Lineage for Protein: E-cadherin (epithelial)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2739517Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 2763414Superfamily b.1.6: Cadherin-like [49313] (4 families) (S)
  5. 2763415Family b.1.6.1: Cadherin [49314] (4 proteins)
  6. 2763423Protein E-cadherin (epithelial) [49317] (2 species)
    synonym: uvomorulin


  1. 2763424Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [81981] (12 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1o6s:
    2. Domains for 2o72:
      1. 2763438Domain d2o72a1: 2o72 A:1-101 [205235]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763439Domain d2o72a2: 2o72 A:102-213 [205236]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
    3. Domain for 2omt:
    4. Domain for 2omu:
    5. Domain for 2omv:
    6. Domain for 2omx:
    7. Domain for 2omy:
    8. Domain for 2omz:
    9. Domains for 3ff7:
      1. 2763429Domain d3ff7a1: 3ff7 A:1-99 [175740]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff7a2, d3ff7b2, d3ff7c_, d3ff7d_
        automated match to d1o6sb_
        complexed with acy
      2. 2763430Domain d3ff7b1: 3ff7 B:1-99 [175741]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff7a2, d3ff7b2, d3ff7c_, d3ff7d_
        automated match to d1o6sb_
        complexed with acy
    10. Domains for 3ff8:
      1. 2763440Domain d3ff8a1: 3ff8 A:1-100 [175744]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff8a2, d3ff8b2, d3ff8c_, d3ff8d_
        automated match to d1o6sb_
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763441Domain d3ff8b1: 3ff8 B:1-99 [175745]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff8a2, d3ff8b2, d3ff8c_, d3ff8d_
        automated match to d1o6sb_
        complexed with ca
    11. Domains for 4zt1:
      1. 2763434Domain d4zt1a1: 4zt1 A:5-101 [318040]
        automated match to d1edha1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763435Domain d4zt1a2: 4zt1 A:102-213 [318041]
        automated match to d3qrba2
        complexed with ca
      3. 2763436Domain d4zt1b1: 4zt1 B:5-101 [318035]
        automated match to d1edha1
        complexed with ca
      4. 2763437Domain d4zt1b2: 4zt1 B:102-213 [318036]
        automated match to d3qrba2
        complexed with ca
    12. Domains for 4zte:
      1. 2763442Domain d4ztea1: 4zte A:4-101 [318053]
        automated match to d1edha1
        complexed with 4rl, ca
      2. 2763443Domain d4ztea2: 4zte A:102-213 [318054]
        automated match to d3qrba2
        complexed with 4rl, ca
      3. 2763444Domain d4zteb1: 4zte B:4-101 [318037]
        automated match to d1edha1
        complexed with 4rl, ca
      4. 2763445Domain d4zteb2: 4zte B:102-213 [318038]
        automated match to d3qrba2
        complexed with 4rl, ca
  2. 2763446Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [49318] (14 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1edh:
      1. 2763449Domain d1edha1: 1edh A:3-101 [22198]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca, hg
      2. 2763450Domain d1edha2: 1edh A:102-213 [22199]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca, hg
      3. 2763451Domain d1edhb1: 1edh B:3-101 [22200]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca, hg
      4. 2763452Domain d1edhb2: 1edh B:102-213 [22201]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca, hg
    2. Domains for 1ff5:
      1. 2763486Domain d1ff5a1: 1ff5 A:-1-101 [22202]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763487Domain d1ff5a2: 1ff5 A:102-218 [22203]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca
      3. 2763488Domain d1ff5b1: 1ff5 B:-1-101 [22204]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca
      4. 2763489Domain d1ff5b2: 1ff5 B:102-218 [22205]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca
    3. Domains for 1q1p:
      1. 2763490Domain d1q1pa1: 1q1p A:2-101 [95597]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763491Domain d1q1pa2: 1q1p A:102-213 [95598]
        two-domain fragment
        complexed with ca
    4. Domain for 1suh:
    5. Domain for 2omw:
    6. Domains for 3lne:
      1. 2763447Domain d3lnea1: 3lne A:1-101 [212958]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca, gol
      2. 2763448Domain d3lnea2: 3lne A:102-213 [212959]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca, gol
    7. Domains for 3lnf:
      1. 2763466Domain d3lnfa1: 3lnf A:3-101 [212960]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763467Domain d3lnfa2: 3lnf A:102-213 [212961]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
      3. 2763468Domain d3lnfb1: 3lnf B:5-101 [212962]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      4. 2763469Domain d3lnfb2: 3lnf B:102-213 [212963]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
    8. Domains for 3lng:
      1. 2763470Domain d3lnga1: 3lng A:2-101 [212964]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763471Domain d3lnga2: 3lng A:102-213 [212965]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
      3. 2763472Domain d3lngb1: 3lng B:2-101 [212966]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      4. 2763473Domain d3lngb2: 3lng B:102-213 [212967]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
    9. Domains for 3lnh:
      1. 2763462Domain d3lnha1: 3lnh A:5-101 [212968]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763463Domain d3lnha2: 3lnh A:102-213 [212969]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
      3. 2763464Domain d3lnhb1: 3lnh B:5-101 [212970]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      4. 2763465Domain d3lnhb2: 3lnh B:102-213 [212971]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
    10. Domains for 3lni:
      1. 2763453Domain d3lnia1: 3lni A:1-101 [212972]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763454Domain d3lnia2: 3lni A:102-213 [212973]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
      3. 2763455Domain d3lnib1: 3lni B:2-101 [212974]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca
      4. 2763456Domain d3lnib2: 3lni B:102-213 [212975]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca
    11. Domains for 3q2l:
      1. 2763478Domain d3q2la1: 3q2l A:1-101 [215041]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with 1pe, ca; mutant
      2. 2763479Domain d3q2la2: 3q2l A:102-213 [215042]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with 1pe, ca; mutant
      3. 2763480Domain d3q2lb1: 3q2l B:1-101 [215043]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with 1pe, ca; mutant
      4. 2763481Domain d3q2lb2: 3q2l B:102-213 [215044]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with 1pe, ca; mutant
    12. Domains for 3q2n:
      1. 2763482Domain d3q2na1: 3q2n A:1-101 [215045]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca, pg4; mutant
      2. 2763483Domain d3q2na2: 3q2n A:102-213 [215046]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca, pg4; mutant
      3. 2763484Domain d3q2nb1: 3q2n B:1-101 [215047]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca, pg4; mutant
      4. 2763485Domain d3q2nb2: 3q2n B:102-213 [215048]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca, pg4; mutant
    13. Domains for 3qrb:
      1. 2763457Domain d3qrba1: 3qrb A:1-101 [215375]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca, edo, pge
      2. 2763458Domain d3qrba2: 3qrb A:102-213 [215376]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca, edo, pge
      3. 2763459Domain d3qrbb1: 3qrb B:1-101 [215377]
        automated match to d1ncja1
        complexed with ca, edo, pge
      4. 2763460Domain d3qrbb2: 3qrb B:102-213 [215378]
        automated match to d1ncja2
        complexed with ca, edo, pge
    14. Domains for 4qd2:
      1. 2763474Domain d4qd2e1: 4qd2 E:2-101 [257658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qd2c1, d4qd2c2, d4qd2d1, d4qd2d2, d4qd2d3, d4qd2h1, d4qd2h2, d4qd2h3, d4qd2i1, d4qd2i2, d4qd2i3
        automated match to d1ff5a1
        complexed with ca
      2. 2763475Domain d4qd2e2: 4qd2 E:102-213 [257659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qd2c1, d4qd2c2, d4qd2d1, d4qd2d2, d4qd2d3, d4qd2h1, d4qd2h2, d4qd2h3, d4qd2i1, d4qd2i2, d4qd2i3
        automated match to d1ff5a2
        complexed with ca
      3. 2763476Domain d4qd2j1: 4qd2 J:2-101 [258347]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qd2c1, d4qd2c2, d4qd2d1, d4qd2d2, d4qd2d3, d4qd2h1, d4qd2h2, d4qd2h3, d4qd2i1, d4qd2i2, d4qd2i3
        automated match to d1ff5a1
        complexed with ca
      4. 2763477Domain d4qd2j2: 4qd2 J:102-213 [258348]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qd2c1, d4qd2c2, d4qd2d1, d4qd2d2, d4qd2d3, d4qd2h1, d4qd2h2, d4qd2h3, d4qd2i1, d4qd2i2, d4qd2i3
        automated match to d1ff5a2
        complexed with ca

More info for Protein E-cadherin (epithelial) from b.1.6.1: Cadherin

Timeline for Protein E-cadherin (epithelial) from b.1.6.1: Cadherin: