Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2817864Fold b.85: beta-clip [51268] (7 superfamilies)
    double-stranded ribbon sharply bent in two places; the ribbon ends form incomplete barrel; jelly-roll
  4. 2818071Superfamily b.85.4: dUTPase-like [51283] (2 families) (S)
    forms tight trimer through an additional beta-sheet in each subunit
    subunit beta-sheets are orthogonally packed around the three-fold axis
  5. 2818270Family b.85.4.0: automated matches [191644] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2818271Protein automated matches [191182] (20 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2818272Bacillus halodurans [TaxId:272558] [270836] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2818279Bacillus subtilis [TaxId:1423] [189439] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2baz:
      1. 2818359Domain d2baza_: 2baz A: [197782]
        automated match to d2bazc_
      2. 2818360Domain d2bazb_: 2baz B: [197783]
        automated match to d2bazc_
      3. 2818361Domain d2bazc_: 2baz C: [193858]
        automated match to d2xcea_
    2. Domains for 2xcd:
      1. 2818305Domain d2xcda_: 2xcd A: [170020]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, gol, mg, na
      2. 2818306Domain d2xcdb_: 2xcd B: [170021]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, gol, mg, na
      3. 2818307Domain d2xcdc_: 2xcd C: [170022]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, gol, mg, na
      4. 2818308Domain d2xcdd_: 2xcd D: [170023]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, gol, mg, na
      5. 2818309Domain d2xcde_: 2xcd E: [170024]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, gol, mg, na
      6. 2818310Domain d2xcdf_: 2xcd F: [170025]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, gol, mg, na
    3. Domains for 2xce:
      1. 2818293Domain d2xcea_: 2xce A: [170026]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with ca, dup, gol
      2. 2818294Domain d2xceb_: 2xce B: [170027]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with ca, dup, gol
      3. 2818295Domain d2xcec_: 2xce C: [170028]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with ca, dup, gol
      4. 2818296Domain d2xced_: 2xce D: [170029]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with ca, dup, gol
      5. 2818297Domain d2xcee_: 2xce E: [170030]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with ca, dup, gol
      6. 2818298Domain d2xcef_: 2xce F: [170031]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with ca, dup, gol
    4. Domains for 2xx6:
      1. 2818289Domain d2xx6a_: 2xx6 A: [207389]
        automated match to d2bazc_
      2. 2818290Domain d2xx6b_: 2xx6 B: [207390]
        automated match to d2bazc_
      3. 2818291Domain d2xx6c_: 2xx6 C: [207391]
        automated match to d2bazc_
      4. 2818292Domain d2xx6d_: 2xx6 D: [207392]
        automated match to d2bazc_
    5. Domains for 2xy3:
      1. 2818353Domain d2xy3a_: 2xy3 A: [207432]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dup, mg
      2. 2818354Domain d2xy3b_: 2xy3 B: [207433]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dup, mg
      3. 2818355Domain d2xy3c_: 2xy3 C: [207434]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dup, mg
      4. 2818356Domain d2xy3d_: 2xy3 D: [207435]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dup, mg
      5. 2818357Domain d2xy3e_: 2xy3 E: [207436]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dup, mg
      6. 2818358Domain d2xy3f_: 2xy3 F: [207437]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dup, mg
    6. Domains for 2y1t:
      1. 2818299Domain d2y1ta_: 2y1t A: [207451]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dud
      2. 2818300Domain d2y1tb_: 2y1t B: [207452]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dud
      3. 2818301Domain d2y1tc_: 2y1t C: [207453]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dud
      4. 2818302Domain d2y1td_: 2y1t D: [207454]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dud
      5. 2818303Domain d2y1te_: 2y1t E: [207455]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dud
      6. 2818304Domain d2y1tf_: 2y1t F: [207456]
        automated match to d2bazc_
        complexed with dud
    7. Domains for 4ao5:
      1. 2818283Domain d4ao5a_: 4ao5 A: [201464]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ao5b2, d4ao5d2, d4ao5e2
        automated match to d4ao5c_
        complexed with na, ump
      2. 2818284Domain d4ao5b1: 4ao5 B:1-128 [201465]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ao5b2, d4ao5d2, d4ao5e2
        automated match to d4ao5e_
        complexed with na, ump
      3. 2818285Domain d4ao5c_: 4ao5 C: [196733]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ao5b2, d4ao5d2, d4ao5e2
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with na, ump
      4. 2818286Domain d4ao5d1: 4ao5 D:1-128 [196735]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ao5b2, d4ao5d2, d4ao5e2
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with na, ump
      5. 2818287Domain d4ao5e1: 4ao5 E:1-128 [196734]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ao5b2, d4ao5d2, d4ao5e2
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with na, ump
      6. 2818288Domain d4ao5f_: 4ao5 F: [201466]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ao5b2, d4ao5d2, d4ao5e2
        automated match to d4ao5c_
        complexed with na, ump
    8. Domains for 4aoo:
      1. 2818349Domain d4aooa_: 4aoo A: [219082]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      2. 2818350Domain d4aoob_: 4aoo B: [219083]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      3. 2818351Domain d4aooc_: 4aoo C: [219084]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      4. 2818352Domain d4aood_: 4aoo D: [219085]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
    9. Domains for 4aoz:
      1. 2818311Domain d4aoza_: 4aoz A: [219086]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with act, cl, dur, mg, pop
      2. 2818312Domain d4aozb_: 4aoz B: [219087]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with act, cl, dur, mg, pop
      3. 2818313Domain d4aozc_: 4aoz C: [219088]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with act, cl, dur, mg, pop
    10. Domains for 4apz:
      1. 2818314Domain d4apz1_: 4apz 1: [193005]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      2. 2818315Domain d4apz2_: 4apz 2: [193012]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      3. 2818316Domain d4apz3_: 4apz 3: [193013]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      4. 2818317Domain d4apz4_: 4apz 4: [193008]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      5. 2818318Domain d4apz5_: 4apz 5: [193006]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      6. 2818319Domain d4apz6_: 4apz 6: [193015]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      7. 2818320Domain d4apz7_: 4apz 7: [193009]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      8. 2818321Domain d4apz8_: 4apz 8: [193007]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      9. 2818322Domain d4apz9_: 4apz 9: [193010]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      10. 2818323Domain d4apza_: 4apz A: [193016]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      11. 2818324Domain d4apzb_: 4apz B: [193014]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      12. 2818325Domain d4apzc_: 4apz C: [193017]
        automated match to d2xcea_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      13. 2818326Domain d4apzd_: 4apz D: [201472]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      14. 2818327Domain d4apze_: 4apz E: [201473]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      15. 2818328Domain d4apzf_: 4apz F: [201474]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      16. 2818329Domain d4apzg_: 4apz G: [201475]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      17. 2818330Domain d4apzh_: 4apz H: [201476]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      18. 2818331Domain d4apzi_: 4apz I: [201477]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      19. 2818332Domain d4apzj_: 4apz J: [201478]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      20. 2818333Domain d4apzk_: 4apz K: [201479]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      21. 2818334Domain d4apzl_: 4apz L: [201480]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      22. 2818335Domain d4apzm_: 4apz M: [201481]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      23. 2818336Domain d4apzn_: 4apz N: [201482]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      24. 2818337Domain d4apzo_: 4apz O: [201483]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      25. 2818338Domain d4apzp_: 4apz P: [201484]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      26. 2818339Domain d4apzq_: 4apz Q: [201485]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      27. 2818340Domain d4apzr_: 4apz R: [201486]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      28. 2818341Domain d4apzs_: 4apz S: [201487]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      29. 2818342Domain d4apzt_: 4apz T: [201488]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      30. 2818343Domain d4apzu_: 4apz U: [201489]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      31. 2818344Domain d4apzv_: 4apz V: [201490]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      32. 2818345Domain d4apzw_: 4apz W: [201491]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      33. 2818346Domain d4apzx_: 4apz X: [201492]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      34. 2818347Domain d4apzy_: 4apz Y: [201493]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
      35. 2818348Domain d4apzz_: 4apz Z: [201494]
        automated match to d4apz1_
        complexed with dur, mg, po4, pop
    11. Domains for 4b0h:
      1. 2818280Domain d4b0ha_: 4b0h A: [219244]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with cl, dur, mg, pg4, pop
      2. 2818281Domain d4b0hb_: 4b0h B: [219245]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with cl, dur, mg, pg4, pop
      3. 2818282Domain d4b0hc_: 4b0h C: [219246]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with cl, dur, mg, pg4, pop
  3. 2818362Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [189530] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3f4f:
      1. 2818363Domain d3f4fa_: 3f4f A: [209790]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with edo, na, peg, ump
      2. 2818364Domain d3f4fb_: 3f4f B: [209791]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with edo, na, peg, ump
      3. 2818365Domain d3f4fc_: 3f4f C: [209792]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with edo, na, peg, ump
    2. Domains for 3hhq:
      1. 2818366Domain d3hhqa_: 3hhq A: [211040]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      2. 2818367Domain d3hhqb_: 3hhq B: [211041]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      3. 2818368Domain d3hhqc_: 3hhq C: [211042]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      4. 2818369Domain d3hhqd_: 3hhq D: [211043]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      5. 2818370Domain d3hhqe_: 3hhq E: [211044]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      6. 2818371Domain d3hhqf_: 3hhq F: [211045]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      7. 2818372Domain d3hhqg_: 3hhq G: [211046]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      8. 2818373Domain d3hhqh_: 3hhq H: [211047]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      9. 2818374Domain d3hhqi_: 3hhq I: [211048]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      10. 2818375Domain d3hhqj_: 3hhq J: [211049]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      11. 2818376Domain d3hhqk_: 3hhq K: [211050]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      12. 2818377Domain d3hhql_: 3hhq L: [211051]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      13. 2818378Domain d3hhqm_: 3hhq M: [211052]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      14. 2818379Domain d3hhqn_: 3hhq N: [211053]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      15. 2818380Domain d3hhqo_: 3hhq O: [211054]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      16. 2818381Domain d3hhqp_: 3hhq P: [211055]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      17. 2818382Domain d3hhqq_: 3hhq Q: [211056]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      18. 2818383Domain d3hhqr_: 3hhq R: [211057]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      19. 2818384Domain d3hhqs_: 3hhq S: [211058]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      20. 2818385Domain d3hhqt_: 3hhq T: [211059]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      21. 2818386Domain d3hhqu_: 3hhq U: [211060]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      22. 2818387Domain d3hhqv_: 3hhq V: [211061]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      23. 2818388Domain d3hhqw_: 3hhq W: [211062]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
      24. 2818389Domain d3hhqx_: 3hhq X: [211063]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, na, peg, so4
    3. Domains for 3p48:
      1. 2818390Domain d3p48a_: 3p48 A: [183494]
        automated match to d1q5hb_
        complexed with dup, mg
      2. 2818391Domain d3p48b_: 3p48 B: [183495]
        automated match to d1q5hb_
        complexed with dup, mg
      3. 2818392Domain d3p48c_: 3p48 C: [183496]
        automated match to d1q5hb_
        complexed with dup, mg
  4. 2818393Brucella melitensis [TaxId:359391] [255959] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3mbq:
      1. 2818395Domain d3mbqa_: 3mbq A: [247633]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with edo, gol, so4
      2. 2818396Domain d3mbqb_: 3mbq B: [247634]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with edo, gol, so4
      3. 2818397Domain d3mbqc_: 3mbq C: [247635]
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with edo, gol, so4
    2. Domain for 3mdx:
  5. 2818398Entamoeba histolytica [TaxId:294381] [225850] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2818400Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) [TaxId:7227] [225535] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2818403Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [226031] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2hqu:
      1. 2818417Domain d2hqua_: 2hqu A: [147361]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with cl, dup, mg
      2. 2818418Domain d2hqub_: 2hqu B: [147362]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with cl, dup, mg
      3. 2818419Domain d2hquc_: 2hqu C: [147363]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with cl, dup, mg
    2. Domains for 3ara:
      1. 2818410Domain d3araa_: 3ara A: [208345]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with mg, mkh
      2. 2818411Domain d3arab_: 3ara B: [208346]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with mg, mkh
      3. 2818412Domain d3arac_: 3ara C: [208347]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with mg, mkh
    3. Domains for 3arn:
      1. 2818414Domain d3arna_: 3arn A: [208351]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with mg, msj
      2. 2818415Domain d3arnb_: 3arn B: [208352]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with mg, msj
      3. 2818416Domain d3arnc_: 3arn C: [208353]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with mg, msj
    4. Domains for 3ehw:
      1. 2818404Domain d3ehwa_: 3ehw A: [158154]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dup, mg
      2. 2818405Domain d3ehwb_: 3ehw B: [158155]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dup, mg
      3. 2818406Domain d3ehwc_: 3ehw C: [158156]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dup, mg
      4. 2818407Domain d3ehwx_: 3ehw X: [158157]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dup, mg
      5. 2818408Domain d3ehwy_: 3ehw Y: [158158]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dup, mg
      6. 2818409Domain d3ehwz_: 3ehw Z: [158159]
        automated match to d4apza_
        complexed with dup, mg
    5. Domain for 5h4j:
  8. 2818420Legionella pneumophila [TaxId:272624] [357083] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6mai:
    2. Domain for 6mao:
  9. 2818423Mason-pfizer monkey virus [TaxId:11855] [225168] (16 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2d4l:
    2. Domain for 2d4m:
    3. Domain for 2d4n:
    4. Domain for 3tp1:
    5. Domain for 3tpn:
    6. Domain for 3tps:
    7. Domain for 3tpw:
    8. Domain for 3tpy:
    9. Domain for 3tq3:
    10. Domain for 3tq4:
    11. Domain for 3tq5:
    12. Domain for 3trl:
    13. Domain for 3trn:
    14. Domain for 3ts6:
    15. Domain for 3tsl:
    16. Domain for 3tta:
  10. 2818440Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [324721] (1 PDB entry)
  11. 2818442Naegleria fowleri [TaxId:5763] [334024] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5vjy:
      1. 2818444Domain d5vjya1: 5vjy A:2-130 [334031]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5vjya2, d5vjyb2, d5vjyc2, d5vjyd2, d5vjye2
        automated match to d4oopb_
        complexed with btb, edo
      2. 2818445Domain d5vjyb1: 5vjy B:2-131 [334060]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5vjya2, d5vjyb2, d5vjyc2, d5vjyd2, d5vjye2
        automated match to d4oopb_
        complexed with btb, edo
      3. 2818446Domain d5vjyc1: 5vjy C:2-131 [334025]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5vjya2, d5vjyb2, d5vjyc2, d5vjyd2, d5vjye2
        automated match to d4oopb_
        complexed with btb, edo
      4. 2818447Domain d5vjyd1: 5vjy D:2-130 [334046]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5vjya2, d5vjyb2, d5vjyc2, d5vjyd2, d5vjye2
        automated match to d4oopb_
        complexed with btb, edo
      5. 2818448Domain d5vjye1: 5vjy E:2-131 [334056]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5vjya2, d5vjyb2, d5vjyc2, d5vjyd2, d5vjye2
        automated match to d4oopb_
        complexed with btb, edo
    2. Domain for 6mjk:
  12. 2818449Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus il3a [TaxId:46019] [255769] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3c2t:
      1. 2818456Domain d3c2ta_: 3c2t A: [245446]
        automated match to d3ehwa_
        complexed with dud, mg
      2. 2818457Domain d3c2tb_: 3c2t B: [245447]
        automated match to d3ehwa_
        complexed with dud, mg
    2. Domains for 3c3i:
      1. 2818450Domain d3c3ia_: 3c3i A: [245454]
        automated match to d3ehwa_
        complexed with dud, mg
      2. 2818451Domain d3c3ib_: 3c3i B: [245455]
        automated match to d3ehwa_
        complexed with dud, mg
      3. 2818452Domain d3c3ic_: 3c3i C: [245456]
        automated match to d3ehwa_
        complexed with dud, mg
      4. 2818453Domain d3c3id_: 3c3i D: [245457]
        automated match to d3ehwa_
        complexed with dud, mg
    3. Domains for 3ca9:
      1. 2818454Domain d3ca9a1: 3ca9 A:1-125 [245475]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ca9a2, d3ca9b2
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with dud, mg
      2. 2818455Domain d3ca9b1: 3ca9 B:1-125 [245476]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ca9a2, d3ca9b2
        automated match to d1sixa_
        complexed with dud, mg
  13. 2818458Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId:9823] [395307] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6ljj:
    2. Domains for 7bpd:
      1. 2818460Domain d7bpda_: 7bpd A: [401891]
        automated match to d3ehwa_
      2. 2818461Domain d7bpdb_: 7bpd B: [401720]
        automated match to d3ehwa_
  14. 2818462Rickettsia prowazekii [TaxId:272947] [405693] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 7n56:
      1. 2818469Domain d7n56a_: 7n56 A: [418462]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2818470Domain d7n56b_: 7n56 B: [418463]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2818471Domain d7n56c1: 7n56 C:1-133 [418464]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2818472Domain d7n56d_: 7n56 D: [418466]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2818473Domain d7n56e_: 7n56 E: [418467]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2818474Domain d7n56f_: 7n56 F: [418468]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      7. 2818475Domain d7n56g_: 7n56 G: [418469]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      8. 2818476Domain d7n56h_: 7n56 H: [418470]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      9. 2818477Domain d7n56i1: 7n56 I:1-133 [418471]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      10. 2818478Domain d7n56j1: 7n56 J:1-131 [418473]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      11. 2818479Domain d7n56k1: 7n56 K:1-134 [418475]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
      12. 2818480Domain d7n56l1: 7n56 L:1-137 [418477]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n56c2, d7n56i2, d7n56j2, d7n56k2, d7n56l2
        automated match to d7n6sc_
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 7n6s:
      1. 2818463Domain d7n6sa1: 7n6s A:1-134 [405719]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n6sa2
        automated match to d1rnja_
        complexed with ump
      2. 2818464Domain d7n6sb_: 7n6s B: [405708]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n6sa2
        automated match to d1rnja_
        complexed with ump
      3. 2818465Domain d7n6sc_: 7n6s C: [405694]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n6sa2
        automated match to d1rnja_
        complexed with ump
      4. 2818466Domain d7n6sd_: 7n6s D: [405703]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n6sa2
        automated match to d1rnja_
        complexed with ump
      5. 2818467Domain d7n6se_: 7n6s E: [405754]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n6sa2
        automated match to d1rnja_
        complexed with ump
      6. 2818468Domain d7n6sf_: 7n6s F: [405714]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7n6sa2
        automated match to d1rnja_
        complexed with ump
  15. 2818481Slime mold (Dictyostelium discoideum) [TaxId:44689] [327115] (1 PDB entry)
  16. 2818485Staphylococcus phage [TaxId:12360] [227850] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4gv8:
      1. 2818486Domain d4gv8a_: 4gv8 A: [230238]
        automated match to d4gv8e_
        complexed with dup, mg
      2. 2818487Domain d4gv8b_: 4gv8 B: [230241]
        automated match to d4gv8e_
        complexed with dup, mg
      3. 2818488Domain d4gv8c_: 4gv8 C: [230240]
        automated match to d4gv8e_
        complexed with dup, mg
      4. 2818489Domain d4gv8d_: 4gv8 D: [230237]
        automated match to d4gv8e_
        complexed with dup, mg
      5. 2818490Domain d4gv8e_: 4gv8 E: [227851]
        automated match to d2hqua_
        complexed with dup, mg
      6. 2818491Domain d4gv8f_: 4gv8 F: [230239]
        automated match to d4gv8e_
        complexed with dup, mg
    2. Domains for 4wrk:
      1. 2818496Domain d4wrka_: 4wrk A: [280083]
        automated match to d4gv8c_
        complexed with dup, mg; mutant
      2. 2818497Domain d4wrkb_: 4wrk B: [280081]
        automated match to d4gv8c_
        complexed with dup, mg; mutant
      3. 2818498Domain d4wrkc_: 4wrk C: [280082]
        automated match to d4gv8c_
        complexed with dup, mg; mutant
      4. 2818499Domain d4wrkd_: 4wrk D: [280080]
        automated match to d4gv8c_
        complexed with dup, mg; mutant
      5. 2818500Domain d4wrke_: 4wrk E: [280084]
        automated match to d4gv8c_
        complexed with dup, mg; mutant
      6. 2818501Domain d4wrkf_: 4wrk F: [280085]
        automated match to d4gv8c_
        complexed with dup, mg; mutant
    3. Domains for 6h4c:
      1. 2818492Domain d6h4ca_: 6h4c A: [373420]
        automated match to d3zeza_
        complexed with mg, ni, peg
      2. 2818493Domain d6h4cc_: 6h4c C: [373447]
        automated match to d3zeza_
        complexed with mg, ni, peg
      3. 2818494Domain d6h4ce_: 6h4c E: [373410]
        automated match to d3zeza_
        complexed with mg, ni, peg
      4. 2818495Domain d6h4cg_: 6h4c G: [373419]
        automated match to d3zeza_
        complexed with mg, ni, peg
  17. 2818502Staphylococcus phage [TaxId:53369] [256154] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3zez:
    2. Domain for 3zf0:
    3. Domain for 3zf1:
    4. Domain for 3zf2:
    5. Domain for 3zf3:
    6. Domain for 3zf4:
    7. Domain for 3zf6:
    8. Domain for 5cco:
    9. Domain for 5cct:
    10. Domain for 5nyz:
    11. Domain for 5nz2:
  18. 2818514Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId:3702] [255543] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2pc5:
      1. 2818518Domain d2pc5a_: 2pc5 A: [243469]
        automated match to d3so2a_
        complexed with mg
      2. 2818519Domain d2pc5b_: 2pc5 B: [243470]
        automated match to d3so2a_
        complexed with mg
      3. 2818520Domain d2pc5c_: 2pc5 C: [243471]
        automated match to d3so2a_
        complexed with mg
    2. Domains for 4oop:
      1. 2818515Domain d4oopa_: 4oop A: [300066]
        automated match to d4ooqa_
        complexed with dup, mg
      2. 2818516Domain d4oopb_: 4oop B: [271181]
        automated match to d3zeza_
        complexed with dup, mg
      3. 2818517Domain d4oopc_: 4oop C: [300067]
        automated match to d4ooqa_
        complexed with dup, mg
    3. Domains for 4ooq:
      1. 2818521Domain d4ooqa_: 4ooq A: [307933]
        complexed with mg, so4
      2. 2818522Domain d4ooqb_: 4ooq B: [307934]
        complexed with mg, so4
      3. 2818523Domain d4ooqc_: 4ooq C: [307935]
        complexed with mg, so4
  19. 2818524White spot syndrome virus (isolate shrimp/china/tongan/1996) [TaxId:654913] [342590] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5y5o:
      1. 2818534Domain d5y5oa_: 5y5o A: [342621]
        automated match to d3c3ib_
      2. 2818535Domain d5y5ob_: 5y5o B: [342605]
        automated match to d3c3ib_
      3. 2818536Domain d5y5oc_: 5y5o C: [342610]
        automated match to d3c3ib_
      4. 2818537Domain d5y5od_: 5y5o D: [342602]
        automated match to d3c3ib_
      5. 2818538Domain d5y5oe_: 5y5o E: [342591]
        automated match to d3c3ib_
      6. 2818539Domain d5y5of_: 5y5o F: [342596]
        automated match to d3c3ib_
    2. Domains for 5y5p:
      1. 2818528Domain d5y5pa_: 5y5p A: [344469]
        automated match to d5y5pe_
        complexed with dur, mg, pop
      2. 2818529Domain d5y5pb_: 5y5p B: [344470]
        automated match to d5y5pe_
        complexed with dur, mg, pop
      3. 2818530Domain d5y5pc_: 5y5p C: [342614]
        automated match to d3ehwb_
        complexed with dur, mg, pop
      4. 2818531Domain d5y5pd_: 5y5p D: [344471]
        automated match to d5y5pe_
        complexed with dur, mg, pop
      5. 2818532Domain d5y5pe_: 5y5p E: [342636]
        automated match to d3c3ib_
        complexed with dur, mg, pop
      6. 2818533Domain d5y5pf_: 5y5p F: [344472]
        automated match to d5y5pe_
        complexed with dur, mg, pop
    3. Domains for 5y5q:
      1. 2818525Domain d5y5qa_: 5y5q A: [342616]
        automated match to d3c3ib_
        complexed with dut, mg; mutant
      2. 2818526Domain d5y5qb_: 5y5q B: [344473]
        automated match to d5y5pe_
        complexed with dut, mg; mutant
      3. 2818527Domain d5y5qc_: 5y5q C: [344474]
        automated match to d5y5pe_
        complexed with dut, mg; mutant
  20. 3084908Penaeus vannamei [TaxId:6689] [421225] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from b.85.4.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.85.4.0: automated matches: