Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2810331Fold b.71: Glycosyl hydrolase domain [51010] (1 superfamily)
    folded sheet; greek-key
  4. 2810332Superfamily b.71.1: Glycosyl hydrolase domain [51011] (6 families) (S)
    this domain is C-terminal to the catalytic beta/alpha barrel domain
  5. 2810971Family b.71.1.0: automated matches [227134] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2810972Protein automated matches [226835] (41 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2810973Aspergillus niger [TaxId:425011] [333181] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5ifp:
    2. Domain for 5ift:
    3. Domain for 5ihr:
    4. Domain for 5juv:
    5. Domain for 5mgc:
    6. Domain for 5mgd:
  2. 2810980Bacillus clarkii [TaxId:79879] [256321] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2810982Bacillus halmapalus [TaxId:79882] [255188] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2gjp:
    2. Domain for 2gjr:
  4. 2810985Bacillus licheniformis [TaxId:279010] [312607] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5brp:
      1. 2810986Domain d5brpa2: 5brp A:479-560 [312717]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5brpa1, d5brpb1, d5brpc1, d5brpd1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with mg, png; mutant
      2. 2810987Domain d5brpb2: 5brp B:479-560 [312608]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5brpa1, d5brpb1, d5brpc1, d5brpd1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with mg, png; mutant
      3. 2810988Domain d5brpc2: 5brp C:479-560 [312647]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5brpa1, d5brpb1, d5brpc1, d5brpd1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with mg, png; mutant
      4. 2810989Domain d5brpd2: 5brp D:479-560 [312670]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5brpa1, d5brpb1, d5brpc1, d5brpd1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with mg, png; mutant
    2. Domains for 5brq:
      1. 2810990Domain d5brqa2: 5brq A:479-560 [312645]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5brqa1, d5brqb1, d5brqc1, d5brqd1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with mg
      2. 2810991Domain d5brqb2: 5brq B:479-560 [312642]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5brqa1, d5brqb1, d5brqc1, d5brqd1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with mg
      3. 2810992Domain d5brqc2: 5brq C:479-560 [312661]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5brqa1, d5brqb1, d5brqc1, d5brqd1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with mg
      4. 2810993Domain d5brqd2: 5brq D:479-560 [312728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5brqa1, d5brqb1, d5brqc1, d5brqd1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with mg
  5. 2810994Bacillus sp. [225223] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2810996Bacillus sp. [TaxId:1409] [361815] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5zcb:
    2. Domain for 5zcc:
    3. Domain for 5zcd:
    4. Domain for 5zce:
  7. 2811001Bacillus sp. [TaxId:535911] [225473] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 2811003Bacillus subtilis [TaxId:224308] [228101] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4m56:
      1. 2811009Domain d4m56a2: 4m56 A:483-561 [228102]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m56a1, d4m56b1
        automated match to d1uoka1
        complexed with glo, gol, so4
      2. 2811010Domain d4m56b2: 4m56 B:483-561 [235530]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m56a1, d4m56b1
        automated match to d4m56a2
        complexed with glo, gol, so4
    2. Domain for 4m8u:
    3. Domain for 4maz:
    4. Domain for 4mb1:
    5. Domains for 5wcz:
      1. 2811007Domain d5wcza2: 5wcz A:483-561 [348053]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wcza1, d5wczb1
        automated match to d4m8ua2
        complexed with gol, noj
      2. 2811008Domain d5wczb2: 5wcz B:483-561 [348004]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wcza1, d5wczb1
        automated match to d4m8ua2
        complexed with gol, noj
  9. 2811011Barley (Hordeum vulgare) [TaxId:4513] [255765] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3bsg:
    2. Domain for 3bsh:
  10. 2811014Bifidobacterium adolescentis [TaxId:1680] [255184] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2gdu:
      1. 2811016Domain d2gdua1: 2gdu A:435-504 [135032]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gdua2, d2gdub2
        automated match to d1r7aa1
      2. 2811017Domain d2gdub1: 2gdu B:435-504 [135034]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gdua2, d2gdub2
        automated match to d1r7aa1
    2. Domain for 5m9x:
    3. Domain for 5man:
    4. Domain for 5mb2:
  11. 2811020Bifidobacterium adolescentis [TaxId:367928] [365789] (1 PDB entry)
  12. 2811023Caldanaerobacter subterraneus [TaxId:911092] [404129] (1 PDB entry)
  13. 2811025Erwinia rhapontici [TaxId:55212] [228313] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4how:
    2. Domain for 4hox:
    3. Domain for 4hoz:
    4. Domain for 4hp5:
    5. Domain for 4hph:
  14. 2811031Escherichia coli [TaxId:331111] [311497] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5e6y:
      1. 2811040Domain d5e6ya3: 5e6y A:623-728 [310447]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6ya1, d5e6ya2, d5e6yb1, d5e6yb2, d5e6yc1, d5e6yc2, d5e6yd1, d5e6yd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2811041Domain d5e6yb3: 5e6y B:623-728 [310450]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6ya1, d5e6ya2, d5e6yb1, d5e6yb2, d5e6yc1, d5e6yc2, d5e6yd1, d5e6yd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      3. 2811042Domain d5e6yc3: 5e6y C:623-728 [310453]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6ya1, d5e6ya2, d5e6yb1, d5e6yb2, d5e6yc1, d5e6yc2, d5e6yd1, d5e6yd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      4. 2811043Domain d5e6yd3: 5e6y D:623-728 [310456]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6ya1, d5e6ya2, d5e6yb1, d5e6yb2, d5e6yc1, d5e6yc2, d5e6yd1, d5e6yd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
    2. Domains for 5e6z:
      1. 2811032Domain d5e6za3: 5e6z A:623-728 [310459]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6za1, d5e6za2, d5e6zb1, d5e6zb2, d5e6zc1, d5e6zc2, d5e6zd1, d5e6zd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2811033Domain d5e6zb3: 5e6z B:623-728 [310462]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6za1, d5e6za2, d5e6zb1, d5e6zb2, d5e6zc1, d5e6zc2, d5e6zd1, d5e6zd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      3. 2811034Domain d5e6zc3: 5e6z C:623-728 [310465]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6za1, d5e6za2, d5e6zb1, d5e6zb2, d5e6zc1, d5e6zc2, d5e6zd1, d5e6zd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      4. 2811035Domain d5e6zd3: 5e6z D:623-728 [310468]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e6za1, d5e6za2, d5e6zb1, d5e6zb2, d5e6zc1, d5e6zc2, d5e6zd1, d5e6zd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
    3. Domains for 5e70:
      1. 2811036Domain d5e70a3: 5e70 A:623-728 [310471]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e70a1, d5e70a2, d5e70b1, d5e70b2, d5e70c1, d5e70c2, d5e70d1, d5e70d2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2811037Domain d5e70b3: 5e70 B:623-728 [310474]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e70a1, d5e70a2, d5e70b1, d5e70b2, d5e70c1, d5e70c2, d5e70d1, d5e70d2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      3. 2811038Domain d5e70c3: 5e70 C:623-727 [310477]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e70a1, d5e70a2, d5e70b1, d5e70b2, d5e70c1, d5e70c2, d5e70d1, d5e70d2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      4. 2811039Domain d5e70d3: 5e70 D:623-728 [310480]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e70a1, d5e70a2, d5e70b1, d5e70b2, d5e70c1, d5e70c2, d5e70d1, d5e70d2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
  15. 2811044Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [270953] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3o7y:
      1. 2811045Domain d3o7ya3: 3o7y A:623-728 [306078]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7ya1, d3o7ya2, d3o7yb1, d3o7yb2, d3o7yc1, d3o7yc2, d3o7yd1, d3o7yd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2811046Domain d3o7yb3: 3o7y B:623-728 [306081]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7ya1, d3o7ya2, d3o7yb1, d3o7yb2, d3o7yc1, d3o7yc2, d3o7yd1, d3o7yd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      3. 2811047Domain d3o7yc3: 3o7y C:623-728 [306084]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7ya1, d3o7ya2, d3o7yb1, d3o7yb2, d3o7yc1, d3o7yc2, d3o7yd1, d3o7yd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
      4. 2811048Domain d3o7yd3: 3o7y D:623-728 [306087]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7ya1, d3o7ya2, d3o7yb1, d3o7yb2, d3o7yc1, d3o7yc2, d3o7yd1, d3o7yd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with gol
    2. Domains for 3o7z:
      1. 2811049Domain d3o7za3: 3o7z A:623-728 [306090]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7za1, d3o7za2, d3o7zb1, d3o7zb2, d3o7zc1, d3o7zc2, d3o7zd1, d3o7zd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with glc, gol
      2. 2811050Domain d3o7zb3: 3o7z B:623-728 [306093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7za1, d3o7za2, d3o7zb1, d3o7zb2, d3o7zc1, d3o7zc2, d3o7zd1, d3o7zd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with glc, gol
      3. 2811051Domain d3o7zc3: 3o7z C:623-728 [306096]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7za1, d3o7za2, d3o7zb1, d3o7zb2, d3o7zc1, d3o7zc2, d3o7zd1, d3o7zd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with glc, gol
      4. 2811052Domain d3o7zd3: 3o7z D:623-728 [306099]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o7za1, d3o7za2, d3o7zb1, d3o7zb2, d3o7zc1, d3o7zc2, d3o7zd1, d3o7zd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with glc, gol
    3. Domains for 4lpc:
      1. 2811053Domain d4lpca3: 4lpc A:623-728 [270974]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lpca1, d4lpca2, d4lpcb1, d4lpcb2, d4lpcc1, d4lpcc2, d4lpcd1, d4lpcd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with bgc, gol
      2. 2811054Domain d4lpcb3: 4lpc B:623-728 [270956]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lpca1, d4lpca2, d4lpcb1, d4lpcb2, d4lpcc1, d4lpcc2, d4lpcd1, d4lpcd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with bgc, gol
      3. 2811055Domain d4lpcc3: 4lpc C:623-728 [270973]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lpca1, d4lpca2, d4lpcb1, d4lpcb2, d4lpcc1, d4lpcc2, d4lpcd1, d4lpcd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with bgc, gol
      4. 2811056Domain d4lpcd3: 4lpc D:623-728 [270955]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lpca1, d4lpca2, d4lpcb1, d4lpcb2, d4lpcc1, d4lpcc2, d4lpcd1, d4lpcd2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with bgc, gol
    4. Domains for 4lq1:
      1. 2811057Domain d4lq1a3: 4lq1 A:623-728 [270971]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lq1a1, d4lq1a2, d4lq1b1, d4lq1b2, d4lq1c1, d4lq1c2, d4lq1d1, d4lq1d2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with bgc, gol
      2. 2811058Domain d4lq1b3: 4lq1 B:623-728 [270972]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lq1a1, d4lq1a2, d4lq1b1, d4lq1b2, d4lq1c1, d4lq1c2, d4lq1d1, d4lq1d2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with bgc, gol
      3. 2811059Domain d4lq1c3: 4lq1 C:623-728 [270962]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lq1a1, d4lq1a2, d4lq1b1, d4lq1b2, d4lq1c1, d4lq1c2, d4lq1d1, d4lq1d2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with bgc, gol
      4. 2811060Domain d4lq1d3: 4lq1 D:623-728 [270965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lq1a1, d4lq1a2, d4lq1b1, d4lq1b2, d4lq1c1, d4lq1c2, d4lq1d1, d4lq1d2
        automated match to d1m7xa2
        complexed with bgc, gol
  16. 2811061Flavobacterium sp. [TaxId:197856] [255817] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3edd:
      1. 2811070Domain d3edda3: 3edd A:518-599 [245827]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edda1, d3edda2, d3eddb1, d3eddb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca
      2. 2811071Domain d3eddb3: 3edd B:518-599 [245830]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edda1, d3edda2, d3eddb1, d3eddb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca
    2. Domains for 3ede:
      1. 2811062Domain d3edea3: 3ede A:518-599 [245833]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edea1, d3edea2, d3edeb1, d3edeb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2811063Domain d3edeb3: 3ede B:518-599 [245836]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edea1, d3edea2, d3edeb1, d3edeb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca, gol
    3. Domains for 3edf:
      1. 2811064Domain d3edfa3: 3edf A:518-599 [245839]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edfa1, d3edfa2, d3edfb1, d3edfb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2811065Domain d3edfb3: 3edf B:518-599 [245842]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edfa1, d3edfa2, d3edfb1, d3edfb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca, gol
    4. Domains for 3edj:
      1. 2811066Domain d3edja3: 3edj A:518-599 [245845]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edja1, d3edja2, d3edjb1, d3edjb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2811067Domain d3edjb3: 3edj B:518-599 [245848]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edja1, d3edja2, d3edjb1, d3edjb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca, gol
    5. Domains for 3edk:
      1. 2811068Domain d3edka3: 3edk A:518-599 [245851]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edka1, d3edka2, d3edkb1, d3edkb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2811069Domain d3edkb3: 3edk B:518-599 [245854]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3edka1, d3edka2, d3edkb1, d3edkb2
        automated match to d1h3ga2
        complexed with ca, gol
  17. 2811072Fungus (Aspergillus oryzae) [TaxId:5062] [256308] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4iug:
    2. Domain for 6xsv:
  18. 2811075Geobacillus sp. [TaxId:258999] [225394] (1 PDB entry)
  19. 2811077Geobacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId:1422] [311445] (1 PDB entry)
  20. 2811079Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [225771] (22 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1xgz:
    2. Domain for 1xh0:
    3. Domain for 1xh1:
    4. Domain for 1xh2:
    5. Domains for 1xv8:
      1. 2811111Domain d1xv8a1: 1xv8 A:409-496 [122340]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xv8a2, d1xv8b2
        automated match to d1jxka1
        complexed with ca, cl
      2. 2811112Domain d1xv8b1: 1xv8 B:409-496 [122342]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xv8a2, d1xv8b2
        automated match to d1jxka1
        complexed with ca, cl
    6. Domain for 3dhp:
    7. Domains for 3h53:
      1. 2811094Domain d3h53a2: 3h53 A:310-404 [210880]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h53a1, d3h53b1
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with gol, nag
      2. 2811095Domain d3h53b2: 3h53 B:310-404 [210882]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h53a1, d3h53b1
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with gol, nag
    8. Domains for 3h54:
      1. 2811103Domain d3h54a2: 3h54 A:310-404 [210884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h54a1, d3h54b1
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with a2g, gol, nag
      2. 2811104Domain d3h54b2: 3h54 B:310-404 [210886]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h54a1, d3h54b1
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with a2g, gol, nag
    9. Domains for 3h55:
      1. 2811089Domain d3h55a2: 3h55 A:310-404 [210888]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h55a1, d3h55b1
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with cit, gla, nag
      2. 2811090Domain d3h55b2: 3h55 B:310-404 [210890]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h55a1, d3h55b1
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with cit, gla, nag
    10. Domains for 3igu:
      1. 2811101Domain d3igua2: 3igu A:310-404 [211680]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3igua1, d3igub1
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with 7jz, gol, nag
      2. 2811102Domain d3igub2: 3igu B:310-404 [211682]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3igua1, d3igub1
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with 7jz, gol, nag
    11. Domain for 3l4t:
    12. Domain for 3l4u:
    13. Domain for 3l4v:
    14. Domain for 3l4w:
    15. Domain for 3l4x:
    16. Domain for 3l4y:
    17. Domain for 3l4z:
    18. Domains for 3lpp:
      1. 2811106Domain d3lppa3: 3lpp A:679-760 [305847]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lppa1, d3lppa2, d3lppa4, d3lppa5, d3lppb1, d3lppb2, d3lppb4, d3lppc1, d3lppc2, d3lppc4, d3lppc5, d3lppd1, d3lppd2, d3lppd4
        automated match to d2qlya3
        complexed with bma, cl, ktl, nag, peg, trs
      2. 2811107Domain d3lppb3: 3lpp B:679-760 [305852]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lppa1, d3lppa2, d3lppa4, d3lppa5, d3lppb1, d3lppb2, d3lppb4, d3lppc1, d3lppc2, d3lppc4, d3lppc5, d3lppd1, d3lppd2, d3lppd4
        automated match to d2qlya3
        complexed with bma, cl, ktl, nag, peg, trs
      3. 2811108Domain d3lppc3: 3lpp C:679-760 [305856]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lppa1, d3lppa2, d3lppa4, d3lppa5, d3lppb1, d3lppb2, d3lppb4, d3lppc1, d3lppc2, d3lppc4, d3lppc5, d3lppd1, d3lppd2, d3lppd4
        automated match to d2qlya3
        complexed with bma, cl, ktl, nag, peg, trs
      4. 2811109Domain d3lppd3: 3lpp D:679-760 [305861]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lppa1, d3lppa2, d3lppa4, d3lppa5, d3lppb1, d3lppb2, d3lppb4, d3lppc1, d3lppc2, d3lppc4, d3lppc5, d3lppd1, d3lppd2, d3lppd4
        automated match to d2qlya3
        complexed with bma, cl, ktl, nag, peg, trs
    19. Domains for 4do4:
      1. 2811080Domain d4do4a2: 4do4 A:310-404 [219885]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4do4a1, d4do4b1, d4do4b3
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with acy, cit, djn, gol, nag
      2. 2811081Domain d4do4b2: 4do4 B:310-411 [219887]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4do4a1, d4do4b1, d4do4b3
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with acy, cit, djn, gol, nag
    20. Domains for 4do5:
      1. 2811084Domain d4do5a2: 4do5 A:310-404 [219889]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4do5a1, d4do5b1, d4do5b3
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with cit, dgj, gol, nag
      2. 2811085Domain d4do5b2: 4do5 B:310-411 [219891]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4do5a1, d4do5b1, d4do5b3
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with cit, dgj, gol, nag
    21. Domains for 4do6:
      1. 2811086Domain d4do6a2: 4do6 A:310-405 [219893]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4do6a1, d4do6b1, d4do6b3
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with 2pe, bgc, cit, glc, nag
      2. 2811087Domain d4do6b2: 4do6 B:310-411 [219895]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4do6a1, d4do6b1, d4do6b3
        automated match to d1ktba1
        complexed with 2pe, bgc, cit, glc, nag
    22. Domain for 6z8l:
  21. 2811113Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [359378] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5yn2:
    2. Domain for 5yn7:
    3. Domain for 5yna:
    4. Domain for 5ync:
    5. Domain for 5ynd:
    6. Domain for 5yne:
    7. Domain for 5ynh:
    8. Domains for 6j33:
      1. 2811114Domain d6j33a5: 6j33 A:966-1083 [374141]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j33a1, d6j33a2, d6j33a3, d6j33a4, d6j33b1, d6j33b2, d6j33b3, d6j33b4
        automated match to d2fhfa4
        complexed with act, ca, mg
      2. 2811115Domain d6j33b5: 6j33 B:966-1083 [374258]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j33a1, d6j33a2, d6j33a3, d6j33a4, d6j33b1, d6j33b2, d6j33b3, d6j33b4
        automated match to d2fhfa4
        complexed with act, ca, mg
    9. Domain for 6j34:
    10. Domains for 6j35:
      1. 2811119Domain d6j35a5: 6j35 A:966-1083 [374438]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j35a1, d6j35a2, d6j35a3, d6j35a4, d6j35b1, d6j35b2, d6j35b3, d6j35b4
        automated match to d2fhfa4
        complexed with ca, gol, mg; mutant
      2. 2811120Domain d6j35b5: 6j35 B:966-1083 [374129]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6j35a1, d6j35a2, d6j35a3, d6j35a4, d6j35b1, d6j35b2, d6j35b3, d6j35b4
        automated match to d2fhfa4
        complexed with ca, gol, mg; mutant
  22. 2811126Lactobacillus acidophilus [TaxId:272621] [226448] (1 PDB entry)
  23. 2811128Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId:169963] [277527] (1 PDB entry)
  24. 2811132Malbranchea cinnamomea [TaxId:5041] [226683] (1 PDB entry)
  25. 2811134Neisseria polysaccharea [TaxId:489] [226281] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3ueq:
    2. Domain for 4flo:
    3. Domain for 4flq:
    4. Domain for 4flr:
    5. Domain for 4fls:
    6. Domain for 5n6v:
    7. Domain for 5n7j:
  26. 2811142Nicotiana benthamiana [TaxId:4100] [351548] (1 PDB entry)
  27. 2811144Oryzias latipes [TaxId:8090] [226402] (1 PDB entry)
  28. 2811146Paenibacillus macerans [TaxId:44252] [256322] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3wms:
    2. Domain for 4jcl:
    3. Domain for 6aij:
    4. Domain for 6l2h:
  29. 2811151Pelomonas saccharophila [TaxId:304] [377976] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6iwk:
    2. Domain for 6iyg:
    3. Domain for 6j3x:
    4. Domain for 6jqb:
  30. 2811156Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId:9823] [225876] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1vah:
    2. Domain for 3l2l:
    3. Domain for 3l2m:
  31. 2811160Protaminobacter rubrum [TaxId:126825] [225681] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3gbd:
    2. Domain for 3gbe:
  32. 2811163Pseudomonas mesoacidophila [TaxId:265293] [224869] (9 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1zja:
      1. 2811164Domain d1zjaa2: 1zja A:479-557 [203331]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zjaa1, d1zjab1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, trs
      2. 2811165Domain d1zjab2: 1zja B:479-557 [203333]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zjaa1, d1zjab1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, trs
    2. Domains for 1zjb:
      1. 2811168Domain d1zjba2: 1zjb A:479-557 [203335]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zjba1, d1zjbb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, trs
      2. 2811169Domain d1zjbb2: 1zjb B:479-557 [203337]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zjba1, d1zjbb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, trs
    3. Domains for 2pwd:
      1. 2811166Domain d2pwda2: 2pwd A:479-557 [205665]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwda1, d2pwdb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, noj
      2. 2811167Domain d2pwdb2: 2pwd B:479-557 [205667]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwda1, d2pwdb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, noj
    4. Domains for 2pwe:
      1. 2811178Domain d2pwea2: 2pwe A:479-557 [205669]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwea1, d2pweb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca; mutant
      2. 2811179Domain d2pweb2: 2pwe B:479-557 [205671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwea1, d2pweb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca; mutant
    5. Domains for 2pwf:
      1. 2811170Domain d2pwfa2: 2pwf A:479-557 [205673]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwfa1, d2pwfb1, d2pwfc1, d2pwfd1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with bgc, ca; mutant
      2. 2811171Domain d2pwfb2: 2pwf B:479-557 [205675]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwfa1, d2pwfb1, d2pwfc1, d2pwfd1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with bgc, ca; mutant
      3. 2811172Domain d2pwfc2: 2pwf C:479-557 [205677]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwfa1, d2pwfb1, d2pwfc1, d2pwfd1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with bgc, ca; mutant
      4. 2811173Domain d2pwfd2: 2pwf D:479-557 [205679]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwfa1, d2pwfb1, d2pwfc1, d2pwfd1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with bgc, ca; mutant
    6. Domains for 2pwg:
      1. 2811182Domain d2pwga2: 2pwg A:479-557 [205681]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwga1, d2pwgb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, cts
      2. 2811183Domain d2pwgb2: 2pwg B:479-557 [205683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwga1, d2pwgb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, cts
    7. Domains for 2pwh:
      1. 2811180Domain d2pwha2: 2pwh A:479-557 [205685]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwha1, d2pwhb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2811181Domain d2pwhb2: 2pwh B:479-557 [205687]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwha1, d2pwhb1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca
    8. Domains for 4go8:
      1. 2811176Domain d4go8a2: 4go8 A:479-556 [222049]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4go8a1, d4go8b1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, trs; mutant
      2. 2811177Domain d4go8b2: 4go8 B:479-557 [222051]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4go8a1, d4go8b1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, trs; mutant
    9. Domains for 4go9:
      1. 2811174Domain d4go9a2: 4go9 A:479-557 [222053]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4go9a1, d4go9b1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, trs; mutant
      2. 2811175Domain d4go9b2: 4go9 B:479-557 [222055]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4go9a1, d4go9b1
        automated match to d1m53a1
        complexed with ca, trs; mutant
  33. 2811184Pyrococcus woesei [TaxId:2262] [226293] (1 PDB entry)
  34. 2811186Streptococcus mutans [231716] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2zic:
    2. Domain for 2zid:
  35. 2811189Streptococcus mutans [TaxId:210007] [276376] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4wlc:
    2. Domain for 4xb3:
  36. 2811192Sulfolobus tokodaii [TaxId:273063] [225872] (1 PDB entry)
  37. 2811194Thermoactinomyces vulgaris [TaxId:2026] [254921] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1vfm:
      1. 2811205Domain d1vfma2: 1vfm A:503-585 [120043]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfma1, d1vfma3, d1vfmb1, d1vfmb3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
      2. 2811206Domain d1vfmb2: 1vfm B:503-585 [120046]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfma1, d1vfma3, d1vfmb1, d1vfmb3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
    2. Domains for 1vfo:
      1. 2811203Domain d1vfoa2: 1vfo A:503-585 [120049]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfoa1, d1vfoa3, d1vfob1, d1vfob3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
      2. 2811204Domain d1vfob2: 1vfo B:503-585 [120052]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfoa1, d1vfoa3, d1vfob1, d1vfob3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
    3. Domains for 1vfu:
      1. 2811207Domain d1vfua2: 1vfu A:503-585 [120056]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfua1, d1vfua3, d1vfub1, d1vfub3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
      2. 2811208Domain d1vfub2: 1vfu B:503-585 [120059]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vfua1, d1vfua3, d1vfub1, d1vfub3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
    4. Domains for 1wzk:
      1. 2811201Domain d1wzka2: 1wzk A:503-585 [121508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wzka1, d1wzka3, d1wzkb1, d1wzkb3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
      2. 2811202Domain d1wzkb2: 1wzk B:503-585 [121511]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wzka1, d1wzka3, d1wzkb1, d1wzkb3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
    5. Domains for 1wzl:
      1. 2811198Domain d1wzla2: 1wzl A:503-585 [121514]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wzla1, d1wzla3, d1wzlb1, d1wzlb3
        automated match to d1wzla2
        complexed with ca
      2. 2811199Domain d1wzlb2: 1wzl B:503-585 [121517]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wzla1, d1wzla3, d1wzlb1, d1wzlb3
        automated match to d1wzlb2
        complexed with ca
    6. Domain for 2d0f:
    7. Domains for 5z0t:
      1. 2811196Domain d5z0ta3: 5z0t A:555-637 [349130]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5z0ta1, d5z0ta2, d5z0tb1, d5z0tb2
        automated match to d1uh4a2
        complexed with ca, mpd; mutant
      2. 2811197Domain d5z0tb3: 5z0t B:555-637 [349351]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5z0ta1, d5z0ta2, d5z0tb1, d5z0tb2
        automated match to d1uh4a2
        complexed with ca, mpd; mutant
    8. Domain for 5z0u:
  38. 2811209Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [231746] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2zwy:
      1. 2811214Domain d2zwya2: 2zwy A:357-447 [231753]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zwya1, d2zwya3, d2zwyb1, d2zwyb3
        automated match to d1hl8a1
      2. 2811215Domain d2zwyb2: 2zwy B:357-447 [231747]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zwya1, d2zwya3, d2zwyb1, d2zwyb3
        automated match to d1hl8a1
    2. Domains for 2zwz:
      1. 2811212Domain d2zwza2: 2zwz A:357-447 [231749]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zwza1, d2zwzb1
        automated match to d1hl8a1
        complexed with zwz
      2. 2811213Domain d2zwzb2: 2zwz B:357-447 [231751]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zwza1, d2zwzb1
        automated match to d1hl8a1
        complexed with zwz
    3. Domains for 2zx5:
      1. 2811228Domain d2zx5a2: 2zx5 A:357-447 [245017]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx5a1, d2zx5b1
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx5
      2. 2811229Domain d2zx5b2: 2zx5 B:357-447 [245019]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx5a1, d2zx5b1
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx5
    4. Domains for 2zx6:
      1. 2811218Domain d2zx6a2: 2zx6 A:357-447 [245021]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx6a1, d2zx6a3, d2zx6b1, d2zx6b3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx6
      2. 2811219Domain d2zx6b2: 2zx6 B:357-447 [245023]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx6a1, d2zx6a3, d2zx6b1, d2zx6b3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx6
    5. Domains for 2zx7:
      1. 2811220Domain d2zx7a2: 2zx7 A:357-447 [245025]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx7a1, d2zx7a3, d2zx7b1, d2zx7b3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx7
      2. 2811221Domain d2zx7b2: 2zx7 B:357-447 [245027]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx7a1, d2zx7a3, d2zx7b1, d2zx7b3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx7
    6. Domains for 2zx8:
      1. 2811216Domain d2zx8a2: 2zx8 A:357-447 [245029]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx8a1, d2zx8b1
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx8
      2. 2811217Domain d2zx8b2: 2zx8 B:357-447 [245031]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx8a1, d2zx8b1
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx8
    7. Domains for 2zx9:
      1. 2811226Domain d2zx9a2: 2zx9 A:357-447 [245033]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx9a1, d2zx9a3, d2zx9b1, d2zx9b3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx9
      2. 2811227Domain d2zx9b2: 2zx9 B:357-447 [245035]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zx9a1, d2zx9a3, d2zx9b1, d2zx9b3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zx9
    8. Domains for 2zxa:
      1. 2811222Domain d2zxaa2: 2zxa A:357-447 [245037]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zxaa1, d2zxaa3, d2zxab1, d2zxab3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zxa
      2. 2811223Domain d2zxab2: 2zxa B:357-447 [245039]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zxaa1, d2zxaa3, d2zxab1, d2zxab3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zxa
    9. Domains for 2zxb:
      1. 2811224Domain d2zxba2: 2zxb A:357-447 [245041]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zxba1, d2zxba3, d2zxbb1, d2zxbb3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zxb
      2. 2811225Domain d2zxbb2: 2zxb B:357-447 [245043]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zxba1, d2zxba3, d2zxbb1, d2zxbb3
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zxb
    10. Domains for 2zxd:
      1. 2811210Domain d2zxda2: 2zxd A:357-447 [245045]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zxda1, d2zxdb1
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zxd
      2. 2811211Domain d2zxdb2: 2zxd B:357-447 [245047]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zxda1, d2zxdb1
        automated match to d2zwyb2
        complexed with zxd
  39. 2811230Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:243274] [231485] (1 PDB entry)
  40. 2811233Trichoderma reesei [TaxId:51453] [255994] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3og2:
    2. Domain for 3ogr:
    3. Domain for 3ogs:
    4. Domain for 3ogv:
  41. 2811238Worm (Eisenia fetida) [TaxId:6396] [391055] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6m4k:
    2. Domain for 6m4l:
    3. Domain for 6m4m:

More info for Protein automated matches from b.71.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.71.1.0: automated matches: