Lineage for Protein: beta2-microglobulin

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.04
  2. 1510239Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (176 folds)
  3. 1510240Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (31 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 1510241Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) (S)
  5. 1513476Family b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) [48942] (24 proteins)
  6. 1513477Protein beta2-microglobulin [88600] (5 species)


  1. 1513478Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [48946] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1bmg:
    2. Domain for 2xfx:
    3. Domains for 3l9r:
      1. 1513480Domain d3l9rb_: 3l9r B: [180123]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3l9ra1, d3l9ra2, d3l9rc1, d3l9rc2, d3l9re1, d3l9re2, d3l9rg1, d3l9rg2
        automated match to d1bmga_
        complexed with cl, gol, l9q, l9r, nag
      2. 1513481Domain d3l9rd_: 3l9r D: [180124]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3l9ra1, d3l9ra2, d3l9rc1, d3l9rc2, d3l9re1, d3l9re2, d3l9rg1, d3l9rg2
        automated match to d1bmga_
        complexed with cl, gol, l9q, l9r, nag
      3. 1513482Domain d3l9rf_: 3l9r F: [180125]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3l9ra1, d3l9ra2, d3l9rc1, d3l9rc2, d3l9re1, d3l9re2, d3l9rg1, d3l9rg2
        automated match to d1bmga_
        complexed with cl, gol, l9q, l9r, nag
      4. 1513483Domain d3l9rh_: 3l9r H: [180126]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3l9ra1, d3l9ra2, d3l9rc1, d3l9rc2, d3l9re1, d3l9re2, d3l9rg1, d3l9rg2
        automated match to d1bmga_
        complexed with cl, gol, l9q, l9r, nag
    4. Domain for 3pwv:
    5. Domains for 4f7c:
      1. 1513487Domain d4f7cb_: 4f7c B: [192541]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f7ca1, d4f7ca2, d4f7cc1, d4f7cc2
        automated match to d2xfxb_
        complexed with 0sg
      2. 1513488Domain d4f7cd_: 4f7c D: [192831]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f7ca1, d4f7ca2, d4f7cc1, d4f7cc2
        automated match to d2xfxb_
        complexed with 0sg
    6. Domain for 4f7e:
  2. 1513489Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [88602] (369 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P61769 21-119 ! Uniprot P01884
    1. Domain for 1a1m:
    2. Domain for 1a1n:
    3. Domain for 1a1o:
    4. Domains for 1a6z:
      1. 1513987Domain d1a6zb_: 1a6z B: [20782]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a6za1, d1a6za2, d1a6zc1, d1a6zc2
      2. 1513988Domain d1a6zd_: 1a6z D: [20784]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a6za1, d1a6za2, d1a6zc1, d1a6zc2
    5. Domains for 1a9b:
      1. 1514035Domain d1a9bb_: 1a9b B: [20760]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a9ba1, d1a9ba2, d1a9bd1, d1a9bd2
      2. 1514036Domain d1a9be_: 1a9b E: [20762]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a9ba1, d1a9ba2, d1a9bd1, d1a9bd2
    6. Domain for 1a9e:
    7. Domain for 1agb:
    8. Domain for 1agc:
    9. Domain for 1agd:
    10. Domain for 1age:
    11. Domain for 1agf:
    12. Domain for 1akj:
    13. Domain for 1ao7:
    14. Domains for 1b0g:
      1. 1513893Domain d1b0gb_: 1b0g B: [20701]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1b0ga1, d1b0ga2, d1b0gd1, d1b0gd2
      2. 1513894Domain d1b0ge_: 1b0g E: [20703]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1b0ga1, d1b0ga2, d1b0gd1, d1b0gd2
    15. Domain for 1b0r:
    16. Domain for 1bd2:
    17. Domains for 1c16:
      1. 1514049Domain d1c16b_: 1c16 B: [20857]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1c16a1, d1c16a2, d1c16c1, d1c16c2, d1c16e1, d1c16e2, d1c16g1, d1c16g2
        conflict: annotated in PDB as mouse protein
      2. 1514050Domain d1c16d_: 1c16 D: [20859]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1c16a1, d1c16a2, d1c16c1, d1c16c2, d1c16e1, d1c16e2, d1c16g1, d1c16g2
        conflict: annotated in PDB as mouse protein
      3. 1514051Domain d1c16f_: 1c16 F: [20861]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1c16a1, d1c16a2, d1c16c1, d1c16c2, d1c16e1, d1c16e2, d1c16g1, d1c16g2
        conflict: annotated in PDB as mouse protein
      4. 1514052Domain d1c16h_: 1c16 H: [20863]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1c16a1, d1c16a2, d1c16c1, d1c16c2, d1c16e1, d1c16e2, d1c16g1, d1c16g2
        conflict: annotated in PDB as mouse protein
    18. Domain for 1ce6:
    19. Domain for 1cg9:
    20. Domains for 1de4:
      1. 1513941Domain d1de4b_: 1de4 B: [20776]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1de4a1, d1de4a2, d1de4c1, d1de4c2, d1de4c3, d1de4d1, d1de4d2, d1de4f1, d1de4f2, d1de4f3, d1de4g1, d1de4g2, d1de4i1, d1de4i2, d1de4i3
        complexed with ca, gol, nag
      2. 1513942Domain d1de4e_: 1de4 E: [20778]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1de4a1, d1de4a2, d1de4c1, d1de4c2, d1de4c3, d1de4d1, d1de4d2, d1de4f1, d1de4f2, d1de4f3, d1de4g1, d1de4g2, d1de4i1, d1de4i2, d1de4i3
        complexed with ca, gol, nag
      3. 1513943Domain d1de4h_: 1de4 H: [20780]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1de4a1, d1de4a2, d1de4c1, d1de4c2, d1de4c3, d1de4d1, d1de4d2, d1de4f1, d1de4f2, d1de4f3, d1de4g1, d1de4g2, d1de4i1, d1de4i2, d1de4i3
        complexed with ca, gol, nag
    21. Domains for 1duy:
      1. 1513736Domain d1duyb_: 1duy B: [20675]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1duya1, d1duya2, d1duyd1, d1duyd2
      2. 1513737Domain d1duye_: 1duy E: [20677]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1duya1, d1duya2, d1duyd1, d1duyd2
    22. Domains for 1duz:
      1. 1513597Domain d1duzb_: 1duz B: [20671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1duza1, d1duza2, d1duzd1, d1duzd2
      2. 1513598Domain d1duze_: 1duz E: [20673]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1duza1, d1duza2, d1duzd1, d1duzd2
    23. Domain for 1e27:
    24. Domain for 1e28:
    25. Domains for 1eey:
      1. 1513782Domain d1eeyb_: 1eey B: [83172]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eeya1, d1eeya2, d1eeyd1, d1eeyd2
      2. 1513783Domain d1eeye_: 1eey E: [83175]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eeya1, d1eeya2, d1eeyd1, d1eeyd2
    26. Domains for 1eez:
      1. 1513835Domain d1eezb_: 1eez B: [83178]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eeza1, d1eeza2, d1eezd1, d1eezd2
      2. 1513836Domain d1eeze_: 1eez E: [83181]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eeza1, d1eeza2, d1eezd1, d1eezd2
    27. Domain for 1efx:
    28. Domain for 1exu:
    29. Domain for 1gzp:
    30. Domain for 1gzq:
    31. Domains for 1hhg:
      1. 1513990Domain d1hhgb_: 1hhg B: [20717]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhga1, d1hhga2, d1hhgd1, d1hhgd2
      2. 1513991Domain d1hhge_: 1hhg E: [20719]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhga1, d1hhga2, d1hhgd1, d1hhgd2
    32. Domain for 1hhh:
    33. Domains for 1hhi:
      1. 1513924Domain d1hhib_: 1hhi B: [20709]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhia1, d1hhia2, d1hhid1, d1hhid2
      2. 1513925Domain d1hhie_: 1hhi E: [20711]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhia1, d1hhia2, d1hhid1, d1hhid2
    34. Domains for 1hhj:
      1. 1513935Domain d1hhjb_: 1hhj B: [20705]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhja1, d1hhja2, d1hhjd1, d1hhjd2
      2. 1513936Domain d1hhje_: 1hhj E: [20707]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhja1, d1hhja2, d1hhjd1, d1hhjd2
    35. Domains for 1hhk:
      1. 1513863Domain d1hhkb_: 1hhk B: [20691]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhka1, d1hhka2, d1hhkd1, d1hhkd2
      2. 1513864Domain d1hhke_: 1hhk E: [20693]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhka1, d1hhka2, d1hhkd1, d1hhkd2
    36. Domain for 1hla:
    37. Domains for 1hsa:
      1. 1513724Domain d1hsab_: 1hsa B: [20733]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hsaa1, d1hsaa2, d1hsad1, d1hsad2
      2. 1513725Domain d1hsae_: 1hsa E: [20735]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hsaa1, d1hsaa2, d1hsad1, d1hsad2
    38. Domain for 1hsb:
    39. Domains for 1i1f:
      1. 1514025Domain d1i1fb_: 1i1f B: [20729]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1fa1, d1i1fa2, d1i1fd1, d1i1fd2
      2. 1514026Domain d1i1fe_: 1i1f E: [20731]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1fa1, d1i1fa2, d1i1fd1, d1i1fd2
    40. Domains for 1i1y:
      1. 1513785Domain d1i1yb_: 1i1y B: [20683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1ya1, d1i1ya2, d1i1yd1, d1i1yd2
      2. 1513786Domain d1i1ye_: 1i1y E: [20685]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1ya1, d1i1ya2, d1i1yd1, d1i1yd2
    41. Domain for 1i4f:
    42. Domains for 1i7r:
      1. 1513810Domain d1i7rb_: 1i7r B: [66052]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ra1, d1i7ra2, d1i7rd1, d1i7rd2
      2. 1513811Domain d1i7re_: 1i7r E: [66055]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ra1, d1i7ra2, d1i7rd1, d1i7rd2
    43. Domains for 1i7t:
      1. 1513929Domain d1i7tb_: 1i7t B: [66058]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ta1, d1i7ta2, d1i7td1, d1i7td2
      2. 1513930Domain d1i7te_: 1i7t E: [66061]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ta1, d1i7ta2, d1i7td1, d1i7td2
    44. Domains for 1i7u:
      1. 1513633Domain d1i7ub_: 1i7u B: [66064]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ua1, d1i7ua2, d1i7ud1, d1i7ud2
      2. 1513634Domain d1i7ue_: 1i7u E: [66067]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ua1, d1i7ua2, d1i7ud1, d1i7ud2
    45. Domains for 1im3:
      1. 1513732Domain d1im3b_: 1im3 B: [62567]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im3a1, d1im3a2, d1im3d_, d1im3e1, d1im3e2, d1im3h_, d1im3i1, d1im3i2, d1im3l_, d1im3m1, d1im3m2, d1im3p_
      2. 1513733Domain d1im3f_: 1im3 F: [62571]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im3a1, d1im3a2, d1im3d_, d1im3e1, d1im3e2, d1im3h_, d1im3i1, d1im3i2, d1im3l_, d1im3m1, d1im3m2, d1im3p_
      3. 1513734Domain d1im3j_: 1im3 J: [62575]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im3a1, d1im3a2, d1im3d_, d1im3e1, d1im3e2, d1im3h_, d1im3i1, d1im3i2, d1im3l_, d1im3m1, d1im3m2, d1im3p_
      4. 1513735Domain d1im3n_: 1im3 N: [62579]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im3a1, d1im3a2, d1im3d_, d1im3e1, d1im3e2, d1im3h_, d1im3i1, d1im3i2, d1im3l_, d1im3m1, d1im3m2, d1im3p_
    46. Domains for 1im9:
      1. 1513905Domain d1im9b_: 1im9 B: [62584]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im9a1, d1im9a2, d1im9d1, d1im9d2, d1im9e1, d1im9e2
      2. 1513906Domain d1im9f_: 1im9 F: [62589]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im9a1, d1im9a2, d1im9d1, d1im9d2, d1im9e1, d1im9e2
    47. Domain for 1jf1:
    48. Domain for 1jgd:
    49. Domain for 1jge:
    50. Domain for 1jht:
    51. Domain for 1jnj:
    52. Domain for 1k5n:
    53. Domains for 1kpr:
      1. 1514000Domain d1kprb_: 1kpr B: [77482]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kpra1, d1kpra2, d1kprc1, d1kprc2
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514001Domain d1kprd_: 1kpr D: [77485]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kpra1, d1kpra2, d1kprc1, d1kprc2
        complexed with so4
    54. Domains for 1ktl:
      1. 1514037Domain d1ktlb_: 1ktl B: [77537]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ktla1, d1ktla2, d1ktlc1, d1ktlc2
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514038Domain d1ktld_: 1ktl D: [77540]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ktla1, d1ktla2, d1ktlc1, d1ktlc2
        complexed with so4
    55. Domain for 1lds:
    56. Domains for 1lp9:
      1. 1513690Domain d1lp9b_: 1lp9 B: [91085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lp9a1, d1lp9a2, d1lp9e1, d1lp9e2, d1lp9f1, d1lp9f2, d1lp9h1, d1lp9h2, d1lp9l1, d1lp9l2, d1lp9m1, d1lp9m2
      2. 1513691Domain d1lp9i_: 1lp9 I: [91092]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lp9a1, d1lp9a2, d1lp9e1, d1lp9e2, d1lp9f1, d1lp9f2, d1lp9h1, d1lp9h2, d1lp9l1, d1lp9l2, d1lp9m1, d1lp9m2
    57. Domains for 1m05:
      1. 1513682Domain d1m05b_: 1m05 B: [91158]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1m05a1, d1m05a2, d1m05c1, d1m05c2
        complexed with cd
      2. 1513683Domain d1m05d_: 1m05 D: [91161]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1m05a1, d1m05a2, d1m05c1, d1m05c2
        complexed with cd
    58. Domain for 1m6o:
    59. Domains for 1mhe:
      1. 1513898Domain d1mheb_: 1mhe B: [20772]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mhea1, d1mhea2, d1mhec1, d1mhec2
        complexed with so4
      2. 1513899Domain d1mhed_: 1mhe D: [20774]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mhea1, d1mhea2, d1mhec1, d1mhec2
        complexed with so4
    60. Domain for 1mi5:
    61. Domain for 1n2r:
    62. Domain for 1of2:
    63. Domain for 1oga:
    64. Domain for 1ogt:
    65. Domains for 1onq:
      1. 1513774Domain d1onqb_: 1onq B: [93367]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1onqa1, d1onqa2, d1onqc1, d1onqc2
        complexed with fuc, nag, slf
      2. 1513775Domain d1onqd_: 1onq D: [93370]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1onqa1, d1onqa2, d1onqc1, d1onqc2
        complexed with fuc, nag, slf
    66. Domain for 1p7q:
    67. Domains for 1py4:
      1. 1514062Domain d1py4a_: 1py4 A: [95323]
      2. 1514063Domain d1py4b_: 1py4 B: [95324]
      3. 1514064Domain d1py4c_: 1py4 C: [95325]
      4. 1514065Domain d1py4d_: 1py4 D: [95326]
    68. Domains for 1q94:
      1. 1513829Domain d1q94b_: 1q94 B: [104561]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q94a1, d1q94a2, d1q94d1, d1q94d2
      2. 1513830Domain d1q94e_: 1q94 E: [104564]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q94a1, d1q94a2, d1q94d1, d1q94d2
    69. Domain for 1qew:
    70. Domain for 1qlf:
    71. Domain for 1qqd:
    72. Domains for 1qr1:
      1. 1513826Domain d1qr1b_: 1qr1 B: [20713]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1qr1a1, d1qr1a2, d1qr1d1, d1qr1d2
      2. 1513827Domain d1qr1e_: 1qr1 E: [20715]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1qr1a1, d1qr1a2, d1qr1d1, d1qr1d2
    73. Domain for 1qrn:
    74. Domain for 1qse:
    75. Domain for 1qsf:
    76. Domains for 1qvo:
      1. 1513769Domain d1qvob_: 1qvo B: [104598]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1qvoa1, d1qvoa2, d1qvod1, d1qvod2
      2. 1513770Domain d1qvoe_: 1qvo E: [104601]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1qvoa1, d1qvoa2, d1qvod1, d1qvod2
    77. Domains for 1r3h:
      1. 1514002Domain d1r3hb_: 1r3h B: [96913]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r3ha1, d1r3ha2, d1r3hc1, d1r3hc2, d1r3he1, d1r3he2, d1r3hg1, d1r3hg2
      2. 1514003Domain d1r3hd_: 1r3h D: [96916]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r3ha1, d1r3ha2, d1r3hc1, d1r3hc2, d1r3he1, d1r3he2, d1r3hg1, d1r3hg2
      3. 1514004Domain d1r3hf_: 1r3h F: [96919]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r3ha1, d1r3ha2, d1r3hc1, d1r3hc2, d1r3he1, d1r3he2, d1r3hg1, d1r3hg2
      4. 1514005Domain d1r3hh_: 1r3h H: [96922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r3ha1, d1r3ha2, d1r3hc1, d1r3hc2, d1r3he1, d1r3he2, d1r3hg1, d1r3hg2
    78. Domain for 1s8d:
    79. Domain for 1s9w:
    80. Domain for 1s9x:
    81. Domain for 1s9y:
    82. Domain for 1sys:
    83. Domain for 1syv:
    84. Domain for 1t1w:
    85. Domain for 1t1x:
    86. Domain for 1t1y:
    87. Domain for 1t1z:
    88. Domain for 1t20:
    89. Domain for 1t21:
    90. Domain for 1t22:
    91. Domain for 1tmc:
    92. Domains for 1tvb:
      1. 1513564Domain d1tvbb_: 1tvb B: [119350]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tvba1, d1tvba2, d1tvbd1, d1tvbd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513565Domain d1tvbe_: 1tvb E: [119353]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tvba1, d1tvba2, d1tvbd1, d1tvbd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    93. Domains for 1tvh:
      1. 1513610Domain d1tvhb_: 1tvh B: [119356]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tvha1, d1tvha2, d1tvhd1, d1tvhd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513611Domain d1tvhe_: 1tvh E: [119359]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tvha1, d1tvha2, d1tvhd1, d1tvhd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    94. Domain for 1uqs:
    95. Domain for 1uxs:
    96. Domain for 1uxw:
    97. Domain for 1vgk:
    98. Domain for 1w0v:
    99. Domain for 1w0w:
    100. Domains for 1w72:
      1. 1513688Domain d1w72b_: 1w72 B: [114295]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w72a1, d1w72a2, d1w72d1, d1w72d2, d1w72h1, d1w72h2, d1w72i1, d1w72i2, d1w72l1, d1w72l2, d1w72m1, d1w72m2
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513689Domain d1w72e_: 1w72 E: [114298]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w72a1, d1w72a2, d1w72d1, d1w72d2, d1w72h1, d1w72h2, d1w72i1, d1w72i2, d1w72l1, d1w72l2, d1w72m1, d1w72m2
        complexed with gol
    101. Domain for 1x7q:
    102. Domain for 1xh3:
    103. Domain for 1xr8:
    104. Domain for 1xr9:
    105. Domains for 1xz0:
      1. 1513921Domain d1xz0b_: 1xz0 B: [122463]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xz0a1, d1xz0a2, d1xz0c1, d1xz0c2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with jh0
      2. 1513922Domain d1xz0d_: 1xz0 D: [122466]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xz0a1, d1xz0a2, d1xz0c1, d1xz0c2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with jh0
    106. Domain for 1ydp:
    107. Domains for 1ypz:
      1. 1514067Domain d1ypzb1: 1ypz B:1-99 [123839]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ypza1, d1ypza2, d1ypzc1, d1ypzc2, d1ypze1, d1ypze2, d1ypzf1, d1ypzf2, d1ypzg1, d1ypzg2, d1ypzh1, d1ypzh2
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
      2. 1514068Domain d1ypzd1: 1ypz D:1-99 [123842]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ypza1, d1ypza2, d1ypzc1, d1ypzc2, d1ypze1, d1ypze2, d1ypzf1, d1ypzf2, d1ypzg1, d1ypzg2, d1ypzh1, d1ypzh2
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
    108. Domain for 1zhk:
    109. Domain for 1zhl:
    110. Domains for 1zs8:
      1. 1514056Domain d1zs8b_: 1zs8 B: [125595]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8a2, d1zs8c1, d1zs8c2, d1zs8e1, d1zs8e2, d1zs8g1, d1zs8g2, d1zs8i1, d1zs8i2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with nag
      2. 1514057Domain d1zs8d_: 1zs8 D: [125596]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8a2, d1zs8c1, d1zs8c2, d1zs8e1, d1zs8e2, d1zs8g1, d1zs8g2, d1zs8i1, d1zs8i2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with nag
      3. 1514058Domain d1zs8f_: 1zs8 F: [125597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8a2, d1zs8c1, d1zs8c2, d1zs8e1, d1zs8e2, d1zs8g1, d1zs8g2, d1zs8i1, d1zs8i2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with nag
      4. 1514059Domain d1zs8h_: 1zs8 H: [125598]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8a2, d1zs8c1, d1zs8c2, d1zs8e1, d1zs8e2, d1zs8g1, d1zs8g2, d1zs8i1, d1zs8i2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with nag
      5. 1514060Domain d1zs8j_: 1zs8 J: [125599]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8a2, d1zs8c1, d1zs8c2, d1zs8e1, d1zs8e2, d1zs8g1, d1zs8g2, d1zs8i1, d1zs8i2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with nag
    111. Domain for 1zsd:
    112. Domains for 1zt4:
      1. 1514039Domain d1zt4b_: 1zt4 B: [125627]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zt4a1, d1zt4a2, d1zt4c1, d1zt4c2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with agh
      2. 1514040Domain d1zt4d_: 1zt4 D: [125628]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zt4a1, d1zt4a2, d1zt4c1, d1zt4c2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with agh
    113. Domains for 1zvs:
      1. 1513926Domain d1zvsb_: 1zvs B: [125725]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zvsa1, d1zvsa2, d1zvsd1, d1zvsd2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
      2. 1513927Domain d1zvse_: 1zvs E: [125726]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zvsa1, d1zvsa2, d1zvsd1, d1zvsd2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
    114. Domain for 2a83:
    115. Domains for 2ak4:
      1. 1513872Domain d2ak4b_: 2ak4 B: [126902]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ak4a1, d2ak4a2, d2ak4d1, d2ak4d2, d2ak4e1, d2ak4e2, d2ak4f1, d2ak4f2, d2ak4i1, d2ak4i2, d2ak4j1, d2ak4j2, d2ak4k1, d2ak4k2, d2ak4n1, d2ak4n2, d2ak4p1, d2ak4p2, d2ak4q1, d2ak4q2, d2ak4t1, d2ak4t2, d2ak4u1, d2ak4u2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with iod
      2. 1513873Domain d2ak4g_: 2ak4 G: [126905]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ak4a1, d2ak4a2, d2ak4d1, d2ak4d2, d2ak4e1, d2ak4e2, d2ak4f1, d2ak4f2, d2ak4i1, d2ak4i2, d2ak4j1, d2ak4j2, d2ak4k1, d2ak4k2, d2ak4n1, d2ak4n2, d2ak4p1, d2ak4p2, d2ak4q1, d2ak4q2, d2ak4t1, d2ak4t2, d2ak4u1, d2ak4u2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with iod
      3. 1513874Domain d2ak4l_: 2ak4 L: [126908]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ak4a1, d2ak4a2, d2ak4d1, d2ak4d2, d2ak4e1, d2ak4e2, d2ak4f1, d2ak4f2, d2ak4i1, d2ak4i2, d2ak4j1, d2ak4j2, d2ak4k1, d2ak4k2, d2ak4n1, d2ak4n2, d2ak4p1, d2ak4p2, d2ak4q1, d2ak4q2, d2ak4t1, d2ak4t2, d2ak4u1, d2ak4u2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with iod
      4. 1513875Domain d2ak4r_: 2ak4 R: [126911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ak4a1, d2ak4a2, d2ak4d1, d2ak4d2, d2ak4e1, d2ak4e2, d2ak4f1, d2ak4f2, d2ak4i1, d2ak4i2, d2ak4j1, d2ak4j2, d2ak4k1, d2ak4k2, d2ak4n1, d2ak4n2, d2ak4p1, d2ak4p2, d2ak4q1, d2ak4q2, d2ak4t1, d2ak4t2, d2ak4u1, d2ak4u2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with iod
    116. Domains for 2av1:
      1. 1513646Domain d2av1b_: 2av1 B: [127351]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2av1a1, d2av1a2, d2av1d1, d2av1d2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, scn; mutant
      2. 1513647Domain d2av1e_: 2av1 E: [127354]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2av1a1, d2av1a2, d2av1d1, d2av1d2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, scn; mutant
    117. Domains for 2av7:
      1. 1513671Domain d2av7b_: 2av7 B: [127361]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2av7a1, d2av7a2, d2av7d1, d2av7d2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 1513672Domain d2av7e_: 2av7 E: [127364]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2av7a1, d2av7a2, d2av7d1, d2av7d2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol; mutant
    118. Domain for 2axf:
    119. Domain for 2axg:
    120. Domains for 2bck:
      1. 1513812Domain d2bckb_: 2bck B: [128295]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bcka1, d2bcka2, d2bckd1, d2bckd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1513813Domain d2bcke_: 2bck E: [128298]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bcka1, d2bcka2, d2bckd1, d2bckd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, so4
    121. Domain for 2bnq:
    122. Domain for 2bnr:
    123. Domain for 2bsr:
    124. Domain for 2bss:
    125. Domain for 2bst:
    126. Domain for 2bvo:
    127. Domain for 2bvp:
    128. Domain for 2bvq:
    129. Domains for 2c7u:
      1. 1513851Domain d2c7ub_: 2c7u B: [130085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7ua1, d2c7ua2, d2c7ud1, d2c7ud2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513852Domain d2c7ue_: 2c7u E: [130088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7ua1, d2c7ua2, d2c7ud1, d2c7ud2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    130. Domain for 2cii:
    131. Domain for 2cik:
    132. Domains for 2clr:
      1. 1513747Domain d2clrb_: 2clr B: [20679]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clra1, d2clra2, d2clrd1, d2clrd2
      2. 1513748Domain d2clre_: 2clr E: [20681]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clra1, d2clra2, d2clrd1, d2clrd2
    133. Domains for 2d31:
      1. 1514047Domain d2d31b1: 2d31 B:1-99 [131192]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d31a1, d2d31a2, d2d31d1, d2d31d2
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
      2. 1514048Domain d2d31e1: 2d31 E:1-99 [131193]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d31a1, d2d31a2, d2d31d1, d2d31d2
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
    134. Domain for 2d4f:
    135. Domain for 2dyp:
    136. Domain for 2esv:
    137. Domain for 2f53:
    138. Domains for 2f54:
      1. 1513865Domain d2f54b_: 2f54 B: [132970]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f54a1, d2f54a2, d2f54d1, d2f54d2, d2f54e1, d2f54e2, d2f54f1, d2f54f2, d2f54k1, d2f54k2, d2f54l1, d2f54l2
        automated match to d1ao7b_
      2. 1513866Domain d2f54g_: 2f54 G: [132973]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f54a1, d2f54a2, d2f54d1, d2f54d2, d2f54e1, d2f54e2, d2f54f1, d2f54f2, d2f54k1, d2f54k2, d2f54l1, d2f54l2
        automated match to d1ao7b_
    139. Domains for 2f74:
      1. 1513937Domain d2f74b_: 2f74 B: [133081]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f74a1, d2f74a2, d2f74d1, d2f74d2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513938Domain d2f74e_: 2f74 E: [133084]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f74a1, d2f74a2, d2f74d1, d2f74d2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    140. Domains for 2f8o:
      1. 1513553Domain d2f8oa_: 2f8o A: [164279]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513554Domain d2f8ob_: 2f8o B: [164280]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    141. Domain for 2fyy:
    142. Domain for 2fz3:
    143. Domains for 2git:
      1. 1513550Domain d2gitb_: 2git B: [135248]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gita1, d2gita2, d2gitd1, d2gitd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with fmt, gol, na
      2. 1513551Domain d2gite_: 2git E: [135251]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gita1, d2gita2, d2gitd1, d2gitd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with fmt, gol, na
    144. Domain for 2gj6:
    145. Domains for 2gt9:
      1. 1513555Domain d2gt9b_: 2gt9 B: [135626]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gt9a1, d2gt9a2, d2gt9d1, d2gt9d2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, na
      2. 1513556Domain d2gt9e_: 2gt9 E: [135629]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gt9a1, d2gt9a2, d2gt9d1, d2gt9d2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, na
    146. Domains for 2gtw:
      1. 1513514Domain d2gtwb_: 2gtw B: [135707]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gtwa1, d2gtwa2, d2gtwd1, d2gtwd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with fmt, gol, na
      2. 1513515Domain d2gtwe_: 2gtw E: [135710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gtwa1, d2gtwa2, d2gtwd1, d2gtwd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with fmt, gol, na
    147. Domains for 2gtz:
      1. 1513542Domain d2gtzb_: 2gtz B: [135717]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gtza1, d2gtza2, d2gtzd1, d2gtzd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, na
      2. 1513543Domain d2gtze_: 2gtz E: [135720]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gtza1, d2gtza2, d2gtzd1, d2gtzd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, na
    148. Domains for 2guo:
      1. 1513643Domain d2guob_: 2guo B: [135740]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2guoa1, d2guoa2, d2guod1, d2guod2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, na
      2. 1513644Domain d2guoe_: 2guo E: [135743]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2guoa1, d2guoa2, d2guod1, d2guod2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, na
    149. Domain for 2h26:
    150. Domain for 2h6p:
    151. Domain for 2hjk:
    152. Domain for 2hjl:
    153. Domain for 2hla:
    154. Domain for 2hn7:
    155. Domains for 2j8u:
      1. 1513993Domain d2j8ub_: 2j8u B: [147919]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j8ua1, d2j8ua2, d2j8ue1, d2j8ue2, d2j8uf1, d2j8uf2, d2j8uh1, d2j8uh2, d2j8ul1, d2j8ul2, d2j8um1, d2j8um2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513994Domain d2j8ui_: 2j8u I: [147926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j8ua1, d2j8ua2, d2j8ue1, d2j8ue2, d2j8uf1, d2j8uf2, d2j8uh1, d2j8uh2, d2j8ul1, d2j8ul2, d2j8um1, d2j8um2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    156. Domains for 2jcc:
      1. 1513877Domain d2jccb_: 2jcc B: [147965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jcca1, d2jcca2, d2jcce1, d2jcce2, d2jccf1, d2jccf2, d2jcch1, d2jcch2, d2jccl1, d2jccl2, d2jccm1, d2jccm2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513878Domain d2jcci_: 2jcc I: [147972]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jcca1, d2jcca2, d2jcce1, d2jcce2, d2jccf1, d2jccf2, d2jcch1, d2jcch2, d2jccl1, d2jccl2, d2jccm1, d2jccm2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    157. Domain for 2nw3:
    158. Domains for 2nx5:
      1. 1513996Domain d2nx5b_: 2nx5 B: [138729]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nx5a1, d2nx5a2, d2nx5f1, d2nx5f2, d2nx5k1, d2nx5k2, d2nx5q1, d2nx5q2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
      2. 1513997Domain d2nx5g_: 2nx5 G: [138732]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nx5a1, d2nx5a2, d2nx5f1, d2nx5f2, d2nx5k1, d2nx5k2, d2nx5q1, d2nx5q2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
      3. 1513998Domain d2nx5l_: 2nx5 L: [138735]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nx5a1, d2nx5a2, d2nx5f1, d2nx5f2, d2nx5k1, d2nx5k2, d2nx5q1, d2nx5q2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
      4. 1513999Domain d2nx5r_: 2nx5 R: [138738]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nx5a1, d2nx5a2, d2nx5f1, d2nx5f2, d2nx5k1, d2nx5k2, d2nx5q1, d2nx5q2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
    159. Domain for 2p5e:
    160. Domain for 2p5w:
    161. Domains for 2po6:
      1. 1514031Domain d2po6b1: 2po6 B:1-99 [149712]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2po6a1, d2po6a2, d2po6e1, d2po6e2
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
        complexed with agh, nag
      2. 1514032Domain d2po6f1: 2po6 F:2-99 [149715]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2po6a1, d2po6a2, d2po6e1, d2po6e2
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
        complexed with agh, nag
    162. Domain for 2pye:
    163. Domain for 2rfx:
    164. Domains for 2uwe:
      1. 1513808Domain d2uweb_: 2uwe B: [152208]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uwea1, d2uwea2, d2uwee1, d2uwee2, d2uwef1, d2uwef2, d2uweh1, d2uweh2, d2uwel1, d2uwel2, d2uwem1, d2uwem2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513809Domain d2uwei_: 2uwe I: [152215]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uwea1, d2uwea2, d2uwee1, d2uwee2, d2uwef1, d2uwef2, d2uweh1, d2uweh2, d2uwel1, d2uwel2, d2uwem1, d2uwem2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    165. Domains for 2v2w:
      1. 1513535Domain d2v2wb_: 2v2w B: [152429]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2wa1, d2v2wa2, d2v2wd1, d2v2wd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513536Domain d2v2we_: 2v2w E: [152432]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2wa1, d2v2wa2, d2v2wd1, d2v2wd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    166. Domains for 2v2x:
      1. 1513527Domain d2v2xb_: 2v2x B: [152435]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2xa1, d2v2xa2, d2v2xd1, d2v2xd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513528Domain d2v2xe_: 2v2x E: [152438]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2xa1, d2v2xa2, d2v2xd1, d2v2xd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    167. Domain for 2vb5:
    168. Domain for 2vlj:
    169. Domain for 2vlk:
    170. Domains for 2vll:
      1. 1513530Domain d2vllb_: 2vll B: [153289]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlla1, d2vlla2, d2vlld1, d2vlld2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513531Domain d2vlle_: 2vll E: [153292]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlla1, d2vlla2, d2vlld1, d2vlld2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    171. Domains for 2vlr:
      1. 1513799Domain d2vlrb_: 2vlr B: [153301]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlra1, d2vlra2, d2vlre1, d2vlre2, d2vlrf1, d2vlrf2, d2vlrj1, d2vlrj2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513800Domain d2vlrg_: 2vlr G: [153306]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlra1, d2vlra2, d2vlre1, d2vlre2, d2vlrf1, d2vlrf2, d2vlrj1, d2vlrj2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    172. Domains for 2x4n:
      1. 1513778Domain d2x4nb_: 2x4n B: [169863]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 1513779Domain d2x4ne_: 2x4n E: [169864]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
    173. Domains for 2x4o:
      1. 1513728Domain d2x4ob_: 2x4o B: [169865]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 1513729Domain d2x4oe_: 2x4o E: [169866]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
    174. Domains for 2x4p:
      1. 1513742Domain d2x4pb_: 2x4p B: [169867]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 1513743Domain d2x4pe_: 2x4p E: [169868]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
    175. Domains for 2x4q:
      1. 1513628Domain d2x4qb_: 2x4q B: [169869]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 1513629Domain d2x4qe_: 2x4q E: [169870]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
    176. Domains for 2x4r:
      1. 1513707Domain d2x4rb_: 2x4r B: [169871]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513708Domain d2x4re_: 2x4r E: [169872]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    177. Domains for 2x4s:
      1. 1513797Domain d2x4sb_: 2x4s B: [169873]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 1513798Domain d2x4se_: 2x4s E: [169874]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
    178. Domains for 2x4t:
      1. 1513766Domain d2x4tb_: 2x4t B: [169875]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 1513767Domain d2x4te_: 2x4t E: [169876]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
    179. Domains for 2x4u:
      1. 1513662Domain d2x4ub_: 2x4u B: [169877]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 1513663Domain d2x4ue_: 2x4u E: [169878]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
    180. Domains for 2x70:
      1. 1513620Domain d2x70b_: 2x70 B: [169911]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 1513621Domain d2x70e_: 2x70 E: [169912]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, mes
    181. Domain for 2xks:
    182. Domain for 2yxf:
    183. Domain for 2z9t:
    184. Domain for 3b3i:
    185. Domain for 3b6s:
    186. Domain for 3bgm:
    187. Domain for 3bh8:
    188. Domain for 3bh9:
    189. Domain for 3bhb:
    190. Domain for 3bo8:
    191. Domain for 3bp4:
    192. Domain for 3bp7:
    193. Domains for 3bvn:
      1. 1513880Domain d3bvnb_: 3bvn B: [172869]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513881Domain d3bvne_: 3bvn E: [172870]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    194. Domain for 3bw9:
    195. Domain for 3bwa:
    196. Domain for 3bxn:
    197. Domains for 3bze:
      1. 1513882Domain d3bzeb_: 3bze B: [155759]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzea1, d3bzea2, d3bzec1, d3bzec2, d3bzee1, d3bzee2, d3bzeg1, d3bzeg2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513883Domain d3bzed_: 3bze D: [155762]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzea1, d3bzea2, d3bzec1, d3bzec2, d3bzee1, d3bzee2, d3bzeg1, d3bzeg2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      3. 1513884Domain d3bzef_: 3bze F: [155765]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzea1, d3bzea2, d3bzec1, d3bzec2, d3bzee1, d3bzee2, d3bzeg1, d3bzeg2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      4. 1513885Domain d3bzeh_: 3bze H: [155768]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzea1, d3bzea2, d3bzec1, d3bzec2, d3bzee1, d3bzee2, d3bzeg1, d3bzeg2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    198. Domain for 3c9n:
    199. Domains for 3cdg:
      1. 1514053Domain d3cdgb1: 3cdg B:0-99 [156514]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cdga1, d3cdga2, d3cdgc1, d3cdgc2, d3cdge1, d3cdgj1
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
      2. 1514054Domain d3cdgd1: 3cdg D:0-99 [156517]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cdga1, d3cdga2, d3cdgc1, d3cdgc2, d3cdge1, d3cdgj1
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
    200. Domains for 3cii:
      1. 1514076Domain d3ciib1: 3cii B:0-99 [156672]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ciia1, d3ciia2, d3ciid1, d3ciid2, d3ciig1, d3ciii1
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
      2. 1514077Domain d3ciie1: 3cii E:0-99 [156675]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ciia1, d3ciia2, d3ciid1, d3ciid2, d3ciig1, d3ciii1
        automatically matched to d1a9bb_
    201. Domains for 3ciq:
      1. 1513969Domain d3ciqa_: 3ciq A: [173252]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      2. 1513970Domain d3ciqb_: 3ciq B: [173253]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      3. 1513971Domain d3ciqc_: 3ciq C: [173254]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      4. 1513972Domain d3ciqd_: 3ciq D: [173255]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      5. 1513973Domain d3ciqe_: 3ciq E: [173256]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      6. 1513974Domain d3ciqf_: 3ciq F: [173257]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      7. 1513975Domain d3ciqg_: 3ciq G: [173258]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      8. 1513976Domain d3ciqh_: 3ciq H: [173259]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      9. 1513977Domain d3ciqi_: 3ciq I: [173260]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      10. 1513978Domain d3ciqj_: 3ciq J: [173261]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      11. 1513979Domain d3ciqk_: 3ciq K: [173262]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
      12. 1513980Domain d3ciql_: 3ciq L: [173263]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tla
    202. Domain for 3czf:
    203. Domain for 3d18:
    204. Domain for 3d25:
    205. Domains for 3d2u:
      1. 1513795Domain d3d2ub_: 3d2u B: [157255]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d2ud1, d3d2ud2, d3d2uh1, d3d2uh2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with bma, fuc, man, nag
      2. 1513796Domain d3d2uf_: 3d2u F: [157258]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d2ud1, d3d2ud2, d3d2uh1, d3d2uh2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with bma, fuc, man, nag
    206. Domain for 3d39:
    207. Domain for 3d3v:
    208. Domain for 3dbx:
    209. Domain for 3dhj:
    210. Domain for 3dhm:
    211. Domain for 3dtx:
    212. Domain for 3dx6:
    213. Domain for 3dx7:
    214. Domain for 3dx8:
    215. Domain for 3ekc:
    216. Domains for 3ffc:
      1. 1513932Domain d3ffcb_: 3ffc B: [175750]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cd, cl, na
      2. 1513933Domain d3ffcg_: 3ffc G: [175751]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cd, cl, na
    217. Domain for 3fqn:
    218. Domain for 3fqr:
    219. Domain for 3fqt:
    220. Domain for 3fqu:
    221. Domain for 3fqw:
    222. Domain for 3fqx:
    223. Domain for 3ft2:
    224. Domain for 3ft3:
    225. Domain for 3ft4:
    226. Domains for 3giv:
      1. 1513654Domain d3givb_: 3giv B: [176672]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513655Domain d3give_: 3giv E: [176673]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    227. Domains for 3gjf:
      1. 1513658Domain d3gjfb_: 3gjf B: [176703]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513659Domain d3gjfe_: 3gjf E: [176704]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    228. Domain for 3gsn:
    229. Domain for 3gso:
    230. Domain for 3gsq:
    231. Domain for 3gsr:
    232. Domain for 3gsu:
    233. Domain for 3gsv:
    234. Domain for 3gsw:
    235. Domain for 3gsx:
    236. Domains for 3h7b:
      1. 1513623Domain d3h7bb_: 3h7b B: [177302]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513624Domain d3h7be_: 3h7b E: [177303]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    237. Domains for 3h9h:
      1. 1513650Domain d3h9hb_: 3h9h B: [177333]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513651Domain d3h9he_: 3h9h E: [177334]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    238. Domain for 3h9s:
    239. Domains for 3hae:
      1. 1513963Domain d3haeb_: 3hae B: [177339]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513964Domain d3haee_: 3hae E: [177340]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      3. 1513965Domain d3haek_: 3hae K: [177341]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      4. 1513966Domain d3haeq_: 3hae Q: [177342]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    240. Domain for 3hcv:
    241. Domain for 3hla:
    242. Domains for 3hpj:
      1. 1513660Domain d3hpjb_: 3hpj B: [177760]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513661Domain d3hpje_: 3hpj E: [177761]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    243. Domains for 3huj:
      1. 1513840Domain d3hujb_: 3huj B: [177845]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3huja1, d3huja2, d3hujc1, d3hujc2, d3huje1, d3huje2, d3hujf1, d3hujf2, d3hujg1, d3hujg2, d3hujh1, d3hujh2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with agh, mg, nag, ndg
      2. 1513841Domain d3hujd_: 3huj D: [177846]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3huja1, d3huja2, d3hujc1, d3hujc2, d3huje1, d3huje2, d3hujf1, d3hujf2, d3hujg1, d3hujg2, d3hujh1, d3hujh2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with agh, mg, nag, ndg
    244. Domains for 3i6g:
      1. 1513760Domain d3i6gb_: 3i6g B: [178110]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513761Domain d3i6ge_: 3i6g E: [178111]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    245. Domains for 3i6k:
      1. 1513868Domain d3i6kb_: 3i6k B: [178114]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513869Domain d3i6kf_: 3i6k F: [178115]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    246. Domain for 3i6l:
    247. Domain for 3ib4:
    248. Domains for 3ixa:
      1. 1513703Domain d3ixab_: 3ixa B: [178662]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513704Domain d3ixae_: 3ixa E: [178663]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    249. Domain for 3jtt:
    250. Domains for 3kla:
      1. 1513538Domain d3klab_: 3kla B: [179425]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513539Domain d3klae_: 3kla E: [179426]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    251. Domain for 3kpl:
    252. Domain for 3kpm:
    253. Domain for 3kpn:
    254. Domain for 3kpo:
    255. Domain for 3kpp:
    256. Domain for 3kpq:
    257. Domains for 3kpr:
      1. 1513856Domain d3kprb_: 3kpr B: [179534]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kpra1, d3kpra2, d3kprd1, d3kprd2, d3kpre1, d3kpre2, d3kprf1, d3kprf2, d3kpri1, d3kpri2, d3kprj1, d3kprj2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
      2. 1513857Domain d3kprg_: 3kpr G: [179535]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kpra1, d3kpra2, d3kprd1, d3kprd2, d3kpre1, d3kpre2, d3kprf1, d3kprf2, d3kpri1, d3kpri2, d3kprj1, d3kprj2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
    258. Domain for 3kps:
    259. Domain for 3kww:
    260. Domain for 3kyn:
    261. Domains for 3kyo:
      1. 1513637Domain d3kyob_: 3kyo B: [179809]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with co
      2. 1513638Domain d3kyod_: 3kyo D: [179810]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with co
    262. Domain for 3l3d:
    263. Domain for 3l3g:
    264. Domain for 3l3i:
    265. Domain for 3l3j:
    266. Domain for 3l3k:
    267. Domain for 3lkn:
    268. Domain for 3lko:
    269. Domain for 3lkp:
    270. Domain for 3lkq:
    271. Domain for 3lkr:
    272. Domain for 3lks:
    273. Domain for 3ln4:
    274. Domain for 3ln5:
    275. Domains for 3low:
      1. 1513819Domain d3lowa_: 3low A: [180479]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513820Domain d3lowb_: 3low B: [180480]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    276. Domain for 3lv3:
    277. Domains for 3m17:
      1. 1513958Domain d3m17b_: 3m17 B: [180710]
        automated match to d1a1mb_
      2. 1513959Domain d3m17d_: 3m17 D: [180711]
        automated match to d1a1mb_
      3. 1513960Domain d3m17f_: 3m17 F: [180712]
        automated match to d1a1mb_
      4. 1513961Domain d3m17h_: 3m17 H: [180713]
        automated match to d1a1mb_
    278. Domains for 3m1b:
      1. 1514069Domain d3m1bb_: 3m1b B: [247566]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3m1ba1, d3m1ba2, d3m1bc1, d3m1bc2, d3m1be1, d3m1be2, d3m1bg1, d3m1bg2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
      2. 1514070Domain d3m1bd_: 3m1b D: [247569]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3m1ba1, d3m1ba2, d3m1bc1, d3m1bc2, d3m1be1, d3m1be2, d3m1bg1, d3m1bg2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
      3. 1514071Domain d3m1bf_: 3m1b F: [247572]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3m1ba1, d3m1ba2, d3m1bc1, d3m1bc2, d3m1be1, d3m1be2, d3m1bg1, d3m1bg2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
      4. 1514072Domain d3m1bh_: 3m1b H: [247575]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3m1ba1, d3m1ba2, d3m1bc1, d3m1bc2, d3m1be1, d3m1be2, d3m1bg1, d3m1bg2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
    279. Domains for 3mgo:
      1. 1513754Domain d3mgob_: 3mgo B: [181189]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513755Domain d3mgoe_: 3mgo E: [181190]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      3. 1513756Domain d3mgoh_: 3mgo H: [181191]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      4. 1513757Domain d3mgok_: 3mgo K: [181192]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    280. Domains for 3mgt:
      1. 1513712Domain d3mgtb_: 3mgt B: [181205]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513713Domain d3mgte_: 3mgt E: [181206]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      3. 1513714Domain d3mgth_: 3mgt H: [181207]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      4. 1513715Domain d3mgtk_: 3mgt K: [181208]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    281. Domain for 3mr9:
    282. Domain for 3mrb:
    283. Domain for 3mrc:
    284. Domain for 3mrd:
    285. Domain for 3mre:
    286. Domain for 3mrf:
    287. Domain for 3mrg:
    288. Domain for 3mrh:
    289. Domain for 3mri:
    290. Domain for 3mrj:
    291. Domain for 3mrk:
    292. Domain for 3mrl:
    293. Domain for 3mrm:
    294. Domain for 3mrn:
    295. Domain for 3mro:
    296. Domain for 3mrp:
    297. Domain for 3mrq:
    298. Domain for 3mrr:
    299. Domain for 3mv7:
    300. Domain for 3mv8:
    301. Domain for 3mv9:
    302. Domains for 3myj:
      1. 1513635Domain d3myjb_: 3myj B: [181698]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513636Domain d3myje_: 3myj E: [181699]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    303. Domains for 3myz:
      1. 1513523Domain d3myza_: 3myz A: [181720]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with act, hg, tfx, tla
      2. 1513524Domain d3myzb_: 3myz B: [181721]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with act, hg, tfx, tla
    304. Domains for 3mzt:
      1. 1513981Domain d3mzta_: 3mzt A: [181733]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tfx
      2. 1513982Domain d3mztb_: 3mzt B: [181734]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tfx
      3. 1513983Domain d3mztc_: 3mzt C: [181735]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tfx
      4. 1513984Domain d3mztd_: 3mzt D: [181736]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tfx
      5. 1513985Domain d3mzte_: 3mzt E: [181737]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tfx
      6. 1513986Domain d3mztf_: 3mzt F: [181738]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with cu, tfx
    305. Domain for 3na4:
    306. Domains for 3o3a:
      1. 1513568Domain d3o3ab_: 3o3a B: [182767]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3aa1, d3o3aa2, d3o3ad1, d3o3ad2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513569Domain d3o3ae_: 3o3a E: [182768]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3aa1, d3o3aa2, d3o3ad1, d3o3ad2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    307. Domains for 3o3b:
      1. 1513625Domain d3o3bb_: 3o3b B: [182769]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3ba1, d3o3ba2, d3o3bd1, d3o3bd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513626Domain d3o3be_: 3o3b E: [182770]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3ba1, d3o3ba2, d3o3bd1, d3o3bd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    308. Domains for 3o3d:
      1. 1513546Domain d3o3db_: 3o3d B: [182771]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3da1, d3o3da2, d3o3dd1, d3o3dd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513547Domain d3o3de_: 3o3d E: [182772]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3da1, d3o3da2, d3o3dd1, d3o3dd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    309. Domains for 3o3e:
      1. 1513595Domain d3o3eb_: 3o3e B: [182773]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3ea1, d3o3ea2, d3o3ed1, d3o3ed2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513596Domain d3o3ee_: 3o3e E: [182774]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3ea1, d3o3ea2, d3o3ed1, d3o3ed2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    310. Domain for 3o4l:
    311. Domains for 3ox8:
      1. 1513720Domain d3ox8b_: 3ox8 B: [183366]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513721Domain d3ox8e_: 3ox8 E: [183367]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    312. Domain for 3oxr:
    313. Domain for 3oxs:
    314. Domains for 3pwj:
      1. 1513548Domain d3pwjb_: 3pwj B: [184034]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwja1, d3pwja2, d3pwjd1, d3pwjd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513549Domain d3pwje_: 3pwj E: [184035]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwja1, d3pwja2, d3pwjd1, d3pwjd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    315. Domains for 3pwl:
      1. 1513516Domain d3pwlb_: 3pwl B: [184036]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwla1, d3pwla2, d3pwld1, d3pwld2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513517Domain d3pwle_: 3pwl E: [184037]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwla1, d3pwla2, d3pwld1, d3pwld2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    316. Domains for 3pwn:
      1. 1513519Domain d3pwnb_: 3pwn B: [184040]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwna1, d3pwna2, d3pwnd1, d3pwnd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1513520Domain d3pwne_: 3pwn E: [184041]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwna1, d3pwna2, d3pwnd1, d3pwnd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol
    317. Domain for 3pwp:
    318. Domain for 3qda:
    319. Domain for 3qdg:
    320. Domain for 3qdj:
    321. Domain for 3qdm:
    322. Domain for 3qeq:
    323. Domains for 3qfd:
      1. 1513692Domain d3qfdb_: 3qfd B: [184368]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qfda1, d3qfda2, d3qfdd1, d3qfdd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, na
      2. 1513693Domain d3qfde_: 3qfd E: [184369]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qfda1, d3qfda2, d3qfdd1, d3qfdd2
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, na
    324. Domain for 3qfj:
    325. Domains for 3qzw:
      1. 1513886Domain d3qzwb_: 3qzw B: [184742]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qzwg_, d3qzwh_, d3qzwi_, d3qzwj_
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513887Domain d3qzwe_: 3qzw E: [184743]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qzwg_, d3qzwh_, d3qzwi_, d3qzwj_
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    326. Domains for 3rew:
      1. 1513631Domain d3rewb_: 3rew B: [184929]
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with cl, edo, iod
      2. 1513632Domain d3rewe_: 3rew E: [184930]
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with cl, edo, iod
    327. Domains for 3sdx:
      1. 1514028Domain d3sdxb_: 3sdx B: [249373]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxa2, d3sdxc1, d3sdxc2, d3sdxe1, d3sdxe2, d3sdxf1, d3sdxf2, d3sdxg1, d3sdxg2, d3sdxh1, d3sdxh2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with gcy
      2. 1514029Domain d3sdxd_: 3sdx D: [249376]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxa2, d3sdxc1, d3sdxc2, d3sdxe1, d3sdxe2, d3sdxf1, d3sdxf2, d3sdxg1, d3sdxg2, d3sdxh1, d3sdxh2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with gcy
    328. Domains for 3t8x:
      1. 1513593Domain d3t8xb_: 3t8x B: [185697]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3t8xa1, d3t8xa2, d3t8xc1, d3t8xc2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with act, gol, so4, t8x, uli
      2. 1513594Domain d3t8xd_: 3t8x D: [185698]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3t8xa1, d3t8xa2, d3t8xc1, d3t8xc2
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with act, gol, so4, t8x, uli
    329. Domains for 3tlr:
      1. 1513831Domain d3tlra_: 3tlr A: [200834]
        automated match to d3tlrc_
        complexed with cd, na; mutant
      2. 1513832Domain d3tlrb_: 3tlr B: [194724]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cd, na; mutant
      3. 1513833Domain d3tlrc_: 3tlr C: [194723]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cd, na; mutant
      4. 1513834Domain d3tlrd_: 3tlr D: [200835]
        automated match to d3tlrc_
        complexed with cd, na; mutant
    330. Domains for 3tm6:
      1. 1513911Domain d3tm6a_: 3tm6 A: [194722]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with peg, po4; mutant
      2. 1513912Domain d3tm6b_: 3tm6 B: [200836]
        automated match to d3tm6a_
        complexed with peg, po4; mutant
      3. 1513913Domain d3tm6c_: 3tm6 C: [200837]
        automated match to d3tm6a_
        complexed with peg, po4; mutant
      4. 1513914Domain d3tm6d_: 3tm6 D: [200838]
        automated match to d3tm6a_
        complexed with peg, po4; mutant
      5. 1513915Domain d3tm6e_: 3tm6 E: [200839]
        automated match to d3tm6a_
        complexed with peg, po4; mutant
      6. 1513916Domain d3tm6f_: 3tm6 F: [200840]
        automated match to d3tm6a_
        complexed with peg, po4; mutant
      7. 1513917Domain d3tm6g_: 3tm6 G: [200841]
        automated match to d3tm6a_
        complexed with peg, po4; mutant
      8. 1513918Domain d3tm6h_: 3tm6 H: [200842]
        automated match to d3tm6a_
        complexed with peg, po4; mutant
    331. Domain for 3tzv:
    332. Domains for 3u0p:
      1. 1513900Domain d3u0pb_: 3u0p B: [195503]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u0pa1, d3u0pa2, d3u0pc1, d3u0pc2, d3u0pe1, d3u0pe2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with gol, hex, lsc, nbu, so4, und
      2. 1513901Domain d3u0pd_: 3u0p D: [200914]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u0pa1, d3u0pa2, d3u0pc1, d3u0pc2, d3u0pe1, d3u0pe2
        automated match to d3u0pb_
        complexed with gol, hex, lsc, nbu, so4, und
      3. 1513902Domain d3u0pf_: 3u0p F: [195504]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u0pa1, d3u0pa2, d3u0pc1, d3u0pc2, d3u0pe1, d3u0pe2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with gol, hex, lsc, nbu, so4, und
    333. Domains for 3upr:
      1. 1513667Domain d3uprb_: 3upr B: [217478]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3upra1, d3upra2, d3uprc1, d3uprc2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 1kx, cl
      2. 1513668Domain d3uprd_: 3upr D: [217481]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3upra1, d3upra2, d3uprc1, d3uprc2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 1kx, cl
    334. Domain for 3utq:
    335. Domains for 3uts:
      1. 1513824Domain d3utsb_: 3uts B: [186407]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1513825Domain d3utsg_: 3uts G: [186408]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
        complexed with gol, so4
    336. Domains for 3utt:
      1. 1513860Domain d3uttb_: 3utt B: [186409]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
      2. 1513861Domain d3uttg_: 3utt G: [186410]
        automated match to d1a9bb_
    337. Domains for 3vh8:
      1. 1513615Domain d3vh8b_: 3vh8 B: [186497]
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with nag
      2. 1513616Domain d3vh8e_: 3vh8 E: [186498]
        automated match to d1a1mb_
        complexed with nag
    338. Domain for 3vwj:
    339. Domain for 3vwk:
    340. Domains for 4en3:
      1. 1513838Domain d4en3b2: 4en3 B:118-242 [201881]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4en3a1, d4en3a2, d4en3b1, d4en3c1, d4en3c2
        automated match to d1ktke2
        complexed with agh, fuc, gol, nag
      2. 1513839Domain d4en3d_: 4en3 D: [194418]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4en3a1, d4en3a2, d4en3b1, d4en3c1, d4en3c2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with agh, fuc, gol, nag
    341. Domain for 4fxl:
    342. Domains for 4k71:
      1. 1513891Domain d4k71c_: 4k71 C: [228491]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4k71a1, d4k71a2, d4k71a3, d4k71b1, d4k71b2, d4k71d1, d4k71d2, d4k71d3, d4k71e1, d4k71e2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1513892Domain d4k71f_: 4k71 F: [228486]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4k71a1, d4k71a2, d4k71a3, d4k71b1, d4k71b2, d4k71d1, d4k71d2, d4k71d3, d4k71e1, d4k71e2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with so4
    343. Domains for 4kdt:
      1. 1514019Domain d4kdtc_: 4kdt C: [224254]
        automated match to d2yxfa_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1514020Domain d4kdtd_: 4kdt D: [224255]
        automated match to d2yxfa_
        complexed with gol, so4
    344. Domains for 4l29:
      1. 1514006Domain d4l29b_: 4l29 B: [253478]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      2. 1514007Domain d4l29d_: 4l29 D: [253481]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      3. 1514008Domain d4l29f_: 4l29 F: [253484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      4. 1514009Domain d4l29h_: 4l29 H: [253487]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      5. 1514010Domain d4l29j_: 4l29 J: [253490]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      6. 1514011Domain d4l29l_: 4l29 L: [253493]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      7. 1514012Domain d4l29n_: 4l29 N: [253496]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      8. 1514013Domain d4l29p_: 4l29 P: [253499]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      9. 1514014Domain d4l29r_: 4l29 R: [253502]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      10. 1514015Domain d4l29t_: 4l29 T: [253505]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      11. 1514016Domain d4l29v_: 4l29 V: [253508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      12. 1514017Domain d4l29x_: 4l29 X: [253511]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      13. 1514018Domain d4l29z_: 4l29 Z: [253514]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a1, d4l29a2, d4l29c1, d4l29c2, d4l29e1, d4l29e2, d4l29g1, d4l29g2, d4l29i1, d4l29i2, d4l29k1, d4l29k2, d4l29m1, d4l29m2, d4l29o1, d4l29o2, d4l29q1, d4l29q2, d4l29s1, d4l29s2, d4l29u1, d4l29u2, d4l29w1, d4l29w2, d4l29y1, d4l29y2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
    345. Domains for 4l3c:
      1. 1513945Domain d4l3cb_: 4l3c B: [230094]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      2. 1513946Domain d4l3cd_: 4l3c D: [230095]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      3. 1513947Domain d4l3cf_: 4l3c F: [230097]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      4. 1513948Domain d4l3ch_: 4l3c H: [230096]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      5. 1513949Domain d4l3cj_: 4l3c J: [230093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      6. 1513950Domain d4l3cl_: 4l3c L: [230103]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      7. 1513951Domain d4l3cn_: 4l3c N: [230104]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      8. 1513952Domain d4l3cp_: 4l3c P: [230102]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      9. 1513953Domain d4l3cr_: 4l3c R: [230100]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      10. 1513954Domain d4l3ct_: 4l3c T: [230105]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      11. 1513955Domain d4l3cv_: 4l3c V: [230101]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      12. 1513956Domain d4l3cx_: 4l3c X: [230120]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      13. 1513957Domain d4l3cz_: 4l3c Z: [230121]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca1, d4l3ca2, d4l3cc1, d4l3cc2, d4l3ce1, d4l3ce2, d4l3cg1, d4l3cg2, d4l3ci1, d4l3ci2, d4l3ck1, d4l3ck2, d4l3cm1, d4l3cm2, d4l3co1, d4l3co2, d4l3cq1, d4l3cq2, d4l3cs1, d4l3cs2, d4l3cu1, d4l3cu2, d4l3cw1, d4l3cw2, d4l3cy1, d4l3cy2
        automated match to d4fxla_
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
    346. Domains for 4l4t:
      1. 1513673Domain d4l4tb_: 4l4t B: [227525]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l4ta1, d4l4ta2, d4l4tc1, d4l4tc2, d4l4td1, d4l4td2, d4l4te1, d4l4te2, d4l4tg1, d4l4tg2, d4l4th1, d4l4th2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 6fp
      2. 1513674Domain d4l4tf_: 4l4t F: [227526]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l4ta1, d4l4ta2, d4l4tc1, d4l4tc2, d4l4td1, d4l4td2, d4l4te1, d4l4te2, d4l4tg1, d4l4tg2, d4l4th1, d4l4th2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 6fp
    347. Domains for 4l4v:
      1. 1513613Domain d4l4vb_: 4l4v B: [227527]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l4va1, d4l4va2, d4l4vc1, d4l4vc2, d4l4vd1, d4l4vd2, d4l4ve1, d4l4ve2, d4l4vg1, d4l4vg2, d4l4vh1, d4l4vh2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 1vy, gol
      2. 1513614Domain d4l4vf_: 4l4v F: [227528]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l4va1, d4l4va2, d4l4vc1, d4l4vc2, d4l4vd1, d4l4vd2, d4l4ve1, d4l4ve2, d4l4vg1, d4l4vg2, d4l4vh1, d4l4vh2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 1vy, gol
    348. Domains for 4lcw:
      1. 1513843Domain d4lcwb_: 4lcw B: [228095]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lcwa1, d4lcwa2, d4lcwc1, d4lcwc2, d4lcwd1, d4lcwd2, d4lcwe1, d4lcwe2, d4lcwg1, d4lcwg2, d4lcwh1, d4lcwh2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 1vy, gol
      2. 1513844Domain d4lcwf_: 4lcw F: [228088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lcwa1, d4lcwa2, d4lcwc1, d4lcwc2, d4lcwd1, d4lcwd2, d4lcwe1, d4lcwe2, d4lcwg1, d4lcwg2, d4lcwh1, d4lcwh2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 1vy, gol
    349. Domain for 4lhu:
    350. Domain for 4m8v:
    351. Domains for 4n0f:
      1. 1514043Domain d4n0fb_: 4n0f B: [253844]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n0fa1, d4n0fa2, d4n0fd1, d4n0fd2, d4n0fd3, d4n0fe1, d4n0fe2, d4n0fg1, d4n0fg2, d4n0fg3, d4n0fh1, d4n0fh2, d4n0fj1, d4n0fj2, d4n0fj3, d4n0fk1, d4n0fk2, d4n0fm1, d4n0fm2, d4n0fm3
        automated match to d1k5nb_
      2. 1514044Domain d4n0ff_: 4n0f F: [253850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n0fa1, d4n0fa2, d4n0fd1, d4n0fd2, d4n0fd3, d4n0fe1, d4n0fe2, d4n0fg1, d4n0fg2, d4n0fg3, d4n0fh1, d4n0fh2, d4n0fj1, d4n0fj2, d4n0fj3, d4n0fk1, d4n0fk2, d4n0fm1, d4n0fm2, d4n0fm3
        automated match to d1k5nb_
      3. 1514045Domain d4n0fi_: 4n0f I: [253856]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n0fa1, d4n0fa2, d4n0fd1, d4n0fd2, d4n0fd3, d4n0fe1, d4n0fe2, d4n0fg1, d4n0fg2, d4n0fg3, d4n0fh1, d4n0fh2, d4n0fj1, d4n0fj2, d4n0fj3, d4n0fk1, d4n0fk2, d4n0fm1, d4n0fm2, d4n0fm3
        automated match to d1k5nb_
      4. 1514046Domain d4n0fl_: 4n0f L: [253862]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n0fa1, d4n0fa2, d4n0fd1, d4n0fd2, d4n0fd3, d4n0fe1, d4n0fe2, d4n0fg1, d4n0fg2, d4n0fg3, d4n0fh1, d4n0fh2, d4n0fj1, d4n0fj2, d4n0fj3, d4n0fk1, d4n0fk2, d4n0fm1, d4n0fm2, d4n0fm3
        automated match to d1k5nb_
    352. Domains for 4nqc:
      1. 1513849Domain d4nqcb_: 4nqc B: [257178]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nqca1, d4nqca2, d4nqcd1, d4nqcd2, d4nqce1, d4nqce2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 2lj, na
      2. 1513850Domain d4nqcf_: 4nqc F: [257183]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nqca1, d4nqca2, d4nqcd1, d4nqcd2, d4nqce1, d4nqce2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 2lj, na
    353. Domains for 4nqd:
      1. 1513802Domain d4nqdb_: 4nqd B: [257184]
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 2lj, gol
      2. 1513803Domain d4nqdf_: 4nqd F: [257185]
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 2lj, gol
    354. Domains for 4nqe:
      1. 1513780Domain d4nqeb_: 4nqe B: [257186]
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 2l4
      2. 1513781Domain d4nqef_: 4nqe F: [257187]
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 2l4
    355. Domains for 4pj5:
      1. 1513758Domain d4pj5b_: 4pj5 B: [258180]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pj5e1, d4pj5e2, d4pj5g1, d4pj5g2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w
      2. 1513759Domain d4pj5f_: 4pj5 F: [258183]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pj5e1, d4pj5e2, d4pj5g1, d4pj5g2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w
    356. Domains for 4pj7:
      1. 1513870Domain d4pj7b_: 4pj7 B: [258198]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pj7e1, d4pj7e2, d4pj7f1, d4pj7f2, d4pj7h1, d4pj7h2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 2lj
      2. 1513871Domain d4pj7d_: 4pj7 D: [258199]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pj7e1, d4pj7e2, d4pj7f1, d4pj7f2, d4pj7h1, d4pj7h2
        automated match to d1xh3b_
        complexed with 2lj
    357. Domain for 4pj9:
    358. Domains for 4pja:
      1. 1513919Domain d4pjab_: 4pja B: [258149]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjaa1, d4pjaa2, d4pjag1, d4pjag2, d4pjah1, d4pjah2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 2lj, gol
      2. 1513920Domain d4pjad_: 4pja D: [258146]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjaa1, d4pjaa2, d4pjag1, d4pjag2, d4pjah1, d4pjah2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 2lj, gol
    359. Domains for 4pjb:
      1. 1513967Domain d4pjbb_: 4pjb B: [258162]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjbh1, d4pjbh2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 2lj, gol
      2. 1513968Domain d4pjbd_: 4pjb D: [258167]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjbh1, d4pjbh2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 2lj, gol
    360. Domains for 4pjc:
      1. 1513854Domain d4pjcb_: 4pjc B: [258153]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjce1, d4pjce2, d4pjcf1, d4pjcf2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 2lj, b3p
      2. 1513855Domain d4pjcd_: 4pjc D: [258152]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjce1, d4pjce2, d4pjcf1, d4pjcf2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 2lj, b3p
    361. Domains for 4pjd:
      1. 1513939Domain d4pjdb_: 4pjd B: [258197]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 2lj, gol
      2. 1513940Domain d4pjdd_: 4pjd D: [258196]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 2lj, gol
    362. Domains for 4pje:
      1. 1513722Domain d4pjeb_: 4pje B: [258200]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, act, cl, gol, na
      2. 1513723Domain d4pjed_: 4pje D: [258203]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, act, cl, gol, na
    363. Domains for 4pjf:
      1. 1513858Domain d4pjfb_: 4pjf B: [258174]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjff1, d4pjff2, d4pjfg1, d4pjfg2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, gol
      2. 1513859Domain d4pjfd_: 4pjf D: [258175]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjff1, d4pjff2, d4pjfg1, d4pjfg2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, gol
    364. Domains for 4pjg:
      1. 1513822Domain d4pjgb_: 4pjg B: [258168]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjgg1, d4pjgg2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w
      2. 1513823Domain d4pjgd_: 4pjg D: [258171]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjgg1, d4pjgg2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w
    365. Domains for 4pjh:
      1. 1513744Domain d4pjhb_: 4pjh B: [258186]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjhe1, d4pjhe2, d4pjhf1, d4pjhf2, d4pjhh1, d4pjhh2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, gol, na
      2. 1513745Domain d4pjhd_: 4pjh D: [258189]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjhe1, d4pjhe2, d4pjhf1, d4pjhf2, d4pjhh1, d4pjhh2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, gol, na
    366. Domains for 4pji:
      1. 1513888Domain d4pjib_: 4pji B: [258150]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjie1, d4pjie2, d4pjih1, d4pjih2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, gol, na
      2. 1513889Domain d4pjid_: 4pji D: [258151]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjie1, d4pjie2, d4pjih1, d4pjih2
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, gol, na
    367. Domains for 4pjx:
      1. 1513788Domain d4pjxb_: 4pjx B: [258192]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, b3p, cl, gol
      2. 1513789Domain d4pjxd_: 4pjx D: [258193]
        automated match to d1k5nb_
        complexed with 30w, b3p, cl, gol
    368. Domain for 4qrr:
    369. Domain for 4wo4:
  3. 1514079Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [88603] (168 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P01887
    1. Domain for 1bii:
    2. Domains for 1bqh:
      1. 1514283Domain d1bqhb_: 1bqh B: [20800]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1bqha1, d1bqha2, d1bqhd1, d1bqhd2, d1bqhg_, d1bqhh_, d1bqhi_, d1bqhk_
        complexed with nag, ndg
      2. 1514284Domain d1bqhe_: 1bqh E: [20802]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1bqha1, d1bqha2, d1bqhd1, d1bqhd2, d1bqhg_, d1bqhh_, d1bqhi_, d1bqhk_
        complexed with nag, ndg
    3. Domain for 1bz9:
    4. Domains for 1cd1:
      1. 1514236Domain d1cd1b_: 1cd1 B: [21580]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1cd1a1, d1cd1a2, d1cd1c1, d1cd1c2
      2. 1514237Domain d1cd1d_: 1cd1 D: [21582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1cd1a1, d1cd1a2, d1cd1c1, d1cd1c2
    5. Domain for 1ddh:
    6. Domains for 1ffn:
      1. 1514289Domain d1ffnb_: 1ffn B: [76167]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffna1, d1ffna2, d1ffnd1, d1ffnd2
      2. 1514290Domain d1ffne_: 1ffn E: [76170]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffna1, d1ffna2, d1ffnd1, d1ffnd2
    7. Domains for 1ffo:
      1. 1514270Domain d1ffob_: 1ffo B: [76173]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffoa1, d1ffoa2, d1ffod1, d1ffod2
      2. 1514271Domain d1ffoe_: 1ffo E: [76176]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffoa1, d1ffoa2, d1ffod1, d1ffod2
    8. Domains for 1ffp:
      1. 1514262Domain d1ffpb_: 1ffp B: [76179]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffpa1, d1ffpa2, d1ffpd1, d1ffpd2
      2. 1514263Domain d1ffpe_: 1ffp E: [76182]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffpa1, d1ffpa2, d1ffpd1, d1ffpd2
    9. Domains for 1fg2:
      1. 1514266Domain d1fg2b_: 1fg2 B: [20822]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fg2a1, d1fg2a2, d1fg2d1, d1fg2d2, d1fg2g1, d1fg2g2, d1fg2j1, d1fg2j2
      2. 1514267Domain d1fg2e_: 1fg2 E: [20824]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fg2a1, d1fg2a2, d1fg2d1, d1fg2d2, d1fg2g1, d1fg2g2, d1fg2j1, d1fg2j2
      3. 1514268Domain d1fg2h_: 1fg2 H: [20826]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fg2a1, d1fg2a2, d1fg2d1, d1fg2d2, d1fg2g1, d1fg2g2, d1fg2j1, d1fg2j2
      4. 1514269Domain d1fg2k_: 1fg2 K: [20828]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fg2a1, d1fg2a2, d1fg2d1, d1fg2d2, d1fg2g1, d1fg2g2, d1fg2j1, d1fg2j2
    10. Domain for 1fo0:
    11. Domain for 1fzj:
    12. Domain for 1fzk:
    13. Domain for 1fzm:
    14. Domain for 1fzo:
    15. Domains for 1g6r:
      1. 1514338Domain d1g6rl_: 1g6r L: [20812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1g6ra1, d1g6ra2, d1g6rb1, d1g6rb2, d1g6rc1, d1g6rc2, d1g6rd1, d1g6rd2, d1g6rh1, d1g6rh2, d1g6ri1, d1g6ri2
      2. 1514339Domain d1g6rm_: 1g6r M: [20814]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1g6ra1, d1g6ra2, d1g6rb1, d1g6rb2, d1g6rc1, d1g6rc2, d1g6rd1, d1g6rd2, d1g6rh1, d1g6rh2, d1g6ri1, d1g6ri2
    16. Domain for 1g7p:
    17. Domain for 1g7q:
    18. Domain for 1hoc:
    19. Domain for 1inq:
    20. Domain for 1jpf:
    21. Domain for 1jpg:
    22. Domain for 1juf:
    23. Domain for 1k8d:
    24. Domain for 1kbg:
    25. Domains for 1kj2:
      1. 1514249Domain d1kj2l_: 1kj2 L: [72567]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kj2a_, d1kj2b_, d1kj2d_, d1kj2e_, d1kj2h1, d1kj2h2, d1kj2i1, d1kj2i2
        complexed with nag
      2. 1514250Domain d1kj2m_: 1kj2 M: [72568]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kj2a_, d1kj2b_, d1kj2d_, d1kj2e_, d1kj2h1, d1kj2h2, d1kj2i1, d1kj2i2
        complexed with nag
    26. Domains for 1kj3:
      1. 1514180Domain d1kj3l_: 1kj3 L: [72573]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kj3h1, d1kj3h2, d1kj3i1, d1kj3i2
      2. 1514181Domain d1kj3m_: 1kj3 M: [72574]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kj3h1, d1kj3h2, d1kj3i1, d1kj3i2
    27. Domain for 1kpu:
    28. Domain for 1kpv:
    29. Domains for 1ld9:
      1. 1514234Domain d1ld9b_: 1ld9 B: [20836]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ld9a1, d1ld9a2, d1ld9d1, d1ld9d2
      2. 1514235Domain d1ld9e_: 1ld9 E: [20838]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ld9a1, d1ld9a2, d1ld9d1, d1ld9d2
    30. Domain for 1ldp:
    31. Domain for 1leg:
    32. Domain for 1lek:
    33. Domain for 1lk2:
    34. Domains for 1mhc:
      1. 1514142Domain d1mhcb_: 1mhc B: [20832]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mhca1, d1mhca2, d1mhcd1, d1mhcd2
        complexed with nag
      2. 1514143Domain d1mhce_: 1mhc E: [20834]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mhca1, d1mhca2, d1mhcd1, d1mhcd2
        complexed with nag
    35. Domains for 1mwa:
      1. 1514316Domain d1mwal_: 1mwa L: [79570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mwaa1, d1mwaa2, d1mwab1, d1mwab2, d1mwac1, d1mwac2, d1mwad1, d1mwad2, d1mwah1, d1mwah2, d1mwai1, d1mwai2
        complexed with acy, gol, nag
      2. 1514317Domain d1mwam_: 1mwa M: [79571]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mwaa1, d1mwaa2, d1mwab1, d1mwab2, d1mwac1, d1mwac2, d1mwad1, d1mwad2, d1mwah1, d1mwah2, d1mwai1, d1mwai2
        complexed with acy, gol, nag
    36. Domains for 1n3n:
      1. 1514319Domain d1n3nb_: 1n3n B: [85305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n3na1, d1n3na2, d1n3nc1, d1n3nc2, d1n3ne1, d1n3ne2, d1n3ng1, d1n3ng2
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514320Domain d1n3nd_: 1n3n D: [85308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n3na1, d1n3na2, d1n3nc1, d1n3nc2, d1n3ne1, d1n3ne2, d1n3ng1, d1n3ng2
        complexed with so4
      3. 1514321Domain d1n3nf_: 1n3n F: [85311]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n3na1, d1n3na2, d1n3nc1, d1n3nc2, d1n3ne1, d1n3ne2, d1n3ng1, d1n3ng2
        complexed with so4
      4. 1514322Domain d1n3nh_: 1n3n H: [85314]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n3na1, d1n3na2, d1n3nc1, d1n3nc2, d1n3ne1, d1n3ne2, d1n3ng1, d1n3ng2
        complexed with so4
    37. Domains for 1n59:
      1. 1514293Domain d1n59b_: 1n59 B: [80010]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n59a1, d1n59a2, d1n59c1, d1n59c2
      2. 1514294Domain d1n59d_: 1n59 D: [80013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n59a1, d1n59a2, d1n59c1, d1n59c2
    38. Domains for 1n5a:
      1. 1514307Domain d1n5ab_: 1n5a B: [80016]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5aa1, d1n5aa2, d1n5ad1, d1n5ad2, d1n5ag1, d1n5ag2, d1n5aj1, d1n5aj2
      2. 1514308Domain d1n5ae_: 1n5a E: [80019]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5aa1, d1n5aa2, d1n5ad1, d1n5ad2, d1n5ag1, d1n5ag2, d1n5aj1, d1n5aj2
      3. 1514309Domain d1n5ah_: 1n5a H: [80022]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5aa1, d1n5aa2, d1n5ad1, d1n5ad2, d1n5ag1, d1n5ag2, d1n5aj1, d1n5aj2
      4. 1514310Domain d1n5ak_: 1n5a K: [80025]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5aa1, d1n5aa2, d1n5ad1, d1n5ad2, d1n5ag1, d1n5ag2, d1n5aj1, d1n5aj2
    39. Domain for 1nam:
    40. Domains for 1nan:
      1. 1514214Domain d1nani_: 1nan I: [85495]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nanh1, d1nanh2, d1nanl1, d1nanl2
      2. 1514215Domain d1nanp_: 1nan P: [85498]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nanh1, d1nanh2, d1nanl1, d1nanl2
    41. Domain for 1nez:
    42. Domain for 1osz:
    43. Domain for 1p1z:
    44. Domain for 1p4l:
    45. Domain for 1pqz:
    46. Domain for 1qo3:
    47. Domains for 1rjy:
      1. 1514121Domain d1rjyb_: 1rjy B: [111838]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjya1, d1rjya2, d1rjyd1, d1rjyd2
      2. 1514122Domain d1rjye_: 1rjy E: [111841]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjya1, d1rjya2, d1rjyd1, d1rjyd2
    48. Domains for 1rjz:
      1. 1514227Domain d1rjzb_: 1rjz B: [111844]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjza1, d1rjza2, d1rjzd1, d1rjzd2
      2. 1514228Domain d1rjze_: 1rjz E: [111847]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjza1, d1rjza2, d1rjzd1, d1rjzd2
    49. Domain for 1rk0:
    50. Domain for 1rk1:
    51. Domain for 1s7q:
    52. Domains for 1s7r:
      1. 1514311Domain d1s7rb_: 1s7r B: [98660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ra1, d1s7ra2, d1s7rd1, d1s7rd2
      2. 1514312Domain d1s7re_: 1s7r E: [98663]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ra1, d1s7ra2, d1s7rd1, d1s7rd2
    53. Domain for 1s7s:
    54. Domains for 1s7t:
      1. 1514175Domain d1s7tb_: 1s7t B: [98669]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ta1, d1s7ta2, d1s7td1, d1s7td2
      2. 1514176Domain d1s7te_: 1s7t E: [98672]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ta1, d1s7ta2, d1s7td1, d1s7td2
    55. Domains for 1s7u:
      1. 1514170Domain d1s7ub_: 1s7u B: [98675]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ua1, d1s7ua2, d1s7ud1, d1s7ud2, d1s7ug1, d1s7ug2, d1s7uj1, d1s7uj2
      2. 1514171Domain d1s7ue_: 1s7u E: [98678]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ua1, d1s7ua2, d1s7ud1, d1s7ud2, d1s7ug1, d1s7ug2, d1s7uj1, d1s7uj2
      3. 1514172Domain d1s7uh_: 1s7u H: [98681]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ua1, d1s7ua2, d1s7ud1, d1s7ud2, d1s7ug1, d1s7ug2, d1s7uj1, d1s7uj2
      4. 1514173Domain d1s7uk_: 1s7u K: [98684]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ua1, d1s7ua2, d1s7ud1, d1s7ud2, d1s7ug1, d1s7ug2, d1s7uj1, d1s7uj2
    56. Domains for 1s7v:
      1. 1514184Domain d1s7vb_: 1s7v B: [98687]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7va1, d1s7va2, d1s7vd1, d1s7vd2
      2. 1514185Domain d1s7ve_: 1s7v E: [98690]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7va1, d1s7va2, d1s7vd1, d1s7vd2
    57. Domains for 1s7w:
      1. 1514187Domain d1s7wb_: 1s7w B: [98693]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7wa1, d1s7wa2, d1s7wd1, d1s7wd2, d1s7wg1, d1s7wg2, d1s7wj1, d1s7wj2
      2. 1514188Domain d1s7we_: 1s7w E: [98696]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7wa1, d1s7wa2, d1s7wd1, d1s7wd2, d1s7wg1, d1s7wg2, d1s7wj1, d1s7wj2
      3. 1514189Domain d1s7wh_: 1s7w H: [98699]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7wa1, d1s7wa2, d1s7wd1, d1s7wd2, d1s7wg1, d1s7wg2, d1s7wj1, d1s7wj2
      4. 1514190Domain d1s7wk_: 1s7w K: [98702]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7wa1, d1s7wa2, d1s7wd1, d1s7wd2, d1s7wg1, d1s7wg2, d1s7wj1, d1s7wj2
    58. Domains for 1s7x:
      1. 1514191Domain d1s7xb_: 1s7x B: [98705]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7xa1, d1s7xa2, d1s7xd1, d1s7xd2, d1s7xg1, d1s7xg2, d1s7xj1, d1s7xj2
      2. 1514192Domain d1s7xe_: 1s7x E: [98708]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7xa1, d1s7xa2, d1s7xd1, d1s7xd2, d1s7xg1, d1s7xg2, d1s7xj1, d1s7xj2
      3. 1514193Domain d1s7xh_: 1s7x H: [98711]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7xa1, d1s7xa2, d1s7xd1, d1s7xd2, d1s7xg1, d1s7xg2, d1s7xj1, d1s7xj2
      4. 1514194Domain d1s7xk_: 1s7x K: [98714]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7xa1, d1s7xa2, d1s7xd1, d1s7xd2, d1s7xg1, d1s7xg2, d1s7xj1, d1s7xj2
    59. Domains for 1t0m:
      1. 1514135Domain d1t0mb_: 1t0m B: [112201]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t0ma1, d1t0ma2, d1t0md1, d1t0md2
      2. 1514136Domain d1t0me_: 1t0m E: [112204]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t0ma1, d1t0ma2, d1t0md1, d1t0md2
    60. Domains for 1t0n:
      1. 1514102Domain d1t0nb_: 1t0n B: [112207]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t0na1, d1t0na2, d1t0nd1, d1t0nd2
      2. 1514103Domain d1t0ne_: 1t0n E: [112210]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t0na1, d1t0na2, d1t0nd1, d1t0nd2
    61. Domain for 1u58:
    62. Domain for 1vac:
    63. Domain for 1vad:
    64. Domain for 1wbx:
    65. Domain for 1wby:
    66. Domains for 1wbz:
      1. 1514133Domain d1wbzb_: 1wbz B: [120874]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wbza1, d1wbza2, d1wbzc1, d1wbzc2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
      2. 1514134Domain d1wbzd_: 1wbz D: [120877]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wbza1, d1wbza2, d1wbzc1, d1wbzc2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
    67. Domain for 1yn6:
    68. Domain for 1yn7:
    69. Domains for 1z5l:
      1. 1514197Domain d1z5lb_: 1z5l B: [124482]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1z5la1, d1z5la2, d1z5lc1, d1z5lc2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with nag, pbs, r16
      2. 1514198Domain d1z5ld_: 1z5l D: [124485]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1z5la1, d1z5la2, d1z5lc1, d1z5lc2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with nag, pbs, r16
    70. Domains for 1zhb:
      1. 1514238Domain d1zhbb_: 1zhb B: [125083]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zhba1, d1zhba2, d1zhbd1, d1zhbd2, d1zhbg1, d1zhbg2, d1zhbj1, d1zhbj2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
      2. 1514239Domain d1zhbe_: 1zhb E: [125086]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zhba1, d1zhba2, d1zhbd1, d1zhbd2, d1zhbg1, d1zhbg2, d1zhbj1, d1zhbj2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
      3. 1514240Domain d1zhbh_: 1zhb H: [125089]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zhba1, d1zhba2, d1zhbd1, d1zhbd2, d1zhbg1, d1zhbg2, d1zhbj1, d1zhbj2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
      4. 1514241Domain d1zhbk_: 1zhb K: [125092]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zhba1, d1zhba2, d1zhbd1, d1zhbd2, d1zhbg1, d1zhbg2, d1zhbj1, d1zhbj2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
    71. Domain for 1zhn:
    72. Domain for 1zt1:
    73. Domains for 1zt7:
      1. 1514327Domain d1zt7b1: 1zt7 B:1-99 [125629]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zt7a1, d1zt7a2, d1zt7c1, d1zt7c2
        automatically matched to d1bz9b_
      2. 1514328Domain d1zt7d1: 1zt7 D:1-99 [125630]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zt7a1, d1zt7a2, d1zt7c1, d1zt7c2
        automatically matched to d1bz9b_
    74. Domains for 2akr:
      1. 1514108Domain d2akrb_: 2akr B: [126933]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2akra1, d2akra2, d2akrc1, d2akrc2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with cis, nag
      2. 1514109Domain d2akrd_: 2akr D: [126936]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2akra1, d2akra2, d2akrc1, d2akrc2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with cis, nag
    75. Domains for 2ckb:
      1. 1514335Domain d2ckbl_: 2ckb L: [20808]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ckba1, d2ckba2, d2ckbb1, d2ckbb2, d2ckbc1, d2ckbc2, d2ckbd1, d2ckbd2, d2ckbh1, d2ckbh2, d2ckbi1, d2ckbi2
      2. 1514336Domain d2ckbm_: 2ckb M: [20810]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ckba1, d2ckba2, d2ckbb1, d2ckbb2, d2ckbc1, d2ckbc2, d2ckbd1, d2ckbd2, d2ckbh1, d2ckbh2, d2ckbi1, d2ckbi2
    76. Domains for 2clv:
      1. 1514112Domain d2clvb_: 2clv B: [130592]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clva1, d2clva2, d2clvh1, d2clvh2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
      2. 1514113Domain d2clvp_: 2clv P: [130595]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clva1, d2clva2, d2clvh1, d2clvh2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
    77. Domains for 2clz:
      1. 1514119Domain d2clzb_: 2clz B: [130605]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clza1, d2clza2, d2clzh1, d2clzh2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
      2. 1514120Domain d2clzp_: 2clz P: [130608]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clza1, d2clza2, d2clzh1, d2clzh2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
    78. Domain for 2fik:
    79. Domain for 2fo4:
    80. Domain for 2fwo:
    81. Domain for 2gaz:
    82. Domains for 2mha:
      1. 1514286Domain d2mhab_: 2mha B: [20804]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2mhaa1, d2mhaa2, d2mhac1, d2mhac2
      2. 1514287Domain d2mhad_: 2mha D: [20806]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2mhaa1, d2mhaa2, d2mhac1, d2mhac2
    83. Domain for 2ol3:
    84. Domains for 2q7y:
      1. 1514116Domain d2q7yb_: 2q7y B: [150108]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2q7ya1, d2q7ya2, d2q7yc1, d2q7yc2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with igc, nag, plm
      2. 1514117Domain d2q7yd_: 2q7y D: [150111]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2q7ya1, d2q7ya2, d2q7yc1, d2q7yc2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with igc, nag, plm
    85. Domain for 2vaa:
    86. Domain for 2vab:
    87. Domains for 2ve6:
      1. 1514244Domain d2ve6b_: 2ve6 B: [161573]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ve6a1, d2ve6a2, d2ve6d1, d2ve6d2, d2ve6g1, d2ve6g2, d2ve6j1, d2ve6j2
        automated match to d1ddhb_
      2. 1514245Domain d2ve6e_: 2ve6 E: [161574]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ve6a1, d2ve6a2, d2ve6d1, d2ve6d2, d2ve6g1, d2ve6g2, d2ve6j1, d2ve6j2
        automated match to d1ddhb_
      3. 1514246Domain d2ve6h_: 2ve6 H: [161575]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ve6a1, d2ve6a2, d2ve6d1, d2ve6d2, d2ve6g1, d2ve6g2, d2ve6j1, d2ve6j2
        automated match to d1ddhb_
      4. 1514247Domain d2ve6k_: 2ve6 K: [161576]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ve6a1, d2ve6a2, d2ve6d1, d2ve6d2, d2ve6g1, d2ve6g2, d2ve6j1, d2ve6j2
        automated match to d1ddhb_
    88. Domains for 2zok:
      1. 1514148Domain d2zokb_: 2zok B: [154724]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zoka1, d2zoka2, d2zokc1, d2zokc2, d2zoke1, d2zoke2, d2zokg1, d2zokg2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1514149Domain d2zokd_: 2zok D: [154727]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zoka1, d2zoka2, d2zokc1, d2zokc2, d2zoke1, d2zoke2, d2zokg1, d2zokg2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 1514150Domain d2zokf_: 2zok F: [154730]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zoka1, d2zoka2, d2zokc1, d2zokc2, d2zoke1, d2zoke2, d2zokg1, d2zokg2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 1514151Domain d2zokh_: 2zok H: [154733]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zoka1, d2zoka2, d2zokc1, d2zokc2, d2zoke1, d2zoke2, d2zokg1, d2zokg2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
        complexed with gol, so4
    89. Domains for 2zol:
      1. 1514279Domain d2zolb_: 2zol B: [154736]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zola1, d2zola2, d2zolc1, d2zolc2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514280Domain d2zold_: 2zol D: [154739]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zola1, d2zola2, d2zolc1, d2zolc2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
        complexed with so4
    90. Domains for 2zsv:
      1. 1514097Domain d2zsvb_: 2zsv B: [171487]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with cys, gol
      2. 1514098Domain d2zsvd_: 2zsv D: [171488]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with cys, gol
    91. Domains for 2zsw:
      1. 1514251Domain d2zswb_: 2zsw B: [171489]
        automated match to d1biib_
      2. 1514252Domain d2zswd_: 2zsw D: [171490]
        automated match to d1biib_
      3. 1514253Domain d2zswf_: 2zsw F: [171491]
        automated match to d1biib_
      4. 1514254Domain d2zswh_: 2zsw H: [171492]
        automated match to d1biib_
    92. Domain for 3arb:
    93. Domain for 3ard:
    94. Domain for 3are:
    95. Domain for 3arf:
    96. Domain for 3arg:
    97. Domain for 3au1:
    98. Domain for 3buy:
    99. Domain for 3c8k:
    100. Domains for 3cc5:
      1. 1514130Domain d3cc5b_: 3cc5 B: [173130]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1514131Domain d3cc5e_: 3cc5 E: [173131]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
    101. Domains for 3cch:
      1. 1514257Domain d3cchb_: 3cch B: [173135]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1514258Domain d3cche_: 3cch E: [173136]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 1514259Domain d3cchh_: 3cch H: [173137]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 1514260Domain d3cchk_: 3cch K: [173138]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
    102. Domains for 3ch1:
      1. 1514199Domain d3ch1b_: 3ch1 B: [173237]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ch1a1, d3ch1a2, d3ch1d1, d3ch1d2, d3ch1g1, d3ch1g2, d3ch1j1, d3ch1j2
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1514200Domain d3ch1e_: 3ch1 E: [173238]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ch1a1, d3ch1a2, d3ch1d1, d3ch1d2, d3ch1g1, d3ch1g2, d3ch1j1, d3ch1j2
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 1514201Domain d3ch1h_: 3ch1 H: [173239]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ch1a1, d3ch1a2, d3ch1d1, d3ch1d2, d3ch1g1, d3ch1g2, d3ch1j1, d3ch1j2
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 1514202Domain d3ch1k_: 3ch1 K: [173240]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ch1a1, d3ch1a2, d3ch1d1, d3ch1d2, d3ch1g1, d3ch1g2, d3ch1j1, d3ch1j2
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with gol, so4
    103. Domains for 3cpl:
      1. 1514223Domain d3cplb_: 3cpl B: [173391]
        automated match to d1biib_
      2. 1514224Domain d3cpld_: 3cpl D: [173392]
        automated match to d1biib_
    104. Domains for 3cvh:
      1. 1514281Domain d3cvhb_: 3cvh B: [157004]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cvha1, d3cvha2, d3cvhh1, d3cvhl1, d3cvhl2, d3cvhm1, d3cvhm2, d3cvhq1, d3cvhr1, d3cvhr2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
      2. 1514282Domain d3cvhn_: 3cvh N: [157008]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cvha1, d3cvha2, d3cvhh1, d3cvhl1, d3cvhl2, d3cvhm1, d3cvhm2, d3cvhq1, d3cvhr1, d3cvhr2
        automated match to d1bz9b_
    105. Domain for 3dmm:
    106. Domain for 3e6f:
    107. Domain for 3e6h:
    108. Domain for 3ecb:
    109. Domain for 3fol:
    110. Domain for 3fom:
    111. Domains for 3fon:
      1. 1514139Domain d3fonb_: 3fon B: [175933]
        automated match to d1bz9b_
      2. 1514140Domain d3fond_: 3fon D: [175934]
        automated match to d1bz9b_
    112. Domain for 3ftg:
    113. Domain for 3g08:
    114. Domain for 3gml:
    115. Domain for 3gmm:
    116. Domain for 3gmn:
    117. Domain for 3gmo:
    118. Domain for 3gmp:
    119. Domain for 3gmq:
    120. Domain for 3gmr:
    121. Domain for 3he6:
    122. Domain for 3he7:
    123. Domain for 3ilp:
    124. Domain for 3ilq:
    125. Domain for 3l3h:
    126. Domains for 3ma7:
      1. 1514216Domain d3ma7b_: 3ma7 B: [180985]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ma7a1, d3ma7a2, d3ma7c1, d3ma7c2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with cd4, nag, plm
      2. 1514217Domain d3ma7d_: 3ma7 D: [180986]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ma7a1, d3ma7a2, d3ma7c1, d3ma7c2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with cd4, nag, plm
    127. Domain for 3o8x:
    128. Domain for 3o9w:
    129. Domains for 3p4m:
      1. 1514195Domain d3p4mb_: 3p4m B: [183499]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with ace
      2. 1514196Domain d3p4me_: 3p4m E: [183500]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with ace
    130. Domains for 3p4n:
      1. 1514229Domain d3p4nb_: 3p4n B: [183501]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with ace
      2. 1514230Domain d3p4ne_: 3p4n E: [183502]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with ace
    131. Domains for 3p4o:
      1. 1514177Domain d3p4ob_: 3p4o B: [183503]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with ace; mutant
      2. 1514178Domain d3p4oe_: 3p4o E: [183504]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with ace; mutant
    132. Domains for 3p9l:
      1. 1514114Domain d3p9lb_: 3p9l B: [183606]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with ca
      2. 1514115Domain d3p9le_: 3p9l E: [183607]
        automated match to d1biib_
        complexed with ca
    133. Domains for 3p9m:
      1. 1514110Domain d3p9mb_: 3p9m B: [183608]
        automated match to d1biib_
      2. 1514111Domain d3p9me_: 3p9m E: [183609]
        automated match to d1biib_
    134. Domains for 3pab:
      1. 1514155Domain d3pabb_: 3pab B: [183615]
        automated match to d1biib_
      2. 1514156Domain d3pabe_: 3pab E: [183616]
        automated match to d1biib_
    135. Domain for 3pwu:
    136. Domain for 3qi9:
    137. Domain for 3qux:
    138. Domain for 3quy:
    139. Domain for 3quz:
    140. Domain for 3rgv:
    141. Domain for 3rtq:
    142. Domains for 3rug:
      1. 1514166Domain d3rugb_: 3rug B: [200524]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ruga1, d3ruga2, d3rugc1, d3rugc2, d3ruge1, d3ruge2, d3rugf1, d3rugf2, d3rugg1, d3rugg2, d3rugh1, d3rugh2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with db6, nag
      2. 1514167Domain d3rugd_: 3rug D: [191987]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ruga1, d3ruga2, d3rugc1, d3rugc2, d3ruge1, d3ruge2, d3rugf1, d3rugf2, d3rugg1, d3rugg2, d3rugh1, d3rugh2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with db6, nag
    143. Domain for 3rzc:
    144. Domain for 3scm:
    145. Domain for 3sda:
    146. Domain for 3sdc:
    147. Domain for 3sdd:
    148. Domain for 3t1f:
    149. Domain for 3ta3:
    150. Domain for 3to4:
    151. Domains for 3tvm:
      1. 1514232Domain d3tvmb_: 3tvm B: [185965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvma2, d3tvmc1, d3tvmc2, d3tvmd1, d3tvmd2, d3tvme1, d3tvme2, d3tvmg1, d3tvmg2, d3tvmh1, d3tvmh2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag
      2. 1514233Domain d3tvmf_: 3tvm F: [185966]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvma2, d3tvmc1, d3tvmc2, d3tvmd1, d3tvmd2, d3tvme1, d3tvme2, d3tvmg1, d3tvmg2, d3tvmh1, d3tvmh2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag
    152. Domains for 3ubx:
      1. 1514275Domain d3ubxb_: 3ubx B: [250189]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ubxa1, d3ubxa2, d3ubxd1, d3ubxd2, d3ubxi1, d3ubxi2, d3ubxl1, d3ubxl2
        automated match to d3gmob_
        complexed with 09n, nag
      2. 1514276Domain d3ubxe_: 3ubx E: [250192]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ubxa1, d3ubxa2, d3ubxd1, d3ubxd2, d3ubxi1, d3ubxi2, d3ubxl1, d3ubxl2
        automated match to d3gmob_
        complexed with 09n, nag
    153. Domain for 4apq:
    154. Domains for 4ei5:
      1. 1514277Domain d4ei5b_: 4ei5 B: [251759]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ei5c1, d4ei5c2, d4ei5d1, d4ei5d2, d4ei5e1, d4ei5e2, d4ei5g1, d4ei5h1, d4ei5h2
        automated match to d3gmob_
        complexed with cis, flc, nag
      2. 1514278Domain d4ei5f_: 4ei5 F: [251766]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ei5c1, d4ei5c2, d4ei5d1, d4ei5d2, d4ei5e1, d4ei5e2, d4ei5g1, d4ei5h1, d4ei5h2
        automated match to d3gmob_
        complexed with cis, flc, nag
    155. Domains for 4huu:
      1. 1514127Domain d4huub_: 4huu B: [192940]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huua1, d4huua2, d4huud1, d4huud2
        automated match to d1qo3b_
        complexed with act
      2. 1514128Domain d4huue_: 4huu E: [192941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huua1, d4huua2, d4huud1, d4huud2
        automated match to d1qo3b_
        complexed with act
    156. Domains for 4huv:
      1. 1514211Domain d4huvb_: 4huv B: [192938]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huva1, d4huva2, d4huvd1, d4huvd2
        automated match to d1qo3b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514212Domain d4huve_: 4huv E: [192939]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huva1, d4huva2, d4huvd1, d4huvd2
        automated match to d1qo3b_
        complexed with so4
    157. Domains for 4huw:
      1. 1514300Domain d4huwb_: 4huw B: [252508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huwa1, d4huwa2, d4huwc1, d4huwc2, d4huwe1, d4huwe2, d4huwg1, d4huwg2
        automated match to d4hv8b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514301Domain d4huwd_: 4huw D: [252511]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huwa1, d4huwa2, d4huwc1, d4huwc2, d4huwe1, d4huwe2, d4huwg1, d4huwg2
        automated match to d4hv8b_
        complexed with so4
      3. 1514302Domain d4huwf_: 4huw F: [252514]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huwa1, d4huwa2, d4huwc1, d4huwc2, d4huwe1, d4huwe2, d4huwg1, d4huwg2
        automated match to d4hv8b_
        complexed with so4
      4. 1514303Domain d4huwh_: 4huw H: [252517]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huwa1, d4huwa2, d4huwc1, d4huwc2, d4huwe1, d4huwe2, d4huwg1, d4huwg2
        automated match to d4hv8b_
        complexed with so4
    158. Domain for 4hux:
    159. Domains for 4hv8:
      1. 1514123Domain d4hv8b_: 4hv8 B: [192942]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hv8a1, d4hv8a2, d4hv8c1, d4hv8c2
        automated match to d1qo3b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514124Domain d4hv8d_: 4hv8 D: [192943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hv8a1, d4hv8a2, d4hv8c1, d4hv8c2
        automated match to d1qo3b_
        complexed with so4
    160. Domain for 4irj:
    161. Domain for 4irs:
    162. Domain for 4l8b:
    163. Domains for 4l8c:
      1. 1514296Domain d4l8cb_: 4l8c B: [228359]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8ca1, d4l8ca2, d4l8cc1, d4l8cc2, d4l8ce1, d4l8ce2, d4l8cg1, d4l8cg2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514297Domain d4l8cd_: 4l8c D: [228356]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8ca1, d4l8ca2, d4l8cc1, d4l8cc2, d4l8ce1, d4l8ce2, d4l8cg1, d4l8cg2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with so4
      3. 1514298Domain d4l8cf_: 4l8c F: [228357]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8ca1, d4l8ca2, d4l8cc1, d4l8cc2, d4l8ce1, d4l8ce2, d4l8cg1, d4l8cg2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with so4
      4. 1514299Domain d4l8ch_: 4l8c H: [228358]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8ca1, d4l8ca2, d4l8cc1, d4l8cc2, d4l8ce1, d4l8ce2, d4l8cg1, d4l8cg2
        automated match to d1p4lb_
        complexed with so4
    164. Domains for 4l8d:
      1. 1514146Domain d4l8db_: 4l8d B: [228371]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8da1, d4l8da2, d4l8dc1, d4l8dc2
        automated match to d1lk2b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1514147Domain d4l8dd_: 4l8d D: [228370]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8da1, d4l8da2, d4l8dc1, d4l8dc2
        automated match to d1lk2b_
        complexed with so4
    165. Domains for 4mng:
      1. 1514305Domain d4mngb_: 4mng B: [253809]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mnga1, d4mnga2, d4mngc1, d4mngc2, d4mnge1, d4mnge2, d4mngf1, d4mngf2
        automated match to d3gmob_
        complexed with cis, nag
      2. 1514306Domain d4mngd_: 4mng D: [253812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mnga1, d4mnga2, d4mngc1, d4mngc2, d4mnge1, d4mnge2, d4mngf1, d4mngf2
        automated match to d3gmob_
        complexed with cis, nag
    166. Domain for 4mq7:
    167. Domain for 4mx7:
    168. Domains for 4pv9:
      1. 1514153Domain d4pv9b_: 4pv9 B: [257568]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pv9a1, d4pv9a2, d4pv9c1, d4pv9c2
        automated match to d1lk2b_
        complexed with act, gol
      2. 1514154Domain d4pv9d_: 4pv9 D: [257578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pv9a1, d4pv9a2, d4pv9c1, d4pv9c2
        automated match to d1lk2b_
        complexed with act, gol
  4. 1514342Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [88601] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ed3:
      1. 1514348Domain d1ed3b_: 1ed3 B: [20848]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ed3a1, d1ed3a2, d1ed3d1, d1ed3d2
      2. 1514349Domain d1ed3e_: 1ed3 E: [20850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ed3a1, d1ed3a2, d1ed3d1, d1ed3d2
    2. Domain for 1frt:
    3. Domain for 1i1a:
    4. Domain for 1kjm:
    5. Domain for 1kjv:
    6. Domains for 3fru:
      1. 1514344Domain d3frub_: 3fru B: [20658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3frua1, d3frua2, d3fruc1, d3fruc2, d3frue1, d3frue2
        complexed with bme, nag, so4
      2. 1514345Domain d3frud_: 3fru D: [20660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3frua1, d3frua2, d3fruc1, d3fruc2, d3frue1, d3frue2
        complexed with bme, nag, so4
      3. 1514346Domain d3fruf_: 3fru F: [20662]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3frua1, d3frua2, d3fruc1, d3fruc2, d3frue1, d3frue2
        complexed with bme, nag, so4
  5. 1514352Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId:9823] [189845] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3qq3:
      1. 1514354Domain d3qq3b_: 3qq3 B: [184573]
        automated match to d1bmga_
      2. 1514355Domain d3qq3e_: 3qq3 E: [184574]
        automated match to d1bmga_
    2. Domain for 3qq4:

More info for Protein beta2-microglobulin from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like)

Timeline for Protein beta2-microglobulin from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like):