Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.67: PLP-dependent transferase-like [53382] (3 superfamilies) main domain: 3 layers: a/b/a, mixed beta-sheet of 7 strands, order 3245671; strand 7 is antiparallel to the rest |
Superfamily c.67.1: PLP-dependent transferases [53383] (10 families) |
Family c.67.1.4: GABA-aminotransferase-like [53417] (17 proteins) formerly omega-Aminoacid:pyruvate aminotransferase-like |
Protein Serine hydroxymethyltransferase [53429] (7 species) |
Bacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId:1422] [75272] (39 PDB entries) |
Domain d1kkja_: 1kkj A: [72647] complexed with plp |
Domain d1kkpa_: 1kkp A: [72660] complexed with plp, ser |
Domain d1kl1a_: 1kl1 A: [72663] complexed with gly, plp |
Domain d1kl2a_: 1kl2 A: [72664] complexed with fon, gly, plp |
Domain d1kl2b_: 1kl2 B: [72665] complexed with fon, gly, plp |
Domain d1yjsa1: 1yjs A:1-405 [123461] complexed with plp; mutant |
Domain d1yjya1: 1yjy A:1-405 [123491] complexed with plp; mutant |
Domain d1yjza_: 1yjz A: [123492] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with plp; mutant |
Domain d2vgsa_: 2vgs A: [168592] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp |
Domain d2vgta_: 2vgt A: [168593] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vgua_: 2vgu A: [168594] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4, ser |
Domain d2vgva_: 2vgv A: [168595] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp |
Domain d2vgwa_: 2vgw A: [168596] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vi8a_: 2vi8 A: [168633] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vi9a_: 2vi9 A: [168634] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2viaa_: 2via A: [168635] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4, ser |
Domain d2viba_: 2vib A: [168636] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vmna_: 2vmn A: [168714] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vmoa_: 2vmo A: [168715] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vmpa_: 2vmp A: [168716] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4, ser |
Domain d2vmqa_: 2vmq A: [168717] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vmra_: 2vmr A: [168718] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mrd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vmsa_: 2vms A: [168719] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vmta_: 2vmt A: [168720] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4, ser |
Domain d2vmua_: 2vmu A: [168721] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2vmva_: 2vmv A: [168722] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp |
Domain d2vmwa_: 2vmw A: [168723] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4, ser |
Domain d2vmxa_: 2vmx A: [168724] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with alo, mpd, plp |
Domain d2vmya_: 2vmy A: [168725] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with ffo, gly, mrd, plp |
Domain d2vmyb_: 2vmy B: [168726] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with ffo, gly, mrd, plp |
Domain d2vmza_: 2vmz A: [168727] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mrd, plp |
Domain d2w7da_: 2w7d A: [169093] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2w7ea_: 2w7e A: [169094] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2w7fa_: 2w7f A: [169095] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with mpd, plp, po4, ser |
Domain d2w7ga_: 2w7g A: [169096] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with alo, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2w7ha_: 2w7h A: [169097] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, mpd, plp, po4 |
Domain d2w7ia_: 2w7i A: [169098] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with plp |
Domain d2w7ja_: 2w7j A: [169099] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, plp |
Domain d2w7ka_: 2w7k A: [169100] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with plp, ser |
Domain d2w7la_: 2w7l A: [169101] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with alo, plp |
Domain d2w7ma_: 2w7m A: [169102] automated match to d1kkja_ complexed with gly, plp |
Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [53433] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d1dfoa_: 1dfo A: [34480] complexed with ffo, plg |
Domain d1dfob_: 1dfo B: [34481] complexed with ffo, plg |
Domain d1dfoc_: 1dfo C: [34482] complexed with ffo, plg |
Domain d1dfod_: 1dfo D: [34483] complexed with ffo, plg |
Domain d1eqba_: 1eqb A: [34484] complexed with ffo, gly, plp; mutant |
Domain d1eqbb_: 1eqb B: [34485] complexed with ffo, gly, plp; mutant |
Domain d1eqbc_: 1eqb C: [34486] complexed with ffo, gly, plp; mutant |
Domain d1eqbd_: 1eqb D: [34487] complexed with ffo, gly, plp; mutant |
Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [53432] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d1bj4a_: 1bj4 A: [34479] complexed with plp |
Domain d6m5wa_: 6m5w A: [400102] automated match to d1ejia_ complexed with dxc, gly, plp |
Human (Homo sapiens), mitochondrial [TaxId:9606] [142671] (9 PDB entries) Uniprot P34897 42-504 |
Domain d2a7va_: 2a7v A: [303502] automated match to d3ou5a_ |
Domain d4pvfa_: 4pvf A: [268595] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with gol, peg |
Domain d4pvfb_: 4pvf B: [268596] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with gol, peg |
Domain d5v7ia_: 5v7i A: [340128] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with 8z1, gly, gol, peg |
Domain d5v7ib_: 5v7i B: [340115] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with 8z1, gly, gol, peg |
Domain d5x3va_: 5x3v A: [348376] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with so4; mutant |
Domain d5x3vb_: 5x3v B: [348315] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with so4; mutant |
Domain d6dk3a_: 6dk3 A: [353831] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with unx |
Domain d6m5oa_: 6m5o A: [399986] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with dxc, gly |
Domain d6m5ob_: 6m5o B: [400001] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with dxc, gly |
Domain d6qvga_: 6qvg A: [373763] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with act, ddf, gly, gol, na, peg, plp |
Domain d6qvgb_: 6qvg B: [373759] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with act, ddf, gly, gol, na, peg, plp |
Domain d6qvla_: 6qvl A: [373774] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with 4dw, ca, gol, peg, plp |
Domain d6qvlb_: 6qvl B: [373772] automated match to d3ou5a_ complexed with 4dw, ca, gol, peg, plp |
Domain d8aqlc_: 8aql C: [423340] automated match to d2a7va_ complexed with edo, plg |
Domain d8aqld_: 8aql D: [423368] automated match to d2a7va_ complexed with edo, plg |
Domain d8aqlb_: 8aql B: [423372] automated match to d6dk3a_ complexed with edo, plg |
Domain d8aqla_: 8aql A: [423396] automated match to d2a7va_ complexed with edo, plg |
Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [53431] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1ejia_: 1eji A: [34475] complexed with plg, thf |
Domain d1ejib_: 1eji B: [34476] complexed with plg, thf |
Domain d1ejic_: 1eji C: [34477] complexed with plg, thf |
Domain d1ejid_: 1eji D: [34478] complexed with plg, thf |
Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) [TaxId:9986] [53430] (6 PDB entries) Uniprot P07511 |
Domain d1cj0a_: 1cj0 A: [34473] complexed with plp |
Domain d1cj0b_: 1cj0 B: [34474] complexed with plp |
Domain d1ls3a_: 1ls3 A: [78172] complexed with gly, gol, plp, tgf |
Domain d1ls3b_: 1ls3 B: [78173] complexed with gly, gol, plp, tgf |
Domain d1ls3c_: 1ls3 C: [78174] complexed with gly, gol, plp, tgf |
Domain d1ls3d_: 1ls3 D: [78175] complexed with gly, gol, plp, tgf |
Domain d1rv3a_: 1rv3 A: [105101] complexed with gly, plp, po4; mutant |
Domain d1rv3b_: 1rv3 B: [105102] complexed with gly, plp, po4; mutant |
Domain d1rv4a_: 1rv4 A: [105103] complexed with plp, po4; mutant |
Domain d1rv4b_: 1rv4 B: [105104] complexed with plp, po4; mutant |
Domain d1rvua_: 1rvu A: [105106] complexed with plp, po4; mutant |
Domain d1rvub_: 1rvu B: [105107] complexed with plp, po4; mutant |
Domain d1rvya_: 1rvy A: [105108] complexed with plg, plp, po4; mutant |
Domain d1rvyb_: 1rvy B: [105109] complexed with plg, plp, po4; mutant |
Soybean (Glycine max) [TaxId:3847] [380557] (5 PDB entries) |
Domain d6uxha1: 6uxh A:1-470 [380591] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxha2, d6uxhb2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo |
Domain d6uxhb1: 6uxh B:1-470 [380558] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxha2, d6uxhb2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo |
Domain d6uxia1: 6uxi A:1-470 [380562] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxia2, d6uxib2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo, plg |
Domain d6uxib1: 6uxi B:1-471 [380585] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxia2, d6uxib2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo, plg |
Domain d6uxja1: 6uxj A:1-470 [380595] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxja2, d6uxjb2, d6uxjc2, d6uxjd2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo, ffo, plg |
Domain d6uxjb1: 6uxj B:1-471 [380614] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxja2, d6uxjb2, d6uxjc2, d6uxjd2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo, ffo, plg |
Domain d6uxjc1: 6uxj C:1-470 [380619] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxja2, d6uxjb2, d6uxjc2, d6uxjd2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo, ffo, plg |
Domain d6uxjd1: 6uxj D:1-471 [380609] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxja2, d6uxjb2, d6uxjc2, d6uxjd2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo, ffo, plg |
Domain d6uxka1: 6uxk A:1-470 [380602] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxka2, d6uxkb2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo |
Domain d6uxkb1: 6uxk B:1-470 [380617] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxka2, d6uxkb2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with edo |
Domain d6uxla1: 6uxl A:1-470 [380600] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxla2, d6uxlb2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with plg |
Domain d6uxlb1: 6uxl B:1-470 [380578] Other proteins in same PDB: d6uxla2, d6uxlb2 automated match to d5v7ia_ complexed with plg |
Timeline for Protein Serine hydroxymethyltransferase from c.67.1.4: GABA-aminotransferase-like: