Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2739517Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 2765063Superfamily b.1.18: E set domains [81296] (27 families) (S)
    "Early" Ig-like fold families possibly related to the immunoglobulin and/or fibronectin type III superfamilies
  5. 2766140Family b.1.18.0: automated matches [191341] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2766141Protein automated matches [190226] (81 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2766142Ambystoma tigrinum [TaxId:8305] [225004] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2766145Bacillus amyloliquefaciens [TaxId:1390] [197052] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2yow:
      1. 2766148Domain d2yowa_: 2yow A: [197055]
        automated match to d2bena_
      2. 2766149Domain d2yowb_: 2yow B: [198768]
        automated match to d2yowa_
    2. Domains for 2yox:
      1. 2766150Domain d2yoxa_: 2yox A: [207697]
        automated match to d2yoya_
        complexed with cu1
      2. 2766151Domain d2yoxb_: 2yox B: [207698]
        automated match to d2yoya_
        complexed with cu1
    3. Domains for 2yoy:
      1. 2766146Domain d2yoya_: 2yoy A: [197053]
        automated match to d2bena_
        complexed with cu1, edo
      2. 2766147Domain d2yoyb_: 2yoy B: [198769]
        automated match to d2yoya_
        complexed with cu1, edo
    4. Domains for 5iju:
      1. 2766152Domain d5ijua_: 5iju A: [323117]
        automated match to d2bena_
        complexed with ca, cu, edo
      2. 2766153Domain d5ijub_: 5iju B: [322987]
        automated match to d2bena_
        complexed with ca, cu, edo
  3. 2766154Bacillus clarkii [TaxId:79879] [256323] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 2766156Bacillus licheniformis [TaxId:1402] [340462] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2766158Bacillus licheniformis [TaxId:279010] [392239] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2766160Bacillus thuringiensis [TaxId:29339] [330245] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2766165Burkholderia pseudomallei [TaxId:320372] [256117] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 2766172Camponotus japonicus [TaxId:84547] [236657] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3wea:
      1. 2766174Domain d3weaa_: 3wea A: [239915]
        automated match to d3weab_
      2. 2766175Domain d3weab_: 3wea B: [236658]
        automated match to d1nepa_
    2. Domain for 3web:
  9. 2766176Cellulomonas fimi [TaxId:1708] [231539] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 2766179Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] [225870] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3hbg:
    2. Domain for 3hbp:
    3. Domain for 3hbq:
    4. Domain for 3hc2:
    5. Domain for 3r18:
    6. Domain for 3r19:
  11. 2766186Chikungunya virus [TaxId:37124] [226027] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3n40:
    2. Domain for 3n41:
    3. Domain for 3n42:
    4. Domain for 3n43:
    5. Domain for 3n44:
  12. 2766192Colletotrichum graminicola [TaxId:645133] [274719] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5c86:
    2. Domain for 5c92:
  13. 2766195Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [231496] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2wtr:
    2. Domains for 3p2d:
      1. 2766197Domain d3p2da1: 3p2d A:6-176 [248404]
        automated match to d2wtrb1
      2. 2766198Domain d3p2da2: 3p2d A:177-393 [248405]
        automated match to d2wtrb2
      3. 2766199Domain d3p2db1: 3p2d B:6-176 [248406]
        automated match to d2wtrb1
      4. 2766200Domain d3p2db2: 3p2d B:177-393 [248407]
        automated match to d2wtrb2
    3. Domain for 5tv1:
  14. 2766202Dengue virus 1 [TaxId:11053] [311284] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3egp:
    2. Domain for 6dfj:
  15. 2766205Dengue virus 1 [TaxId:11059] [226544] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4gsx:
      1. 2766206Domain d4gsxa2: 4gsx A:298-403 [222124]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gsxa1, d4gsxb1
        automated match to d1urza1
        complexed with cd, cl, nag
      2. 2766207Domain d4gsxb2: 4gsx B:298-404 [222126]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gsxa1, d4gsxb1
        automated match to d1urza1
        complexed with cd, cl, nag
    2. Domains for 4gt0:
      1. 2766208Domain d4gt0a2: 4gt0 A:298-403 [222132]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gt0a1, d4gt0b1
        automated match to d1urza1
        complexed with cd, cl, nag
      2. 2766209Domain d4gt0b2: 4gt0 B:298-404 [222134]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gt0a1, d4gt0b1
        automated match to d1urza1
        complexed with cd, cl, nag
  16. 2766210Dengue virus 2 thailand/16681/84 [TaxId:31634] [231877] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3c5x:
    2. Domain for 3c6e:
  17. 2766213Dengue virus 2 [TaxId:11060] [268950] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4uta:
      1. 2766215Domain d4utaa2: 4uta A:298-391 [268957]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4utaa1, d4utaa3, d4utab1, d4utab3, d4utal1, d4utal2, d4utam1, d4utam2
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      2. 2766216Domain d4utab2: 4uta B:298-391 [268959]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4utaa1, d4utaa3, d4utab1, d4utab3, d4utal1, d4utal2, d4utam1, d4utam2
        automated match to d4gsxa2
    2. Domains for 4utc:
      1. 2766217Domain d4utca2: 4utc A:298-391 [268953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4utca1, d4utca3, d4utcb1, d4utcb3
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      2. 2766218Domain d4utcb2: 4utc B:298-391 [268951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4utca1, d4utca3, d4utcb1, d4utcb3
        automated match to d4gsxa2
    3. Domain for 6fla:
    4. Domain for 6flb:
  18. 2766220Dengue virus 4 dominica/814669/1981 [TaxId:408871] [312577] (1 PDB entry)
  19. 2766224Dengue virus 4 [TaxId:11070] [195988] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2h0p:
    2. Domain for 3uyp:
    3. Domain for 4bz1:
    4. Domain for 4bz2:
    5. Domains for 7a3q:
      1. 3084503Domain d7a3qa2: 7a3q A:298-394 [420820]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a3qa1, d7a3qb1
        automated match to d1tg8a1
        complexed with 3cx, nag
      2. 3084606Domain d7a3qb2: 7a3q B:298-395 [420923]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a3qa1, d7a3qb1
        automated match to d1tg8a1
        complexed with 3cx, nag
  20. 2766229Dengue virus type 1 (strain nauru/west pac/1974) [TaxId:11059] [334000] (1 PDB entry)
  21. 2766231Dengue virus type 3 [TaxId:408870] [193303] (1 PDB entry)
  22. 2766234Dengue virus type 4 [TaxId:408871] [236276] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3we1:
      1. 2766235Domain d3we1a_: 3we1 A: [236277]
        automated match to d1s6na_
      2. 2766236Domain d3we1b_: 3we1 B: [236278]
        automated match to d1s6na_
    2. Domains for 4x42:
      1. 2766237Domain d4x42a_: 4x42 A: [276778]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x42b2, d4x42d2, d4x42f2
        automated match to d2h0pa_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2766238Domain d4x42b1: 4x42 B:575-673 [276774]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x42b2, d4x42d2, d4x42f2
        automated match to d2h0pa_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      3. 2766239Domain d4x42c_: 4x42 C: [276776]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x42b2, d4x42d2, d4x42f2
        automated match to d2h0pa_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      4. 2766240Domain d4x42d1: 4x42 D:575-675 [276777]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x42b2, d4x42d2, d4x42f2
        automated match to d2h0pa_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      5. 2766241Domain d4x42e_: 4x42 E: [276775]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x42b2, d4x42d2, d4x42f2
        automated match to d2h0pa_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      6. 2766242Domain d4x42f1: 4x42 F:575-673 [276773]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x42b2, d4x42d2, d4x42f2
        automated match to d2h0pa_
        complexed with so4; mutant
  23. 2766243Dengue virus [TaxId:11060] [255294] (1 PDB entry)
  24. 2766245Dengue virus [TaxId:11070] [256185] (1 PDB entry)
  25. 2766250Enterococcus faecalis [TaxId:1351] [189861] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4a02:
    2. Domain for 4alc:
    3. Domain for 4ale:
    4. Domain for 4alq:
    5. Domain for 4alr:
    6. Domain for 4als:
    7. Domain for 4alt:
  26. 2766258Escherichia coli [TaxId:331111] [311495] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5e6y:
      1. 2766267Domain d5e6ya1: 5e6y A:117-226 [310445]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6ya2, d5e6ya3, d5e6yb2, d5e6yb3, d5e6yc2, d5e6yc3, d5e6yd2, d5e6yd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2766268Domain d5e6yb1: 5e6y B:117-226 [310448]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6ya2, d5e6ya3, d5e6yb2, d5e6yb3, d5e6yc2, d5e6yc3, d5e6yd2, d5e6yd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      3. 2766269Domain d5e6yc1: 5e6y C:117-226 [310451]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6ya2, d5e6ya3, d5e6yb2, d5e6yb3, d5e6yc2, d5e6yc3, d5e6yd2, d5e6yd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      4. 2766270Domain d5e6yd1: 5e6y D:117-226 [310454]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6ya2, d5e6ya3, d5e6yb2, d5e6yb3, d5e6yc2, d5e6yc3, d5e6yd2, d5e6yd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
    2. Domains for 5e6z:
      1. 2766259Domain d5e6za1: 5e6z A:117-226 [310457]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6za2, d5e6za3, d5e6zb2, d5e6zb3, d5e6zc2, d5e6zc3, d5e6zd2, d5e6zd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2766260Domain d5e6zb1: 5e6z B:117-226 [310460]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6za2, d5e6za3, d5e6zb2, d5e6zb3, d5e6zc2, d5e6zc3, d5e6zd2, d5e6zd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      3. 2766261Domain d5e6zc1: 5e6z C:118-226 [310463]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6za2, d5e6za3, d5e6zb2, d5e6zb3, d5e6zc2, d5e6zc3, d5e6zd2, d5e6zd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      4. 2766262Domain d5e6zd1: 5e6z D:117-226 [310466]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6za2, d5e6za3, d5e6zb2, d5e6zb3, d5e6zc2, d5e6zc3, d5e6zd2, d5e6zd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
    3. Domains for 5e70:
      1. 2766263Domain d5e70a1: 5e70 A:117-226 [310469]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e70a2, d5e70a3, d5e70b2, d5e70b3, d5e70c2, d5e70c3, d5e70d2, d5e70d3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2766264Domain d5e70b1: 5e70 B:117-226 [310472]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e70a2, d5e70a3, d5e70b2, d5e70b3, d5e70c2, d5e70c3, d5e70d2, d5e70d3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      3. 2766265Domain d5e70c1: 5e70 C:118-226 [310475]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e70a2, d5e70a3, d5e70b2, d5e70b3, d5e70c2, d5e70c3, d5e70d2, d5e70d3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      4. 2766266Domain d5e70d1: 5e70 D:117-226 [310478]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e70a2, d5e70a3, d5e70b2, d5e70b3, d5e70c2, d5e70c3, d5e70d2, d5e70d3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
  27. 2766271Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [270946] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3o7y:
      1. 2766272Domain d3o7ya1: 3o7y A:117-226 [306076]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7ya2, d3o7ya3, d3o7yb2, d3o7yb3, d3o7yc2, d3o7yc3, d3o7yd2, d3o7yd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2766273Domain d3o7yb1: 3o7y B:117-226 [306079]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7ya2, d3o7ya3, d3o7yb2, d3o7yb3, d3o7yc2, d3o7yc3, d3o7yd2, d3o7yd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      3. 2766274Domain d3o7yc1: 3o7y C:118-226 [306082]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7ya2, d3o7ya3, d3o7yb2, d3o7yb3, d3o7yc2, d3o7yc3, d3o7yd2, d3o7yd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
      4. 2766275Domain d3o7yd1: 3o7y D:117-226 [306085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7ya2, d3o7ya3, d3o7yb2, d3o7yb3, d3o7yc2, d3o7yc3, d3o7yd2, d3o7yd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with gol
    2. Domains for 3o7z:
      1. 2766276Domain d3o7za1: 3o7z A:117-226 [306088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7za2, d3o7za3, d3o7zb2, d3o7zb3, d3o7zc2, d3o7zc3, d3o7zd2, d3o7zd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with glc, gol
      2. 2766277Domain d3o7zb1: 3o7z B:117-226 [306091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7za2, d3o7za3, d3o7zb2, d3o7zb3, d3o7zc2, d3o7zc3, d3o7zd2, d3o7zd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with glc, gol
      3. 2766278Domain d3o7zc1: 3o7z C:118-226 [306094]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7za2, d3o7za3, d3o7zb2, d3o7zb3, d3o7zc2, d3o7zc3, d3o7zd2, d3o7zd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with glc, gol
      4. 2766279Domain d3o7zd1: 3o7z D:117-226 [306097]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7za2, d3o7za3, d3o7zb2, d3o7zb3, d3o7zc2, d3o7zc3, d3o7zd2, d3o7zd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with glc, gol
    3. Domains for 4lpc:
      1. 2766280Domain d4lpca1: 4lpc A:117-226 [270966]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lpca2, d4lpca3, d4lpcb2, d4lpcb3, d4lpcc2, d4lpcc3, d4lpcd2, d4lpcd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with bgc, gol
      2. 2766281Domain d4lpcb1: 4lpc B:117-226 [270949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lpca2, d4lpca3, d4lpcb2, d4lpcb3, d4lpcc2, d4lpcc3, d4lpcd2, d4lpcd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with bgc, gol
      3. 2766282Domain d4lpcc1: 4lpc C:118-226 [270964]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lpca2, d4lpca3, d4lpcb2, d4lpcb3, d4lpcc2, d4lpcc3, d4lpcd2, d4lpcd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with bgc, gol
      4. 2766283Domain d4lpcd1: 4lpc D:117-226 [270948]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lpca2, d4lpca3, d4lpcb2, d4lpcb3, d4lpcc2, d4lpcc3, d4lpcd2, d4lpcd3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with bgc, gol
    4. Domains for 4lq1:
      1. 2766284Domain d4lq1a1: 4lq1 A:117-226 [270961]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lq1a2, d4lq1a3, d4lq1b2, d4lq1b3, d4lq1c2, d4lq1c3, d4lq1d2, d4lq1d3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with bgc, gol
      2. 2766285Domain d4lq1b1: 4lq1 B:117-226 [270963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lq1a2, d4lq1a3, d4lq1b2, d4lq1b3, d4lq1c2, d4lq1c3, d4lq1d2, d4lq1d3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with bgc, gol
      3. 2766286Domain d4lq1c1: 4lq1 C:118-226 [270958]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lq1a2, d4lq1a3, d4lq1b2, d4lq1b3, d4lq1c2, d4lq1c3, d4lq1d2, d4lq1d3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with bgc, gol
      4. 2766287Domain d4lq1d1: 4lq1 D:117-226 [270957]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lq1a2, d4lq1a3, d4lq1b2, d4lq1b3, d4lq1c2, d4lq1c3, d4lq1d2, d4lq1d3
        automated match to d1m7xa1
        complexed with bgc, gol
  28. 2766288Flavobacterium sp. [TaxId:197856] [255815] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3edd:
      1. 2766297Domain d3edda1: 3edd A:3-95 [245825]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edda2, d3edda3, d3eddb2, d3eddb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2766298Domain d3eddb1: 3edd B:3-95 [245828]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edda2, d3edda3, d3eddb2, d3eddb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca
    2. Domains for 3ede:
      1. 2766289Domain d3edea1: 3ede A:3-95 [245831]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edea2, d3edea3, d3edeb2, d3edeb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2766290Domain d3edeb1: 3ede B:3-95 [245834]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edea2, d3edea3, d3edeb2, d3edeb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca, gol
    3. Domains for 3edf:
      1. 2766291Domain d3edfa1: 3edf A:3-95 [245837]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edfa2, d3edfa3, d3edfb2, d3edfb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2766292Domain d3edfb1: 3edf B:3-95 [245840]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edfa2, d3edfa3, d3edfb2, d3edfb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca, gol
    4. Domains for 3edj:
      1. 2766293Domain d3edja1: 3edj A:3-95 [245843]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edja2, d3edja3, d3edjb2, d3edjb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2766294Domain d3edjb1: 3edj B:3-95 [245846]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edja2, d3edja3, d3edjb2, d3edjb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca, gol
    5. Domains for 3edk:
      1. 2766295Domain d3edka1: 3edk A:3-95 [245849]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edka2, d3edka3, d3edkb2, d3edkb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2766296Domain d3edkb1: 3edk B:3-95 [245852]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edka2, d3edka3, d3edkb2, d3edkb3
        automated match to d1h3ga1
        complexed with ca, gol
  29. 2766299Fusarium graminearum (Gibberella zeae) [TaxId:5518] [255147] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2eid:
    2. Domain for 2wq8:
    3. Domain for 6xlr:
    4. Domain for 6xls:
    5. Domain for 6xlt:
  30. 2766305Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [186988] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2bp3:
    2. Domain for 2brq:
    3. Domain for 2ds4:
    4. Domains for 2j3s:
      1. 2766315Domain d2j3sa1: 2j3s A:2237-2329 [147860]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j3sa4, d2j3sb2, d2j3sb4
        automated match to d2j3sa1
        complexed with br, dio, gol
      2. 2766316Domain d2j3sa2: 2j3s A:2136-2236 [147861]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j3sa4, d2j3sb2, d2j3sb4
        automated match to d2j3sa2
        complexed with br, dio, gol
      3. 2766317Domain d2j3sa3: 2j3s A:2045-2135 [262211]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j3sa4, d2j3sb2, d2j3sb4
        automated match to d2j3sa1
        complexed with br, dio, gol
      4. 2766318Domain d2j3sb1: 2j3s B:2237-2329 [147862]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j3sa4, d2j3sb2, d2j3sb4
        automated match to d2j3sa1
        complexed with br, dio, gol
      5. 2766319Domain d2j3sb3: 2j3s B:2045-2135 [262212]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j3sa4, d2j3sb2, d2j3sb4
        automated match to d2j3sa1
        complexed with br, dio, gol
    5. Domains for 2k7q:
      1. 2766325Domain d2k7qa1: 2k7q A:1954-2045 [242403]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2k7qa3
        automated match to d2j3sa2
      2. 2766326Domain d2k7qa2: 2k7q A:2046-2141 [242404]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2k7qa3
        automated match to d2j3sa1
    6. Domain for 3do7:
    7. Domains for 3rgh:
      1. 2766313Domain d3rgha1: 3rgh A:158-252 [184950]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3rgha2, d3rghb2
        automated match to d2diaa1
        complexed with act
      2. 2766314Domain d3rghb1: 3rgh B:158-252 [184951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3rgha2, d3rghb2
        automated match to d2diaa1
        complexed with act
    8. Domains for 3v8o:
      1. 2766320Domain d3v8oa1: 3v8o A:569-664 [250331]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3v8oa3
        automated match to d2dj4a1
        complexed with k
      2. 2766321Domain d3v8oa2: 3v8o A:665-760 [250332]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3v8oa3
        automated match to d2dj4a1
        complexed with k
      3. 2766322Domain d3v8ob1: 3v8o B:573-664 [250333]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3v8oa3
        automated match to d2dj4a1
        complexed with k
      4. 2766323Domain d3v8ob2: 3v8o B:665-760 [250334]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3v8oa3
        automated match to d2dj4a1
        complexed with k
    9. Domains for 4kty:
      1. 2766310Domain d4ktya1: 4kty A:15-190 [253437]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ktya2, d4ktya3, d4ktya4, d4ktyb2, d4ktyb3, d4ktyb4
        automated match to d1evua1
        complexed with ca, gol, so4
      2. 2766311Domain d4ktyb1: 4kty B:15-190 [253441]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ktya2, d4ktya3, d4ktya4, d4ktyb2, d4ktyb3, d4ktyb4
        automated match to d1evua1
        complexed with ca, gol, so4
    10. Domains for 4m9p:
      1. 2766306Domain d4m9pa1: 4m9p A:478-573 [253780]
        automated match to d2dica1
      2. 2766307Domain d4m9pa2: 4m9p A:574-669 [253781]
        automated match to d2dica1
      3. 2766308Domain d4m9pa3: 4m9p A:670-766 [253782]
        automated match to d2dica1
    11. Domains for 7ouv:
      1. 3086459Domain d7ouvb1: 7ouv B:4-101 [422776]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ouva3
        automated match to d2eeda1
      2. 3086460Domain d7ouvb2: 7ouv B:102-205 [422777]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ouva3
        automated match to d2eeda1
      3. 3086650Domain d7ouva1: 7ouv A:3-101 [422967]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ouva3
        automated match to d2eeda1
      4. 3086651Domain d7ouva2: 7ouv A:102-205 [422968]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ouva3
        automated match to d2eeda1
  31. 2766328Japanese encephalitis virus (strain sa-14) [TaxId:11073] [352509] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5mv1:
    2. Domain for 5mv2:
  32. 2766331Japanese encephalitis virus [TaxId:11072] [226037] (1 PDB entry)
  33. 2766333Jonesia denitrificans [TaxId:43674] [279770] (1 PDB entry)
  34. 2766336Jonesia denitrificans [TaxId:471856] [334644] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5vg0:
      1. 2766337Domain d5vg0a_: 5vg0 A: [334679]
        automated match to d5aa7a_
        complexed with cu, per
      2. 2766338Domain d5vg0b_: 5vg0 B: [334731]
        automated match to d5aa7a_
        complexed with cu, per
    2. Domains for 5vg1:
      1. 2766339Domain d5vg1a_: 5vg1 A: [334645]
        automated match to d5aa7a_
        complexed with cu, per
      2. 2766340Domain d5vg1b_: 5vg1 B: [334692]
        automated match to d5aa7a_
        complexed with cu, per
  35. 2766341Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [359373] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5yn2:
      1. 2766364Domain d5yn2a2: 5yn2 A:163-287 [359454]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5yn2a1, d5yn2a4, d5yn2a5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with ca, mg
      2. 2766365Domain d5yn2a3: 5yn2 A:288-402 [359455]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5yn2a1, d5yn2a4, d5yn2a5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with ca, mg
    2. Domains for 5yn7:
      1. 2766362Domain d5yn7a2: 5yn7 A:163-287 [359374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5yn7a1, d5yn7a4, d5yn7a5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with ca, edo
      2. 2766363Domain d5yn7a3: 5yn7 A:288-402 [359375]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5yn7a1, d5yn7a4, d5yn7a5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with ca, edo
    3. Domains for 5yna:
      1. 2766348Domain d5ynaa2: 5yna A:163-287 [359384]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynaa1, d5ynaa4, d5ynaa5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with act, ca, gol, peg
      2. 2766349Domain d5ynaa3: 5yna A:288-402 [359385]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynaa1, d5ynaa4, d5ynaa5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with act, ca, gol, peg
    4. Domains for 5ync:
      1. 2766360Domain d5ynca2: 5ync A:163-287 [359390]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynca1, d5ynca4, d5ynca5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with act, ca, gol
      2. 2766361Domain d5ynca3: 5ync A:288-402 [359391]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynca1, d5ynca4, d5ynca5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with act, ca, gol
    5. Domains for 5ynd:
      1. 2766358Domain d5ynda2: 5ynd A:163-287 [359418]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynda1, d5ynda4, d5ynda5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with ca, gol, peg
      2. 2766359Domain d5ynda3: 5ynd A:288-402 [359419]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynda1, d5ynda4, d5ynda5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with ca, gol, peg
    6. Domains for 5yne:
      1. 2766356Domain d5ynea2: 5yne A:163-287 [359413]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynea1, d5ynea4, d5ynea5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with ca, gol, peg
      2. 2766357Domain d5ynea3: 5yne A:288-402 [359414]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynea1, d5ynea4, d5ynea5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with ca, gol, peg
    7. Domains for 5ynh:
      1. 2766350Domain d5ynha2: 5ynh A:163-287 [359463]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynha1, d5ynha4, d5ynha5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2766351Domain d5ynha3: 5ynh A:288-402 [359464]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ynha1, d5ynha4, d5ynha5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with ca, gol
    8. Domains for 6j33:
      1. 2766342Domain d6j33a2: 6j33 A:163-287 [374138]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j33a1, d6j33a4, d6j33a5, d6j33b1, d6j33b4, d6j33b5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with act, ca, mg
      2. 2766343Domain d6j33a3: 6j33 A:288-402 [374139]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j33a1, d6j33a4, d6j33a5, d6j33b1, d6j33b4, d6j33b5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with act, ca, mg
      3. 2766344Domain d6j33b2: 6j33 B:163-287 [374255]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j33a1, d6j33a4, d6j33a5, d6j33b1, d6j33b4, d6j33b5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with act, ca, mg
      4. 2766345Domain d6j33b3: 6j33 B:288-402 [374256]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j33a1, d6j33a4, d6j33a5, d6j33b1, d6j33b4, d6j33b5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with act, ca, mg
    9. Domains for 6j34:
      1. 2766346Domain d6j34a1: 6j34 A:163-287 [374131]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j34a3, d6j34a4
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with act, glc, gol, mg
      2. 2766347Domain d6j34a2: 6j34 A:288-402 [374132]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j34a3, d6j34a4
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with act, glc, gol, mg
    10. Domains for 6j35:
      1. 2766352Domain d6j35a2: 6j35 A:163-287 [374435]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j35a1, d6j35a4, d6j35a5, d6j35b1, d6j35b4, d6j35b5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with ca, gol, mg; mutant
      2. 2766353Domain d6j35a3: 6j35 A:288-402 [374436]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j35a1, d6j35a4, d6j35a5, d6j35b1, d6j35b4, d6j35b5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with ca, gol, mg; mutant
      3. 2766354Domain d6j35b2: 6j35 B:163-287 [374126]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j35a1, d6j35a4, d6j35a5, d6j35b1, d6j35b4, d6j35b5
        automated match to d2fhfa2
        complexed with ca, gol, mg; mutant
      4. 2766355Domain d6j35b3: 6j35 B:288-402 [374127]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j35a1, d6j35a4, d6j35a5, d6j35b1, d6j35b4, d6j35b5
        automated match to d2fhfa1
        complexed with ca, gol, mg; mutant
  36. 2766366Langat virus [TaxId:11085] [255004] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1yzo:
    2. Domain for 1z66:
  37. 2766369Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId:1639] [225010] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1xeu:
    2. Domain for 6dbg:
  38. 2766372Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId:169963] [225327] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2uzx:
      1. 2766391Domain d2uzxa2: 2uzx A:241-320 [206193]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uzxa1, d2uzxa3, d2uzxc1, d2uzxc3
        automated match to d1m9sa1
      2. 2766392Domain d2uzxc2: 2uzx C:241-320 [206195]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uzxa1, d2uzxa3, d2uzxc1, d2uzxc3
        automated match to d1m9sa1
    2. Domains for 2wqu:
      1. 2766380Domain d2wqua2: 2wqu A:241-320 [206945]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqua1, d2wqub1, d2wquc1, d2wqud1, d2wque1, d2wquf1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2766381Domain d2wqub2: 2wqu B:241-320 [206947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqua1, d2wqub1, d2wquc1, d2wqud1, d2wque1, d2wquf1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 2766382Domain d2wquc2: 2wqu C:241-318 [206949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqua1, d2wqub1, d2wquc1, d2wqud1, d2wque1, d2wquf1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 2766383Domain d2wqud2: 2wqu D:241-321 [206951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqua1, d2wqub1, d2wquc1, d2wqud1, d2wque1, d2wquf1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with gol, so4
      5. 2766384Domain d2wque2: 2wqu E:241-320 [206953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqua1, d2wqub1, d2wquc1, d2wqud1, d2wque1, d2wquf1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with gol, so4
      6. 2766385Domain d2wquf2: 2wqu F:241-320 [206955]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqua1, d2wqub1, d2wquc1, d2wqud1, d2wque1, d2wquf1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with gol, so4
    3. Domains for 2wqv:
      1. 2766389Domain d2wqva2: 2wqv A:241-320 [206957]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqva1, d2wqvb1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with pg4, pge
      2. 2766390Domain d2wqvb2: 2wqv B:241-320 [206959]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqva1, d2wqvb1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with pg4, pge
    4. Domains for 2wqw:
      1. 2766378Domain d2wqwa2: 2wqw A:241-321 [206961]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqwa1, d2wqwb1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with peg
      2. 2766379Domain d2wqwb2: 2wqw B:241-321 [206963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqwa1, d2wqwb1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
        complexed with peg
    5. Domains for 2wqx:
      1. 2766376Domain d2wqxa2: 2wqx A:241-321 [206965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqxa1, d2wqxb1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
      2. 2766377Domain d2wqxb2: 2wqx B:241-321 [206967]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqxa1, d2wqxb1
        automated match to d1m9sa1
    6. Domains for 4aw4:
      1. 2766374Domain d4aw4a2: 4aw4 A:263-342 [234102]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aw4a1, d4aw4b1, d4aw4c1
        automated match to d1h6ua1
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2766375Domain d4aw4b2: 4aw4 B:263-342 [234104]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aw4a1, d4aw4b1, d4aw4c1
        automated match to d1h6ua1
        complexed with gol, so4
    7. Domains for 4cc4:
      1. 2766386Domain d4cc4a2: 4cc4 A:220-297 [234302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cc4a1, d4cc4a3, d4cc4b1, d4cc4b2, d4cc4b3, d4cc4c1, d4cc4c3, d4cc4c4, d4cc4d1, d4cc4d2, d4cc4e1, d4cc4f1, d4cc4f2, d4cc4f3
        automated match to d4cc4e2
        complexed with cl, gol, pe4, po4, so4
      2. 2766387Domain d4cc4c2: 4cc4 C:220-297 [234305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cc4a1, d4cc4a3, d4cc4b1, d4cc4b2, d4cc4b3, d4cc4c1, d4cc4c3, d4cc4c4, d4cc4d1, d4cc4d2, d4cc4e1, d4cc4f1, d4cc4f2, d4cc4f3
        automated match to d4cc4e2
        complexed with cl, gol, pe4, po4, so4
      3. 2766388Domain d4cc4e2: 4cc4 E:220-297 [228588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cc4a1, d4cc4a3, d4cc4b1, d4cc4b2, d4cc4b3, d4cc4c1, d4cc4c3, d4cc4c4, d4cc4d1, d4cc4d2, d4cc4e1, d4cc4f1, d4cc4f2, d4cc4f3
        automated match to d2omza1
        complexed with cl, gol, pe4, po4, so4
    8. Domain for 6dbg:
  39. 2766393Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId:393133] [337606] (1 PDB entry)
  40. 2766396Louping ill virus [TaxId:11086] [364615] (1 PDB entry)
  41. 2766398Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum [TaxId:188] [231564] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2x6c:
    2. Domains for 6o9v:
      1. 2766400Domain d6o9va2: 6o9v A:138-295 [386162]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6o9va1, d6o9va3, d6o9vb1, d6o9vb3
        automated match to d2x6ca2
        complexed with ddq, k, m1m, tmo; mutant
      2. 2766401Domain d6o9vb2: 6o9v B:138-295 [386157]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6o9va1, d6o9va3, d6o9vb1, d6o9vb3
        automated match to d2x6ca2
        complexed with ddq, k, m1m, tmo; mutant
  42. 2766402Methylosinus trichosporium [TaxId:595536] [419965] (1 PDB entry)
  43. 2766404Micromonospora aurantiaca [TaxId:644283] [342823] (1 PDB entry)
  44. 2766406Micromonospora viridifaciens [TaxId:1881] [254942] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1wcq:
      1. 2766414Domain d1wcqa1: 1wcq A:403-505 [120894]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wcqa2, d1wcqa3, d1wcqb2, d1wcqb3, d1wcqc2, d1wcqc3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with dan, gol, na
      2. 2766415Domain d1wcqb1: 1wcq B:403-505 [120897]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wcqa2, d1wcqa3, d1wcqb2, d1wcqb3, d1wcqc2, d1wcqc3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with dan, gol, na
      3. 2766416Domain d1wcqc1: 1wcq C:403-505 [120900]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wcqa2, d1wcqa3, d1wcqb2, d1wcqb3, d1wcqc2, d1wcqc3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with dan, gol, na
    2. Domain for 2ber:
    3. Domains for 2bq9:
      1. 2766408Domain d2bq9a2: 2bq9 A:403-505 [303606]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bq9a1, d2bq9a3, d2bq9b1, d2bq9b3, d2bq9c1, d2bq9c3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with gal, gol, na
      2. 2766409Domain d2bq9b2: 2bq9 B:403-505 [303609]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bq9a1, d2bq9a3, d2bq9b1, d2bq9b3, d2bq9c1, d2bq9c3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with gal, gol, na
      3. 2766410Domain d2bq9c2: 2bq9 C:403-505 [303612]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bq9a1, d2bq9a3, d2bq9b1, d2bq9b3, d2bq9c1, d2bq9c3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with gal, gol, na
    4. Domains for 2bzd:
      1. 2766411Domain d2bzda2: 2bzd A:403-505 [241387]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bzda1, d2bzda3, d2bzdb1, d2bzdb3, d2bzdc1, d2bzdc3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with gal, gol, na
      2. 2766412Domain d2bzdb2: 2bzd B:403-505 [241390]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bzda1, d2bzda3, d2bzdb1, d2bzdb3, d2bzdc1, d2bzdc3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with gal, gol, na
      3. 2766413Domain d2bzdc2: 2bzd C:403-505 [241393]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bzda1, d2bzda3, d2bzdb1, d2bzdb3, d2bzdc1, d2bzdc3
        automated match to d1w8oa1
        complexed with gal, gol, na
  45. 2766417Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [226768] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2v2t:
      1. 2766427Domain d2v2ta2: 2v2t A:278-378 [238873]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2ta1, d2v2tb2
        automated match to d1gjia1
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2766428Domain d2v2tb1: 2v2t B:251-350 [152425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2ta1, d2v2tb2
        automated match to d1ooaa1
        protein/DNA complex
    2. Domain for 3brg:
    3. Domain for 3do7:
    4. Domains for 3jv4:
      1. 2766423Domain d3jv4b_: 3jv4 B: [247054]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3jv4a_, d3jv4c_, d3jv4e_
        automated match to d1k3zb_
      2. 2766424Domain d3jv4d_: 3jv4 D: [247056]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3jv4a_, d3jv4c_, d3jv4e_
        automated match to d1k3zb_
      3. 2766425Domain d3jv4f_: 3jv4 F: [247058]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3jv4a_, d3jv4c_, d3jv4e_
        automated match to d1k3zb_
    5. Domains for 3jv5:
      1. 2766419Domain d3jv5a_: 3jv5 A: [212117]
        automated match to d1my5a_
      2. 2766420Domain d3jv5b_: 3jv5 B: [212118]
        automated match to d1my5a_
      3. 2766421Domain d3jv5c_: 3jv5 C: [212119]
        automated match to d1my5a_
      4. 2766422Domain d3jv5d_: 3jv5 D: [212120]
        automated match to d1my5a_
  46. 2766429Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [419882] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3vyo:
      1. 2766434Domain d3vyoa1: 3vyo A:148-251 [413504]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vyoa2, d3vyob2
        automated match to d3tura1
      2. 2766435Domain d3vyob1: 3vyo B:147-251 [413506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vyoa2, d3vyob2
        automated match to d3tura1
    2. Domains for 3vyp:
      1. 2766430Domain d3vypa1: 3vyp A:141-251 [413508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vypa2, d3vypb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with gol, mxr
      2. 2766431Domain d3vypb1: 3vyp B:142-251 [413510]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vypa2, d3vypb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with gol, mxr
    3. Domain for 4gsq:
    4. Domain for 4gsr:
    5. Domains for 4gsu:
      1. 2766436Domain d4gsua1: 4gsu A:141-251 [413805]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gsua2, d4gsub2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with dwz
      2. 2766437Domain d4gsub1: 4gsu B:141-251 [413807]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gsua2, d4gsub2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with dwz
  47. 2766438Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83331] [419973] (1 PDB entry)
  48. 2766441Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83332] [419971] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5lb1:
      1. 2766450Domain d5lb1a1: 5lb1 A:150-251 [415008]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5lb1a2, d5lb1b2, d5lb1b3
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with mnb
      2. 2766451Domain d5lb1b1: 5lb1 B:149-251 [415010]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5lb1a2, d5lb1b2, d5lb1b3
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with mnb
    2. Domains for 6iyv:
      1. 2766448Domain d6iyva1: 6iyv A:141-251 [416184]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iyva2, d6iyvb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with 2rg, gol, peg, so4, trs
      2. 2766449Domain d6iyvb1: 6iyv B:142-251 [416186]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iyva2, d6iyvb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with 2rg, gol, peg, so4, trs
    3. Domains for 6iyw:
      1. 2766457Domain d6iywa1: 6iyw A:141-251 [416188]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iywa2, d6iywb2, d6iywc2, d6iywd2, d6iywe2, d6iywf2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with gol, im2
      2. 2766458Domain d6iywb1: 6iyw B:141-251 [416190]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iywa2, d6iywb2, d6iywc2, d6iywd2, d6iywe2, d6iywf2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with gol, im2
      3. 2766459Domain d6iywc1: 6iyw C:141-251 [416192]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iywa2, d6iywb2, d6iywc2, d6iywd2, d6iywe2, d6iywf2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with gol, im2
      4. 2766460Domain d6iywd1: 6iyw D:142-251 [416194]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iywa2, d6iywb2, d6iywc2, d6iywd2, d6iywe2, d6iywf2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with gol, im2
      5. 2766461Domain d6iywe1: 6iyw E:142-251 [416196]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iywa2, d6iywb2, d6iywc2, d6iywd2, d6iywe2, d6iywf2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with gol, im2
      6. 2766462Domain d6iywf1: 6iyw F:142-251 [416198]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iywa2, d6iywb2, d6iywc2, d6iywd2, d6iywe2, d6iywf2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with gol, im2
    4. Domains for 6lqb:
      1. 2766446Domain d6lqba1: 6lqb A:141-251 [416340]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6lqba2, d6lqbb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with 2rg, acy, gol
      2. 2766447Domain d6lqbb1: 6lqb B:142-251 [416342]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6lqba2, d6lqbb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with 2rg, acy, gol
    5. Domains for 7a0z:
      1. 2766442Domain d7a0za1: 7a0z A:150-251 [417503]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a0za2, d7a0zb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with bt6, tam
      2. 2766443Domain d7a0zb1: 7a0z B:150-251 [417505]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a0za2, d7a0zb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with bt6, tam
    6. Domains for 7a10:
      1. 2766463Domain d7a10a1: 7a10 A:150-251 [417507]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a10a2, d7a10b2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with qu5
      2. 2766464Domain d7a10b1: 7a10 B:150-251 [417509]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a10a2, d7a10b2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with qu5
    7. Domains for 7a11:
      1. 2766444Domain d7a11a1: 7a11 A:150-251 [417511]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a11a2, d7a11b2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with act, xl3
      2. 2766445Domain d7a11b1: 7a11 B:150-251 [417513]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a11a2, d7a11b2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with act, xl3
    8. Domains for 7a1c:
      1. 2766455Domain d7a1ca1: 7a1c A:150-251 [417515]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a1ca2, d7a1cb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with dms
      2. 2766456Domain d7a1cb1: 7a1c B:150-251 [417517]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a1ca2, d7a1cb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with dms
    9. Domains for 7a1e:
      1. 2766453Domain d7a1ea1: 7a1e A:150-251 [417519]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a1ea2, d7a1eb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with act, sdq
      2. 2766454Domain d7a1eb1: 7a1e B:150-251 [417521]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a1ea2, d7a1eb2
        automated match to d3tura1
        complexed with act, sdq
    10. Domain for 7kem:
  49. 2766465Neosartorya fumigata [TaxId:330879] [419985] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5x6a:
      1. 2766470Domain d5x6aa_: 5x6a A: [415553]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with mg
      2. 2766471Domain d5x6ab_: 5x6a B: [415554]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with mg
    2. Domains for 6h1z:
      1. 2766468Domain d6h1za_: 6h1z A: [416039]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with act, cu, na
      2. 2766469Domain d6h1zb_: 6h1z B: [416040]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with act, cu, na
    3. Domains for 6ha5:
      1. 2766472Domain d6ha5a_: 6ha5 A: [416058]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with act, cu
      2. 2766473Domain d6ha5b_: 6ha5 B: [416059]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with act, cu
    4. Domains for 6haq:
      1. 2766466Domain d6haqa_: 6haq A: [416060]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with act, cu, nag
      2. 2766467Domain d6haqb_: 6haq B: [416061]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with act, cu, nag
  50. 2766474Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [379468] (1 PDB entry)
  51. 2766478Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus [TaxId:12542] [254999] (1 PDB entry)
  52. 2766480Paenibacillus macerans [TaxId:44252] [256324] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3wms:
    2. Domain for 4jcl:
    3. Domain for 6aij:
    4. Domain for 6l2h:
  53. 2766485Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId:266] [187968] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2ox5:
      1. 2766490Domain d2ox5a_: 2ox5 A: [166888]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with act, edo, so4
      2. 2766491Domain d2ox5c_: 2ox5 C: [166889]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with act, edo, so4
      3. 2766492Domain d2ox5e_: 2ox5 E: [166890]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with act, edo, so4
      4. 2766493Domain d2ox5z_: 2ox5 Z: [166891]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with act, edo, so4
    2. Domains for 2oxg:
      1. 2766486Domain d2oxga_: 2oxg A: [166902]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with edo, so4
      2. 2766487Domain d2oxgc_: 2oxg C: [166903]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with edo, so4
      3. 2766488Domain d2oxge_: 2oxg E: [166904]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with edo, so4
      4. 2766489Domain d2oxgz_: 2oxg Z: [166905]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with edo, so4
    3. Domains for 2oxh:
      1. 2766494Domain d2oxha_: 2oxh A: [166906]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with edo
      2. 2766495Domain d2oxhc_: 2oxh C: [166907]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with edo
      3. 2766496Domain d2oxhe_: 2oxh E: [166908]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with edo
      4. 2766497Domain d2oxhz_: 2oxh Z: [166909]
        automated match to d1v8ha1
        complexed with edo
  54. 2766498Photorhabdus laumondii [TaxId:243265] [379118] (1 PDB entry)
  55. 2766502Porphyromonas gingivalis [TaxId:242619] [226635] (1 PDB entry)
  56. 2766507Powassan virus [TaxId:58535] [402170] (1 PDB entry)
  57. 2766510Pseudomonas cellulosa (Cellvibrio japonicus) [TaxId:155077] [315362] (1 PDB entry)
  58. 2766514Pseudomonas fluorescens [TaxId:294] [368198] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6nfq:
      1. 2766517Domain d6nfqa_: 6nfq A: [368199]
        automated match to d1nm4a_
        complexed with cu, yt3
      2. 2766518Domain d6nfqb_: 6nfq B: [368214]
        automated match to d1nm4a_
        complexed with cu, yt3
      3. 2766519Domain d6nfqc_: 6nfq C: [368204]
        automated match to d1nm4a_
        complexed with cu, yt3
    2. Domain for 6nfr:
    3. Domain for 6nfs:
    4. Domain for 6tpb:
  59. 2766521Salmonella enterica [TaxId:90371] [225882] (1 PDB entry)
  60. 2766524Semliki forest virus [TaxId:11033] [255033] (1 PDB entry)
  61. 2766526Slime mold (Dictyostelium discoideum) [TaxId:44689] [367574] (1 PDB entry)
  62. 2766528Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId:170187] [419898] (1 PDB entry)
  63. 2766530Streptomyces coelicolor [TaxId:100226] [257350] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4oy6:
    2. Domains for 4oy7:
      1. 2766532Domain d4oy7a_: 4oy7 A: [257352]
        automated match to d4gboa_
        complexed with ca, cu
      2. 2766533Domain d4oy7b_: 4oy7 B: [257353]
        automated match to d4gboa_
        complexed with ca, cu
      3. 2766534Domain d4oy7c_: 4oy7 C: [263372]
        automated match to d4oy7a_
        complexed with ca, cu
      4. 2766535Domain d4oy7d_: 4oy7 D: [263373]
        automated match to d4oy7a_
        complexed with ca, cu
      5. 2766536Domain d4oy7e_: 4oy7 E: [263374]
        automated match to d4oy7a_
        complexed with ca, cu
      6. 2766537Domain d4oy7f_: 4oy7 F: [263375]
        automated match to d4oy7a_
        complexed with ca, cu
      7. 2766538Domain d4oy7g_: 4oy7 G: [263376]
        automated match to d4oy7a_
        complexed with ca, cu
      8. 2766539Domain d4oy7h_: 4oy7 H: [263377]
        automated match to d4oy7a_
        complexed with ca, cu
    3. Domain for 4oy8:
  64. 2766541Streptomyces lividans [TaxId:1200984] [316308] (1 PDB entry)
  65. 2766543Tectaria macrodonta [TaxId:1137752] [368175] (1 PDB entry)
  66. 2766545Teredinibacter turnerae [TaxId:377629] [375874] (1 PDB entry)
  67. 2766547Thermoactinomyces vulgaris [TaxId:2026] [254919] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1vfm:
      1. 2766558Domain d1vfma1: 1vfm A:1-120 [120042]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfma2, d1vfma3, d1vfmb2, d1vfmb3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2766559Domain d1vfmb1: 1vfm B:1-120 [120045]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfma2, d1vfma3, d1vfmb2, d1vfmb3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
    2. Domains for 1vfo:
      1. 2766556Domain d1vfoa1: 1vfo A:1-120 [120048]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfoa2, d1vfoa3, d1vfob2, d1vfob3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2766557Domain d1vfob1: 1vfo B:1-120 [120051]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfoa2, d1vfoa3, d1vfob2, d1vfob3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
    3. Domains for 1vfu:
      1. 2766560Domain d1vfua1: 1vfu A:1-120 [120055]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfua2, d1vfua3, d1vfub2, d1vfub3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2766561Domain d1vfub1: 1vfu B:1-120 [120058]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfua2, d1vfua3, d1vfub2, d1vfub3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
    4. Domains for 1wzk:
      1. 2766554Domain d1wzka1: 1wzk A:1-120 [121507]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wzka2, d1wzka3, d1wzkb2, d1wzkb3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2766555Domain d1wzkb1: 1wzk B:1-120 [121510]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wzka2, d1wzka3, d1wzkb2, d1wzkb3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
    5. Domains for 1wzl:
      1. 2766551Domain d1wzla1: 1wzl A:1-120 [121513]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wzla2, d1wzla3, d1wzlb2, d1wzlb3
        automated match to d1wzla1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2766552Domain d1wzlb1: 1wzl B:1-120 [121516]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wzla2, d1wzla3, d1wzlb2, d1wzlb3
        automated match to d1wzlb1
        complexed with ca
    6. Domain for 2d0f:
    7. Domains for 5z0t:
      1. 2766549Domain d5z0ta1: 5z0t A:1-122 [349128]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5z0ta2, d5z0ta3, d5z0tb2, d5z0tb3
        automated match to d1uh4a1
        complexed with ca, mpd; mutant
      2. 2766550Domain d5z0tb1: 5z0t B:1-122 [349349]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5z0ta2, d5z0ta3, d5z0tb2, d5z0tb3
        automated match to d1uh4a1
        complexed with ca, mpd; mutant
    8. Domain for 5z0u:
  68. 2766562Thermoascus aurantiacus [TaxId:5087] [419830] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2yet:
      1. 2766564Domain d2yeta_: 2yet A: [413035]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with ace, cu, gol, nag
      2. 2766565Domain d2yetb_: 2yet B: [413036]
        automated match to d2vtca_
        complexed with ace, cu, gol, nag
    2. Domain for 3zud:
  69. 2766566Thermobifida fusca [TaxId:2021] [256269] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4gbo:
      1. 2766569Domain d4gboa_: 4gbo A: [252189]
        automated match to d2bena_
        complexed with cu, gol, iod, na
      2. 2766570Domain d4gbob_: 4gbo B: [252190]
        automated match to d2bena_
        complexed with cu, gol, iod, na
    2. Domains for 5uiz:
      1. 2766567Domain d5uiza_: 5uiz A: [329325]
        automated match to d4gboa_
        complexed with cu, gol, iod
      2. 2766568Domain d5uizb_: 5uiz B: [329320]
        automated match to d4gboa_
        complexed with cu, gol, iod
  70. 2766571Tick-borne encephalitis virus (western subtype) [TaxId:11088] [402335] (1 PDB entry)
  71. 2766573Tick-borne encephalitis virus far eastern subtype [TaxId:11087] [402252] (1 PDB entry)
  72. 2766575Tick-borne encephalitis virus [TaxId:11084] [364682] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6j5f:
    2. Domains for 6s8c:
      1. 2766578Domain d6s8ca1: 6s8c A:303-404 [385811]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6s8cb1
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      2. 2766579Domain d6s8cb2: 6s8c B:303-405 [385820]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6s8cb1
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      3. 2766580Domain d6s8cc1: 6s8c C:303-403 [385812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6s8cb1
        automated match to d4gsxa2
    3. Domain for 7lsg:
  73. 2766581Usutu virus [TaxId:64286] [361610] (1 PDB entry)
  74. 2766583West Nile virus [TaxId:11082] [255209] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2hg0:
    2. Domain for 2i69:
  75. 2766586Yellow fever virus [255286] (1 PDB entry)
  76. 2766588Yellow fever virus (strain 17d vaccine) [TaxId:11090] [364873] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6iw1:
      1. 2766597Domain d6iw1a2: 6iw1 A:296-392 [364980]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw1a1, d6iw1b1, d6iw1c1
        automated match to d3p54a2
      2. 2766598Domain d6iw1b2: 6iw1 B:296-392 [364913]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw1a1, d6iw1b1, d6iw1c1
        automated match to d3p54a2
      3. 2766599Domain d6iw1c2: 6iw1 C:296-392 [364907]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw1a1, d6iw1b1, d6iw1c1
        automated match to d3p54a2
    2. Domains for 6iw2:
      1. 2766591Domain d6iw2a2: 6iw2 A:296-392 [364991]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw2a1, d6iw2b_, d6iw2c_, d6iw2d1, d6iw2e_, d6iw2f_, d6iw2g1, d6iw2h_, d6iw2i_, d6iw2j1, d6iw2k_, d6iw2l_, d6iw2m1, d6iw2n_, d6iw2o_, d6iw2p1, d6iw2q_, d6iw2r_
        automated match to d3p54a2
      2. 2766592Domain d6iw2d2: 6iw2 D:296-392 [364983]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw2a1, d6iw2b_, d6iw2c_, d6iw2d1, d6iw2e_, d6iw2f_, d6iw2g1, d6iw2h_, d6iw2i_, d6iw2j1, d6iw2k_, d6iw2l_, d6iw2m1, d6iw2n_, d6iw2o_, d6iw2p1, d6iw2q_, d6iw2r_
        automated match to d3p54a2
      3. 2766593Domain d6iw2g2: 6iw2 G:296-392 [364874]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw2a1, d6iw2b_, d6iw2c_, d6iw2d1, d6iw2e_, d6iw2f_, d6iw2g1, d6iw2h_, d6iw2i_, d6iw2j1, d6iw2k_, d6iw2l_, d6iw2m1, d6iw2n_, d6iw2o_, d6iw2p1, d6iw2q_, d6iw2r_
        automated match to d3p54a2
      4. 2766594Domain d6iw2j2: 6iw2 J:296-392 [364911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw2a1, d6iw2b_, d6iw2c_, d6iw2d1, d6iw2e_, d6iw2f_, d6iw2g1, d6iw2h_, d6iw2i_, d6iw2j1, d6iw2k_, d6iw2l_, d6iw2m1, d6iw2n_, d6iw2o_, d6iw2p1, d6iw2q_, d6iw2r_
        automated match to d3p54a2
      5. 2766595Domain d6iw2m2: 6iw2 M:296-392 [364918]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw2a1, d6iw2b_, d6iw2c_, d6iw2d1, d6iw2e_, d6iw2f_, d6iw2g1, d6iw2h_, d6iw2i_, d6iw2j1, d6iw2k_, d6iw2l_, d6iw2m1, d6iw2n_, d6iw2o_, d6iw2p1, d6iw2q_, d6iw2r_
        automated match to d3p54a2
      6. 2766596Domain d6iw2p2: 6iw2 P:296-392 [364928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw2a1, d6iw2b_, d6iw2c_, d6iw2d1, d6iw2e_, d6iw2f_, d6iw2g1, d6iw2h_, d6iw2i_, d6iw2j1, d6iw2k_, d6iw2l_, d6iw2m1, d6iw2n_, d6iw2o_, d6iw2p1, d6iw2q_, d6iw2r_
        automated match to d3p54a2
    3. Domains for 6iw4:
      1. 2766589Domain d6iw4a2: 6iw4 A:296-392 [364946]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw4a1, d6iw4b1
        automated match to d3p54a2
      2. 2766590Domain d6iw4b2: 6iw4 B:296-392 [364884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw4a1, d6iw4b1
        automated match to d3p54a2
  77. 2766600Yellow fever virus [TaxId:11089] [255299] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2jv6:
    2. Domains for 6epk:
      1. 2766601Domain d6epka2: 6epk A:296-392 [359596]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6epka1, d6epka3, d6epkd1, d6epkd3
        automated match to d2hg0a2
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2766602Domain d6epkd2: 6epk D:296-392 [359533]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6epka1, d6epka3, d6epkd1, d6epkd3
        automated match to d2hg0a2
        complexed with gol, so4
    3. Domain for 6ivz:
    4. Domains for 6iw5:
      1. 2766604Domain d6iw5a2: 6iw5 A:296-393 [364943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw5a1, d6iw5b1, d6iw5c1, d6iw5d1
        automated match to d3p54a2
      2. 2766605Domain d6iw5b2: 6iw5 B:296-393 [364843]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw5a1, d6iw5b1, d6iw5c1, d6iw5d1
        automated match to d3p54a2
      3. 2766606Domain d6iw5c2: 6iw5 C:296-393 [364893]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw5a1, d6iw5b1, d6iw5c1, d6iw5d1
        automated match to d3p54a2
      4. 2766607Domain d6iw5d2: 6iw5 D:296-393 [364901]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iw5a1, d6iw5b1, d6iw5c1, d6iw5d1
        automated match to d3p54a2
  78. 2766609Zika virus [TaxId:64320] [317280] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5gzn:
      1. 2766620Domain d5gzna2: 5gzn A:304-407 [327658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gzna1, d5gznb1, d5gznc_, d5gznd1, d5gznd2, d5gznh_, d5gznl1, d5gznl2
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      2. 2766621Domain d5gznb2: 5gzn B:304-407 [327601]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gzna1, d5gznb1, d5gznc_, d5gznd1, d5gznd2, d5gznh_, d5gznl1, d5gznl2
        automated match to d4gsxa2
    2. Domains for 5gzo:
      1. 2766618Domain d5gzoa2: 5gzo A:304-405 [328460]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gzoa1, d5gzob1, d5gzoc1, d5gzoc2, d5gzod1, d5gzod2, d5gzoh1, d5gzoh2, d5gzol1, d5gzol2
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      2. 2766619Domain d5gzob2: 5gzo B:304-405 [328586]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gzoa1, d5gzob1, d5gzoc1, d5gzoc2, d5gzod1, d5gzod2, d5gzoh1, d5gzoh2, d5gzol1, d5gzol2
        automated match to d4gsxa2
    3. Domain for 5jhl:
    4. Domains for 5jhm:
      1. 2766612Domain d5jhma2: 5jhm A:304-406 [317288]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jhma1, d5jhmb1
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      2. 2766613Domain d5jhmb2: 5jhm B:304-405 [317318]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jhma1, d5jhmb1
        automated match to d4gsxa2
    5. Domains for 5lbv:
      1. 2766610Domain d5lbva2: 5lbv A:304-403 [319447]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5lbva1, d5lbvb1
        automated match to d4gsxa2
        complexed with na
      2. 2766611Domain d5lbvb2: 5lbv B:304-403 [319381]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5lbva1, d5lbvb1
        automated match to d4gsxa2
        complexed with na
    6. Domains for 7bpk:
      1. 2766616Domain d7bpka2: 7bpk A:304-403 [401737]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7bpka1, d7bpka3, d7bpkb1, d7bpkb3, d7bpkc_, d7bpkd_, d7bpkh_, d7bpkl_
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      2. 2766617Domain d7bpkb2: 7bpk B:304-403 [401700]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7bpka1, d7bpka3, d7bpkb1, d7bpkb3, d7bpkc_, d7bpkd_, d7bpkh_, d7bpkl_
        automated match to d4gsxa2
    7. Domains for 7bq5:
      1. 2766614Domain d7bq5a2: 7bq5 A:304-406 [401743]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7bq5a1, d7bq5b1, d7bq5c1, d7bq5c2, d7bq5d1, d7bq5d2, d7bq5h1, d7bq5h2, d7bq5l1, d7bq5l2
        automated match to d4gsxa2
      2. 2766615Domain d7bq5b2: 7bq5 B:304-406 [401740]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7bq5a1, d7bq5b1, d7bq5c1, d7bq5c2, d7bq5d1, d7bq5d2, d7bq5h1, d7bq5h2, d7bq5l1, d7bq5l2
        automated match to d4gsxa2
  79. 2766623[kitasatospora] papulosa [TaxId:1464011] [378268] (1 PDB entry)
  80. 3084042Talaromyces verruculosus [TaxId:198730] [420359] (1 PDB entry)
  81. 3084059Dengue virus 3 philippines/h87/1956 [TaxId:408870] [420376] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from b.1.18.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.1.18.0: automated matches: