Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds) |
Fold a.29: Bromodomain-like [47363] (15 superfamilies) 4 helices; bundle; minor mirror variant of up-and-down topology |
Superfamily a.29.2: Bromodomain [47370] (2 families) |
Family a.29.2.0: automated matches [191428] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190615] (15 species) not a true protein |
Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [187641] (1052 PDB entries) |
Domain d1x0ja_: 1x0j A: [162015] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with dtt, mes |
Domain d1x0jb_: 1x0j B: [162016] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with dtt, mes |
Domain d1x0jc_: 1x0j C: [162017] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with dtt, mes |
Domain d2d9ea1: 2d9e A:8-115 [241523] Other proteins in same PDB: d2d9ea2, d2d9ea3 automated match to d3rcwb_ |
Domain d2data1: 2dat A:8-117 [241539] Other proteins in same PDB: d2data2, d2data3 automated match to d3uvda_ |
Domain d2dkwa1: 2dkw A:8-125 [241585] Other proteins in same PDB: d2dkwa2, d2dkwa3 automated match to d3daia_ |
Domain d2dvqa_: 2dvq A: [163719] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvqb_: 2dvq B: [163720] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvqc_: 2dvq C: [163721] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvra_: 2dvr A: [163722] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvrb_: 2dvr B: [163723] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvrc_: 2dvr C: [163724] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvsa_: 2dvs A: [163725] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvsb_: 2dvs B: [163726] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvsc_: 2dvs C: [163727] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2dvva1: 2dvv A:348-455 [204042] Other proteins in same PDB: d2dvva2 automated match to d1x0jb_ complexed with epe |
Domain d2e7na1: 2e7n A:8-117 [241702] Other proteins in same PDB: d2e7na2 automated match to d3s92a_ |
Domain d2e7oa1: 2e7o A:8-112 [241703] Other proteins in same PDB: d2e7oa2 automated match to d4lz2a_ |
Domain d2g4aa_: 2g4a A: [241902] automated match to d4j1pa_ |
Domain d2grca_: 2grc A: [164810] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2h60a_: 2h60 A: [242006] automated match to d2grca_ |
Domain d2i7ka1: 2i7k A:1-108 [242093] Other proteins in same PDB: d2i7ka2, d2i7ka3 automated match to d4lc2a_ |
Domain d2i8na1: 2i8n A:1-106 [242096] Other proteins in same PDB: d2i8na2 automated match to d1e6ia_ |
Domain d2ktbb1: 2ktb B:174-293 [242645] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ktbb2 automated match to d3ljwb_ protein/DNA complex |
Domain d2nxba_: 2nxb A: [166409] Other proteins in same PDB: d2nxbb2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with edo, na |
Domain d2nxbb1: 2nxb B:24-143 [166410] Other proteins in same PDB: d2nxbb2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with edo, na |
Domain d2oo1a_: 2oo1 A: [205343] automated match to d3jvma_ complexed with 7pe, edo, na |
Domain d2oo1b_: 2oo1 B: [205344] automated match to d3jvma_ complexed with 7pe, edo, na |
Domain d2oo1c_: 2oo1 C: [205345] automated match to d3jvma_ complexed with 7pe, edo, na |
Domain d2oo1d_: 2oo1 D: [205346] automated match to d3jvma_ complexed with 7pe, edo, na |
Domain d2ossa1: 2oss A:44-168 [166839] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ossa2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with edo |
Domain d2ouoa_: 2ouo A: [205373] automated match to d2yema_ complexed with edo |
Domain d2rfja1: 2rfj A:27-135 [168085] Other proteins in same PDB: d2rfja2, d2rfjb2 automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2rfjb1: 2rfj B:21-135 [168086] Other proteins in same PDB: d2rfja2, d2rfjb2 automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2rfjc_: 2rfj C: [168087] Other proteins in same PDB: d2rfja2, d2rfjb2 automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d2ydwa_: 2ydw A: [207558] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with so4, wsh |
Domain d2ydwb_: 2ydw B: [207559] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with so4, wsh |
Domain d2ydwc_: 2ydw C: [207560] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with so4, wsh |
Domain d2yeka_: 2yek A: [207561] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with eam, so4 |
Domain d2yekb_: 2yek B: [207562] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with eam, so4 |
Domain d2yekc_: 2yek C: [207563] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with eam, so4 |
Domain d2yela1: 2yel A:44-168 [170766] Other proteins in same PDB: d2yela2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with edo, wsh |
Domain d2yema_: 2yem A: [197054] automated match to d2nxbb_ complexed with wsh |
Domain d2yemb_: 2yem B: [198713] automated match to d2yema_ complexed with wsh |
Domain d2yw5a1: 2yw5 A:25-155 [244842] Other proteins in same PDB: d2yw5a2 automated match to d4a9ib_ |
Domain d2yyna_: 2yyn A: [231675] automated match to d3uv2a_ |
Domain d2yynb_: 2yyn B: [231674] automated match to d3uv2a_ |
Domain d2yync_: 2yyn C: [231676] automated match to d3uv2a_ |
Domain d2yynd_: 2yyn D: [231677] automated match to d3uv2a_ |
Domain d3aqaa_: 3aqa A: [172302] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with byh, mes |
Domain d3aqab_: 3aqa B: [172303] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with byh, mes |
Domain d3aqac_: 3aqa C: [172304] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with byh, mes |
Domain d3daia1: 3dai A:981-1108 [209058] Other proteins in same PDB: d3daia2 automated match to d3d7ca_ complexed with cl, so4 |
Domain d3g0ja_: 3g0j A: [210293] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with edo, no3 |
Domain d3g0jb_: 3g0j B: [210294] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with edo, no3 |
Domain d3g0la1: 3g0l A:1858-1970 [210295] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g0la2 automated match to d2nxbb_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3hmea_: 3hme A: [232486] automated match to d4nqna_ |
Domain d3hmeb_: 3hme B: [232487] automated match to d4nqna_ |
Domain d3hmfa1: 3hmf A:178-291 [196562] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hmfa2 automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with cl, edo, zn |
Domain d3hmha1: 3hmh A:1523-1651 [246510] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hmha2 automated match to d3daia_ |
Domain d3iu5a1: 3iu5 A:43-154 [232626] Other proteins in same PDB: d3iu5a2 automated match to d3hmfa_ |
Domain d3k2ja1: 3k2j A:356-462 [212155] Other proteins in same PDB: d3k2ja2, d3k2jb2 automated match to d3gg3a_ complexed with cl, so4 |
Domain d3k2jb1: 3k2j B:356-462 [212156] Other proteins in same PDB: d3k2ja2, d3k2jb2 automated match to d3gg3a_ complexed with cl, so4 |
Domain d3ljwa_: 3ljw A: [199731] automated match to d3ljwb_ complexed with act, na |
Domain d3ljwb_: 3ljw B: [196449] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, na |
Domain d3lxja1: 3lxj A:952-1085 [232859] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lxja2, d3lxjb2, d3lxjc2, d3lxjd2 automated match to d3daia_ complexed with ipa |
Domain d3lxjb1: 3lxj B:952-1085 [232860] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lxja2, d3lxjb2, d3lxjc2, d3lxjd2 automated match to d3daia_ complexed with ipa |
Domain d3lxjc1: 3lxj C:952-1085 [232858] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lxja2, d3lxjb2, d3lxjc2, d3lxjd2 automated match to d3daia_ complexed with ipa |
Domain d3lxjd1: 3lxj D:952-1084 [232861] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lxja2, d3lxjb2, d3lxjc2, d3lxjd2 automated match to d3daia_ complexed with ipa |
Domain d3mb3a_: 3mb3 A: [232907] automated match to d3q2ea_ complexed with mb3 |
Domain d3mb4a_: 3mb4 A: [213173] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with cl, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3mb4b_: 3mb4 B: [213174] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with cl, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3mqma1: 3mqm A:2433-2556 [232948] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mqma2, d3mqmb2 automated match to d3ljwb_ |
Domain d3mqmb1: 3mqm B:2433-2556 [232949] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mqma2, d3mqmb2 automated match to d3ljwb_ |
Domain d3mxfa_: 3mxf A: [181665] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with dms, edo, iod, jq1 |
Domain d3nxba_: 3nxb A: [182608] automated match to d1f68a_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3nxbb_: 3nxb B: [182609] automated match to d1f68a_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3onia_: 3oni A: [196416] automated match to d1x0jb_ complexed with edo, jq1, ni |
Domain d3p5oa1: 3p5o A:44-168 [183539] Other proteins in same PDB: d3p5oa2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with eam, edo |
Domain d3q2ea_: 3q2e A: [215039] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with act |
Domain d3q2fa1: 3q2f A:1858-1970 [215040] Other proteins in same PDB: d3q2fa2 automated match to d2nxbb_ complexed with edo, oam |
Domain d3qzsb1: 3qzs B:65-174 [196347] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qzsb2 automated match to d3gg3b_ |
Domain d3qzta_: 3qzt A: [196346] automated match to d3gg3b_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3rcwa_: 3rcw A: [215723] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3rcwb_: 3rcw B: [215724] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3rcwc_: 3rcw C: [215725] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3rcwd_: 3rcw D: [215726] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3rcwe_: 3rcw E: [215727] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3rcwf_: 3rcw F: [215728] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3rcwg_: 3rcw G: [215729] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3rcwh_: 3rcw H: [215730] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with act, edo, mb3 |
Domain d3s91a_: 3s91 A: [185320] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with ipa, jq1 |
Domain d3s92a_: 3s92 A: [216251] automated match to d3jvma_ complexed with edo, jq1 |
Domain d3svfa1: 3svf A:44-168 [192082] Other proteins in same PDB: d3svfa2 automated match to d2ossa_ complexed with wdr |
Domain d3svga1: 3svg A:44-168 [192083] Other proteins in same PDB: d3svga2 automated match to d2ossa_ complexed with edo, odr |
Domain d3u5ja_: 3u5j A: [186082] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with 08h, edo |
Domain d3u5ka_: 3u5k A: [186083] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5kb2, d3u5kc2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with 08j |
Domain d3u5kb1: 3u5k B:44-166 [186084] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5kb2, d3u5kc2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with 08j |
Domain d3u5kc1: 3u5k C:44-165 [186085] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5kb2, d3u5kc2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with 08j |
Domain d3u5kd_: 3u5k D: [186086] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5kb2, d3u5kc2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with 08j |
Domain d3u5la_: 3u5l A: [186087] automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with 08k, edo |
Domain d3uv2a_: 3uv2 A: [217529] automated match to d3qzsb_ complexed with 7pe |
Domain d3uv4a1: 3uv4 A:1522-1644 [250269] Other proteins in same PDB: d3uv4a2, d3uv4b2 automated match to d3hmea_ complexed with edo, gol, po4 |
Domain d3uv4b1: 3uv4 B:1522-1645 [250270] Other proteins in same PDB: d3uv4a2, d3uv4b2 automated match to d3hmea_ complexed with edo, gol, po4 |
Domain d3uv5a1: 3uv5 A:1398-1518 [233805] Other proteins in same PDB: d3uv5a2 automated match to d1eqfa1 complexed with trs |
Domain d3uvda1: 3uvd A:1448-1568 [186415] Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvda2 automated match to d1n72a_ complexed with mb3 |
Domain d3uvwa1: 3uvw A:44-168 [186424] Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvwa2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3uvxa1: 3uvx A:44-168 [186425] Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvxa2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with edo, fmt, na |
Domain d3uvya_: 3uvy A: [186426] automated match to d1jm4b_ |
Domain d3zyua1: 3zyu A:44-168 [186663] Other proteins in same PDB: d3zyua2, d3zyub2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with 1gh, edo |
Domain d3zyub1: 3zyu B:44-167 [186664] Other proteins in same PDB: d3zyua2, d3zyub2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with 1gh, edo |
Domain d4a9ea_: 4a9e A: [218720] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with 3pf, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9eb_: 4a9e B: [218721] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with 3pf, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9ec_: 4a9e C: [218722] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with 3pf, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9fa_: 4a9f A: [218723] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, mb3, so4 |
Domain d4a9fb_: 4a9f B: [218724] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, mb3, so4 |
Domain d4a9fc_: 4a9f C: [218725] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, mb3, so4 |
Domain d4a9ha_: 4a9h A: [218726] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, so4, tvp |
Domain d4a9hb_: 4a9h B: [218727] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, so4, tvp |
Domain d4a9hc_: 4a9h C: [218728] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, so4, tvp |
Domain d4a9ia_: 4a9i A: [218729] Other proteins in same PDB: d4a9ib2 automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, p9i, so4 |
Domain d4a9ib1: 4a9i B:72-186 [218730] Other proteins in same PDB: d4a9ib2 automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, p9i, so4 |
Domain d4a9ic_: 4a9i C: [218731] Other proteins in same PDB: d4a9ib2 automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, p9i, so4 |
Domain d4a9ja_: 4a9j A: [218732] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, so4, tyl |
Domain d4a9jb_: 4a9j B: [218733] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, so4, tyl |
Domain d4a9jc_: 4a9j C: [218734] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with edo, so4, tyl |
Domain d4a9la1: 4a9l A:44-167 [186742] Other proteins in same PDB: d4a9la2 automated match to d1jm4b_ complexed with edo, no3, p9l |
Domain d4a9ma_: 4a9m A: [218735] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with p9m, so4 |
Domain d4a9mb_: 4a9m B: [218736] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with p9m, so4 |
Domain d4a9mc_: 4a9m C: [218737] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with p9m, so4 |
Domain d4a9na_: 4a9n A: [218738] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9n, dms, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9nb_: 4a9n B: [218739] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9n, dms, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9nc_: 4a9n C: [218740] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9n, dms, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9oa_: 4a9o A: [218741] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9o, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9ob_: 4a9o B: [218742] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9o, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9oc_: 4a9o C: [218743] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9o, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9pa_: 4a9p A: [306997] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with a9p, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9pb_: 4a9p B: [306998] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with a9p, edo, so4 |
Domain d4a9pc_: 4a9p C: [306999] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with a9p, edo, so4 |
Domain d4akna_: 4akn A: [219012] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with dms, edo, s5b, so4 |
Domain d4aknb_: 4akn B: [219013] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with dms, edo, s5b, so4 |
Domain d4aknc_: 4akn C: [219014] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with dms, edo, s5b, so4 |
Domain d4alga_: 4alg A: [219028] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with 1gh, act, gol |
Domain d4alha_: 4alh A: [219029] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9p, edo, so4 |
Domain d4alhb_: 4alh B: [219030] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9p, edo, so4 |
Domain d4alhc_: 4alh C: [219031] automated match to d3zyub_ complexed with a9p, edo, so4 |
Domain d4bjxa1: 4bjx A:44-168 [265938] Other proteins in same PDB: d4bjxa2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 73b |
Domain d4bw1a1: 4bw1 A:44-168 [227833] Other proteins in same PDB: d4bw1a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, s5b |
Domain d4bw2a1: 4bw2 A:44-168 [227838] Other proteins in same PDB: d4bw2a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, uth |
Domain d4bw3a1: 4bw3 A:44-168 [227835] Other proteins in same PDB: d4bw3a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 9bm, edo |
Domain d4bw4a1: 4bw4 A:44-168 [227834] Other proteins in same PDB: d4bw4a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 9b6 |
Domain d4c66a1: 4c66 A:44-167 [251343] Other proteins in same PDB: d4c66a2 automated match to d3g0la_ complexed with h4c |
Domain d4c67a1: 4c67 A:44-168 [228023] Other proteins in same PDB: d4c67a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, l5s |
Domain d4cfka_: 4cfk A: [236005] automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, gol, ly2 |
Domain d4cfla_: 4cfl A: [236006] automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 8dq, edo, gol |
Domain d4cl9a1: 4cl9 A:44-168 [268155] Other proteins in same PDB: d4cl9a2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with edo, ies |
Domain d4clba1: 4clb A:44-168 [268156] Other proteins in same PDB: d4clba2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 83t, edo |
Domain d4cupa1: 4cup A:1858-1970 [238334] Other proteins in same PDB: d4cupa2 automated match to d3g0la_ complexed with moh, zyb |
Domain d4cuqa1: 4cuq A:1858-1970 [238119] Other proteins in same PDB: d4cuqa2 automated match to d3g0la_ complexed with 5k3 |
Domain d4cura1: 4cur A:1858-1970 [238117] Other proteins in same PDB: d4cura2 automated match to d3g0la_ complexed with edo, la7 |
Domain d4cusa1: 4cus A:1858-1970 [238118] Other proteins in same PDB: d4cusa2 automated match to d3g0la_ complexed with edo, es1 |
Domain d4cuta1: 4cut A:1858-1970 [238120] Other proteins in same PDB: d4cuta2 automated match to d3g0la_ complexed with edo, tyl |
Domain d4dona1: 4don A:44-166 [251528] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dona2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 3pf |
Domain d4e96a1: 4e96 A:44-165 [192366] Other proteins in same PDB: d4e96a2 automated match to d2ossa_ complexed with 0ns, dms, edo, na |
Domain d4f3ia1: 4f3i A:44-168 [192475] Other proteins in same PDB: d4f3ia2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 0s6, edo |
Domain d4flpa_: 4flp A: [202045] automated match to d2rfja1 complexed with jq1, k |
Domain d4flpb_: 4flp B: [194983] automated match to d2rfja1 complexed with jq1, k |
Domain d4gpja1: 4gpj A:44-168 [192508] Other proteins in same PDB: d4gpja2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 0q1, edo, na |
Domain d4hbva_: 4hbv A: [192526] automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 15e, edo |
Domain d4hbwa_: 4hbw A: [222489] automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 14z, edo, k |
Domain d4hbxa_: 4hbx A: [192524] automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 14x |
Domain d4hbya_: 4hby A: [192525] automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 13f, edo |
Domain d4hxka1: 4hxk A:44-167 [222773] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxka2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 1aj |
Domain d4hxla1: 4hxl A:44-167 [222774] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxla2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 1a9 |
Domain d4hxma1: 4hxm A:44-166 [222775] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxma2 automated match to d3uvya_ complexed with 1a8 |
Domain d4hxna1: 4hxn A:44-167 [222776] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxna2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 1a7 |
Domain d4hxoa1: 4hxo A:44-167 [222777] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxoa2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 1a6 |
Domain d4hxpa1: 4hxp A:44-166 [222778] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxpa2 automated match to d3uvya_ complexed with 1a5 |
Domain d4hxra1: 4hxr A:44-167 [222781] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxra2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 1a4 |
Domain d4hxsa1: 4hxs A:44-166 [222782] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxsa2 automated match to d3uvya_ complexed with 1a3 |
Domain d4iooa1: 4ioo A:44-167 [229483] Other proteins in same PDB: d4iooa2 automated match to d3p5oa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with bae, dms, edo |
Domain d4ioqa1: 4ioq A:44-167 [228037] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ioqa2 automated match to d3p5oa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with baq, edo |
Domain d4iora1: 4ior A:44-167 [228038] Other proteins in same PDB: d4iora2 automated match to d3p5oa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with dms, edo |
Domain d4ir3a1: 4ir3 A:1858-1971 [223328] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ir3a2 automated match to d2nxbb_ complexed with 1fk, edo, gol |
Domain d4ir4a1: 4ir4 A:1858-1971 [223329] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ir4a2 automated match to d2nxbb_ complexed with edo, ir4 |
Domain d4ir5a1: 4ir5 A:1858-1971 [223330] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ir5a2 automated match to d2nxbb_ complexed with edo, ir5 |
Domain d4ir6a1: 4ir6 A:1858-1971 [223331] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ir6a2 automated match to d2nxbb_ complexed with edo, ir6 |
Domain d4j0ra1: 4j0r A:44-168 [192634] Other proteins in same PDB: d4j0ra2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 1h2, edo, iod |
Domain d4j0sa1: 4j0s A:44-168 [192633] Other proteins in same PDB: d4j0sa2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 1h3, edo |
Domain d4j1pa1: 4j1p A:344-455 [236025] Other proteins in same PDB: d4j1pa2 automated match to d3onia_ complexed with 1k0, edo |
Domain d4j3ia1: 4j3i A:44-168 [236026] Other proteins in same PDB: d4j3ia2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1k0, edo, na |
Domain d4kcxa_: 4kcx A: [230069] automated match to d4kcxb_ complexed with 1qk, cl |
Domain d4kcxb_: 4kcx B: [227962] automated match to d4a9ib_ complexed with 1qk, cl |
Domain d4lc2a_: 4lc2 A: [235323] automated match to d4nqna_ complexed with edo, no3 |
Domain d4lr6a_: 4lr6 A: [224749] automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 1xa, fmt |
Domain d4lrga1: 4lrg A:42-168 [224750] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lrga2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 1xb |
Domain d4lyia1: 4lyi A:44-168 [236053] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lyia2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 21h, edo, iod, na |
Domain d4lysa1: 4lys A:44-166 [253702] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lysa2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 2sj, na |
Domain d4lywa1: 4lyw A:44-168 [253703] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lywa2 automated match to d4ir5a_ complexed with 21q |
Domain d4lz2a_: 4lz2 A: [224795] automated match to d3onia_ complexed with edo, mg |
Domain d4lzra1: 4lzr A:44-168 [253707] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lzra2 automated match to d4nrba_ complexed with loc |
Domain d4lzsa1: 4lzs A:44-168 [236054] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lzsa2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with l46 |
Domain d4mena1: 4men A:44-168 [228716] Other proteins in same PDB: d4mena2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 25k, edo |
Domain d4meoa1: 4meo A:44-168 [228713] Other proteins in same PDB: d4meoa2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 25v, dms, edo |
Domain d4mepa1: 4mep A:44-168 [228714] Other proteins in same PDB: d4mepa2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 24y |
Domain d4meqa1: 4meq A:44-168 [228715] Other proteins in same PDB: d4meqa2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 25o, edo |
Domain d4mr3a1: 4mr3 A:44-168 [229330] Other proteins in same PDB: d4mr3a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1k0, edo |
Domain d4mr4a1: 4mr4 A:44-168 [229331] Other proteins in same PDB: d4mr4a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1k0, edo |
Domain d4mr5a_: 4mr5 A: [229329] automated match to d3onia_ complexed with 1k0, dms, edo |
Domain d4mr6a_: 4mr6 A: [229328] automated match to d3onia_ complexed with 1k0, dms, edo |
Domain d4nqma1: 4nqm A:44-168 [229959] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nqma2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with sin, y1z |
Domain d4nqna_: 4nqn A: [229955] automated match to d3rcwf_ complexed with y1z |
Domain d4nr8a1: 4nr8 A:44-166 [230179] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nr8a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2ll, edo, k |
Domain d4nr9a1: 4nr9 A:1858-1971 [230176] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nr9a2 automated match to d4ir3a_ complexed with aly, edo |
Domain d4nraa1: 4nra A:1858-1971 [230175] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nraa2 automated match to d4ir3a_ complexed with 2lw, edo |
Domain d4nrba1: 4nrb A:1858-1969 [230178] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nrba2 automated match to d3g0la_ complexed with 2lx, edo |
Domain d4nrca1: 4nrc A:1858-1970 [230177] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nrca2 automated match to d3g0la_ complexed with 15p, 2ly, edo |
Domain d4nuca1: 4nuc A:44-167 [238267] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nuca2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 435, edo |
Domain d4nuda_: 4nud A: [238266] automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, nud |
Domain d4nuea1: 4nue A:44-167 [238265] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nuea2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, nue |
Domain d4o70a1: 4o70 A:44-168 [237382] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o70a2, d4o70b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1qk, edo |
Domain d4o70b1: 4o70 B:44-168 [237380] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o70a2, d4o70b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1qk, edo |
Domain d4o71a1: 4o71 A:44-168 [237387] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o71a2, d4o71b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with cpb, edo |
Domain d4o71b1: 4o71 B:44-168 [237386] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o71a2, d4o71b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with cpb, edo |
Domain d4o72a1: 4o72 A:44-168 [237385] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o72a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2r4, cl, edo, peg |
Domain d4o73a1: 4o73 A:44-168 [307840] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o73a2, d4o73b2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 2r5, edo, so4 |
Domain d4o73b1: 4o73 B:44-168 [307842] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o73a2, d4o73b2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 2r5, edo, so4 |
Domain d4o74a1: 4o74 A:44-168 [237379] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o74a2, d4o74b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, peg, r78 |
Domain d4o74b1: 4o74 B:44-168 [237366] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o74a2, d4o74b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, peg, r78 |
Domain d4o75a1: 4o75 A:44-168 [237373] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o75a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2rc, edo |
Domain d4o76a1: 4o76 A:44-168 [237378] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o76a2, d4o76b2, d4o76c2, d4o76d2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1m3, edo |
Domain d4o76b1: 4o76 B:44-168 [237372] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o76a2, d4o76b2, d4o76c2, d4o76d2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1m3, edo |
Domain d4o76c1: 4o76 C:44-168 [237370] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o76a2, d4o76b2, d4o76c2, d4o76d2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1m3, edo |
Domain d4o76d1: 4o76 D:44-168 [237377] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o76a2, d4o76b2, d4o76c2, d4o76d2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 1m3, edo |
Domain d4o77a1: 4o77 A:44-168 [237367] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o77a2, d4o77b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2re |
Domain d4o77b1: 4o77 B:44-168 [237375] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o77a2, d4o77b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2re |
Domain d4o78a1: 4o78 A:44-168 [237397] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o78a2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with cl, edo, pge, sav |
Domain d4o7aa1: 4o7a A:44-168 [237371] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o7aa2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2rf, edo |
Domain d4o7ba1: 4o7b A:44-168 [237374] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o7ba2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2rj, edo |
Domain d4o7ca1: 4o7c A:44-168 [237376] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o7ca2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2rk, edo |
Domain d4o7ea1: 4o7e A:44-168 [237389] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o7ea2, d4o7eb2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2rn, edo |
Domain d4o7eb1: 4o7e B:44-168 [237388] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o7ea2, d4o7eb2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2rn, edo |
Domain d4o7fa1: 4o7f A:44-168 [237392] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o7fa2, d4o7fb2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2rq, cl, edo |
Domain d4o7fb1: 4o7f B:44-168 [237393] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o7fa2, d4o7fb2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2rq, cl, edo |
Domain d4ogia1: 4ogi A:44-168 [237210] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ogia2, d4ogib2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, r78 |
Domain d4ogib1: 4ogi B:44-168 [237213] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ogia2, d4ogib2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with edo, r78 |
Domain d4ogja1: 4ogj A:44-168 [237212] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ogja2, d4ogjb2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2ta, edo |
Domain d4ogjb1: 4ogj B:44-168 [237211] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ogja2, d4ogjb2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2ta, edo |
Domain d4pcea1: 4pce A:44-168 [257461] Other proteins in same PDB: d4pcea2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 2n0, edo |
Domain d4pcia1: 4pci A:44-167 [257460] Other proteins in same PDB: d4pcia2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 2nj, edo |
Domain d4ps5a1: 4ps5 A:44-168 [237887] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ps5a2, d4ps5b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2ta, act, edo |
Domain d4ps5b1: 4ps5 B:44-168 [237888] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ps5a2, d4ps5b2 automated match to d3p5oa_ complexed with 2ta, act, edo |
Domain d4q0na_: 4q0n A: [257594] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xd, edo |
Domain d4q0nb_: 4q0n B: [263590] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xd, edo |
Domain d4q0nc_: 4q0n C: [263591] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xd, edo |
Domain d4q0nd_: 4q0n D: [263592] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xd, edo |
Domain d4q0ne_: 4q0n E: [263593] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xd, edo |
Domain d4q0nf_: 4q0n F: [263594] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xd, edo |
Domain d4q0ng_: 4q0n G: [263595] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xd, edo |
Domain d4q0nh_: 4q0n H: [263596] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xd, edo |
Domain d4q0oa_: 4q0o A: [257595] automated match to d2yqda_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2xc, k |
Domain d4qb3a1: 4qb3 A:44-168 [271688] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qb3a2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 30m, edo |
Domain d4qbma1: 4qbm A:1796-1899 [257651] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qbma2, d4qbmb2 automated match to d2e7oa_ complexed with edo |
Domain d4qbmb1: 4qbm B:1796-1898 [257652] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qbma2, d4qbmb2 automated match to d2e7oa_ complexed with edo |
Domain d4qc1a1: 4qc1 A:2062-2165 [257653] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qc1a2, d4qc1b2 automated match to d2e7oa_ complexed with so4, zn |
Domain d4qc1b1: 4qc1 B:2062-2166 [263672] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qc1a2, d4qc1b2 automated match to d2e7oa_ complexed with so4, zn |
Domain d4qc3a1: 4qc3 A:2062-2166 [267301] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qc3a2, d4qc3b2 automated match to d2e7oa_ complexed with edo |
Domain d4qc3b1: 4qc3 B:2062-2166 [267302] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qc3a2, d4qc3b2 automated match to d2e7oa_ complexed with edo |
Domain d4qeua_: 4qeu A: [267303] automated match to d4j1pa_ complexed with act, gol; mutant |
Domain d4qeva_: 4qev A: [260755] automated match to d4j1pa_ complexed with 2pe, 31o, gol, ni; mutant |
Domain d4qewa_: 4qew A: [260756] automated match to d4j1pa_ complexed with 2pe, 31p, gol, ni; mutant |
Domain d4qr3a1: 4qr3 A:44-166 [274493] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qr3a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with bnj |
Domain d4qr4a1: 4qr4 A:44-166 [274497] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qr4a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with bnk |
Domain d4qr5a1: 4qr5 A:44-166 [274496] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qr5a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with bnm |
Domain d4qspa1: 4qsp A:981-1108 [308145] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qspa2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with aly, edo, so4 |
Domain d4qsqa1: 4qsq A:981-1108 [308147] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qsqa2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with dms, edo, so4 |
Domain d4qsra1: 4qsr A:981-1108 [308149] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qsra2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with gol, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4qssa1: 4qss A:981-1108 [258508] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qssa2 automated match to d3daia_ complexed with gol, mb3, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4qsta1: 4qst A:981-1108 [308151] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qsta2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 12q, edo, so4 |
Domain d4qsua1: 4qsu A:981-1108 [308153] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qsua2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with edo, so4, tdr |
Domain d4qsva1: 4qsv A:981-1108 [308155] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qsva2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with edo, so4, thm |
Domain d4qswa1: 4qsw A:981-1108 [308157] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qswa2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 38t, edo, so4 |
Domain d4qsxa1: 4qsx A:981-1108 [308159] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qsxa2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 38s, edo, so4 |
Domain d4qy4a_: 4qy4 A: [259289] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with zn |
Domain d4qy4b_: 4qy4 B: [263782] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with zn |
Domain d4qy4c_: 4qy4 C: [263783] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with zn |
Domain d4qzsa1: 4qzs A:44-168 [260767] Other proteins in same PDB: d4qzsa2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with cl, edo, jq1 |
Domain d4rvra1: 4rvr A:1858-1972 [261696] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rvra2 automated match to d4ir5a_ complexed with 3wq, edo |
Domain d4tt6a1: 4tt6 A:981-1108 [268872] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tt6a2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with cl, gol, so4; mutant |
Domain d4ttea1: 4tte A:981-1108 [268869] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ttea2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 36z, cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d4tu4a1: 4tu4 A:981-1108 [268870] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tu4a2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 37n, cl, dms, gol, so4 |
Domain d4tu6a1: 4tu6 A:981-1108 [268873] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tu6a2, d4tu6b2, d4tu6c2, d4tu6d2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d4tu6b1: 4tu6 B:981-1108 [268867] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tu6a2, d4tu6b2, d4tu6c2, d4tu6d2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d4tu6c1: 4tu6 C:981-1107 [268868] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tu6a2, d4tu6b2, d4tu6c2, d4tu6d2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d4tu6d1: 4tu6 D:981-1108 [268875] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tu6a2, d4tu6b2, d4tu6c2, d4tu6d2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d4tyla1: 4tyl A:981-1108 [261411] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tyla2 automated match to d3daia_ complexed with 39o, cl, so4 |
Domain d4tz2a1: 4tz2 A:981-1108 [260818] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tz2a2 automated match to d3daia_ complexed with 39r, cl, so4, trs |
Domain d4tz8a1: 4tz8 A:981-1108 [267415] Other proteins in same PDB: d4tz8a2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 39u, cl, so4 |
Domain d4uita_: 4uit A: [271716] automated match to d3g0jb_ complexed with n1d |
Domain d4uiua_: 4uiu A: [271717] automated match to d3g0jb_ complexed with tvu |
Domain d4uiva_: 4uiv A: [271712] automated match to d3g0jb_ complexed with edo, xzb |
Domain d4uiwa_: 4uiw A: [271713] automated match to d3g0jb_ complexed with edo, h1b |
Domain d4uixa1: 4uix A:44-168 [271714] Other proteins in same PDB: d4uixa2, d4uixb2, d4uixc2 automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with ca, edo, tvu |
Domain d4uixb1: 4uix B:44-167 [271710] Other proteins in same PDB: d4uixa2, d4uixb2, d4uixc2 automated match to d4nrba_ complexed with ca, edo, tvu |
Domain d4uixc1: 4uix C:44-163 [339676] Other proteins in same PDB: d4uixa2, d4uixb2, d4uixc2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with ca, edo, tvu |
Domain d4uiya1: 4uiy A:44-168 [271715] Other proteins in same PDB: d4uiya2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 5v2, edo |
Domain d4uiza1: 4uiz A:44-168 [271711] Other proteins in same PDB: d4uiza2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with edo, n1d |
Domain d4uyda1: 4uyd A:44-169 [259735] Other proteins in same PDB: d4uyda2 automated match to d4alga_ complexed with dms, edo, v1t |
Domain d4uyea_: 4uye A: [259734] automated match to d4lc2a_ complexed with 9f9, edo |
Domain d4uyeb_: 4uye B: [261456] automated match to d4lc2a_ complexed with 9f9, edo |
Domain d4uyfa_: 4uyf A: [260276] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with 73b, edo, so4 |
Domain d4uyfb_: 4uyf B: [264007] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with 73b, edo, so4 |
Domain d4uyfc_: 4uyf C: [264008] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with 73b, edo, so4 |
Domain d4uyga_: 4uyg A: [260274] automated match to d4a9ib_ complexed with 73b, so4 |
Domain d4uygb_: 4uyg B: [260273] automated match to d4a9ib_ complexed with 73b, so4 |
Domain d4uygc_: 4uyg C: [260602] automated match to d4a9ib_ complexed with 73b, so4 |
Domain d4uygd_: 4uyg D: [264009] automated match to d4a9ib_ complexed with 73b, so4 |
Domain d4uyge_: 4uyg E: [264010] automated match to d4a9ib_ complexed with 73b, so4 |
Domain d4uygf_: 4uyg F: [264011] automated match to d4a9ib_ complexed with 73b, so4 |
Domain d4uyha_: 4uyh A: [260275] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with 9s3, dms, so4 |
Domain d4uyhb_: 4uyh B: [264012] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with 9s3, dms, so4 |
Domain d4uyhc_: 4uyh C: [260603] automated match to d2yw5a_ complexed with 9s3, dms, so4 |
Domain d4whwa1: 4whw A:44-166 [278763] Other proteins in same PDB: d4whwa2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 3ot, edo |
Domain d4wiva1: 4wiv A:44-168 [260854] Other proteins in same PDB: d4wiva2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 3p2, edo, gol |
Domain d4xuaa1: 4xua A:1858-1971 [270160] Other proteins in same PDB: d4xuaa2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 43c, edo |
Domain d4xuba1: 4xub A:1858-1971 [270161] Other proteins in same PDB: d4xuba2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 43d, edo |
Domain d4xy8a_: 4xy8 A: [270165] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 43u, br |
Domain d4xy9a_: 4xy9 A: [270173] automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 43u, edo |
Domain d4xyaa_: 4xya A: [270166] automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 43s, edo |
Domain d4y03a_: 4y03 A: [273040] automated match to d2yqda_ complexed with cit, sal |
Domain d4y03b_: 4y03 B: [273039] automated match to d2yqda_ complexed with cit, sal |
Domain d4yh3a1: 4yh3 A:44-169 [280526] Other proteins in same PDB: d4yh3a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with y80 |
Domain d4yh4a1: 4yh4 A:44-168 [280525] Other proteins in same PDB: d4yh4a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with gol, na, y81 |
Domain d4yy4a_: 4yy4 A: [277048] automated match to d2i7ka_ complexed with dms |
Domain d4z1qa_: 4z1q A: [271386] automated match to d2nxba_ complexed with 558 |
Domain d4z6ha_: 4z6h A: [273068] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 4l2 |
Domain d4z6hb_: 4z6h B: [273067] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 4l2 |
Domain d4z6ia_: 4z6i A: [273073] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 4l3 |
Domain d4z6ib_: 4z6i B: [273072] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 4l3 |
Domain d4z93a_: 4z93 A: [274604] automated match to d4a9oa_ complexed with 4ld, edo |
Domain d4zc9a1: 4zc9 A:44-168 [279522] Other proteins in same PDB: d4zc9a2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 4mw |
Domain d5a5na1: 5a5n A:981-1108 [275164] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a5na2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 8ws, edo, so4 |
Domain d5a5oa1: 5a5o A:981-1108 [275163] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a5oa2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with edo, j5i, so4 |
Domain d5a5pa1: 5a5p A:981-1108 [275162] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a5pa2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with edo, jtf, so4 |
Domain d5a5qa1: 5a5q A:981-1108 [275161] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a5qa2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 6xc, edo, so4 |
Domain d5a5ra1: 5a5r A:981-1108 [275165] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a5ra2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with edo, np8, so4 |
Domain d5a5sa1: 5a5s A:44-168 [275166] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a5sa2 automated match to d4nrba_ complexed with edo, np8 |
Domain d5a7ca1: 5a7c A:306-416 [312506] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a7ca2 automated match to d4qeua_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5d4, edo |
Domain d5a7cb_: 5a7c B: [312474] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a7ca2 automated match to d4qeua_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5d4, edo |
Domain d5a7cc_: 5a7c C: [312457] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a7ca2 automated match to d4qeua_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5d4, edo |
Domain d5a7cd_: 5a7c D: [312486] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a7ca2 automated match to d4qeua_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5d4, edo |
Domain d5a81a1: 5a81 A:981-1108 [275802] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a81a2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with 78j, edo, so4 |
Domain d5a82a1: 5a82 A:981-1108 [275800] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a82a2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with edo, so4, yej |
Domain d5a83a1: 5a83 A:981-1108 [275801] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a83a2 automated match to d4tz2a_ complexed with edo, so4, yd3 |
Domain d5a85a1: 5a85 A:44-167 [275803] Other proteins in same PDB: d5a85a2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 78j, edo |
Domain d5acya1: 5acy A:44-168 [277797] Other proteins in same PDB: d5acya2, d5acyb2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 9s3, edo |
Domain d5acyb1: 5acy B:44-168 [277798] Other proteins in same PDB: d5acya2, d5acyb2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 9s3, edo |
Domain d5ad2a1: 5ad2 A:44-168 [323359] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ad2a2, d5ad2b2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with etu |
Domain d5ad2b1: 5ad2 B:44-168 [323230] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ad2a2, d5ad2b2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with etu |
Domain d5ad3a1: 5ad3 A:44-168 [323192] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ad3a2, d5ad3b2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with k6k |
Domain d5ad3b1: 5ad3 B:44-168 [323329] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ad3a2, d5ad3b2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with k6k |
Domain d5amfa1: 5amf A:24-142 [365588] Other proteins in same PDB: d5amfa2 automated match to d5i7xa_ complexed with na, twl |
Domain d5bt4a1: 5bt4 A:44-168 [274445] Other proteins in same PDB: d5bt4a2, d5bt4b2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 2lo, edo |
Domain d5bt4b1: 5bt4 B:44-167 [274441] Other proteins in same PDB: d5bt4a2, d5bt4b2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 2lo, edo |
Domain d5bt4c_: 5bt4 C: [274444] Other proteins in same PDB: d5bt4a2, d5bt4b2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 2lo, edo |
Domain d5bt5a_: 5bt5 A: [274442] automated match to d4j1pa_ complexed with 2lo, edo |
Domain d5c7na_: 5c7n A: [274724] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with bmf, no3 |
Domain d5c85a_: 5c85 A: [317751] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 4yo, no3 |
Domain d5c87a_: 5c87 A: [317884] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 4ys, no3 |
Domain d5c89a_: 5c89 A: [319620] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 4yt |
Domain d5cfwa1: 5cfw A:44-168 [316532] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cfwa2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 53w |
Domain d5cq3a1: 5cq3 A:1858-1970 [276684] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cq3a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 53b, dms, edo, po4 |
Domain d5cq4a1: 5cq4 A:1858-1970 [276686] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cq4a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 53c, cl, edo, so4 |
Domain d5cq5a1: 5cq5 A:1858-1969 [276685] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cq5a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 53e, edo |
Domain d5cq6a1: 5cq6 A:1858-1970 [276683] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cq6a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with edo, pdc |
Domain d5cq7a1: 5cq7 A:1858-1970 [276688] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cq7a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 53g, edo |
Domain d5cq8a1: 5cq8 A:1858-1970 [276687] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cq8a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with ac6, edo |
Domain d5cqaa1: 5cqa A:1858-1970 [276689] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cqaa2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 2ly, edo |
Domain d5cu8a1: 5cu8 A:1858-1970 [276691] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cu8a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 54t, edo |
Domain d5cuaa1: 5cua A:1858-1970 [276692] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cuaa2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 54u, edo |
Domain d5cuba1: 5cub A:1858-1970 [276693] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cuba2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 54v, edo |
Domain d5cuca1: 5cuc A:1858-1970 [276696] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cuca2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 54w, edo |
Domain d5cuda1: 5cud A:1858-1970 [276690] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cuda2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with edo, es4 |
Domain d5cuea1: 5cue A:1858-1970 [276695] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cuea2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 54y, edo |
Domain d5cuga1: 5cug A:1858-1970 [276694] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cuga2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with edo, tyz |
Domain d5d24a_: 5d24 A: [313247] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with edo, l26 |
Domain d5d25a_: 5d25 A: [313251] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 56m, bu3, gol |
Domain d5d26a_: 5d26 A: [313284] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with bu3, edo, l28, na |
Domain d5d3ha1: 5d3h A:44-167 [314421] Other proteins in same PDB: d5d3ha2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 57g |
Domain d5d3ja_: 5d3j A: [313290] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with l33 |
Domain d5d3la_: 5d3l A: [313315] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 57f |
Domain d5d3na_: 5d3n A: [313291] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with l40 |
Domain d5d3pa_: 5d3p A: [313294] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 57e, ni |
Domain d5d3ra_: 5d3r A: [313343] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 57c |
Domain d5d3sa1: 5d3s A:44-167 [313356] Other proteins in same PDB: d5d3sa2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 579, bu3, dms |
Domain d5d3ta_: 5d3t A: [313368] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 56y, edo, na |
Domain d5d7xa1: 5d7x A:626-739 [317682] Other proteins in same PDB: d5d7xa2 automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with no3, xz8 |
Domain d5dfba_: 5dfb A: [279262] automated match to d4j1pa_ complexed with 2pe, gol, ni; mutant |
Domain d5dfca_: 5dfc A: [279263] automated match to d4j1pa_ complexed with 2pe, eam, gol, ni; mutant |
Domain d5dfda_: 5dfd A: [279261] automated match to d4j1pa_ complexed with 59e, gol; mutant |
Domain d5dkca_: 5dkc A: [278095] automated match to d3uvda_ complexed with 5bw, zn |
Domain d5dkda_: 5dkd A: [278097] automated match to d3mqma_ complexed with 5bw, edo, zn |
Domain d5dkdb_: 5dkd B: [278096] automated match to d3mqma_ complexed with 5bw, edo, zn |
Domain d5dkha_: 5dkh A: [322539] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with 5c0, edo, zn |
Domain d5dkhb_: 5dkh B: [322561] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with 5c0, edo, zn |
Domain d5dkhc_: 5dkh C: [322563] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with 5c0, edo, zn |
Domain d5dlxa1: 5dlx A:44-166 [317902] Other proteins in same PDB: d5dlxa2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5d2 |
Domain d5dlza1: 5dlz A:44-168 [317924] Other proteins in same PDB: d5dlza2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5d1 |
Domain d5dw1a_: 5dw1 A: [318731] automated match to d2dwwa_ complexed with 5gd, na |
Domain d5dw1b_: 5dw1 B: [318733] automated match to d2dwwa_ complexed with 5gd, na |
Domain d5dw1c_: 5dw1 C: [318732] automated match to d2dwwa_ complexed with 5gd, na |
Domain d5dw1d_: 5dw1 D: [318719] automated match to d2dwwa_ complexed with 5gd, na |
Domain d5dw2a1: 5dw2 A:44-168 [318715] Other proteins in same PDB: d5dw2a2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5gd, edo |
Domain d5dy7a_: 5dy7 A: [317675] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5gt, no3 |
Domain d5dyaa_: 5dya A: [317672] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5gv, no3 |
Domain d5dyca_: 5dyc A: [317676] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5gu, no3 |
Domain d5dyua1: 5dyu A:1858-1971 [313648] Other proteins in same PDB: d5dyua2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with mz0 |
Domain d5dyxa1: 5dyx A:1858-1971 [313662] Other proteins in same PDB: d5dyxa2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with ade |
Domain d5e0ra1: 5e0r A:44-168 [323945] Other proteins in same PDB: d5e0ra2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5j5, dms |
Domain d5e3da_: 5e3d A: [317679] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5jl, no3 |
Domain d5e3ga_: 5e3g A: [317767] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5jq, no3 |
Domain d5e73a1: 5e73 A:1858-1971 [278695] Other proteins in same PDB: d5e73a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with uo1 |
Domain d5e74a1: 5e74 A:1858-1971 [278377] Other proteins in same PDB: d5e74a2 automated match to d4rvra_ complexed with 5kh |
Domain d5e7da_: 5e7d A: [323886] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5kl, edo |
Domain d5e7db_: 5e7d B: [323891] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5kl, edo |
Domain d5e7dc_: 5e7d C: [323892] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5kl, edo |
Domain d5e7dd_: 5e7d D: [323897] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5kl, edo |
Domain d5e9ia1: 5e9i A:1858-1971 [313906] Other proteins in same PDB: d5e9ia2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with f60 |
Domain d5e9ka1: 5e9k A:1858-1971 [313588] Other proteins in same PDB: d5e9ka2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 5kx |
Domain d5e9la1: 5e9l A:1858-1971 [313610] Other proteins in same PDB: d5e9la2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 6ai |
Domain d5e9ma1: 5e9m A:1858-1971 [313943] Other proteins in same PDB: d5e9ma2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with bae |
Domain d5e9va_: 5e9v A: [278701] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5l0, edo |
Domain d5e9vb_: 5e9v B: [278700] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5l0, edo |
Domain d5e9ya1: 5e9y A:1858-1971 [313616] Other proteins in same PDB: d5e9ya2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with mpd |
Domain d5ea1a_: 5ea1 A: [313657] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with mpd, mrd |
Domain d5ea1b_: 5ea1 B: [313829] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with mpd, mrd |
Domain d5ea1c_: 5ea1 C: [313839] automated match to d2grca_ complexed with mpd, mrd |
Domain d5egua_: 5egu A: [313658] Other proteins in same PDB: d5egud2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5nq, edo |
Domain d5egub_: 5egu B: [313667] Other proteins in same PDB: d5egud2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5nq, edo |
Domain d5eguc_: 5egu C: [313687] Other proteins in same PDB: d5egud2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5nq, edo |
Domain d5egud1: 5egu D:44-166 [313786] Other proteins in same PDB: d5egud2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5nq, edo |
Domain d5ei4a1: 5ei4 A:44-168 [313798] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ei4a2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5nv, edo |
Domain d5eisa1: 5eis A:44-168 [313649] Other proteins in same PDB: d5eisa2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5ou, edo |
Domain d5ek9a_: 5ek9 A: [326258] automated match to d4qeua_ complexed with 5p4 |
Domain d5ek9b_: 5ek9 B: [326339] automated match to d4qeua_ complexed with 5p4 |
Domain d5em3a1: 5em3 A:626-739 [318102] Other proteins in same PDB: d5em3a2 automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5q0, no3 |
Domain d5enba1: 5enb A:1315-1435 [316608] Other proteins in same PDB: d5enba2 automated match to d3mb3a_ complexed with 5q5, edo |
Domain d5enca1: 5enc A:1315-1436 [316651] Other proteins in same PDB: d5enca2 automated match to d3mb3a_ complexed with 5qd, edo |
Domain d5enea1: 5ene A:1315-1435 [316680] Other proteins in same PDB: d5enea2 automated match to d3mb3a_ complexed with 5q8 |
Domain d5enfa1: 5enf A:1315-1435 [316611] Other proteins in same PDB: d5enfa2 automated match to d3mb3a_ complexed with 5q7, edo |
Domain d5enha1: 5enh A:1315-1435 [316613] Other proteins in same PDB: d5enha2 automated match to d3mb3a_ complexed with 5qb |
Domain d5enia1: 5eni A:1315-1435 [316614] Other proteins in same PDB: d5enia2 automated match to d3mb3a_ complexed with 5qa |
Domain d5enja1: 5enj A:1315-1435 [316607] Other proteins in same PDB: d5enja2 automated match to d3mb3a_ complexed with 5q9, mg |
Domain d5epra_: 5epr A: [317691] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5qy, no3 |
Domain d5epsa_: 5eps A: [317772] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5qx, no3 |
Domain d5eq1a_: 5eq1 A: [317723] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with bea, no3 |
Domain d5etba_: 5etb A: [317709] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5ro, no3 |
Domain d5etda_: 5etd A: [317714] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5rn, no3 |
Domain d5eu1a_: 5eu1 A: [314099] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5sw |
Domain d5eu1b_: 5eu1 B: [313795] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5sw |
Domain d5ev9a_: 5ev9 A: [318117] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5sb, no3 |
Domain d5evaa_: 5eva A: [318106] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5s9, no3 |
Domain d5ewca_: 5ewc A: [317696] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5sj, no3 |
Domain d5ewda_: 5ewd A: [317697] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5sh, no3 |
Domain d5ewha_: 5ewh A: [318186] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5sg, no3 |
Domain d5ewva_: 5ewv A: [324724] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5sn, no3 |
Domain d5ewwa_: 5eww A: [324636] automated match to d4lc2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 5sk, no3 |
Domain d5f1ha_: 5f1h A: [313845] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5u6 |
Domain d5f1hb_: 5f1h B: [313855] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5u6 |
Domain d5f1la_: 5f1l A: [313868] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5u2 |
Domain d5f1lb_: 5f1l B: [313851] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5u2 |
Domain d5f25a_: 5f25 A: [313832] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5tu |
Domain d5f25b_: 5f25 B: [313934] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5tu |
Domain d5f2pa_: 5f2p A: [313844] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5ty |
Domain d5f2pb_: 5f2p B: [313897] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 5ty |
Domain d5f5za1: 5f5z A:44-168 [332599] Other proteins in same PDB: d5f5za2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5vy, edo |
Domain d5f60a1: 5f60 A:44-168 [329556] Other proteins in same PDB: d5f60a2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5vz, edo, peg |
Domain d5f61a1: 5f61 A:44-168 [329412] Other proteins in same PDB: d5f61a2, d5f61b2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5w0, edo |
Domain d5f61b1: 5f61 B:44-168 [329417] Other proteins in same PDB: d5f61a2, d5f61b2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5w0, edo |
Domain d5f62a1: 5f62 A:44-168 [329473] Other proteins in same PDB: d5f62a2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5w1, edo |
Domain d5f63a1: 5f63 A:44-168 [329414] Other proteins in same PDB: d5f63a2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5w2, edo |
Domain d5fbxa1: 5fbx A:44-168 [280164] Other proteins in same PDB: d5fbxa2 automated match to d3u5la_ complexed with 5w4 |
Domain d5ffya_: 5ffy A: [280166] automated match to d4lc2a_ complexed with 5xd |
Domain d5fg4a_: 5fg4 A: [280433] automated match to d4lc2a_ complexed with 5xe |
Domain d5fg5a_: 5fg5 A: [280167] automated match to d4lc2a_ complexed with 5xf, no3 |
Domain d5fg5b_: 5fg5 B: [280168] automated match to d4lc2a_ complexed with 5xf, no3 |
Domain d5fg6a_: 5fg6 A: [314105] automated match to d3rcwb_ complexed with 5xe, edo, ni, po4 |
Domain d5fh6a_: 5fh6 A: [317950] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xm |
Domain d5fh6b_: 5fh6 B: [317951] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xm |
Domain d5fh6c_: 5fh6 C: [317965] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xm |
Domain d5fh6d_: 5fh6 D: [317956] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xm |
Domain d5fh7a_: 5fh7 A: [317971] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xl, edo |
Domain d5fh7b_: 5fh7 B: [317948] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xl, edo |
Domain d5fh8a_: 5fh8 A: [317932] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xk, dms, edo |
Domain d5fh8b_: 5fh8 B: [317938] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xk, dms, edo |
Domain d5fh8c_: 5fh8 C: [317957] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xk, dms, edo |
Domain d5fh8d_: 5fh8 D: [317933] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 5xk, dms, edo |
Domain d5g4ra_: 5g4r A: [319279] automated match to d5fg5a_ complexed with lf1 |
Domain d5g4rb_: 5g4r B: [319320] automated match to d5fg5a_ complexed with lf1 |
Domain d5g4rc_: 5g4r C: [319348] automated match to d5fg5a_ complexed with lf1 |
Domain d5g4rd_: 5g4r D: [319324] automated match to d5fg5a_ complexed with lf1 |
Domain d5g4sa1: 5g4s A:624-738 [319275] Other proteins in same PDB: d5g4sa2 automated match to d5fg5a_ complexed with 8vi, edo |
Domain d5h21a1: 5h21 A:44-166 [336447] Other proteins in same PDB: d5h21a2 automated match to d5egub_ complexed with rmr |
Domain d5hcla1: 5hcl A:44-168 [328895] Other proteins in same PDB: d5hcla2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 5y9, edo |
Domain d5hela1: 5hel A:71-187 [314709] Other proteins in same PDB: d5hela2 automated match to d4alga_ complexed with edo; mutant |
Domain d5hema1: 5hem A:71-190 [314664] Other proteins in same PDB: d5hema2 automated match to d4uyfa_ complexed with act, edo, mg; mutant |
Domain d5hemb_: 5hem B: [314717] Other proteins in same PDB: d5hema2 automated match to d4uyfa_ complexed with act, edo, mg; mutant |
Domain d5hena_: 5hen A: [314729] automated match to d4alga_ complexed with edo; mutant |
Domain d5henb_: 5hen B: [314696] automated match to d4alga_ complexed with edo; mutant |
Domain d5henc_: 5hen C: [314730] automated match to d4alga_ complexed with edo; mutant |
Domain d5hfqa_: 5hfq A: [314700] automated match to d4qeua_ mutant |
Domain d5hfra_: 5hfr A: [314711] automated match to d4qeua_ complexed with edo, no3; mutant |
Domain d5hfrb_: 5hfr B: [314750] automated match to d4qeua_ complexed with edo, no3; mutant |
Domain d5hfrc_: 5hfr C: [314726] automated match to d4qeua_ complexed with edo, no3; mutant |
Domain d5hfrd_: 5hfr D: [314727] automated match to d4qeua_ complexed with edo, no3; mutant |
Domain d5hlsa_: 5hls A: [314768] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 62g |
Domain d5hm0a_: 5hm0 A: [314813] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 62v |
Domain d5hq5a1: 5hq5 A:44-168 [328874] Other proteins in same PDB: d5hq5a2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 64q |
Domain d5hq6a1: 5hq6 A:44-166 [328948] Other proteins in same PDB: d5hq6a2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 64r |
Domain d5hq7a1: 5hq7 A:44-167 [328953] Other proteins in same PDB: d5hq7a2 automated match to d5d3sa_ complexed with 64s |
Domain d5hrva_: 5hrv A: [323934] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 64c, edo |
Domain d5hrwa_: 5hrw A: [323929] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 64e, edo, so4 |
Domain d5hrwb_: 5hrw B: [323955] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 64e, edo, so4 |
Domain d5hrxa_: 5hrx A: [323930] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 64f, edo |
Domain d5hrxb_: 5hrx B: [324008] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 64f, edo |
Domain d5i1qa_: 5i1q A: [414891] automated match to d6p39a_ complexed with 67c |
Domain d5i40a_: 5i40 A: [324007] automated match to d4nqna_ protein/RNA complex; complexed with 67n, edo, peg |
Domain d5i7xa_: 5i7x A: [324006] automated match to d4uita_ protein/RNA complex; complexed with 67b |
Domain d5i7ya_: 5i7y A: [323940] automated match to d4uita_ complexed with 69g |
Domain d5ibna1: 5ibn A:348-455 [318798] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ibna2 automated match to d4uyga_ complexed with cl, gol, pge |
Domain d5ig6a1: 5ig6 A:348-454 [318775] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ig6a2, d5ig6a3 automated match to d4uyga_ complexed with 6b3, cl, gol |
Domain d5igka1: 5igk A:44-168 [324183] Other proteins in same PDB: d5igka2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with bmf, edo |
Domain d5igla1: 5igl A:1523-1650 [414904] Other proteins in same PDB: d5igla2 automated match to d6bqda_ complexed with bmf |
Domain d5igma_: 5igm A: [324228] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with bmf |
Domain d5igmb_: 5igm B: [324211] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with bmf |
Domain d5igna_: 5ign A: [315107] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 6b2 |
Domain d5ignb_: 5ign B: [315069] automated match to d3hmeb_ complexed with 6b2 |
Domain d5ii1a_: 5ii1 A: [319025] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 6bl |
Domain d5ii1b_: 5ii1 B: [319126] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 6bl |
Domain d5ii2a_: 5ii2 A: [319050] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with cit, k, lu2 |
Domain d5ii2b_: 5ii2 B: [319052] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with cit, k, lu2 |
Domain d5iida_: 5iid A: [319055] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 6bk |
Domain d5iidb_: 5iid B: [319103] automated match to d3g0ja_ complexed with 6bk |
Domain d5ji8a_: 5ji8 A: [318809] automated match to d4nqna_ complexed with 6kt |
Domain d5jwma_: 5jwm A: [319402] automated match to d5c8ga_ complexed with 6on |
Domain d5jwmb_: 5jwm B: [319415] automated match to d5c8ga_ complexed with 6on |
Domain d5kdha1: 5kdh A:44-168 [337173] Other proteins in same PDB: d5kdha2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 6rx, edo, so4 |
Domain d5khma1: 5khm A:44-168 [322998] Other proteins in same PDB: d5khma2, d5khmb2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with gol, xnh |
Domain d5khmb1: 5khm B:44-167 [323006] Other proteins in same PDB: d5khma2, d5khmb2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with gol, xnh |
Domain d5kj0a1: 5kj0 A:44-168 [337547] Other proteins in same PDB: d5kj0a2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 6tb, edo |
Domain d5l8ta1: 5l8t A:1858-1971 [324499] Other proteins in same PDB: d5l8ta2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 6rr |
Domain d5l8ua1: 5l8u A:1858-1971 [324530] Other proteins in same PDB: d5l8ua2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 6rs, pge |
Domain d5l96a1: 5l96 A:1858-1971 [324491] Other proteins in same PDB: d5l96a2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 6rz, edo |
Domain d5l97a1: 5l97 A:1858-1971 [324493] Other proteins in same PDB: d5l97a2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 6rw |
Domain d5l98a1: 5l98 A:1858-1971 [324521] Other proteins in same PDB: d5l98a2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 6ry, edo |
Domain d5l99a1: 5l99 A:1858-1971 [324507] Other proteins in same PDB: d5l99a2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 6s0 |
Domain d5lj1a_: 5lj1 A: [322078] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 6xx, edo |
Domain d5lj2a_: 5lj2 A: [322003] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 6xw, edo |
Domain d5lrqa_: 5lrq A: [338537] automated match to d5egub_ complexed with 4wg |
Domain d5luua1: 5luu A:44-168 [324012] Other proteins in same PDB: d5luua2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 77x, edo |
Domain d5m39a_: 5m39 A: [339541] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 7ea |
Domain d5m39b_: 5m39 B: [339546] automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 7ea |
Domain d5m3aa1: 5m3a A:44-168 [339557] Other proteins in same PDB: d5m3aa2 automated match to d4hbwa_ complexed with 7e7, edo |
Domain d5mg2a1: 5mg2 A:1501-1635 [415084] Other proteins in same PDB: d5mg2a2 automated match to d6bqda_ complexed with 7m8, edo |
Domain d5mgea1: 5mge A:1858-1971 [332966] Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgea2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 7mx |
Domain d5mgfa1: 5mgf A:1858-1971 [332986] Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgfa2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 7mw |
Domain d5mgga1: 5mgg A:1858-1971 [332969] Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgga2 automated match to d3uv2a_ complexed with 7mu |
Domain d5mgja_: 5mgj A: [332963] automated match to d4lz2a_ complexed with 7mx |
Domain d5mgka_: 5mgk A: [332984] automated match to d4lz2a_ complexed with 7mw |
Domain d5mgla_: 5mgl A: [333022] automated match to d4lz2a_ complexed with 7mu |
More pages of results:
Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from a.29.2.0 automated matches: