Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 3012399Class e: Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) [56572] (74 folds)
  3. 3012718Fold e.3: beta-lactamase/transpeptidase-like [56600] (1 superfamily)
    contains a cluster of helices and an alpha+beta sandwich
  4. 3012719Superfamily e.3.1: beta-lactamase/transpeptidase-like [56601] (4 families) (S)
  5. 3012720Family e.3.1.1: beta-Lactamase/D-ala carboxypeptidase [56602] (19 proteins)
    in the multi-domain class (e), this applies to domains with different numbers of (sub)domains than the most common domain
  6. 3013567Protein automated matches [190161] (29 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 3013568Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] [196311] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 3013570Bacillus licheniformis [TaxId:1402] [188244] (18 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2wk0:
      1. 3013574Domain d2wk0a_: 2wk0 A: [169392]
        automated match to d1i2wb_
        complexed with biy, cit, cl, eoh, so4
      2. 3013575Domain d2wk0b_: 2wk0 B: [169393]
        automated match to d1i2wb_
        complexed with biy, cit, cl, eoh, so4
    2. Domains for 2x71:
      1. 3013584Domain d2x71a_: 2x71 A: [169913]
        automated match to d1i2wb_
        complexed with eoh, l4c, so4
      2. 3013585Domain d2x71b_: 2x71 B: [169914]
        automated match to d1i2wb_
        complexed with eoh, l4c, so4
    3. Domains for 2y91:
      1. 3013580Domain d2y91a_: 2y91 A: [198694]
        automated match to d2y91b_
        complexed with 98j, cit, pge
      2. 3013581Domain d2y91b_: 2y91 B: [195980]
        automated match to d2wk0a_
        complexed with 98j, cit, pge
    4. Domains for 3b3x:
      1. 3013600Domain d3b3xa_: 3b3x A: [172422]
        automated match to d1i2wb_
        complexed with a33
      2. 3013601Domain d3b3xb_: 3b3x B: [172423]
        automated match to d1i2wb_
        complexed with a33
    5. Domains for 3soi:
      1. 3013576Domain d3soia_: 3soi A: [185472]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with cit
      2. 3013577Domain d3soib_: 3soi B: [185473]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with cit
    6. Domains for 4a5r:
      1. 3013582Domain d4a5ra_: 4a5r A: [193473]
        automated match to d2wk0a_
        complexed with cit, co2, pge, tbe
      2. 3013583Domain d4a5rb_: 4a5r B: [201399]
        automated match to d4a5ra_
        complexed with cit, co2, pge, tbe
    7. Domain for 4m3k:
    8. Domains for 4n1h:
      1. 3013604Domain d4n1ha_: 4n1h A: [263095]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1hb1, d4n1hb2, d4n1hb3, d4n1hd1, d4n1hd2, d4n1hd3
        automated match to d2blma_
      2. 3013605Domain d4n1hc_: 4n1h C: [260179]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1hb1, d4n1hb2, d4n1hb3, d4n1hd1, d4n1hd2, d4n1hd3
        automated match to d2blma_
    9. Domains for 4n92:
      1. 3013588Domain d4n92a_: 4n92 A: [266896]
        automated match to d2blma_
      2. 3013589Domain d4n92b_: 4n92 B: [266897]
        automated match to d2blma_
    10. Domains for 4n9k:
      1. 3013586Domain d4n9ka_: 4n9k A: [266898]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced
      2. 3013587Domain d4n9kb_: 4n9k B: [266899]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced
    11. Domains for 4n9l:
      1. 3013594Domain d4n9la_: 4n9l A: [259389]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with dwz
      2. 3013595Domain d4n9lb_: 4n9l B: [263112]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with dwz
    12. Domains for 5ghx:
      1. 3013571Domain d5ghxa_: 5ghx A: [328833]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with acy, edo; mutant
      2. 3013572Domain d5ghxb_: 5ghx B: [328830]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with acy, edo; mutant
    13. Domains for 5ghy:
      1. 3013598Domain d5ghya_: 5ghy A: [328832]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced; mutant
      2. 3013599Domain d5ghyb_: 5ghy B: [328903]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced; mutant
    14. Domains for 5ghz:
      1. 3013590Domain d5ghza_: 5ghz A: [328860]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced; mutant
      2. 3013591Domain d5ghzb_: 5ghz B: [328823]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced; mutant
    15. Domains for 5lwf:
      1. 3013602Domain d5lwfa_: 5lwf A: [341506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5lwfc1, d5lwfc2, d5lwfd1, d5lwfd2
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with act
      2. 3013603Domain d5lwfb_: 5lwf B: [341504]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5lwfc1, d5lwfc2, d5lwfd1, d5lwfd2
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with act
    16. Domains for 5zfl:
      1. 3013578Domain d5zfla_: 5zfl A: [366716]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with edo, epe; mutant
      2. 3013579Domain d5zflb_: 5zfl B: [366705]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with edo, epe; mutant
    17. Domains for 5zft:
      1. 3013592Domain d5zfta_: 5zft A: [366709]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced; mutant
      2. 3013593Domain d5zftb_: 5zft B: [366714]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced; mutant
    18. Domains for 5zg6:
      1. 3013596Domain d5zg6a_: 5zg6 A: [366659]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced; mutant
      2. 3013597Domain d5zg6b_: 5zg6 B: [366667]
        automated match to d2blma_
        complexed with ced; mutant
  3. 3013606Citrobacter freundii [TaxId:546] [235913] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3znw:
      1. 3013607Domain d3znwa_: 3znw A: [306983]
        automated match to d4d2oa_
      2. 3013608Domain d3znwb_: 3znw B: [306984]
        automated match to d4d2oa_
    2. Domains for 4d2o:
      1. 3013609Domain d4d2oa_: 4d2o A: [258911]
        automated match to d3znwa_
      2. 3013610Domain d4d2ob_: 4d2o B: [256772]
        automated match to d3znwa_
    3. Domains for 6d3g:
      1. 3013611Domain d6d3ga_: 6d3g A: [368005]
        automated match to d3znwa_
        complexed with nxl, pg4
      2. 3013612Domain d6d3gb_: 6d3g B: [368004]
        automated match to d3znwa_
        complexed with nxl, pg4
      3. 3013613Domain d6d3gc_: 6d3g C: [368014]
        automated match to d3znwa_
        complexed with nxl, pg4
      4. 3013614Domain d6d3gd_: 6d3g D: [368003]
        automated match to d3znwa_
        complexed with nxl, pg4
    4. Domains for 6dgu:
      1. 3013615Domain d6dgua_: 6dgu A: [369068]
        automated match to d3znwb_
      2. 3013616Domain d6dgub_: 6dgu B: [369076]
        automated match to d3znwb_
      3. 3013617Domain d6dguc_: 6dgu C: [369062]
        automated match to d3znwb_
      4. 3013618Domain d6dgud_: 6dgu D: [369034]
        automated match to d3znwb_
  4. 3013619Citrobacter sedlakii [TaxId:67826] [188289] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3bfc:
      1. 3013632Domain d3bfca_: 3bfc A: [208632]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with im2
      2. 3013633Domain d3bfcb_: 3bfc B: [208633]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with im2
      3. 3013634Domain d3bfcc_: 3bfc C: [208634]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with im2
      4. 3013635Domain d3bfcd_: 3bfc D: [208635]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with im2
    2. Domains for 3bfd:
      1. 3013624Domain d3bfda_: 3bfd A: [172582]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with cac; mutant
      2. 3013625Domain d3bfdb_: 3bfd B: [172583]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with cac; mutant
      3. 3013626Domain d3bfdc_: 3bfd C: [172584]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with cac; mutant
      4. 3013627Domain d3bfdd_: 3bfd D: [172585]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with cac; mutant
    3. Domains for 3bfe:
      1. 3013636Domain d3bfea_: 3bfe A: [172586]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with scn
      2. 3013637Domain d3bfeb_: 3bfe B: [172587]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with scn
      3. 3013638Domain d3bfec_: 3bfe C: [172588]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with scn
      4. 3013639Domain d3bfed_: 3bfe D: [172589]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with scn
    4. Domains for 3bff:
      1. 3013620Domain d3bffa_: 3bff A: [194789]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with fpm, scn, sfr
      2. 3013621Domain d3bffb_: 3bff B: [199090]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with fpm, scn, sfr
      3. 3013622Domain d3bffc_: 3bff C: [194788]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with fpm, scn, sfr
      4. 3013623Domain d3bffd_: 3bff D: [172590]
        automated match to d1iyoa_
        complexed with fpm, scn, sfr
    5. Domains for 3bfg:
      1. 3013628Domain d3bfga_: 3bfg A: [208636]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with mer
      2. 3013629Domain d3bfgb_: 3bfg B: [208637]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with mer
      3. 3013630Domain d3bfgc_: 3bfg C: [208638]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with mer
      4. 3013631Domain d3bfgd_: 3bfg D: [208639]
        automated match to d3bffd_
        complexed with mer
  5. 3013640Enterobacter cloacae [TaxId:550] [187307] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1y54:
    2. Domain for 2q9m:
    3. Domain for 2q9n:
    4. Domains for 6lc7:
      1. 3013641Domain d6lc7a_: 6lc7 A: [384069]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with dio, gol, so4
      2. 3013642Domain d6lc7b_: 6lc7 B: [384128]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with dio, gol, so4
    5. Domains for 6lc8:
      1. 3013643Domain d6lc8a_: 6lc8 A: [384026]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with dio, nxl, so4
      2. 3013644Domain d6lc8b_: 6lc8 B: [384024]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with dio, nxl, so4
    6. Domains for 6lc9:
      1. 3013645Domain d6lc9a_: 6lc9 A: [384089]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with caz, dio, gol, so4
      2. 3013646Domain d6lc9b_: 6lc9 B: [384027]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with caz, dio, gol, so4
  6. 3013650Escherichia coli [TaxId:469008] [188520] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 3013652Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [187306] (111 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1ylj:
    2. Domain for 1ylp:
    3. Domain for 1ylt:
    4. Domain for 1ylw:
    5. Domains for 1yly:
      1. 3013672Domain d1ylya_: 1yly A: [162244]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with cb4, po4
      2. 3013673Domain d1ylyb_: 1yly B: [162245]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with cb4, po4
    6. Domains for 1ylz:
      1. 3013677Domain d1ylza_: 1ylz A: [162246]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with cb4, po4
      2. 3013678Domain d1ylzb_: 1ylz B: [162247]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with cb4, po4
    7. Domains for 1ym1:
      1. 3013665Domain d1ym1a_: 1ym1 A: [162249]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with po4, sm2
      2. 3013666Domain d1ym1b_: 1ym1 B: [162250]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with po4, sm2
    8. Domains for 1yms:
      1. 3013716Domain d1ymsa_: 1yms A: [162255]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with nbf
      2. 3013717Domain d1ymsb_: 1yms B: [162256]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with nbf
    9. Domains for 1ymx:
      1. 3013827Domain d1ymxa_: 1ymx A: [162258]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with 1ql
      2. 3013828Domain d1ymxb_: 1ymx B: [162259]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with 1ql
    10. Domains for 2p74:
      1. 3013663Domain d2p74a_: 2p74 A: [167042]
        automated match to d1iyqa_
        complexed with k, po4
      2. 3013664Domain d2p74b_: 2p74 B: [167043]
        automated match to d1iyqa_
        complexed with k, po4
    11. Domain for 2v1z:
    12. Domain for 2v20:
    13. Domains for 2zj9:
      1. 3013743Domain d2zj9a_: 2zj9 A: [171241]
        automated match to d1c3ba_
        complexed with ipa, na
      2. 3013744Domain d2zj9b_: 2zj9 B: [171242]
        automated match to d1c3ba_
        complexed with ipa, na
    14. Domains for 3g2y:
      1. 3013739Domain d3g2ya_: 3g2y A: [176314]
        automated match to d1iyqa_
        complexed with dms, gf4
      2. 3013740Domain d3g2yb_: 3g2y B: [176315]
        automated match to d1iyqa_
        complexed with dms, gf4
    15. Domains for 3g2z:
      1. 3013789Domain d3g2za_: 3g2z A: [176316]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with dms, gz2
      2. 3013790Domain d3g2zb_: 3g2z B: [176317]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with dms, gz2
    16. Domain for 3g30:
    17. Domains for 3g31:
      1. 3013829Domain d3g31a_: 3g31 A: [176319]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with dms, gf1, po4
      2. 3013830Domain d3g31b_: 3g31 B: [176320]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with dms, gf1, po4
    18. Domains for 3g32:
      1. 3013737Domain d3g32a_: 3g32 A: [176321]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with 3g3, dms, po4
      2. 3013738Domain d3g32b_: 3g32 B: [176322]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with 3g3, dms, po4
    19. Domains for 3g34:
      1. 3013735Domain d3g34a_: 3g34 A: [176323]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with 1ce, dms, po4
      2. 3013736Domain d3g34b_: 3g34 B: [176324]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with 1ce, dms, po4
    20. Domains for 3g35:
      1. 3013756Domain d3g35a_: 3g35 A: [176325]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with dms, f13
      2. 3013757Domain d3g35b_: 3g35 B: [176326]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with dms, f13
    21. Domains for 3hlw:
      1. 3013741Domain d3hlwa_: 3hlw A: [177682]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with ce3
      2. 3013742Domain d3hlwb_: 3hlw B: [177683]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with ce3
    22. Domains for 3hre:
      1. 3013775Domain d3hrea_: 3hre A: [177794]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with po4
      2. 3013776Domain d3hreb_: 3hre B: [177795]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with po4
    23. Domains for 3huo:
      1. 3013796Domain d3huoa_: 3huo A: [177848]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with pnk, pnn
      2. 3013797Domain d3huob_: 3huo B: [177849]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with pnk, pnn
    24. Domains for 3hvf:
      1. 3013794Domain d3hvfa_: 3hvf A: [177864]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with pnk
      2. 3013795Domain d3hvfb_: 3hvf B: [177865]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with pnk
    25. Domains for 3jyi:
      1. 3013852Domain d3jyia_: 3jyi A: [178921]
        automated match to d1axba_
        complexed with epe, po4; mutant
      2. 3013853Domain d3jyib_: 3jyi B: [178922]
        automated match to d1axba_
        complexed with epe, po4; mutant
      3. 3013854Domain d3jyic_: 3jyi C: [178923]
        automated match to d1axba_
        complexed with epe, po4; mutant
      4. 3013855Domain d3jyid_: 3jyi D: [178924]
        automated match to d1axba_
        complexed with epe, po4; mutant
      5. 3013856Domain d3jyie_: 3jyi E: [178925]
        automated match to d1axba_
        complexed with epe, po4; mutant
      6. 3013857Domain d3jyif_: 3jyi F: [178926]
        automated match to d1axba_
        complexed with epe, po4; mutant
    26. Domains for 3q07:
      1. 3013731Domain d3q07a_: 3q07 A: [184106]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with wpp, ypp
      2. 3013732Domain d3q07b_: 3q07 B: [184107]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with wpp, ypp
    27. Domains for 3q1f:
      1. 3013727Domain d3q1fa_: 3q1f A: [184153]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with ypp
      2. 3013728Domain d3q1fb_: 3q1f B: [184154]
        automated match to d1iysa_
        complexed with ypp
    28. Domains for 4dds:
      1. 3013683Domain d4ddsa_: 4dds A: [219709]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with 0j7, dms
      2. 3013684Domain d4ddsb_: 4dds B: [219710]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with 0j7, dms
    29. Domains for 4ddy:
      1. 3013685Domain d4ddya_: 4ddy A: [219711]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with dms, dn6
      2. 3013686Domain d4ddyb_: 4ddy B: [219712]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with dms, dn6
    30. Domains for 4de0:
      1. 3013697Domain d4de0a_: 4de0 A: [195747]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with 0jb, dms
      2. 3013698Domain d4de0b_: 4de0 B: [201690]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with 0jb, dms
    31. Domains for 4de1:
      1. 3013722Domain d4de1a_: 4de1 A: [219713]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with 0j6, dms
      2. 3013723Domain d4de1b_: 4de1 B: [219714]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with 0j6, dms
    32. Domains for 4de2:
      1. 3013690Domain d4de2a_: 4de2 A: [219715]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with dms, dn3
      2. 3013691Domain d4de2b_: 4de2 B: [219716]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with dms, dn3
    33. Domains for 4de3:
      1. 3013706Domain d4de3a_: 4de3 A: [219717]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with dms, dn8
      2. 3013707Domain d4de3b_: 4de3 B: [219718]
        automated match to d2p74a_
        complexed with dms, dn8
    34. Domain for 4hbt:
    35. Domain for 4hbu:
    36. Domain for 4ibr:
    37. Domains for 4len:
      1. 3013791Domain d4lena_: 4len A: [257014]
        automated match to d1ylja_
        complexed with 2gk
      2. 3013792Domain d4lenb_: 4len B: [257833]
        automated match to d1ylja_
        complexed with 2gk
    38. Domain for 4op8:
    39. Domain for 4opq:
    40. Domain for 4opr:
    41. Domain for 4opz:
    42. Domain for 4oq0:
    43. Domain for 4oqi:
    44. Domains for 4ua6:
      1. 3013653Domain d4ua6a_: 4ua6 A: [274282]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with k, po4
      2. 3013654Domain d4ua6b_: 4ua6 B: [274287]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with k, po4
    45. Domains for 4ua7:
      1. 3013667Domain d4ua7a_: 4ua7 A: [274283]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with 3gk, po4
      2. 3013668Domain d4ua7b_: 4ua7 B: [274284]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with 3gk, po4
    46. Domains for 4ua9:
      1. 3013657Domain d4ua9a_: 4ua9 A: [274280]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with cb4, po4
      2. 3013658Domain d4ua9b_: 4ua9 B: [274281]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with cb4, po4
    47. Domains for 4uaa:
      1. 3013661Domain d4uaaa_: 4uaa A: [274286]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with 3gk, po4
      2. 3013662Domain d4uaab_: 4uaa B: [274285]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with 3gk, po4
    48. Domains for 4xxr:
      1. 3013710Domain d4xxra_: 4xxr A: [270868]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with jsc, jsd, jse, k
      2. 3013711Domain d4xxrb_: 4xxr B: [270869]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with jsc, jsd, jse, k
    49. Domains for 5fa7:
      1. 3013824Domain d5fa7a_: 5fa7 A: [314020]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with 5vr
      2. 3013825Domain d5fa7b_: 5fa7 B: [314006]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with 5vr
    50. Domains for 5fao:
      1. 3013860Domain d5faoa_: 5fao A: [314037]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with 5vw
      2. 3013861Domain d5faob_: 5fao B: [314056]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with 5vw
    51. Domains for 5fap:
      1. 3013858Domain d5fapa_: 5fap A: [314085]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with 602
      2. 3013859Domain d5fapb_: 5fap B: [314063]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with 602
    52. Domain for 5npo:
    53. Domains for 5top:
      1. 3013708Domain d5topa_: 5top A: [341354]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with 7g4, jsc, jse, k, ru
      2. 3013709Domain d5topb_: 5top B: [341355]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with 7g4, jsc, jse, k, ru
    54. Domains for 5toy:
      1. 3013704Domain d5toya_: 5toy A: [341357]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with jsc, jsd, k, po4, ru
      2. 3013705Domain d5toyb_: 5toy B: [341356]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with jsc, jsd, k, po4, ru
    55. Domain for 5tw6:
    56. Domain for 5twd:
    57. Domain for 5twe:
    58. Domain for 5u53:
    59. Domains for 5ujo:
      1. 3013746Domain d5ujoa_: 5ujo A: [329634]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with 8cy, k, lsi
      2. 3013747Domain d5ujob_: 5ujo B: [329629]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with 8cy, k, lsi
    60. Domains for 5vle:
      1. 3013659Domain d5vlea_: 5vle A: [341418]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with jsc, jsd, jse, k, po4, ru
      2. 3013660Domain d5vleb_: 5vle B: [341434]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with jsc, jsd, jse, k, po4, ru
    61. Domain for 5vth:
    62. Domains for 5zb7:
      1. 3013816Domain d5zb7a_: 5zb7 A: [364975]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      2. 3013817Domain d5zb7b_: 5zb7 B: [364981]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
    63. Domains for 6bt6:
      1. 3013679Domain d6bt6a1: 6bt6 A:26-290 [353417]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6bt6a2
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with 3gk
      2. 3013680Domain d6bt6b_: 6bt6 B: [353462]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6bt6a2
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with 3gk
    64. Domains for 6bu3:
      1. 3013702Domain d6bu3a_: 6bu3 A: [353484]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with 3gk, so4
      2. 3013703Domain d6bu3b_: 6bu3 B: [353428]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with 3gk, so4
    65. Domain for 6c78:
    66. Domain for 6c79:
    67. Domain for 6c7a:
    68. Domains for 6cyk:
      1. 3013777Domain d6cyka_: 6cyk A: [358466]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with act; mutant
      2. 3013778Domain d6cykb_: 6cyk B: [358724]
        automated match to d1ylta_
        complexed with act; mutant
    69. Domains for 6cyn:
      1. 3013758Domain d6cyna_: 6cyn A: [358783]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      2. 3013759Domain d6cynb_: 6cyn B: [358474]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      3. 3013760Domain d6cync_: 6cyn C: [358423]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      4. 3013761Domain d6cynd_: 6cyn D: [358441]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      5. 3013762Domain d6cyne_: 6cyn E: [358556]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      6. 3013763Domain d6cynf_: 6cyn F: [358421]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      7. 3013764Domain d6cyng_: 6cyn G: [358681]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      8. 3013765Domain d6cynh_: 6cyn H: [358691]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
    70. Domains for 6cyq:
      1. 3013779Domain d6cyqa_: 6cyq A: [358499]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with ce4, gol
      2. 3013780Domain d6cyqb_: 6cyq B: [358585]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with ce4, gol
      3. 3013781Domain d6cyqc_: 6cyq C: [358540]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with ce4, gol
      4. 3013782Domain d6cyqd_: 6cyq D: [358431]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with ce4, gol
      5. 3013783Domain d6cyqe_: 6cyq E: [358426]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with ce4, gol
      6. 3013784Domain d6cyqf_: 6cyq F: [358460]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with ce4, gol
      7. 3013785Domain d6cyqg_: 6cyq G: [358515]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with ce4, gol
      8. 3013786Domain d6cyqh_: 6cyq H: [358506]
        automated match to d4pm5a_
        complexed with ce4, gol
    71. Domain for 6cyu:
    72. Domain for 6d7h:
    73. Domain for 6d7i:
    74. Domains for 6g9t:
      1. 3013814Domain d6g9ta_: 6g9t A: [365276]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with gol, ipa, po4
      2. 3013815Domain d6g9tb_: 6g9t B: [365342]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with gol, ipa, po4
    75. Domains for 6ity:
      1. 3013848Domain d6itya_: 6ity A: [376200]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
        complexed with akr, tsl
      2. 3013849Domain d6ityb_: 6ity B: [376169]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
        complexed with akr, tsl
    76. Domains for 6j25:
      1. 3013714Domain d6j25a_: 6j25 A: [376197]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
      2. 3013715Domain d6j25b_: 6j25 B: [376193]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
    77. Domains for 6j2b:
      1. 3013773Domain d6j2ba_: 6j2b A: [376182]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
        complexed with gol, tsl
      2. 3013774Domain d6j2bb_: 6j2b B: [376185]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
        complexed with gol, tsl
    78. Domains for 6j2k:
      1. 3013771Domain d6j2ka_: 6j2k A: [376240]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
        complexed with iss
      2. 3013772Domain d6j2kb_: 6j2k B: [376249]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
        complexed with iss
    79. Domains for 6j2o:
      1. 3013841Domain d6j2oa_: 6j2o A: [376194]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
        complexed with iss
      2. 3013842Domain d6j2ob_: 6j2o B: [376178]
        automated match to d1ylwa_
        complexed with iss
    80. Domains for 6md8:
      1. 3013752Domain d6md8a_: 6md8 A: [367867]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with dms, j84
      2. 3013753Domain d6md8b_: 6md8 B: [367873]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with dms, j84
    81. Domains for 6mia:
      1. 3013750Domain d6miaa_: 6mia A: [367868]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with 1ce
      2. 3013751Domain d6miab_: 6mia B: [367835]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with 1ce
    82. Domains for 6mz1:
      1. 3013675Domain d6mz1a_: 6mz1 A: [377079]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with k, na, nxl, po4
      2. 3013676Domain d6mz1b_: 6mz1 B: [377096]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with k, na, nxl, po4
    83. Domains for 6mz2:
      1. 3013655Domain d6mz2a_: 6mz2 A: [377075]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with k, na, nxl, po4
      2. 3013656Domain d6mz2b_: 6mz2 B: [377077]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with k, na, nxl, po4
    84. Domain for 6ntz:
    85. Domains for 6ooe:
      1. 3013695Domain d6ooea_: 6ooe A: [388624]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with r6z
      2. 3013696Domain d6ooeb_: 6ooe B: [388541]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with r6z
    86. Domains for 6oof:
      1. 3013693Domain d6oofa_: 6oof A: [388609]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with r6z
      2. 3013694Domain d6oofb_: 6oof B: [388617]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with r6z
    87. Domains for 6ooh:
      1. 3013733Domain d6ooha_: 6ooh A: [388615]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with j1x
      2. 3013734Domain d6oohb_: 6ooh B: [388623]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with j1x
    88. Domains for 6ooj:
      1. 3013718Domain d6ooja_: 6ooj A: [388597]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with j1x
      2. 3013719Domain d6oojb_: 6ooj B: [388594]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with j1x
    89. Domains for 6ook:
      1. 3013720Domain d6ooka_: 6ook A: [388601]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with mzv, po4
      2. 3013721Domain d6ookb_: 6ook B: [388675]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with mzv, po4
    90. Domains for 6skp:
      1. 3013822Domain d6skpa_: 6skp A: [374481]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with im2, kcx, na, pge
      2. 3013823Domain d6skpb_: 6skp B: [374547]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with im2, kcx, na, pge
    91. Domains for 6skq:
      1. 3013836Domain d6skqa_: 6skq A: [374536]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with mer, so4
      2. 3013837Domain d6skqb_: 6skq B: [374495]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with mer, so4
      3. 3013838Domain d6skqc_: 6skq C: [374555]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with mer, so4
      4. 3013839Domain d6skqd_: 6skq D: [374566]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with mer, so4
    92. Domains for 6skr:
      1. 3013810Domain d6skra_: 6skr A: [374523]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with 1rg, fmt, mg
      2. 3013811Domain d6skrb_: 6skr B: [374556]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with 1rg, fmt, mg
    93. Domain for 6sp6:
    94. Domains for 6unb:
      1. 3013729Domain d6unba_: 6unb A: [376301]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with po4, tj7
      2. 3013730Domain d6unbb_: 6unb B: [376307]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with po4, tj7
    95. Domain for 6v5e:
    96. Domain for 6v6g:
    97. Domain for 6v6p:
    98. Domains for 6v7h:
      1. 3013670Domain d6v7ha_: 6v7h A: [392594]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with 4d6, k, po4, wxm
      2. 3013671Domain d6v7hb_: 6v7h B: [392611]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with 4d6, k, po4, wxm
    99. Domains for 6v7t:
      1. 3013712Domain d6v7ta_: 6v7t A: [384573]
        automated match to d5toya_
        complexed with caz
      2. 3013713Domain d6v7tb_: 6v7t B: [384475]
        automated match to d5toya_
        complexed with caz
    100. Domain for 6v83:
    101. Domain for 6v8v:
    102. Domains for 6vhs:
      1. 3013699Domain d6vhsa_: 6vhs A: [392641]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with po4, x57
      2. 3013700Domain d6vhsb_: 6vhs B: [392658]
        automated match to d4ua6a_
        complexed with po4, x57
    103. Domains for 6vnu:
      1. 3013725Domain d6vnua_: 6vnu A: [383250]
        automated match to d5toya_
        complexed with 7g4, k, tdj
      2. 3013726Domain d6vnub_: 6vnu B: [383239]
        automated match to d5toya_
        complexed with 7g4, k, tdj
    104. Domains for 6zrg:
      1. 3013806Domain d6zrga_: 6zrg A: [417419]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with cl, edo, qp2, so4
      2. 3013807Domain d6zrgb_: 6zrg B: [417420]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with cl, edo, qp2, so4
    105. Domains for 6zrh:
      1. 3013818Domain d6zrha_: 6zrh A: [417421]
        automated match to d1k55c_
        complexed with 2rg, edo
      2. 3013819Domain d6zrhb_: 6zrh B: [417422]
        automated match to d1k55c_
        complexed with 2rg, edo
      3. 3013820Domain d6zrhc_: 6zrh C: [417423]
        automated match to d1k55c_
        complexed with 2rg, edo
      4. 3013821Domain d6zrhd_: 6zrh D: [417424]
        automated match to d1k55c_
        complexed with 2rg, edo
    106. Domains for 6zri:
      1. 3013766Domain d6zria_: 6zri A: [417425]
        automated match to d1k55c_
        complexed with dwz, edo
      2. 3013767Domain d6zrib_: 6zri B: [417426]
        automated match to d1k55c_
        complexed with dwz, edo
      3. 3013768Domain d6zric_: 6zri C: [417427]
        automated match to d1k55c_
        complexed with dwz, edo
      4. 3013769Domain d6zrid_: 6zri D: [417428]
        automated match to d1k55c_
        complexed with dwz, edo
    107. Domains for 6zw2:
      1. 3083838Domain d6zw2a_: 6zw2 A: [420155]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with 8yl, cl, edo, so4
      2. 3083861Domain d6zw2b_: 6zw2 B: [420178]
        automated match to d2rl3b_
        complexed with 8yl, cl, edo, so4
    108. Domain for 7k2w:
    109. Domains for 7k2x:
      1. 3013798Domain d7k2xa_: 7k2x A: [394669]
        automated match to d5vlea_
        complexed with gol
      2. 3013799Domain d7k2xb_: 7k2x B: [394755]
        automated match to d5vlea_
        complexed with gol
      3. 3013800Domain d7k2xc_: 7k2x C: [394665]
        automated match to d5vlea_
        complexed with gol
      4. 3013801Domain d7k2xd_: 7k2x D: [394681]
        automated match to d5vlea_
        complexed with gol
      5. 3013802Domain d7k2xe_: 7k2x E: [394896]
        automated match to d5vlea_
        complexed with gol
      6. 3013803Domain d7k2xf_: 7k2x F: [394679]
        automated match to d5vlea_
        complexed with gol
      7. 3013804Domain d7k2xg_: 7k2x G: [394616]
        automated match to d5vlea_
        complexed with gol
      8. 3013805Domain d7k2xh_: 7k2x H: [394617]
        automated match to d5vlea_
        complexed with gol
    110. Domain for 7k2y:
    111. Domains for 8ddz:
      1. 3086708Domain d8ddzb_: 8ddz B: [423025]
        automated match to d1erma_
      2. 3086717Domain d8ddzc_: 8ddz C: [423034]
        automated match to d1erma_
      3. 3086752Domain d8ddza_: 8ddz A: [423069]
        automated match to d1erma_
      4. 3086777Domain d8ddzd_: 8ddz D: [423094]
        automated match to d1erma_
  8. 3013862Escherichia coli [TaxId:668369] [189787] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 3013867Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [321358] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 3013869Escherichia sp. [TaxId:299586] [188841] (1 PDB entry)
  11. 3013872Klebsiella oxytoca [TaxId:571] [188743] (1 PDB entry)
  12. 3013874Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:1125630] [268559] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4pm5:
    2. Domain for 4pm6:
    3. Domain for 4pm7:
    4. Domain for 4pm8:
    5. Domain for 4pm9:
    6. Domain for 4pma:
  13. 3013881Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:1276653] [388782] (1 PDB entry)
  14. 3013886Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:1432554] [407388] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6z7h:
    2. Domain for 6z7j:
    3. Domain for 7bdr:
    4. Domain for 7bds:
    5. Domain for 7qq5:
  15. 3013889Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:484021] [361809] (1 PDB entry)
  16. 3013891Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [188184] (14 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1zc2:
      1. 3013904Domain d1zc2a_: 1zc2 A: [162440]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with cit
      2. 3013905Domain d1zc2b_: 1zc2 B: [162441]
        automated match to d1fr1a_
        complexed with cit
    2. Domains for 2zc7:
      1. 3013908Domain d2zc7a_: 2zc7 A: [171151]
        automated match to d1blsa_
      2. 3013909Domain d2zc7b_: 2zc7 B: [171152]
        automated match to d1blsa_
      3. 3013910Domain d2zc7c_: 2zc7 C: [171153]
        automated match to d1blsa_
      4. 3013911Domain d2zc7d_: 2zc7 D: [171154]
        automated match to d1blsa_
    3. Domain for 3zny:
    4. Domains for 4s2i:
      1. 3013901Domain d4s2ia_: 4s2i A: [269389]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with nxl
      2. 3013902Domain d4s2ib_: 4s2i B: [269388]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with nxl
    5. Domains for 5t66:
      1. 3013906Domain d5t66a_: 5t66 A: [329901]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with c6s
      2. 3013907Domain d5t66b_: 5t66 B: [329875]
        automated match to d1ylpa_
        complexed with c6s
    6. Domain for 6gth:
    7. Domain for 6qw8:
    8. Domain for 6z7i:
    9. Domain for 6z7k:
    10. Domain for 7bh3:
    11. Domain for 7bh4:
    12. Domain for 7bh5:
    13. Domain for 7bh6:
    14. Domain for 7bh7:
  17. 3013912Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:72407] [271107] (1 PDB entry)
  18. 3013914Morganella morganii [TaxId:582] [226088] (1 PDB entry)
  19. 3013917Oceanobacillus iheyensis [TaxId:182710] [189232] (1 PDB entry)
  20. 3013919Pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) [TaxId:1313] [188417] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2v2f:
    2. Domains for 2zc5:
      1. 3013921Domain d2zc5b_: 2zc5 B: [244906]
        automated match to d2c5wb1
        complexed with bmg, zn
      2. 3013922Domain d2zc5d_: 2zc5 D: [244907]
        automated match to d2c5wb1
        complexed with bmg, zn
    3. Domains for 2zc6:
      1. 3013924Domain d2zc6b_: 2zc6 B: [171149]
        automated match to d2c5wb1
        complexed with teb, zn
      2. 3013925Domain d2zc6d_: 2zc6 D: [171150]
        automated match to d2c5wb1
        complexed with teb, zn
    4. Domain for 5oau:
    5. Domain for 5oj0:
  21. 3013927Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [225853] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3if6:
      1. 3013933Domain d3if6a_: 3if6 A: [211627]
        automated match to d1k38a_
        complexed with edo, p6g, tla
      2. 3013934Domain d3if6b_: 3if6 B: [211628]
        automated match to d1k38a_
        complexed with edo, p6g, tla
      3. 3013935Domain d3if6c_: 3if6 C: [211629]
        automated match to d1k38a_
        complexed with edo, p6g, tla
    2. Domain for 4id4:
    3. Domain for 4qy5:
    4. Domain for 4qy6:
    5. Domain for 4r4r:
    6. Domain for 4r4s:
  22. 3013936Serratia fonticola [TaxId:47917] [195324] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4eqi:
      1. 3013939Domain d4eqia_: 4eqi A: [195331]
        automated match to d1dy6a_
        complexed with edo, na
      2. 3013940Domain d4eqib_: 4eqi B: [195330]
        automated match to d1dy6a_
        complexed with edo, na
    2. Domain for 4euz:
    3. Domain for 4ev4:
    4. Domain for 6dmh:
  23. 3013942Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:1280] [189852] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3q7v:
      1. 3013949Domain d3q7va_: 3q7v A: [184266]
        automated match to d1xa1c_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 3013950Domain d3q7vb_: 3q7v B: [184267]
        automated match to d1xa1c_
        complexed with gol, so4
    2. Domains for 3q7z:
      1. 3013957Domain d3q7za_: 3q7z A: [184268]
        automated match to d1xa1c_
        complexed with bou
      2. 3013958Domain d3q7zb_: 3q7z B: [184269]
        automated match to d1xa1c_
        complexed with bou
    3. Domains for 3q81:
      1. 3013947Domain d3q81a_: 3q81 A: [192784]
        automated match to d3q7za_
        complexed with gol, im2
      2. 3013948Domain d3q81b_: 3q81 B: [191934]
        automated match to d3q7va_
        complexed with gol, im2
    4. Domains for 3q82:
      1. 3013951Domain d3q82a_: 3q82 A: [191935]
        automated match to d3q7va_
        complexed with gol, mer
      2. 3013952Domain d3q82b_: 3q82 B: [191936]
        automated match to d3q7va_
        complexed with gol, mer
    5. Domains for 3uy6:
      1. 3013945Domain d3uy6a_: 3uy6 A: [201131]
        automated match to d3uy6b_
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
      2. 3013946Domain d3uy6b_: 3uy6 B: [196046]
        automated match to d3q7za_
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    6. Domains for 3zg5:
      1. 3013959Domain d3zg5a3: 3zg5 A:328-668 [250787]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zg5a1, d3zg5a2, d3zg5b1, d3zg5b2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl
      2. 3013960Domain d3zg5b3: 3zg5 B:328-668 [250790]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zg5a1, d3zg5a2, d3zg5b1, d3zg5b2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl
    7. Domains for 4bl2:
      1. 3013963Domain d4bl2a3: 4bl2 A:328-668 [256553]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bl2a1, d4bl2a2, d4bl2b1, d4bl2b2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl; mutant
      2. 3013964Domain d4bl2b3: 4bl2 B:328-668 [256556]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bl2a1, d4bl2a2, d4bl2b1, d4bl2b2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl; mutant
    8. Domains for 4bl3:
      1. 3013961Domain d4bl3a3: 4bl3 A:328-668 [256559]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bl3a1, d4bl3a2, d4bl3b1, d4bl3b2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl, mur; mutant
      2. 3013962Domain d4bl3b3: 4bl3 B:328-668 [259321]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bl3a1, d4bl3a2, d4bl3b1, d4bl3b2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl, mur; mutant
    9. Domains for 5txi:
      1. 3013943Domain d5txia1: 5txi A:25-315 [352208]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5txia2, d5txib2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with cl, gol, na, rb6, so4, zn
      2. 3013944Domain d5txib1: 5txi B:25-315 [352211]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5txia2, d5txib2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with cl, gol, na, rb6, so4, zn
    10. Domains for 6c39:
      1. 3013953Domain d6c39a1: 6c39 A:25-315 [359741]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6c39a2, d6c39b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with na, so4, zn
      2. 3013954Domain d6c39b1: 6c39 B:25-315 [359742]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6c39a2, d6c39b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with na, so4, zn
    11. Domains for 6o9w:
      1. 3013955Domain d6o9wa_: 6o9w A: [387150]
        automated match to d3q7za_
        complexed with nxl
      2. 3013956Domain d6o9wb_: 6o9w B: [387140]
        automated match to d3q7za_
        complexed with nxl
  24. 3013965Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:158878] [256157] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3zfz:
      1. 3013968Domain d3zfza3: 3zfz A:328-668 [250775]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfza1, d3zfza2, d3zfzb1, d3zfzb2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with 1w8, ai8, cd, cl, mur
      2. 3013969Domain d3zfzb3: 3zfz B:328-668 [250778]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfza1, d3zfza2, d3zfzb1, d3zfzb2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with 1w8, ai8, cd, cl, mur
    2. Domains for 3zg0:
      1. 3013974Domain d3zg0a3: 3zg0 A:328-668 [250781]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zg0a1, d3zg0a2, d3zg0b1, d3zg0b2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with 1w8, ai8, cd, cl, mur
      2. 3013975Domain d3zg0b3: 3zg0 B:328-668 [250784]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zg0a1, d3zg0a2, d3zg0b1, d3zg0b2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with 1w8, ai8, cd, cl, mur
    3. Domains for 4cjn:
      1. 3013966Domain d4cjna3: 4cjn A:328-668 [269623]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cjna1, d4cjna2, d4cjnb1, d4cjnb2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl, mur, qnz
      2. 3013967Domain d4cjnb3: 4cjn B:328-668 [269624]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cjna1, d4cjna2, d4cjnb1, d4cjnb2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl, mur, qnz
    4. Domains for 4cpk:
      1. 3013970Domain d4cpka3: 4cpk A:328-668 [262608]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cpka1, d4cpka2, d4cpkb1, d4cpkb2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl, mur; mutant
      2. 3013971Domain d4cpkb3: 4cpk B:328-668 [259339]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cpka1, d4cpka2, d4cpkb1, d4cpkb2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl, mur; mutant
    5. Domains for 6h5o:
      1. 3013976Domain d6h5oa3: 6h5o A:328-668 [372863]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6h5oa1, d6h5oa2, d6h5ob1, d6h5ob2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, jpp
      2. 3013977Domain d6h5ob3: 6h5o B:328-668 [372891]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6h5oa1, d6h5oa2, d6h5ob1, d6h5ob2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, jpp
    6. Domains for 6q9n:
      1. 3013972Domain d6q9na3: 6q9n A:328-668 [377596]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6q9na1, d6q9na2, d6q9nb1, d6q9nb2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl, jpp, mur, qln
      2. 3013973Domain d6q9nb3: 6q9n B:328-668 [377632]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6q9na1, d6q9na2, d6q9nb1, d6q9nb2
        automated match to d1vqqa3
        complexed with cd, cl, jpp, mur, qln
  25. 3013978Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:93062] [352201] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5tw4:
      1. 3013982Domain d5tw4a1: 5tw4 A:25-315 [352321]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5tw4a2, d5tw4b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with ai8, cl, gol, na, zn; mutant
      2. 3013983Domain d5tw4b1: 5tw4 B:25-315 [352334]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5tw4a2, d5tw4b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with ai8, cl, gol, na, zn; mutant
    2. Domains for 5tw8:
      1. 3013991Domain d5tw8a1: 5tw8 A:25-315 [352304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5tw8a2, d5tw8b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with ai8, na, zn
      2. 3013992Domain d5tw8b1: 5tw8 B:25-315 [352293]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5tw8a2, d5tw8b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with ai8, na, zn
    3. Domains for 5tx9:
      1. 3013987Domain d5tx9a1: 5tx9 A:25-315 [352202]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5tx9a2, d5tx9b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with na, rb6, zn; mutant
      2. 3013988Domain d5tx9b1: 5tx9 B:25-315 [352216]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5tx9a2, d5tx9b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with na, rb6, zn; mutant
    4. Domains for 5ty2:
      1. 3013989Domain d5ty2a1: 5ty2 A:25-315 [353523]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ty2a2, d5ty2b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with cl, na, nff, zn; mutant
      2. 3013990Domain d5ty2b1: 5ty2 B:25-315 [353585]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ty2a2, d5ty2b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with cl, na, nff, zn; mutant
    5. Domains for 5ty7:
      1. 3013995Domain d5ty7a1: 5ty7 A:25-315 [353623]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ty7a2, d5ty7b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with na, nff, zn
      2. 3013996Domain d5ty7b1: 5ty7 B:25-315 [353615]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ty7a2, d5ty7b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with na, nff, zn
    6. Domains for 6c3k:
      1. 3013984Domain d6c3ka1: 6c3k A:25-315 [359783]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6c3ka2, d6c3kb2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with cl, na, zn; mutant
      2. 3013985Domain d6c3kb1: 6c3k B:25-315 [359841]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6c3ka2, d6c3kb2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with cl, na, zn; mutant
    7. Domains for 6dz8:
      1. 3013993Domain d6dz8a1: 6dz8 A:25-315 [361377]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6dz8a2, d6dz8b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 3013994Domain d6dz8b1: 6dz8 B:25-315 [361425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6dz8a2, d6dz8b2
        automated match to d3huna1
        complexed with zn; mutant
    8. Domain for 7kcv:
    9. Domain for 7kcw:
    10. Domain for 7kcx:
    11. Domain for 7kcy:
  26. 3013997Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId:171101] [352954] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5oiz:
    2. Domain for 5oj1:
  27. 3014000Streptomyces sp. [TaxId:31952] [186885] (1 PDB entry)
  28. 3014002Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:666] [364228] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6mk6:
      1. 3014003Domain d6mk6a_: 6mk6 A: [364240]
        automated match to d1dy6a_
      2. 3014004Domain d6mk6b_: 6mk6 B: [364241]
        automated match to d1dy6a_
      3. 3014005Domain d6mk6c_: 6mk6 C: [364238]
        automated match to d1dy6a_
      4. 3014006Domain d6mk6d_: 6mk6 D: [364231]
        automated match to d1dy6a_
    2. Domain for 6mkq:
  29. 3014008Yersinia enterocolitica [TaxId:393305] [278691] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from e.3.1.1: beta-Lactamase/D-ala carboxypeptidase

Timeline for Protein automated matches from e.3.1.1: beta-Lactamase/D-ala carboxypeptidase: