Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2968378Fold d.108: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferases (Nat) [55728] (1 superfamily)
    3 layers: a/b/a; contains mixed beta-sheet
  4. 2968379Superfamily d.108.1: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferases (Nat) [55729] (12 families) (S)
  5. 2968970Family d.108.1.0: automated matches [191308] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2968971Protein automated matches [190038] (49 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2968972Acinetobacter baumannii [TaxId:470] [226348] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2968975Acinetobacter baylyi [TaxId:202950] [267785] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2968982Acinetobacter haemolyticus [TaxId:29430] [226372] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4evy:
      1. 2968983Domain d4evya1: 4evy A:1-145 [220884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4evya2
        automated match to d1s5ka_
        complexed with cl, k, toy
      2. 2968984Domain d4evyb_: 4evy B: [220885]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4evya2
        automated match to d1s5ka_
        complexed with cl, k, toy
    2. Domains for 4f0y:
      1. 2968985Domain d4f0ya_: 4f0y A: [220935]
        automated match to d1s5ka_
        complexed with cl, gol, mg
      2. 2968986Domain d4f0yb_: 4f0y B: [220936]
        automated match to d1s5ka_
        complexed with cl, gol, mg
  4. 2968987Agrobacterium tumefaciens [TaxId:176299] [186886] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2968991Aspergillus fumigatus [TaxId:330879] [271021] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4qbj:
    2. Domain for 6tdf:
    3. Domain for 6tdg:
    4. Domain for 6tdh:
  6. 2968996Aspergillus fumigatus [TaxId:5085] [255609] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2vez:
    2. Domain for 2vxk:
  7. 2968999Aspergillus fumigatus [TaxId:746128] [259642] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4cav:
      1. 2969006Domain d4cava1: 4cav A:101-262 [259645]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 2xq, cl, mya
      2. 2969007Domain d4cava2: 4cav A:263-492 [259646]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with 2xq, cl, mya
    2. Domains for 4caw:
      1. 2969009Domain d4cawa1: 4caw A:101-262 [259643]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with mya, p3u
      2. 2969010Domain d4cawa2: 4caw A:263-492 [259644]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with mya, p3u
    3. Domains for 4cax:
      1. 2969004Domain d4caxa1: 4cax A:101-262 [259647]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 646, mya
      2. 2969005Domain d4caxa2: 4cax A:263-492 [259648]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with 646, mya
    4. Domain for 4qbj:
    5. Domains for 4uwi:
      1. 2969002Domain d4uwia1: 4uwi A:101-262 [261452]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with mya, xmq
      2. 2969003Domain d4uwia2: 4uwi A:263-492 [261454]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with mya, xmq
    6. Domains for 4uwj:
      1. 2969000Domain d4uwja1: 4uwj A:101-262 [261453]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 7l5, mya
      2. 2969001Domain d4uwja2: 4uwj A:263-492 [261455]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with 7l5, mya
  8. 2969011Bacillus cereus [TaxId:226900] [358002] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 2969016Bacillus thuringiensis [TaxId:1428] [381227] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 2969029Bacillus thuringiensis [TaxId:930170] [381225] (1 PDB entry)
  11. 2969032Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [420040] (1 PDB entry)
  12. 2969034Brucella abortus [TaxId:359391] [226652] (1 PDB entry)
  13. 2969037Brucella melitensis [TaxId:359391] [226620] (1 PDB entry)
  14. 2969042Brucella ovis [TaxId:444178] [278686] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5dwm:
      1. 2969043Domain d5dwma1: 5dwm A:1-179 [310421]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dwma2
        automated match to d5dwnd_
        complexed with edo, gol, imd
      2. 2969044Domain d5dwmb_: 5dwm B: [310423]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dwma2
        automated match to d5dwnd_
        complexed with edo, gol, imd
      3. 2969045Domain d5dwmc_: 5dwm C: [310424]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dwma2
        automated match to d5dwnd_
        complexed with edo, gol, imd
      4. 2969046Domain d5dwmd_: 5dwm D: [310425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dwma2
        automated match to d5dwnd_
        complexed with edo, gol, imd
    2. Domains for 5dwn:
      1. 2969047Domain d5dwna1: 5dwn A:1-179 [278687]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dwna2, d5dwnb2
        automated match to d2j8ma_
        complexed with aco, cl, mg
      2. 2969048Domain d5dwnb1: 5dwn B:1-179 [278688]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dwna2, d5dwnb2
        automated match to d2j8ma_
        complexed with aco, cl, mg
      3. 2969049Domain d5dwnc_: 5dwn C: [278689]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dwna2, d5dwnb2
        automated match to d2j8ma_
        complexed with aco, cl, mg
      4. 2969050Domain d5dwnd_: 5dwn D: [278690]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dwna2, d5dwnb2
        automated match to d2j8ma_
        complexed with aco, cl, mg
  15. 2969051Chaetomium thermophilum [TaxId:209285] [335423] (1 PDB entry)
  16. 2969054Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [233422] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3r95:
      1. 2969063Domain d3r95a_: 3r95 A: [233423]
        automated match to d1s7nb_
        complexed with aco
      2. 2969064Domain d3r95b_: 3r95 B: [239690]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with aco
    2. Domains for 3r96:
      1. 2969059Domain d3r96a_: 3r96 A: [249071]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with aco, amp
      2. 2969060Domain d3r96b_: 3r96 B: [249072]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with aco, amp
    3. Domains for 3r9e:
      1. 2969057Domain d3r9ea_: 3r9e A: [249073]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with coa, dsz
      2. 2969058Domain d3r9eb_: 3r9e B: [249074]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with coa, dsz
    4. Domains for 3r9f:
      1. 2969055Domain d3r9fa_: 3r9f A: [249075]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with coa, gsu
      2. 2969056Domain d3r9fb_: 3r9f B: [249076]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with coa, gsu
    5. Domains for 3r9g:
      1. 2969061Domain d3r9ga_: 3r9g A: [249077]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with 7mc, coa
      2. 2969062Domain d3r9gb_: 3r9g B: [249078]
        automated match to d3r95a_
        complexed with 7mc, coa
  17. 2969065Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [260781] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3wr7:
      1. 2969067Domain d3wr7a_: 3wr7 A: [276605]
        automated match to d4r9mc_
        complexed with coa, spd
      2. 2969068Domain d3wr7b_: 3wr7 B: [276606]
        automated match to d4r9mc_
        complexed with coa, spd
      3. 2969069Domain d3wr7c_: 3wr7 C: [276604]
        automated match to d4r9mc_
        complexed with coa, spd
      4. 2969070Domain d3wr7d_: 3wr7 D: [276607]
        automated match to d4r9mc_
        complexed with coa, spd
    2. Domains for 4r9m:
      1. 2969073Domain d4r9ma_: 4r9m A: [260782]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with mg
      2. 2969074Domain d4r9mb_: 4r9m B: [263833]
        automated match to d4r9ma_
        complexed with mg
      3. 2969075Domain d4r9mc_: 4r9m C: [260783]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with mg
    3. Domains for 5z6n:
      1. 2969071Domain d5z6na_: 5z6n A: [364304]
        automated match to d1xeba_
      2. 2969072Domain d5z6nb_: 5z6n B: [364302]
        automated match to d1xeba_
    4. Domain for 6cy6:
  18. 2969076Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [225745] (65 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2huz:
      1. 2969173Domain d2huza_: 2huz A: [230775]
        automated match to d4ag7a_
      2. 2969174Domain d2huzb_: 2huz B: [230776]
        automated match to d4ag7a_
    2. Domains for 2hv0:
      1. 2969101Domain d2hv0a_: 2hv0 A: [304034]
        automated match to d3cxpa_
        complexed with 16g, coa
      2. 2969102Domain d2hv0b_: 2hv0 B: [304035]
        automated match to d3cxpa_
        complexed with 16g, coa
    3. Domains for 2o28:
      1. 2969113Domain d2o28a_: 2o28 A: [243281]
        automated match to d2huza_
        complexed with 16g, coa
      2. 2969114Domain d2o28b_: 2o28 B: [243282]
        automated match to d2huza_
        complexed with 16g, coa
    4. Domains for 2ob0:
      1. 2969090Domain d2ob0a1: 2ob0 A:2-154 [412900]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ob0a2
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with aco
      2. 2969091Domain d2ob0b_: 2ob0 B: [412902]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ob0a2
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with aco
      3. 2969092Domain d2ob0c_: 2ob0 C: [412903]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ob0a2
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with aco
    5. Domains for 2psw:
      1. 2969119Domain d2pswa1: 2psw A:2-155 [412929]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pswa2
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2969120Domain d2pswb_: 2psw B: [412931]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pswa2
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2969121Domain d2pswc_: 2psw C: [412932]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pswa2
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with coa
    6. Domain for 3cxp:
    7. Domain for 3cxq:
    8. Domain for 3cxs:
    9. Domains for 3iu1:
      1. 2969078Domain d3iu1a1: 3iu1 A:115-295 [211952]
        automated match to d1iyka1
        complexed with mya
      2. 2969079Domain d3iu1a2: 3iu1 A:296-496 [211953]
        automated match to d1iyka2
        complexed with mya
      3. 2969080Domain d3iu1b1: 3iu1 B:115-295 [211954]
        automated match to d1iyka1
        complexed with mya
      4. 2969081Domain d3iu1b2: 3iu1 B:296-496 [211955]
        automated match to d1iyka2
        complexed with mya
    10. Domains for 3iu2:
      1. 2969097Domain d3iu2a1: 3iu2 A:115-295 [211956]
        automated match to d1iyka1
        complexed with 096, mya
      2. 2969098Domain d3iu2a2: 3iu2 A:296-496 [211957]
        automated match to d1iyka2
        complexed with 096, mya
      3. 2969099Domain d3iu2b1: 3iu2 B:115-295 [211958]
        automated match to d1iyka1
        complexed with 096, mya
      4. 2969100Domain d3iu2b2: 3iu2 B:296-496 [211959]
        automated match to d1iyka2
        complexed with 096, mya
    11. Domains for 3iwe:
      1. 2969093Domain d3iwea1: 3iwe A:115-295 [211973]
        automated match to d1iyka1
        complexed with 646, mya
      2. 2969094Domain d3iwea2: 3iwe A:296-496 [211974]
        automated match to d1iyka2
        complexed with 646, mya
      3. 2969095Domain d3iweb1: 3iwe B:116-295 [211975]
        automated match to d1iyka1
        complexed with 646, mya
      4. 2969096Domain d3iweb2: 3iwe B:296-496 [211976]
        automated match to d1iyka2
        complexed with 646, mya
    12. Domains for 3jtk:
      1. 2969086Domain d3jtka1: 3jtk A:115-295 [212081]
        automated match to d1iyka1
        complexed with mya, x55
      2. 2969087Domain d3jtka2: 3jtk A:296-496 [212082]
        automated match to d1iyka2
        complexed with mya, x55
      3. 2969088Domain d3jtkb1: 3jtk B:115-295 [212083]
        automated match to d1iyka1
        complexed with mya, x55
      4. 2969089Domain d3jtkb2: 3jtk B:296-496 [212084]
        automated match to d1iyka2
        complexed with mya, x55
    13. Domain for 3qah:
    14. Domains for 3tfy:
      1. 2969171Domain d3tfyb_: 3tfy B: [413442]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2969172Domain d3tfyc_: 3tfy C: [413443]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with coa
    15. Domains for 4c2x:
      1. 2969187Domain d4c2xa1: 4c2x A:110-295 [259748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4c2xa3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with mg, nhw
      2. 2969188Domain d4c2xa2: 4c2x A:296-496 [259749]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4c2xa3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with mg, nhw
    16. Domains for 4c2y:
      1. 2969107Domain d4c2ya1: 4c2y A:115-295 [259744]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cit, gol, mg, mya
      2. 2969108Domain d4c2ya2: 4c2y A:296-496 [259745]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cit, gol, mg, mya
      3. 2969109Domain d4c2yb1: 4c2y B:115-295 [260141]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cit, gol, mg, mya
      4. 2969110Domain d4c2yb2: 4c2y B:296-496 [260142]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cit, gol, mg, mya
    17. Domains for 4c2z:
      1. 2969127Domain d4c2za1: 4c2z A:115-295 [260149]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 646, cit, cl, gol, mg, mya
      2. 2969128Domain d4c2za2: 4c2z A:296-496 [260150]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 646, cit, cl, gol, mg, mya
      3. 2969129Domain d4c2zb1: 4c2z B:115-295 [259746]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 646, cit, cl, gol, mg, mya
      4. 2969130Domain d4c2zb2: 4c2z B:296-496 [259747]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 646, cit, cl, gol, mg, mya
    18. Domains for 4nsq:
      1. 2969201Domain d4nsqa1: 4nsq A:493-652 [237340]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nsqa2, d4nsqb2, d4nsqc2, d4nsqd2
        automated match to d1ygha_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2969202Domain d4nsqb1: 4nsq B:493-652 [237338]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nsqa2, d4nsqb2, d4nsqc2, d4nsqd2
        automated match to d1ygha_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2969203Domain d4nsqc1: 4nsq C:493-652 [237339]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nsqa2, d4nsqb2, d4nsqc2, d4nsqd2
        automated match to d1ygha_
        complexed with coa
      4. 2969204Domain d4nsqd1: 4nsq D:493-652 [237337]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nsqa2, d4nsqb2, d4nsqc2, d4nsqd2
        automated match to d1ygha_
        complexed with coa
    19. Domain for 5h84:
    20. Domain for 5h86:
    21. Domain for 5hh0:
    22. Domain for 5hh1:
    23. Domains for 5icv:
      1. 2969111Domain d5icva_: 5icv A: [414893]
        automated match to d6th0a_
        complexed with 1xe
      2. 2969112Domain d5icvb_: 5icv B: [414894]
        automated match to d6th0a_
        complexed with 1xe
    24. Domains for 5icw:
      1. 2969148Domain d5icwa_: 5icw A: [414895]
        automated match to d6th0a_
        complexed with cl, coa
      2. 2969149Domain d5icwb_: 5icw B: [414896]
        automated match to d6th0a_
        complexed with cl, coa
      3. 2969150Domain d5icwc_: 5icw C: [414897]
        automated match to d6th0a_
        complexed with cl, coa
      4. 2969151Domain d5icwd_: 5icw D: [414898]
        automated match to d6th0a_
        complexed with cl, coa
    25. Domain for 5j8c:
    26. Domain for 5j8f:
    27. Domains for 5mu6:
      1. 2969139Domain d5mu6a1: 5mu6 A:115-295 [346593]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with gol, kfk, mg, mya
      2. 2969140Domain d5mu6a2: 5mu6 A:296-496 [346594]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with gol, kfk, mg, mya
      3. 2969141Domain d5mu6b1: 5mu6 B:115-295 [346568]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with gol, kfk, mg, mya
      4. 2969142Domain d5mu6b2: 5mu6 B:296-496 [346569]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with gol, kfk, mg, mya
    28. Domains for 5npq:
      1. 2969207Domain d5npqa1: 5npq A:115-295 [352941]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 94q, gol, mg
      2. 2969208Domain d5npqa2: 5npq A:296-496 [352942]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 94q, gol, mg
      3. 2969209Domain d5npqb1: 5npq B:115-295 [352864]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 94q, gol, mg
      4. 2969210Domain d5npqb2: 5npq B:296-496 [352865]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 94q, gol, mg
    29. Domains for 5o6h:
      1. 2969082Domain d5o6ha1: 5o6h A:115-295 [352323]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 9m2, dms, gol, mg, mya, po4
      2. 2969083Domain d5o6ha2: 5o6h A:296-496 [352324]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 9m2, dms, gol, mg, mya, po4
      3. 2969084Domain d5o6hb1: 5o6h B:115-295 [352268]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 9m2, dms, gol, mg, mya, po4
      4. 2969085Domain d5o6hb2: 5o6h B:296-496 [352269]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 9m2, dms, gol, mg, mya, po4
    30. Domains for 5o6j:
      1. 2969103Domain d5o6ja1: 5o6j A:115-295 [352548]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 9m8, mg, mya, po4
      2. 2969104Domain d5o6ja2: 5o6j A:296-496 [352549]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 9m8, mg, mya, po4
      3. 2969105Domain d5o6jb1: 5o6j B:114-295 [352554]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 9m8, mg, mya, po4
      4. 2969106Domain d5o6jb2: 5o6j B:296-496 [352555]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 9m8, mg, mya, po4
    31. Domains for 5trl:
      1. 2969193Domain d5trla_: 5trl A: [342665]
        automated match to d5gcna_
        complexed with sca
      2. 2969194Domain d5trlb_: 5trl B: [342350]
        automated match to d5gcna_
        complexed with sca
      3. 2969195Domain d5trlc_: 5trl C: [342537]
        automated match to d5gcna_
        complexed with sca
      4. 2969196Domain d5trld_: 5trl D: [342648]
        automated match to d5gcna_
        complexed with sca
      5. 2969197Domain d5trle_: 5trl E: [342469]
        automated match to d5gcna_
        complexed with sca
      6. 2969198Domain d5trlf_: 5trl F: [342675]
        automated match to d5gcna_
        complexed with sca
      7. 2969199Domain d5trlg_: 5trl G: [342509]
        automated match to d5gcna_
        complexed with sca
      8. 2969200Domain d5trlh_: 5trl H: [342507]
        automated match to d5gcna_
        complexed with sca
    32. Domains for 5trm:
      1. 2969220Domain d5trma_: 5trm A: [342519]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      2. 2969221Domain d5trmb_: 5trm B: [342668]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      3. 2969222Domain d5trmc_: 5trm C: [342671]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      4. 2969223Domain d5trmd_: 5trm D: [342360]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      5. 2969224Domain d5trme_: 5trm E: [342522]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      6. 2969225Domain d5trmf_: 5trm F: [342649]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      7. 2969226Domain d5trmg_: 5trm G: [342470]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      8. 2969227Domain d5trmh_: 5trm H: [342669]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      9. 2969228Domain d5trmi_: 5trm I: [342663]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      10. 2969229Domain d5trmj_: 5trm J: [342647]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      11. 2969230Domain d5trmk_: 5trm K: [342390]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      12. 2969231Domain d5trml_: 5trm L: [342666]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      13. 2969232Domain d5trmm_: 5trm M: [342672]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      14. 2969233Domain d5trmn_: 5trm N: [342567]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      15. 2969234Domain d5trmo_: 5trm O: [342656]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      16. 2969235Domain d5trmp_: 5trm P: [342676]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      17. 2969236Domain d5trmq_: 5trm Q: [342533]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      18. 2969237Domain d5trmr_: 5trm R: [342626]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      19. 2969238Domain d5trms_: 5trm S: [342667]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      20. 2969239Domain d5trmt_: 5trm T: [342670]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      21. 2969240Domain d5trmu_: 5trm U: [342354]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      22. 2969241Domain d5trmv_: 5trm V: [342359]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      23. 2969242Domain d5trmw_: 5trm W: [342651]
        automated match to d5gcna_
      24. 2969243Domain d5trmx_: 5trm X: [342655]
        automated match to d5gcna_
    33. Domains for 5uut:
      1. 2969189Domain d5uuta1: 5uut A:115-295 [347857]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cit, mya
      2. 2969190Domain d5uuta2: 5uut A:296-496 [347858]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cit, mya
      3. 2969191Domain d5uutb1: 5uut B:115-295 [347971]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cit, mya
      4. 2969192Domain d5uutb2: 5uut B:296-496 [347972]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cit, mya
    34. Domain for 6ba2:
    35. Domain for 6ba4:
    36. Domain for 6c95:
    37. Domains for 6c9m:
      1. 2969205Domain d6c9mb_: 6c9m B: [353277]
        automated match to d5nnre_
        complexed with 1pe, ihp
      2. 2969206Domain d6c9md_: 6c9m D: [353281]
        automated match to d5nnre_
        complexed with 1pe, ihp
    38. Domain for 6ct2:
    39. Domains for 6ehj:
      1. 2969175Domain d6ehja1: 6ehj A:115-295 [366828]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with asn, coa, gly, gol, lys, mya, myr, pro, ser
      2. 2969176Domain d6ehja2: 6ehj A:296-496 [366829]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with asn, coa, gly, gol, lys, mya, myr, pro, ser
      3. 2969177Domain d6ehjb1: 6ehj B:115-295 [366744]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with asn, coa, gly, gol, lys, mya, myr, pro, ser
      4. 2969178Domain d6ehjb2: 6ehj B:296-496 [366745]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with asn, coa, gly, gol, lys, mya, myr, pro, ser
    40. Domains for 6f56:
      1. 2969154Domain d6f56a1: 6f56 A:115-295 [366491]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with gol, mg, mya; mutant
      2. 2969155Domain d6f56b1: 6f56 B:115-295 [366454]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with gol, mg, mya; mutant
      3. 2969156Domain d6f56c1: 6f56 C:115-295 [366455]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with gol, mg, mya; mutant
      4. 2969157Domain d6f56d1: 6f56 D:115-295 [366410]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with gol, mg, mya; mutant
    41. Domains for 6fz2:
      1. 2969166Domain d6fz2a1: 6fz2 A:116-295 [366821]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 31a, gol, mg, mya
      2. 2969167Domain d6fz2a2: 6fz2 A:296-496 [366822]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 31a, gol, mg, mya
      3. 2969168Domain d6fz2b1: 6fz2 B:116-295 [366790]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 31a, gol, mg, mya
      4. 2969169Domain d6fz2b2: 6fz2 B:296-496 [366791]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 31a, gol, mg, mya
    42. Domains for 6fz3:
      1. 2969159Domain d6fz3a1: 6fz3 A:115-295 [366755]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fz3a3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with ebk, gol, mg, mya
      2. 2969160Domain d6fz3a2: 6fz3 A:296-496 [366756]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fz3a3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with ebk, gol, mg, mya
      3. 2969161Domain d6fz3b1: 6fz3 B:115-295 [366750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fz3a3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with ebk, gol, mg, mya
      4. 2969162Domain d6fz3b2: 6fz3 B:296-496 [366751]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fz3a3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with ebk, gol, mg, mya
    43. Domains for 6fz5:
      1. 2969143Domain d6fz5a1: 6fz5 A:115-295 [366802]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with bxn, gol, mg, mya
      2. 2969144Domain d6fz5a2: 6fz5 A:296-496 [366803]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with bxn, gol, mg, mya
      3. 2969145Domain d6fz5b1: 6fz5 B:115-295 [366786]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with bxn, gol, mg, mya
      4. 2969146Domain d6fz5b2: 6fz5 B:296-496 [366787]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with bxn, gol, mg, mya
    44. Domain for 6oin:
    45. Domain for 6oio:
    46. Domain for 6oip:
    47. Domain for 6oiq:
    48. Domain for 6oir:
    49. Domain for 6owh:
    50. Domain for 6owi:
    51. Domain for 6pd8:
    52. Domain for 6pd9:
    53. Domain for 6pda:
    54. Domain for 6pdb:
    55. Domain for 6pdc:
    56. Domain for 6pdd:
    57. Domain for 6pde:
    58. Domain for 6pdf:
    59. Domain for 6pdg:
    60. Domains for 6ppl:
      1. 2969213Domain d6ppla_: 6ppl A: [411670]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        complexed with aco, ihp
      2. 2969214Domain d6pplc_: 6ppl C: [380797]
        automated match to d5nnre_
        complexed with aco, ihp
    61. Domains for 6wfg:
      1. 2969181Domain d6wfga_: 6wfg A: [416989]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with coa, u3v
      2. 2969182Domain d6wfgc_: 6wfg C: [416990]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with coa, u3v
      3. 2969183Domain d6wfge_: 6wfg E: [416991]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with coa, u3v
    62. Domains for 6wfk:
      1. 2969136Domain d6wfka_: 6wfk A: [416992]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with coa, u2j
      2. 2969137Domain d6wfkb_: 6wfk B: [416993]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with coa, u2j
      3. 2969138Domain d6wfkc_: 6wfk C: [416994]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with coa, u2j
    63. Domain for 6wfn:
    64. Domains for 6wfo:
      1. 2969133Domain d6wfoa_: 6wfo A: [416996]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with aco, u3y
      2. 2969134Domain d6wfob_: 6wfo B: [416997]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with aco, u3y
      3. 2969135Domain d6wfoc_: 6wfo C: [416998]
        automated match to d6yzza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with aco, u3y
    65. Domain for 7cmr:
  19. 2969244Listeria innocua [TaxId:272626] [188770] (1 PDB entry)
  20. 2969247Nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans) [TaxId:6239] [194915] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4ag7:
      1. 2969248Domain d4ag7a_: 4ag7 A: [194919]
        automated match to d1i21a_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2969249Domain d4ag7b_: 4ag7 B: [201423]
        automated match to d4ag7a_
        complexed with coa
    2. Domains for 4ag9:
      1. 2969250Domain d4ag9a_: 4ag9 A: [194917]
        automated match to d1i21a_
        complexed with 16g, coa, edo
      2. 2969251Domain d4ag9b_: 4ag9 B: [194916]
        automated match to d1i21a_
        complexed with 16g, coa, edo
  21. 2969252Neosartorya fumigata [TaxId:330879] [338948] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5t5u:
      1. 2969255Domain d5t5ua1: 5t5u A:101-262 [338959]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 75t, mya
      2. 2969256Domain d5t5ua2: 5t5u A:263-492 [338960]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with 75t, mya
    2. Domains for 5t6c:
      1. 2969257Domain d5t6ca1: 5t6c A:101-262 [338975]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 75s, mya
      2. 2969258Domain d5t6ca2: 5t6c A:263-492 [338976]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with 75s, mya
    3. Domains for 5t6e:
      1. 2969259Domain d5t6ea1: 5t6e A:101-262 [338949]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 75r, mya
      2. 2969260Domain d5t6ea2: 5t6e A:263-492 [338950]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with 75r, mya
    4. Domains for 5t6h:
      1. 2969253Domain d5t6ha1: 5t6h A:101-262 [338981]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 75q, mya
      2. 2969254Domain d5t6ha2: 5t6h A:263-492 [338982]
        automated match to d1iica2
        complexed with 75q, mya
  22. 2969261Plasmodium vivax [TaxId:126793] [358012] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6b1l:
      1. 2969268Domain d6b1la1: 6b1l A:27-210 [358013]
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cj4, mya
      2. 2969269Domain d6b1la2: 6b1l A:211-410 [358014]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cj4, mya
      3. 2969270Domain d6b1lb1: 6b1l B:211-410 [358039]
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cj4, mya
    2. Domains for 6nxg:
      1. 2969262Domain d6nxga1: 6nxg A:27-210 [378800]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6nxga3, d6nxgb3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with bme, cl, edo, l7y, mg, mya, oxm
      2. 2969263Domain d6nxga2: 6nxg A:211-410 [378801]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6nxga3, d6nxgb3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with bme, cl, edo, l7y, mg, mya, oxm
      3. 2969264Domain d6nxgb1: 6nxg B:27-210 [378765]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6nxga3, d6nxgb3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with bme, cl, edo, l7y, mg, mya, oxm
      4. 2969265Domain d6nxgb2: 6nxg B:211-410 [378767]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6nxga3, d6nxgb3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with bme, cl, edo, l7y, mg, mya, oxm
      5. 2969266Domain d6nxgc1: 6nxg C:27-210 [378740]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6nxga3, d6nxgb3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with bme, cl, edo, l7y, mg, mya, oxm
      6. 2969267Domain d6nxgc2: 6nxg C:211-410 [378741]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6nxga3, d6nxgb3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with bme, cl, edo, l7y, mg, mya, oxm
  23. 2969271Plasmodium vivax [TaxId:5855] [234134] (20 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2ync:
      1. 2969305Domain d2ynca1: 2ync A:27-210 [239048]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, so4, ync
      2. 2969306Domain d2yncb1: 2ync B:27-210 [239049]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, so4, ync
      3. 2969307Domain d2yncc1: 2ync C:27-210 [236102]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, so4, ync
    2. Domains for 2ynd:
      1. 2969314Domain d2ynda1: 2ynd A:26-210 [236101]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 646, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      2. 2969315Domain d2yndb1: 2ynd B:26-210 [239050]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 646, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      3. 2969316Domain d2yndc1: 2ynd C:27-210 [236663]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 646, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
    3. Domains for 2yne:
      1. 2969323Domain d2ynea1: 2yne A:27-210 [236099]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, yne
      2. 2969324Domain d2yneb1: 2yne B:27-210 [236100]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, yne
      3. 2969325Domain d2ynec1: 2yne C:27-210 [236664]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, yne
    4. Domains for 4bbh:
      1. 2969278Domain d4bbha1: 4bbh A:27-210 [234137]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, ybn
      2. 2969279Domain d4bbhb1: 4bbh B:27-210 [234135]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, ybn
      3. 2969280Domain d4bbhc1: 4bbh C:27-210 [240006]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, ybn
    5. Domains for 4c68:
      1. 2969272Domain d4c68a1: 4c68 A:27-210 [259752]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, en5, fmt, mg, nhw, so4
      2. 2969273Domain d4c68b1: 4c68 B:27-210 [260144]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, en5, fmt, mg, nhw, so4
      3. 2969274Domain d4c68c1: 4c68 C:27-210 [260143]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, en5, fmt, mg, nhw, so4
    6. Domains for 4cae:
      1. 2969275Domain d4caea1: 4cae A:27-210 [238086]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 3f3, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      2. 2969276Domain d4caeb1: 4cae B:27-210 [238091]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 3f3, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      3. 2969277Domain d4caec1: 4cae C:27-210 [238090]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 3f3, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
    7. Domains for 4caf:
      1. 2969281Domain d4cafa1: 4caf A:27-210 [238089]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 370, cl, dms, mg, nh4, nhw, so4
      2. 2969282Domain d4cafb1: 4caf B:27-210 [238088]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 370, cl, dms, mg, nh4, nhw, so4
      3. 2969283Domain d4cafc1: 4caf C:27-210 [238087]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 370, cl, dms, mg, nh4, nhw, so4
    8. Domains for 4ufv:
      1. 2969326Domain d4ufva1: 4ufv A:27-210 [316544]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufva2, d4ufvb2, d4ufvc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 31a, cl, dms, goa, mg, nhw, so4
      2. 2969327Domain d4ufva3: 4ufv A:211-410 [344113]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufva2, d4ufvb2, d4ufvc2
        complexed with 31a, cl, dms, goa, mg, nhw, so4
      3. 2969328Domain d4ufvb1: 4ufv B:27-210 [316429]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufva2, d4ufvb2, d4ufvc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 31a, cl, dms, goa, mg, nhw, so4
      4. 2969329Domain d4ufvb3: 4ufv B:211-410 [344114]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufva2, d4ufvb2, d4ufvc2
        complexed with 31a, cl, dms, goa, mg, nhw, so4
      5. 2969330Domain d4ufvc1: 4ufv C:27-210 [316430]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufva2, d4ufvb2, d4ufvc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 31a, cl, dms, goa, mg, nhw, so4
      6. 2969331Domain d4ufvc3: 4ufv C:211-410 [344115]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufva2, d4ufvb2, d4ufvc2
        complexed with 31a, cl, dms, goa, mg, nhw, so4
    9. Domains for 4ufw:
      1. 2969299Domain d4ufwa1: 4ufw A:27-210 [316441]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufwa2, d4ufwb2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 7y6, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      2. 2969300Domain d4ufwa3: 4ufw A:211-410 [344116]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufwa2, d4ufwb2
        complexed with 7y6, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      3. 2969301Domain d4ufwb1: 4ufw B:27-210 [316522]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufwa2, d4ufwb2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 7y6, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      4. 2969302Domain d4ufwb3: 4ufw B:211-410 [344117]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufwa2, d4ufwb2
        complexed with 7y6, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      5. 2969303Domain d4ufwc1: 4ufw C:27-210 [316593]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufwa2, d4ufwb2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 7y6, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      6. 2969304Domain d4ufwc2: 4ufw C:211-410 [344118]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufwa2, d4ufwb2
        complexed with 7y6, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
    10. Domains for 4ufx:
      1. 2969284Domain d4ufxa1: 4ufx A:27-210 [316442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufxa2, d4ufxb2, d4ufxc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 80o, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      2. 2969285Domain d4ufxa3: 4ufx A:211-410 [344119]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufxa2, d4ufxb2, d4ufxc2
        complexed with 80o, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      3. 2969286Domain d4ufxb1: 4ufx B:27-210 [316427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufxa2, d4ufxb2, d4ufxc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 80o, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      4. 2969287Domain d4ufxb3: 4ufx B:211-410 [344120]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufxa2, d4ufxb2, d4ufxc2
        complexed with 80o, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      5. 2969288Domain d4ufxc1: 4ufx C:27-210 [316597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufxa2, d4ufxb2, d4ufxc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 80o, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      6. 2969289Domain d4ufxc3: 4ufx C:211-410 [344121]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ufxa2, d4ufxb2, d4ufxc2
        complexed with 80o, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
    11. Domains for 5g1z:
      1. 2969296Domain d5g1za1: 5g1z A:26-210 [329794]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g1za2, d5g1zb2, d5g1zc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, u53
      2. 2969297Domain d5g1zb1: 5g1z B:26-210 [329767]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g1za2, d5g1zb2, d5g1zc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, u53
      3. 2969298Domain d5g1zc1: 5g1z C:27-210 [329777]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g1za2, d5g1zb2, d5g1zc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4, u53
    12. Domains for 5g22:
      1. 2969347Domain d5g22a1: 5g22 A:26-210 [329859]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g22a2, d5g22b2, d5g22c2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, mg, nhw, so4, yn4
      2. 2969348Domain d5g22b1: 5g22 B:26-210 [329708]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g22a2, d5g22b2, d5g22c2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, mg, nhw, so4, yn4
      3. 2969349Domain d5g22c1: 5g22 C:27-210 [329710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5g22a2, d5g22b2, d5g22c2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, mg, nhw, so4, yn4
    13. Domains for 5o48:
      1. 2969317Domain d5o48a1: 5o48 A:26-210 [352231]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 9k2, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      2. 2969318Domain d5o48b1: 5o48 B:26-210 [352309]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 9k2, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      3. 2969319Domain d5o48c1: 5o48 C:27-210 [352274]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 9k2, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
    14. Domains for 5o4v:
      1. 2969320Domain d5o4va1: 5o4v A:26-210 [352175]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 9k2, 9kz, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      2. 2969321Domain d5o4vb1: 5o4v B:26-210 [352261]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 9k2, 9kz, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
      3. 2969322Domain d5o4vc1: 5o4v C:27-210 [352169]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 9k2, 9kz, cl, dms, mg, nhw, so4
    15. Domains for 5v0w:
      1. 2969332Domain d5v0wa1: 5v0w A:27-210 [347780]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0wa3, d5v0wb3, d5v0wc3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cl, kfk, mya, so4
      2. 2969333Domain d5v0wa2: 5v0w A:211-410 [347781]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0wa3, d5v0wb3, d5v0wc3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cl, kfk, mya, so4
      3. 2969334Domain d5v0wb1: 5v0w B:27-210 [347883]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0wa3, d5v0wb3, d5v0wc3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cl, kfk, mya, so4
      4. 2969335Domain d5v0wb2: 5v0w B:211-410 [347884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0wa3, d5v0wb3, d5v0wc3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cl, kfk, mya, so4
      5. 2969336Domain d5v0wc1: 5v0w C:27-210 [347800]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0wa3, d5v0wb3, d5v0wc3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cl, kfk, mya, so4
      6. 2969337Domain d5v0wc2: 5v0w C:211-410 [347801]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0wa3, d5v0wb3, d5v0wc3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cl, kfk, mya, so4
    16. Domains for 5v0x:
      1. 2969341Domain d5v0xa1: 5v0x A:27-210 [347790]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0xa3, d5v0xb3, d5v0xc3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 8rd, cl, mya, so4
      2. 2969342Domain d5v0xa2: 5v0x A:211-410 [347791]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0xa3, d5v0xb3, d5v0xc3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 8rd, cl, mya, so4
      3. 2969343Domain d5v0xb1: 5v0x B:27-210 [347795]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0xa3, d5v0xb3, d5v0xc3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 8rd, cl, mya, so4
      4. 2969344Domain d5v0xb2: 5v0x B:211-410 [347796]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0xa3, d5v0xb3, d5v0xc3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 8rd, cl, mya, so4
      5. 2969345Domain d5v0xc1: 5v0x C:27-210 [348008]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0xa3, d5v0xb3, d5v0xc3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with 8rd, cl, mya, so4
      6. 2969346Domain d5v0xc2: 5v0x C:211-410 [348009]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v0xa3, d5v0xb3, d5v0xc3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with 8rd, cl, mya, so4
    17. Domains for 6may:
      1. 2969338Domain d6maya1: 6may A:27-210 [370611]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, edo, so4, ync; mutant
      2. 2969339Domain d6mayb1: 6may B:27-210 [370606]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, edo, so4, ync; mutant
      3. 2969340Domain d6mayc1: 6may C:27-210 [370608]
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, edo, so4, ync; mutant
    18. Domains for 6maz:
      1. 2969308Domain d6maza1: 6maz A:27-210 [370618]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6maza2, d6mazb2, d6mazc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 646, cl, edo, so4, ync; mutant
      2. 2969309Domain d6mazb1: 6maz B:27-210 [370584]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6maza2, d6mazb2, d6mazc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 646, cl, edo, so4, ync; mutant
      3. 2969310Domain d6mazc1: 6maz C:27-210 [370594]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6maza2, d6mazb2, d6mazc2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with 646, cl, edo, so4, ync; mutant
    19. Domains for 6mb0:
      1. 2969311Domain d6mb0a1: 6mb0 A:27-210 [370615]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb0a2, d6mb0b2, d6mb0c2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync; mutant
      2. 2969312Domain d6mb0b1: 6mb0 B:27-210 [370582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb0a2, d6mb0b2, d6mb0c2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync; mutant
      3. 2969313Domain d6mb0c1: 6mb0 C:27-210 [370579]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb0a2, d6mb0b2, d6mb0c2
        automated match to d1iica1
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync; mutant
    20. Domains for 6mb1:
      1. 2969290Domain d6mb1a1: 6mb1 A:27-210 [370596]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb1a3, d6mb1b3, d6mb1c3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync
      2. 2969291Domain d6mb1a2: 6mb1 A:211-410 [370597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb1a3, d6mb1b3, d6mb1c3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync
      3. 2969292Domain d6mb1b1: 6mb1 B:27-210 [370602]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb1a3, d6mb1b3, d6mb1c3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync
      4. 2969293Domain d6mb1b2: 6mb1 B:211-410 [370603]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb1a3, d6mb1b3, d6mb1c3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync
      5. 2969294Domain d6mb1c1: 6mb1 C:27-210 [370632]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb1a3, d6mb1b3, d6mb1c3
        automated match to d3iu1a1
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync
      6. 2969295Domain d6mb1c2: 6mb1 C:211-410 [370633]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6mb1a3, d6mb1b3, d6mb1c3
        automated match to d3iu1a2
        complexed with cl, edo, jcy, so4, ync
  24. 2969350Providencia stuartii [TaxId:588] [331391] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5us1:
      1. 2969360Domain d5us1a1: 5us1 A:1-178 [331442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      2. 2969361Domain d5us1b_: 5us1 B: [331439]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      3. 2969362Domain d5us1c1: 5us1 C:1-178 [331407]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      4. 2969363Domain d5us1d_: 5us1 D: [331480]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      5. 2969364Domain d5us1e1: 5us1 E:1-178 [331392]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      6. 2969365Domain d5us1f_: 5us1 F: [331409]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      7. 2969366Domain d5us1g_: 5us1 G: [331441]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      8. 2969367Domain d5us1h_: 5us1 H: [331455]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      9. 2969368Domain d5us1i_: 5us1 I: [331481]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      10. 2969369Domain d5us1j1: 5us1 J:1-178 [331461]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      11. 2969370Domain d5us1k1: 5us1 K:1-178 [331484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
      12. 2969371Domain d5us1l_: 5us1 L: [331460]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5us1a2, d5us1c2, d5us1e2, d5us1j2, d5us1k2
        automated match to d1m44a_
        complexed with 8mm, aco, coa, gol, tar
    2. Domains for 6vou:
      1. 2969356Domain d6voua_: 6vou A: [407193]
        automated match to d5us1d_
        complexed with coa, mpd, pzc, tce
      2. 2969357Domain d6voub_: 6vou B: [407198]
        automated match to d5us1d_
        complexed with coa, mpd, pzc, tce
    3. Domains for 6vr2:
      1. 2969354Domain d6vr2a_: 6vr2 A: [407211]
        automated match to d5us1d_
        complexed with act, coa, r7y
      2. 2969355Domain d6vr2b_: 6vr2 B: [407208]
        automated match to d5us1d_
        complexed with act, coa, r7y
    4. Domains for 6vr3:
      1. 2969358Domain d6vr3a_: 6vr3 A: [407207]
        automated match to d5us1d_
        complexed with coa, ntl
      2. 2969359Domain d6vr3b_: 6vr3 B: [407191]
        automated match to d5us1d_
        complexed with coa, ntl
    5. Domains for 6vta:
      1. 2969352Domain d6vtaa1: 6vta A:1-178 [407215]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vtaa2, d6vtab2
        automated match to d5us1d_
        complexed with aco, akn
      2. 2969353Domain d6vtab1: 6vta B:1-178 [407218]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vtaa2, d6vtab2
        automated match to d5us1d_
        complexed with aco, akn
    6. Domain for 7jzs:
  25. 2969372Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [225460] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2vi7:
      1. 2969375Domain d2vi7a_: 2vi7 A: [206359]
        automated match to d1vhsa_
        complexed with azi, gol, so4
      2. 2969376Domain d2vi7b_: 2vi7 B: [206360]
        automated match to d1vhsa_
        complexed with azi, gol, so4
      3. 2969377Domain d2vi7c_: 2vi7 C: [206361]
        automated match to d1vhsa_
        complexed with azi, gol, so4
    2. Domains for 4yfj:
      1. 2969373Domain d4yfja_: 4yfj A: [345511]
        automated match to d5hmnc_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2969374Domain d4yfjb_: 4yfj B: [345512]
        automated match to d5hmnc_
        complexed with so4
  26. 2969378Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA01 [TaxId:208964] [186891] (1 PDB entry)
  27. 2969380Pseudomonas putida [TaxId:160488] [334147] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5jtf:
      1. 2969387Domain d5jtfa_: 5jtf A: [334197]
        automated match to d3dr8b_
        complexed with trs
      2. 2969388Domain d5jtfb_: 5jtf B: [334148]
        automated match to d3dr8b_
        complexed with trs
    2. Domains for 5wph:
      1. 2969381Domain d5wpha_: 5wph A: [358748]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with blj, na
      2. 2969382Domain d5wphb_: 5wph B: [358639]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with blj, na
      3. 2969383Domain d5wphc_: 5wph C: [358635]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with blj, na
      4. 2969384Domain d5wphd_: 5wph D: [358640]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with blj, na
      5. 2969385Domain d5wphe_: 5wph E: [358666]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with blj, na
      6. 2969386Domain d5wphf_: 5wph F: [358790]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with blj, na
    3. Domains for 6m7g:
      1. 2969389Domain d6m7ga_: 6m7g A: [368166]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      2. 2969390Domain d6m7gb_: 6m7g B: [368167]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      3. 2969391Domain d6m7gc_: 6m7g C: [368168]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      4. 2969392Domain d6m7gd_: 6m7g D: [368155]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      5. 2969393Domain d6m7ge_: 6m7g E: [368154]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      6. 2969394Domain d6m7gf_: 6m7g F: [368170]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      7. 2969395Domain d6m7gg_: 6m7g G: [368162]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      8. 2969396Domain d6m7gh_: 6m7g H: [368153]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      9. 2969397Domain d6m7gi_: 6m7g I: [368159]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      10. 2969398Domain d6m7gj_: 6m7g J: [368169]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      11. 2969399Domain d6m7gk_: 6m7g K: [368189]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
      12. 2969400Domain d6m7gl_: 6m7g L: [368160]
        automated match to d5jtfa_
        complexed with ppq
  28. 2969401Salmonella typhimurium [TaxId:99287] [186758] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1s7k:
    2. Domain for 1s7l:
    3. Domains for 1s7n:
      1. 2969406Domain d1s7na_: 1s7n A: [118880]
        automated match to d1nsla_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2969407Domain d1s7nb_: 1s7n B: [118881]
        automated match to d1nsla_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2969408Domain d1s7nc_: 1s7n C: [118882]
        automated match to d1nsla_
        complexed with coa
      4. 2969409Domain d1s7nd_: 1s7n D: [118883]
        automated match to d1nsla_
        complexed with coa
    4. Domains for 1z9u:
      1. 2969404Domain d1z9ua_: 1z9u A: [124770]
        automated match to d1nsla_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2969405Domain d1z9ub_: 1z9u B: [124771]
        automated match to d1nsla_
        complexed with so4
  29. 2969410Schizosaccharomyces pombe [TaxId:284812] [311394] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4kvm:
      1. 2969417Domain d4kvme_: 4kvm E: [307655]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with 1xe, cl, so4
      2. 2969418Domain d4kvmf_: 4kvm F: [307656]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with 1xe, cl, so4
      3. 2969419Domain d4kvmg_: 4kvm G: [307657]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with 1xe, cl, so4
      4. 2969420Domain d4kvmh_: 4kvm H: [307658]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with 1xe, cl, so4
    2. Domains for 4kvo:
      1. 2969413Domain d4kvoe_: 4kvo E: [307659]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with aco, cl, na, so4
      2. 2969414Domain d4kvof_: 4kvo F: [307660]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with aco, cl, na, so4
      3. 2969415Domain d4kvog_: 4kvo G: [307661]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with aco, cl, na, so4
      4. 2969416Domain d4kvoh_: 4kvo H: [307662]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with aco, cl, na, so4
    3. Domains for 4kvx:
      1. 2969411Domain d4kvxa_: 4kvx A: [307663]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with aco
      2. 2969412Domain d4kvxb_: 4kvx B: [307664]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with aco
  30. 2969421Serratia marcescens [TaxId:615] [349781] (1 PDB entry)
  31. 2969423Sinorhizobium meliloti [TaxId:266834] [226660] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4jxq:
      1. 2969426Domain d4jxqa_: 4jxq A: [224061]
        automated match to d3dr6a_
        complexed with 2pe, edo, flc, peg
      2. 2969427Domain d4jxqb_: 4jxq B: [224062]
        automated match to d3dr6a_
        complexed with 2pe, edo, flc, peg
    2. Domains for 4jxr:
      1. 2969424Domain d4jxra_: 4jxr A: [224063]
        automated match to d3dr6a_
        complexed with 2pe, aco, flc, peg
      2. 2969425Domain d4jxrb_: 4jxr B: [224064]
        automated match to d3dr6a_
        complexed with 2pe, aco, flc, peg
  32. 2969428Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:1280] [332591] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5ix3:
    2. Domains for 7ky3:
      1. 2969430Domain d7ky3a1: 7ky3 A:1-165 [397179]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ky3a2, d7ky3b2, d7ky3c2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with spm
      2. 2969431Domain d7ky3b1: 7ky3 B:1-164 [397203]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ky3a2, d7ky3b2, d7ky3c2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with spm
      3. 2969432Domain d7ky3c1: 7ky3 C:1-165 [397225]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ky3a2, d7ky3b2, d7ky3c2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with spm
    3. Domains for 7ky4:
      1. 2969433Domain d7ky4a1: 7ky4 A:1-165 [397184]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ky4a2, d7ky4b2, d7ky4c2, d7ky4d2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with spm
      2. 2969434Domain d7ky4b1: 7ky4 B:1-165 [397193]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ky4a2, d7ky4b2, d7ky4c2, d7ky4d2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with spm
      3. 2969435Domain d7ky4c1: 7ky4 C:1-165 [397172]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ky4a2, d7ky4b2, d7ky4c2, d7ky4d2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with spm
      4. 2969436Domain d7ky4d1: 7ky4 D:1-165 [397191]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7ky4a2, d7ky4b2, d7ky4c2, d7ky4d2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with spm
  33. 2969437Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:158878] [259363] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4m85:
      1. 2969438Domain d4m85a1: 4m85 A:1-182 [259669]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m85a2, d4m85b2, d4m85c2, d4m85d2
        automated match to d1u6ma_
      2. 2969439Domain d4m85b1: 4m85 B:1-182 [259668]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m85a2, d4m85b2, d4m85c2, d4m85d2
        automated match to d1u6ma_
      3. 2969440Domain d4m85c1: 4m85 C:1-182 [263005]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m85a2, d4m85b2, d4m85c2, d4m85d2
        automated match to d4m85a_
      4. 2969441Domain d4m85d1: 4m85 D:1-182 [263006]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m85a2, d4m85b2, d4m85c2, d4m85d2
        automated match to d4m85a_
    2. Domains for 4mbu:
      1. 2969442Domain d4mbua1: 4mbu A:1-162 [263011]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mbua2
        automated match to d3dr8b_
        complexed with cd, po4
      2. 2969443Domain d4mbub_: 4mbu B: [259364]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mbua2
        automated match to d3dr8b_
        complexed with cd, po4
  34. 2969444Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:93062] [319077] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5jph:
      1. 2969445Domain d5jpha1: 5jph A:1-141 [319080]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jpha2, d5jphb2, d5jphc2
        automated match to d1q2ya_
        complexed with cl, coa
      2. 2969446Domain d5jphb1: 5jph B:1-141 [319087]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jpha2, d5jphb2, d5jphc2
        automated match to d1q2ya_
        complexed with cl, coa
      3. 2969447Domain d5jphc1: 5jph C:1-141 [319078]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jpha2, d5jphb2, d5jphc2
        automated match to d1q2ya_
        complexed with cl, coa
    2. Domains for 5jq4:
      1. 2969448Domain d5jq4a1: 5jq4 A:1-141 [319082]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jq4a2, d5jq4b2
        automated match to d1q2ya_
        complexed with cl, edo, scn, unx
      2. 2969449Domain d5jq4b1: 5jq4 B:1-143 [319098]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jq4a2, d5jq4b2
        automated match to d1q2ya_
        complexed with cl, edo, scn, unx
  35. 2969450Streptococcus mutans [TaxId:1309] [256244] (1 PDB entry)
  36. 2969453Streptococcus mutans [TaxId:210007] [255927] (1 PDB entry)
  37. 2969458Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId:170187] [225152] (1 PDB entry)
  38. 2969465Streptomyces hygroscopicus [TaxId:1912] [335112] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5t7d:
      1. 2969466Domain d5t7da_: 5t7d A: [335166]
        automated match to d1yr0a1
        complexed with aco, act
      2. 2969467Domain d5t7db_: 5t7d B: [335120]
        automated match to d1yr0a1
        complexed with aco, act
      3. 2969468Domain d5t7dc_: 5t7d C: [335170]
        automated match to d1yr0a1
        complexed with aco, act
      4. 2969469Domain d5t7dd_: 5t7d D: [335113]
        automated match to d1yr0a1
        complexed with aco, act
    2. Domains for 5t7e:
      1. 2969470Domain d5t7ea_: 5t7e A: [335225]
        automated match to d1yr0a1
        complexed with bng, coa, ppq
      2. 2969471Domain d5t7eb_: 5t7e B: [335144]
        automated match to d1yr0a1
        complexed with bng, coa, ppq
      3. 2969472Domain d5t7ec_: 5t7e C: [335115]
        automated match to d1yr0a1
        complexed with bng, coa, ppq
      4. 2969473Domain d5t7ed_: 5t7e D: [335206]
        automated match to d1yr0a1
        complexed with bng, coa, ppq
  39. 2969474Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:273057] [267809] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2x7b:
    2. Domain for 4lx9:
    3. Domain for 4r3k:
    4. Domains for 5c88:
      1. 2969480Domain d5c88a1: 5c88 A:11-167 [280269]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c88a2
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2969481Domain d5c88b_: 5c88 B: [280268]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c88a2
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with coa
    5. Domain for 6ag4:
    6. Domain for 6ag5:
  40. 2969482Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId:3702] [195601] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3t90:
    2. Domains for 6th0:
      1. 2969484Domain d6th0a_: 6th0 A: [388249]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with aco
      2. 2969485Domain d6th0b_: 6th0 B: [388268]
        automated match to d4lx9a_
        complexed with aco
    3. Domain for 6yzz:
  41. 2969487Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId:2303] [225555] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3f0a:
    2. Domains for 3fix:
      1. 2969491Domain d3fixa1: 3fix A:1-159 [209940]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fixa2, d3fixc2
        automated match to d1tiqa_
        complexed with edo
      2. 2969492Domain d3fixb_: 3fix B: [209941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fixa2, d3fixc2
        automated match to d1tiqa_
        complexed with edo
      3. 2969493Domain d3fixc1: 3fix C:1-159 [209942]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fixa2, d3fixc2
        automated match to d1tiqa_
        complexed with edo
      4. 2969494Domain d3fixd_: 3fix D: [209943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fixa2, d3fixc2
        automated match to d1tiqa_
        complexed with edo
    3. Domains for 3k9u:
      1. 2969489Domain d3k9ua_: 3k9u A: [212252]
        automated match to d1tiqa_
        complexed with aco, br, cl, ni
      2. 2969490Domain d3k9ub_: 3k9u B: [212253]
        automated match to d1tiqa_
        complexed with aco, br, cl, ni
    4. Domain for 3ne7:
  42. 2969496Thermus thermophilus HB8 [TaxId:300852] [188268] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2z0z:
    2. Domains for 2zxv:
      1. 2969498Domain d2zxva_: 2zxv A: [171568]
        automated match to d1yrea1
      2. 2969499Domain d2zxvb_: 2zxv B: [171569]
        automated match to d1yrea1
      3. 2969500Domain d2zxvc_: 2zxv C: [171570]
        automated match to d1yrea1
      4. 2969501Domain d2zxvd_: 2zxv D: [171571]
        automated match to d1yrea1
  43. 2969502Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:262724] [188269] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2z10:
    2. Domain for 2z11:
  44. 2969505Trypanosome (Trypanosoma brucei) [TaxId:5691] [232152] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3fb3:
      1. 2969508Domain d3fb3a_: 3fb3 A: [232153]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fb3b2
        automated match to d2fe7b_
      2. 2969509Domain d3fb3b1: 3fb3 B:1-143 [232154]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fb3b2
        automated match to d2fe7b_
    2. Domains for 3i3g:
      1. 2969506Domain d3i3ga_: 3i3g A: [246709]
        automated match to d3fb3b_
      2. 2969507Domain d3i3gb_: 3i3g B: [246710]
        automated match to d3fb3b_
  45. 2969510Uncultured bacterium [TaxId:77133] [314792] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5f46:
      1. 2969517Domain d5f46a_: 5f46 A: [345610]
        automated match to d5f47b_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2969518Domain d5f46b_: 5f46 B: [345611]
        automated match to d5f47b_
        complexed with cl
    2. Domains for 5f47:
      1. 2969511Domain d5f47a_: 5f47 A: [339438]
        automated match to d5hmnc_
        complexed with ca, cl
      2. 2969512Domain d5f47b_: 5f47 B: [339437]
        automated match to d5hmnc_
        complexed with ca, cl
    3. Domains for 5f48:
      1. 2969519Domain d5f48a_: 5f48 A: [345612]
        automated match to d5f47b_
        complexed with cl, coa, mg
      2. 2969520Domain d5f48b_: 5f48 B: [345613]
        automated match to d5f47b_
        complexed with cl, coa, mg
    4. Domains for 5f49:
      1. 2969527Domain d5f49a_: 5f49 A: [345614]
        automated match to d5f47b_
        complexed with coa, mg, mlc
      2. 2969528Domain d5f49b_: 5f49 B: [345615]
        automated match to d5f47b_
        complexed with coa, mg, mlc
      3. 2969529Domain d5f49c_: 5f49 C: [345616]
        automated match to d5f47b_
        complexed with coa, mg, mlc
      4. 2969530Domain d5f49d_: 5f49 D: [345617]
        automated match to d5f47b_
        complexed with coa, mg, mlc
    5. Domains for 5hmn:
      1. 2969521Domain d5hmna_: 5hmn A: [315247]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hmnb2, d5hmnd2
        automated match to d1bo4a_
        complexed with coa, pg4
      2. 2969522Domain d5hmnb1: 5hmn B:1-157 [314873]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hmnb2, d5hmnd2
        automated match to d1bo4a_
        complexed with coa, pg4
      3. 2969523Domain d5hmnc_: 5hmn C: [314799]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hmnb2, d5hmnd2
        automated match to d1bo4a_
        complexed with coa, pg4
      4. 2969524Domain d5hmnd1: 5hmn D:1-152 [314856]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hmnb2, d5hmnd2
        automated match to d1bo4a_
        complexed with coa, pg4
      5. 2969525Domain d5hmne_: 5hmn E: [314830]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hmnb2, d5hmnd2
        automated match to d1bo4a_
        complexed with coa, pg4
      6. 2969526Domain d5hmnf_: 5hmn F: [314793]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hmnb2, d5hmnd2
        automated match to d1bo4a_
        complexed with coa, pg4
    6. Domains for 5u08:
      1. 2969513Domain d5u08a_: 5u08 A: [329581]
        automated match to d5hmnc_
        complexed with act, ca, mg, sis
      2. 2969514Domain d5u08b_: 5u08 B: [329578]
        automated match to d5hmnc_
        complexed with act, ca, mg, sis
      3. 2969515Domain d5u08c_: 5u08 C: [329562]
        automated match to d5hmnc_
        complexed with act, ca, mg, sis
      4. 2969516Domain d5u08d_: 5u08 D: [329637]
        automated match to d5hmnc_
        complexed with act, ca, mg, sis
  46. 2969531Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:666] [188612] (22 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3i9s:
      1. 2969538Domain d3i9sa_: 3i9s A: [199543]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i9sb2, d3i9sc2
        automated match to d3i9sd_
        complexed with cl, so4
      2. 2969539Domain d3i9sb1: 3i9s B:1-161 [199544]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i9sb2, d3i9sc2
        automated match to d3i9sd_
        complexed with cl, so4
      3. 2969540Domain d3i9sc1: 3i9s C:2-161 [199545]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i9sb2, d3i9sc2
        automated match to d3i9sd_
        complexed with cl, so4
      4. 2969541Domain d3i9sd_: 3i9s D: [196547]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i9sb2, d3i9sc2
        automated match to d2fe7b_
        complexed with cl, so4
    2. Domains for 4jjx:
      1. 2969634Domain d4jjxa1: 4jjx A:1-171 [223847]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjxa2
        automated match to d3eg7b_
      2. 2969635Domain d4jjxb_: 4jjx B: [223848]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjxa2
        automated match to d3eg7a_
      3. 2969636Domain d4jjxc_: 4jjx C: [223849]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjxa2
        automated match to d3eg7a_
    3. Domains for 4jly:
      1. 2969637Domain d4jlya_: 4jly A: [223888]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2969638Domain d4jlyb_: 4jly B: [223889]
        automated match to d3eg7a_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2969639Domain d4jlyc_: 4jly C: [223890]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2969640Domain d4jlyd_: 4jly D: [223891]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2969641Domain d4jlye_: 4jly E: [223892]
        automated match to d3eg7a_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2969642Domain d4jlyf_: 4jly F: [223893]
        automated match to d3eg7a_
        complexed with so4
    4. Domains for 4k4l:
      1. 2969542Domain d4k4la_: 4k4l A: [307610]
        automated match to d5cnpd_
        complexed with ca, na, nhe, so4
      2. 2969543Domain d4k4lb_: 4k4l B: [307611]
        automated match to d5cnpd_
        complexed with ca, na, nhe, so4
      3. 2969544Domain d4k4lc_: 4k4l C: [307612]
        automated match to d5cnpd_
        complexed with ca, na, nhe, so4
    5. Domains for 4mhd:
      1. 2969589Domain d4mhda_: 4mhd A: [270269]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with spd
      2. 2969590Domain d4mhdb_: 4mhd B: [270271]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with spd
      3. 2969591Domain d4mhdc_: 4mhd C: [270270]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with spd
    6. Domains for 4mi4:
      1. 2969545Domain d4mi4a_: 4mi4 A: [228112]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with spm
      2. 2969546Domain d4mi4b_: 4mi4 B: [228113]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with spm
      3. 2969547Domain d4mi4c_: 4mi4 C: [235642]
        automated match to d4mi4a_
        complexed with spm
    7. Domains for 4mj8:
      1. 2969557Domain d4mj8a_: 4mj8 A: [237311]
        automated match to d3eg7a_
        complexed with eoh, spm
      2. 2969558Domain d4mj8b_: 4mj8 B: [237312]
        automated match to d3eg7a_
        complexed with eoh, spm
      3. 2969559Domain d4mj8c_: 4mj8 C: [237313]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with eoh, spm
    8. Domains for 4ncz:
      1. 2969548Domain d4ncza_: 4ncz A: [228887]
        automated match to d3eg7a_
        complexed with ca, na, nhe, so4
      2. 2969549Domain d4nczb_: 4ncz B: [228888]
        automated match to d3eg7a_
        complexed with ca, na, nhe, so4
      3. 2969550Domain d4nczc_: 4ncz C: [228889]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ca, na, nhe, so4
    9. Domains for 4r57:
      1. 2969563Domain d4r57a_: 4r57 A: [270394]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      2. 2969564Domain d4r57b_: 4r57 B: [270396]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      3. 2969565Domain d4r57c_: 4r57 C: [270393]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      4. 2969566Domain d4r57d_: 4r57 D: [270395]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      5. 2969567Domain d4r57e_: 4r57 E: [270411]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      6. 2969568Domain d4r57f_: 4r57 F: [270408]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      7. 2969569Domain d4r57g_: 4r57 G: [270401]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      8. 2969570Domain d4r57h_: 4r57 H: [270403]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      9. 2969571Domain d4r57i_: 4r57 I: [270405]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      10. 2969572Domain d4r57j_: 4r57 J: [270400]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      11. 2969573Domain d4r57k_: 4r57 K: [270410]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
      12. 2969574Domain d4r57l_: 4r57 L: [270406]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with aco, peg, pg4
    10. Domains for 4r87:
      1. 2969622Domain d4r87a_: 4r87 A: [270402]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      2. 2969623Domain d4r87b_: 4r87 B: [270407]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      3. 2969624Domain d4r87c_: 4r87 C: [270399]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      4. 2969625Domain d4r87d_: 4r87 D: [270404]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      5. 2969626Domain d4r87e_: 4r87 E: [270409]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      6. 2969627Domain d4r87f_: 4r87 F: [270398]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      7. 2969628Domain d4r87g_: 4r87 G: [270412]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      8. 2969629Domain d4r87h_: 4r87 H: [270414]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      9. 2969630Domain d4r87i_: 4r87 I: [270413]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      10. 2969631Domain d4r87j_: 4r87 J: [270415]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      11. 2969632Domain d4r87k_: 4r87 K: [270417]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
      12. 2969633Domain d4r87l_: 4r87 L: [270416]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with coa, peg, spm
    11. Domains for 4ygo:
      1. 2969616Domain d4ygoa_: 4ygo A: [277994]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ca, moh
      2. 2969617Domain d4ygob_: 4ygo B: [277995]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ca, moh
      3. 2969618Domain d4ygoc_: 4ygo C: [277993]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ca, moh
      4. 2969619Domain d4ygod_: 4ygo D: [277991]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ca, moh
      5. 2969620Domain d4ygoe_: 4ygo E: [277990]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ca, moh
      6. 2969621Domain d4ygof_: 4ygo F: [277992]
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ca, moh
    12. Domains for 5cnp:
      1. 2969610Domain d5cnpa1: 5cnp A:1-173 [275370]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cnpa2, d5cnpd2
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ipa, mg
      2. 2969611Domain d5cnpb_: 5cnp B: [275369]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cnpa2, d5cnpd2
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ipa, mg
      3. 2969612Domain d5cnpc_: 5cnp C: [275371]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cnpa2, d5cnpd2
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ipa, mg
      4. 2969613Domain d5cnpd1: 5cnp D:1-173 [275374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cnpa2, d5cnpd2
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ipa, mg
      5. 2969614Domain d5cnpe_: 5cnp E: [275373]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cnpa2, d5cnpd2
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ipa, mg
      6. 2969615Domain d5cnpf_: 5cnp F: [275372]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cnpa2, d5cnpd2
        automated match to d3eg7b_
        complexed with ipa, mg
    13. Domains for 5ug4:
      1. 2969575Domain d5ug4a_: 5ug4 A: [329138]
        automated match to d4jlya_
        complexed with act, ca, eoh, moh, mrd
      2. 2969576Domain d5ug4b_: 5ug4 B: [329083]
        automated match to d4jlya_
        complexed with act, ca, eoh, moh, mrd
      3. 2969577Domain d5ug4c_: 5ug4 C: [329072]
        automated match to d4jlya_
        complexed with act, ca, eoh, moh, mrd
    14. Domains for 6cx8:
      1. 2969604Domain d6cx8a_: 6cx8 A: [351187]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6cx8e2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with ipa, mn, mpd, po4
      2. 2969605Domain d6cx8b_: 6cx8 B: [351147]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6cx8e2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with ipa, mn, mpd, po4
      3. 2969606Domain d6cx8c_: 6cx8 C: [351201]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6cx8e2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with ipa, mn, mpd, po4
      4. 2969607Domain d6cx8d_: 6cx8 D: [351255]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6cx8e2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with ipa, mn, mpd, po4
      5. 2969608Domain d6cx8e1: 6cx8 E:1-173 [351146]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6cx8e2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with ipa, mn, mpd, po4
      6. 2969609Domain d6cx8f_: 6cx8 F: [351316]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6cx8e2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with ipa, mn, mpd, po4
    15. Domains for 6dau:
      1. 2969581Domain d6daua_: 6dau A: [354218]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 2969582Domain d6daub_: 6dau B: [354303]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      3. 2969583Domain d6dauc_: 6dau C: [354270]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      4. 2969584Domain d6daud_: 6dau D: [354252]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      5. 2969585Domain d6dauf_: 6dau F: [354348]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with gol; mutant
    16. Domains for 6e1x:
      1. 2969532Domain d6e1xa_: 6e1x A: [369827]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e1xc2, d6e1xd2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with hlg, mpd, mrd, sp5, spm, trs
      2. 2969533Domain d6e1xb_: 6e1x B: [369850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e1xc2, d6e1xd2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with hlg, mpd, mrd, sp5, spm, trs
      3. 2969534Domain d6e1xc1: 6e1x C:1-173 [369835]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e1xc2, d6e1xd2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with hlg, mpd, mrd, sp5, spm, trs
      4. 2969535Domain d6e1xd1: 6e1x D:1-173 [369777]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e1xc2, d6e1xd2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with hlg, mpd, mrd, sp5, spm, trs
      5. 2969536Domain d6e1xe_: 6e1x E: [369814]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e1xc2, d6e1xd2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with hlg, mpd, mrd, sp5, spm, trs
      6. 2969537Domain d6e1xf_: 6e1x F: [369813]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e1xc2, d6e1xd2
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with hlg, mpd, mrd, sp5, spm, trs
    17. Domains for 7kwh:
      1. 2969592Domain d7kwha_: 7kwh A: [397285]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      2. 2969593Domain d7kwhb_: 7kwh B: [397120]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      3. 2969594Domain d7kwhc_: 7kwh C: [397188]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      4. 2969595Domain d7kwhd_: 7kwh D: [397133]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      5. 2969596Domain d7kwhe_: 7kwh E: [397107]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      6. 2969597Domain d7kwhf_: 7kwh F: [397098]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      7. 2969598Domain d7kwhg_: 7kwh G: [397097]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      8. 2969599Domain d7kwhh_: 7kwh H: [397100]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      9. 2969600Domain d7kwhi_: 7kwh I: [397102]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      10. 2969601Domain d7kwhj_: 7kwh J: [397111]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      11. 2969602Domain d7kwhk_: 7kwh K: [397093]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
      12. 2969603Domain d7kwhl_: 7kwh L: [397105]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
        complexed with po4
    18. Domains for 7kwj:
      1. 2969560Domain d7kwja_: 7kwj A: [397153]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      2. 2969561Domain d7kwjb_: 7kwj B: [397149]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      3. 2969562Domain d7kwjc_: 7kwj C: [397177]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
    19. Domains for 7kwq:
      1. 2969551Domain d7kwqa_: 7kwq A: [397148]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      2. 2969552Domain d7kwqb_: 7kwq B: [397140]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      3. 2969553Domain d7kwqc_: 7kwq C: [397160]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
    20. Domains for 7kwx:
      1. 2969554Domain d7kwxa_: 7kwx A: [397134]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      2. 2969555Domain d7kwxb_: 7kwx B: [397175]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      3. 2969556Domain d7kwxc_: 7kwx C: [397147]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
    21. Domains for 7kx2:
      1. 2969578Domain d7kx2a_: 7kx2 A: [397176]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      2. 2969579Domain d7kx2b_: 7kx2 B: [397231]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      3. 2969580Domain d7kx2c_: 7kx2 C: [397239]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
    22. Domains for 7kx3:
      1. 2969586Domain d7kx3a_: 7kx3 A: [397110]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      2. 2969587Domain d7kx3b_: 7kx3 B: [397109]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
      3. 2969588Domain d7kx3c_: 7kx3 C: [397136]
        automated match to d4mhdc_
  47. 2969643Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:686] [354216] (1 PDB entry)
  48. 2969645Vibrio fischeri [TaxId:312309] [189017] (1 PDB entry)
  49. 2969648Yersinia pestis [TaxId:632] [337326] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5wif:
      1. 2969652Domain d5wifa_: 5wif A: [337347]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wifb2, d5wifc2
        automated match to d4r9ma_
        complexed with bo3, k, peg, pg5
      2. 2969653Domain d5wifb1: 5wif B:1-175 [337367]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wifb2, d5wifc2
        automated match to d4r9ma_
        complexed with bo3, k, peg, pg5
      3. 2969654Domain d5wifc1: 5wif C:1-174 [337327]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wifb2, d5wifc2
        automated match to d4r9ma_
        complexed with bo3, k, peg, pg5
    2. Domains for 6d72:
      1. 2969649Domain d6d72a_: 6d72 A: [352110]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6d72b2, d6d72c2
        automated match to d4r9ma_
        complexed with ca, mli, peg
      2. 2969650Domain d6d72b1: 6d72 B:1-175 [352058]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6d72b2, d6d72c2
        automated match to d4r9ma_
        complexed with ca, mli, peg
      3. 2969651Domain d6d72c1: 6d72 C:1-174 [352071]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6d72b2, d6d72c2
        automated match to d4r9ma_
        complexed with ca, mli, peg

More info for Protein automated matches from d.108.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from d.108.1.0: automated matches: