Lineage for Species: Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2352459Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 2352460Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2356941Family b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) [48942] (24 proteins)
  6. 2361216Protein automated matches [190374] (17 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2363630Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [224855] (654 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1seq:
  2. Domain(s) for 1t2q:
  3. Domain(s) for 1txv:
  4. Domain(s) for 1ty3:
  5. Domain(s) for 1ty5:
  6. Domain(s) for 1ty6:
  7. Domain(s) for 1ty7:
  8. Domain(s) for 1uyw:
    1. 2363726Domain d1uywl2: 1uyw L:108-212 [197580]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1uywh1, d1uywl1, d1uywm1, d1uywn1
      automated match to d1kcul2
    2. 2363727Domain d1uywn2: 1uyw N:108-211 [197582]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1uywh1, d1uywl1, d1uywm1, d1uywn1
      automated match to d1kcul2
  9. Domain(s) for 1wc7:
    1. 2364116Domain d1wc7a2: 1wc7 A:108-214 [120879]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wc7a1, d1wc7b1, d1wc7b2, d1wc7h1, d1wc7h2, d1wc7l1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with iod, pp3
    2. 2364117Domain d1wc7l2: 1wc7 L:108-213 [120881]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wc7a1, d1wc7b1, d1wc7b2, d1wc7h1, d1wc7h2, d1wc7l1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with iod, pp3
  10. Domain(s) for 1wcb:
    1. 2364038Domain d1wcba2: 1wcb A:108-214 [120883]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wcba1, d1wcbb1, d1wcbb2, d1wcbh1, d1wcbh2, d1wcbl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with iod, pe1
    2. 2364039Domain d1wcbl2: 1wcb L:108-214 [120885]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wcba1, d1wcbb1, d1wcbb2, d1wcbh1, d1wcbh2, d1wcbl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with iod, pe1
  11. Domain(s) for 1xgp:
  12. Domain(s) for 1xgq:
  13. Domain(s) for 1xgr:
  14. Domain(s) for 1xgt:
  15. Domain(s) for 1yjd:
  16. Domain(s) for 1ynt:
    1. 2364709Domain d1ynta2: 1ynt A:108-213 [238598]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ynta1, d1yntb1, d1yntb2, d1yntc1, d1yntd1, d1yntd2, d1ynte_, d1yntf1, d1yntf2, d1yntg1, d1yntg2
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with cd
    2. 2364710Domain d1yntc2: 1ynt C:1108-1213 [238600]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ynta1, d1yntb1, d1yntb2, d1yntc1, d1yntd1, d1yntd2, d1ynte_, d1yntf1, d1yntf2, d1yntg1, d1yntg2
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with cd
  17. Domain(s) for 1yqv:
  18. Domain(s) for 1ztx:
  19. Domain(s) for 2a6j:
    1. 2364524Domain d2a6ja2: 2a6j A:108-214 [197734]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2a6ja1, d2a6jb2, d2a6jb3, d2a6jh2, d2a6jh3, d2a6jl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    2. 2364525Domain d2a6jl2: 2a6j L:108-214 [197736]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2a6ja1, d2a6jb2, d2a6jb3, d2a6jh2, d2a6jh3, d2a6jl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
  20. Domain(s) for 2adf:
  21. Domain(s) for 2adg:
  22. Domain(s) for 2adi:
  23. Domain(s) for 2adj:
  24. Domain(s) for 2ajs:
  25. Domain(s) for 2aju:
  26. Domain(s) for 2ajv:
  27. Domain(s) for 2ajx:
  28. Domain(s) for 2ajy:
  29. Domain(s) for 2ajz:
    1. 2364249Domain d2ajza2: 2ajz A:108-211 [203472]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ajza1, d2ajzl1
      automated match to d1f3dj2
      complexed with ecg
    2. 2364250Domain d2ajzl2: 2ajz L:108-211 [203474]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ajza1, d2ajzl1
      automated match to d1f3dj2
      complexed with ecg
  30. Domain(s) for 2ak1:
  31. Domain(s) for 2b2x:
    1. 2364159Domain d2b2xl2: 2b2x L:115-215 [127751]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2b2xa_, d2b2xb_, d2b2xl1, d2b2xm1
      automated match to d2fbjl2
      complexed with mg; mutant
    2. 2364160Domain d2b2xm2: 2b2x M:115-215 [127753]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2b2xa_, d2b2xb_, d2b2xl1, d2b2xm1
      automated match to d2fbjl2
      complexed with mg; mutant
  32. Domain(s) for 2bmk:
    1. 2363906Domain d2bmka2: 2bmk A:108-214 [128799]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bmka1, d2bmkb1, d2bmkb2, d2bmkh1, d2bmkh2, d2bmkl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with iod, pdd
    2. 2363907Domain d2bmkl2: 2bmk L:108-214 [128801]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bmka1, d2bmkb1, d2bmkb2, d2bmkh1, d2bmkh2, d2bmkl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with iod, pdd
  33. Domain(s) for 2boc:
  34. Domain(s) for 2c1p:
    1. 2363811Domain d2c1pa2: 2c1p A:108-213 [203688]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2c1pa1, d2c1pl1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with fnz
    2. 2363812Domain d2c1pl2: 2c1p L:108-213 [203690]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2c1pa1, d2c1pl1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with fnz
  35. Domain(s) for 2ddq:
  36. Domain(s) for 2dqt:
  37. Domain(s) for 2dqu:
  38. Domain(s) for 2dtm:
  39. Domain(s) for 2eh7:
  40. Domain(s) for 2exy:
    1. 2364713Domain d2exyd2: 2exy D:107-211 [132575]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2exya_, d2exyb_, d2exyd1, d2exyf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
    2. 2364714Domain d2exyf2: 2exy F:107-211 [132577]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2exya_, d2exyb_, d2exyd1, d2exyf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
  41. Domain(s) for 2fat:
  42. Domain(s) for 2fse:
    1. 2364696Domain d2fseb1: 2fse B:93-190 [134019]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fsea2, d2fseb2, d2fsec2, d2fsed2
      automated match to d1sebb1
    2. 2364697Domain d2fsed1: 2fse D:93-189 [134023]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fsea2, d2fseb2, d2fsec2, d2fsed2
      automated match to d1sebb1
  43. Domain(s) for 2g2r:
    1. 2364060Domain d2g2ra2: 2g2r A:108-214 [204286]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2g2ra1, d2g2rl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with so4, tns
    2. 2364061Domain d2g2rl2: 2g2r L:108-214 [204288]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2g2ra1, d2g2rl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with so4, tns
  44. Domain(s) for 2gcy:
  45. Domain(s) for 2h2p:
    1. 2364698Domain d2h2pd2: 2h2p D:107-211 [136019]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2h2pa_, d2h2pb_, d2h2pd1, d2h2pf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
      complexed with sek
    2. 2364699Domain d2h2pf2: 2h2p F:107-211 [136021]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2h2pa_, d2h2pb_, d2h2pd1, d2h2pf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
      complexed with sek
  46. Domain(s) for 2h2s:
    1. 2364707Domain d2h2sd2: 2h2s D:107-211 [136025]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2h2sa_, d2h2sb_, d2h2sd1, d2h2sf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
      complexed with sek; mutant
    2. 2364708Domain d2h2sf2: 2h2s F:107-211 [136027]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2h2sa_, d2h2sb_, d2h2sd1, d2h2sf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
      complexed with sek; mutant
  47. Domain(s) for 2hkh:
  48. Domain(s) for 2i9l:
    1. 2364669Domain d2i9la2: 2i9l A:113-219 [242099]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2i9la1, d2i9lc1, d2i9le1, d2i9lg1
      automated match to d3okka2
      complexed with gol
    2. 2364670Domain d2i9lc2: 2i9l C:113-219 [242101]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2i9la1, d2i9lc1, d2i9le1, d2i9lg1
      automated match to d3okka2
      complexed with gol
    3. 2364671Domain d2i9le2: 2i9l E:113-219 [242103]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2i9la1, d2i9lc1, d2i9le1, d2i9lg1
      automated match to d3okka2
      complexed with gol
    4. 2364672Domain d2i9lg2: 2i9l G:113-219 [242105]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2i9la1, d2i9lc1, d2i9le1, d2i9lg1
      automated match to d3okka2
      complexed with gol
  49. Domain(s) for 2ipt:
  50. Domain(s) for 2iq9:
  51. Domain(s) for 2iqa:
    1. 2363816Domain d2iqaa2: 2iqa A:107-213 [204844]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2iqaa1, d2iqal1
      automated match to d1blna2
      complexed with acm, cl, gol
    2. 2363817Domain d2iqal2: 2iqa L:107-213 [204846]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2iqaa1, d2iqal1
      automated match to d1blna2
      complexed with acm, cl, gol
  52. Domain(s) for 2j4w:
  53. Domain(s) for 2j5l:
  54. Domain(s) for 2nr6:
    1. 2364526Domain d2nr6c2: 2nr6 C:108-211 [198180]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2nr6a1, d2nr6a2, d2nr6b1, d2nr6b2, d2nr6c1, d2nr6d1, d2nr6e1, d2nr6f1
      automated match to d1c12a2
      complexed with nag, zn
    2. 2364527Domain d2nr6e2: 2nr6 E:108-211 [198182]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2nr6a1, d2nr6a2, d2nr6b1, d2nr6b2, d2nr6c1, d2nr6d1, d2nr6e1, d2nr6f1
      automated match to d1c12a2
      complexed with nag, zn
  55. Domain(s) for 2ntf:
    1. 2364301Domain d2ntfa2: 2ntf A:109-211 [243234]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ntfa1, d2ntfl1
      automated match to d2op4l2
      complexed with ohm
    2. 2364302Domain d2ntfl2: 2ntf L:109-211 [243236]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ntfa1, d2ntfl1
      automated match to d2op4l2
      complexed with ohm
  56. Domain(s) for 2op4:
  57. Domain(s) for 2orb:
    1. 2363988Domain d2orbl2: 2orb L:108-212 [198218]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2orbh1, d2orbi1, d2orbl1, d2orbm1
      automated match to d1h0da2
      complexed with so4
    2. 2363989Domain d2orbm2: 2orb M:108-213 [198220]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2orbh1, d2orbi1, d2orbl1, d2orbm1
      automated match to d1h0da2
      complexed with so4
  58. Domain(s) for 2oz4:
  59. Domain(s) for 2q8a:
  60. Domain(s) for 2q8b:
  61. Domain(s) for 2r0w:
  62. Domain(s) for 2r0z:
  63. Domain(s) for 2r29:
  64. Domain(s) for 2r9h:
    1. 2364673Domain d2r9hd2: 2r9h D:107-211 [151785]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2r9ha_, d2r9hb_, d2r9hd1, d2r9hf1
      automated match to d2dtgb2
      complexed with cl; mutant
    2. 2364674Domain d2r9hf2: 2r9h F:107-211 [151787]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2r9ha_, d2r9hb_, d2r9hd1, d2r9hf1
      automated match to d2dtgb2
      complexed with cl; mutant
  65. Domain(s) for 2uyl:
    1. 2364015Domain d2uyla2: 2uyl A:113-218 [198371]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyla1, d2uylb1, d2uylm1, d2uyln1, d2uylv1, d2uylw1, d2uylx1, d2uyly1
      automated match to d1blna2
    2. 2364016Domain d2uylm2: 2uyl M:113-216 [198373]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyla1, d2uylb1, d2uylm1, d2uyln1, d2uylv1, d2uylw1, d2uylx1, d2uyly1
      automated match to d1blna2
    3. 2364017Domain d2uylv2: 2uyl V:113-216 [198375]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyla1, d2uylb1, d2uylm1, d2uyln1, d2uylv1, d2uylw1, d2uylx1, d2uyly1
      automated match to d1blna2
    4. 2364018Domain d2uylx2: 2uyl X:113-216 [198377]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyla1, d2uylb1, d2uylm1, d2uyln1, d2uylv1, d2uylw1, d2uylx1, d2uyly1
      automated match to d1blna2
  66. Domain(s) for 2v17:
  67. Domain(s) for 2v7h:
    1. 2364509Domain d2v7ha2: 2v7h A:108-214 [198385]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2v7ha1, d2v7hb2, d2v7hb3, d2v7hh2, d2v7hh3, d2v7hl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    2. 2364510Domain d2v7hl2: 2v7h L:108-214 [198387]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2v7ha1, d2v7hb2, d2v7hb3, d2v7hh2, d2v7hh3, d2v7hl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
  68. Domain(s) for 2vc2:
  69. Domain(s) for 2vdk:
  70. Domain(s) for 2vdl:
  71. Domain(s) for 2vdm:
  72. Domain(s) for 2vdn:
  73. Domain(s) for 2vl5:
    1. 2363837Domain d2vl5b2: 2vl5 B:112-217 [198447]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vl5a1, d2vl5a2, d2vl5b1, d2vl5c1, d2vl5c2, d2vl5d1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    2. 2363838Domain d2vl5d2: 2vl5 D:112-216 [198449]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vl5a1, d2vl5a2, d2vl5b1, d2vl5c1, d2vl5c2, d2vl5d1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
  74. Domain(s) for 2vol:
    1. 2363798Domain d2vola1: 2vol A:237-341 [304552]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2volb1, d2volb2
      automated match to d3hkfa1
      protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with fuc
    2. 2363799Domain d2vola2: 2vol A:342-443 [304553]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2volb1, d2volb2
      automated match to d3hkfa2
      protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with fuc
  75. Domain(s) for 2vq1:
    1. 2363981Domain d2vq1a2: 2vq1 A:108-212 [206414]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vq1a1, d2vq1e1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with azi, gly, gol
    2. 2363982Domain d2vq1e2: 2vq1 E:108-212 [206416]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vq1a1, d2vq1e1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with azi, gly, gol
  76. Domain(s) for 2vxt:
  77. Domain(s) for 2vxu:
    1. 2363871Domain d2vxul2: 2vxu L:108-214 [206527]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxul1, d2vxum1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    2. 2363872Domain d2vxum2: 2vxu M:108-214 [206529]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxul1, d2vxum1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
  78. Domain(s) for 2w60:
  79. Domain(s) for 2w9d:
  80. Domain(s) for 2w9e:
  81. Domain(s) for 2xkn:
    1. 2363631Domain d2xkna2: 2xkn A:108-213 [207264]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2xkna1, d2xknc1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with pe4
    2. 2363632Domain d2xknc2: 2xkn C:108-213 [207266]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2xkna1, d2xknc1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with pe4
  82. Domain(s) for 2xqy:
    1. 2363752Domain d2xqyk2: 2xqy K:108-214 [207320]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2xqyk1, d2xqyl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with nag
    2. 2363753Domain d2xqyl2: 2xqy L:108-214 [207322]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2xqyk1, d2xqyl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with nag
  83. Domain(s) for 2ypv:
  84. Domain(s) for 2z4q:
  85. Domain(s) for 2z91:
    1. 2364077Domain d2z91b2: 2z91 B:108-212 [154221]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z91a1, d2z91b1, d2z91c1, d2z91d1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
    2. 2364078Domain d2z91d2: 2z91 D:108-213 [154224]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z91a1, d2z91b1, d2z91c1, d2z91d1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
  86. Domain(s) for 2z92:
  87. Domain(s) for 2zch:
  88. Domain(s) for 3arb:
    1. 2364303Domain d3arbc2: 3arb C:118-207 [198907]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3arba1, d3arba2, d3arba3, d3arbb_, d3arbc1, d3arbd1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with d12, fee, nag, peg
    2. 2364304Domain d3arbd2: 3arb D:119-247 [198909]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3arba1, d3arba2, d3arba3, d3arbb_, d3arbc1, d3arbd1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with d12, fee, nag, peg
  89. Domain(s) for 3ard:
  90. Domain(s) for 3are:
    1. 2364409Domain d3arec2: 3are C:118-207 [198915]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3area1, d3area2, d3area3, d3areb_, d3arec1, d3ared1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with 4gh, nag, peg
    2. 2364410Domain d3ared2: 3are D:119-247 [198917]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3area1, d3area2, d3area3, d3areb_, d3arec1, d3ared1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with 4gh, nag, peg
  91. Domain(s) for 3arf:
    1. 2364501Domain d3arfc2: 3arf C:118-207 [198921]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3arfa1, d3arfa2, d3arfa3, d3arfb_, d3arfc1, d3arfd1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with db3
    2. 2364502Domain d3arfd2: 3arf D:119-247 [198923]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3arfa1, d3arfa2, d3arfa3, d3arfb_, d3arfc1, d3arfd1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with db3
  92. Domain(s) for 3arg:
  93. Domain(s) for 3au1:
  94. Domain(s) for 3axl:
    1. 2364360Domain d3axla2: 3axl A:130-218 [208415]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3axla1, d3axlb1, d3axlg1, d3axlh1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
    2. 2364361Domain d3axlb2: 3axl B:130-256 [208417]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3axla1, d3axlb1, d3axlg1, d3axlh1
      automated match to d1qsee2
    3. 2364362Domain d3axlg2: 3axl G:130-218 [208419]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3axla1, d3axlb1, d3axlg1, d3axlh1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
    4. 2364363Domain d3axlh2: 3axl H:130-256 [208421]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3axla1, d3axlb1, d3axlg1, d3axlh1
      automated match to d1qsee2
  95. Domain(s) for 3bgf:
    1. 2364603Domain d3bgfc2: 3bgf C:108-211 [245372]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bgfa_, d3bgfc1, d3bgfl1, d3bgfs_
      automated match to d2fd6l2
    2. 2364604Domain d3bgfl2: 3bgf L:108-212 [245374]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bgfa_, d3bgfc1, d3bgfl1, d3bgfs_
      automated match to d2fd6l2
  96. Domain(s) for 3bt2:
  97. Domain(s) for 3bz4:
    1. 2363661Domain d3bz4a2: 3bz4 A:108-211 [208752]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bz4a1, d3bz4c1, d3bz4e1, d3bz4g1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with pd
    2. 2363662Domain d3bz4c2: 3bz4 C:108-213 [208754]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bz4a1, d3bz4c1, d3bz4e1, d3bz4g1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with pd
    3. 2363663Domain d3bz4e2: 3bz4 E:108-211 [208756]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bz4a1, d3bz4c1, d3bz4e1, d3bz4g1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with pd
    4. 2363664Domain d3bz4g2: 3bz4 G:108-211 [208758]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bz4a1, d3bz4c1, d3bz4e1, d3bz4g1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with pd
  98. Domain(s) for 3c5s:
    1. 2363745Domain d3c5sa2: 3c5s A:108-213 [208800]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c5sa1, d3c5sc1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    2. 2363746Domain d3c5sc2: 3c5s C:108-212 [208802]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c5sa1, d3c5sc1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
  99. Domain(s) for 3c5z:
    1. 2364398Domain d3c5za2: 3c5z A:113-202 [199163]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c5za1, d3c5zb1, d3c5zc1, d3c5zc2, d3c5zd1, d3c5zd2, d3c5ze1, d3c5zf1, d3c5zg1, d3c5zg2, d3c5zh1, d3c5zh2
      automated match to d1qrnd2
    2. 2364399Domain d3c5zb2: 3c5z B:113-240 [199165]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c5za1, d3c5zb1, d3c5zc1, d3c5zc2, d3c5zd1, d3c5zd2, d3c5ze1, d3c5zf1, d3c5zg1, d3c5zg2, d3c5zh1, d3c5zh2
      automated match to d1qsee2
    3. 2364400Domain d3c5ze2: 3c5z E:113-201 [199167]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c5za1, d3c5zb1, d3c5zc1, d3c5zc2, d3c5zd1, d3c5zd2, d3c5ze1, d3c5zf1, d3c5zg1, d3c5zg2, d3c5zh1, d3c5zh2
      automated match to d1qrnd2
    4. 2364401Domain d3c5zf2: 3c5z F:113-240 [199169]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c5za1, d3c5zb1, d3c5zc1, d3c5zc2, d3c5zd1, d3c5zd2, d3c5ze1, d3c5zf1, d3c5zg1, d3c5zg2, d3c5zh1, d3c5zh2
      automated match to d1qsee2
  100. Domain(s) for 3c60:
    1. 2364686Domain d3c60a2: 3c60 A:112-201 [239172]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c60a1, d3c60b1, d3c60c1, d3c60c2, d3c60d1, d3c60d2, d3c60e1, d3c60f1, d3c60g1, d3c60g2, d3c60h1, d3c60h2
      automated match to d2ak4d2
    2. 2364687Domain d3c60b2: 3c60 B:112-236 [239174]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c60a1, d3c60b1, d3c60c1, d3c60c2, d3c60d1, d3c60d2, d3c60e1, d3c60f1, d3c60g1, d3c60g2, d3c60h1, d3c60h2
      automated match to d2esve2
    3. 2364688Domain d3c60e2: 3c60 E:112-201 [239176]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c60a1, d3c60b1, d3c60c1, d3c60c2, d3c60d1, d3c60d2, d3c60e1, d3c60f1, d3c60g1, d3c60g2, d3c60h1, d3c60h2
      automated match to d2ak4d2
    4. 2364689Domain d3c60f2: 3c60 F:112-236 [239178]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c60a1, d3c60b1, d3c60c1, d3c60c2, d3c60d1, d3c60d2, d3c60e1, d3c60f1, d3c60g1, d3c60g2, d3c60h1, d3c60h2
      automated match to d2esve2
  101. Domain(s) for 3c6s:
    1. 2363677Domain d3c6sa2: 3c6s A:108-211 [208807]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c6sa1, d3c6sc1, d3c6se1, d3c6sg1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with pd
    2. 2363678Domain d3c6sc2: 3c6s C:108-213 [208809]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c6sa1, d3c6sc1, d3c6se1, d3c6sg1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with pd
    3. 2363679Domain d3c6se2: 3c6s E:108-211 [208811]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c6sa1, d3c6sc1, d3c6se1, d3c6sg1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with pd
    4. 2363680Domain d3c6sg2: 3c6s G:108-211 [208813]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3c6sa1, d3c6sc1, d3c6se1, d3c6sg1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with pd
  102. Domain(s) for 3cfb:
    1. 2363642Domain d3cfba2: 3cfb A:108-213 [208862]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cfba1, d3cfbl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with gol, spb
    2. 2363643Domain d3cfbl2: 3cfb L:108-213 [208864]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cfba1, d3cfbl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with gol, spb
  103. Domain(s) for 3cfc:
  104. Domain(s) for 3cfd:
    1. 2363948Domain d3cfda2: 3cfd A:108-213 [208868]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cfda1, d3cfdl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with gol, spb
    2. 2363949Domain d3cfdl2: 3cfd L:108-213 [208870]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cfda1, d3cfdl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with gol, spb
  105. Domain(s) for 3cfe:
    1. 2364223Domain d3cfea2: 3cfe A:108-213 [208872]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cfea1, d3cfel1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with gol, so4
    2. 2364224Domain d3cfel2: 3cfe L:108-213 [208874]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cfea1, d3cfel1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with gol, so4
  106. Domain(s) for 3cle:
  107. Domain(s) for 3clf:
  108. Domain(s) for 3cmo:
    1. 2364247Domain d3cmol2: 3cmo L:108-211 [156838]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cmoh1, d3cmol1, d3cmox1, d3cmoy1
      automated match to d4m43l2
    2. 2364248Domain d3cmox2: 3cmo X:108-211 [156840]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cmoh1, d3cmol1, d3cmox1, d3cmoy1
      automated match to d4m43l2
  109. Domain(s) for 3cvh:
    1. 2364575Domain d3cvhl2: 3cvh L:107-209 [199215]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cvha1, d3cvha2, d3cvhb_, d3cvhh1, d3cvhl1, d3cvhm1, d3cvhm2, d3cvhn_, d3cvhq1, d3cvhr1
      automated match to d1c12a2
    2. 2364576Domain d3cvhr2: 3cvh R:107-209 [199217]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3cvha1, d3cvha2, d3cvhb_, d3cvhh1, d3cvhl1, d3cvhm1, d3cvhm2, d3cvhn_, d3cvhq1, d3cvhr1
      automated match to d1c12a2
  110. Domain(s) for 3cvi:
  111. Domain(s) for 3d9a:
  112. Domain(s) for 3e8u:
  113. Domain(s) for 3efd:
  114. Domain(s) for 3eo0:
    1. 2363833Domain d3eo0a2: 3eo0 A:109-215 [209566]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo0a1, d3eo0c1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with gol
    2. 2363834Domain d3eo0c2: 3eo0 C:109-215 [209568]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo0a1, d3eo0c1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with gol
  115. Domain(s) for 3eo1:
    1. 2364614Domain d3eo1a2: 3eo1 A:108-215 [245886]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo1a1, d3eo1c_, d3eo1d1, d3eo1f_, d3eo1g1, d3eo1i_, d3eo1j1, d3eo1l_
      automated match to d1dn0a2
    2. 2364615Domain d3eo1d2: 3eo1 D:108-215 [245889]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo1a1, d3eo1c_, d3eo1d1, d3eo1f_, d3eo1g1, d3eo1i_, d3eo1j1, d3eo1l_
      automated match to d1dn0a2
    3. 2364616Domain d3eo1g2: 3eo1 G:108-215 [245892]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo1a1, d3eo1c_, d3eo1d1, d3eo1f_, d3eo1g1, d3eo1i_, d3eo1j1, d3eo1l_
      automated match to d1dn0a2
    4. 2364617Domain d3eo1j2: 3eo1 J:108-215 [245895]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo1a1, d3eo1c_, d3eo1d1, d3eo1f_, d3eo1g1, d3eo1i_, d3eo1j1, d3eo1l_
      automated match to d1dn0a2
  116. Domain(s) for 3eot:
  117. Domain(s) for 3fb6:
  118. Domain(s) for 3fmg:
  119. Domain(s) for 3fo9:
    1. 2363934Domain d3fo9a2: 3fo9 A:108-214 [210027]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo9a1, d3fo9b1, d3fo9b2, d3fo9h1, d3fo9h2, d3fo9l1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with dik
    2. 2363935Domain d3fo9l2: 3fo9 L:108-214 [210033]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo9a1, d3fo9b1, d3fo9b2, d3fo9h1, d3fo9h2, d3fo9l1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with dik
  120. Domain(s) for 3g08:
  121. Domain(s) for 3g5x:
    1. 2363967Domain d3g5xa2: 3g5x A:108-214 [210410]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g5xa1, d3g5xc1
      automated match to d1c12a2
    2. 2363968Domain d3g5xc2: 3g5x C:108-214 [210412]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g5xa1, d3g5xc1
      automated match to d1c12a2
  122. Domain(s) for 3g5z:
  123. Domain(s) for 3gi8:
  124. Domain(s) for 3gi9:
  125. Domain(s) for 3gnm:
  126. Domain(s) for 3he6:
    1. 2364282Domain d3he6c2: 3he6 C:118-208 [199500]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3he6a1, d3he6a2, d3he6a3, d3he6b_, d3he6c1, d3he6d1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with agh, nag
    2. 2364283Domain d3he6d2: 3he6 D:119-247 [199502]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3he6a1, d3he6a2, d3he6a3, d3he6b_, d3he6c1, d3he6d1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with agh, nag
  127. Domain(s) for 3he7:
  128. Domain(s) for 3hkf:
    1. 2364098Domain d3hkfa1: 3hkf A:241-344 [211108]
      automated match to d1igyb3
      complexed with cl, mg
    2. 2364099Domain d3hkfa2: 3hkf A:345-445 [211109]
      automated match to d1igyb4
      complexed with cl, mg
  129. Domain(s) for 3hns:
  130. Domain(s) for 3hnt:
  131. Domain(s) for 3hnv:
  132. Domain(s) for 3hzk:
  133. Domain(s) for 3hzm:
  134. Domain(s) for 3hzv:
  135. Domain(s) for 3hzy:
  136. Domain(s) for 3i02:
    1. 2364041Domain d3i02a2: 3i02 A:107-213 [211411]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3i02a1, d3i02c1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    2. 2364042Domain d3i02c2: 3i02 C:107-207 [211413]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3i02a1, d3i02c1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
  137. Domain(s) for 3i2c:
  138. Domain(s) for 3i50:
  139. Domain(s) for 3i75:
  140. Domain(s) for 3i9g:
  141. Domain(s) for 3iet:
    1. 2363899Domain d3ieta2: 3iet A:108-212 [211614]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ieta1, d3ietc1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with a2g, zn
    2. 2363900Domain d3ietc2: 3iet C:108-213 [211616]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ieta1, d3ietc1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with a2g, zn
  142. Domain(s) for 3ijh:
    1. 2363813Domain d3ijha2: 3ijh A:107-212 [211724]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ijha1, d3ijhc1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ko2, mg
    2. 2363814Domain d3ijhc2: 3ijh C:107-212 [211726]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ijha1, d3ijhc1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ko2, mg
  143. Domain(s) for 3ijs:
    1. 2364031Domain d3ijsa2: 3ijs A:107-212 [211736]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ijsa1, d3ijsc1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with mg
    2. 2364032Domain d3ijsc2: 3ijs C:107-211 [211738]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ijsa1, d3ijsc1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with mg
  144. Domain(s) for 3ijy:
    1. 2364256Domain d3ijya2: 3ijy A:107-210 [211742]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ijya1, d3ijyc1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with mg
    2. 2364257Domain d3ijyc2: 3ijy C:107-212 [211744]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ijya1, d3ijyc1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with mg
  145. Domain(s) for 3ikc:
    1. 2364119Domain d3ikca2: 3ikc A:107-212 [211778]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ikca1, d3ikcc1
      automated match to d1c12a2
      complexed with kdo, kme, mg
    2. 2364120Domain d3ikcc2: 3ikc C:107-212 [211780]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ikca1, d3ikcc1
      automated match to d1c12a2
      complexed with kdo, kme, mg
  146. Domain(s) for 3ilp:
  147. Domain(s) for 3ilq:
  148. Domain(s) for 3iu4:
  149. Domain(s) for 3ivk:
    1. 2364676Domain d3ivkb2: 3ivk B:109-213 [246973]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ivkb1, d3ivkl1
      automated match to d4jg1l2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with cd, cl, mg
    2. 2364677Domain d3ivkl2: 3ivk L:109-213 [246975]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ivkb1, d3ivkl1
      automated match to d4jg1l2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with cd, cl, mg
  150. Domain(s) for 3ixt:
    1. 2364103Domain d3ixtb2: 3ixt B:108-211 [212002]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ixtb1, d3ixtl1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with edo
    2. 2364104Domain d3ixtl2: 3ixt L:108-212 [212004]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ixtb1, d3ixtl1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with edo
  151. Domain(s) for 3kj4:
    1. 2364703Domain d3kj4b2: 3kj4 B:113-219 [247206]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kj4a_, d3kj4b1, d3kj4d_, d3kj4l1
      automated match to d3okka2
      complexed with man, nag, ndg, zn
    2. 2364704Domain d3kj4l2: 3kj4 L:113-219 [247209]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kj4a_, d3kj4b1, d3kj4d_, d3kj4l1
      automated match to d3okka2
      complexed with man, nag, ndg, zn
  152. Domain(s) for 3l1o:
  153. Domain(s) for 3l5w:
    1. 2363771Domain d3l5wa2: 3l5w A:108-213 [199693]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l5wa1, d3l5wi_, d3l5wj_, d3l5wl1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with gol
    2. 2363772Domain d3l5wl2: 3l5w L:108-213 [199695]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l5wa1, d3l5wi_, d3l5wj_, d3l5wl1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with gol
  154. Domain(s) for 3l7e:
    1. 2363971Domain d3l7ea2: 3l7e A:108-213 [212746]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l7ea1, d3l7el1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with act, gol, so4
    2. 2363972Domain d3l7el2: 3l7e L:108-213 [212748]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l7ea1, d3l7el1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with act, gol, so4
  155. Domain(s) for 3liz:
  156. Domain(s) for 3ls4:
  157. Domain(s) for 3ls5:
  158. Domain(s) for 3ma7:
    1. 2364207Domain d3ma7a2: 3ma7 A:186-279 [199820]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ma7a1, d3ma7b_, d3ma7c1, d3ma7d_
      automated match to d1onqa1
      complexed with cd4, nag, plm
    2. 2364208Domain d3ma7c2: 3ma7 C:186-279 [199822]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ma7a1, d3ma7b_, d3ma7c1, d3ma7d_
      automated match to d1onqa1
      complexed with cd4, nag, plm
  159. Domain(s) for 3mbe:
    1. 2364434Domain d3mbed2: 3mbe D:129-252 [265063]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3mbed1, d3mbef1, d3mbef3
      automated match to d1nfdb2
      complexed with nag
    2. 2364435Domain d3mbef2: 3mbe F:94-188 [265065]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3mbed1, d3mbef1, d3mbef3
      automated match to d2iadb1
      complexed with nag
  160. Domain(s) for 3mbx:
  161. Domain(s) for 3mck:
    1. 2363893Domain d3mcka2: 3mck A:113-219 [213199]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3mcka1, d3mckl1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with act
    2. 2363894Domain d3mckl2: 3mck L:113-219 [213201]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3mcka1, d3mckl1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with act
  162. Domain(s) for 3mcl:
  163. Domain(s) for 3mxv:
  164. Domain(s) for 3nid:
    1. 2363802Domain d3nidf2: 3nid F:108-214 [199946]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3nida_, d3nidc_, d3nidf1, d3nidl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, gol, mg, nag, so4
    2. 2363803Domain d3nidl2: 3nid L:108-214 [199948]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3nida_, d3nidc_, d3nidf1, d3nidl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, gol, mg, nag, so4
  165. Domain(s) for 3nif:
    1. 2363841Domain d3niff2: 3nif F:108-214 [199950]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3nifa_, d3nifc_, d3niff1, d3nifl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, gol, mg, nag, nif, so4
    2. 2363842Domain d3nifl2: 3nif L:108-214 [199952]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3nifa_, d3nifc_, d3niff1, d3nifl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, gol, mg, nag, nif, so4
  166. Domain(s) for 3nig:
    1. 2363774Domain d3nigf2: 3nig F:108-214 [199954]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3niga_, d3nigc_, d3nigf1, d3nigl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, gol, mg, nag, so4
    2. 2363775Domain d3nigl2: 3nig L:108-214 [199956]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3niga_, d3nigc_, d3nigf1, d3nigl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, gol, mg, nag, so4
  167. Domain(s) for 3nz8:
    1. 2364148Domain d3nz8b2: 3nz8 B:108-212 [214090]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3nz8b1, d3nz8l1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with gol
    2. 2364149Domain d3nz8l2: 3nz8 L:108-213 [214092]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3nz8b1, d3nz8l1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with gol
  168. Domain(s) for 3o0r:
  169. Domain(s) for 3o2d:
  170. Domain(s) for 3o6k:
  171. Domain(s) for 3ojd:
  172. Domain(s) for 3okd:
  173. Domain(s) for 3oke:
  174. Domain(s) for 3okk:
  175. Domain(s) for 3okl:
  176. Domain(s) for 3okm:
  177. Domain(s) for 3okn:
  178. Domain(s) for 3oko:
  179. Domain(s) for 3oz9:
  180. Domain(s) for 3pho:
  181. Domain(s) for 3phq:
  182. Domain(s) for 3pp3:
    1. 2364004Domain d3pp3k2: 3pp3 K:113-219 [214894]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3pp3k1, d3pp3l1
      automated match to d1rhha2
    2. 2364005Domain d3pp3l2: 3pp3 L:113-219 [214896]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3pp3k1, d3pp3l1
      automated match to d1rhha2
  183. Domain(s) for 3q3g:
    1. 2364081Domain d3q3ga2: 3q3g A:114-220 [200279]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q3ga1, d3q3gc1, d3q3ge_, d3q3gf1, d3q3gg_, d3q3gi_, d3q3gj1, d3q3gl_
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, cl, edo, gol, na, peg
    2. 2364082Domain d3q3gc2: 3q3g C:114-220 [200281]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q3ga1, d3q3gc1, d3q3ge_, d3q3gf1, d3q3gg_, d3q3gi_, d3q3gj1, d3q3gl_
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, cl, edo, gol, na, peg
    3. 2364083Domain d3q3gf2: 3q3g F:114-220 [200283]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q3ga1, d3q3gc1, d3q3ge_, d3q3gf1, d3q3gg_, d3q3gi_, d3q3gj1, d3q3gl_
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, cl, edo, gol, na, peg
    4. 2364084Domain d3q3gj2: 3q3g J:114-220 [200285]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q3ga1, d3q3gc1, d3q3ge_, d3q3gf1, d3q3gg_, d3q3gi_, d3q3gj1, d3q3gl_
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, cl, edo, gol, na, peg
  184. Domain(s) for 3q5t:
  185. Domain(s) for 3q5y:
    1. 2363776Domain d3q5ya2: 3q5y A:118-247 [215071]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q5ya1, d3q5yb1, d3q5yc1, d3q5yd1
      automated match to d1lp9f2
      complexed with epe, gol, peg
    2. 2363777Domain d3q5yb2: 3q5y B:118-246 [215073]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q5ya1, d3q5yb1, d3q5yc1, d3q5yd1
      automated match to d1lp9f2
      complexed with epe, gol, peg
    3. 2363778Domain d3q5yc2: 3q5y C:118-247 [215075]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q5ya1, d3q5yb1, d3q5yc1, d3q5yd1
      automated match to d1lp9f2
      complexed with epe, gol, peg
    4. 2363779Domain d3q5yd2: 3q5y D:118-246 [215077]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q5ya1, d3q5yb1, d3q5yc1, d3q5yd1
      automated match to d1lp9f2
      complexed with epe, gol, peg
  186. Domain(s) for 3qa3:
    1. 2364165Domain d3qa3a2: 3qa3 A:114-220 [248813]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qa3a1, d3qa3c1, d3qa3e_, d3qa3f1, d3qa3g_, d3qa3i_, d3qa3j1, d3qa3l_
      complexed with ca, edo, gol
    2. 2364166Domain d3qa3c2: 3qa3 C:114-220 [248815]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qa3a1, d3qa3c1, d3qa3e_, d3qa3f1, d3qa3g_, d3qa3i_, d3qa3j1, d3qa3l_
      complexed with ca, edo, gol
    3. 2364167Domain d3qa3f2: 3qa3 F:114-220 [248818]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qa3a1, d3qa3c1, d3qa3e_, d3qa3f1, d3qa3g_, d3qa3i_, d3qa3j1, d3qa3l_
      complexed with ca, edo, gol
    4. 2364168Domain d3qa3j2: 3qa3 J:114-220 [248822]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qa3a1, d3qa3c1, d3qa3e_, d3qa3f1, d3qa3g_, d3qa3i_, d3qa3j1, d3qa3l_
      complexed with ca, edo, gol
  187. Domain(s) for 3qg7:
  188. Domain(s) for 3qi9:
    1. 2363995Domain d3qi9c2: 3qi9 C:118-204 [200349]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qi9a1, d3qi9a2, d3qi9a3, d3qi9b_, d3qi9c1, d3qi9d1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with gol, mg, nag, pii
    2. 2363996Domain d3qi9d2: 3qi9 D:119-243 [200351]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qi9a1, d3qi9a2, d3qi9a3, d3qi9b_, d3qi9c1, d3qi9d1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with gol, mg, nag, pii
  189. Domain(s) for 3qib:
    1. 2364125Domain d3qiba2: 3qib A:82-180 [215241]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qiba1, d3qibb1, d3qibb2, d3qibc1, d3qibd1
      automated match to d2fsea1
      complexed with bma, fuc, nag, peg
    2. 2364126Domain d3qibd2: 3qib D:117-243 [215247]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qiba1, d3qibb1, d3qibb2, d3qibc1, d3qibd1
      automated match to d1qsee2
      complexed with bma, fuc, nag, peg
  190. Domain(s) for 3qiu:
    1. 2364091Domain d3qiua2: 3qiu A:82-181 [215251]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qiua1, d3qiub1, d3qiub2, d3qiuc1, d3qiud1
      automated match to d2fsea1
      complexed with nag
    2. 2364092Domain d3qiuc2: 3qiu C:110-186 [215255]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qiua1, d3qiub1, d3qiub2, d3qiuc1, d3qiud1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with nag
    3. 2364093Domain d3qiud2: 3qiu D:117-243 [215257]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qiua1, d3qiub1, d3qiub2, d3qiuc1, d3qiud1
      automated match to d1qsee2
      complexed with nag
  191. Domain(s) for 3qjf:
    1. 2363946Domain d3qjfa2: 3qjf A:112-201 [215262]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qjfa1, d3qjfb1, d3qjfb2, d3qjfc1, d3qjfd1, d3qjfd2
      automated match to d1qrnd2
    2. 2363947Domain d3qjfc2: 3qjf C:112-199 [215266]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qjfa1, d3qjfb1, d3qjfb2, d3qjfc1, d3qjfd1, d3qjfd2
      automated match to d1qrnd2
  192. Domain(s) for 3qjh:
    1. 2363722Domain d3qjha2: 3qjh A:118-206 [215270]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qjha1, d3qjhb1, d3qjhc1, d3qjhd1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
    2. 2363723Domain d3qjhb2: 3qjh B:120-247 [215272]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qjha1, d3qjhb1, d3qjhc1, d3qjhd1
      automated match to d1qsee2
    3. 2363724Domain d3qjhc2: 3qjh C:118-206 [215274]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qjha1, d3qjhb1, d3qjhc1, d3qjhd1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
    4. 2363725Domain d3qjhd2: 3qjh D:120-246 [215276]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qjha1, d3qjhb1, d3qjhc1, d3qjhd1
      automated match to d1qsee2
  193. Domain(s) for 3qux:
    1. 2364174Domain d3quxa2: 3qux A:186-279 [200393]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3quxa1, d3quxb_, d3quxc1, d3quxd1, d3quxd2
      automated match to d1onqa1
      complexed with nag, qux
    2. 2364175Domain d3quxc2: 3qux C:118-206 [200395]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3quxa1, d3quxb_, d3quxc1, d3quxd1, d3quxd2
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with nag, qux
  194. Domain(s) for 3quy:
    1. 2363800Domain d3quya2: 3quy A:186-279 [200399]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3quya1, d3quyb_, d3quyc1, d3quyd1, d3quyd2
      automated match to d1onqa1
      complexed with gol, nag, quy
    2. 2363801Domain d3quyc2: 3quy C:118-206 [200401]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3quya1, d3quyb_, d3quyc1, d3quyd1, d3quyd2
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with gol, nag, quy
  195. Domain(s) for 3quz:
    1. 2363865Domain d3quza2: 3quz A:186-279 [200405]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3quza1, d3quzb_, d3quzc1, d3quzd1, d3quzd2
      automated match to d1onqa1
      complexed with nag, quv
    2. 2363866Domain d3quzc2: 3quz C:118-206 [200407]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3quza1, d3quzb_, d3quzc1, d3quzd1, d3quzd2
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with nag, quv
  196. Domain(s) for 3qwo:
    1. 2363682Domain d3qwob2: 3qwo B:108-211 [200418]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qwob1, d3qwoc_, d3qwol1, d3qwop_
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with edo, so4
    2. 2363683Domain d3qwol2: 3qwo L:108-211 [200420]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qwob1, d3qwoc_, d3qwol1, d3qwop_
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with edo, so4
  197. Domain(s) for 3ra7:
    1. 2364122Domain d3ra7l2: 3ra7 L:108-211 [215680]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ra7l1, d3ra7m1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with dog
    2. 2364123Domain d3ra7m2: 3ra7 M:108-211 [215682]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ra7l1, d3ra7m1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with dog
  198. Domain(s) for 3raj:
  199. Domain(s) for 3rgv:
    1. 2364265Domain d3rgva2: 3rgv A:111-200 [200472]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rgva1, d3rgvb1, d3rgvc1, d3rgvc2, d3rgvd1, d3rgvd2
      automated match to d1qrnd2
    2. 2364266Domain d3rgvb2: 3rgv B:113-236 [200474]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rgva1, d3rgvb1, d3rgvc1, d3rgvc2, d3rgvd1, d3rgvd2
      automated match to d1qsee2
  200. Domain(s) for 3rkd:
    1. 2363938Domain d3rkdc2: 3rkd C:108-213 [215903]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rkdc1, d3rkdl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    2. 2363939Domain d3rkdl2: 3rkd L:108-213 [215905]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rkdc1, d3rkdl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
  201. Domain(s) for 3rtq:
  202. Domain(s) for 3rug:
    1. 2363854Domain d3ruga2: 3rug A:186-279 [200523]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ruga1, d3ruga3, d3rugb_, d3rugc1, d3rugc3, d3rugd_, d3ruge1, d3rugf1, d3rugg1, d3rugh1
      automated match to d1gzqa1
      complexed with db6, nag
    2. 2363855Domain d3rugc2: 3rug C:186-279 [200526]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ruga1, d3ruga3, d3rugb_, d3rugc1, d3rugc3, d3rugd_, d3ruge1, d3rugf1, d3rugg1, d3rugh1
      automated match to d1gzqa1
      complexed with db6, nag
    3. 2363856Domain d3ruge2: 3rug E:130-218 [200528]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ruga1, d3ruga3, d3rugb_, d3rugc1, d3rugc3, d3rugd_, d3ruge1, d3rugf1, d3rugg1, d3rugh1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with db6, nag
    4. 2363857Domain d3rugf2: 3rug F:129-256 [200530]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ruga1, d3ruga3, d3rugb_, d3rugc1, d3rugc3, d3rugd_, d3ruge1, d3rugf1, d3rugg1, d3rugh1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with db6, nag
    5. 2363858Domain d3rugg2: 3rug G:130-218 [200532]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ruga1, d3ruga3, d3rugb_, d3rugc1, d3rugc3, d3rugd_, d3ruge1, d3rugf1, d3rugg1, d3rugh1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with db6, nag
    6. 2363859Domain d3rugh2: 3rug H:129-256 [200534]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ruga1, d3ruga3, d3rugb_, d3rugc1, d3rugc3, d3rugd_, d3ruge1, d3rugf1, d3rugg1, d3rugh1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with db6, nag
  203. Domain(s) for 3rvt:
  204. Domain(s) for 3rvu:
  205. Domain(s) for 3rvv:
  206. Domain(s) for 3rvw:
  207. Domain(s) for 3rvx:
  208. Domain(s) for 3rzc:
  209. Domain(s) for 3s34:
  210. Domain(s) for 3s35:
  211. Domain(s) for 3s37:
  212. Domain(s) for 3scm:
    1. 2364191Domain d3scmc2: 3scm C:118-204 [200609]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3scma1, d3scma2, d3scma3, d3scmb_, d3scmc1, d3scmd1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with lgn, nag
    2. 2364192Domain d3scmd2: 3scm D:119-243 [200611]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3scma1, d3scma2, d3scma3, d3scmb_, d3scmc1, d3scmd1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with lgn, nag
  213. Domain(s) for 3sda:
    1. 2364532Domain d3sdaa2: 3sda A:186-279 [200615]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdaa1, d3sdaa3, d3sdab_, d3sdac1, d3sdad1
      automated match to d1gzqa1
      complexed with gcy, gol, nag
    2. 2364533Domain d3sdac2: 3sda C:118-204 [200617]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdaa1, d3sdaa3, d3sdab_, d3sdac1, d3sdad1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with gcy, gol, nag
    3. 2364534Domain d3sdad2: 3sda D:119-243 [200619]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdaa1, d3sdaa3, d3sdab_, d3sdac1, d3sdad1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with gcy, gol, nag
  214. Domain(s) for 3sdc:
    1. 2364468Domain d3sdcc2: 3sdc C:118-204 [249359]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdca1, d3sdca2, d3sdca3, d3sdcb_, d3sdcc1, d3sdcd1
      automated match to d4eura2
      complexed with 3gb, nag
    2. 2364469Domain d3sdcd2: 3sdc D:120-243 [249361]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdca1, d3sdca2, d3sdca3, d3sdcb_, d3sdcc1, d3sdcd1
      automated match to d3of6b2
      complexed with 3gb, nag
  215. Domain(s) for 3sdd:
    1. 2364395Domain d3sddc2: 3sdd C:118-203 [249366]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdda1, d3sdda2, d3sdda3, d3sddb_, d3sddc1, d3sddd1
      automated match to d4eura2
      complexed with 3gd, nag
    2. 2364396Domain d3sddd2: 3sdd D:120-242 [249368]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdda1, d3sdda2, d3sdda3, d3sddb_, d3sddc1, d3sddd1
      automated match to d3of6b2
      complexed with 3gd, nag
  216. Domain(s) for 3sgd:
    1. 2363843Domain d3sgdi2: 3sgd I:113-218 [216388]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sgdi1, d3sgdl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca
    2. 2363844Domain d3sgdl2: 3sgd L:113-218 [216390]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sgdi1, d3sgdl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca
  217. Domain(s) for 3sge:
    1. 2363700Domain d3sgei2: 3sge I:113-219 [216392]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sgei1, d3sgel1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca
    2. 2363701Domain d3sgel2: 3sge L:113-219 [216394]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sgei1, d3sgel1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca
  218. Domain(s) for 3t1f:
  219. Domain(s) for 3t3m:
    1. 2363904Domain d3t3mf2: 3t3m F:108-214 [216664]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t3ma_, d3t3mc_, d3t3mf1, d3t3ml1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, cl, nag, rc2, so4
    2. 2363905Domain d3t3ml2: 3t3m L:108-214 [216666]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t3ma_, d3t3mc_, d3t3mf1, d3t3ml1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, cl, nag, rc2, so4
  220. Domain(s) for 3t3p:
    1. 2364146Domain d3t3pf2: 3t3p F:108-214 [200748]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t3pa_, d3t3pc_, d3t3pf1, d3t3pl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with bma, ca, cl, gol, man, mg, nag, so4
    2. 2364147Domain d3t3pl2: 3t3p L:108-214 [200750]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t3pa_, d3t3pc_, d3t3pf1, d3t3pl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with bma, ca, cl, gol, man, mg, nag, so4
  221. Domain(s) for 3ta3:
    1. 2364051Domain d3ta3a2: 3ta3 A:186-279 [200784]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ta3a1, d3ta3b_, d3ta3c1, d3ta3d1
      automated match to d1onqa1
      complexed with 3tf, nag
    2. 2364052Domain d3ta3c2: 3ta3 C:118-206 [200786]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ta3a1, d3ta3b_, d3ta3c1, d3ta3d1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with 3tf, nag
    3. 2364053Domain d3ta3d2: 3ta3 D:113-240 [200788]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ta3a1, d3ta3b_, d3ta3c1, d3ta3d1
      automated match to d1lp9f2
      complexed with 3tf, nag
  222. Domain(s) for 3tt1:
    1. 2364187Domain d3tt1l2: 3tt1 L:112-215 [250024]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3tt1a_, d3tt1b_, d3tt1l1, d3tt1m1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with na, sog
    2. 2364188Domain d3tt1m2: 3tt1 M:112-215 [250026]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3tt1a_, d3tt1b_, d3tt1l1, d3tt1m1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with na, sog
  223. Domain(s) for 3tvm:
    1. 2364107Domain d3tvma2: 3tvm A:186-279 [200882]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvmb_, d3tvmc1, d3tvmd1, d3tvme1, d3tvmf_, d3tvmg1, d3tvmh1
      automated match to d1onqa1
      complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag
    2. 2364108Domain d3tvmc2: 3tvm C:118-206 [200884]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvmb_, d3tvmc1, d3tvmd1, d3tvme1, d3tvmf_, d3tvmg1, d3tvmh1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag
    3. 2364109Domain d3tvmd2: 3tvm D:113-240 [200886]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvmb_, d3tvmc1, d3tvmd1, d3tvme1, d3tvmf_, d3tvmg1, d3tvmh1
      automated match to d1lp9f2
      complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag
    4. 2364110Domain d3tvme2: 3tvm E:186-249 [200888]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvmb_, d3tvmc1, d3tvmd1, d3tvme1, d3tvmf_, d3tvmg1, d3tvmh1
      automated match to d1onqa1
      complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag
    5. 2364111Domain d3tvmg2: 3tvm G:118-206 [200890]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvmb_, d3tvmc1, d3tvmd1, d3tvme1, d3tvmf_, d3tvmg1, d3tvmh1
      automated match to d1qrnd2
      complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag
    6. 2364112Domain d3tvmh2: 3tvm H:113-240 [200892]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvmb_, d3tvmc1, d3tvmd1, d3tvme1, d3tvmf_, d3tvmg1, d3tvmh1
      automated match to d1lp9f2
      complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag
  224. Domain(s) for 3ubx:
    1. 2364209Domain d3ubxi2: 3ubx I:108-214 [250194]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ubxa1, d3ubxa2, d3ubxa3, d3ubxb_, d3ubxd1, d3ubxd2, d3ubxd3, d3ubxe_, d3ubxi1, d3ubxl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with 09n, nag
    2. 2364210Domain d3ubxl2: 3ubx L:108-214 [250196]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ubxa1, d3ubxa2, d3ubxa3, d3ubxb_, d3ubxd1, d3ubxd2, d3ubxd3, d3ubxe_, d3ubxi1, d3ubxl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with 09n, nag
  225. Domain(s) for 3ujt:
    1. 2363738Domain d3ujtl2: 3ujt L:108-211 [217438]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujtl1, d3ujtm1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with gol, trs
    2. 2363739Domain d3ujtm2: 3ujt M:108-211 [217440]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujtl1, d3ujtm1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with gol, trs
  226. Domain(s) for 3v0v:
    1. 2363890Domain d3v0vb2: 3v0v B:108-212 [217589]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v0vb1, d3v0vl1
      automated match to d2aabl2
    2. 2363891Domain d3v0vl2: 3v0v L:108-212 [217591]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v0vb1, d3v0vl1
      automated match to d2aabl2
  227. Domain(s) for 3v0w:
  228. Domain(s) for 3v6f:
    1. 2363930Domain d3v6fb2: 3v6f B:115-219 [217681]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v6fb1, d3v6fd1, d3v6ff1, d3v6fl1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
    2. 2363931Domain d3v6fd2: 3v6f D:115-219 [217683]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v6fb1, d3v6fd1, d3v6ff1, d3v6fl1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
    3. 2363932Domain d3v6ff2: 3v6f F:115-219 [217685]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v6fb1, d3v6fd1, d3v6ff1, d3v6fl1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
    4. 2363933Domain d3v6fl2: 3v6f L:115-219 [217687]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v6fb1, d3v6fd1, d3v6ff1, d3v6fl1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
  229. Domain(s) for 3v6o:
    1. 2363685Domain d3v6oe2: 3v6o E:110-216 [217689]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v6oe1, d3v6of1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with act, cys, edo, na, nag
    2. 2363686Domain d3v6of2: 3v6o F:110-216 [217691]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v6oe1, d3v6of1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with act, cys, edo, na, nag
  230. Domain(s) for 3vfg:
  231. Domain(s) for 3vg0:
  232. Domain(s) for 3vg9:
  233. Domain(s) for 3vga:
  234. Domain(s) for 3vi3:
    1. 2364591Domain d3vi3e2: 3vi3 E:113-219 [217825]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi3a1, d3vi3a2, d3vi3c1, d3vi3c2, d3vi3e1, d3vi3l1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with bma, ca, man, mg, nag
    2. 2364592Domain d3vi3l2: 3vi3 L:113-219 [217827]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi3a1, d3vi3a2, d3vi3c1, d3vi3c2, d3vi3e1, d3vi3l1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with bma, ca, man, mg, nag
  235. Domain(s) for 3w2d:
  236. Domain(s) for 3we6:
  237. Domain(s) for 3wfb:
  238. Domain(s) for 3wfc:
  239. Domain(s) for 3wfd:
  240. Domain(s) for 3wfe:
  241. Domain(s) for 3wfh:
  242. Domain(s) for 3whx:
  243. Domain(s) for 3wif:
  244. Domain(s) for 3wih:
    1. 2363785Domain d3wihl2: 3wih L:108-213 [268079]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wiha_, d3wihb_, d3wihl1, d3wihm1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with gol
    2. 2363786Domain d3wihm2: 3wih M:108-213 [268067]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wiha_, d3wihb_, d3wihl1, d3wihm1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with gol
  245. Domain(s) for 3wii:
    1. 2363735Domain d3wiil2: 3wii L:108-213 [268077]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wiil1, d3wiim1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
    2. 2363736Domain d3wiim2: 3wii M:108-213 [268083]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wiil1, d3wiim1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
  246. Domain(s) for 3zdx:
    1. 2363820Domain d3zdxf2: 3zdx F:108-214 [201307]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3zdxa_, d3zdxc_, d3zdxf1, d3zdxl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, cl, gol, mn, nag, so4
    2. 2363821Domain d3zdxl2: 3zdx L:108-214 [201309]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3zdxa_, d3zdxc_, d3zdxf1, d3zdxl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with ca, cl, gol, mn, nag, so4
  247. Domain(s) for 3zkm:
    1. 2363715Domain d3zkmd2: 3zkm D:112-217 [218300]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3zkma_, d3zkmb_, d3zkmd1, d3zkml1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with dms, gol, so4
    2. 2363716Domain d3zkml2: 3zkm L:112-217 [218302]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3zkma_, d3zkmb_, d3zkmd1, d3zkml1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with dms, gol, so4
  248. Domain(s) for 3zkn:
    1. 2363765Domain d3zknd2: 3zkn D:112-217 [201332]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3zkna_, d3zknb_, d3zknd1, d3zknl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with dms, gol, so4, wzv
    2. 2363766Domain d3zknl2: 3zkn L:112-217 [201334]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3zkna_, d3zknb_, d3zknd1, d3zknl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with dms, gol, so4, wzv
  249. Domain(s) for 4a6y:
    1. 2364386Domain d4a6ya2: 4a6y A:113-211 [262508]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a6ya1, d4a6yl1
      automated match to d1jn6a2
    2. 2364387Domain d4a6yl2: 4a6y L:111-211 [218679]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a6ya1, d4a6yl1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
  250. Domain(s) for 4aeh:
  251. Domain(s) for 4aei:
    1. 2363879Domain d4aeil2: 4aei L:113-218 [201417]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4aeia_, d4aeib_, d4aeic_, d4aeil1, d4aeim1, d4aein1
      automated match to d1blna2
      complexed with cl, epe
    2. 2363880Domain d4aeim2: 4aei M:113-217 [201419]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4aeia_, d4aeib_, d4aeic_, d4aeil1, d4aeim1, d4aein1
      automated match to d1blna2
      complexed with cl, epe
    3. 2363881Domain d4aein2: 4aei N:113-217 [201421]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4aeia_, d4aeib_, d4aeic_, d4aeil1, d4aeim1, d4aein1
      automated match to d1blna2
      complexed with cl, epe
  252. Domain(s) for 4ag4:
  253. Domain(s) for 4ala:
  254. Domain(s) for 4amk:
  255. Domain(s) for 4apq:
  256. Domain(s) for 4at6:
    1. 2364376Domain d4at6b2: 4at6 B:111-212 [219134]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b1, d4at6d1, d4at6f1, d4at6i1, d4at6k1, d4at6l1, d4at6n1, d4at6p1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
    2. 2364377Domain d4at6d2: 4at6 D:111-212 [219136]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b1, d4at6d1, d4at6f1, d4at6i1, d4at6k1, d4at6l1, d4at6n1, d4at6p1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
    3. 2364378Domain d4at6f2: 4at6 F:111-212 [219138]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b1, d4at6d1, d4at6f1, d4at6i1, d4at6k1, d4at6l1, d4at6n1, d4at6p1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
    4. 2364379Domain d4at6i2: 4at6 I:111-212 [219140]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b1, d4at6d1, d4at6f1, d4at6i1, d4at6k1, d4at6l1, d4at6n1, d4at6p1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
    5. 2364380Domain d4at6k2: 4at6 K:111-212 [219142]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b1, d4at6d1, d4at6f1, d4at6i1, d4at6k1, d4at6l1, d4at6n1, d4at6p1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
    6. 2364381Domain d4at6l2: 4at6 L:111-212 [219144]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b1, d4at6d1, d4at6f1, d4at6i1, d4at6k1, d4at6l1, d4at6n1, d4at6p1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
    7. 2364382Domain d4at6n2: 4at6 N:111-212 [219146]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b1, d4at6d1, d4at6f1, d4at6i1, d4at6k1, d4at6l1, d4at6n1, d4at6p1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
    8. 2364383Domain d4at6p2: 4at6 P:111-212 [219148]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b1, d4at6d1, d4at6f1, d4at6i1, d4at6k1, d4at6l1, d4at6n1, d4at6p1
      automated match to d1q0xl2
  257. Domain(s) for 4bz1:
  258. Domain(s) for 4bz2:
  259. Domain(s) for 4cmh:
  260. Domain(s) for 4dgi:
  261. Domain(s) for 4dvb:
    1. 2363760Domain d4dvbb2: 4dvb B:109-215 [220047]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvbb1, d4dvbl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with pg4, so4
    2. 2363761Domain d4dvbl2: 4dvb L:109-215 [220049]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvbb1, d4dvbl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with pg4, so4
  262. Domain(s) for 4dw2:
  263. Domain(s) for 4ebq:
  264. Domain(s) for 4edx:
    1. 2364215Domain d4edxa2: 4edx A:108-214 [238134]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4edxa1, d4edxl1, d4edxv_, d4edxw_
      automated match to d1l7tl2
    2. 2364216Domain d4edxl2: 4edx L:108-214 [238133]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4edxa1, d4edxl1, d4edxv_, d4edxw_
      automated match to d1l7tl2
  265. Domain(s) for 4ei5:
  266. Domain(s) for 4ei6:
    1. 2363649Domain d4ei6a2: 4ei6 A:115-203 [220555]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ei6a1, d4ei6b1, d4ei6c1, d4ei6d1
      automated match to d2f54d2
    2. 2363650Domain d4ei6b2: 4ei6 B:116-243 [220557]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ei6a1, d4ei6b1, d4ei6c1, d4ei6d1
      automated match to d1ktke2
    3. 2363651Domain d4ei6c2: 4ei6 C:115-202 [220559]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ei6a1, d4ei6b1, d4ei6c1, d4ei6d1
      automated match to d2f54d2
    4. 2363652Domain d4ei6d2: 4ei6 D:116-243 [220561]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ei6a1, d4ei6b1, d4ei6c1, d4ei6d1
      automated match to d1ktke2
  267. Domain(s) for 4elk:
    1. 2363748Domain d4elka2: 4elk A:116-204 [220609]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elka1, d4elkb1, d4elkc1, d4elkd1
      automated match to d2f54d2
      complexed with act, fmt, mli
    2. 2363749Domain d4elkb2: 4elk B:117-244 [220611]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elka1, d4elkb1, d4elkc1, d4elkd1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with act, fmt, mli
    3. 2363750Domain d4elkc2: 4elk C:116-207 [220613]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elka1, d4elkb1, d4elkc1, d4elkd1
      automated match to d2f54d2
      complexed with act, fmt, mli
    4. 2363751Domain d4elkd2: 4elk D:117-244 [220615]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elka1, d4elkb1, d4elkc1, d4elkd1
      automated match to d1ktke2
      complexed with act, fmt, mli
  268. Domain(s) for 4etq:
    1. 2363768Domain d4etqb2: 4etq B:111-213 [220803]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4etqb1, d4etqc_, d4etql1, d4etqx_
      automated match to d2fbjl2
      complexed with cl, edo, gol, scn
    2. 2363769Domain d4etql2: 4etq L:111-213 [220805]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4etqb1, d4etqc_, d4etql1, d4etqx_
      automated match to d2fbjl2
      complexed with cl, edo, gol, scn
  269. Domain(s) for 4f15:
    1. 2364652Domain d4f15c2: 4f15 C:111-213 [220938]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f15c1, d4f15f1, d4f15i1, d4f15l1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    2. 2364653Domain d4f15f2: 4f15 F:111-213 [220940]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f15c1, d4f15f1, d4f15i1, d4f15l1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    3. 2364654Domain d4f15i2: 4f15 I:111-213 [220942]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f15c1, d4f15f1, d4f15i1, d4f15l1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
    4. 2364655Domain d4f15l2: 4f15 L:111-213 [220944]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f15c1, d4f15f1, d4f15i1, d4f15l1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
  270. Domain(s) for 4f2m:
    1. 2364278Domain d4f2mb2: 4f2m B:108-213 [251876]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f2mb1, d4f2md1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with acy, nag
    2. 2364279Domain d4f2md2: 4f2m D:108-211 [251878]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f2mb1, d4f2md1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with acy, nag
  271. Domain(s) for 4f33:
    1. 2363741Domain d4f33a2: 4f33 A:107-212 [220995]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f33a1, d4f33c1, d4f33e1, d4f33g1
      automated match to d1dn0a2
      complexed with pg4
    2. 2363742Domain d4f33c2: 4f33 C:107-212 [220997]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f33a1, d4f33c1, d4f33e1, d4f33g1
      automated match to d1dn0a2
      complexed with pg4
    3. 2363743Domain d4f33e2: 4f33 E:107-212 [220999]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f33a1, d4f33c1, d4f33e1, d4f33g1
      automated match to d1dn0a2
      complexed with pg4
    4. 2363744Domain d4f33g2: 4f33 G:107-212 [221001]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f33a1, d4f33c1, d4f33e1, d4f33g1
      automated match to d1dn0a2
      complexed with pg4
  272. Domain(s) for 4f37:
    1. 2364423Domain d4f37k2: 4f37 K:113-218 [221003]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f37k1, d4f37l1
      automated match to d1blna2
    2. 2364424Domain d4f37l2: 4f37 L:113-218 [221005]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4f37k1, d4f37l1
      automated match to d1blna2
  273. Domain(s) for 4f3f:
  274. Domain(s) for 4ffv:
    1. 2364154Domain d4ffvc2: 4ffv C:107-210 [221187]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ffva1, d4ffva2, d4ffvb1, d4ffvb2, d4ffvc1, d4ffvl1
      automated match to d1z3gl2
    2. 2364155Domain d4ffvl2: 4ffv L:107-210 [221189]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ffva1, d4ffva2, d4ffvb1, d4ffvb2, d4ffvc1, d4ffvl1
      automated match to d1z3gl2
  275. Domain(s) for 4ffw:
    1. 2364477Domain d4ffwc2: 4ffw C:107-210 [221195]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ffwa1, d4ffwa2, d4ffwb1, d4ffwb2, d4ffwc1, d4ffwl1
      automated match to d1z3gl2
      complexed with 715
    2. 2364478Domain d4ffwl2: 4ffw L:107-206 [221197]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ffwa1, d4ffwa2, d4ffwb1, d4ffwb2, d4ffwc1, d4ffwl1
      automated match to d1z3gl2
      complexed with 715
  276. Domain(s) for 4fg6:
    1. 2364626Domain d4fg6d2: 4fg6 D:107-211 [251967]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fg6a_, d4fg6b_, d4fg6d1, d4fg6f1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
    2. 2364627Domain d4fg6f2: 4fg6 F:107-211 [251969]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fg6a_, d4fg6b_, d4fg6d1, d4fg6f1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
  277. Domain(s) for 4gay:
    1. 2364220Domain d4gayb2: 4gay B:108-212 [221826]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4gayb1, d4gayl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with pge
    2. 2364221Domain d4gayl2: 4gay L:108-211 [221828]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4gayb1, d4gayl1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with pge
  278. Domain(s) for 4gms:
    1. 2364181Domain d4gmsl2: 4gms L:108-211 [222005]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4gmsa1, d4gmsa2, d4gmsb_, d4gmsc1, d4gmsc2, d4gmsd_, d4gmse1, d4gmse2, d4gmsf_, d4gmsl1, d4gmsm1, d4gmsn1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with gol, nag, pg4, so4
    2. 2364182Domain d4gmsn2: 4gms N:108-213 [222008]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4gmsa1, d4gmsa2, d4gmsb_, d4gmsc1, d4gmsc2, d4gmsd_, d4gmse1, d4gmse2, d4gmsf_, d4gmsl1, d4gmsm1, d4gmsn1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with gol, nag, pg4, so4
  279. Domain(s) for 4gmt:
    1. 2363719Domain d4gmtl2: 4gmt L:108-213 [222010]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4gmtl1, d4gmtm1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with nag, so4
    2. 2363720Domain d4gmtm2: 4gmt M:108-213 [222012]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4gmtl1, d4gmtm1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
      complexed with nag, so4
  280. Domain(s) for 4gq9:
  281. Domain(s) for 4h20:
  282. Domain(s) for 4h88:
  283. Domain(s) for 4hc1:
    1. 2364069Domain d4hc1l2: 4hc1 L:108-213 [222495]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hc1a1, d4hc1a2, d4hc1a3, d4hc1b1, d4hc1b2, d4hc1b3, d4hc1l1, d4hc1n1
      automated match to d1c12a2
      complexed with nag; mutant
    2. 2364070Domain d4hc1n2: 4hc1 N:108-213 [222497]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hc1a1, d4hc1a2, d4hc1a3, d4hc1b1, d4hc1b2, d4hc1b3, d4hc1l1, d4hc1n1
      automated match to d1c12a2
      complexed with nag; mutant
  284. Domain(s) for 4hdi:
    1. 2363973Domain d4hdia2: 4hdi A:113-217 [222530]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hdia1, d4hdil1
      automated match to d1t66c2
    2. 2363974Domain d4hdil2: 4hdi L:113-219 [222532]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hdia1, d4hdil1
      automated match to d1t66c2
  285. Domain(s) for 4hlz:
    1. 2364318Domain d4hlzh2: 4hlz H:110-213 [222666]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hlza1, d4hlza2, d4hlzb_, d4hlzc1, d4hlzc2, d4hlzd_, d4hlze1, d4hlze2, d4hlzf_, d4hlzh1, d4hlzj1, d4hlzl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with edo, nag, so4
    2. 2364319Domain d4hlzj2: 4hlz J:110-214 [222668]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hlza1, d4hlza2, d4hlzb_, d4hlzc1, d4hlzc2, d4hlzd_, d4hlze1, d4hlze2, d4hlzf_, d4hlzh1, d4hlzj1, d4hlzl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with edo, nag, so4
    3. 2364320Domain d4hlzl2: 4hlz L:110-214 [222670]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hlza1, d4hlza2, d4hlzb_, d4hlzc1, d4hlzc2, d4hlzd_, d4hlze1, d4hlze2, d4hlzf_, d4hlzh1, d4hlzj1, d4hlzl1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with edo, nag, so4
  286. Domain(s) for 4hxa:
  287. Domain(s) for 4hxb:
  288. Domain(s) for 4i9w:
    1. 2364056Domain d4i9wd2: 4i9w D:107-211 [223083]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4i9wd1, d4i9wf1
      automated match to d1eo8l2
      complexed with ca, k
    2. 2364057Domain d4i9wf2: 4i9w F:107-211 [223085]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4i9wd1, d4i9wf1
      automated match to d1eo8l2
      complexed with ca, k
  289. Domain(s) for 4irs:
    1. 2364520Domain d4irsa2: 4irs A:186-279 [227723]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4irsa1, d4irsb_, d4irsc1, d4irsd1
      automated match to d3o9wa2
      complexed with 1la, ful, nag
    2. 2364521Domain d4irsc2: 4irs C:115-203 [227718]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4irsa1, d4irsb_, d4irsc1, d4irsd1
      automated match to d3o8xc2
      complexed with 1la, ful, nag
    3. 2364522Domain d4irsd2: 4irs D:113-240 [227734]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4irsa1, d4irsb_, d4irsc1, d4irsd1
      automated match to d3o8xd2
      complexed with 1la, ful, nag
  290. Domain(s) for 4j1u:
    1. 2364113Domain d4j1ua2: 4j1u A:113-214 [223523]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4j1ua1, d4j1uc1, d4j1ue1
      automated match to d1rhha2
    2. 2364114Domain d4j1uc2: 4j1u C:113-216 [223525]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4j1ua1, d4j1uc1, d4j1ue1
      automated match to d1rhha2
    3. 2364115Domain d4j1ue2: 4j1u E:113-216 [223527]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4j1ua1, d4j1uc1, d4j1ue1
      automated match to d1rhha2
  291. Domain(s) for 4jn1:
  292. Domain(s) for 4jn2:
    1. 2363788Domain d4jn2a2: 4jn2 A:114-220 [223902]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4jn2a1, d4jn2l1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with 4cc, gol
    2. 2363789Domain d4jn2l2: 4jn2 L:114-220 [223904]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4jn2a1, d4jn2l1
      automated match to d1rhha2
      complexed with 4cc, gol
  293. Domain(s) for 4jqi:
  294. Domain(s) for 4jr9:
  295. Domain(s) for 4jre:
    1. 2364196Domain d4jrec2: 4jre C:107-211 [223952]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4jrec1, d4jrel1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with gyp, no2
    2. 2364197Domain d4jrel2: 4jre L:107-211 [223954]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4jrec1, d4jrel1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with gyp, no2
  296. Domain(s) for 4jzj:
    1. 2364535Domain d4jzjb2: 4jzj B:114-219 [238397]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4jzjb1, d4jzjl1
      automated match to d1n0xl2
      complexed with bma, fuc, ful, gol, man, nag
    2. 2364536Domain d4jzjl2: 4jzj L:114-219 [240369]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4jzjb1, d4jzjl1
      automated match to d4jzjb2
      complexed with bma, fuc, ful, gol, man, nag
  297. Domain(s) for 4k23:
  298. Domain(s) for 4k7p:
  299. Domain(s) for 4k9e:
  300. Domain(s) for 4ki5:
  301. Domain(s) for 4kjw:
    1. 2364556Domain d4kjwd2: 4kjw D:107-211 [253271]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kjwa_, d4kjwb_, d4kjwd1, d4kjwf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
    2. 2364557Domain d4kjwf2: 4kjw F:107-211 [253273]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kjwa_, d4kjwb_, d4kjwd1, d4kjwf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
  302. Domain(s) for 4kk5:
    1. 2364608Domain d4kk5d2: 4kk5 D:107-211 [253279]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kk5a_, d4kk5b_, d4kk5d1, d4kk5f1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
    2. 2364609Domain d4kk5f2: 4kk5 F:107-211 [253281]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kk5a_, d4kk5b_, d4kk5d1, d4kk5f1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
  303. Domain(s) for 4kk6:
    1. 2364647Domain d4kk6d2: 4kk6 D:107-211 [253285]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kk6a_, d4kk6b_, d4kk6d1, d4kk6f1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
      complexed with br
    2. 2364648Domain d4kk6f2: 4kk6 F:107-211 [253287]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kk6a_, d4kk6b_, d4kk6d1, d4kk6f1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
      complexed with br
  304. Domain(s) for 4kk9:
    1. 2364528Domain d4kk9d2: 4kk9 D:107-211 [253291]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kk9a_, d4kk9b_, d4kk9d1, d4kk9f1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
    2. 2364529Domain d4kk9f2: 4kk9 F:107-211 [253293]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kk9a_, d4kk9b_, d4kk9d1, d4kk9f1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
  305. Domain(s) for 4kka:
    1. 2364530Domain d4kkad2: 4kka D:107-211 [253297]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kkaa_, d4kkab_, d4kkad1, d4kkaf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
    2. 2364531Domain d4kkaf2: 4kka F:107-211 [253299]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kkaa_, d4kkab_, d4kkad1, d4kkaf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
  306. Domain(s) for 4kkb:
    1. 2364573Domain d4kkbd2: 4kkb D:107-211 [253303]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kkba_, d4kkbb_, d4kkbd1, d4kkbf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
    2. 2364574Domain d4kkbf2: 4kkb F:107-211 [253305]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kkba_, d4kkbb_, d4kkbd1, d4kkbf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
  307. Domain(s) for 4kkc:
    1. 2364629Domain d4kkcd2: 4kkc D:107-211 [253309]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kkca_, d4kkcb_, d4kkcd1, d4kkcf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
    2. 2364630Domain d4kkcf2: 4kkc F:107-211 [253311]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kkca_, d4kkcb_, d4kkcd1, d4kkcf1
      automated match to d1ikfl2
  308. Domain(s) for 4kph:
    1. 2364288Domain d4kphl2: 4kph L:108-212 [224433]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kphl1, d4kphm1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with act
    2. 2364289Domain d4kphm2: 4kph M:108-210 [224435]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4kphl1, d4kphm1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with act
  309. Domain(s) for 4kq4:
  310. Domain(s) for 4krp:
  311. Domain(s) for 4kuz:
  312. Domain(s) for 4kvc:
  313. Domain(s) for 4kzd:
  314. Domain(s) for 4kze:
  315. Domain(s) for 4leo:
  316. Domain(s) for 4lex:
  317. Domain(s) for 4lf3:
    1. 2364335Domain d4lf3a2: 4lf3 A:107-214 [228967]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4lf3a1, d4lf3d1
      automated match to d4ersl2
    2. 2364336Domain d4lf3d2: 4lf3 D:107-214 [228968]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4lf3a1, d4lf3d1
      automated match to d4ersl2
  318. Domain(s) for 4liq:
  319. Domain(s) for 4lqf:
  320. Domain(s) for 4lu5:
    1. 2364566Domain d4lu5l2: 4lu5 L:113-219 [262987]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4lu5l1, d4lu5m1
      automated match to d3mbxl2
    2. 2364567Domain d4lu5m2: 4lu5 M:113-219 [257910]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4lu5l1, d4lu5m1
      automated match to d3mbxl2
  321. Domain(s) for 4lvh:
    1. 2364661Domain d4lvhc2: 4lvh C:111-210 [238434]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4lvhc1, d4lvhf1, d4lvhi1, d4lvhl1
      automated match to d1l7tl2
      complexed with ca
    2. 2364662Domain d4lvhf2: 4lvh F:111-210 [238435]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4lvhc1, d4lvhf1, d4lvhi1, d4lvhl1
      automated match to d1l7tl2
      complexed with ca
    3. 2364663Domain d4lvhi2: 4lvh I:111-210 [240505]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4lvhc1, d4lvhf1, d4lvhi1, d4lvhl1
      automated match to d4lvhc2
      complexed with ca
    4. 2364664Domain d4lvhl2: 4lvh L:111-210 [238437]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4lvhc1, d4lvhf1, d4lvhi1, d4lvhl1
      automated match to d1l7tl2
      complexed with ca
  322. Domain(s) for 4lvn:
  323. Domain(s) for 4lvo:
  324. Domain(s) for 4m1g:
  325. Domain(s) for 4m43:
  326. Domain(s) for 4m61:
    1. 2363689Domain d4m61a2: 4m61 A:113-219 [224830]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m61a1, d4m61c1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with so4
    2. 2363690Domain d4m61c2: 4m61 C:113-219 [224832]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m61a1, d4m61c1
      automated match to d1dqdl2
      complexed with so4
  327. Domain(s) for 4m7j:
  328. Domain(s) for 4m7k:
  329. Domain(s) for 4m7z:
    1. 2364495Domain d4m7zc2: 4m7z C:108-214 [253773]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m7zc1, d4m7zl1
      automated match to d4ma1l2
      complexed with ca, nag, peg, pg4
    2. 2364496Domain d4m7zl2: 4m7z L:108-213 [253775]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m7zc1, d4m7zl1
      automated match to d4ma1l2
      complexed with ca, nag, peg, pg4
  330. Domain(s) for 4m93:
    1. 2364048Domain d4m93c2: 4m93 C:108-213 [253777]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m93c1, d4m93l1
      automated match to d4ma1l2
      complexed with act, ca, nag
    2. 2364049Domain d4m93l2: 4m93 L:108-213 [253779]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m93c1, d4m93l1
      automated match to d4ma1l2
      complexed with act, ca, nag
  331. Domain(s) for 4ma1:
    1. 2364241Domain d4ma1c2: 4ma1 C:108-214 [240528]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ma1c1, d4ma1f1, d4ma1l1
      automated match to d4ma1l2
      complexed with bma, fuc, gal, gla, k, man, nag, peg
    2. 2364242Domain d4ma1f2: 4ma1 F:108-214 [240530]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ma1c1, d4ma1f1, d4ma1l1
      automated match to d4ma1l2
      complexed with bma, fuc, gal, gla, k, man, nag, peg
    3. 2364243Domain d4ma1l2: 4ma1 L:108-214 [238444]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ma1c1, d4ma1f1, d4ma1l1
      automated match to d1l7tl2
      complexed with bma, fuc, gal, gla, k, man, nag, peg
  332. Domain(s) for 4ma7:
  333. Domain(s) for 4ma8:
  334. Domain(s) for 4mau:
  335. Domain(s) for 4mng:
    1. 2364569Domain d4mnga2: 4mng A:184-277 [253808]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4mnga1, d4mnga3, d4mngb_, d4mngc1, d4mngc3, d4mngd_, d4mnge1, d4mnge2, d4mngf1, d4mngf2
      automated match to d3hujc2
      complexed with cis, nag
    2. 2364570Domain d4mngc2: 4mng C:184-277 [253811]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4mnga1, d4mnga3, d4mngb_, d4mngc1, d4mngc3, d4mngd_, d4mnge1, d4mnge2, d4mngf1, d4mngf2
      automated match to d3hujc2
      complexed with cis, nag
  336. Domain(s) for 4ms8:
  337. Domain(s) for 4ncc:
    1. 2364201Domain d4ncc12: 4ncc 1:107-210 [237081]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ncc11, d4nccl1
      automated match to d1l7tl2
    2. 2364202Domain d4nccl2: 4ncc L:107-211 [237079]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ncc11, d4nccl1
      automated match to d1l7tl2
  338. Domain(s) for 4nhu:
    1. 2364562Domain d4nhua2: 4nhu A:113-181 [272272]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhua1, d4nhua3, d4nhub1, d4nhub2, d4nhuc1, d4nhuc3, d4nhud1, d4nhud2
      automated match to d2f54d2
    2. 2364563Domain d4nhuc2: 4nhu C:113-181 [272268]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4nhua1, d4nhua3, d4nhub1, d4nhub2, d4nhuc1, d4nhuc3, d4nhud1, d4nhud2
      automated match to d2f54d2
  339. Domain(s) for 4nj9:
  340. Domain(s) for 4nja:
  341. Domain(s) for 4ocx:
  342. Domain(s) for 4ocy:
  343. Domain(s) for 4ods:
  344. Domain(s) for 4odt:
  345. Domain(s) for 4odu:
    1. 2364203Domain d4odub2: 4odu B:108-212 [274238]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4odub1, d4odul1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with so4
    2. 2364204Domain d4odul2: 4odu L:108-212 [274236]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4odub1, d4odul1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with so4
  346. Domain(s) for 4odv:
  347. Domain(s) for 4odw:
    1. 2364517Domain d4odwb2: 4odw B:108-213 [274234]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4odwb1, d4odwl1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
      complexed with trs
    2. 2364518Domain d4odwl2: 4odw L:108-213 [274232]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4odwb1, d4odwl1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
      complexed with trs
  348. Domain(s) for 4oii:
    1. 2364583Domain d4oiil2: 4oii L:108-213 [267051]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oiil1, d4oiim1
      automated match to d3ojda2
    2. 2364584Domain d4oiim2: 4oii M:108-213 [267053]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oiil1, d4oiim1
      automated match to d3ojda2
  349. Domain(s) for 4okv:
    1. 2363795Domain d4okvb2: 4okv B:113-218 [257282]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4okvb1, d4okvd1
      automated match to d1f3dj2
    2. 2363796Domain d4okvd2: 4okv D:113-218 [263314]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4okvb1, d4okvd1
      automated match to d1f3dj2
  350. Domain(s) for 4otx:
    1. 2363901Domain d4otxl2: 4otx L:111-212 [259446]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4otxl1, d4otxm1
      automated match to d3oz9l2
      complexed with azi, cl
    2. 2363902Domain d4otxm2: 4otx M:111-213 [259444]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4otxl1, d4otxm1
      automated match to d3oz9l2
      complexed with azi, cl
  351. Domain(s) for 4ouu:
    1. 2364233Domain d4ouua2: 4ouu A:113-217 [261877]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ouua1, d4ouul1
      automated match to d1blna2
    2. 2364234Domain d4ouul2: 4ouu L:113-217 [261878]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ouua1, d4ouul1
      automated match to d1blna2
  352. Domain(s) for 4oz4:
    1. 2364605Domain d4oz4b2: 4oz4 B:113-218 [268594]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oz4b1, d4oz4l1
      automated match to d3hzma2
    2. 2364606Domain d4oz4l2: 4oz4 L:113-218 [268592]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oz4b1, d4oz4l1
      automated match to d3hzma2
  353. Domain(s) for 4p46:
    1. 2364299Domain d4p46a2: 4p46 A:112-201 [257414]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4p46a1, d4p46b1, d4p46c1, d4p46c2, d4p46d1, d4p46d2
      automated match to d2bnqd2
    2. 2364300Domain d4p46b2: 4p46 B:112-238 [257416]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4p46a1, d4p46b1, d4p46c1, d4p46c2, d4p46d1, d4p46d2
      automated match to d4dzbb2
  354. Domain(s) for 4pb0:
  355. Domain(s) for 4pb9:
  356. Domain(s) for 4plj:
    1. 2364235Domain d4pljc2: 4plj C:108-211 [271459]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4pljc1, d4pljl1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
    2. 2364236Domain d4pljl2: 4plj L:108-212 [271461]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4pljc1, d4pljl1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
  357. Domain(s) for 4poz:
  358. Domain(s) for 4pp1:
    1. 2364631Domain d4pp1c2: 4pp1 C:107-210 [271201]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4pp1c1, d4pp1e1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with ca, edo, nag, po4
    2. 2364632Domain d4pp1e2: 4pp1 E:107-210 [271205]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4pp1c1, d4pp1e1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with ca, edo, nag, po4
  359. Domain(s) for 4pp2:
    1. 2364491Domain d4pp2a2: 4pp2 A:108-211 [271192]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4pp2a1, d4pp2c1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with ca, nag
    2. 2364492Domain d4pp2c2: 4pp2 C:108-211 [271204]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4pp2a1, d4pp2c1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with ca, nag
  360. Domain(s) for 4q0x:
  361. Domain(s) for 4qnp:
    1. 2364284Domain d4qnpf2: 4qnp F:110-212 [269326]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qnpa_, d4qnpb_, d4qnpf1, d4qnpl1
      automated match to d3oz9l2
      complexed with ca, nag
    2. 2364285Domain d4qnpl2: 4qnp L:110-211 [269331]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qnpa_, d4qnpb_, d4qnpf1, d4qnpl1
      automated match to d3oz9l2
      complexed with ca, nag
  362. Domain(s) for 4qt5:
    1. 2364328Domain d4qt5a2: 4qt5 A:108-211 [271035]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qt5a1, d4qt5l1
      automated match to d3mbxl2
    2. 2364329Domain d4qt5l2: 4qt5 L:108-211 [271033]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qt5a1, d4qt5l1
      automated match to d3mbxl2
  363. Domain(s) for 4qth:
    1. 2364067Domain d4qthb2: 4qth B:108-211 [269337]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qthb1, d4qthl1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
    2. 2364068Domain d4qthl2: 4qth L:108-214 [269339]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qthb1, d4qthl1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
  364. Domain(s) for 4qti:
  365. Domain(s) for 4qww:
  366. Domain(s) for 4qxu:
  367. Domain(s) for 4r97:
  368. Domain(s) for 4rdq:
    1. 2364417Domain d4rdqf2: 4rdq F:108-212 [260587]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rdqf1, d4rdqh1, d4rdqj1, d4rdql1, d4rdqn1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with c6n, ca, cl, gol, k
    2. 2364418Domain d4rdqh2: 4rdq H:108-212 [260585]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rdqf1, d4rdqh1, d4rdqj1, d4rdql1, d4rdqn1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with c6n, ca, cl, gol, k
    3. 2364419Domain d4rdqj2: 4rdq J:108-212 [300645]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rdqf1, d4rdqh1, d4rdqj1, d4rdql1, d4rdqn1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with c6n, ca, cl, gol, k
    4. 2364420Domain d4rdql2: 4rdq L:108-212 [300647]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rdqf1, d4rdqh1, d4rdqj1, d4rdql1, d4rdqn1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with c6n, ca, cl, gol, k
    5. 2364421Domain d4rdqn2: 4rdq N:108-212 [300649]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rdqf1, d4rdqh1, d4rdqj1, d4rdql1, d4rdqn1
      automated match to d2fd6l2
      complexed with c6n, ca, cl, gol, k
  369. Domain(s) for 4rgm:
    1. 2364462Domain d4rgmb2: 4rgm B:108-213 [268742]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rgma1, d4rgma2, d4rgmb1, d4rgml1, d4rgms1, d4rgms2
      automated match to d1h3pl2
    2. 2364463Domain d4rgml2: 4rgm L:108-213 [268772]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rgma1, d4rgma2, d4rgmb1, d4rgml1, d4rgms1, d4rgms2
      automated match to d1h3pl2
  370. Domain(s) for 4rgn:
    1. 2364487Domain d4rgnc2: 4rgn C:108-213 [268774]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rgna1, d4rgna2, d4rgnc1, d4rgne1, d4rgng1, d4rgnl1, d4rgns1, d4rgns2
      automated match to d1h3pl2
    2. 2364488Domain d4rgne2: 4rgn E:114-220 [268785]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rgna1, d4rgna2, d4rgnc1, d4rgne1, d4rgng1, d4rgnl1, d4rgns1, d4rgns2
      automated match to d1tqbc2
    3. 2364489Domain d4rgng2: 4rgn G:114-220 [268753]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rgna1, d4rgna2, d4rgnc1, d4rgne1, d4rgng1, d4rgnl1, d4rgns1, d4rgns2
      automated match to d1tqbc2
    4. 2364490Domain d4rgnl2: 4rgn L:108-213 [268780]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rgna1, d4rgna2, d4rgnc1, d4rgne1, d4rgng1, d4rgnl1, d4rgns1, d4rgns2
      automated match to d1h3pl2
  371. Domain(s) for 4rgo:
  372. Domain(s) for 4s1d:
    1. 2364331Domain d4s1dd2: 4s1d D:108-211 [269894]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4s1dd1, d4s1df1, d4s1dl1, d4s1dp1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
      complexed with 41m, so4
    2. 2364332Domain d4s1df2: 4s1d F:108-213 [269900]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4s1dd1, d4s1df1, d4s1dl1, d4s1dp1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
      complexed with 41m, so4
    3. 2364333Domain d4s1dl2: 4s1d L:108-213 [269896]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4s1dd1, d4s1df1, d4s1dl1, d4s1dp1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
      complexed with 41m, so4
    4. 2364334Domain d4s1dp2: 4s1d P:108-210 [269898]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4s1dd1, d4s1df1, d4s1dl1, d4s1dp1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
      complexed with 41m, so4
  373. Domain(s) for 4s2s:
    1. 2364065Domain d4s2sb2: 4s2s B:114-217 [274277]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4s2sb1, d4s2sl1
      automated match to d4bz1l2
    2. 2364066Domain d4s2sl2: 4s2s L:114-217 [274279]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4s2sb1, d4s2sl1
      automated match to d4bz1l2
  374. Domain(s) for 4tpr:
  375. Domain(s) for 4trp:
  376. Domain(s) for 4tuo:
    1. 2363710Domain d4tuob2: 4tuo B:114-219 [274926]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4tuob1, d4tuod1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with bgc, gal, glc, na, nga, sia
    2. 2363711Domain d4tuod2: 4tuo D:114-218 [274924]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4tuob1, d4tuod1
      automated match to d1t66c2
      complexed with bgc, gal, glc, na, nga, sia
  377. Domain(s) for 4u1g:
    1. 2364700Domain d4u1gc2: 4u1g C:112-215 [259300]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4u1gc1, d4u1gf1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
    2. 2364701Domain d4u1gf2: 4u1g F:112-215 [259032]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4u1gc1, d4u1gf1
      automated match to d1tqbc2
  378. Domain(s) for 4u6h:
    1. 2364637Domain d4u6hb2: 4u6h B:113-217 [258842]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4u6hb1, d4u6hd1
      automated match to d1t66c2
    2. 2364638Domain d4u6hd2: 4u6h D:113-218 [258844]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4u6hb1, d4u6hd1
      automated match to d1t66c2
  379. Domain(s) for 4uik:
  380. Domain(s) for 4uil:
  381. Domain(s) for 4uim:
    1. 2364456Domain d4uimb2: 4uim B:108-214 [276582]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uimb1, d4uimd1, d4uimf1, d4uiml1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with so4
    2. 2364457Domain d4uimd2: 4uim D:108-214 [276588]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uimb1, d4uimd1, d4uimf1, d4uiml1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with so4
    3. 2364458Domain d4uimf2: 4uim F:108-214 [276584]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uimb1, d4uimd1, d4uimf1, d4uiml1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with so4
    4. 2364459Domain d4uiml2: 4uim L:108-214 [276590]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uimb1, d4uimd1, d4uimf1, d4uiml1
      automated match to d2v7ha2
      complexed with so4
  382. Domain(s) for 4uin:
  383. Domain(s) for 4wcy:
  384. Domain(s) for 4wfe:
    1. 2364163Domain d4wfed2: 4wfe D:107-211 [262062]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4wfed1, d4wfef1
      automated match to d3gnml2
      complexed with ca, k
    2. 2364164Domain d4wfef2: 4wfe F:107-211 [262071]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4wfed1, d4wfef1
      automated match to d3gnml2
      complexed with ca, k
  385. Domain(s) for 4wff:
    1. 2364211Domain d4wffd2: 4wff D:107-211 [261473]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4wffd1, d4wfff1
      automated match to d3gnml2
      complexed with ca, d10, k
    2. 2364212Domain d4wfff2: 4wff F:107-211 [262069]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4wffd1, d4wfff1
      automated match to d3gnml2
      complexed with ca, d10, k
  386. Domain(s) for 4wfg:
    1. 2364413Domain d4wfgd2: 4wfg D:107-211 [262063]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4wfgd1, d4wfgf1
      automated match to d3gnml2
      complexed with ca, tl
    2. 2364414Domain d4wfgf2: 4wfg F:107-211 [262061]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4wfgd1, d4wfgf1
      automated match to d3gnml2
      complexed with ca, tl
  387. Domain(s) for 4wfh:
    1. 2364427Domain d4wfhd2: 4wfh D:107-211 [262065]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4wfhd1, d4wfhf1
      automated match to d3gnml2
      complexed with ca, d10, tl
    2. 2364428Domain d4wfhf2: 4wfh F:107-211 [262066]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4wfhd1, d4wfhf1
      automated match to d3gnml2
      complexed with ca, d10, tl
  388. Domain(s) for 4x80:
  389. Domain(s) for 4x8j:
    1. 2364239Domain d4x8jb2: 4x8j B:108-214 [271350]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4x8jb1, d4x8jl1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
      complexed with 2pe, zn
    2. 2364240Domain d4x8jl2: 4x8j L:108-214 [271352]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4x8jb1, d4x8jl1
      automated match to d1h3pl2
      complexed with 2pe, zn
  390. Domain(s) for 4xnu:
  391. Domain(s) for 4xnx:
  392. Domain(s) for 4xp1:
  393. Domain(s) for 4xp6:
  394. Domain(s) for 4xp9:
  395. Domain(s) for 4xpb:
  396. Domain(s) for 4xph:
  397. Domain(s) for 4xzu:
    1. 2364449Domain d4xzub2: 4xzu B:110-213 [301386]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4xzub1, d4xzuf1, d4xzug_, d4xzum_
      automated match to d4ebql2
      complexed with mg
    2. 2364450Domain d4xzuf2: 4xzu F:110-212 [301388]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4xzub1, d4xzuf1, d4xzug_, d4xzum_
      automated match to d4ebql2
      complexed with mg
  398. Domain(s) for 4y2d:
  399. Domain(s) for 4y4k:
  400. Domain(s) for 4yx2:

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More info for Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] from b.1.1.2 automated matches

Timeline for Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] from b.1.1.2 automated matches: