Lineage for Protein: Green fluorescent protein, GFP

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2939772Fold d.22: GFP-like [54510] (1 superfamily)
    beta-sheet folds into a barrel (n=11, S=14) around the central helix
  4. 2939773Superfamily d.22.1: GFP-like [54511] (3 families) (S)
  5. 2939774Family d.22.1.1: Fluorescent proteins [54512] (6 proteins)
  6. 2939778Protein Green fluorescent protein, GFP [54513] (6 species)


  1. 2939779Aequorea macrodactyla [TaxId:147615] [419785] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2939781Clytia gregaria [TaxId:27801] [188531] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2939783Galaxea fascicularis [TaxId:46745] [190027] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 2939786Jellyfish (Aequorea victoria) [TaxId:6100] [54514] (285 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P42212
    1. Domains for 1b9c:
      1. 2940146Domain d1b9ca_: 1b9c A: [38358]
      2. 2940147Domain d1b9cb_: 1b9c B: [38359]
      3. 2940148Domain d1b9cc_: 1b9c C: [38360]
      4. 2940149Domain d1b9cd_: 1b9c D: [38361]
    2. Domain for 1bfp:
    3. Domain for 1c4f:
    4. Domain for 1cv7:
    5. Domain for 1ema:
    6. Domain for 1emb:
    7. Domains for 1emc:
      1. 2940098Domain d1emca_: 1emc A: [38352]
      2. 2940099Domain d1emcb_: 1emc B: [38353]
      3. 2940100Domain d1emcc_: 1emc C: [38354]
      4. 2940101Domain d1emcd_: 1emc D: [38355]
    8. Domain for 1eme:
    9. Domain for 1emf:
    10. Domain for 1emg:
    11. Domain for 1emk:
    12. Domain for 1eml:
    13. Domain for 1emm:
    14. Domain for 1f09:
    15. Domain for 1f0b:
    16. Domains for 1gfl:
      1. 2939988Domain d1gfla_: 1gfl A: [38341]
      2. 2939989Domain d1gflb_: 1gfl B: [38342]
    17. Domains for 1h6r:
      1. 2939939Domain d1h6ra1: 1h6r A:2-231 [65683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6ra2, d1h6rb2, d1h6rc2
        a redox sensitive variant
        complexed with cl
      2. 2939940Domain d1h6rb1: 1h6r B:2-231 [65684]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6ra2, d1h6rb2, d1h6rc2
        a redox sensitive variant
        complexed with cl
      3. 2939941Domain d1h6rc1: 1h6r C:2-231 [65685]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6ra2, d1h6rb2, d1h6rc2
        a redox sensitive variant
        complexed with cl
    18. Domains for 1hcj:
      1. 2940049Domain d1hcja_: 1hcj A: [65792]
        Photoproduct of the wild-type GFP
      2. 2940050Domain d1hcjb_: 1hcj B: [65793]
        Photoproduct of the wild-type GFP
      3. 2940051Domain d1hcjc_: 1hcj C: [65794]
        Photoproduct of the wild-type GFP
      4. 2940052Domain d1hcjd_: 1hcj D: [65795]
        Photoproduct of the wild-type GFP
    19. Domain for 1huy:
    20. Domain for 1jby:
    21. Domain for 1jbz:
      • 2939854Domain d1jbza_: 1jbz A: [77103]
        a dual-wavelength emission variant
        complexed with edo, mg
    22. Domains for 1jc0:
      1. 2940081Domain d1jc0a_: 1jc0 A: [90885]
      2. 2940082Domain d1jc0b_: 1jc0 B: [90886]
      3. 2940083Domain d1jc0c_: 1jc0 C: [90887]
    23. Domains for 1jc1:
      1. 2940060Domain d1jc1a_: 1jc1 A: [90888]
      2. 2940061Domain d1jc1b_: 1jc1 B: [90889]
      3. 2940062Domain d1jc1c_: 1jc1 C: [90890]
    24. Domains for 1kp5:
      1. 2940131Domain d1kp5a1: 1kp5 A:11-245 [72842]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kp5a2, d1kp5b2
        cyclic variant with linked natural termini
        complexed with so4
      2. 2940132Domain d1kp5b1: 1kp5 B:311-545 [72843]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kp5a2, d1kp5b2
        cyclic variant with linked natural termini
        complexed with so4
    25. Domain for 1kyp:
    26. Domain for 1kyr:
      • 2939830Domain d1kyra_: 1kyr A: [73287]
        Zn biosensor, Cu-bound form
        complexed with cu, mg
    27. Domain for 1kys:
    28. Domain for 1myw:
    29. Domain for 1oxd:
    30. Domain for 1oxe:
    31. Domain for 1oxf:
    32. Domain for 1q4a:
    33. Domain for 1q4b:
    34. Domain for 1q4c:
    35. Domain for 1q4d:
    36. Domain for 1q4e:
    37. Domain for 1q73:
    38. Domain for 1qxt:
    39. Domain for 1qy3:
    40. Domain for 1qyf:
    41. Domain for 1qyo:
    42. Domain for 1qyq:
    43. Domain for 1rm9:
    44. Domain for 1rmm:
    45. Domain for 1rmo:
    46. Domain for 1rmp:
    47. Domain for 1rrx:
    48. Domain for 1s6z:
    49. Domains for 1yfp:
      1. 2940088Domain d1yfpa_: 1yfp A: [38362]
        yellow-emission variant
      2. 2940089Domain d1yfpb_: 1yfp B: [38363]
        yellow-emission variant
    50. Domains for 2ah8:
      1. 2940123Domain d2ah8a_: 2ah8 A: [162802]
        automated match to d1jc1a_
        complexed with imd
      2. 2940124Domain d2ah8b_: 2ah8 B: [162803]
        automated match to d1jc1a_
        complexed with imd
    51. Domains for 2aha:
      1. 2940090Domain d2ahaa_: 2aha A: [162807]
        automated match to d1jc1a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2940091Domain d2ahab_: 2aha B: [162808]
        automated match to d1jc1a_
        complexed with so4
    52. Domain for 2awj:
    53. Domain for 2awk:
    54. Domain for 2awl:
    55. Domain for 2awm:
    56. Domain for 2emd:
    57. Domain for 2emn:
    58. Domain for 2emo:
    59. Domain for 2fwq:
    60. Domain for 2fzu:
    61. Domain for 2g6e:
    62. Domain for 2h6v:
    63. Domain for 2h9w:
    64. Domain for 2hcg:
    65. Domain for 2hfc:
    66. Domain for 2hgd:
    67. Domain for 2hgy:
    68. Domain for 2hjo:
    69. Domain for 2hrs:
    70. Domain for 2o24:
    71. Domain for 2o29:
    72. Domain for 2o2b:
    73. Domains for 2okw:
      1. 2939971Domain d2okwa_: 2okw A: [166745]
        automated match to d1qyoa_
      2. 2939972Domain d2okwb_: 2okw B: [166746]
        automated match to d1qyoa_
      3. 2939973Domain d2okwc_: 2okw C: [166747]
        automated match to d1qyoa_
      4. 2939974Domain d2okwd_: 2okw D: [166748]
        automated match to d1qyoa_
      5. 2939975Domain d2okwe_: 2okw E: [166749]
        automated match to d1qyoa_
      6. 2939976Domain d2okwf_: 2okw F: [166750]
        automated match to d1qyoa_
    74. Domains for 2oky:
      1. 2940150Domain d2okya_: 2oky A: [166751]
        automated match to d1qyoa_
      2. 2940151Domain d2okyb_: 2oky B: [166752]
        automated match to d1qyoa_
    75. Domain for 2q6p:
    76. Domains for 2qle:
      1. 2939984Domain d2qlea1: 2qle A:4-231 [198307]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2qlea2
        automated match to d2qled_
        complexed with imd; mutant
      2. 2939985Domain d2qleb_: 2qle B: [198308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2qlea2
        automated match to d2qled_
        complexed with imd; mutant
      3. 2939986Domain d2qlec_: 2qle C: [198309]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2qlea2
        automated match to d2qled_
        complexed with imd; mutant
      4. 2939987Domain d2qled_: 2qle D: [167706]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2qlea2
        automated match to d1qyoa_
        complexed with imd; mutant
    77. Domain for 2qrf:
    78. Domain for 2qt2:
    79. Domain for 2qu1:
    80. Domain for 2qz0:
    81. Domain for 2yfp:
    82. Domain for 3cb9:
    83. Domain for 3cbe:
    84. Domain for 3cd1:
    85. Domain for 3cd9:
    86. Domain for 3dpw:
    87. Domain for 3dpx:
    88. Domain for 3dpz:
    89. Domain for 3dq1:
    90. Domain for 3dq2:
    91. Domain for 3dq3:
    92. Domain for 3dq4:
    93. Domain for 3dq5:
    94. Domain for 3dq6:
    95. Domain for 3dq7:
    96. Domain for 3dq8:
    97. Domain for 3dq9:
    98. Domain for 3dqa:
    99. Domain for 3dqc:
    100. Domain for 3dqd:
    101. Domain for 3dqe:
    102. Domain for 3dqf:
    103. Domain for 3dqh:
    104. Domain for 3dqi:
    105. Domain for 3dqj:
    106. Domain for 3dqk:
    107. Domain for 3dql:
    108. Domain for 3dqm:
    109. Domain for 3dqn:
    110. Domain for 3dqo:
    111. Domain for 3dqu:
    112. Domain for 3g9a:
    113. Domain for 3gex:
    114. Domains for 3gj1:
      1. 2940045Domain d3gj1a_: 3gj1 A: [176677]
        automated match to d1q4aa_
        complexed with cl, so4
      2. 2940046Domain d3gj1b_: 3gj1 B: [176678]
        automated match to d1q4aa_
        complexed with cl, so4
      3. 2940047Domain d3gj1c_: 3gj1 C: [176679]
        automated match to d1q4aa_
        complexed with cl, so4
      4. 2940048Domain d3gj1d_: 3gj1 D: [176680]
        automated match to d1q4aa_
        complexed with cl, so4
    115. Domains for 3gj2:
      1. 2940073Domain d3gj2a_: 3gj2 A: [176681]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gj2b2
        automated match to d1q4aa_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2940074Domain d3gj2b1: 3gj2 B:1-230 [176682]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gj2b2
        automated match to d1q4aa_
        complexed with cl
      3. 2940075Domain d3gj2c_: 3gj2 C: [176683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gj2b2
        automated match to d1q4aa_
        complexed with cl
      4. 2940076Domain d3gj2d_: 3gj2 D: [176684]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gj2b2
        automated match to d1q4aa_
        complexed with cl
    116. Domain for 3i19:
    117. Domains for 3k1k:
      1. 2940109Domain d3k1ka_: 3k1k A: [178951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k1kc1, d3k1kc2, d3k1kd1, d3k1kd2
        automated match to d1qyoa_
      2. 2940110Domain d3k1kb_: 3k1k B: [178952]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k1kc1, d3k1kc2, d3k1kd1, d3k1kd2
        automated match to d1qyoa_
    118. Domain for 3la1:
    119. Domains for 3miq:
      1. 2940113Domain d3miqa_: 3miq A: [305949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miqe_, d3miqf_, d3miqg_, d3miqh1, d3miqh2
        automated match to d3st2a_
        complexed with ipa
      2. 2940114Domain d3miqb_: 3miq B: [305950]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miqe_, d3miqf_, d3miqg_, d3miqh1, d3miqh2
        automated match to d3st2a_
        complexed with ipa
      3. 2940115Domain d3miqc_: 3miq C: [305951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miqe_, d3miqf_, d3miqg_, d3miqh1, d3miqh2
        automated match to d3st2a_
        complexed with ipa
      4. 2940116Domain d3miqd_: 3miq D: [305952]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miqe_, d3miqf_, d3miqg_, d3miqh1, d3miqh2
        automated match to d3st2a_
        complexed with ipa
    120. Domains for 3ogo:
      1. 2940105Domain d3ogoa_: 3ogo A: [183011]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ogoe_, d3ogof_, d3ogog_, d3ogoh1, d3ogoh2
        automated match to d1qyoa_
        complexed with ipa
      2. 2940106Domain d3ogob_: 3ogo B: [183012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ogoe_, d3ogof_, d3ogog_, d3ogoh1, d3ogoh2
        automated match to d1qyoa_
        complexed with ipa
      3. 2940107Domain d3ogoc_: 3ogo C: [183013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ogoe_, d3ogof_, d3ogog_, d3ogoh1, d3ogoh2
        automated match to d1qyoa_
        complexed with ipa
      4. 2940108Domain d3ogod_: 3ogo D: [183014]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ogoe_, d3ogof_, d3ogog_, d3ogoh1, d3ogoh2
        automated match to d1qyoa_
        complexed with ipa
    121. Domain for 3sry:
    122. Domain for 3ss0:
    123. Domain for 3ssh:
    124. Domain for 3ssk:
    125. Domain for 3ssl:
    126. Domain for 3ssp:
    127. Domain for 3sst:
    128. Domain for 3ssv:
    129. Domain for 3ssy:
    130. Domain for 3st0:
    131. Domain for 3sv5:
    132. Domain for 3svb:
    133. Domain for 3svc:
    134. Domain for 3svd:
    135. Domain for 3sve:
    136. Domain for 3ufz:
    137. Domain for 3ug0:
    138. Domain for 3v3d:
    139. Domain for 3vht:
    140. Domain for 3w1c:
    141. Domain for 3w1d:
    142. Domains for 4en1:
      1. 2939871Domain d4en1a1: 4en1 A:2-238 [201876]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4en1a2
        automated match to d4en1b_
        complexed with act, gol, peg, so4
      2. 2939872Domain d4en1b_: 4en1 B: [196885]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4en1a2
        automated match to d3st3a_
        complexed with act, gol, peg, so4
    143. Domain for 4eul:
    144. Domain for 4ges:
    145. Domain for 4gf6:
    146. Domain for 4h47:
    147. Domain for 4h48:
    148. Domains for 4j88:
      1. 2939957Domain d4j88a_: 4j88 A: [223619]
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with edo, so4, trs
      2. 2939958Domain d4j88b_: 4j88 B: [223620]
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with edo, so4, trs
    149. Domains for 4j89:
      1. 2940007Domain d4j89a1: 4j89 A:2-231 [223621]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4j89a2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with edo, so4, trs
      2. 2940008Domain d4j89b_: 4j89 B: [223622]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4j89a2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with edo, so4, trs
    150. Domain for 4j8a:
    151. Domains for 4jfg:
      1. 2940166Domain d4jfga1: 4jfg A:4-231 [252921]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfga2, d4jfge2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cs, hqy
      2. 2940167Domain d4jfgb_: 4jfg B: [252922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfga2, d4jfge2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cs, hqy
      3. 2940168Domain d4jfgc_: 4jfg C: [252923]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfga2, d4jfge2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cs, hqy
      4. 2940169Domain d4jfgd_: 4jfg D: [252924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfga2, d4jfge2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cs, hqy
      5. 2940170Domain d4jfge1: 4jfg E:4-231 [252925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfga2, d4jfge2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cs, hqy
      6. 2940171Domain d4jfgf_: 4jfg F: [252926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfga2, d4jfge2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cs, hqy
      7. 2940172Domain d4jfgg_: 4jfg G: [252927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfga2, d4jfge2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cs, hqy
      8. 2940173Domain d4jfgh_: 4jfg H: [252928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfga2, d4jfge2
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cs, hqy
    152. Domain for 4ka9:
    153. Domain for 4kag:
    154. Domain for 4kex:
    155. Domain for 4kw4:
    156. Domain for 4kw8:
    157. Domain for 4kw9:
    158. Domain for 4l12:
    159. Domain for 4l13:
    160. Domain for 4l1i:
    161. Domain for 4lqt:
    162. Domains for 4lqu:
      1. 2939964Domain d4lqua1: 4lqu A:2-228 [229863]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lqua2, d4lqub2, d4lquc2, d4lqud2
        automated match to d3st2a_
      2. 2939965Domain d4lqub1: 4lqu B:2-231 [229862]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lqua2, d4lqub2, d4lquc2, d4lqud2
        automated match to d3st2a_
      3. 2939966Domain d4lquc1: 4lqu C:2-230 [229861]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lqua2, d4lqub2, d4lquc2, d4lqud2
        automated match to d3st2a_
      4. 2939967Domain d4lqud1: 4lqu D:2-230 [229864]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lqua2, d4lqub2, d4lquc2, d4lqud2
        automated match to d3st2a_
    163. Domains for 4lw5:
      1. 2940133Domain d4lw5a_: 4lw5 A: [236607]
        automated match to d2h9wa_
      2. 2940134Domain d4lw5b_: 4lw5 B: [238430]
        automated match to d4lw5a_
      3. 2940135Domain d4lw5c_: 4lw5 C: [236608]
        automated match to d2h9wa_
      4. 2940136Domain d4lw5d_: 4lw5 D: [238431]
        automated match to d4lw5a_
      5. 2940137Domain d4lw5e_: 4lw5 E: [238429]
        automated match to d4lw5a_
    164. Domains for 4n3d:
      1. 2939840Domain d4n3da_: 4n3d A: [259230]
        automated match to d2h9wa_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
      2. 2939841Domain d4n3db_: 4n3d B: [259231]
        automated match to d2h9wa_
        complexed with gol, k, po4
    165. Domain for 4ndj:
    166. Domains for 4ogs:
      1. 2940085Domain d4ogsa_: 4ogs A: [257258]
        automated match to d3st2a_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2940086Domain d4ogsb_: 4ogs B: [263286]
        automated match to d3st2a_
        complexed with cl
    167. Domains for 4orn:
      1. 2940016Domain d4orna_: 4orn A: [271183]
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cl, mes, so4
      2. 2940017Domain d4ornb_: 4orn B: [271182]
        automated match to d3ztfa_
        complexed with cl, mes, so4
    168. Domain for 4p1q:
    169. Domain for 4xov:
    170. Domain for 4xow:
    171. Domains for 5b61:
      1. 2940186Domain d5b61a_: 5b61 A: [335325]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      2. 2940187Domain d5b61b_: 5b61 B: [335324]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      3. 2940188Domain d5b61c_: 5b61 C: [335331]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      4. 2940189Domain d5b61d_: 5b61 D: [335336]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      5. 2940190Domain d5b61e_: 5b61 E: [335541]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      6. 2940191Domain d5b61f_: 5b61 F: [335444]
        automated match to d3st2a_
    172. Domains for 5bt0:
      1. 2940092Domain d5bt0a1: 5bt0 A:3-234 [319475]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bt0a2, d5bt0b2
        automated match to d2hcga_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2940093Domain d5bt0b1: 5bt0 B:3-234 [319493]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bt0a2, d5bt0b2
        automated match to d2hcga_
        complexed with so4
    173. Domains for 5btt:
      1. 2940103Domain d5btta1: 5btt A:3-231 [319589]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5btta2, d5bttb2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2940104Domain d5bttb1: 5btt B:3-231 [319467]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5btta2, d5bttb2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with gol, so4
    174. Domain for 5dpg:
    175. Domains for 5dph:
      1. 2939911Domain d5dpha_: 5dph A: [280334]
        automated match to d3st2a_
        complexed with co2, mg; mutant
      2. 2939912Domain d5dphb_: 5dph B: [280333]
        automated match to d3st2a_
        complexed with co2, mg; mutant
    176. Domains for 5dpi:
      1. 2940160Domain d5dpia_: 5dpi A: [280326]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      2. 2940161Domain d5dpib_: 5dpi B: [280324]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      3. 2940162Domain d5dpic_: 5dpi C: [280329]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      4. 2940163Domain d5dpid_: 5dpi D: [280330]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      5. 2940164Domain d5dpie_: 5dpi E: [280331]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      6. 2940165Domain d5dpif_: 5dpi F: [280332]
        automated match to d3st2a_
    177. Domains for 5dpj:
      1. 2940156Domain d5dpja_: 5dpj A: [313455]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      2. 2940157Domain d5dpjb_: 5dpj B: [313471]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      3. 2940158Domain d5dpjc_: 5dpj C: [313886]
        automated match to d3st2a_
      4. 2940159Domain d5dpjd_: 5dpj D: [313548]
        automated match to d3st2a_
    178. Domain for 5dtx:
    179. Domain for 5dty:
    180. Domains for 5dtz:
      1. 2939933Domain d5dtza1: 5dtz A:3-233 [313575]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtza2, d5dtzb2, d5dtzc2, d5dtzd2
        automated match to d3st3a_
        complexed with peg
      2. 2939934Domain d5dtzb1: 5dtz B:3-232 [313669]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtza2, d5dtzb2, d5dtzc2, d5dtzd2
        automated match to d3st3a_
        complexed with peg
      3. 2939935Domain d5dtzc1: 5dtz C:3-232 [313694]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtza2, d5dtzb2, d5dtzc2, d5dtzd2
        automated match to d3st3a_
        complexed with peg
      4. 2939936Domain d5dtzd1: 5dtz D:3-232 [313581]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtza2, d5dtzb2, d5dtzc2, d5dtzd2
        automated match to d3st3a_
        complexed with peg
    181. Domains for 5du0:
      1. 2940126Domain d5du0a_: 5du0 A: [313491]
        automated match to d3st3a_
      2. 2940127Domain d5du0b_: 5du0 B: [313520]
        automated match to d3st3a_
      3. 2940128Domain d5du0c_: 5du0 C: [313522]
        automated match to d3st3a_
      4. 2940129Domain d5du0d_: 5du0 D: [313523]
        automated match to d3st3a_
    182. Domains for 5dy6:
      1. 2940175Domain d5dy6a_: 5dy6 A: [319470]
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2940176Domain d5dy6b_: 5dy6 B: [319527]
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with so4
    183. Domains for 5ehu:
      1. 2939908Domain d5ehua_: 5ehu A: [280018]
        automated match to d2b3pa_
      2. 2939909Domain d5ehub_: 5ehu B: [280017]
        automated match to d2b3pa_
    184. Domain for 5hbd:
    185. Domain for 5hge:
    186. Domain for 5hw9:
    187. Domains for 5hzo:
      1. 2940154Domain d5hzoa_: 5hzo A: [315359]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with mlt, umq; mutant
      2. 2940155Domain d5hzob_: 5hzo B: [315332]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with mlt, umq; mutant
    188. Domain for 5j2o:
    189. Domains for 5jzk:
      1. 2940069Domain d5jzka1: 5jzk A:3-238 [342323]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jzka2, d5jzkb2
        automated match to d2fzua_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, no3
      2. 2940070Domain d5jzkb1: 5jzk B:3-237 [342305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jzka2, d5jzkb2
        automated match to d2fzua_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, no3
    190. Domains for 5jzl:
      1. 2940041Domain d5jzla1: 5jzl A:3-234 [342373]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jzla2, d5jzlb2
        automated match to d2fzua_
        complexed with cl, na
      2. 2940042Domain d5jzlb1: 5jzl B:3-233 [342280]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jzla2, d5jzlb2
        automated match to d2fzua_
        complexed with cl, na
    191. Domains for 5mse:
      1. 2939995Domain d5msea_: 5mse A: [351796]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with imd, na
      2. 2939996Domain d5mseb_: 5mse B: [351802]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with imd, na
      3. 2939997Domain d5msec_: 5mse C: [351811]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with imd, na
      4. 2939998Domain d5msed_: 5mse D: [351797]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with imd, na
    192. Domain for 5n9o:
    193. Domains for 5nhn:
      1. 2940079Domain d5nhna1: 5nhn A:3-229 [358160]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5nhna2, d5nhnb2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with db5, edo, gol
      2. 2940080Domain d5nhnb1: 5nhn B:3-231 [358110]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5nhna2, d5nhnb2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with db5, edo, gol
    194. Domains for 5ni3:
      1. 2939821Domain d5ni3a_: 5ni3 A: [357549]
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with cl, db5, gol, na; mutant
      2. 2939822Domain d5ni3b_: 5ni3 B: [357558]
        automated match to d2fzua_
        complexed with cl, db5, gol, na; mutant
      3. 2939823Domain d5ni3c_: 5ni3 C: [357583]
        automated match to d2fzua_
        complexed with cl, db5, gol, na; mutant
      4. 2939824Domain d5ni3d_: 5ni3 D: [357536]
        automated match to d2fzua_
        complexed with cl, db5, gol, na; mutant
    195. Domain for 5o89:
    196. Domain for 5o8a:
    197. Domain for 5o8b:
    198. Domain for 5o8c:
    199. Domain for 5ox8:
    200. Domain for 5ox9:
    201. Domain for 5oxa:
    202. Domain for 5oxb:
    203. Domain for 5oxc:
    204. Domain for 5t3i:
    205. Domains for 5wj2:
      1. 2940139Domain d5wj2a1: 5wj2 A:2-229 [348252]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wj2a2, d5wj2b2
        automated match to d3srya_
      2. 2940140Domain d5wj2b1: 5wj2 B:2-229 [348162]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wj2a2, d5wj2b2
        automated match to d3srya_
    206. Domains for 5wj3:
      1. 2939889Domain d5wj3a1: 5wj3 A:3-229 [348219]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wj3a2, d5wj3b2
        automated match to d3srya_
      2. 2939890Domain d5wj3b1: 5wj3 B:3-229 [348234]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wj3a2, d5wj3b2
        automated match to d3srya_
    207. Domains for 5wj4:
      1. 2939990Domain d5wj4a_: 5wj4 A: [348138]
        automated match to d3srya_
      2. 2939991Domain d5wj4b_: 5wj4 B: [348334]
        automated match to d3srya_
    208. Domain for 5z6y:
    209. Domains for 6aa2:
      1. 2940120Domain d6aa2a_: 6aa2 A: [369248]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6aa2b2, d6aa2c2
        automated match to d3srya_
      2. 2940121Domain d6aa2b1: 6aa2 B:5-238 [369247]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6aa2b2, d6aa2c2
        automated match to d3srya_
      3. 2940122Domain d6aa2c1: 6aa2 C:5-238 [369272]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6aa2b2, d6aa2c2
        automated match to d3srya_
    210. Domains for 6aa6:
      1. 2940141Domain d6aa6a1: 6aa6 A:4-238 [369308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6aa6a2
        automated match to d3srya_
      2. 2940142Domain d6aa6b_: 6aa6 B: [369249]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6aa6a2
        automated match to d3srya_
    211. Domain for 6as9:
    212. Domain for 6b9c:
    213. Domain for 6fll:
    214. Domain for 6go8:
    215. Domain for 6go9:
    216. Domain for 6gqg:
    217. Domain for 6gqh:
    218. Domain for 6grm:
    219. Domains for 6h01:
      1. 2940177Domain d6h01a1: 6h01 A:3-235 [368126]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6h01a2, d6h01b2, d6h01c2, d6h01d2
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with fhe
      2. 2940178Domain d6h01b1: 6h01 B:3-234 [368091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6h01a2, d6h01b2, d6h01c2, d6h01d2
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with fhe
      3. 2940179Domain d6h01c1: 6h01 C:3-234 [368082]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6h01a2, d6h01b2, d6h01c2, d6h01d2
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with fhe
      4. 2940180Domain d6h01d1: 6h01 D:3-234 [368093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6h01a2, d6h01b2, d6h01c2, d6h01d2
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with fhe
    220. Domain for 6hut:
    221. Domain for 6ir6:
    222. Domain for 6ir7:
    223. Domain for 6jgh:
    224. Domain for 6jgi:
    225. Domain for 6jgj:
    226. Domain for 6kkz:
    227. Domain for 6kl0:
    228. Domain for 6kl1:
    229. Domain for 6krg:
    230. Domain for 6l27:
    231. Domains for 6mwq:
      1. 2940181Domain d6mwqg_: 6mwq G: [360483]
        automated match to d3ogoc_
      2. 2940182Domain d6mwqh_: 6mwq H: [360491]
        automated match to d3ogoc_
      3. 2940183Domain d6mwqi_: 6mwq I: [360466]
        automated match to d3ogoc_
      4. 2940184Domain d6mwqj_: 6mwq J: [360526]
        automated match to d3ogoc_
    232. Domain for 6oa8:
    233. Domain for 6qq8:
    234. Domain for 6qq9:
    235. Domain for 6qqa:
    236. Domain for 6qqb:
    237. Domains for 6quh:
      1. 2939879Domain d6quha1: 6quh A:4-230 [386271]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6quha2, d6quhc2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with ca, cro, cu, mpd
      2. 2939880Domain d6quhc1: 6quh C:4-230 [386239]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6quha2, d6quhc2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with ca, cro, cu, mpd
    238. Domains for 6qui:
      1. 2940004Domain d6quia1: 6qui A:2-230 [386307]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6quia2, d6quid2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with cro, cu, gol, so4
      2. 2940005Domain d6quid1: 6qui D:2-230 [386309]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6quia2, d6quid2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with cro, cu, gol, so4
    239. Domains for 6quj:
      1. 2939917Domain d6quja1: 6quj A:2-230 [386253]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6quja2, d6qujd2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with cro, cu, gol, so4
      2. 2939918Domain d6qujd1: 6quj D:2-230 [386331]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6quja2, d6qujd2
        automated match to d2b3pa_
        complexed with cro, cu, gol, so4
    240. Domain for 6sm0:
    241. Domain for 6t39:
    242. Domain for 6t3a:
    243. Domain for 6un4:
    244. Domain for 7a7k:
    245. Domain for 7a7l:
    246. Domain for 7a7m:
    247. Domain for 7a7n:
    248. Domain for 7a7o:
    249. Domain for 7a7p:
    250. Domain for 7a7q:
    251. Domain for 7a7r:
    252. Domain for 7a7s:
    253. Domain for 7a7t:
    254. Domain for 7a7u:
    255. Domain for 7a7v:
    256. Domain for 7a7x:
    257. Domain for 7a7z:
    258. Domains for 7a80:
      1. 2940034Domain d7a80a_: 7a80 A: [398181]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with no3
      2. 2940035Domain d7a80b_: 7a80 B: [398118]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with no3
      3. 2940036Domain d7a80c_: 7a80 C: [398139]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with no3
      4. 2940037Domain d7a80d_: 7a80 D: [398182]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with no3
    259. Domain for 7a81:
    260. Domain for 7a82:
    261. Domain for 7a83:
    262. Domain for 7a84:
    263. Domain for 7a85:
    264. Domains for 7a86:
      1. 2940000Domain d7a86a_: 7a86 A: [398145]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with pge
      2. 2940001Domain d7a86b_: 7a86 B: [398160]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with pge
    265. Domain for 7a87:
    266. Domain for 7a88:
    267. Domains for 7a89:
      1. 2940117Domain d7a89a_: 7a89 A: [398202]
        automated match to d3srya_
      2. 2940118Domain d7a89b_: 7a89 B: [398141]
        automated match to d3srya_
    268. Domain for 7a8a:
    269. Domain for 7a8b:
    270. Domain for 7a8c:
    271. Domain for 7a8d:
    272. Domain for 7a8e:
    273. Domain for 7a8f:
    274. Domains for 7a8g:
      1. 2940020Domain d7a8ga_: 7a8g A: [398133]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with pge
      2. 2940021Domain d7a8gb_: 7a8g B: [398129]
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with pge
    275. Domains for 7a8h:
      1. 2939923Domain d7a8ha1: 7a8h A:3-228 [398114]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a8ha2, d7a8hb2, d7a8hc2, d7a8hd2
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with edo
      2. 2939924Domain d7a8hb1: 7a8h B:3-230 [398300]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a8ha2, d7a8hb2, d7a8hc2, d7a8hd2
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with edo
      3. 2939925Domain d7a8hc1: 7a8h C:3-232 [398171]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a8ha2, d7a8hb2, d7a8hc2, d7a8hd2
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with edo
      4. 2939926Domain d7a8hd1: 7a8h D:3-231 [398124]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a8ha2, d7a8hb2, d7a8hc2, d7a8hd2
        automated match to d3srya_
        complexed with edo
    276. Domains for 7a8i:
      1. 2940025Domain d7a8ia_: 7a8i A: [398095]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a8ib2, d7a8ic2, d7a8id2
        automated match to d3srya_
      2. 2940026Domain d7a8ib1: 7a8i B:3-231 [398126]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a8ib2, d7a8ic2, d7a8id2
        automated match to d3srya_
      3. 2940027Domain d7a8ic1: 7a8i C:3-229 [398132]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a8ib2, d7a8ic2, d7a8id2
        automated match to d3srya_
      4. 2940028Domain d7a8id1: 7a8i D:3-228 [398153]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7a8ib2, d7a8ic2, d7a8id2
        automated match to d3srya_
    277. Domain for 7a8j:
    278. Domain for 7a8k:
    279. Domain for 7a8l:
    280. Domain for 7a8m:
    281. Domain for 7a8n:
    282. Domain for 7a8o:
    283. Domains for 7amf:
      1. 3087032Domain d7amfb1: 7amf B:3-232 [423349]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7amfa2, d7amfb2, d7amfc2, d7amfd2
        automated match to d5n9oa_
        complexed with gol, pia
      2. 3087060Domain d7amfa1: 7amf A:3-233 [423377]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7amfa2, d7amfb2, d7amfc2, d7amfd2
        automated match to d5n9oa_
        complexed with gol, pia
      3. 3087073Domain d7amfc1: 7amf C:3-232 [423390]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7amfa2, d7amfb2, d7amfc2, d7amfd2
        automated match to d5n9oa_
        complexed with gol, pia
      4. 3087125Domain d7amfd1: 7amf D:3-232 [423442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7amfa2, d7amfb2, d7amfc2, d7amfd2
        automated match to d5n9oa_
        complexed with gol, pia
    284. Domain for 7o7w:
    285. Domains for 7pd0:
      1. 3086760Domain d7pd0a_: 7pd0 A: [423077]
        automated match to d6huta_
        complexed with cro, gol, peg, pge
      2. 3086794Domain d7pd0d_: 7pd0 D: [423111]
        automated match to d6huta_
        complexed with cro, gol, peg, pge
      3. 3086802Domain d7pd0b_: 7pd0 B: [423119]
        automated match to d6huta_
        complexed with cro, gol, peg, pge
      4. 3086829Domain d7pd0c_: 7pd0 C: [423146]
        automated match to d6huta_
        complexed with cro, gol, peg, pge
  5. 2940192Nicotiana benthamiana [TaxId:4100] [383320] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2940194Renilla reniformis [TaxId:6136] [160126] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q963I9 7-226
    1. Domains for 2psl:
      1. 2940199Domain d2psla_: 2psl A: [304374]
        automated match to d2vzxc_
      2. 2940200Domain d2pslb_: 2psl B: [304375]
        automated match to d2vzxc_
      3. 2940201Domain d2pslc_: 2psl C: [304376]
        automated match to d2vzxc_
      4. 2940202Domain d2psld_: 2psl D: [304377]
        automated match to d2vzxc_
    2. Domains for 2rh7:
      1. 2940195Domain d2rh7a1: 2rh7 A:7-226 [152030]
      2. 2940196Domain d2rh7b_: 2rh7 B: [152031]
        automated match to d1mova_
      3. 2940197Domain d2rh7c_: 2rh7 C: [152032]
        automated match to d1mova_
      4. 2940198Domain d2rh7d_: 2rh7 D: [152033]
        automated match to d1mova_

More info for Protein Green fluorescent protein, GFP from d.22.1.1: Fluorescent proteins

Timeline for Protein Green fluorescent protein, GFP from d.22.1.1: Fluorescent proteins: