d3f6db2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gtx
      2. 2879032Domain d3f6db1: 3f6d B:1-90 [209810]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3f6da2, d3f6db2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gtx
    2. Domains for 3g7j:
      1. 2879033Domain d3g7ja1: 3g7j A:1-90 [210427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3g7ja2, d3g7jb2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gtx
      2. 2879034Domain d3g7jb1: 3g7j B:1-90 [210429]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3g7ja2, d3g7jb2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gtx
  11. 2879035Anopheles funestus [TaxId:62324] [236279] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3zmk:
      1. 2879038Domain d3zmka1: 3zmk A:3-86 [237748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zmka2, d3zmkb2, d3zmkb3, d3zmkc2, d3zmkd2
        automated match to d3zmkd1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879039Domain d3zmkb1: 3zmk B:1-86 [236287]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zmka2, d3zmkb2, d3zmkb3, d3zmkc2, d3zmkd2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2879040Domain d3zmkc1: 3zmk C:3-86 [236280]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zmka2, d3zmkb2, d3zmkb3, d3zmkc2, d3zmkd2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2879041Domain d3zmkd1: 3zmk D:1-86 [236283]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zmka2, d3zmkb2, d3zmkb3, d3zmkc2, d3zmkd2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with gsh
    2. Domains for 3zml:
      1. 2879036Domain d3zmla1: 3zml A:4-86 [236286]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zmla2, d3zmlb2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879037Domain d3zmlb1: 3zml B:3-86 [236285]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zmla2, d3zmlb2
        automated match to d2il3a1
        complexed with gsh
  12. 2879042Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] [194451] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4hde:
    2. Domains for 4nmu:
      1. 2879044Domain d4nmua1: 4nmu A:1-144 [229951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nmua2, d4nmuc2
        automated match to d4grfa_
        complexed with acy, edo, gol, mg, peg
      2. 2879045Domain d4nmub_: 4nmu B: [229952]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nmua2, d4nmuc2
        automated match to d1st9a_
        complexed with acy, edo, gol, mg, peg
      3. 2879046Domain d4nmuc1: 4nmu C:1-144 [235812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nmua2, d4nmuc2
        automated match to d4nmua_
        complexed with acy, edo, gol, mg, peg
      4. 2879047Domain d4nmud_: 4nmu D: [235813]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nmua2, d4nmuc2
        automated match to d4nmua_
        complexed with acy, edo, gol, mg, peg
  13. 2879048Anticarsia gemmatalis [TaxId:129554] [321688] (1 PDB entry)
  14. 2879051Aquifex aeolicus [TaxId:224324] [188265] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2ywm:
      1. 2879068Domain d2ywma1: 2ywm A:1-121 [231670]
        automated match to d2aytb1
      2. 2879069Domain d2ywma2: 2ywm A:122-228 [231685]
        automated match to d2aytb2
      3. 2879070Domain d2ywmb1: 2ywm B:1-121 [231672]
        automated match to d2aytb1
      4. 2879071Domain d2ywmb2: 2ywm B:122-228 [231683]
        automated match to d2aytb2
      5. 2879072Domain d2ywmc1: 2ywm C:1-121 [231671]
        automated match to d2aytb1
      6. 2879073Domain d2ywmc2: 2ywm C:122-228 [231684]
        automated match to d2aytb2
      7. 2879074Domain d2ywmd1: 2ywm D:1-121 [231673]
        automated match to d2aytb1
      8. 2879075Domain d2ywmd2: 2ywm D:122-227 [231680]
        automated match to d2aytb2
    2. Domains for 2yzh:
      1. 2879052Domain d2yzha1: 2yzh A:1-168 [170940]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2yzha2, d2yzhb2, d2yzhc2, d2yzhd2
        automated match to d1psqa_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879053Domain d2yzhb1: 2yzh B:1-168 [170941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2yzha2, d2yzhb2, d2yzhc2, d2yzhd2
        automated match to d1psqa_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2879054Domain d2yzhc1: 2yzh C:1-168 [170942]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2yzha2, d2yzhb2, d2yzhc2, d2yzhd2
        automated match to d1psqa_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2879055Domain d2yzhd1: 2yzh D:1-169 [170943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2yzha2, d2yzhb2, d2yzhc2, d2yzhd2
        automated match to d1psqa_
        complexed with so4
    3. Domains for 5ovq:
      1. 2879056Domain d5ovqa1: 5ovq A:5-222 [415123]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      2. 2879057Domain d5ovqb1: 5ovq B:3-222 [415125]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      3. 2879058Domain d5ovqc1: 5ovq C:5-222 [415127]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      4. 2879059Domain d5ovqd_: 5ovq D: [415129]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      5. 2879060Domain d5ovqe1: 5ovq E:5-222 [415130]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      6. 2879061Domain d5ovqf_: 5ovq F: [415132]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      7. 2879062Domain d5ovqg_: 5ovq G: [415133]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      8. 2879063Domain d5ovqh_: 5ovq H: [415134]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      9. 2879064Domain d5ovqi_: 5ovq I: [415135]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      10. 2879065Domain d5ovqj_: 5ovq J: [415136]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      11. 2879066Domain d5ovqk1: 5ovq K:5-222 [415137]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
      12. 2879067Domain d5ovql_: 5ovq L: [415139]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ovqa2, d5ovqb2, d5ovqc2, d5ovqe2, d5ovqk2
        automated match to d6p0wa_
        complexed with unl
  15. 2879076Aquifex aeolicus [TaxId:63363] [225093] (1 PDB entry)
  16. 2879081Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId:2234] [419851] (1 PDB entry)
  17. 2879083Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId:224325] [272006] (1 PDB entry)
  18. 2879086Azotobacter vinelandii [TaxId:354] [321679] (1 PDB entry)
  19. 2879089Bacillus cereus [TaxId:1396] [193273] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3zij:
      1. 2879092Domain d3zija_: 3zij A: [193274]
        automated match to d1r7ha_
      2. 2879093Domain d3zijb_: 3zij B: [201322]
        automated match to d3zija_
    2. Domains for 3zit:
      1. 2879090Domain d3zita_: 3zit A: [201323]
        automated match to d3zitb_
      2. 2879091Domain d3zitb_: 3zit B: [193275]
        automated match to d1r7ha_
  20. 2879094Bacillus subtilis [TaxId:1423] [188752] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2jsy:
    2. Domain for 2jsz:
    3. Domains for 2voc:
      1. 2879095Domain d2voca1: 2voc A:2-104 [168748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2voca2, d2vocb2
        automated match to d1f6mc_
        complexed with peg; mutant
      2. 2879096Domain d2vocb1: 2voc B:2-104 [168749]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2voca2, d2vocb2
        automated match to d1f6mc_
        complexed with peg; mutant
    4. Domains for 3erw:
      1. 2879097Domain d3erwa_: 3erw A: [175177]
        automated match to d1st9a_
      2. 2879098Domain d3erwb_: 3erw B: [175178]
        automated match to d1st9a_
      3. 2879099Domain d3erwc_: 3erw C: [175179]
        automated match to d1st9a_
      4. 2879100Domain d3erwd_: 3erw D: [175180]
        automated match to d1st9a_
      5. 2879101Domain d3erwe_: 3erw E: [175181]
        automated match to d1st9a_
      6. 2879102Domain d3erwf_: 3erw F: [175182]
        automated match to d1st9a_
      7. 2879103Domain d3erwg_: 3erw G: [175183]
        automated match to d1st9a_
  21. 2879106Bacteroides fragilis [TaxId:272559] [188839] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3eur:
    2. Domains for 3ewl:
      1. 2879108Domain d3ewla1: 3ewl A:1-135 [245923]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ewla2, d3ewlb2
        automated match to d3hcza_
      2. 2879109Domain d3ewlb1: 3ewl B:1-134 [245924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ewla2, d3ewlb2
        automated match to d3hcza_
    3. Domains for 3gkx:
      1. 2879110Domain d3gkxa_: 3gkx A: [176728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gkxb2
        automated match to d1z3ea1
      2. 2879111Domain d3gkxb1: 3gkx B:1-117 [176729]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gkxb2
        automated match to d1z3ea1
  22. 2879112Bacteroides fragilis [TaxId:817] [255871] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3hxs:
      1. 2879113Domain d3hxsa_: 3hxs A: [246603]
        automated match to d1fb0a_
        complexed with zn
      2. 2879114Domain d3hxsb_: 3hxs B: [246604]
        automated match to d1fb0a_
        complexed with zn
    2. Domains for 3hyp:
      1. 2879115Domain d3hypa_: 3hyp A: [246620]
        automated match to d2h75a_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 2879116Domain d3hypb_: 3hyp B: [246621]
        automated match to d2h75a_
        complexed with zn; mutant
  23. 2879117Bacteroides sp. [TaxId:457394] [255455] (1 PDB entry)
  24. 2879119Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId:226186] [255458] (1 PDB entry)
  25. 2879121Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId:818] [232191] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2kuc:
    2. Domains for 3fw2:
      1. 2879122Domain d3fw2a1: 3fw2 A:214-360 [232192]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fw2a2, d3fw2b2, d3fw2c2, d3fw2d2
        automated match to d4nmua_
        complexed with act, edo
      2. 2879123Domain d3fw2b1: 3fw2 B:214-360 [232194]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fw2a2, d3fw2b2, d3fw2c2, d3fw2d2
        automated match to d4nmua_
        complexed with act, edo
      3. 2879124Domain d3fw2c1: 3fw2 C:214-360 [232193]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fw2a2, d3fw2b2, d3fw2c2, d3fw2d2
        automated match to d4nmua_
        complexed with act, edo
      4. 2879125Domain d3fw2d1: 3fw2 D:214-360 [232195]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fw2a2, d3fw2b2, d3fw2c2, d3fw2d2
        automated match to d4nmua_
        complexed with act, edo
  26. 2879127Bacteroides vulgatus [TaxId:435590] [194549] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2l5l:
    2. Domain for 2lja:
    3. Domain for 4grf:
    4. Domain for 4k9z:
    5. Domains for 4ka0:
      1. 2879129Domain d4ka0a_: 4ka0 A: [235120]
        automated match to d4nmua_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2879130Domain d4ka0b_: 4ka0 B: [235122]
        automated match to d4nmua_
        complexed with cl
      3. 2879131Domain d4ka0c_: 4ka0 C: [240402]
        automated match to d4ka0a_
        complexed with cl
      4. 2879132Domain d4ka0d_: 4ka0 D: [240403]
        automated match to d4ka0a_
        complexed with cl
  27. 2879136Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [187694] (14 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2fa4:
      1. 2879160Domain d2fa4a_: 2fa4 A: [164307]
        automated match to d1erva_
      2. 2879161Domain d2fa4b_: 2fa4 B: [164308]
        automated match to d1erva_
    2. Domain for 2hsy:
    3. Domains for 2oe0:
      1. 2879142Domain d2oe0a_: 2oe0 A: [166652]
        automated match to d1r26a_
      2. 2879143Domain d2oe0b_: 2oe0 B: [166653]
        automated match to d1r26a_
    4. Domains for 2oe1:
      1. 2879144Domain d2oe1a_: 2oe1 A: [166654]
        automated match to d1r26a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879145Domain d2oe1b_: 2oe1 B: [166655]
        automated match to d1r26a_
        complexed with so4
    5. Domains for 2oe3:
      1. 2879138Domain d2oe3a_: 2oe3 A: [166656]
        automated match to d1r26a_
      2. 2879139Domain d2oe3b_: 2oe3 B: [166657]
        automated match to d1r26a_
    6. Domain for 3cmi:
    7. Domain for 3ctf:
    8. Domain for 3ctg:
    9. Domain for 3d4m:
    10. Domains for 3d5j:
      1. 2879148Domain d3d5ja1: 3d5j A:1-109 [173697]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5ja2
        automated match to d1ktea_
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      2. 2879149Domain d3d5jb_: 3d5j B: [173698]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5ja2
        automated match to d1ktea_
        complexed with gsh; mutant
    11. Domains for 3d6i:
      1. 2879140Domain d3d6ia_: 3d6i A: [209029]
        automated match to d1r26a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879141Domain d3d6ib_: 3d6i B: [209030]
        automated match to d1r26a_
        complexed with so4
    12. Domain for 3pin:
    13. Domains for 3sbc:
      1. 2879162Domain d3sbca_: 3sbc A: [216267]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
      2. 2879163Domain d3sbcc_: 3sbc C: [216269]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
      3. 2879164Domain d3sbcd_: 3sbc D: [216270]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
      4. 2879165Domain d3sbce_: 3sbc E: [216271]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
      5. 2879166Domain d3sbcf_: 3sbc F: [216272]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
      6. 2879167Domain d3sbcg_: 3sbc G: [216273]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
      7. 2879168Domain d3sbch_: 3sbc H: [216274]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
      8. 2879169Domain d3sbci_: 3sbc I: [216275]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
      9. 2879170Domain d3sbcj_: 3sbc J: [216276]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sbcb1, d3sbcb2
        automated match to d1uula_
        complexed with dtu, dtv; mutant
    14. Domains for 6utl:
      1. 2879151Domain d6utla_: 6utl A: [389514]
        automated match to d3sbca_
      2. 2879152Domain d6utlb_: 6utl B: [389442]
        automated match to d3sbca_
      3. 2879153Domain d6utlc_: 6utl C: [389478]
        automated match to d3sbca_
      4. 2879154Domain d6utld_: 6utl D: [389454]
        automated match to d3sbca_
      5. 2879155Domain d6utle_: 6utl E: [389489]
        automated match to d3sbca_
      6. 2879156Domain d6utlf_: 6utl F: [389449]
        automated match to d3sbca_
      7. 2879157Domain d6utlg_: 6utl G: [389475]
        automated match to d3sbca_
      8. 2879158Domain d6utlh_: 6utl H: [389467]
        automated match to d3sbca_
      9. 2879159Domain d6utlj_: 6utl J: [389482]
        automated match to d3sbca_
  28. 2879173Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:559292] [195631] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2m80:
    2. Domain for 3l4n:
    3. Domain for 4dss:
    4. Domain for 5j3r:
    5. Domain for 5ykj:
    6. Domain for 5ykw:
    7. Domain for 7bvv:
  29. 2879181Barley (Hordeum vulgare) [TaxId:4513] [187880] (1 PDB entry)
  30. 2879183Bartonella henselae [TaxId:283166] [255358] (1 PDB entry)
  31. 2879185Basidomycetes fungus (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) [TaxId:5306] [226685] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4f0b:
      1. 2879188Domain d4f0ba1: 4f0b A:5-100 [266241]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f0ba2, d4f0bb2
        automated match to d4ivfa1
        complexed with gds, gol
      2. 2879189Domain d4f0bb1: 4f0b B:5-100 [266243]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f0ba2, d4f0bb2
        automated match to d4ivfa1
        complexed with gds, gol
    2. Domain for 4f0c:
    3. Domains for 4zb6:
      1. 2879194Domain d4zb6a1: 4zb6 A:4-93 [277699]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zb6a2, d4zb6b2, d4zb6c2, d4zb6d2
        automated match to d4l8ea1
        complexed with gds, na
      2. 2879195Domain d4zb6b1: 4zb6 B:4-93 [277703]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zb6a2, d4zb6b2, d4zb6c2, d4zb6d2
        automated match to d4l8ea1
        complexed with gds, na
      3. 2879196Domain d4zb6c1: 4zb6 C:5-93 [277701]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zb6a2, d4zb6b2, d4zb6c2, d4zb6d2
        automated match to d4l8ea1
        complexed with gds, na
      4. 2879197Domain d4zb6d1: 4zb6 D:4-93 [277707]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zb6a2, d4zb6b2, d4zb6c2, d4zb6d2
        automated match to d4l8ea1
        complexed with gds, na
    4. Domains for 4zb7:
      1. 2879205Domain d4zb7b1: 4zb7 B:4-94 [301618]
        automated match to d4zbaa1
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2879206Domain d4zb7d1: 4zb7 D:4-90 [277725]
        automated match to d4ivfa1
        complexed with gol, so4
    5. Domain for 4zb8:
    6. Domains for 4zb9:
      1. 2879207Domain d4zb9a1: 4zb9 A:3-95 [277709]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zb9a2, d4zb9b2, d4zb9c2, d4zb9d2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with cl, gds
      2. 2879208Domain d4zb9b1: 4zb9 B:3-95 [277711]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zb9a2, d4zb9b2, d4zb9c2, d4zb9d2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with cl, gds
      3. 2879209Domain d4zb9c1: 4zb9 C:3-95 [277721]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zb9a2, d4zb9b2, d4zb9c2, d4zb9d2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with cl, gds
      4. 2879210Domain d4zb9d1: 4zb9 D:3-95 [277713]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zb9a2, d4zb9b2, d4zb9c2, d4zb9d2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with cl, gds
    7. Domains for 4zba:
      1. 2879190Domain d4zbaa1: 4zba A:2-95 [277692]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbaa2, d4zbab2, d4zbac2, d4zbad2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with act, cl, gds
      2. 2879191Domain d4zbab1: 4zba B:3-95 [277690]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbaa2, d4zbab2, d4zbac2, d4zbad2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with act, cl, gds
      3. 2879192Domain d4zbac1: 4zba C:2-95 [277694]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbaa2, d4zbab2, d4zbac2, d4zbad2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with act, cl, gds
      4. 2879193Domain d4zbad1: 4zba D:3-95 [277697]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbaa2, d4zbab2, d4zbac2, d4zbad2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with act, cl, gds
    8. Domains for 4zbb:
      1. 2879198Domain d4zbba1: 4zbb A:2-95 [277715]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbba2, d4zbbb2, d4zbbc2, d4zbbd2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with act, cl, gdn, gol
      2. 2879199Domain d4zbbb1: 4zbb B:2-95 [277723]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbba2, d4zbbb2, d4zbbc2, d4zbbd2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with act, cl, gdn, gol
      3. 2879200Domain d4zbbc1: 4zbb C:3-95 [277719]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbba2, d4zbbb2, d4zbbc2, d4zbbd2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with act, cl, gdn, gol
      4. 2879201Domain d4zbbd1: 4zbb D:3-95 [277717]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbba2, d4zbbb2, d4zbbc2, d4zbbd2
        automated match to d1k0ba2
        complexed with act, cl, gdn, gol
    9. Domains for 4zbd:
      1. 2879186Domain d4zbda1: 4zbd A:2-90 [277726]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbda2, d4zbdb2
        automated match to d4ivfa1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879187Domain d4zbdb1: 4zbd B:2-90 [277728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbda2, d4zbdb2
        automated match to d4ivfa1
        complexed with gsh
    10. Domain for 5o00:
  32. 2879211Blattella germanica [TaxId:6973] [270993] (1 PDB entry)
  33. 2879218Blomia tropicalis [TaxId:40697] [270994] (1 PDB entry)
  34. 2879221Blood fluke (Schistosoma haematobium) [TaxId:6185] [225080] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2c8u:
      1. 2879222Domain d2c8ua2: 2c8u A:4-84 [130125]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c8ua1, d2c8ub1
        automated match to d2f8fa2
        complexed with bme, so4; mutant
      2. 2879223Domain d2c8ub2: 2c8u B:4-84 [130127]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c8ua1, d2c8ub1
        automated match to d2f8fa2
        complexed with bme, so4; mutant
    2. Domains for 2cai:
      1. 2879226Domain d2caia2: 2cai A:4-84 [130156]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2caia1, d2caib1
        automated match to d2f8fa2
        complexed with bme, pg4, so4; mutant
      2. 2879227Domain d2caib2: 2cai B:3-84 [130158]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2caia1, d2caib1
        automated match to d2f8fa2
        complexed with bme, pg4, so4; mutant
    3. Domain for 2caq:
    4. Domains for 2f8f:
      1. 2879224Domain d2f8fa2: 2f8f A:4-84 [133123]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f8fa1, d2f8fb1
        automated match to d1u3ia1
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      2. 2879225Domain d2f8fb2: 2f8f B:3-84 [133125]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f8fa1, d2f8fb1
        automated match to d1u3ia1
        complexed with gsh; mutant
  35. 2879229Blood fluke (Schistosoma mansoni) [TaxId:6183] [189028] (9 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1u3i:
    2. Domain for 2v1m:
    3. Domain for 2wgr:
    4. Domain for 2xbi:
    5. Domains for 2xbq:
      1. 2879233Domain d2xbqa_: 2xbq A: [170002]
        automated match to d1xw9a_
        complexed with zn
      2. 2879234Domain d2xbqb_: 2xbq B: [170003]
        automated match to d1xw9a_
        complexed with zn
    6. Domain for 2xc2:
    7. Domains for 3zl5:
      1. 2879237Domain d3zl5a_: 3zl5 A: [250798]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      2. 2879238Domain d3zl5b_: 3zl5 B: [250799]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      3. 2879239Domain d3zl5c_: 3zl5 C: [250800]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      4. 2879240Domain d3zl5d_: 3zl5 D: [250801]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      5. 2879241Domain d3zl5e_: 3zl5 E: [250802]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      6. 2879242Domain d3zl5f_: 3zl5 F: [250803]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      7. 2879243Domain d3zl5g_: 3zl5 G: [250804]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      8. 2879244Domain d3zl5h_: 3zl5 H: [250805]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      9. 2879245Domain d3zl5i_: 3zl5 I: [250806]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
      10. 2879246Domain d3zl5j_: 3zl5 J: [250807]
        automated match to d2i81b_
        complexed with peg, so4; mutant
    8. Domains for 3ztl:
      1. 2879247Domain d3ztla_: 3ztl A: [250832]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      2. 2879248Domain d3ztlb_: 3ztl B: [250833]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      3. 2879249Domain d3ztlc_: 3ztl C: [250834]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      4. 2879250Domain d3ztld_: 3ztl D: [250835]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      5. 2879251Domain d3ztle_: 3ztl E: [250836]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      6. 2879252Domain d3ztlf_: 3ztl F: [250837]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      7. 2879253Domain d3ztlg_: 3ztl G: [250838]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      8. 2879254Domain d3ztlh_: 3ztl H: [250839]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      9. 2879255Domain d3ztli_: 3ztl I: [250840]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      10. 2879256Domain d3ztlj1: 3ztl J:1-182 [250841]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztlj2
        automated match to d2i81b_
    9. Domains for 3zvj:
      1. 2879257Domain d3zvja_: 3zvj A: [250851]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      2. 2879258Domain d3zvjb1: 3zvj B:1-165 [250852]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      3. 2879259Domain d3zvjc1: 3zvj C:1-172 [250853]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      4. 2879260Domain d3zvjd_: 3zvj D: [250854]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      5. 2879261Domain d3zvje_: 3zvj E: [250855]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      6. 2879262Domain d3zvjf1: 3zvj F:1-169 [250856]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      7. 2879263Domain d3zvjg_: 3zvj G: [250857]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      8. 2879264Domain d3zvjh_: 3zvj H: [250858]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      9. 2879265Domain d3zvji_: 3zvj I: [250859]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      10. 2879266Domain d3zvjj_: 3zvj J: [250860]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      11. 2879267Domain d3zvjk1: 3zvj K:1-169 [250861]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      12. 2879268Domain d3zvjl1: 3zvj L:1-170 [250862]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      13. 2879269Domain d3zvjm1: 3zvj M:1-168 [250863]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      14. 2879270Domain d3zvjn_: 3zvj N: [250864]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      15. 2879271Domain d3zvjo1: 3zvj O:1-167 [250865]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      16. 2879272Domain d3zvjp1: 3zvj P:1-166 [250866]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      17. 2879273Domain d3zvjq_: 3zvj Q: [250867]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      18. 2879274Domain d3zvjr1: 3zvj R:1-166 [250868]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      19. 2879275Domain d3zvjs1: 3zvj S:1-169 [250869]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
      20. 2879276Domain d3zvjt1: 3zvj T:1-169 [250870]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zvjb2, d3zvjc2, d3zvjf2, d3zvjk2, d3zvjl2, d3zvjm2, d3zvjo2, d3zvjp2, d3zvjr2, d3zvjs2, d3zvjt2
        automated match to d2i81b_
  36. 2879277Bordetella parapertussis [TaxId:519] [196569] (1 PDB entry)
  37. 2879281Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens [TaxId:224911] [260057] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4txo:
      1. 2879285Domain d4txob_: 4txo B: [260058]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4txoa_, d4txoc_, d4txoe_, d4txog_
        automated match to d2gqla_
        complexed with na, peg, scn
      2. 2879286Domain d4txod_: 4txo D: [260445]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4txoa_, d4txoc_, d4txoe_, d4txog_
        automated match to d2gqla_
        complexed with na, peg, scn
      3. 2879287Domain d4txof_: 4txo F: [261408]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4txoa_, d4txoc_, d4txoe_, d4txog_
        automated match to d2gqla_
        complexed with na, peg, scn
      4. 2879288Domain d4txoh_: 4txo H: [263948]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4txoa_, d4txoc_, d4txoe_, d4txog_
        automated match to d4txod_
        complexed with na, peg, scn
    2. Domains for 4wbj:
      1. 2879282Domain d4wbja_: 4wbj A: [277316]
        automated match to d4txod_
        complexed with sin
      2. 2879283Domain d4wbjb_: 4wbj B: [277313]
        automated match to d4txod_
        complexed with sin
    3. Domain for 4wbr:
  38. 2879289Bradyrhizobium sp. [TaxId:288000] [227810] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4mf7:
    2. Domains for 4nhz:
      1. 2879291Domain d4nhza1: 4nhz A:3-103 [235773]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879292Domain d4nhzb1: 4nhz B:1-103 [235775]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2879293Domain d4nhzc1: 4nhz C:2-103 [235783]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2879294Domain d4nhzd1: 4nhz D:4-104 [235781]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      5. 2879295Domain d4nhze1: 4nhz E:4-104 [235777]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      6. 2879296Domain d4nhzf1: 4nhz F:4-103 [235779]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      7. 2879297Domain d4nhzg1: 4nhz G:4-103 [235785]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      8. 2879298Domain d4nhzh1: 4nhz H:1-103 [235787]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      9. 2879299Domain d4nhzi1: 4nhz I:3-103 [235789]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      10. 2879300Domain d4nhzj1: 4nhz J:4-103 [235791]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      11. 2879301Domain d4nhzk1: 4nhz K:4-103 [235793]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      12. 2879302Domain d4nhzl1: 4nhz L:2-103 [235795]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      13. 2879303Domain d4nhzm1: 4nhz M:4-103 [235797]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      14. 2879304Domain d4nhzn1: 4nhz N:3-103 [235799]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      15. 2879305Domain d4nhzo1: 4nhz O:4-103 [235801]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
      16. 2879306Domain d4nhzp1: 4nhz P:3-103 [235803]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhza2, d4nhzb2, d4nhzb3, d4nhzc2, d4nhzd2, d4nhze2, d4nhzf2, d4nhzg2, d4nhzh2, d4nhzh3, d4nhzi2, d4nhzj2, d4nhzk2, d4nhzl2, d4nhzm2, d4nhzn2, d4nhzo2, d4nhzp2
        automated match to d4mf7a1
        complexed with gsh
  39. 2879307Brucella abortus [TaxId:235] [255366] (1 PDB entry)
  40. 2879309Brucella melitensis [TaxId:224914] [316417] (1 PDB entry)
  41. 2879312Brucella melitensis [TaxId:29459] [255346] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2khp:
    2. Domain for 6ckp:
  42. 2879315Burkholderia ambifaria [TaxId:339670] [419907] (1 PDB entry)
  43. 2879318Burkholderia ambifaria [TaxId:398577] [311498] (1 PDB entry)
  44. 2879321Burkholderia cenocepacia [TaxId:216591] [195045] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4f82:
      1. 2879322Domain d4f82a1: 4f82 A:1-168 [195047]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f82a2, d4f82b2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
      2. 2879323Domain d4f82b1: 4f82 B:1-168 [195046]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f82a2, d4f82b2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
    2. Domains for 4qq7:
      1. 2879324Domain d4qq7a1: 4qq7 A:1-78 [263776]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qq7a2, d4qq7a3, d4qq7b2, d4qq7b3
        automated match to d3mdkb1
        complexed with glo, gsh
      2. 2879325Domain d4qq7b1: 4qq7 B:1-78 [258484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qq7a2, d4qq7a3, d4qq7b2, d4qq7b3
        automated match to d3mdkb1
        complexed with glo, gsh
  45. 2879326Burkholderia graminis [TaxId:396598] [227806] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4mf5:
    2. Domain for 4mf6:
  46. 2879329Burkholderia pseudomallei [TaxId:272560] [226749] (1 PDB entry)
  47. 2879331Burkholderia thailandensis [TaxId:271848] [379159] (1 PDB entry)
  48. 2879334Burkholderia xenovorans [TaxId:266265] [225115] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2dsa:
      1. 2879335Domain d2dsaa1: 2dsa A:1-80 [204034]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dsaa2, d2dsab2, d2dsac2, d2dsad2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh, hpx
      2. 2879336Domain d2dsab1: 2dsa B:1-80 [204036]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dsaa2, d2dsab2, d2dsac2, d2dsad2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh, hpx
      3. 2879337Domain d2dsac1: 2dsa C:1-80 [204038]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dsaa2, d2dsab2, d2dsac2, d2dsad2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh, hpx
      4. 2879338Domain d2dsad1: 2dsa D:1-80 [204040]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dsaa2, d2dsab2, d2dsac2, d2dsad2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh, hpx
    2. Domains for 2gdr:
      1. 2879339Domain d2gdra1: 2gdr A:1-80 [204337]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gdra2, d2gdrb2, d2gdrc2, d2gdrd2, d2gdre2, d2gdrf2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879340Domain d2gdrb1: 2gdr B:1-80 [204339]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gdra2, d2gdrb2, d2gdrc2, d2gdrd2, d2gdre2, d2gdrf2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2879341Domain d2gdrc1: 2gdr C:1-80 [204341]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gdra2, d2gdrb2, d2gdrc2, d2gdrd2, d2gdre2, d2gdrf2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2879342Domain d2gdrd1: 2gdr D:1-80 [204343]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gdra2, d2gdrb2, d2gdrc2, d2gdrd2, d2gdre2, d2gdrf2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh
      5. 2879343Domain d2gdre1: 2gdr E:1-80 [204345]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gdra2, d2gdrb2, d2gdrc2, d2gdrd2, d2gdre2, d2gdrf2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh
      6. 2879344Domain d2gdrf1: 2gdr F:1-80 [204347]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gdra2, d2gdrb2, d2gdrc2, d2gdrd2, d2gdre2, d2gdrf2
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gsh
  49. 2879345Canis lupus [TaxId:9615] [254889] (1 PDB entry)
  50. 2879352Castor bean (Ricinus communis) [TaxId:3988] [226601] (1 PDB entry)
  51. 2879354Caulobacter crescentus [TaxId:565050] [350377] (1 PDB entry)
  52. 2879358Cenchrus americanus [TaxId:4543] [316957] (1 PDB entry)
  53. 2879360Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] [225005] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1vf1:
    2. Domains for 1vf2:
      1. 2879362Domain d1vf2a1: 1vf2 A:4-80 [202944]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vf2a2, d1vf2b2
        automated match to d1f3ba2
        complexed with gtx, zn
      2. 2879363Domain d1vf2b1: 1vf2 B:1004-1080 [202946]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vf2a2, d1vf2b2
        automated match to d1f3ba2
        complexed with gtx, zn
    3. Domains for 1vf3:
      1. 2879364Domain d1vf3a1: 1vf3 A:4-80 [202948]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vf3a2, d1vf3b2
        automated match to d1f3ba2
        complexed with acy, gdn
      2. 2879365Domain d1vf3b1: 1vf3 B:1004-1080 [202950]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vf3a2, d1vf3b2
        automated match to d1f3ba2
        complexed with acy, gdn
    4. Domain for 1vf4:
  54. 2879367Chlorella sorokiniana [TaxId:3076] [229236] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4i2t:
    2. Domain for 4i2u:
  55. 2879370Chlorobaculum tepidum [TaxId:1097] [189480] (1 PDB entry)
  56. 2879372Chlorobium tepidum [TaxId:194439] [232284] (1 PDB entry)
  57. 2879377Chromobacterium violaceum [TaxId:536] [255907] (1 PDB entry)
  58. 2879382Clonorchis sinensis [TaxId:79923] [225957] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3iso:
      1. 2879383Domain d3isoa1: 3iso A:1-80 [211935]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3isoa2, d3isob2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with gsh, so4, zn
      2. 2879384Domain d3isob1: 3iso B:1-80 [211937]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3isoa2, d3isob2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with gsh, so4, zn
    2. Domains for 4l5l:
      1. 2879388Domain d4l5la1: 4l5l A:1-80 [227766]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l5la2, d4l5lb2
        automated match to d3isoa1
        complexed with gsh, mes, zn
      2. 2879389Domain d4l5lb1: 4l5l B:1-80 [227768]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l5la2, d4l5lb2
        automated match to d3isoa1
        complexed with gsh, mes, zn
    3. Domains for 4l5o:
      1. 2879385Domain d4l5oa1: 4l5o A:1-80 [235275]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l5oa2, d4l5ob2, d4l5oc2
        automated match to d4l5ob1
        complexed with gsh, so4, zn; mutant
      2. 2879386Domain d4l5ob1: 4l5o B:1-80 [227889]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l5oa2, d4l5ob2, d4l5oc2
        automated match to d3isoa1
        complexed with gsh, so4, zn; mutant
      3. 2879387Domain d4l5oc1: 4l5o C:1-80 [235277]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l5oa2, d4l5ob2, d4l5oc2
        automated match to d4l5ob1
        complexed with gsh, so4, zn; mutant
  59. 2879390Clostridium acetobutylicum [TaxId:272562] [361111] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6gn9:
    2. Domains for 6gnd:
      1. 2879392Domain d6gndb_: 6gnd B: [361121]
        automated match to d1xfla_
        complexed with edo, fad
      2. 2879393Domain d6gndd_: 6gnd D: [361113]
        automated match to d1xfla_
        complexed with edo, fad
      3. 2879394Domain d6gndf_: 6gnd F: [361112]
        automated match to d1xfla_
        complexed with edo, fad
      4. 2879395Domain d6gndh_: 6gnd H: [361177]
        automated match to d1xfla_
        complexed with edo, fad
  60. 2879396Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [269643] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4mh2:
      1. 2879397Domain d4mh2a_: 4mh2 A: [269655]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      2. 2879398Domain d4mh2b1: 4mh2 B:1-164 [269657]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      3. 2879399Domain d4mh2c_: 4mh2 C: [269659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      4. 2879400Domain d4mh2d1: 4mh2 D:1-164 [269661]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      5. 2879401Domain d4mh2e_: 4mh2 E: [269660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      6. 2879402Domain d4mh2f1: 4mh2 F:1-164 [269667]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      7. 2879403Domain d4mh2g_: 4mh2 G: [269668]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      8. 2879404Domain d4mh2h_: 4mh2 H: [269665]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      9. 2879405Domain d4mh2i1: 4mh2 I:1-163 [269666]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      10. 2879406Domain d4mh2j_: 4mh2 J: [269663]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      11. 2879407Domain d4mh2k_: 4mh2 K: [269664]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
      12. 2879408Domain d4mh2l_: 4mh2 L: [269662]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh2b2, d4mh2d2, d4mh2f2, d4mh2i2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit
    2. Domains for 4mh3:
      1. 2879409Domain d4mh3a_: 4mh3 A: [269645]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      2. 2879410Domain d4mh3b_: 4mh3 B: [269646]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      3. 2879411Domain d4mh3c_: 4mh3 C: [269648]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      4. 2879412Domain d4mh3d_: 4mh3 D: [269651]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      5. 2879413Domain d4mh3e_: 4mh3 E: [269647]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      6. 2879414Domain d4mh3f_: 4mh3 F: [269650]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      7. 2879415Domain d4mh3g1: 4mh3 G:1-167 [269649]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      8. 2879416Domain d4mh3h_: 4mh3 H: [269653]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      9. 2879417Domain d4mh3i_: 4mh3 I: [269652]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      10. 2879418Domain d4mh3j_: 4mh3 J: [269658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      11. 2879419Domain d4mh3k_: 4mh3 K: [269654]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
      12. 2879420Domain d4mh3l_: 4mh3 L: [269656]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mh3g2
        automated match to d3sbcc_
        complexed with cit, po4
  61. 2879421Cryptococcus neoformans [TaxId:235443] [335068] (1 PDB entry)
  62. 2879424Cytophaga hutchinsonii [TaxId:269798] [232457] (1 PDB entry)
  63. 2879426Desulfitobacterium hafniense [TaxId:272564] [188874] (1 PDB entry)
  64. 2879431Desulfovibrio vulgaris [TaxId:881] [420089] (1 PDB entry)
  65. 2879433Drosophila mojavensis [TaxId:7230] [226515] (1 PDB entry)
  66. 2879436Ectromelia virus [TaxId:265874] [187832] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2hze:
      1. 2879439Domain d2hzea1: 2hze A:1-107 [165338]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hzea2, d2hzeb2
        automated match to d1jhba_
      2. 2879440Domain d2hzeb1: 2hze B:1-107 [165339]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hzea2, d2hzeb2
        automated match to d1jhba_
    2. Domains for 2hzf:
      1. 2879437Domain d2hzfa1: 2hzf A:1-107 [165340]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hzfa2, d2hzfb2
        automated match to d1jhba_
      2. 2879438Domain d2hzfb1: 2hzf B:1-107 [165341]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hzfa2, d2hzfb2
        automated match to d1jhba_
  67. 2879441Edwardsiella tarda [TaxId:498217] [365696] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5zf2:
    2. Domain for 5zpv:
  68. 2879444Elizabethkingia anophelis [TaxId:1338011] [375924] (1 PDB entry)
  69. 2879449Entamoeba histolytica [TaxId:885315] [272653] (1 PDB entry)
  70. 2879452Enterococcus faecalis [TaxId:226185] [348733] (1 PDB entry)
  71. 2879458Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [232346] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3gx0:
    2. Domain for 5hfk:
  72. 2879461Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [188952] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1yka:
    2. Domains for 2wci:
      1. 2879464Domain d2wcia_: 2wci A: [169223]
        automated match to d1wika_
        complexed with fes, gsh, na
      2. 2879465Domain d2wcib_: 2wci B: [169224]
        automated match to d1wika_
        complexed with fes, gsh, na
    3. Domains for 3c7m:
      1. 2879462Domain d3c7ma_: 3c7m A: [173071]
        automated match to d1beda_
        complexed with cd, cl, peg, pge
      2. 2879463Domain d3c7mb_: 3c7m B: [173072]
        automated match to d1beda_
        complexed with cd, cl, peg, pge
  73. 2879467Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [256896] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4ksm:
    2. Domain for 4kx4:
    3. Domain for 5hfk:
  74. 2879471Fasciola hepatica [TaxId:6192] [188507] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2vim:
    2. Domains for 2wb9:
      1. 2879472Domain d2wb9a1: 2wb9 A:2-84 [206755]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wb9a2, d2wb9b2
        automated match to d2f8fa2
        complexed with br, cys, gsh
      2. 2879473Domain d2wb9b1: 2wb9 B:2-84 [206757]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wb9a2, d2wb9b2
        automated match to d2f8fa2
        complexed with br, cys, gsh
    3. Domains for 2wdu:
      1. 2879474Domain d2wdua1: 2wdu A:2-84 [206773]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wdua2, d2wdub2
        automated match to d2f8fa2
        complexed with br, dms, gds, gsh
      2. 2879475Domain d2wdub1: 2wdu B:2-84 [206775]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wdua2, d2wdub2
        automated match to d2f8fa2
        complexed with br, dms, gds, gsh
    4. Domains for 2wrt:
      1. 2879477Domain d2wrta1: 2wrt A:2-80 [206984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      2. 2879478Domain d2wrtb1: 2wrt B:2-80 [206986]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      3. 2879479Domain d2wrtc1: 2wrt C:2-80 [206988]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      4. 2879480Domain d2wrtd1: 2wrt D:2-80 [206990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      5. 2879481Domain d2wrte1: 2wrt E:2-80 [206992]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      6. 2879482Domain d2wrtf1: 2wrt F:2-80 [206994]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      7. 2879483Domain d2wrtg1: 2wrt G:2-80 [206996]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      8. 2879484Domain d2wrth1: 2wrt H:2-80 [206998]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      9. 2879485Domain d2wrti1: 2wrt I:2-80 [207000]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      10. 2879486Domain d2wrtj1: 2wrt J:2-80 [207002]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      11. 2879487Domain d2wrtk1: 2wrt K:2-80 [207004]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
      12. 2879488Domain d2wrtl1: 2wrt L:2-80 [207006]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wrta2, d2wrtb2, d2wrtc2, d2wrtd2, d2wrte2, d2wrtf2, d2wrtg2, d2wrth2, d2wrti2, d2wrtj2, d2wrtk2, d2wrtl2
        automated match to d1m9aa2
        complexed with cl
  75. 2879489Francisella tularensis [TaxId:177416] [232833] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3lgc:
    2. Domains for 3msz:
      1. 2879490Domain d3msza1: 3msz A:93-85 [247750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3msza2, d3mszb2
        automated match to d3lgca_
        complexed with cac, gol, gsh
      2. 2879491Domain d3mszb1: 3msz B:1-86 [247751]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3msza2, d3mszb2
        automated match to d3lgca_
        complexed with cac, gol, gsh
    3. Domains for 6weg:
      1. 2879492Domain d6wegc1: 6weg C:4-79 [396133]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6wegc2, d6wegc3, d6wegd2, d6wegd3
        automated match to d1yy7b1
        complexed with g4p, mg
      2. 2879493Domain d6wegd1: 6weg D:4-79 [396142]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6wegc2, d6wegc3, d6wegd2, d6wegd3
        automated match to d1yy7b1
        complexed with g4p, mg
  76. 2879495Francisella tularensis [TaxId:263] [337919] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5u51:
      1. 2879498Domain d5u51c1: 5u51 C:4-79 [338011]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5u51c2, d5u51c3, d5u51d2, d5u51d3
        automated match to d1yy7b1
        complexed with 1pe, g4p, gol, mg
      2. 2879499Domain d5u51d1: 5u51 D:4-79 [337931]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5u51c2, d5u51c3, d5u51d2, d5u51d3
        automated match to d1yy7b1
        complexed with 1pe, g4p, gol, mg
    2. Domains for 5u56:
      1. 2879496Domain d5u56c1: 5u56 C:4-79 [337920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5u56c2, d5u56c3, d5u56d2, d5u56d3
        automated match to d1yy7b1
        complexed with 1pe, gol, pro
      2. 2879497Domain d5u56d1: 5u56 D:4-79 [337924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5u56c2, d5u56c3, d5u56d2, d5u56d3
        automated match to d1yy7b1
        complexed with 1pe, gol, pro
  77. 2879500Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) [TaxId:7227] [225708] (18 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3ein:
    2. Domain for 3f6f:
    3. Domain for 3gh6:
    4. Domain for 3mak:
    5. Domains for 4pnf:
      1. 2879534Domain d4pnfa1: 4pnf A:2-87 [273115]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnfa2, d4pnfb2, d4pnfc2, d4pnfd2, d4pnfe2, d4pnff2, d4pnfg2, d4pnfh2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879535Domain d4pnfb1: 4pnf B:2-87 [273121]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnfa2, d4pnfb2, d4pnfc2, d4pnfd2, d4pnfe2, d4pnff2, d4pnfg2, d4pnfh2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2879536Domain d4pnfc1: 4pnf C:3-87 [273122]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnfa2, d4pnfb2, d4pnfc2, d4pnfd2, d4pnfe2, d4pnff2, d4pnfg2, d4pnfh2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2879537Domain d4pnfd1: 4pnf D:3-87 [273127]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnfa2, d4pnfb2, d4pnfc2, d4pnfd2, d4pnfe2, d4pnff2, d4pnfg2, d4pnfh2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsh
      5. 2879538Domain d4pnfe1: 4pnf E:3-87 [273125]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnfa2, d4pnfb2, d4pnfc2, d4pnfd2, d4pnfe2, d4pnff2, d4pnfg2, d4pnfh2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsh
      6. 2879539Domain d4pnff1: 4pnf F:3-87 [273120]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnfa2, d4pnfb2, d4pnfc2, d4pnfd2, d4pnfe2, d4pnff2, d4pnfg2, d4pnfh2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsh
      7. 2879540Domain d4pnfg1: 4pnf G:4-87 [273119]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnfa2, d4pnfb2, d4pnfc2, d4pnfd2, d4pnfe2, d4pnff2, d4pnfg2, d4pnfh2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsh
      8. 2879541Domain d4pnfh1: 4pnf H:3-87 [273123]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnfa2, d4pnfb2, d4pnfc2, d4pnfd2, d4pnfe2, d4pnff2, d4pnfg2, d4pnfh2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsh
    6. Domains for 4png:
      1. 2879517Domain d4pnga1: 4png A:3-87 [273118]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnga2, d4pngb2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsf
      2. 2879518Domain d4pngb1: 4png B:1-87 [273117]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pnga2, d4pngb2
        automated match to d4hi7b1
        complexed with gsf
    7. Domains for 4yh2:
      1. 2879529Domain d4yh2a1: 4yh2 A:2-87 [312029]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4yh2a2, d4yh2b2, d4yh2c2, d4yh2d2
        automated match to d4pnfa1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879530Domain d4yh2b1: 4yh2 B:3-87 [312010]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4yh2a2, d4yh2b2, d4yh2c2, d4yh2d2
        automated match to d4pnfa1
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2879531Domain d4yh2c1: 4yh2 C:3-87 [312019]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4yh2a2, d4yh2b2, d4yh2c2, d4yh2d2
        automated match to d4pnfa1
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2879532Domain d4yh2d1: 4yh2 D:1-87 [312052]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4yh2a2, d4yh2b2, d4yh2c2, d4yh2d2
        automated match to d4pnfa1
        complexed with gsh
    8. Domains for 5f0g:
      1. 2879522Domain d5f0ga1: 5f0g A:1-84 [332529]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f0ga2, d5f0gb2
        automated match to d3vk9a1
        complexed with k, na
      2. 2879523Domain d5f0gb1: 5f0g B:1-84 [332530]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f0ga2, d5f0gb2
        automated match to d3vk9a1
        complexed with k, na
    9. Domain for 6t2t:
    10. Domains for 6zmu:
      1. 2879525Domain d6zmua_: 6zmu A: [394115]
        automated match to d2xbqa_
        complexed with na, so4
      2. 2879526Domain d6zmub_: 6zmu B: [394096]
        automated match to d2xbqa_
        complexed with na, so4
      3. 2879527Domain d6zmuc_: 6zmu C: [394072]
        automated match to d2xbqa_
        complexed with na, so4
      4. 2879528Domain d6zmud_: 6zmu D: [394098]
        automated match to d2xbqa_
        complexed with na, so4
    11. Domains for 7dax:
      1. 2879515Domain d7daxa1: 7dax A:4-89 [398787]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7daxa2, d7daxb2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with cl, dms, h1x
      2. 2879516Domain d7daxb1: 7dax B:4-89 [398812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7daxa2, d7daxb2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with cl, dms, h1x
    12. Domains for 7day:
      1. 2879505Domain d7daya1: 7day A:3-89 [398876]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7daya2, d7dayb2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dtt, gsh, h1x
      2. 2879506Domain d7dayb1: 7day B:3-89 [398828]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7daya2, d7dayb2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dtt, gsh, h1x
    13. Domains for 7daz:
      1. 2879509Domain d7daza1: 7daz A:3-89 [398779]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7daza2, d7dazb2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with gsh, h29
      2. 2879510Domain d7dazb1: 7daz B:4-89 [398772]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7daza2, d7dazb2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with gsh, h29
    14. Domains for 7db0:
      1. 2879511Domain d7db0a1: 7db0 A:3-89 [398783]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db0a2, d7db0b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dc1, dms
      2. 2879512Domain d7db0b1: 7db0 B:4-89 [398800]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db0a2, d7db0b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dc1, dms
    15. Domains for 7db1:
      1. 2879519Domain d7db1a1: 7db1 A:3-89 [398815]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db1a2, d7db1b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dc1, dms, gsh
      2. 2879520Domain d7db1b1: 7db1 B:4-89 [398817]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db1a2, d7db1b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dc1, dms, gsh
    16. Domains for 7db2:
      1. 2879502Domain d7db2a1: 7db2 A:4-89 [398859]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db2a2, d7db2b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dc1, dms, gsh
      2. 2879503Domain d7db2b1: 7db2 B:4-89 [398851]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db2a2, d7db2b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dc1, dms, gsh
    17. Domains for 7db3:
      1. 2879513Domain d7db3a1: 7db3 A:4-89 [398802]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db3a2, d7db3b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dms, gsh, h2x
      2. 2879514Domain d7db3b1: 7db3 B:3-89 [398798]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db3a2, d7db3b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with dms, gsh, h2x
    18. Domains for 7db4:
      1. 2879507Domain d7db4a1: 7db4 A:4-89 [398785]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db4a2, d7db4b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with gsh, h2c
      2. 2879508Domain d7db4b1: 7db4 B:4-89 [398807]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7db4a2, d7db4b2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with gsh, h2c
  78. 2879542Geobacillus kaustophilus [TaxId:235909] [267814] (1 PDB entry)
  79. 2879545Geobacter metallireducens [TaxId:269799] [232459] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3hdc:
    2. Domains for 3kcm:
      1. 2879547Domain d3kcma1: 3kcm A:28-165 [247130]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kcma2, d3kcmb2
        automated match to d4evma_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879548Domain d3kcmb1: 3kcm B:28-167 [247131]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kcma2, d3kcmb2
        automated match to d4evma_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2879549Domain d3kcmc_: 3kcm C: [247132]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kcma2, d3kcmb2
        automated match to d4evma_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2879550Domain d3kcmd_: 3kcm D: [262290]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kcma2, d3kcmb2
        automated match to d3kcme_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2879551Domain d3kcme_: 3kcm E: [247133]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kcma2, d3kcmb2
        automated match to d4evma_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2879552Domain d3kcmf_: 3kcm F: [247134]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kcma2, d3kcmb2
        automated match to d4evma_
        complexed with so4
  80. 2879553Green alga (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) [TaxId:3055] [348632] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5xft:
    2. Domains for 6i19:
      1. 2879558Domain d6i19a_: 6i19 A: [360894]
        automated match to d3m9ja_
      2. 2879559Domain d6i19b_: 6i19 B: [360826]
        automated match to d3m9ja_
    3. Domains for 6i1c:
      1. 2879567Domain d6i1ca_: 6i1c A: [360842]
        automated match to d1ti3a_
      2. 2879568Domain d6i1cb_: 6i1c B: [361002]
        automated match to d1ti3a_
      3. 2879569Domain d6i1cc_: 6i1c C: [360829]
        automated match to d1ti3a_
    4. Domains for 6q46:
      1. 2879562Domain d6q46a_: 6q46 A: [362540]
        automated match to d3m9ja_
      2. 2879563Domain d6q46b_: 6q46 B: [362406]
        automated match to d3m9ja_
    5. Domains for 6q47:
      1. 2879560Domain d6q47a_: 6q47 A: [362408]
        automated match to d3m9ja_
      2. 2879561Domain d6q47b_: 6q47 B: [362361]
        automated match to d3m9ja_
    6. Domain for 6q6t:
    7. Domains for 6q6u:
      1. 2879564Domain d6q6ua_: 6q6u A: [362463]
        automated match to d3kd0a_
      2. 2879565Domain d6q6ub_: 6q6u B: [362437]
        automated match to d3kd0a_
    8. Domains for 6q6v:
      1. 2879555Domain d6q6va_: 6q6v A: [362478]
        automated match to d1aiua_
        complexed with peg; mutant
      2. 2879556Domain d6q6vb_: 6q6v B: [362473]
        automated match to d1aiua_
        complexed with peg; mutant
    9. Domain for 7ncv:
    10. Domain for 7ncw:
  81. 2879571Haemonchus contortus [TaxId:6289] [226002] (1 PDB entry)
  82. 2879574Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId:727] [255943] (1 PDB entry)
  83. 2879577Halobacterium salinarum [TaxId:64091] [378942] (1 PDB entry)
  84. 2879579Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:210] [186917] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1zof:
      1. 2879582Domain d1zofb_: 1zof B: [125440]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
      2. 2879583Domain d1zofc_: 1zof C: [125441]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
      3. 2879584Domain d1zofd_: 1zof D: [125442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
      4. 2879585Domain d1zofe_: 1zof E: [125443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
      5. 2879586Domain d1zoff_: 1zof F: [125444]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
      6. 2879587Domain d1zofg_: 1zof G: [125445]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
      7. 2879588Domain d1zofh_: 1zof H: [125446]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
      8. 2879589Domain d1zofi_: 1zof I: [125447]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
      9. 2879590Domain d1zofj_: 1zof J: [125448]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zofa1
        automated match to d1qmva_
    2. Domains for 6bkv:
      1. 2879580Domain d6bkva1: 6bkv A:1-105 [342239]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6bkva2, d6bkvb2
        automated match to d2l4qa_
      2. 2879581Domain d6bkvb1: 6bkv B:1-105 [342236]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6bkva2, d6bkvb2
        automated match to d2l4qa_
  85. 2879591Hordeum vulgare [TaxId:112509] [188423] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2vlt:
      1. 2879596Domain d2vlta_: 2vlt A: [168687]
        automated match to d1xfla_
      2. 2879597Domain d2vltb_: 2vlt B: [168688]
        automated match to d1xfla_
    2. Domains for 2vlu:
      1. 2879592Domain d2vlua_: 2vlu A: [168689]
        automated match to d1xfla_
      2. 2879593Domain d2vlub_: 2vlu B: [168690]
        automated match to d1xfla_
    3. Domains for 2vlv:
      1. 2879594Domain d2vlva_: 2vlv A: [168691]
        automated match to d1xfla_
      2. 2879595Domain d2vlvb_: 2vlv B: [168692]
        automated match to d1xfla_
  86. 2879598Horse (Equus caballus) [TaxId:9796] [396656] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6zj9:
    2. Domains for 6zjc:
      1. 2879599Domain d6zjca1: 6zjc A:3-80 [396786]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6zjca2, d6zjcb2, d6zjcc2, d6zjcd2
        automated match to d1gsea2
        complexed with gsh, mpd, qlt
      2. 2879600Domain d6zjcb1: 6zjc B:3-80 [396764]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6zjca2, d6zjcb2, d6zjcc2, d6zjcd2
        automated match to d1gsea2
        complexed with gsh, mpd, qlt
      3. 2879601Domain d6zjcc1: 6zjc C:3-80 [396769]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6zjca2, d6zjcb2, d6zjcc2, d6zjcd2
        automated match to d1gsea2
        complexed with gsh, mpd, qlt
      4. 2879602Domain d6zjcd1: 6zjc D:3-80 [396746]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6zjca2, d6zjcb2, d6zjcc2, d6zjcd2
        automated match to d1gsea2
        complexed with gsh, mpd, qlt
  87. 2879604House fly (Musca domestica) [TaxId:7370] [226605] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3vwx:
      1. 2879605Domain d3vwxa1: 3vwx A:3-87 [218132]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwxa2, d3vwxb2, d3vwxc2, d3vwxd2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879606Domain d3vwxb1: 3vwx B:3-87 [218134]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwxa2, d3vwxb2, d3vwxc2, d3vwxd2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2879607Domain d3vwxc1: 3vwx C:3-87 [218136]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwxa2, d3vwxb2, d3vwxc2, d3vwxd2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2879608Domain d3vwxd1: 3vwx D:3-87 [218138]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwxa2, d3vwxb2, d3vwxc2, d3vwxd2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gsh
    2. Domains for 5zwp:
      1. 2879609Domain d5zwpa1: 5zwp A:1-84 [353593]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5zwpa2, d5zwpb2
        automated match to d3eina1
        complexed with fmt, gsh
      2. 2879610Domain d5zwpb1: 5zwp B:1-84 [353602]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5zwpa2, d5zwpb2
        automated match to d3eina1
        complexed with fmt, gsh
  88. 2879611House-dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) [TaxId:6956] [270996] (1 PDB entry)
  89. 2879614Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [188013] (113 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1tdi:
      1. 2879849Domain d1tdia1: 1tdi A:4-80 [202917]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tdia2, d1tdib2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879850Domain d1tdib1: 1tdi B:4-80 [202919]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tdia2, d1tdib2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
    2. Domain for 1u6t:
    3. Domains for 1w4v:
      1. 2879658Domain d1w4va1: 1w4v A:1-107 [197616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4va2, d1w4vb2, d1w4vd2, d1w4ve2, d1w4vf2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      2. 2879659Domain d1w4vb1: 1w4v B:1-107 [197617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4va2, d1w4vb2, d1w4vd2, d1w4ve2, d1w4vf2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      3. 2879660Domain d1w4vc_: 1w4v C: [197618]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4va2, d1w4vb2, d1w4vd2, d1w4ve2, d1w4vf2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      4. 2879661Domain d1w4vd1: 1w4v D:1-107 [197619]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4va2, d1w4vb2, d1w4vd2, d1w4ve2, d1w4vf2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      5. 2879662Domain d1w4ve1: 1w4v E:1-107 [197620]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4va2, d1w4vb2, d1w4vd2, d1w4ve2, d1w4vf2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      6. 2879663Domain d1w4vf1: 1w4v F:1-107 [193192]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4va2, d1w4vb2, d1w4vd2, d1w4ve2, d1w4vf2
        automated match to d2i4aa_
    4. Domains for 1w89:
      1. 2879801Domain d1w89a1: 1w89 A:1-107 [202984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w89a2, d1w89b2, d1w89d2, d1w89e2, d1w89f2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      2. 2879802Domain d1w89b1: 1w89 B:1-107 [202985]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w89a2, d1w89b2, d1w89d2, d1w89e2, d1w89f2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      3. 2879803Domain d1w89c_: 1w89 C: [202986]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w89a2, d1w89b2, d1w89d2, d1w89e2, d1w89f2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      4. 2879804Domain d1w89d1: 1w89 D:1-107 [202987]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w89a2, d1w89b2, d1w89d2, d1w89e2, d1w89f2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      5. 2879805Domain d1w89e1: 1w89 E:1-107 [202988]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w89a2, d1w89b2, d1w89d2, d1w89e2, d1w89f2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
      6. 2879806Domain d1w89f1: 1w89 F:1-107 [202989]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w89a2, d1w89b2, d1w89d2, d1w89e2, d1w89f2
        automated match to d1w4vf_
    5. Domain for 1wry:
    6. Domain for 1x5c:
    7. Domain for 1x5d:
    8. Domain for 1x5e:
    9. Domain for 1xbs:
    10. Domains for 1xwg:
      1. 2879764Domain d1xwga2: 1xwg A:2-80 [122401]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xwga1, d1xwgb1
        automated match to d1gsea2
      2. 2879765Domain d1xwgb2: 1xwg B:2-80 [122403]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xwga1, d1xwgb1
        automated match to d1gsea2
    11. Domain for 2ahe:
    12. Domains for 2c3n:
      1. 2879673Domain d2c3na1: 2c3n A:2-79 [203716]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3na2, d2c3nb2, d2c3nc2, d2c3nd2
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with iod
      2. 2879674Domain d2c3nb1: 2c3n B:2-79 [203718]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3na2, d2c3nb2, d2c3nc2, d2c3nd2
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with iod
      3. 2879675Domain d2c3nc1: 2c3n C:2-79 [203720]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3na2, d2c3nb2, d2c3nc2, d2c3nd2
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with iod
      4. 2879676Domain d2c3nd1: 2c3n D:2-79 [203722]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3na2, d2c3nb2, d2c3nc2, d2c3nd2
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with iod
    13. Domains for 2c3q:
      1. 2879760Domain d2c3qa1: 2c3q A:2-79 [203724]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3qa2, d2c3qb2, d2c3qc2, d2c3qd2
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with gtx, iod; mutant
      2. 2879761Domain d2c3qb1: 2c3q B:2-79 [203726]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3qa2, d2c3qb2, d2c3qc2, d2c3qd2
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with gtx, iod; mutant
      3. 2879762Domain d2c3qc1: 2c3q C:2-79 [203728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3qa2, d2c3qb2, d2c3qc2, d2c3qd2
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with gtx, iod; mutant
      4. 2879763Domain d2c3qd1: 2c3q D:2-79 [203730]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3qa2, d2c3qb2, d2c3qc2, d2c3qd2
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with gtx, iod; mutant
    14. Domains for 2c3t:
      1. 2879859Domain d2c3ta1: 2c3t A:2-79 [203732]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3ta2, d2c3tb2, d2c3tc2, d2c3td2
        automated match to d2ljra2
      2. 2879860Domain d2c3tb1: 2c3t B:2-79 [203734]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3ta2, d2c3tb2, d2c3tc2, d2c3td2
        automated match to d2ljra2
      3. 2879861Domain d2c3tc1: 2c3t C:2-79 [203736]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3ta2, d2c3tb2, d2c3tc2, d2c3td2
        automated match to d2ljra2
      4. 2879862Domain d2c3td1: 2c3t D:2-79 [203738]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c3ta2, d2c3tb2, d2c3tc2, d2c3td2
        automated match to d2ljra2
    15. Domain for 2cq9:
    16. Domain for 2ct6:
    17. Domains for 2d2z:
      1. 2879846Domain d2d2za1: 2d2z A:16-102 [203883]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d2za2, d2d2zb2, d2d2zc2, d2d2zc3
        automated match to d1k0ma2
      2. 2879847Domain d2d2zb1: 2d2z B:6-102 [203885]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d2za2, d2d2zb2, d2d2zc2, d2d2zc3
        automated match to d1k0ma2
      3. 2879848Domain d2d2zc1: 2d2z C:13-102 [203887]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d2za2, d2d2zb2, d2d2zc2, d2d2zc3
        automated match to d1k0ma2
    18. Domain for 2diz:
    19. Domain for 2dj0:
    20. Domain for 2fls:
    21. Domain for 2gqk:
    22. Domain for 2gql:
    23. Domain for 2gqm:
    24. Domain for 2gs3:
    25. Domain for 2gt5:
    26. Domain for 2gt6:
    27. Domain for 2gvp:
    28. Domain for 2he3:
    29. Domain for 2hrf:
    30. Domain for 2hrn:
    31. Domains for 2ht9:
      1. 2879650Domain d2ht9a_: 2ht9 A: [242075]
        automated match to d2flsa_
        complexed with fes, gsh
      2. 2879651Domain d2ht9b_: 2ht9 B: [242076]
        automated match to d2flsa_
        complexed with fes, gsh
    32. Domain for 2i3y:
    33. Domains for 2j9h:
      1. 2879863Domain d2j9ha1: 2j9h A:2-79 [205001]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j9ha2, d2j9hb2
        automated match to d1gssa2
        complexed with gtx; mutant
      2. 2879864Domain d2j9hb1: 2j9h B:2-79 [205003]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j9ha2, d2j9hb2
        automated match to d1gssa2
        complexed with gtx; mutant
    34. Domains for 2lns:
      1. 2879899Domain d2lnsa1: 2lns A:41-175 [242945]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2lnsa2, d2lnsb2
        automated match to d3ph9b_
      2. 2879900Domain d2lnsb1: 2lns B:41-175 [242946]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2lnsa2, d2lnsb2
        automated match to d3ph9b_
    35. Domain for 2lnt:
    36. Domain for 2obi:
    37. Domains for 2p31:
      1. 2879794Domain d2p31a_: 2p31 A: [205435]
        automated match to d3cync_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2879795Domain d2p31b_: 2p31 B: [205436]
        automated match to d3cync_
        complexed with cl
    38. Domain for 2per:
    39. Domains for 2pn8:
      1. 2879637Domain d2pn8a1: 2pn8 A:84-269 [205549]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      2. 2879638Domain d2pn8b1: 2pn8 B:84-269 [205550]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      3. 2879639Domain d2pn8c1: 2pn8 C:84-269 [205551]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      4. 2879640Domain d2pn8d1: 2pn8 D:84-269 [205552]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      5. 2879641Domain d2pn8e1: 2pn8 E:84-269 [205553]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      6. 2879642Domain d2pn8f1: 2pn8 F:84-269 [205554]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      7. 2879643Domain d2pn8g1: 2pn8 G:84-269 [205555]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      8. 2879644Domain d2pn8h1: 2pn8 H:84-268 [205556]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      9. 2879645Domain d2pn8i1: 2pn8 I:84-268 [205557]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
      10. 2879646Domain d2pn8j1: 2pn8 J:84-269 [205558]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pn8a2, d2pn8b2, d2pn8c2, d2pn8d2, d2pn8e2, d2pn8f2, d2pn8g2, d2pn8h2, d2pn8i2, d2pn8j2
        automated match to d1uula_
    40. Domains for 2r37:
      1. 2879750Domain d2r37a1: 2r37 A:38-223 [167945]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2r37a2
        automated match to d1gp1a_
        complexed with cl, na; mutant
      2. 2879751Domain d2r37b_: 2r37 B: [167946]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2r37a2
        automated match to d1gp1a_
        complexed with cl, na; mutant
    41. Domain for 2r4v:
    42. Domain for 2r5g:
    43. Domain for 2rli:
    44. Domains for 2vcq:
      1. 2879677Domain d2vcqa2: 2vcq A:2-75 [152923]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcqa1, d2vcqb1, d2vcqc1, d2vcqd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d25, gsh
      2. 2879678Domain d2vcqb2: 2vcq B:2-75 [152925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcqa1, d2vcqb1, d2vcqc1, d2vcqd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d25, gsh
      3. 2879679Domain d2vcqc2: 2vcq C:2-75 [152927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcqa1, d2vcqb1, d2vcqc1, d2vcqd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d25, gsh
      4. 2879680Domain d2vcqd2: 2vcq D:2-75 [152929]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcqa1, d2vcqb1, d2vcqc1, d2vcqd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d25, gsh
    45. Domains for 2vcr:
      1. 2879775Domain d2vcra1: 2vcr A:2-80 [304508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcra2, d2vcrb2, d2vcrc2, d2vcrd2, d2vcre2, d2vcrf2, d2vcrg2, d2vcrh2
        automated match to d2vcta1
        complexed with gsw
      2. 2879776Domain d2vcrb1: 2vcr B:2-80 [304510]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcra2, d2vcrb2, d2vcrc2, d2vcrd2, d2vcre2, d2vcrf2, d2vcrg2, d2vcrh2
        automated match to d2vcta1
        complexed with gsw
      3. 2879777Domain d2vcrc1: 2vcr C:2-80 [304512]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcra2, d2vcrb2, d2vcrc2, d2vcrd2, d2vcre2, d2vcrf2, d2vcrg2, d2vcrh2
        automated match to d2vcta1
        complexed with gsw
      4. 2879778Domain d2vcrd1: 2vcr D:2-80 [304514]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcra2, d2vcrb2, d2vcrc2, d2vcrd2, d2vcre2, d2vcrf2, d2vcrg2, d2vcrh2
        automated match to d2vcta1
        complexed with gsw
      5. 2879779Domain d2vcre1: 2vcr E:2-80 [304516]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcra2, d2vcrb2, d2vcrc2, d2vcrd2, d2vcre2, d2vcrf2, d2vcrg2, d2vcrh2
        automated match to d2vcta1
        complexed with gsw
      6. 2879780Domain d2vcrf1: 2vcr F:2-80 [304518]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcra2, d2vcrb2, d2vcrc2, d2vcrd2, d2vcre2, d2vcrf2, d2vcrg2, d2vcrh2
        automated match to d2vcta1
        complexed with gsw
      7. 2879781Domain d2vcrg1: 2vcr G:2-80 [304520]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcra2, d2vcrb2, d2vcrc2, d2vcrd2, d2vcre2, d2vcrf2, d2vcrg2, d2vcrh2
        automated match to d2vcta1
        complexed with gsw
      8. 2879782Domain d2vcrh1: 2vcr H:2-80 [304522]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcra2, d2vcrb2, d2vcrc2, d2vcrd2, d2vcre2, d2vcrf2, d2vcrg2, d2vcrh2
        automated match to d2vcta1
        complexed with gsw
    46. Domains for 2vct:
      1. 2879820Domain d2vcta1: 2vct A:2-80 [206284]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta2, d2vctb2, d2vctc2, d2vctd2, d2vcte2, d2vctf2, d2vctg2, d2vcth2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd
      2. 2879821Domain d2vctb1: 2vct B:2-80 [206286]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta2, d2vctb2, d2vctc2, d2vctd2, d2vcte2, d2vctf2, d2vctg2, d2vcth2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd
      3. 2879822Domain d2vctc1: 2vct C:2-80 [206288]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta2, d2vctb2, d2vctc2, d2vctd2, d2vcte2, d2vctf2, d2vctg2, d2vcth2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd
      4. 2879823Domain d2vctd1: 2vct D:2-80 [206290]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta2, d2vctb2, d2vctc2, d2vctd2, d2vcte2, d2vctf2, d2vctg2, d2vcth2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd
      5. 2879824Domain d2vcte1: 2vct E:2-80 [206292]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta2, d2vctb2, d2vctc2, d2vctd2, d2vcte2, d2vctf2, d2vctg2, d2vcth2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd
      6. 2879825Domain d2vctf1: 2vct F:2-80 [206294]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta2, d2vctb2, d2vctc2, d2vctd2, d2vcte2, d2vctf2, d2vctg2, d2vcth2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd
      7. 2879826Domain d2vctg1: 2vct G:2-80 [206296]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta2, d2vctb2, d2vctc2, d2vctd2, d2vcte2, d2vctf2, d2vctg2, d2vcth2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd
      8. 2879827Domain d2vcth1: 2vct H:2-80 [206298]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta2, d2vctb2, d2vctc2, d2vctd2, d2vcte2, d2vctf2, d2vctg2, d2vcth2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd
    47. Domains for 2vcv:
      1. 2879728Domain d2vcva1: 2vcv A:4-80 [206300]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      2. 2879729Domain d2vcvb1: 2vcv B:4-80 [206302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      3. 2879730Domain d2vcvc1: 2vcv C:4-80 [206304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      4. 2879731Domain d2vcvd1: 2vcv D:4-80 [206306]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      5. 2879732Domain d2vcve1: 2vcv E:4-80 [206308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      6. 2879733Domain d2vcvf1: 2vcv F:4-80 [206310]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      7. 2879734Domain d2vcvg1: 2vcv G:4-80 [206312]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      8. 2879735Domain d2vcvh1: 2vcv H:4-80 [206314]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      9. 2879736Domain d2vcvi1: 2vcv I:4-80 [206316]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      10. 2879737Domain d2vcvj1: 2vcv J:4-80 [206318]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      11. 2879738Domain d2vcvk1: 2vcv K:4-80 [206320]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      12. 2879739Domain d2vcvl1: 2vcv L:4-80 [206322]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      13. 2879740Domain d2vcvm1: 2vcv M:4-80 [206324]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      14. 2879741Domain d2vcvn1: 2vcv N:4-80 [206326]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      15. 2879742Domain d2vcvo1: 2vcv O:4-80 [206328]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
      16. 2879743Domain d2vcvp1: 2vcv P:4-80 [206330]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva2, d2vcvb2, d2vcvc2, d2vcvd2, d2vcve2, d2vcvf2, d2vcvg2, d2vcvh2, d2vcvi2, d2vcvj2, d2vcvk2, d2vcvl2, d2vcvm2, d2vcvn2, d2vcvo2, d2vcvp2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with asd, gsh
    48. Domains for 2vcw:
      1. 2879692Domain d2vcwa2: 2vcw A:2-75 [152931]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcwa1, d2vcwb1, d2vcwc1, d2vcwd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, zza
      2. 2879693Domain d2vcwb2: 2vcw B:2-75 [152933]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcwa1, d2vcwb1, d2vcwc1, d2vcwd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, zza
      3. 2879694Domain d2vcwc2: 2vcw C:2-75 [152935]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcwa1, d2vcwb1, d2vcwc1, d2vcwd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, zza
      4. 2879695Domain d2vcwd2: 2vcw D:2-75 [152937]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcwa1, d2vcwb1, d2vcwc1, d2vcwd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, zza
    49. Domains for 2vcx:
      1. 2879698Domain d2vcxa2: 2vcx A:2-75 [152939]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcxa1, d2vcxb1, d2vcxc1, d2vcxd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d26, gsh, mg
      2. 2879699Domain d2vcxb2: 2vcx B:2-75 [152941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcxa1, d2vcxb1, d2vcxc1, d2vcxd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d26, gsh, mg
      3. 2879700Domain d2vcxc2: 2vcx C:2-75 [152943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcxa1, d2vcxb1, d2vcxc1, d2vcxd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d26, gsh, mg
      4. 2879701Domain d2vcxd2: 2vcx D:2-75 [152945]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcxa1, d2vcxb1, d2vcxc1, d2vcxd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d26, gsh, mg
    50. Domains for 2vcz:
      1. 2879683Domain d2vcza2: 2vcz A:2-75 [152947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcza1, d2vczb1, d2vczc1, d2vczd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, vc3
      2. 2879684Domain d2vczb2: 2vcz B:2-75 [152949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcza1, d2vczb1, d2vczc1, d2vczd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, vc3
      3. 2879685Domain d2vczc2: 2vcz C:2-75 [152951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcza1, d2vczb1, d2vczc1, d2vczd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, vc3
      4. 2879686Domain d2vczd2: 2vcz D:2-75 [152953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcza1, d2vczb1, d2vczc1, d2vczd1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, vc3
    51. Domains for 2vd0:
      1. 2879707Domain d2vd0a2: 2vd0 A:2-75 [152955]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vd0a1, d2vd0b1, d2vd0c1, d2vd0d1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d27, gol, gsh
      2. 2879708Domain d2vd0b2: 2vd0 B:2-75 [152957]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vd0a1, d2vd0b1, d2vd0c1, d2vd0d1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d27, gol, gsh
      3. 2879709Domain d2vd0c2: 2vd0 C:2-75 [152959]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vd0a1, d2vd0b1, d2vd0c1, d2vd0d1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d27, gol, gsh
      4. 2879710Domain d2vd0d2: 2vd0 D:2-75 [152961]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vd0a1, d2vd0b1, d2vd0c1, d2vd0d1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d27, gol, gsh
    52. Domains for 2vd1:
      1. 2879718Domain d2vd1a2: 2vd1 A:2-75 [152963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vd1a1, d2vd1b1, d2vd1c1, d2vd1d1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d28, gsh, mg
      2. 2879719Domain d2vd1b2: 2vd1 B:2-75 [152965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vd1a1, d2vd1b1, d2vd1c1, d2vd1d1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d28, gsh, mg
      3. 2879720Domain d2vd1c2: 2vd1 C:2-75 [152967]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vd1a1, d2vd1b1, d2vd1c1, d2vd1d1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d28, gsh, mg
      4. 2879721Domain d2vd1d2: 2vd1 D:2-75 [152969]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vd1a1, d2vd1b1, d2vd1c1, d2vd1d1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with d28, gsh, mg
    53. Domains for 2wju:
      1. 2879851Domain d2wjua1: 2wju A:2-80 [206857]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua2, d2wjub2, d2wjuc2, d2wjud2, d2wjue2, d2wjuf2, d2wjug2, d2wjuh2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2879852Domain d2wjub1: 2wju B:2-80 [206859]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua2, d2wjub2, d2wjuc2, d2wjud2, d2wjue2, d2wjuf2, d2wjug2, d2wjuh2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2879853Domain d2wjuc1: 2wju C:2-80 [206861]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua2, d2wjub2, d2wjuc2, d2wjud2, d2wjue2, d2wjuf2, d2wjug2, d2wjuh2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2879854Domain d2wjud1: 2wju D:2-80 [206863]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua2, d2wjub2, d2wjuc2, d2wjud2, d2wjue2, d2wjuf2, d2wjug2, d2wjuh2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
      5. 2879855Domain d2wjue1: 2wju E:2-80 [206865]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua2, d2wjub2, d2wjuc2, d2wjud2, d2wjue2, d2wjuf2, d2wjug2, d2wjuh2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
      6. 2879856Domain d2wjuf1: 2wju F:2-80 [206867]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua2, d2wjub2, d2wjuc2, d2wjud2, d2wjue2, d2wjuf2, d2wjug2, d2wjuh2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
      7. 2879857Domain d2wjug1: 2wju G:2-80 [206869]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua2, d2wjub2, d2wjuc2, d2wjud2, d2wjue2, d2wjuf2, d2wjug2, d2wjuh2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
      8. 2879858Domain d2wjuh1: 2wju H:2-80 [206871]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua2, d2wjub2, d2wjuc2, d2wjud2, d2wjue2, d2wjuf2, d2wjug2, d2wjuh2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh
    54. Domain for 2wz9:
    55. Domains for 3cyn:
      1. 2879791Domain d3cyna1: 3cyn A:44-209 [199221]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cyna2, d3cynb2, d3cync2
        automated match to d3cync_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2879792Domain d3cynb1: 3cyn B:44-209 [199222]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cyna2, d3cynb2, d3cync2
        automated match to d3cync_
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 2879793Domain d3cync1: 3cyn C:44-209 [195748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cyna2, d3cynb2, d3cync2
        automated match to d3kija_
        complexed with gol, so4
    56. Domains for 3gix:
      1. 2879619Domain d3gixa_: 3gix A: [176674]
        automated match to d1qgva_
      2. 2879620Domain d3gixb_: 3gix B: [176675]
        automated match to d1qgva_
    57. Domains for 3h8q:
      1. 2879715Domain d3h8qa1: 3h8q A:162-267 [177323]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h8qa2, d3h8qa3, d3h8qb2
        automated match to d1jhba_
        complexed with cl, so4
      2. 2879716Domain d3h8qb1: 3h8q B:163-267 [177324]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h8qa2, d3h8qa3, d3h8qb2
        automated match to d1jhba_
        complexed with cl, so4
    58. Domains for 3idv:
      1. 2879696Domain d3idva1: 3idv A:54-170 [246903]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3idva3
        automated match to d2b5ea4
        complexed with cl, zn
      2. 2879697Domain d3idva2: 3idv A:171-284 [246904]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3idva3
        automated match to d2b5ea4
        complexed with cl, zn
    59. Domains for 3kij:
      1. 2879746Domain d3kija_: 3kij A: [179388]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879747Domain d3kijb_: 3kij B: [179389]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with so4
      3. 2879748Domain d3kijc_: 3kij C: [179390]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with so4
    60. Domains for 3km6:
      1. 2879681Domain d3km6a1: 3km6 A:2-78 [212419]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3km6a2, d3km6b2
        automated match to d1gssa2
        complexed with ca, eaa, gsh; mutant
      2. 2879682Domain d3km6b1: 3km6 B:1-78 [212421]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3km6a2, d3km6b2
        automated match to d1gssa2
        complexed with ca, eaa, gsh; mutant
    61. Domains for 3kmn:
      1. 2879744Domain d3kmna1: 3kmn A:1-78 [212423]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kmna2, d3kmnb2
        automated match to d1gssa2
        complexed with ca, co3, po4; mutant
      2. 2879745Domain d3kmnb1: 3kmn B:1-78 [212425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kmna2, d3kmnb2
        automated match to d1gssa2
        complexed with ca, co3, po4; mutant
    62. Domains for 3kmo:
      1. 2879785Domain d3kmoa1: 3kmo A:2-78 [212427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kmoa2, d3kmob2
        automated match to d1gssa2
        complexed with ca, eaa, gsh; mutant
      2. 2879786Domain d3kmob1: 3kmo B:1-78 [212429]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kmoa2, d3kmob2
        automated match to d1gssa2
        complexed with ca, eaa, gsh; mutant
    63. Domains for 3kxo:
      1. 2879817Domain d3kxoa1: 3kxo A:2-75 [212575]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kxoa2, d3kxob2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, kxo, mg
      2. 2879818Domain d3kxob1: 3kxo B:2-75 [212577]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kxoa2, d3kxob2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, kxo, mg
    64. Domains for 3ma4:
      1. 2879665Domain d3ma4a1: 3ma4 A:6-91 [305926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ma4a2, d3ma4b2
        automated match to d3o3ta1
      2. 2879666Domain d3ma4b1: 3ma4 B:6-91 [305928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ma4a2, d3ma4b2
        automated match to d3o3ta1
    65. Domain for 3o3t:
    66. Domain for 3p8w:
    67. Domain for 3p90:
    68. Domains for 3ph9:
      1. 2879656Domain d3ph9a_: 3ph9 A: [183738]
        automated match to d1sena_
      2. 2879657Domain d3ph9b_: 3ph9 B: [183739]
        automated match to d1sena_
    69. Domains for 3q18:
      1. 2879625Domain d3q18a1: 3q18 A:4-102 [233302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q18a2, d3q18b2
        automated match to d1eema2
        complexed with cl, gol, peg
      2. 2879626Domain d3q18b1: 3q18 B:7-102 [233303]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q18a2, d3q18b2
        automated match to d1eema2
        complexed with cl, gol, peg
    70. Domains for 3q19:
      1. 2879647Domain d3q19a1: 3q19 A:5-102 [233304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q19a2, d3q19b2
        automated match to d1eema2
        complexed with cl, gsh
      2. 2879648Domain d3q19b1: 3q19 B:7-102 [233305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q19a2, d3q19b2
        automated match to d1eema2
        complexed with cl, gsh
    71. Domain for 3qag:
    72. Domain for 3qr6:
    73. Domain for 3swl:
    74. Domains for 3tgz:
      1. 2879797Domain d3tgza1: 3tgz A:6-91 [216813]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tgza2, d3tgzb2
        automated match to d1k0ma2
      2. 2879798Domain d3tgzb1: 3tgz B:6-91 [216815]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tgza2, d3tgzb2
        automated match to d1k0ma2
    75. Domain for 3uj1:
    76. Domains for 3uvh:
      1. 2879722Domain d3uvha1: 3uvh A:4-91 [217531]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvha2, d3uvhb2
        automated match to d1k0ma2
      2. 2879723Domain d3uvhb1: 3uvh B:6-91 [217533]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvha2, d3uvhb2
        automated match to d1k0ma2
    77. Domains for 3uvt:
      1. 2879702Domain d3uvta1: 3uvt A:323-428 [217540]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvta2, d3uvtb2, d3uvtc2, d3uvtd2
        automated match to d2vm1a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879703Domain d3uvtb1: 3uvt B:323-428 [217541]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvta2, d3uvtb2, d3uvtc2, d3uvtd2
        automated match to d2vm1a_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2879704Domain d3uvtc1: 3uvt C:323-428 [217542]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvta2, d3uvtb2, d3uvtc2, d3uvtd2
        automated match to d2vm1a_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2879705Domain d3uvtd1: 3uvt D:323-428 [217543]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvta2, d3uvtb2, d3uvtc2, d3uvtd2
        automated match to d2vm1a_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2879706Domain d3uvte_: 3uvt E: [217544]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvta2, d3uvtb2, d3uvtc2, d3uvtd2
        automated match to d2vm1a_
        complexed with so4
    78. Domains for 3vww:
      1. 2879671Domain d3vwwa_: 3vww A: [233873]
        automated match to d4gwra_
        complexed with po4
      2. 2879672Domain d3vwwb_: 3vww B: [233874]
        automated match to d4gwra_
        complexed with po4
    79. Domains for 3wgd:
      1. 2879832Domain d3wgda1: 3wgd A:62-170 [256510]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d2diza_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      2. 2879833Domain d3wgdb1: 3wgd B:62-170 [262398]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d3wgea_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      3. 2879834Domain d3wgdc1: 3wgd C:62-170 [262399]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d3wgea_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      4. 2879835Domain d3wgdd1: 3wgd D:62-170 [262400]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d3wgea_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      5. 2879836Domain d3wgde1: 3wgd E:62-170 [262401]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d3wgea_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      6. 2879837Domain d3wgdf1: 3wgd F:62-170 [262402]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d3wgea_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      7. 2879838Domain d3wgdg1: 3wgd G:62-170 [262403]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d3wgea_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      8. 2879839Domain d3wgdh1: 3wgd H:62-170 [262404]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d3wgea_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      9. 2879840Domain d3wgdi1: 3wgd I:62-170 [262405]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wgda2, d3wgdb2, d3wgdc2, d3wgdd2, d3wgde2, d3wgdf2, d3wgdg2, d3wgdh2, d3wgdi2
        automated match to d3wgea_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
    80. Domain for 3wge:
    81. Domains for 3zfb:
      1. 2879770Domain d3zfba1: 3zfb A:2-80 [218281]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfba2, d3zfbb2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
      2. 2879771Domain d3zfbb1: 3zfb B:4-80 [218283]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfba2, d3zfbb2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
    82. Domains for 3zfl:
      1. 2879783Domain d3zfla1: 3zfl A:2-80 [218285]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfla2, d3zflb2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
      2. 2879784Domain d3zflb1: 3zfl B:4-80 [218287]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfla2, d3zflb2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
    83. Domains for 4acs:
      1. 2879828Domain d4acsa1: 4acs A:4-80 [218799]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4acsa2, d4acsb2, d4acsc2, d4acsd2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      2. 2879829Domain d4acsb1: 4acs B:4-80 [218801]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4acsa2, d4acsb2, d4acsc2, d4acsd2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      3. 2879830Domain d4acsc1: 4acs C:4-80 [218803]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4acsa2, d4acsb2, d4acsc2, d4acsd2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      4. 2879831Domain d4acsd1: 4acs D:4-80 [218805]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4acsa2, d4acsb2, d4acsc2, d4acsd2
        automated match to d1k3ya2
        complexed with gsh; mutant
    84. Domains for 4ec0:
      1. 2879773Domain d4ec0a1: 4ec0 A:1-75 [220410]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ec0a2, d4ec0b2, d4ec0b3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 7pq, gsh, mg
      2. 2879774Domain d4ec0b1: 4ec0 B:1001-1075 [220412]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ec0a2, d4ec0b2, d4ec0b3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 7pq, gsh, mg
    85. Domains for 4edy:
      1. 2879632Domain d4edya1: 4edy A:2-75 [220422]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edya2, d4edyb2, d4edyb3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 9pq, dms, gsh, mg
      2. 2879633Domain d4edyb1: 4edy B:2-75 [220424]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edya2, d4edyb2, d4edyb3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 9pq, dms, gsh, mg
    86. Domains for 4edz:
      1. 2879688Domain d4edza1: 4edz A:2-75 [220426]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edza2, d4edzb2, d4edzb3, d4edzc2, d4edzd2, d4edzd3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 0o5, gsh, mg
      2. 2879689Domain d4edzb1: 4edz B:2-75 [220428]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edza2, d4edzb2, d4edzb3, d4edzc2, d4edzd2, d4edzd3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 0o5, gsh, mg
      3. 2879690Domain d4edzc1: 4edz C:2-75 [220430]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edza2, d4edzb2, d4edzb3, d4edzc2, d4edzd2, d4edzd3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 0o5, gsh, mg
      4. 2879691Domain d4edzd1: 4edz D:2-75 [220432]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edza2, d4edzb2, d4edzb3, d4edzc2, d4edzd2, d4edzd3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 0o5, gsh, mg
    87. Domains for 4ee0:
      1. 2879652Domain d4ee0a1: 4ee0 A:2-75 [220434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ee0a2, d4ee0b2, d4ee0b3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 0o4, gsf, mg
      2. 2879653Domain d4ee0b1: 4ee0 B:2-75 [220436]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ee0a2, d4ee0b2, d4ee0b3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with 0o4, gsf, mg
    88. Domains for 4ef0:
      1. 2879621Domain d4ef0a1: 4ef0 A:27-140 [234375]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ef0a2, d4ef0b2
        automated match to d4gwra_
      2. 2879622Domain d4ef0b1: 4ef0 B:27-140 [234374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ef0a2, d4ef0b2
        automated match to d4gwra_
    89. Domains for 4gwr:
      1. 2879654Domain d4gwra_: 4gwr A: [227687]
        automated match to d2e0qa_
      2. 2879655Domain d4gwrb_: 4gwr B: [234546]
        automated match to d4gwra_
    90. Domains for 4in0:
      1. 2879617Domain d4in0a_: 4in0 A: [197404]
        automated match to d3gixa_
      2. 2879618Domain d4in0b_: 4in0 B: [197405]
        automated match to d3gixa_
    91. Domains for 4iqa:
      1. 2879866Domain d4iqaa1: 4iqa A:6-91 [223304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iqaa2, d4iqab2
        automated match to d1k0ma2
      2. 2879867Domain d4iqab1: 4iqa B:6-91 [223306]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iqaa2, d4iqab2
        automated match to d1k0ma2
    92. Domains for 4jzq:
      1. 2879634Domain d4jzqa1: 4jzq A:5-91 [238370]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jzqa2, d4jzqb2
        automated match to d3o3ta1
      2. 2879635Domain d4jzqb1: 4jzq B:5-91 [238373]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jzqa2, d4jzqb2
        automated match to d3o3ta1
    93. Domain for 4k0g:
    94. Domain for 4k0n:
    95. Domains for 4k7i:
      1. 2879788Domain d4k7ia1: 4k7i A:1-161 [256844]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4k7ia2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with caq, dms
      2. 2879789Domain d4k7ib_: 4k7i B: [257799]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4k7ia2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with caq, dms
      3. 2879790Domain d4k7ic_: 4k7i C: [257800]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4k7ia2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with caq, dms
    96. Domains for 4k7n:
      1. 2879807Domain d4k7na_: 4k7n A: [266532]
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with mct
      2. 2879808Domain d4k7nb_: 4k7n B: [266533]
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with mct
      3. 2879809Domain d4k7nc_: 4k7n C: [266534]
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with mct
    97. Domains for 4k7o:
      1. 2879724Domain d4k7oa1: 4k7o A:1-161 [266535]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4k7oa2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with dms, ekz
      2. 2879725Domain d4k7ob_: 4k7o B: [266536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4k7oa2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with dms, ekz
      3. 2879726Domain d4k7oc_: 4k7o C: [266537]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4k7oa2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with dms, ekz
    98. Domains for 4mmm:
      1. 2879628Domain d4mmma1: 4mmm A:1-161 [266739]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mmma2, d4mmmc2, d4mmme2, d4mmmg2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with bp7
      2. 2879629Domain d4mmmc1: 4mmm C:1-161 [266740]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mmma2, d4mmmc2, d4mmme2, d4mmmg2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with bp7
      3. 2879630Domain d4mmme1: 4mmm E:1-161 [266741]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mmma2, d4mmmc2, d4mmme2, d4mmmg2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with bp7
      4. 2879631Domain d4mmmg1: 4mmm G:1-161 [266742]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mmma2, d4mmmc2, d4mmme2, d4mmmg2
        automated match to d3umac_
        complexed with bp7
    99. Domains for 4mpf:
      1. 2879814Domain d4mpfa1: 4mpf A:2-79 [346552]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mpfa2, d4mpfb2, d4mpfb3
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with po4, tla
      2. 2879815Domain d4mpfb1: 4mpf B:1-79 [346490]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mpfa2, d4mpfb2, d4mpfb3
        automated match to d2ljra2
        complexed with po4, tla
    100. Domain for 4mpg:
    101. Domains for 4pok:
      1. 2879868Domain d4poka1: 4pok A:1-105 [260745]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4poka2, d4pokb2, d4pokc2, d4pokd2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      2. 2879869Domain d4pokb1: 4pok B:1-105 [263556]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4poka2, d4pokb2, d4pokc2, d4pokd2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      3. 2879870Domain d4pokc1: 4pok C:1-105 [263557]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4poka2, d4pokb2, d4pokc2, d4pokd2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      4. 2879871Domain d4pokd1: 4pok D:1-105 [263558]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4poka2, d4pokb2, d4pokc2, d4pokd2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
    102. Domains for 4pol:
      1. 2879882Domain d4pola1: 4pol A:1-105 [267188]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pola2, d4polb2, d4polc2, d4pold2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      2. 2879883Domain d4polb1: 4pol B:1-105 [267189]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pola2, d4polb2, d4polc2, d4pold2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      3. 2879884Domain d4polc1: 4pol C:1-105 [267190]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pola2, d4polb2, d4polc2, d4pold2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      4. 2879885Domain d4pold1: 4pol D:1-105 [267191]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pola2, d4polb2, d4polc2, d4pold2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
    103. Domains for 4pom:
      1. 2879766Domain d4poma1: 4pom A:1-105 [267192]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4poma2, d4pomb2, d4pomc2, d4pomd2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      2. 2879767Domain d4pomb1: 4pom B:1-105 [267193]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4poma2, d4pomb2, d4pomc2, d4pomd2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      3. 2879768Domain d4pomc1: 4pom C:1-105 [267194]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4poma2, d4pomb2, d4pomc2, d4pomd2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
      4. 2879769Domain d4pomd1: 4pom D:1-105 [267195]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4poma2, d4pomb2, d4pomc2, d4pomd2
        automated match to d2xbia_
        complexed with com
    104. Domains for 5ais:
      1. 2879752Domain d5aisa1: 5ais A:2-75 [273407]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aisa2, d5aisb2, d5aisc2, d5aisd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with cwc, gsh, mg
      2. 2879753Domain d5aisb1: 5ais B:2-75 [273409]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aisa2, d5aisb2, d5aisc2, d5aisd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with cwc, gsh, mg
      3. 2879754Domain d5aisc1: 5ais C:2-75 [273406]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aisa2, d5aisb2, d5aisc2, d5aisd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with cwc, gsh, mg
      4. 2879755Domain d5aisd1: 5ais D:2-75 [273410]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aisa2, d5aisb2, d5aisc2, d5aisd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with cwc, gsh, mg
    105. Domains for 5aiv:
      1. 2879810Domain d5aiva1: 5aiv A:2-75 [273411]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aiva2, d5aivb2, d5aivc2, d5aivd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gsh, m1w, mg
      2. 2879811Domain d5aivb1: 5aiv B:2-75 [273418]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aiva2, d5aivb2, d5aivc2, d5aivd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gsh, m1w, mg
      3. 2879812Domain d5aivc1: 5aiv C:2-75 [273422]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aiva2, d5aivb2, d5aivc2, d5aivd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gsh, m1w, mg
      4. 2879813Domain d5aivd1: 5aiv D:2-75 [273419]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aiva2, d5aivb2, d5aivc2, d5aivd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gsh, m1w, mg
    106. Domains for 5aix:
      1. 2879841Domain d5aixa1: 5aix A:2-75 [273396]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aixa2, d5aixb2, d5aixc2, d5aixd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gsh, krx, mg
      2. 2879842Domain d5aixb1: 5aix B:2-75 [273398]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aixa2, d5aixb2, d5aixc2, d5aixd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gsh, krx, mg
      3. 2879843Domain d5aixc1: 5aix C:2-75 [273404]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aixa2, d5aixb2, d5aixc2, d5aixd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gsh, krx, mg
      4. 2879844Domain d5aixd1: 5aix D:2-75 [273408]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5aixa2, d5aixb2, d5aixc2, d5aixd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gsh, krx, mg
    107. Domains for 5b8a:
      1. 2879872Domain d5b8aa_: 5b8a A: [329402]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2879873Domain d5b8ab_: 5b8a B: [329191]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 2879874Domain d5b8ac_: 5b8a C: [329227]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 2879875Domain d5b8ad_: 5b8a D: [329168]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      5. 2879876Domain d5b8ae_: 5b8a E: [329174]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      6. 2879877Domain d5b8af_: 5b8a F: [329171]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      7. 2879878Domain d5b8ag_: 5b8a G: [329175]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      8. 2879879Domain d5b8ah_: 5b8a H: [329173]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      9. 2879880Domain d5b8ai_: 5b8a I: [329165]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      10. 2879881Domain d5b8aj_: 5b8a J: [329177]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with gol, so4
    108. Domains for 5b8b:
      1. 2879886Domain d5b8ba_: 5b8b A: [329166]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879887Domain d5b8bb_: 5b8b B: [329169]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2879888Domain d5b8bc_: 5b8b C: [329193]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2879889Domain d5b8bd_: 5b8b D: [329167]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2879890Domain d5b8be_: 5b8b E: [329186]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2879891Domain d5b8bf_: 5b8b F: [329170]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      7. 2879892Domain d5b8bg_: 5b8b G: [329172]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      8. 2879893Domain d5b8bh_: 5b8b H: [329190]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      9. 2879894Domain d5b8bi_: 5b8b I: [329201]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
      10. 2879895Domain d5b8bj_: 5b8b J: [329176]
        automated match to d4k1fa_
        complexed with so4
    109. Domain for 6elw:
    110. Domain for 6hkq:
    111. Domain for 6hn3:
    112. Domains for 6owv:
      1. 2879711Domain d6owva1: 6owv A:23-145 [388527]
        automated match to d1sjia1
        complexed with cl, so4
      2. 2879712Domain d6owva2: 6owv A:146-247 [388528]
        automated match to d1sjia2
        complexed with cl, so4
      3. 2879713Domain d6owva3: 6owv A:248-371 [388529]
        automated match to d1sjia3
        complexed with cl, so4
    113. Domains for 6y2h:
      1. 2879756Domain d6y2ha1: 6y2h A:16-99 [386067]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6y2ha2, d6y2ha3, d6y2hb2, d6y2hb3, d6y2hc2, d6y2hc3, d6y2hd2, d6y2hd3
        automated match to d2ahea1
        complexed with scn
      2. 2879757Domain d6y2hb1: 6y2h B:16-99 [385961]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6y2ha2, d6y2ha3, d6y2hb2, d6y2hb3, d6y2hc2, d6y2hc3, d6y2hd2, d6y2hd3
        automated match to d2ahea1
        complexed with scn
      3. 2879758Domain d6y2hc1: 6y2h C:16-99 [386028]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6y2ha2, d6y2ha3, d6y2hb2, d6y2hb3, d6y2hc2, d6y2hc3, d6y2hd2, d6y2hd3
        automated match to d2ahea1
        complexed with scn
      4. 2879759Domain d6y2hd1: 6y2h D:16-99 [386078]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6y2ha2, d6y2ha3, d6y2hb2, d6y2hb3, d6y2hc2, d6y2hc3, d6y2hd2, d6y2hd3
        automated match to d2ahea1
        complexed with scn
  90. 2879916Hypocrea jecorina [TaxId:431241] [397866] (1 PDB entry)
  91. 2879919Idiomarina loihiensis [TaxId:283942] [256231] (1 PDB entry)
  92. 2879932Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [354497] (1 PDB entry)
  93. 2879937Legionella pneumophila [TaxId:272624] [196919] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3niv:
      1. 2879941Domain d3niva1: 3niv A:2-81 [213984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3niva2, d3nivb2, d3nivb3, d3nivc2, d3nivc3, d3nivd2, d3nivd3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
      2. 2879942Domain d3nivb1: 3niv B:2-81 [213986]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3niva2, d3nivb2, d3nivb3, d3nivc2, d3nivc3, d3nivd2, d3nivd3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
      3. 2879943Domain d3nivc1: 3niv C:2-81 [213988]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3niva2, d3nivb2, d3nivb3, d3nivc2, d3nivc3, d3nivd2, d3nivd3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
      4. 2879944Domain d3nivd1: 3niv D:2-81 [213990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3niva2, d3nivb2, d3nivb3, d3nivc2, d3nivc3, d3nivd2, d3nivd3
        automated match to d1e6ba2
    2. Domains for 4jrr:
      1. 2879938Domain d4jrra1: 4jrr A:33-216 [202753]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jrra2
        automated match to d4jrrb_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2879939Domain d4jrrb_: 4jrr B: [196920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jrra2
        automated match to d3h93a_
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 2879940Domain d4jrrc_: 4jrr C: [202754]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jrra2
        automated match to d4jrrb_
        complexed with gol, so4
  94. 2879945Legionella pneumophila [TaxId:297246] [197273] (1 PDB entry)
  95. 2879948Leishmania infantum [TaxId:5671] [365025] (1 PDB entry)
  96. 2879959Lodderomyces elongisporus [TaxId:379508] [234906] (1 PDB entry)
  97. 2879968Malassezia sympodialis [TaxId:76777] [187890] (1 PDB entry)
  98. 2879971Mangifera indica [TaxId:29780] [329178] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5g5e:
    2. Domain for 5g5f:
    3. Domains for 5kej:
      1. 2879974Domain d5keja1: 5kej A:2-84 [329277]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5keja2, d5kejb2
        automated match to d5agya1
        complexed with gtx, peg
      2. 2879975Domain d5kejb1: 5kej B:2-84 [329244]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5keja2, d5kejb2
        automated match to d5agya1
        complexed with gtx, peg
  99. 2879976Mannheimia haemolytica [TaxId:272629] [226567] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4iq1:
      1. 2879980Domain d4iq1a1: 4iq1 A:1-80 [223296]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iq1a2, d4iq1a3, d4iq1b2, d4iq1b3, d4iq1c2, d4iq1c3
        automated match to d2pmta2
        complexed with cl, gol
      2. 2879981Domain d4iq1b1: 4iq1 B:1-80 [223298]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iq1a2, d4iq1a3, d4iq1b2, d4iq1b3, d4iq1c2, d4iq1c3
        automated match to d2pmta2
        complexed with cl, gol
      3. 2879982Domain d4iq1c1: 4iq1 C:1-80 [223300]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iq1a2, d4iq1a3, d4iq1b2, d4iq1b3, d4iq1c2, d4iq1c3
        automated match to d2pmta2
        complexed with cl, gol
    2. Domains for 4iw9:
      1. 2879977Domain d4iw9a1: 4iw9 A:1-80 [223434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iw9a2, d4iw9a3, d4iw9b2, d4iw9b3, d4iw9c2, d4iw9c3
        automated match to d2pmta2
        complexed with act, cl, gsh, pge
      2. 2879978Domain d4iw9b1: 4iw9 B:1-80 [223436]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iw9a2, d4iw9a3, d4iw9b2, d4iw9b3, d4iw9c2, d4iw9c3
        automated match to d2pmta2
        complexed with act, cl, gsh, pge
      3. 2879979Domain d4iw9c1: 4iw9 C:1-80 [223438]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iw9a2, d4iw9a3, d4iw9b2, d4iw9b3, d4iw9c2, d4iw9c3
        automated match to d2pmta2
        complexed with act, cl, gsh, pge
  100. 2879983Methanosarcina mazei [TaxId:2209] [255874] (1 PDB entry)
  101. 2879986Methylococcus capsulatus [TaxId:243233] [226241] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3uap:
    2. Domain for 3uar:
  102. 2879989Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [225046] (14 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2cz2:
    2. Domains for 2cz3:
      1. 2880002Domain d2cz3a1: 2cz3 A:4-87 [203848]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2cz3a2, d2cz3b2
        automated match to d1fw1a2
      2. 2880003Domain d2cz3b1: 2cz3 B:4-87 [203850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2cz3a2, d2cz3b2
        automated match to d1fw1a2
    3. Domains for 2dc5:
      1. 2879991Domain d2dc5a1: 2dc5 A:9-92 [203947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dc5a2, d2dc5a3, d2dc5b2, d2dc5b3
        automated match to d1m9aa2
      2. 2879992Domain d2dc5b1: 2dc5 B:9-92 [203949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dc5a2, d2dc5a3, d2dc5b2, d2dc5b3
        automated match to d1m9aa2
    4. Domain for 2dj1:
    5. Domain for 2dj2:
    6. Domain for 2dml:
    7. Domain for 2lv3:
    8. Domain for 2oac:
    9. Domains for 2oad:
      1. 2880005Domain d2oada2: 2oad A:1-78 [138970]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2oada1, d2oadb1
        automated match to d2j9ha1
        complexed with gtb; mutant
      2. 2880006Domain d2oadb2: 2oad B:1-78 [138972]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2oada1, d2oadb1
        automated match to d2j9ha1
        complexed with gtb; mutant
    10. Domains for 3aps:
      1. 2879995Domain d3apsa_: 3aps A: [231806]
        automated match to d3uj1a_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2879996Domain d3apsb_: 3aps B: [231807]
        automated match to d3uj1a_
        complexed with gol, so4
    11. Domains for 3vwv:
      1. 2879993Domain d3vwva1: 3vwv A:87-255 [233872]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwva2, d3vwvb2
        automated match to d3vwvb_
        complexed with 1pe, acy
      2. 2879994Domain d3vwvb1: 3vwv B:87-257 [227811]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwva2, d3vwvb2
        automated match to d2pn8a_
        complexed with 1pe, acy
    12. Domain for 5l71:
    13. Domains for 6ery:
      1. 2879998Domain d6erya1: 6ery A:363-446 [352091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6erya2, d6erya3, d6eryb2, d6eryb3
        automated match to d3tgza1
        complexed with so4
      2. 2879999Domain d6eryb1: 6ery B:363-446 [352123]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6erya2, d6erya3, d6eryb2, d6eryb3
        automated match to d3tgza1
        complexed with so4
    14. Domains for 6erz:
      1. 2880000Domain d6erza1: 6erz A:5-88 [352062]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6erza2, d6erza3, d6erzb2, d6erzb3
        automated match to d3tgza1
        complexed with so4, trs
      2. 2880001Domain d6erzb1: 6erz B:5-88 [352104]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6erza2, d6erza3, d6erzb2, d6erzb3
        automated match to d3tgza1
        complexed with so4, trs
  103. 2880011Mycobacterium abscessus [TaxId:561007] [237466] (1 PDB entry)
  104. 2880014Mycobacterium avium [TaxId:1160712] [261332] (1 PDB entry)
  105. 2880016Mycobacterium smegmatis [TaxId:1772] [335269] (1 PDB entry)
  106. 2880018Mycobacterium thermoresistibile [TaxId:1078020] [340365] (1 PDB entry)
  107. 2880020Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [187835] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2i1u:
    2. Domain for 2l4q:
    3. Domain for 2lqo:
    4. Domain for 2lqq:
  108. 2880025Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:419947] [189518] (1 PDB entry)
  109. 2880028Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83332] [189521] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2l59:
    2. Domains for 3o6t:
      1. 2880030Domain d3o6ta_: 3o6t A: [182841]
        automated match to d1nw2a_
        complexed with pge, px5; mutant
      2. 2880031Domain d3o6tb_: 3o6t B: [182842]
        automated match to d1nw2a_
        complexed with pge, px5; mutant
      3. 2880032Domain d3o6tc_: 3o6t C: [182843]
        automated match to d1nw2a_
        complexed with pge, px5; mutant
      4. 2880033Domain d3o6td_: 3o6t D: [182844]
        automated match to d1nw2a_
        complexed with pge, px5; mutant
    3. Domain for 5epf:
  110. 2880035Necator americanus [TaxId:51031] [224893] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2on5:
      1. 2880036Domain d2on5a1: 2on5 A:1-77 [205308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on5a2, d2on5b2, d2on5c2, d2on5d2, d2on5e2, d2on5f2, d2on5g2, d2on5h2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with edo, gsh
      2. 2880037Domain d2on5b1: 2on5 B:1-77 [205310]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on5a2, d2on5b2, d2on5c2, d2on5d2, d2on5e2, d2on5f2, d2on5g2, d2on5h2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with edo, gsh
      3. 2880038Domain d2on5c1: 2on5 C:1-77 [205312]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on5a2, d2on5b2, d2on5c2, d2on5d2, d2on5e2, d2on5f2, d2on5g2, d2on5h2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with edo, gsh
      4. 2880039Domain d2on5d1: 2on5 D:1-77 [205314]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on5a2, d2on5b2, d2on5c2, d2on5d2, d2on5e2, d2on5f2, d2on5g2, d2on5h2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with edo, gsh
      5. 2880040Domain d2on5e1: 2on5 E:1-77 [205316]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on5a2, d2on5b2, d2on5c2, d2on5d2, d2on5e2, d2on5f2, d2on5g2, d2on5h2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with edo, gsh
      6. 2880041Domain d2on5f1: 2on5 F:1-77 [205318]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on5a2, d2on5b2, d2on5c2, d2on5d2, d2on5e2, d2on5f2, d2on5g2, d2on5h2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with edo, gsh
      7. 2880042Domain d2on5g1: 2on5 G:1-77 [205320]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on5a2, d2on5b2, d2on5c2, d2on5d2, d2on5e2, d2on5f2, d2on5g2, d2on5h2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with edo, gsh
      8. 2880043Domain d2on5h1: 2on5 H:1-77 [205322]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on5a2, d2on5b2, d2on5c2, d2on5d2, d2on5e2, d2on5f2, d2on5g2, d2on5h2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with edo, gsh
    2. Domains for 2on7:
      1. 2880045Domain d2on7a1: 2on7 A:1-77 [205324]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on7a2, d2on7b2, d2on7c2, d2on7d2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
      2. 2880046Domain d2on7b1: 2on7 B:1-77 [205326]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on7a2, d2on7b2, d2on7c2, d2on7d2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
      3. 2880047Domain d2on7c1: 2on7 C:1-77 [205328]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on7a2, d2on7b2, d2on7c2, d2on7d2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
      4. 2880048Domain d2on7d1: 2on7 D:1-77 [205330]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2on7a2, d2on7b2, d2on7c2, d2on7d2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
    3. Domain for 3w8s:
    4. Domains for 4ofm:
      1. 2880051Domain d4ofma1: 4ofm A:2-77 [267038]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ofma2, d4ofmb2, d4ofmc2, d4ofmd2
        automated match to d2on7a1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880052Domain d4ofmb1: 4ofm B:1-77 [267040]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ofma2, d4ofmb2, d4ofmc2, d4ofmd2
        automated match to d2on7a1
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2880053Domain d4ofmc1: 4ofm C:1-77 [267042]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ofma2, d4ofmb2, d4ofmc2, d4ofmd2
        automated match to d2on7a1
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2880054Domain d4ofmd1: 4ofm D:1-77 [267044]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ofma2, d4ofmb2, d4ofmc2, d4ofmd2
        automated match to d2on7a1
        complexed with gsh
    5. Domains for 4ofn:
      1. 2880055Domain d4ofna1: 4ofn A:1-77 [267046]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ofna2, d4ofnb2
        automated match to d2on7a1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880056Domain d4ofnb1: 4ofn B:2-77 [267048]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ofna2, d4ofnb2
        automated match to d2on7a1
        complexed with gsh
    6. Domains for 4oft:
      1. 2880049Domain d4ofta1: 4oft A:1-77 [261365]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ofta2, d4oftb2
        automated match to d2on7a1
      2. 2880050Domain d4oftb1: 4oft B:1-77 [263282]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ofta2, d4oftb2
        automated match to d2on7a1
  111. 2880057Neisseria gonorrhoeae [TaxId:485] [234683] (1 PDB entry)
  112. 2880059Neisseria meningitidis [TaxId:122586] [196549] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3dvw:
    2. Domains for 3dvx:
      1. 2880062Domain d3dvxa1: 3dvx A:1-190 [209325]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dvxa2
        automated match to d3a3tf_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2880063Domain d3dvxb_: 3dvx B: [209326]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dvxa2
        automated match to d3a3tf_
        complexed with so4
    3. Domain for 3hz8:
  113. 2880064Neisseria meningitidis [TaxId:491] [196523] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2l5o:
    2. Domains for 2znm:
      1. 2880071Domain d2znma_: 2znm A: [207882]
        automated match to d3a3tf_
      2. 2880072Domain d2znmb_: 2znm B: [207883]
        automated match to d3a3tf_
      3. 2880073Domain d2znmc_: 2znm C: [207884]
        automated match to d3a3tf_
      4. 2880074Domain d2znmd_: 2znm D: [207885]
        automated match to d3a3tf_
    3. Domains for 3a3t:
      1. 2880065Domain d3a3ta1: 3a3t A:24-212 [198824]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a3ta2, d3a3tb2, d3a3tc2, d3a3td2, d3a3te2, d3a3tf2
        automated match to d3a3tf_
      2. 2880066Domain d3a3tb1: 3a3t B:24-212 [198825]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a3ta2, d3a3tb2, d3a3tc2, d3a3td2, d3a3te2, d3a3tf2
        automated match to d3a3tf_
      3. 2880067Domain d3a3tc1: 3a3t C:24-212 [198826]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a3ta2, d3a3tb2, d3a3tc2, d3a3td2, d3a3te2, d3a3tf2
        automated match to d3a3tf_
      4. 2880068Domain d3a3td1: 3a3t D:24-212 [198827]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a3ta2, d3a3tb2, d3a3tc2, d3a3td2, d3a3te2, d3a3tf2
        automated match to d3a3tf_
      5. 2880069Domain d3a3te1: 3a3t E:24-212 [198828]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a3ta2, d3a3tb2, d3a3tc2, d3a3td2, d3a3te2, d3a3tf2
        automated match to d3a3tf_
      6. 2880070Domain d3a3tf1: 3a3t F:24-212 [196524]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a3ta2, d3a3tb2, d3a3tc2, d3a3td2, d3a3te2, d3a3tf2
        automated match to d3h93a_
  114. 2880076Nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans) [TaxId:6239] [224979] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1yq1:
      1. 2880079Domain d1yq1a1: 1yq1 A:1-78 [241049]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yq1a2, d1yq1b2
        automated match to d2on5a1
      2. 2880080Domain d1yq1b1: 1yq1 B:1-78 [241051]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yq1a2, d1yq1b2
        automated match to d2on5a1
    2. Domains for 1zl9:
      1. 2880077Domain d1zl9a1: 1zl9 A:1-79 [203340]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zl9a2, d1zl9b2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880078Domain d1zl9b1: 1zl9 B:1-79 [203342]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zl9a2, d1zl9b2
        automated match to d1tw9a2
        complexed with gsh
  115. 2880081Neosartorya fumigata [TaxId:330879] [322976] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5j9b:
    2. Domains for 5j9c:
      1. 2880082Domain d5j9ca1: 5j9c A:3-168 [322979]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5j9ca2, d5j9cb2, d5j9cb3
        automated match to d4k7oc_
        complexed with mg
      2. 2880083Domain d5j9cb1: 5j9c B:2-168 [322984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5j9ca2, d5j9cb2, d5j9cb3
        automated match to d4k7oc_
        complexed with mg
  116. 2880085Nilaparvata lugens [TaxId:108931] [268085] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3wyw:
      1. 2880086Domain d3wywa1: 3wyw A:2-86 [268100]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wywa2, d3wywb2
        automated match to d3vk9a1
        complexed with edo, gsh
      2. 2880087Domain d3wywb1: 3wyw B:1-86 [268099]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wywa2, d3wywb2
        automated match to d3vk9a1
        complexed with edo, gsh
    2. Domains for 5h5l:
      1. 2880088Domain d5h5la1: 5h5l A:2-77 [339058]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5h5la2, d5h5lb2
        automated match to d2ws2a1
        complexed with edo, gsh, peg
      2. 2880089Domain d5h5lb1: 5h5l B:2-77 [339060]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5h5la2, d5h5lb2
        automated match to d2ws2a1
        complexed with edo, gsh, peg
  117. 2880090Octopus vulgaris [TaxId:6645] [320349] (1 PDB entry)
  118. 2880092Onchocerca volvulus [TaxId:6282] [267780] (1 PDB entry)
  119. 2880095Oreochromis mossambicus [TaxId:8127] [348766] (1 PDB entry)
  120. 2880098Oryza sativa [TaxId:39947] [346305] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5d9t:
    2. Domain for 5d9v:
    3. Domain for 5d9w:
    4. Domain for 5d9x:
  121. 2880103Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) [TaxId:6689] [323880] (1 PDB entry)
  122. 2880112Pennisetum americanum [TaxId:4543] [317014] (1 PDB entry)
  123. 2880114Pig roundworm (Ascaris suum) [TaxId:6253] [271024] (1 PDB entry)
  124. 2880117Plasmodium falciparum [195607] (1 PDB entry)
  125. 2880120Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId:36329] [228276] (25 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2c0d:
      1. 2880125Domain d2c0da_: 2c0d A: [230580]
        automated match to d1qmva_
      2. 2880126Domain d2c0db_: 2c0d B: [230581]
        automated match to d1qmva_
    2. Domains for 3ul3:
      1. 2880134Domain d3ul3a_: 3ul3 A: [239870]
        automated match to d3ul3b_
      2. 2880135Domain d3ul3b_: 3ul3 B: [233800]
        automated match to d1w4vd_
    3. Domain for 4hjm:
    4. Domain for 4kje:
    5. Domain for 4kjf:
    6. Domain for 4mzb:
    7. Domain for 4mzc:
    8. Domain for 4n0z:
    9. Domain for 4n10:
    10. Domain for 4n11:
    11. Domains for 4o32:
      1. 2880131Domain d4o32a1: 4o32 A:70-157 [268452]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4o32a2, d4o32b2, d4o32c2
        automated match to d3ul3a_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2880132Domain d4o32b1: 4o32 B:69-157 [268450]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4o32a2, d4o32b2, d4o32c2
        automated match to d3ul3a_
        complexed with cl
      3. 2880133Domain d4o32c1: 4o32 C:68-157 [268453]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4o32a2, d4o32b2, d4o32c2
        automated match to d3ul3a_
        complexed with cl
    12. Domain for 7dik:
    13. Domain for 7dim:
    14. Domain for 7din:
    15. Domain for 7dio:
    16. Domain for 7dip:
    17. Domain for 7diq:
    18. Domain for 7dir:
    19. Domain for 7dis:
    20. Domain for 7dit:
    21. Domain for 7diu:
    22. Domain for 7div:
    23. Domain for 7diw:
    24. Domain for 7diz:
    25. Domain for 7dj0:
  126. 2880136Plasmodium vivax [TaxId:126793] [225142] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2i81:
      1. 2880137Domain d2i81a_: 2i81 A: [204741]
        automated match to d1uula_
      2. 2880138Domain d2i81b_: 2i81 B: [204742]
        automated match to d1uula_
      3. 2880139Domain d2i81c_: 2i81 C: [204743]
        automated match to d1uula_
      4. 2880140Domain d2i81d_: 2i81 D: [204744]
        automated match to d1uula_
      5. 2880141Domain d2i81e_: 2i81 E: [204745]
        automated match to d1uula_
    2. Domains for 4l0u:
      1. 2880142Domain d4l0ua_: 4l0u A: [324995]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
      2. 2880143Domain d4l0ub_: 4l0u B: [325089]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
      3. 2880144Domain d4l0uc1: 4l0u C:2-172 [325073]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
      4. 2880145Domain d4l0ud_: 4l0u D: [324992]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
      5. 2880146Domain d4l0uf_: 4l0u F: [324988]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
      6. 2880147Domain d4l0ug_: 4l0u G: [325132]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
      7. 2880148Domain d4l0uh_: 4l0u H: [325185]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
      8. 2880149Domain d4l0ui1: 4l0u I:2-177 [325035]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
      9. 2880150Domain d4l0uj_: 4l0u J: [325105]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l0uc2, d4l0ui2
        automated match to d3tkpe_
        complexed with act
  127. 2880151Plasmodium vivax [TaxId:5855] [225085] (1 PDB entry)
  128. 2880162Plasmodium yoelii [311205] (1 PDB entry)
  129. 2880165Plasmodium yoelii [TaxId:73239] [324996] (1 PDB entry)
  130. 2880167Pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) [TaxId:1313] [226373] (1 PDB entry)
  131. 2880169Populus tremula [TaxId:47664] [188794] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2e7p:
    2. Domain for 3fz9:
    3. Domain for 3fza:
    4. Domains for 4ri6:
      1. 2880176Domain d4ri6a1: 4ri6 A:2-83 [268743]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ri6a2, d4ri6b2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with gsh, mes
      2. 2880177Domain d4ri6b1: 4ri6 B:2-83 [268746]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ri6a2, d4ri6b2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with gsh, mes
    5. Domains for 4ri7:
      1. 2880178Domain d4ri7a1: 4ri7 A:2-83 [268750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ri7a2, d4ri7b2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      2. 2880179Domain d4ri7b1: 4ri7 B:2-83 [268748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ri7a2, d4ri7b2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with gsh; mutant
    6. Domain for 5nyk:
    7. Domains for 5nyl:
      1. 2880174Domain d5nyla_: 5nyl A: [347080]
        automated match to d5vo7a_
      2. 2880175Domain d5nylb_: 5nyl B: [347074]
        automated match to d5vo7a_
    8. Domain for 5nym:
    9. Domain for 5nyn:
    10. Domains for 5nyo:
      1. 2880182Domain d5nyoa_: 5nyo A: [346999]
        automated match to d5dbqa_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2880183Domain d5nyob_: 5nyo B: [347126]
        automated match to d5dbqa_
        complexed with so4
  132. 2880184Populus trichocarpa [TaxId:3695] [187360] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2p5q:
      1. 2880186Domain d2p5qa_: 2p5q A: [167016]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with act, cd
      2. 2880187Domain d2p5qb_: 2p5q B: [167017]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with act, cd
      3. 2880188Domain d2p5qc_: 2p5q C: [167018]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with act, cd
      4. 2880189Domain d2p5qd_: 2p5q D: [167019]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with act, cd
    2. Domains for 2p5r:
      1. 2880192Domain d2p5ra_: 2p5r A: [167020]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2880193Domain d2p5rb_: 2p5r B: [167021]
        automated match to d2f8aa1
        complexed with ca
    3. Domains for 3d21:
      1. 2880190Domain d3d21a_: 3d21 A: [208985]
        automated match to d2vm1c_
      2. 2880191Domain d3d21b_: 3d21 B: [208986]
        automated match to d2vm1c_
    4. Domain for 3d22:
  133. 2880194Porphyromonas gingivalis [TaxId:242619] [255487] (1 PDB entry)
  134. 2880196Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:208963] [385481] (1 PDB entry)
  135. 2880198Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [267848] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3kh7:
    2. Domain for 3kh9:
    3. Domain for 6tum:
  136. 2880202Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:388272] [226354] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4eci:
      1. 2880206Domain d4ecia1: 4eci A:1-81 [220414]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ecia2, d4ecia3, d4ecib2, d4ecib3
        automated match to d1k0db2
        complexed with act
      2. 2880207Domain d4ecib1: 4eci B:1-81 [220416]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ecia2, d4ecia3, d4ecib2, d4ecib3
        automated match to d1k0db2
        complexed with act
    2. Domains for 4ecj:
      1. 2880204Domain d4ecja1: 4ecj A:1-81 [220418]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ecja2, d4ecja3, d4ecjb2, d4ecjb3
        automated match to d1k0db2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880205Domain d4ecjb1: 4ecj B:1-81 [220420]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ecja2, d4ecja3, d4ecjb2, d4ecjb3
        automated match to d1k0db2
        complexed with gsh
    3. Domain for 6tum:
  137. 2880208Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA01 [TaxId:208964] [189148] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2mbt:
    2. Domain for 3h93:
    3. Domain for 4zl7:
    4. Domain for 4zl8:
    5. Domain for 4zl9:
    6. Domain for 5dch:
    7. Domain for 5tlq:
  138. 2880216Pseudomonas fluorescens [TaxId:220664] [255947] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3lyp:
      1. 2880217Domain d3lypa1: 3lyp A:8-85 [265044]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lypa2, d3lypb2
        automated match to d3mdkb1
      2. 2880218Domain d3lypb1: 3lyp B:9-85 [265046]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lypa2, d3lypb2
        automated match to d3mdkb1
    2. Domain for 3m3m:
  139. 2880220Pseudomonas protegens [TaxId:220664] [226562] (1 PDB entry)
  140. 2880222Pseudomonas putida [TaxId:160488] [255962] (1 PDB entry)
  141. 2880225Pseudomonas putida [TaxId:351746] [228879] (1 PDB entry)
  142. 2880228Ralstonia sp. [TaxId:70356] [225492] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2jl4:
      1. 2880231Domain d2jl4a1: 2jl4 A:1-79 [205105]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jl4a2, d2jl4b2
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880232Domain d2jl4b1: 2jl4 B:1-79 [205107]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jl4a2, d2jl4b2
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with gsh
    2. Domains for 2v6k:
      1. 2880229Domain d2v6ka1: 2v6k A:-1-79 [206247]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v6ka2, d2v6kb2
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with act, na, tgg
      2. 2880230Domain d2v6kb1: 2v6k B:-1-79 [206249]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v6ka2, d2v6kb2
        automated match to d1e6ba2
        complexed with act, na, tgg
  143. 2880233Rhizobium meliloti (Sinorhizobium meliloti) [TaxId:382] [226257] (1 PDB entry)
  144. 2880237Rhodopseudomonas palustris [TaxId:1076] [267854] (1 PDB entry)
  145. 2880241Rickettsia prowazekii [TaxId:272947] [365208] (1 PDB entry)
  146. 2880243Saccharomyces cerevisiae [TaxId:307796] [356158] (1 PDB entry)
  147. 2880245Salix babylonica [TaxId:75706] [420114] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 7dw1:
      1. 2880246Domain d7dw1a1: 7dw1 A:5-84 [417985]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dw1a2, d7dw1b2
        automated match to d5g5fa1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880247Domain d7dw1b1: 7dw1 B:5-84 [417987]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dw1a2, d7dw1b2
        automated match to d5g5fa1
        complexed with gsh
    2. Domains for 7dw2:
      1. 3085082Domain d7dw2b1: 7dw2 B:3-84 [421399]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dw2a2, d7dw2b2, d7dw2c2, d7dw2d2
        automated match to d5g5fa1
      2. 3085109Domain d7dw2c1: 7dw2 C:3-84 [421426]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dw2a2, d7dw2b2, d7dw2c2, d7dw2d2
        automated match to d5g5fa1
      3. 3085291Domain d7dw2d1: 7dw2 D:3-84 [421608]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dw2a2, d7dw2b2, d7dw2c2, d7dw2d2
        automated match to d5g5fa1
      4. 3085354Domain d7dw2a1: 7dw2 A:3-84 [421671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dw2a2, d7dw2b2, d7dw2c2, d7dw2d2
        automated match to d5g5fa1
    3. Domain for 7dw3:
    4. Domain for 7dw4:
    5. Domain for 7dwd:
    6. Domain for 7dwe:
    7. Domains for 7dwf:
      1. 3085090Domain d7dwfb1: 7dwf B:4-81 [421407]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dwfa2, d7dwfb2
        automated match to d5j4ua1
      2. 3085170Domain d7dwfa1: 7dwf A:4-81 [421487]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dwfa2, d7dwfb2
        automated match to d5j4ua1
    8. Domain for 7dwg:
  148. 2880248Salmonella enterica [TaxId:216597] [189263] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3l9u:
    2. Domains for 3l9v:
      1. 2880250Domain d3l9va_: 3l9v A: [180129]
        automated match to d1acva_
        complexed with p4c, p6g, pe8
      2. 2880251Domain d3l9vb_: 3l9v B: [180130]
        automated match to d1acva_
        complexed with p4c, p6g, pe8
      3. 2880252Domain d3l9vc_: 3l9v C: [180131]
        automated match to d1acva_
        complexed with p4c, p6g, pe8
      4. 2880253Domain d3l9vd_: 3l9v D: [180132]
        automated match to d1acva_
        complexed with p4c, p6g, pe8
      5. 2880254Domain d3l9ve_: 3l9v E: [180133]
        automated match to d1acva_
        complexed with p4c, p6g, pe8
  149. 2880255Salmonella enterica [TaxId:90370] [346306] (1 PDB entry)
  150. 2880258Salmonella enterica [TaxId:99287] [225742] (1 PDB entry)
  151. 2880260Scaptomyza nigrita [TaxId:928823] [229396] (1 PDB entry)
  152. 2880263Schistosoma japonicum [TaxId:6182] [225614] (9 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1y6e:
      1. 2880271Domain d1y6ea2: 1y6e A:1-79 [145909]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1y6ea1, d1y6eb1
        automated match to d1gnea2
      2. 2880272Domain d1y6eb2: 1y6e B:1-79 [145911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1y6ea1, d1y6eb1
        automated match to d1gnea2
    2. Domain for 3d0z:
    3. Domains for 4i8b:
      1. 2880269Domain d4i8ba_: 4i8b A: [229407]
        automated match to d1ti3a_
      2. 2880270Domain d4i8bb_: 4i8b B: [234838]
        automated match to d4i8ba_
    4. Domain for 4wr4:
    5. Domain for 4wr5:
    6. Domains for 5gzz:
      1. 2880274Domain d5gzze1: 5gzz E:1-80 [329781]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gzzb1, d5gzzb2, d5gzzc1, d5gzzc2, d5gzzd1, d5gzzd2, d5gzze2, d5gzzf2, d5gzzg1, d5gzzg2
        automated match to d3isoa1
        complexed with gsh, jaa
      2. 2880275Domain d5gzzf1: 5gzz F:1-80 [329743]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gzzb1, d5gzzb2, d5gzzc1, d5gzzc2, d5gzzd1, d5gzzd2, d5gzze2, d5gzzf2, d5gzzg1, d5gzzg2
        automated match to d3isoa1
        complexed with gsh, jaa
    7. Domains for 5jly:
      1. 2880276Domain d5jlya_: 5jly A: [333753]
        automated match to d3ztlb_
      2. 2880277Domain d5jlyb_: 5jly B: [333721]
        automated match to d3ztlb_
      3. 2880278Domain d5jlyc_: 5jly C: [333740]
        automated match to d3ztlb_
    8. Domain for 6ji6:
    9. Domains for 6n8u:
      1. 2880267Domain d6n8ua1: 6n8u A:2-80 [362506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6n8ua2, d6n8ub2
        automated match to d3isoa1
      2. 2880268Domain d6n8ub1: 6n8u B:2-80 [362484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6n8ua2, d6n8ub2
        automated match to d3isoa1
  153. 2880279Shigella flexneri [TaxId:198215] [226692] (1 PDB entry)
  154. 2880284Silicibacter phage [TaxId:490912] [194069] (1 PDB entry)
  155. 2880286Silkworm (Bombyx mori) [TaxId:7091] [226183] (9 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3ay8:
    2. Domains for 3vk9:
      1. 2880290Domain d3vk9a1: 3vk9 A:1-86 [217873]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vk9a2, d3vk9b2, d3vk9c2, d3vk9d2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2880291Domain d3vk9b1: 3vk9 B:2-86 [217875]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vk9a2, d3vk9b2, d3vk9c2, d3vk9d2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gol
      3. 2880292Domain d3vk9c1: 3vk9 C:1-86 [217877]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vk9a2, d3vk9b2, d3vk9c2, d3vk9d2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gol
      4. 2880293Domain d3vk9d1: 3vk9 D:1-86 [217879]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vk9a2, d3vk9b2, d3vk9c2, d3vk9d2
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gol
    3. Domain for 3vpq:
    4. Domain for 3vpt:
    5. Domain for 3vur:
    6. Domains for 3wd6:
      1. 2880305Domain d3wd6a1: 3wd6 A:9-108 [262390]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wd6a2, d3wd6b2, d3wd6c2, d3wd6d2
        automated match to d3wd6d1
        complexed with edo, gsh, iod, k, peg
      2. 2880306Domain d3wd6b1: 3wd6 B:10-108 [258583]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wd6a2, d3wd6b2, d3wd6c2, d3wd6d2
        automated match to d3qaga1
        complexed with edo, gsh, iod, k, peg
      3. 2880307Domain d3wd6c1: 3wd6 C:10-108 [258580]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wd6a2, d3wd6b2, d3wd6c2, d3wd6d2
        automated match to d3qaga1
        complexed with edo, gsh, iod, k, peg
      4. 2880308Domain d3wd6d1: 3wd6 D:9-108 [258582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wd6a2, d3wd6b2, d3wd6c2, d3wd6d2
        automated match to d3qaga1
        complexed with edo, gsh, iod, k, peg
    7. Domains for 4e8e:
      1. 2880301Domain d4e8ea1: 4e8e A:1-89 [220360]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e8ea2, d4e8ea3, d4e8eb2, d4e8eb3, d4e8ec2, d4e8ec3, d4e8ed2, d4e8ed3
        automated match to d1r5aa2
      2. 2880302Domain d4e8eb1: 4e8e B:1-89 [220362]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e8ea2, d4e8ea3, d4e8eb2, d4e8eb3, d4e8ec2, d4e8ec3, d4e8ed2, d4e8ed3
        automated match to d1r5aa2
      3. 2880303Domain d4e8ec1: 4e8e C:1-89 [220364]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e8ea2, d4e8ea3, d4e8eb2, d4e8eb3, d4e8ec2, d4e8ec3, d4e8ed2, d4e8ed3
        automated match to d1r5aa2
      4. 2880304Domain d4e8ed1: 4e8e D:1-89 [220366]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e8ea2, d4e8ea3, d4e8eb2, d4e8eb3, d4e8ec2, d4e8ec3, d4e8ed2, d4e8ed3
        automated match to d1r5aa2
    8. Domains for 4e8h:
      1. 2880295Domain d4e8ha1: 4e8h A:1-89 [220368]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e8ha2, d4e8ha3, d4e8hb2, d4e8hb3, d4e8hc2, d4e8hc3, d4e8hd2, d4e8hd3
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880296Domain d4e8hb1: 4e8h B:1-89 [220370]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e8ha2, d4e8ha3, d4e8hb2, d4e8hb3, d4e8hc2, d4e8hc3, d4e8hd2, d4e8hd3
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2880297Domain d4e8hc1: 4e8h C:1-89 [220372]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e8ha2, d4e8ha3, d4e8hb2, d4e8hb3, d4e8hc2, d4e8hc3, d4e8hd2, d4e8hd3
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2880298Domain d4e8hd1: 4e8h D:1-89 [220374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e8ha2, d4e8ha3, d4e8hb2, d4e8hb3, d4e8hc2, d4e8hc3, d4e8hd2, d4e8hd3
        automated match to d1r5aa2
        complexed with gsh
    9. Domains for 5zfg:
      1. 2880299Domain d5zfga1: 5zfg A:1-86 [357593]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5zfga2, d5zfgb2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with act, edo
      2. 2880300Domain d5zfgb1: 5zfg B:1-86 [357608]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5zfga2, d5zfgb2
        automated match to d3wywa1
        complexed with act, edo
  156. 2880309Sinorhizobium meliloti [TaxId:266834] [256114] (1 PDB entry)
  157. 2880314Soybean (Glycine max) [TaxId:3847] [225579] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2vo4:
      1. 2880319Domain d2vo4a1: 2vo4 A:1-83 [206397]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vo4a2, d2vo4b2
        automated match to d1gwca2
        complexed with 4nm, gol, gtb
      2. 2880320Domain d2vo4b1: 2vo4 B:1-83 [206399]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vo4a2, d2vo4b2
        automated match to d1gwca2
        complexed with 4nm, gol, gtb
    2. Domains for 3fhs:
      1. 2880323Domain d3fhsa3: 3fhs A:4-83 [305378]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fhsa4, d3fhsb4
        automated match to d4chsb1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880324Domain d3fhsb3: 3fhs B:1-83 [305380]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fhsa4, d3fhsb4
        automated match to d4chsb1
        complexed with gsh
    3. Domains for 4chs:
      1. 2880315Domain d4chsa1: 4chs A:2-83 [261752]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4chsa2, d4chsb2
        automated match to d3fhsa1
        complexed with acn, gs8
      2. 2880316Domain d4chsb1: 4chs B:4-83 [261751]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4chsa2, d4chsb2
        automated match to d3fhsa1
        complexed with acn, gs8
    4. Domains for 4top:
      1. 2880321Domain d4topa1: 4top A:2-83 [257698]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4topa2, d4topb2
        automated match to d3fhsa1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880322Domain d4topb1: 4top B:1-83 [258818]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4topa2, d4topb2
        automated match to d3fhsa1
        complexed with gsh
    5. Domains for 5agy:
      1. 2880317Domain d5agya1: 5agy A:3-83 [310158]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5agya2, d5agya3, d5agyb2
        automated match to d4chsb1
        complexed with 4nm, gtb, po4; mutant
      2. 2880318Domain d5agyb1: 5agy B:3-83 [310161]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5agya2, d5agya3, d5agyb2
        automated match to d4chsb1
        complexed with 4nm, gtb, po4; mutant
  158. 2880325Sphingobium chungbukense [TaxId:56193] [383332] (1 PDB entry)
  159. 2880328Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:93061] [189763] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3p7x:
      1. 2880329Domain d3p7xa1: 3p7x A:1-164 [183579]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7xa2
        automated match to d1psqa_
        complexed with dtu, dtv, pg4, so4
      2. 2880330Domain d3p7xb_: 3p7x B: [183580]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7xa2
        automated match to d1psqa_
        complexed with dtu, dtv, pg4, so4
      3. 2880331Domain d3p7xc_: 3p7x C: [183581]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7xa2
        automated match to d1psqa_
        complexed with dtu, dtv, pg4, so4
      4. 2880332Domain d3p7xd_: 3p7x D: [183582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7xa2
        automated match to d1psqa_
        complexed with dtu, dtv, pg4, so4
    2. Domain for 4ruv:
  160. 2880334Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:93062] [255479] (1 PDB entry)
  161. 2880336Streptococcus gordonii [TaxId:467705] [329931] (1 PDB entry)
  162. 2880339Streptococcus mutans [TaxId:210007] [188777] (1 PDB entry)
  163. 2880341Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId:170187] [255707] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2yp6:
      1. 2880345Domain d2yp6a_: 2yp6 A: [244791]
        automated match to d4nmud_
        complexed with c6w, mli
      2. 2880346Domain d2yp6b_: 2yp6 B: [244792]
        automated match to d4nmud_
        complexed with c6w, mli
      3. 2880347Domain d2yp6c_: 2yp6 C: [244793]
        automated match to d4nmud_
        complexed with c6w, mli
      4. 2880348Domain d2yp6d_: 2yp6 D: [244794]
        automated match to d4nmud_
        complexed with c6w, mli
    2. Domain for 4hqs:
    3. Domains for 4hqz:
      1. 2880342Domain d4hqza_: 4hqz A: [252488]
        automated match to d4nmub_
        complexed with hed, peg
      2. 2880343Domain d4hqzb_: 4hqz B: [252489]
        automated match to d4nmub_
        complexed with hed, peg
  164. 2880349Streptomyces avermitilis [TaxId:33903] [188516] (1 PDB entry)
  165. 2880358Streptomyces coelicolor [TaxId:100226] [188020] (1 PDB entry)
  166. 2880360Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:2287] [188853] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3drn:
      1. 2880365Domain d3drna_: 3drn A: [174208]
        automated match to d2a4va1
        complexed with cit, gol
      2. 2880366Domain d3drnb_: 3drn B: [174209]
        automated match to d2a4va1
        complexed with cit, gol
    2. Domain for 3hhv:
    3. Domains for 3hjp:
      1. 2880367Domain d3hjpa1: 3hjp A:1-156 [177615]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hjpa2, d3hjpb2, d3hjpc2, d3hjpd2
        automated match to d2cx3a1
        complexed with cl
      2. 2880368Domain d3hjpb1: 3hjp B:1-156 [177616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hjpa2, d3hjpb2, d3hjpc2, d3hjpd2
        automated match to d2cx3a1
        complexed with cl
      3. 2880369Domain d3hjpc1: 3hjp C:1-156 [177617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hjpa2, d3hjpb2, d3hjpc2, d3hjpd2
        automated match to d2cx3a1
        complexed with cl
      4. 2880370Domain d3hjpd1: 3hjp D:1-156 [177618]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hjpa2, d3hjpb2, d3hjpc2, d3hjpd2
        automated match to d2cx3a1
        complexed with cl
    4. Domains for 3tco:
      1. 2880361Domain d3tcoa_: 3tco A: [185765]
        automated match to d1nw2a_
        complexed with edo
      2. 2880362Domain d3tcob_: 3tco B: [185766]
        automated match to d1nw2a_
        complexed with edo
      3. 2880363Domain d3tcoc_: 3tco C: [185767]
        automated match to d1nw2a_
        complexed with edo
  167. 2880371Sulfolobus tokodaii [TaxId:111955] [188207] (1 PDB entry)
  168. 2880373Sulfolobus tokodaii [TaxId:273063] [193434] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2ywn:
    2. Domain for 4g2e:
  169. 2880376Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 [TaxId:1148] [189864] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3qmx:
    2. Domain for 4mja:
    3. Domain for 4mjb:
    4. Domain for 4mjc:
    5. Domain for 4mje:
  170. 2880382Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId:3702] [196344] (34 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3ipz:
    2. Domain for 3rhb:
    3. Domains for 3rhc:
      1. 2880455Domain d3rhca_: 3rhc A: [200477]
        automated match to d3rhcb_
        complexed with fes, gsh
      2. 2880456Domain d3rhcb_: 3rhc B: [196345]
        automated match to d3fz9a_
        complexed with fes, gsh
    4. Domains for 5ech:
      1. 2880457Domain d5echb1: 5ech B:4-83 [324825]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5echb2, d5echc2, d5eche2, d5echf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa
      2. 2880458Domain d5echc1: 5ech C:4-83 [324624]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5echb2, d5echc2, d5eche2, d5echf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa
      3. 2880459Domain d5eche1: 5ech E:4-83 [324708]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5echb2, d5echc2, d5eche2, d5echf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa
      4. 2880460Domain d5echf1: 5ech F:4-83 [324744]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5echb2, d5echc2, d5eche2, d5echf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa
    5. Domains for 5eci:
      1. 2880395Domain d5ecib1: 5eci B:4-83 [324842]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecib2, d5ecic2, d5ecie2, d5ecif2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, mg
      2. 2880396Domain d5ecic1: 5eci C:4-83 [324614]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecib2, d5ecic2, d5ecie2, d5ecif2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, mg
      3. 2880397Domain d5ecie1: 5eci E:4-83 [324618]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecib2, d5ecic2, d5ecie2, d5ecif2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, mg
      4. 2880398Domain d5ecif1: 5eci F:4-83 [324803]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecib2, d5ecic2, d5ecie2, d5ecif2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, mg
    6. Domains for 5eck:
      1. 2880389Domain d5eckb1: 5eck B:4-83 [324620]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eckb2, d5eckc2, d5ecke2, d5eckf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, ile, jaa
      2. 2880390Domain d5eckc1: 5eck C:4-83 [324840]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eckb2, d5eckc2, d5ecke2, d5eckf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, ile, jaa
      3. 2880391Domain d5ecke1: 5eck E:4-83 [324786]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eckb2, d5eckc2, d5ecke2, d5eckf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, ile, jaa
      4. 2880392Domain d5eckf1: 5eck F:4-83 [324805]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eckb2, d5eckc2, d5ecke2, d5eckf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, ile, jaa
    7. Domains for 5ecl:
      1. 2880433Domain d5eclb1: 5ecl B:4-83 [324817]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eclb2, d5eclc2, d5ecle2, d5eclf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, ile, jaa, mg
      2. 2880434Domain d5eclc1: 5ecl C:4-83 [324778]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eclb2, d5eclc2, d5ecle2, d5eclf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, ile, jaa, mg
      3. 2880435Domain d5ecle1: 5ecl E:4-83 [324689]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eclb2, d5eclc2, d5ecle2, d5eclf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, ile, jaa, mg
      4. 2880436Domain d5eclf1: 5ecl F:4-83 [324611]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eclb2, d5eclc2, d5ecle2, d5eclf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, ile, jaa, mg
    8. Domains for 5ecm:
      1. 2880399Domain d5ecmb1: 5ecm B:4-83 [324781]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecmb2, d5ecmc2, d5ecme2, d5ecmf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, leu
      2. 2880400Domain d5ecmc1: 5ecm C:4-83 [330647]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecmb2, d5ecmc2, d5ecme2, d5ecmf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, leu
      3. 2880401Domain d5ecme1: 5ecm E:4-83 [324794]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecmb2, d5ecmc2, d5ecme2, d5ecmf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, leu
      4. 2880402Domain d5ecmf1: 5ecm F:4-83 [330657]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecmb2, d5ecmc2, d5ecme2, d5ecmf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, leu
    9. Domains for 5ecn:
      1. 2880412Domain d5ecnb1: 5ecn B:4-83 [324622]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecnb2, d5ecnc2, d5ecne2, d5ecnf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, leu
      2. 2880413Domain d5ecnc1: 5ecn C:4-83 [324833]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecnb2, d5ecnc2, d5ecne2, d5ecnf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, leu
      3. 2880414Domain d5ecne1: 5ecn E:4-83 [324691]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecnb2, d5ecnc2, d5ecne2, d5ecnf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, leu
      4. 2880415Domain d5ecnf1: 5ecn F:4-83 [324812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecnb2, d5ecnc2, d5ecne2, d5ecnf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, leu
    10. Domains for 5eco:
      1. 2880423Domain d5ecob1: 5eco B:4-83 [324829]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecob2, d5ecoc2, d5ecoe2, d5ecof2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, leu, mg
      2. 2880424Domain d5ecoc1: 5eco C:4-83 [324730]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecob2, d5ecoc2, d5ecoe2, d5ecof2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, leu, mg
      3. 2880425Domain d5ecoe1: 5eco E:4-83 [324831]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecob2, d5ecoc2, d5ecoe2, d5ecof2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, leu, mg
      4. 2880426Domain d5ecof1: 5eco F:4-83 [324693]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecob2, d5ecoc2, d5ecoe2, d5ecof2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, leu, mg
    11. Domains for 5ecp:
      1. 2880466Domain d5ecpb1: 5ecp B:4-83 [324696]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecpb2, d5ecpc2, d5ecpe2, d5ecpf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, met
      2. 2880467Domain d5ecpc1: 5ecp C:4-83 [324698]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecpb2, d5ecpc2, d5ecpe2, d5ecpf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, met
      3. 2880468Domain d5ecpe1: 5ecp E:4-83 [324798]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecpb2, d5ecpc2, d5ecpe2, d5ecpf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, met
      4. 2880469Domain d5ecpf1: 5ecp F:4-83 [324616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecpb2, d5ecpc2, d5ecpe2, d5ecpf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, met
    12. Domains for 5ecq:
      1. 2880407Domain d5ecqb1: 5ecq B:4-83 [324815]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecqb2, d5ecqc2, d5ecqe2, d5ecqf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, val
      2. 2880408Domain d5ecqc1: 5ecq C:4-83 [324823]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecqb2, d5ecqc2, d5ecqe2, d5ecqf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, val
      3. 2880409Domain d5ecqe1: 5ecq E:4-83 [324687]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecqb2, d5ecqc2, d5ecqe2, d5ecqf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, val
      4. 2880410Domain d5ecqf1: 5ecq F:4-83 [324827]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecqb2, d5ecqc2, d5ecqe2, d5ecqf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with atp, gsh, jaa, val
    13. Domains for 5ecr:
      1. 2880417Domain d5ecrb1: 5ecr B:4-83 [324725]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecrb2, d5ecrc2, d5ecre2, d5ecrf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, mg, val
      2. 2880418Domain d5ecrc1: 5ecr C:4-83 [324770]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecrb2, d5ecrc2, d5ecre2, d5ecrf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, mg, val
      3. 2880419Domain d5ecre1: 5ecr E:4-83 [324810]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecrb2, d5ecrc2, d5ecre2, d5ecrf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, mg, val
      4. 2880420Domain d5ecrf1: 5ecr F:4-83 [324789]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecrb2, d5ecrc2, d5ecre2, d5ecrf2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh, jaa, mg, val
    14. Domains for 5ecs:
      1. 2880393Domain d5ecsa1: 5ecs A:4-83 [324835]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecsa2, d5ecsb2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880394Domain d5ecsb1: 5ecs B:4-83 [324750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ecsa2, d5ecsb2
        automated match to d3fhsa3
        complexed with gsh
    15. Domain for 5el8:
    16. Domain for 5ela:
    17. Domain for 5elg:
    18. Domains for 5g5a:
      1. 2880429Domain d5g5aa1: 5g5a A:2-83 [335078]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g5aa2, d5g5ab2, d5g5ac2, d5g5ad2
        automated match to d5agya1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880430Domain d5g5ab1: 5g5a B:2-83 [335081]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g5aa2, d5g5ab2, d5g5ac2, d5g5ad2
        automated match to d5agya1
        complexed with gsh
      3. 2880431Domain d5g5ac1: 5g5a C:2-83 [335073]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g5aa2, d5g5ab2, d5g5ac2, d5g5ad2
        automated match to d5agya1
        complexed with gsh
      4. 2880432Domain d5g5ad1: 5g5a D:3-83 [335102]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g5aa2, d5g5ab2, d5g5ac2, d5g5ad2
        automated match to d5agya1
        complexed with gsh
    19. Domain for 5lol:
    20. Domain for 5o84:
    21. Domains for 5zte:
      1. 2880472Domain d5ztea1: 5zte A:73-266 [358750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
      2. 2880473Domain d5ztec_: 5zte C: [358795]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
      3. 2880474Domain d5zted1: 5zte D:73-266 [358741]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
      4. 2880475Domain d5ztee_: 5zte E: [358763]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
      5. 2880476Domain d5ztef1: 5zte F:73-266 [358722]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
      6. 2880477Domain d5zteg_: 5zte G: [358761]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
      7. 2880478Domain d5zteh_: 5zte H: [358738]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
      8. 2880479Domain d5ztei_: 5zte I: [358752]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
      9. 2880480Domain d5ztej_: 5zte J: [358771]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ztea2, d5zteb1, d5zteb2, d5zted2, d5ztef2
        automated match to d3qpmd_
    22. Domains for 6ep6:
      1. 2880387Domain d6ep6a1: 6ep6 A:4-83 [351093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ep6a2, d6ep6b2
        automated match to d5g5aa1
        complexed with gol, mg
      2. 2880388Domain d6ep6b1: 6ep6 B:4-83 [350853]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ep6a2, d6ep6b2
        automated match to d5g5aa1
        complexed with gol, mg
    23. Domains for 6ep7:
      1. 2880427Domain d6ep7a1: 6ep7 A:4-83 [350847]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ep7a2, d6ep7b2
        automated match to d5g5aa1
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg
      2. 2880428Domain d6ep7b1: 6ep7 B:4-83 [350907]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ep7a2, d6ep7b2
        automated match to d5g5aa1
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg
    24. Domains for 6ezy:
      1. 2880463Domain d6ezya1: 6ezy A:2-80 [356172]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ezya2, d6ezyb2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with br, gol, gs8, gsh
      2. 2880464Domain d6ezyb1: 6ezy B:2-80 [356091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ezya2, d6ezyb2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with br, gol, gs8, gsh
    25. Domains for 6f01:
      1. 2880470Domain d6f01a1: 6f01 A:2-80 [356019]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f01a2, d6f01b2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with br, gol, gs8, gts
      2. 2880471Domain d6f01b1: 6f01 B:2-80 [356049]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f01a2, d6f01b2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with br, gol, gs8, gts
    26. Domains for 6f05:
      1. 2880445Domain d6f05a1: 6f05 A:2-80 [356093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      2. 2880446Domain d6f05b1: 6f05 B:2-80 [356097]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      3. 2880447Domain d6f05c1: 6f05 C:2-80 [356113]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      4. 2880448Domain d6f05d1: 6f05 D:2-80 [356131]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      5. 2880449Domain d6f05e1: 6f05 E:2-80 [356124]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      6. 2880450Domain d6f05f1: 6f05 F:2-80 [356103]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      7. 2880451Domain d6f05g1: 6f05 G:3-80 [356107]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      8. 2880452Domain d6f05h1: 6f05 H:2-80 [356066]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      9. 2880453Domain d6f05i1: 6f05 I:2-80 [356051]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
      10. 2880454Domain d6f05j1: 6f05 J:2-80 [356145]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6f05a2, d6f05b2, d6f05c2, d6f05d2, d6f05e2, d6f05f2, d6f05g2, d6f05h2, d6f05i2, d6f05j2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with cl, gol, gts
    27. Domain for 6g61:
    28. Domain for 6g62:
    29. Domains for 6lyw:
      1. 2880403Domain d6lywa_: 6lyw A: [385428]
        automated match to d2l4qa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2880404Domain d6lywb_: 6lyw B: [385422]
        automated match to d2l4qa_
        complexed with gol, so4
    30. Domains for 6lyx:
      1. 2880405Domain d6lyxa_: 6lyx A: [385420]
        automated match to d2l4qa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2880406Domain d6lyxb_: 6lyx B: [385414]
        automated match to d2l4qa_
        complexed with gol, so4
    31. Domains for 6n5u:
      1. 2880481Domain d6n5ua_: 6n5u A: [371915]
        automated match to d2b7ka_
        complexed with cu1
      2. 2880482Domain d6n5ub_: 6n5u B: [371917]
        automated match to d2b7ka_
        complexed with cu1
      3. 2880483Domain d6n5uc_: 6n5u C: [371930]
        automated match to d2b7ka_
        complexed with cu1
    32. Domain for 7bzk:
    33. Domains for 7c3f:
      1. 2880437Domain d7c3fc_: 7c3f C: [389808]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c3fa_, d7c3fd_, d7c3fg_, d7c3fj_, d7c3fm_, d7c3fp_, d7c3fs_
        automated match to d3kd0a_
        complexed with na, sf4
      2. 2880438Domain d7c3ff_: 7c3f F: [389832]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c3fa_, d7c3fd_, d7c3fg_, d7c3fj_, d7c3fm_, d7c3fp_, d7c3fs_
        automated match to d3kd0a_
        complexed with na, sf4
      3. 2880439Domain d7c3fi_: 7c3f I: [389804]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c3fa_, d7c3fd_, d7c3fg_, d7c3fj_, d7c3fm_, d7c3fp_, d7c3fs_
        automated match to d3kd0a_
        complexed with na, sf4
      4. 2880440Domain d7c3fl_: 7c3f L: [389825]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c3fa_, d7c3fd_, d7c3fg_, d7c3fj_, d7c3fm_, d7c3fp_, d7c3fs_
        automated match to d3kd0a_
        complexed with na, sf4
      5. 2880441Domain d7c3fo_: 7c3f O: [389822]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c3fa_, d7c3fd_, d7c3fg_, d7c3fj_, d7c3fm_, d7c3fp_, d7c3fs_
        automated match to d3kd0a_
        complexed with na, sf4
      6. 2880442Domain d7c3fr_: 7c3f R: [389824]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c3fa_, d7c3fd_, d7c3fg_, d7c3fj_, d7c3fm_, d7c3fp_, d7c3fs_
        automated match to d3kd0a_
        complexed with na, sf4
      7. 2880443Domain d7c3fu_: 7c3f U: [389814]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c3fa_, d7c3fd_, d7c3fg_, d7c3fj_, d7c3fm_, d7c3fp_, d7c3fs_
        automated match to d3kd0a_
        complexed with na, sf4
      8. 2880444Domain d7c3fw_: 7c3f W: [389818]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c3fa_, d7c3fd_, d7c3fg_, d7c3fj_, d7c3fm_, d7c3fp_, d7c3fs_
        automated match to d3kd0a_
        complexed with na, sf4
    34. Domain for 7c65:
  171. 2880484Thermus thermophilus HB8 [TaxId:300852] [188264] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1v98:
      1. 2880485Domain d1v98a_: 1v98 A: [230342]
        automated match to d1oaza_
        complexed with mg, so4
      2. 2880486Domain d1v98b_: 1v98 B: [230341]
        automated match to d1oaza_
        complexed with mg, so4
    2. Domain for 2yzu:
  172. 2880488Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:262724] [261603] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2lst:
    2. Domain for 4tn8:
  173. 2880491Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] [187570] (1 PDB entry)
  174. 2880493Trypanosoma cruzi [TaxId:5693] [188882] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3e0u:
    2. Domain for 3h79:
  175. 2880496Trypanosome (Trypanosoma brucei) [TaxId:5691] [225474] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2ltk:
    2. Domain for 2myg:
    3. Domain for 2rm5:
    4. Domain for 2rm6:
    5. Domain for 2vup:
    6. Domains for 3dwv:
      1. 2880497Domain d3dwva_: 3dwv A: [209327]
        automated match to d3e0ua_
      2. 2880498Domain d3dwvb_: 3dwv B: [209328]
        automated match to d3e0ua_
  176. 2880504Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:666] [225554] (1 PDB entry)
  177. 2880507Vibrio fischeri [TaxId:312309] [188754] (1 PDB entry)
  178. 2880509Vibrio vulnificus [TaxId:914127] [334439] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5k1g:
    2. Domains for 5k2i:
      1. 2880510Domain d5k2ia1: 5k2i A:1-153 [334493]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ia2, d5k2ib2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
      2. 2880511Domain d5k2ib1: 5k2i B:1-153 [334515]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ia2, d5k2ib2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
    3. Domains for 5k2j:
      1. 2880513Domain d5k2ja1: 5k2j A:1-153 [334442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      2. 2880514Domain d5k2jb1: 5k2j B:1-153 [334583]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      3. 2880515Domain d5k2jc1: 5k2j C:1-153 [334467]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      4. 2880516Domain d5k2jd1: 5k2j D:1-153 [334525]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      5. 2880517Domain d5k2je1: 5k2j E:1-153 [334440]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      6. 2880518Domain d5k2jf1: 5k2j F:1-153 [334484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      7. 2880519Domain d5k2jg1: 5k2j G:1-153 [334531]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      8. 2880520Domain d5k2jh1: 5k2j H:1-153 [334500]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      9. 2880521Domain d5k2ji1: 5k2j I:1-153 [334461]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      10. 2880522Domain d5k2jj1: 5k2j J:1-153 [334564]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      11. 2880523Domain d5k2jk1: 5k2j K:1-153 [334465]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
      12. 2880524Domain d5k2jl1: 5k2j L:1-153 [334455]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k2ja2, d5k2jb2, d5k2jc2, d5k2jd2, d5k2je2, d5k2jf2, d5k2jg2, d5k2jh2, d5k2ji2, d5k2jj2, d5k2jk2, d5k2jl2
        automated match to d1tp9a1
        complexed with peo
  179. 2880525Western balsam poplar (Populus trichocarpa) [TaxId:3694] [186776] (13 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1tp9:
      1. 2880527Domain d1tp9b_: 1tp9 B: [119307]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tp9a1
        automated match to d1h4oa_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2880528Domain d1tp9c_: 1tp9 C: [119308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tp9a1
        automated match to d1h4oa_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2880529Domain d1tp9d_: 1tp9 D: [119309]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tp9a1
        automated match to d1h4oa_
        complexed with so4
    2. Domain for 2lku:
    3. Domain for 2n5f:
    4. Domains for 5ey6:
      1. 2880537Domain d5ey6a1: 5ey6 A:4-83 [326901]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ey6a2, d5ey6b2
        automated match to d4ri7a1
      2. 2880538Domain d5ey6b1: 5ey6 B:2-83 [326911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ey6a2, d5ey6b2
        automated match to d4ri7a1
    5. Domains for 5f05:
      1. 2880531Domain d5f05a1: 5f05 A:3-82 [326950]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f05a2, d5f05b2, d5f05c2, d5f05d2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with 12p, gol, gsh, mg, pg4, pge
      2. 2880532Domain d5f05b1: 5f05 B:3-82 [326895]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f05a2, d5f05b2, d5f05c2, d5f05d2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with 12p, gol, gsh, mg, pg4, pge
      3. 2880533Domain d5f05c1: 5f05 C:3-82 [326954]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f05a2, d5f05b2, d5f05c2, d5f05d2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with 12p, gol, gsh, mg, pg4, pge
      4. 2880534Domain d5f05d1: 5f05 D:3-82 [327058]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f05a2, d5f05b2, d5f05c2, d5f05d2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with 12p, gol, gsh, mg, pg4, pge
    6. Domains for 5f06:
      1. 2880535Domain d5f06a1: 5f06 A:2-81 [326860]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f06a2, d5f06b2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with gsh, so4
      2. 2880536Domain d5f06b1: 5f06 B:2-81 [327085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f06a2, d5f06b2
        automated match to d1aw9a2
        complexed with gsh, so4
    7. Domain for 5f07:
    8. Domain for 5j4u:
    9. Domains for 5j5n:
      1. 2880539Domain d5j5na1: 5j5n A:3-84 [333107]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5j5na2, d5j5nb2
        automated match to d5agya1
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      2. 2880540Domain d5j5nb1: 5j5n B:3-84 [332896]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5j5na2, d5j5nb2
        automated match to d5agya1
        complexed with gsh; mutant
    10. Domain for 5mye:
    11. Domain for 5n9u:
    12. Domain for 7zs3:
    13. Domain for 7zzn:
  180. 2880545Wheat (Triticum aestivum) [TaxId:4565] [366312] (1 PDB entry)
  181. 2880551Winged tobacco (Nicotiana alata) [TaxId:4087] [393155] (1 PDB entry)
  182. 2880554Wuchereria bancrofti [TaxId:6293] [226429] (1 PDB entry)
  183. 2880557Xanthobacter autotrophicus [TaxId:78245] [267947] (1 PDB entry)
  184. 2880560Xenorhabdus nematophila [TaxId:406817] [226705] (1 PDB entry)
  185. 2880562Xylella fastidiosa [TaxId:160492] [231546] (1 PDB entry)
  186. 2880569Xylella fastidiosa [TaxId:2371] [196083] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2rem:
      1. 2880571Domain d2rema_: 2rem A: [198337]
        automated match to d2remc_
      2. 2880572Domain d2remb_: 2rem B: [198338]
        automated match to d2remc_
      3. 2880573Domain d2remc_: 2rem C: [196084]
        automated match to d3h93a_
    2. Domain for 3ixr:
  187. 2880574Yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti) [TaxId:7159] [329969] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5ft3:
      1. 2880575Domain d5ft3a1: 5ft3 A:3-86 [329993]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ft3a2, d5ft3b2
        automated match to d3zmkb1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2880576Domain d5ft3b1: 5ft3 B:1-86 [329972]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ft3a2, d5ft3b2
        automated match to d3zmkb1
        complexed with gsh
    2. Domains for 7ebt:
      1. 3085992Domain d7ebtc1: 7ebt C:1-89 [422309]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ebta2, d7ebtb2, d7ebtb3, d7ebtc2, d7ebtc3, d7ebtd2, d7ebtd3
        automated match to d4yh2a1
        complexed with ca, gsh
      2. 3086005Domain d7ebtd1: 7ebt D:1-89 [422322]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ebta2, d7ebtb2, d7ebtb3, d7ebtc2, d7ebtc3, d7ebtd2, d7ebtd3
        automated match to d4yh2a1
        complexed with ca, gsh
      3. 3086017Domain d7ebtb1: 7ebt B:1-89 [422334]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ebta2, d7ebtb2, d7ebtb3, d7ebtc2, d7ebtc3, d7ebtd2, d7ebtd3
        automated match to d4yh2a1
        complexed with ca, gsh
      4. 3086060Domain d7ebta1: 7ebt A:1-89 [422377]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ebta2, d7ebtb2, d7ebtb3, d7ebtc2, d7ebtc3, d7ebtd2, d7ebtd3
        automated match to d4yh2a1
        complexed with ca, gsh
  188. 2880577Yersinia pestis [TaxId:214092] [226115] (1 PDB entry)
  189. 2880580Yersinia pestis [TaxId:632] [226438] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1yy7:
      1. 2880583Domain d1yy7a1: 1yy7 A:4-87 [241082]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yy7a2, d1yy7b2
        automated match to d4hoja1
        complexed with cit
      2. 2880584Domain d1yy7b1: 1yy7 B:10-87 [241084]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yy7a2, d1yy7b2
        automated match to d4hoja1
        complexed with cit
    2. Domains for 4g9h:
      1. 2880585Domain d4g9ha1: 4g9h A:1-81 [221812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4g9ha2, d4g9ha3, d4g9hb2, d4g9hb3
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gol, gsh
      2. 2880586Domain d4g9hb1: 4g9h B:1-81 [221814]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4g9ha2, d4g9ha3, d4g9hb2, d4g9hb3
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with gol, gsh
    3. Domains for 4gci:
      1. 2880581Domain d4gcia1: 4gci A:1-81 [221836]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gcia2, d4gcia3, d4gcib2, d4gcib3
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with cl, gsh
      2. 2880582Domain d4gcib1: 4gci B:1-81 [221838]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gcia2, d4gcia3, d4gcib2, d4gcib3
        automated match to d1n2aa2
        complexed with cl, gsh
  190. 2880587Yersinia pseudotuberculosis [TaxId:502800] [255688] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2xpd:
      1. 2880590Domain d2xpda_: 2xpd A: [244568]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xpdc2
        automated match to d3p7xa_
        complexed with dtu
      2. 2880591Domain d2xpdb_: 2xpd B: [244569]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xpdc2
        automated match to d3p7xa_
        complexed with dtu
      3. 2880592Domain d2xpdc1: 2xpd C:1-167 [244570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xpdc2
        automated match to d3p7xa_
        complexed with dtu
      4. 2880593Domain d2xpdd_: 2xpd D: [244571]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xpdc2
        automated match to d3p7xa_
        complexed with dtu
      5. 2880594Domain d2xpde_: 2xpd E: [244572]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xpdc2
        automated match to d3p7xa_
        complexed with dtu
      6. 2880595Domain d2xpdf_: 2xpd F: [244573]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xpdc2
        automated match to d3p7xa_
        complexed with dtu
    2. Domains for 2xpe:
      1. 2880597Domain d2xpea_: 2xpe A: [244574]
        automated match to d3p7xa_
      2. 2880598Domain d2xpeb_: 2xpe B: [244575]
        automated match to d3p7xa_
    3. Domains for 3zrd:
      1. 2880588Domain d3zrda1: 3zrd A:1-167 [250819]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zrda2
        automated match to d3p7xa_
      2. 2880589Domain d3zrdb_: 3zrd B: [250820]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zrda2
        automated match to d3p7xa_
    4. Domain for 3zre:
  191. 2880599Yersinia pseudotuberculosis [TaxId:633] [255701] (1 PDB entry)
  192. 2880601Zebrafish (Danio rerio) [TaxId:7955] [256119] (1 PDB entry)
  193. 3084832Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId:5833] [421149] (1 PDB entry)
  194. 3085810Campylobacter jejuni [TaxId:197] [422127] (1 PDB entry)
  195. 3086030Camelus dromedarius [TaxId:9838] [422347] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from c.47.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.47.1.0: automated matches: