Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2931196Fold d.15: beta-Grasp (ubiquitin-like) [54235] (15 superfamilies)
    core: beta(2)-alpha-beta(2); mixed beta-sheet 2143
  4. 2931197Superfamily d.15.1: Ubiquitin-like [54236] (11 families) (S)
  5. 2933104Family d.15.1.0: automated matches [191343] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2933105Protein automated matches [190233] (31 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2933161Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [187090] (156 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1yx5:
  2. Domain(s) for 1yx6:
  3. Domain(s) for 2bf8:
  4. Domain(s) for 2dhz:
  5. Domain(s) for 2dzi:
  6. Domain(s) for 2faz:
  7. Domain(s) for 2he7:
  8. Domain(s) for 2hj8:
  9. Domain(s) for 2iy0:
  10. Domain(s) for 2iy1:
    1. 2933313Domain d2iy1b2: 2iy1 B:15-96 [137788]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2iy1a_, d2iy1b3, d2iy1c_, d2iy1d3
      automated match to d2ckhb1
    2. 2933314Domain d2iy1d2: 2iy1 D:15-96 [137789]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2iy1a_, d2iy1b3, d2iy1c_, d2iy1d3
      automated match to d2ckhb1
  11. Domain(s) for 2jxx:
  12. Domain(s) for 2kdb:
  13. Domain(s) for 2klc:
  14. Domain(s) for 2l05:
  15. Domain(s) for 2l7r:
  16. Domain(s) for 2ld9:
  17. Domain(s) for 2mbe:
  18. Domain(s) for 2n9p:
  19. Domain(s) for 2ncn:
  20. Domain(s) for 2uyz:
  21. Domain(s) for 2vrr:
  22. Domain(s) for 3dbs:
  23. Domain(s) for 3kuz:
    1. 2933291Domain d3kuza1: 3kuz A:1198-1305 [340875]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kuza2, d3kuzb2
      automated match to d3q3ja_
      complexed with unx
    2. 2933292Domain d3kuzb1: 3kuz B:1198-1305 [340873]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kuza2, d3kuzb2
      automated match to d3q3ja_
      complexed with unx
  24. Domain(s) for 3ny5:
    1. 2933265Domain d3ny5a1: 3ny5 A:153-233 [182620]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ny5a2, d3ny5b2, d3ny5c2, d3ny5d2
      automated match to d1rfaa_
    2. 2933266Domain d3ny5b1: 3ny5 B:153-235 [182621]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ny5a2, d3ny5b2, d3ny5c2, d3ny5d2
      automated match to d1rfaa_
    3. 2933267Domain d3ny5c1: 3ny5 C:153-235 [182622]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ny5a2, d3ny5b2, d3ny5c2, d3ny5d2
      automated match to d1rfaa_
    4. 2933268Domain d3ny5d1: 3ny5 D:153-232 [182623]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ny5a2, d3ny5b2, d3ny5c2, d3ny5d2
      automated match to d1rfaa_
  25. Domain(s) for 3phx:
  26. Domain(s) for 3pz7:
  27. Domain(s) for 3q3j:
  28. Domain(s) for 3qij:
    1. 2933243Domain d3qija1: 3qij A:211-290 [248902]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qija2, d3qija3, d3qija4, d3qijb2, d3qijb3, d3qijb4
      automated match to d1gg3a3
      complexed with unx
    2. 2933244Domain d3qijb1: 3qij B:211-290 [248905]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3qija2, d3qija3, d3qija4, d3qijb2, d3qijb3, d3qijb4
      automated match to d1gg3a3
      complexed with unx
  29. Domain(s) for 3r66:
    1. 2933289Domain d3r66c1: 3r66 C:4-78 [233409]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3r66a_, d3r66b_, d3r66c2, d3r66d2
      automated match to d1z2ma1
    2. 2933290Domain d3r66d1: 3r66 D:4-78 [233410]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3r66a_, d3r66b_, d3r66c2, d3r66d2
      automated match to d1z2ma1
  30. Domain(s) for 3rd2:
  31. Domain(s) for 3sdl:
    1. 2933286Domain d3sdlc1: 3sdl C:4-78 [239724]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdla_, d3sdlb_, d3sdlc2, d3sdld2
      automated match to d3r66c1
    2. 2933287Domain d3sdld1: 3sdl D:4-78 [239726]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdla_, d3sdlb_, d3sdlc2, d3sdld2
      automated match to d3r66c1
  32. Domain(s) for 3u8z:
    1. 2933326Domain d3u8za1: 3u8z A:20-103 [250151]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3u8za2, d3u8zb2, d3u8zc2, d3u8zc3, d3u8zd2
      automated match to d1gc7a3
    2. 2933327Domain d3u8zb1: 3u8z B:20-103 [250153]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3u8za2, d3u8zb2, d3u8zc2, d3u8zc3, d3u8zd2
      automated match to d1gc7a3
    3. 2933328Domain d3u8zc1: 3u8z C:20-103 [250155]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3u8za2, d3u8zb2, d3u8zc2, d3u8zc3, d3u8zd2
      automated match to d1gc7a3
    4. 2933329Domain d3u8zd1: 3u8z D:20-103 [250158]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3u8za2, d3u8zb2, d3u8zc2, d3u8zc3, d3u8zd2
      automated match to d1gc7a3
  33. Domain(s) for 3vvw:
  34. Domain(s) for 3wam:
  35. Domain(s) for 3zvv:
  36. Domain(s) for 3zw3:
  37. Domain(s) for 4anu:
  38. Domain(s) for 4anv:
  39. Domain(s) for 4anw:
  40. Domain(s) for 4anx:
  41. Domain(s) for 4e71:
  42. Domain(s) for 4e74:
  43. Domain(s) for 4gdk:
    1. 2933333Domain d4gdka_: 4gdk A: [221855]
      automated match to d4gdla_
      complexed with na
    2. 2933334Domain d4gdkd_: 4gdk D: [221856]
      automated match to d4gdla_
      complexed with na
  44. Domain(s) for 4gdl:
  45. Domain(s) for 4hle:
  46. Domain(s) for 4j6i:
  47. Domain(s) for 4naw:
    1. 2933273Domain d4nawa_: 4naw A: [228876]
      automated match to d4gdla_
      complexed with na, so4
    2. 2933274Domain d4nawe_: 4naw E: [228875]
      automated match to d4gdla_
      complexed with na, so4
    3. 2933275Domain d4nawi_: 4naw I: [228878]
      automated match to d4gdla_
      complexed with na, so4
    4. 2933276Domain d4nawm_: 4naw M: [228877]
      automated match to d4gdla_
      complexed with na, so4
  48. Domain(s) for 4npn:
  49. Domain(s) for 4ny0:
    1. 2933310Domain d4ny0a1: 4ny0 A:34-130 [254031]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ny0a2, d4ny0a3, d4ny0b2, d4ny0b3, d4ny0d2, d4ny0d3
      automated match to d2al6b3
    2. 2933311Domain d4ny0b1: 4ny0 B:34-130 [254034]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ny0a2, d4ny0a3, d4ny0b2, d4ny0b3, d4ny0d2, d4ny0d3
      automated match to d2al6b3
    3. 2933312Domain d4ny0d1: 4ny0 D:34-130 [254037]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ny0a2, d4ny0a3, d4ny0b2, d4ny0b3, d4ny0d2, d4ny0d3
      automated match to d2al6b3
  50. Domain(s) for 4rma:
    1. 2933241Domain d4rmaa1: 4rma A:2-87 [309470]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rmaa2, d4rmaa3, d4rmab2, d4rmab3
      automated match to d1gc7a3
      complexed with so4
    2. 2933242Domain d4rmab1: 4rma B:2-87 [309473]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4rmaa2, d4rmaa3, d4rmab2, d4rmab3
      automated match to d1gc7a3
      complexed with so4
  51. Domain(s) for 4urk:
  52. Domain(s) for 4wip:
    1. 2933337Domain d4wipa_: 4wip A: [272733]
      automated match to d1wspb_
      complexed with 1pe
    2. 2933338Domain d4wipb_: 4wip B: [272738]
      automated match to d1wspb_
      complexed with 1pe
    3. 2933339Domain d4wipc_: 4wip C: [272739]
      automated match to d1wspb_
      complexed with 1pe
  53. Domain(s) for 4xkl:
    1. 2933271Domain d4xkla1: 4xkl A:1-76 [279369]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4xkla2, d4xklc2
      automated match to d4nnjb_
      complexed with act, gol, zn
    2. 2933272Domain d4xklc1: 4xkl C:1-76 [279370]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4xkla2, d4xklc2
      automated match to d4nnjb_
      complexed with act, gol, zn
  54. Domain(s) for 4zri:
    1. 2933350Domain d4zria1: 4zri A:20-103 [274140]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zria2, d4zria3, d4zrib2, d4zrib3
      automated match to d1h4ra3
    2. 2933351Domain d4zrib1: 4zri B:21-103 [274137]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zria2, d4zria3, d4zrib2, d4zrib3
      automated match to d1h4ra3
  55. Domain(s) for 4zrj:
  56. Domain(s) for 5aek:
    1. 2933366Domain d5aekb_: 5aek B: [313426]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    2. 2933367Domain d5aekd_: 5aek D: [313577]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    3. 2933368Domain d5aekf_: 5aek F: [313059]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    4. 2933369Domain d5aekh_: 5aek H: [313094]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    5. 2933370Domain d5aekj_: 5aek J: [313407]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    6. 2933371Domain d5aekl_: 5aek L: [313420]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    7. 2933372Domain d5aekn_: 5aek N: [313435]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    8. 2933373Domain d5aekp_: 5aek P: [313122]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    9. 2933374Domain d5aekr_: 5aek R: [313082]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    10. 2933375Domain d5aekt_: 5aek T: [313410]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    11. 2933376Domain d5aekv_: 5aek V: [313427]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
    12. 2933377Domain d5aekx_: 5aek X: [313433]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5aeka_, d5aekc_, d5aeke_, d5aekg_, d5aeki_, d5aekk_, d5aekm_, d5aeko_, d5aekq_, d5aeks_, d5aeku_, d5aekw_
      automated match to d2vrrb_
  57. Domain(s) for 5b83:
    1. 2933342Domain d5b83a1: 5b83 A:1-76 [322145]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    2. 2933343Domain d5b83a2: 5b83 A:77-152 [322148]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    3. 2933344Domain d5b83a3: 5b83 A:153-228 [322149]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    4. 2933345Domain d5b83a4: 5b83 A:229-302 [322150]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    5. 2933346Domain d5b83d1: 5b83 D:1-76 [322155]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    6. 2933347Domain d5b83d2: 5b83 D:77-152 [322156]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    7. 2933348Domain d5b83d3: 5b83 D:153-228 [322157]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    8. 2933349Domain d5b83d4: 5b83 D:229-300 [322159]
      automated match to d2k39a_
  58. Domain(s) for 5dps:
    1. 2933258Domain d5dpsa_: 5dps A: [323287]
      automated match to d3wanb_
    2. 2933259Domain d5dpsb_: 5dps B: [323262]
      automated match to d3wanb_
    3. 2933260Domain d5dpsc_: 5dps C: [323308]
      automated match to d3wanb_
  59. Domain(s) for 5dpt:
    1. 2933359Domain d5dpta_: 5dpt A: [323484]
      automated match to d3wanb_
      complexed with mpd
    2. 2933360Domain d5dptb_: 5dpt B: [323236]
      automated match to d3wanb_
      complexed with mpd
  60. Domain(s) for 5g2n:
  61. Domain(s) for 5g55:
  62. Domain(s) for 5h07:
    1. 2933318Domain d5h07a1: 5h07 A:1-76 [330642]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    2. 2933319Domain d5h07a2: 5h07 A:101-176 [330643]
      automated match to d2k39a_
    3. 2933320Domain d5h07a3: 5h07 A:201-271 [330644]
      automated match to d2k39a_
  63. Domain(s) for 5hps:
  64. Domain(s) for 5hpt:
    1. 2933362Domain d5hptb_: 5hpt B: [314817]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5hpta_, d5hptc_, d5hptd_, d5hptf_, d5hptg_
      automated match to d3b1lx_
    2. 2933363Domain d5hpte_: 5hpt E: [314770]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5hpta_, d5hptc_, d5hptd_, d5hptf_, d5hptg_
      automated match to d3b1lx_
    3. 2933364Domain d5hpth_: 5hpt H: [314846]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5hpta_, d5hptc_, d5hptd_, d5hptf_, d5hptg_
      automated match to d3b1lx_
  65. Domain(s) for 5j17:
  66. Domain(s) for 5j18:
  67. Domain(s) for 5j2r:
  68. Domain(s) for 5jg6:
    1. 2933256Domain d5jg6b1: 5jg6 B:0-75 [318540]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5jg6b2
      automated match to d5hpte_
      complexed with zn
    2. 2933257Domain d5jg6c_: 5jg6 C: [318617]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5jg6b2
      automated match to d5hpte_
      complexed with zn
  69. Domain(s) for 5m93:
    1. 2933217Domain d5m93a_: 5m93 A: [327220]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5m93b2, d5m93c2
      automated match to d1mg8a_
      complexed with rib, so4
    2. 2933218Domain d5m93b1: 5m93 B:0-73 [327222]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5m93b2, d5m93c2
      automated match to d1mg8a_
      complexed with rib, so4
    3. 2933219Domain d5m93c1: 5m93 C:0-74 [327284]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5m93b2, d5m93c2
      automated match to d1mg8a_
      complexed with rib, so4
  70. Domain(s) for 5rym:
  71. Domain(s) for 5ryn:
  72. Domain(s) for 5ryo:
  73. Domain(s) for 5ryp:
  74. Domain(s) for 5ryq:
  75. Domain(s) for 5ryr:
  76. Domain(s) for 5rys:
  77. Domain(s) for 5ryt:
  78. Domain(s) for 5ryu:
  79. Domain(s) for 5ryv:
  80. Domain(s) for 5ryw:
  81. Domain(s) for 5ryx:
  82. Domain(s) for 5ryy:
  83. Domain(s) for 5ryz:
  84. Domain(s) for 5rz0:
  85. Domain(s) for 5rz1:
  86. Domain(s) for 5rz2:
  87. Domain(s) for 5rz3:
  88. Domain(s) for 5rz4:
  89. Domain(s) for 5rz5:
  90. Domain(s) for 5rz6:
  91. Domain(s) for 5rz7:
  92. Domain(s) for 5rz8:
  93. Domain(s) for 5rz9:
  94. Domain(s) for 5rza:
  95. Domain(s) for 5rzb:
  96. Domain(s) for 5rzc:
  97. Domain(s) for 5rzd:
  98. Domain(s) for 5rze:
  99. Domain(s) for 5rzf:
  100. Domain(s) for 5rzg:
  101. Domain(s) for 5rzh:
  102. Domain(s) for 5rzi:
  103. Domain(s) for 5rzj:
  104. Domain(s) for 5rzk:
  105. Domain(s) for 5rzl:
  106. Domain(s) for 5rzm:
  107. Domain(s) for 5rzn:
  108. Domain(s) for 5rzo:
  109. Domain(s) for 5rzp:
  110. Domain(s) for 5rzq:
  111. Domain(s) for 5rzr:
  112. Domain(s) for 5rzs:
  113. Domain(s) for 5rzt:
  114. Domain(s) for 5rzu:
  115. Domain(s) for 5rzv:
  116. Domain(s) for 5rzw:
  117. Domain(s) for 5rzx:
  118. Domain(s) for 5rzy:
  119. Domain(s) for 5rzz:
  120. Domain(s) for 5s00:
  121. Domain(s) for 5tl6:
    1. 2933335Domain d5tl6a_: 5tl6 A: [333830]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5tl6b2, d5tl6d2
      automated match to d3phxb_
      complexed with so4, zn
    2. 2933336Domain d5tl6c_: 5tl6 C: [333845]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5tl6b2, d5tl6d2
      automated match to d3phxb_
      complexed with so4, zn
  122. Domain(s) for 5v6a:
  123. Domain(s) for 5w8t:
    1. 2933357Domain d5w8tb_: 5w8t B: [339687]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5w8ta2, d5w8tc2
      automated match to d3phxb_
      complexed with aye, mpd, zn
    2. 2933358Domain d5w8td_: 5w8t D: [339690]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5w8ta2, d5w8tc2
      automated match to d3phxb_
      complexed with aye, mpd, zn
  124. Domain(s) for 5w8u:
    1. 2933308Domain d5w8ub1: 5w8u B:80-156 [339679]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5w8ua2, d5w8ub2, d5w8uc2, d5w8ud2
      automated match to d3phxb_
      complexed with aye, mpd, zn
    2. 2933309Domain d5w8ud1: 5w8u D:80-156 [339691]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5w8ua2, d5w8ub2, d5w8uc2, d5w8ud2
      automated match to d3phxb_
      complexed with aye, mpd, zn
  125. Domain(s) for 5x3p:
    1. 2933262Domain d5x3pa_: 5x3p A: [332208]
      automated match to d3r3mb_
    2. 2933263Domain d5x3pb_: 5x3p B: [332204]
      automated match to d3r3mb_
    3. 2933264Domain d5x3pc_: 5x3p C: [332230]
      automated match to d3r3mb_
  126. Domain(s) for 5x4l:
    1. 2933305Domain d5x4lc_: 5x4l C: [332226]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5x4la1, d5x4la2, d5x4la3, d5x4lb1, d5x4lb2
      automated match to d3r3mb_
    2. 2933306Domain d5x4ld_: 5x4l D: [332248]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5x4la1, d5x4la2, d5x4la3, d5x4lb1, d5x4lb2
      automated match to d3r3mb_
  127. Domain(s) for 6bi8:
    1. 2933299Domain d6bi8c1: 6bi8 C:4-78 [359768]
      automated match to d5chwa1
      complexed with aye, cit, edo, gol, pge, zn
    2. 2933300Domain d6bi8c2: 6bi8 C:79-156 [359769]
      automated match to d5chvc2
      complexed with aye, cit, edo, gol, pge, zn
    3. 2933301Domain d6bi8d1: 6bi8 D:4-78 [359746]
      automated match to d5chwa1
      complexed with aye, cit, edo, gol, pge, zn
    4. 2933302Domain d6bi8d2: 6bi8 D:79-156 [359764]
      automated match to d5chvc2
      complexed with aye, cit, edo, gol, pge, zn
  128. Domain(s) for 6bva:
    1. 2933340Domain d6bvaa1: 6bva A:0-76 [354912]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6bvaa2, d6bvac1, d6bvac2, d6bvad1, d6bvad2, d6bvad3
      automated match to d5v6ab_
    2. 2933341Domain d6bvab_: 6bva B: [354950]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6bvaa2, d6bvac1, d6bvac2, d6bvad1, d6bvad2, d6bvad3
      automated match to d5v6ab_
  129. Domain(s) for 6byh:
    1. 2933330Domain d6byhc1: 6byh C:0-73 [354842]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6byha1, d6byha2, d6byha3, d6byhb1, d6byhb2, d6byhb3, d6byhc2, d6byhd2, d6byhg1, d6byhg2, d6byhg3, d6byhh2
      automated match to d5v6ab_
    2. 2933331Domain d6byhd1: 6byh D:0-75 [354843]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6byha1, d6byha2, d6byha3, d6byhb1, d6byhb2, d6byhb3, d6byhc2, d6byhd2, d6byhg1, d6byhg2, d6byhg3, d6byhh2
      automated match to d5v6ab_
    3. 2933332Domain d6byhh1: 6byh H:0-74 [354957]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6byha1, d6byha2, d6byha3, d6byhb1, d6byhb2, d6byhb3, d6byhc2, d6byhd2, d6byhg1, d6byhg2, d6byhg3, d6byhh2
      automated match to d5v6ab_
  130. Domain(s) for 6cds:
    1. 2933324Domain d6cdsa1: 6cds A:15-103 [354846]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6cdsa2, d6cdsa3, d6cdsb2, d6cdsb3
      automated match to d1isna3
      complexed with gol, peg, pio, po4
    2. 2933325Domain d6cdsb1: 6cds B:15-103 [354847]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6cdsa2, d6cdsa3, d6cdsb2, d6cdsb3
      automated match to d1isna3
      complexed with gol, peg, pio, po4
  131. Domain(s) for 6d6i:
    1. 2933322Domain d6d6ic_: 6d6i C: [369630]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6d6ia_, d6d6ib_, d6d6id_, d6d6ie_
      automated match to d2l7ra_
    2. 2933323Domain d6d6if_: 6d6i F: [369723]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6d6ia_, d6d6ib_, d6d6id_, d6d6ie_
      automated match to d2l7ra_
  132. Domain(s) for 6ffa:
  133. Domain(s) for 6gf1:
    1. 2933253Domain d6gf1a1: 6gf1 A:7-81 [356857]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6gf1a2, d6gf1b2, d6gf1c2
      automated match to d2mbea_
      complexed with so4
    2. 2933254Domain d6gf1b1: 6gf1 B:7-81 [356771]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6gf1a2, d6gf1b2, d6gf1c2
      automated match to d2mbea_
      complexed with so4
    3. 2933255Domain d6gf1c1: 6gf1 C:7-81 [356782]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6gf1a2, d6gf1b2, d6gf1c2
      automated match to d2mbea_
      complexed with so4
  134. Domain(s) for 6hb9:
  135. Domain(s) for 6hog:
  136. Domain(s) for 6hoh:
    1. 2933277Domain d6hoha_: 6hoh A: [365324]
      automated match to d3vtva_
      complexed with pge
    2. 2933278Domain d6hohb_: 6hoh B: [365311]
      automated match to d3vtva_
      complexed with pge
    3. 2933279Domain d6hohc_: 6hoh C: [365347]
      automated match to d3vtva_
      complexed with pge
    4. 2933280Domain d6hohd_: 6hoh D: [365318]
      automated match to d3vtva_
      complexed with pge
  137. Domain(s) for 6hoj:
    1. 2933199Domain d6hoja_: 6hoj A: [365327]
      automated match to d3waoa_
      complexed with edo, so4
    2. 2933200Domain d6hojb_: 6hoj B: [365308]
      automated match to d3waoa_
      complexed with edo, so4
    3. 2933201Domain d6hojc_: 6hoj C: [365328]
      automated match to d3waoa_
      complexed with edo, so4
  138. Domain(s) for 6hok:
  139. Domain(s) for 6hyl:
    1. 2933220Domain d6hyla_: 6hyl A: [368554]
      automated match to d5dpsb_
    2. 2933221Domain d6hylb_: 6hyl B: [368552]
      automated match to d5dpsb_
  140. Domain(s) for 6hym:
    1. 2933245Domain d6hyma_: 6hym A: [368589]
      automated match to d5dpsb_
      complexed with edo, gol
    2. 2933246Domain d6hymb_: 6hym B: [368558]
      automated match to d5dpsb_
      complexed with edo, gol
  141. Domain(s) for 6hyn:
  142. Domain(s) for 6hyo:
  143. Domain(s) for 6ibe:
  144. Domain(s) for 6iw3:
  145. Domain(s) for 6jck:
  146. Domain(s) for 6qf8:
  147. Domain(s) for 6vjj:
  148. Domain(s) for 6xa9:
    1. 2933293Domain d6xa9b_: 6xa9 B: [388091]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xa9a2, d6xa9c2, d6xa9e2
      automated match to d5tl6c_
      complexed with gol, zn
    2. 2933294Domain d6xa9d_: 6xa9 D: [388030]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xa9a2, d6xa9c2, d6xa9e2
      automated match to d5tl6c_
      complexed with gol, zn
    3. 2933295Domain d6xa9f_: 6xa9 F: [388085]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xa9a2, d6xa9c2, d6xa9e2
      automated match to d5tl6c_
      complexed with gol, zn
  149. Domain(s) for 6xx0:
    1. 2933283Domain d6xx0c_: 6xx0 C: [401172]
      automated match to d5hptb_
    2. 2933284Domain d6xx0d_: 6xx0 D: [401154]
      automated match to d5hptb_
  150. Domain(s) for 6yoo:
  151. Domain(s) for 6yop:
  152. Domain(s) for 7aa8:
  153. Domain(s) for 7brq:
  154. Domain(s) for 7bru:
    1. 2933248Domain d7brua1: 7bru A:2-138 [412365]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7brua2, d7bruc2
      automated match to d7brub_
      complexed with po4
    2. 2933249Domain d7brub_: 7bru B: [388854]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7brua2, d7bruc2
      automated match to d5azha_
      complexed with po4
    3. 2933250Domain d7bruc1: 7bru C:2-138 [412367]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7brua2, d7bruc2
      automated match to d7brub_
      complexed with po4
  155. Domain(s) for 7eao:
    1. 2933296Domain d7eaoa1: 7eao A:1-76 [418069]
      automated match to d4k1rb_
    2. 2933297Domain d7eaoa2: 7eao A:101-176 [418070]
      automated match to d4k1rb_
    3. 2933298Domain d7eaoa3: 7eao A:201-272 [418071]
      automated match to d4k1rb_
  156. Domain(s) for 7rbs:
    1. 3085848Domain d7rbsf1: 7rbs F:2-78 [422165]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7rbsa2, d7rbsb2, d7rbsb3, d7rbsc2, d7rbsd2, d7rbsd3, d7rbse2, d7rbsf2, d7rbsf3, d7rbsg2, d7rbsh2, d7rbsh3, d7rbsi2, d7rbsj2, d7rbsj3
      automated match to d3pseb1
      complexed with zn; mutant
    2. 3085897Domain d7rbsj1: 7rbs J:2-78 [422214]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7rbsa2, d7rbsb2, d7rbsb3, d7rbsc2, d7rbsd2, d7rbsd3, d7rbse2, d7rbsf2, d7rbsf3, d7rbsg2, d7rbsh2, d7rbsh3, d7rbsi2, d7rbsj2, d7rbsj3
      automated match to d3pseb1
      complexed with zn; mutant
    3. 3085902Domain d7rbsd1: 7rbs D:2-78 [422219]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7rbsa2, d7rbsb2, d7rbsb3, d7rbsc2, d7rbsd2, d7rbsd3, d7rbse2, d7rbsf2, d7rbsf3, d7rbsg2, d7rbsh2, d7rbsh3, d7rbsi2, d7rbsj2, d7rbsj3
      automated match to d3pseb1
      complexed with zn; mutant
    4. 3085941Domain d7rbsh1: 7rbs H:2-78 [422258]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7rbsa2, d7rbsb2, d7rbsb3, d7rbsc2, d7rbsd2, d7rbsd3, d7rbse2, d7rbsf2, d7rbsf3, d7rbsg2, d7rbsh2, d7rbsh3, d7rbsi2, d7rbsj2, d7rbsj3
      automated match to d3pseb1
      complexed with zn; mutant
    5. 3085966Domain d7rbsb1: 7rbs B:2-78 [422283]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7rbsa2, d7rbsb2, d7rbsb3, d7rbsc2, d7rbsd2, d7rbsd3, d7rbse2, d7rbsf2, d7rbsf3, d7rbsg2, d7rbsh2, d7rbsh3, d7rbsi2, d7rbsj2, d7rbsj3
      automated match to d3pseb1
      complexed with zn; mutant

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.15.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.15.1.0 automated matches: