Lineage for Protein: L (light) subunit

  1. Root: SCOP 1.63
  2. 267451Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (34 folds)
  3. 268375Fold f.26: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81484] (1 superfamily)
    five transmembrane helices forming a sheet-like structure
  4. 268376Superfamily f.26.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81483] (1 family) (S)
  5. 268377Family f.26.1.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81482] (2 proteins)
    L and M are probably related to each other
  6. 268378Protein L (light) subunit [81477] (3 species)


  1. 268379Rhodobacter sphaeroides [TaxId:1063] [81475] (29 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1aig:
      1. 268392Domain d1aigl_: 1aig L: [43482]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1aigh1, d1aigh2, d1aigm_, d1aigo_, d1aigp1, d1aigp2
      2. 268393Domain d1aign_: 1aig N: [43485]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1aigh1, d1aigh2, d1aigm_, d1aigo_, d1aigp1, d1aigp2
        complexed with bcl, bph, fe2, u10
    2. Domains for 1aij:
      1. 268381Domain d1aijl_: 1aij L: [43461]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1aijh1, d1aijh2, d1aijm_, d1aijs_, d1aijt1, d1aijt2
      2. 268382Domain d1aijr_: 1aij R: [43464]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1aijh1, d1aijh2, d1aijm_, d1aijs_, d1aijt1, d1aijt2
        complexed with bcl, bph, fe2, lda, u10
    3. Domains for 1ds8:
      1. 268388Domain d1ds8l_: 1ds8 L: [43470]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ds8h1, d1ds8h2, d1ds8m_, d1ds8s_, d1ds8t1, d1ds8t2
      2. 268389Domain d1ds8r_: 1ds8 R: [43473]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ds8h1, d1ds8h2, d1ds8m_, d1ds8s_, d1ds8t1, d1ds8t2
        complexed with bcl, bph, cd, cl, fe2, lda, u10
    4. Domains for 1dv3:
      1. 268390Domain d1dv3l_: 1dv3 L: [43476]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dv3h1, d1dv3h2, d1dv3m_, d1dv3s_, d1dv3t1, d1dv3t2
      2. 268391Domain d1dv3r_: 1dv3 R: [43479]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dv3h1, d1dv3h2, d1dv3m_, d1dv3s_, d1dv3t1, d1dv3t2
        complexed with bcl, bph, cd, cl, fe2, lda, u10
    5. Domains for 1dv6:
      1. 268394Domain d1dv6l_: 1dv6 L: [43488]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dv6h1, d1dv6h2, d1dv6m_, d1dv6s_, d1dv6t1, d1dv6t2
      2. 268395Domain d1dv6r_: 1dv6 R: [43491]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dv6h1, d1dv6h2, d1dv6m_, d1dv6s_, d1dv6t1, d1dv6t2
        complexed with bcl, bph, cl, fe2, lda, u10, zn
    6. Domain for 1e14:
    7. Domain for 1e6d:
    8. Domain for 1f6n:
    9. Domain for 1fnp:
    10. Domain for 1fnq:
    11. Domain for 1jgw:
    12. Domain for 1jgx:
    13. Domain for 1jgy:
    14. Domain for 1jgz:
    15. Domain for 1jh0:
    16. Domain for 1k6l:
    17. Domain for 1k6n:
    18. Domain for 1kby:
    19. Domain for 1l9b:
    20. Domains for 1l9j:
      1. 268409Domain d1l9jl_: 1l9j L: [73726]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1l9jc_, d1l9jd_, d1l9jh1, d1l9jh2, d1l9jm_, d1l9js_, d1l9jt1, d1l9jt2
      2. 268410Domain d1l9jr_: 1l9j R: [73728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1l9jc_, d1l9jd_, d1l9jh1, d1l9jh2, d1l9jm_, d1l9js_, d1l9jt1, d1l9jt2
        complexed with bcl, bph, cl, fe2, hem, lda, u10
    21. Domain for 1m3x:
    22. Domain for 1mps:
    23. Domain for 1pcr:
    24. Domain for 1pss:
    25. Domain for 1pst:
    26. Domain for 1qov:
    27. Domain for 1yst:
    28. Domain for 2rcr:
    29. Domain for 4rcr:
  2. 268415Rhodopseudomonas viridis [TaxId:1079] [81474] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1dxr:
    2. Domain for 1prc:
    3. Domain for 2prc:
    4. Domain for 3prc:
    5. Domain for 4prc:
    6. Domain for 5prc:
    7. Domain for 6prc:
    8. Domain for 7prc:
  3. 268424Thermochromatium tepidum [TaxId:1050] [81476] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein L (light) subunit from f.26.1.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits

Timeline for Protein L (light) subunit from f.26.1.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits:

  • Protein L (light) subunit from f.26.1.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits is new in SCOP 1.63
  • Protein L (light) subunit from f.26.1.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits appears in SCOP 1.65
  • Protein L (light) subunit from f.26.1.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08