Lineage for Protein: Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 3, CH3-gamma

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2739517Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 2739518Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2745637Family b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) [48942] (24 proteins)
  6. 2748634Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 3, CH3-gamma [88589] (5 species)


  1. 2748635Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) [TaxId:10141] [49123] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2748637Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [88590] (69 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P01857 #118-327 ! Uniprot P01857 118-327 # GC1_HUMAN Ig gamma-1 chain C region
    1. Domain for 1adq:
    2. Domains for 1dn2:
      1. 2748709Domain d1dn2a2: 1dn2 A:342-443 [21513]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dn2a1, d1dn2b1
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748710Domain d1dn2b2: 1dn2 B:342-443 [21515]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dn2a1, d1dn2b1
        part of a Fc
    3. Domains for 1e4k:
      1. 2748765Domain d1e4ka2: 1e4k A:342-444 [21527]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1e4ka1, d1e4kb1, d1e4kc1, d1e4kc2
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748766Domain d1e4kb2: 1e4k B:342-444 [21529]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1e4ka1, d1e4kb1, d1e4kc1, d1e4kc2
        part of a Fc
    4. Domains for 1fc1:
      1. 2748730Domain d1fc1a2: 1fc1 A:342-444 [21521]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fc1a1, d1fc1b1
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748731Domain d1fc1b2: 1fc1 B:342-444 [21523]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fc1a1, d1fc1b1
        part of a Fc
    5. Domain for 1fc2:
    6. Domains for 1fcc:
      1. 2748763Domain d1fcca2: 1fcc A:342-443 [21525]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fcca1, d1fccb1, d1fccc_, d1fccd_
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748764Domain d1fccb2: 1fcc B:342-443 [118452]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fcca1, d1fccb1, d1fccc_, d1fccd_
        duplicate of 1FCC A:342-443
    7. Domains for 1h3t:
      1. 2748694Domain d1h3ta2: 1h3t A:342-445 [76654]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ta1, d1h3tb1
        part of a Fc
        complexed with bma
      2. 2748695Domain d1h3tb2: 1h3t B:342-444 [76656]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ta1, d1h3tb1
        part of a Fc
        complexed with bma
    8. Domains for 1h3u:
      1. 2748702Domain d1h3ua2: 1h3u A:342-445 [76658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ua1, d1h3ub1
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748703Domain d1h3ub2: 1h3u B:342-444 [76660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ua1, d1h3ub1
        part of a Fc
    9. Domains for 1h3v:
      1. 2748761Domain d1h3va2: 1h3v A:342-445 [76662]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3va1, d1h3vb1
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748762Domain d1h3vb2: 1h3v B:342-444 [76664]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3va1, d1h3vb1
        part of a Fc
        part of a Fc
    10. Domain for 1h3w:
    11. Domains for 1h3x:
      1. 2748707Domain d1h3xa2: 1h3x A:342-445 [90603]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3xa1, d1h3xb1
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748708Domain d1h3xb2: 1h3x B:342-444 [90605]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3xa1, d1h3xb1
        part of a Fc
    12. Domains for 1h3y:
      1. 2748772Domain d1h3ya2: 1h3y A:342-443 [76668]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ya1, d1h3yb1
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748773Domain d1h3yb2: 1h3y B:342-443 [76670]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ya1, d1h3yb1
        part of a Fc
    13. Domains for 1hzh:
      1. 2748723Domain d1hzhh4: 1hzh H:360-478 [61440]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hzhh1, d1hzhh2, d1hzhh3, d1hzhk1, d1hzhk2, d1hzhk3, d1hzhl1, d1hzhl2, d1hzhm1, d1hzhm2
        part of intact IgG B12 antibody
      2. 2748724Domain d1hzhk4: 1hzh K:360-475 [61444]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hzhh1, d1hzhh2, d1hzhh3, d1hzhk1, d1hzhk2, d1hzhk3, d1hzhl1, d1hzhl2, d1hzhm1, d1hzhm2
        part of intact IgG B12 antibody
    14. Domain for 1l6x:
    15. Domain for 1mco:
    16. Domains for 1oqo:
      1. 2748692Domain d1oqoa2: 1oqo A:342-444 [87314]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oqoa1, d1oqob1, d1oqoc_, d1oqod_
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748693Domain d1oqob2: 1oqo B:342-443 [87316]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oqoa1, d1oqob1, d1oqoc_, d1oqod_
        part of a Fc
    17. Domains for 1oqx:
      1. 2748718Domain d1oqxa2: 1oqx A:342-445 [87326]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oqxa1, d1oqxb1, d1oqxc_, d1oqxd_
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748719Domain d1oqxb2: 1oqx B:342-444 [87328]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oqxa1, d1oqxb1, d1oqxc_, d1oqxd_
        part of a Fc
        part of a Fc
    18. Domains for 1t83:
      1. 2748757Domain d1t83a2: 1t83 A:342-443 [106644]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t83a1, d1t83b1, d1t83c1, d1t83c2
        complexed with hg2
      2. 2748758Domain d1t83b2: 1t83 B:342-443 [106646]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t83a1, d1t83b1, d1t83c1, d1t83c2
        complexed with hg2
    19. Domains for 1t89:
      1. 2748767Domain d1t89a2: 1t89 A:342-443 [106658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t89a1, d1t89b1, d1t89c1, d1t89c2
      2. 2748768Domain d1t89b2: 1t89 B:342-443 [106660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t89a1, d1t89b1, d1t89c1, d1t89c2
    20. Domains for 1za6:
      1. 2748738Domain d1za6b3: 1za6 B:239-344 [124808]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1za6a1, d1za6a2, d1za6b1, d1za6b2, d1za6c1, d1za6c2, d1za6d1, d1za6d2, d1za6e1, d1za6e2, d1za6f1, d1za6f2, d1za6g1, d1za6g2, d1za6h1, d1za6h2
        automatically matched to d1hzhh4
      2. 2748739Domain d1za6d3: 1za6 D:239-344 [124811]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1za6a1, d1za6a2, d1za6b1, d1za6b2, d1za6c1, d1za6c2, d1za6d1, d1za6d2, d1za6e1, d1za6e2, d1za6f1, d1za6f2, d1za6g1, d1za6g2, d1za6h1, d1za6h2
        automatically matched to d1hzhh4
      3. 2748740Domain d1za6f3: 1za6 F:239-344 [124814]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1za6a1, d1za6a2, d1za6b1, d1za6b2, d1za6c1, d1za6c2, d1za6d1, d1za6d2, d1za6e1, d1za6e2, d1za6f1, d1za6f2, d1za6g1, d1za6g2, d1za6h1, d1za6h2
        automatically matched to d1hzhh4
      4. 2748741Domain d1za6h3: 1za6 H:239-344 [124817]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1za6a1, d1za6a2, d1za6b1, d1za6b2, d1za6c1, d1za6c2, d1za6d1, d1za6d2, d1za6e1, d1za6e2, d1za6f1, d1za6f2, d1za6g1, d1za6g2, d1za6h1, d1za6h2
        automatically matched to d1hzhh4
    21. Domains for 2dtq:
      1. 2748650Domain d2dtqa4: 2dtq A:340-444 [303740]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dtqa3, d2dtqb3
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with nag
      2. 2748651Domain d2dtqb4: 2dtq B:340-444 [303742]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dtqa3, d2dtqb3
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with nag
    22. Domains for 2dts:
      1. 2748677Domain d2dtsa2: 2dts A:342-444 [131730]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dtsa1, d2dtsb1
        automated match to d1igyb4
      2. 2748678Domain d2dtsb2: 2dts B:342-444 [131732]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2dtsa1, d2dtsb1
        automated match to d1igyb4
    23. Domains for 2gj7:
      1. 2748769Domain d2gj7a2: 2gj7 A:340-443 [135265]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gj7a1, d2gj7b1, d2gj7e1, d2gj7f1
        automatically matched to d1hzhh4
      2. 2748770Domain d2gj7b2: 2gj7 B:340-443 [135267]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gj7a1, d2gj7b1, d2gj7e1, d2gj7f1
        automatically matched to d1hzhh4
    24. Domains for 2iwg:
      1. 2748686Domain d2iwga2: 2iwg A:342-443 [137753]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iwga1, d2iwgb1, d2iwgd1, d2iwge2, d2iwge3
        automated match to d1l6xa2
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with fuc
      2. 2748687Domain d2iwgd2: 2iwg D:342-443 [137755]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iwga1, d2iwgb1, d2iwgd1, d2iwge2, d2iwge3
        automated match to d1l6xa2
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with fuc
    25. Domain for 2ql1:
    26. Domains for 3ave:
      1. 2748668Domain d3avea2: 3ave A:342-444 [172353]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3avea1, d3aveb1
        automated match to d1igyb4
        complexed with zn
      2. 2748669Domain d3aveb2: 3ave B:342-444 [172355]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3avea1, d3aveb1
        automated match to d1igyb4
        complexed with zn
    27. Domains for 3ay4:
      1. 2748675Domain d3ay4a2: 3ay4 A:342-443 [208423]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ay4a1, d3ay4b1, d3ay4c1, d3ay4c2
        automated match to d1igyb4
      2. 2748676Domain d3ay4b2: 3ay4 B:342-444 [208425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ay4a1, d3ay4b1, d3ay4c1, d3ay4c2
        automated match to d1igyb4
    28. Domains for 3d6g:
      1. 2748683Domain d3d6ga2: 3d6g A:340-445 [209026]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d6ga1, d3d6gb1
        automated match to d2ql1a2
        complexed with x12
      2. 2748684Domain d3d6gb2: 3d6g B:340-444 [209028]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d6ga1, d3d6gb1
        automated match to d2ql1a2
        complexed with x12
    29. Domains for 3sgj:
      1. 2748673Domain d3sgja2: 3sgj A:342-444 [216396]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sgja1, d3sgjb1, d3sgjc1, d3sgjc2
        automated match to d1igyb4
        complexed with mli
      2. 2748674Domain d3sgjb2: 3sgj B:342-443 [216398]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sgja1, d3sgjb1, d3sgjc1, d3sgjc2
        automated match to d1igyb4
        complexed with mli
    30. Domains for 3sgk:
      1. 2748688Domain d3sgka2: 3sgk A:342-444 [216402]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sgka1, d3sgkb1, d3sgkc1, d3sgkc2
        automated match to d1igyb4
        complexed with mli
      2. 2748689Domain d3sgkb2: 3sgk B:342-443 [216404]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3sgka1, d3sgkb1, d3sgkc1, d3sgkc2
        automated match to d1igyb4
        complexed with mli
    31. Domains for 3v95:
      1. 2748728Domain d3v95a2: 3v95 A:342-447 [217722]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3v95a1, d3v95b1
        automated match to d1oqxa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2748729Domain d3v95b2: 3v95 B:342-445 [217724]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3v95a1, d3v95b1
        automated match to d1oqxa2
        complexed with gol
    32. Domains for 3wn5:
      1. 2748714Domain d3wn5a2: 3wn5 A:340-444 [261194]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wn5a1, d3wn5b1, d3wn5c1, d3wn5c2, d3wn5d1, d3wn5e1, d3wn5f1, d3wn5f2
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with iod, nag
      2. 2748715Domain d3wn5b2: 3wn5 B:340-444 [261191]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wn5a1, d3wn5b1, d3wn5c1, d3wn5c2, d3wn5d1, d3wn5e1, d3wn5f1, d3wn5f2
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with iod, nag
      3. 2748716Domain d3wn5d2: 3wn5 D:340-444 [261198]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wn5a1, d3wn5b1, d3wn5c1, d3wn5c2, d3wn5d1, d3wn5e1, d3wn5f1, d3wn5f2
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with iod, nag
      4. 2748717Domain d3wn5e2: 3wn5 E:340-444 [261189]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wn5a1, d3wn5b1, d3wn5c1, d3wn5c2, d3wn5d1, d3wn5e1, d3wn5f1, d3wn5f2
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with iod, nag
    33. Domains for 4dz8:
      1. 2748655Domain d4dz8a2: 4dz8 A:340-444 [220116]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dz8a1, d4dz8b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      2. 2748656Domain d4dz8b2: 4dz8 B:340-443 [220118]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dz8a1, d4dz8b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
    34. Domains for 4q6y:
      1. 2748734Domain d4q6ya2: 4q6y A:340-443 [258325]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4q6ya1, d4q6yb1, d4q6yc1, d4q6yd1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      2. 2748735Domain d4q6yb2: 4q6y B:340-444 [258327]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4q6ya1, d4q6yb1, d4q6yc1, d4q6yd1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      3. 2748736Domain d4q6yc2: 4q6y C:340-444 [258983]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4q6ya1, d4q6yb1, d4q6yc1, d4q6yd1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      4. 2748737Domain d4q6yd2: 4q6y D:340-443 [259100]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4q6ya1, d4q6yb1, d4q6yc1, d4q6yd1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
    35. Domains for 4q74:
      1. 2748671Domain d4q74a2: 4q74 A:340-443 [258329]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4q74a1, d4q74b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      2. 2748672Domain d4q74b2: 4q74 B:340-443 [259484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4q74a1, d4q74b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
    36. Domains for 4q7d:
      1. 2748696Domain d4q7da2: 4q7d A:340-444 [259482]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4q7da1, d4q7db1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      2. 2748697Domain d4q7db2: 4q7d B:340-443 [263647]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4q7da1, d4q7db1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
    37. Domains for 4w4n:
      1. 2748648Domain d4w4na2: 4w4n A:340-443 [272000]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4w4na1, d4w4nb1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with gol
      2. 2748649Domain d4w4nb2: 4w4n B:340-443 [272002]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4w4na1, d4w4nb1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with gol
    38. Domains for 4w4o:
      1. 2748646Domain d4w4oa2: 4w4o A:340-446 [271993]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4w4oa1, d4w4ob1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with act, gol, zn
      2. 2748647Domain d4w4ob2: 4w4o B:340-443 [271996]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4w4oa1, d4w4ob1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with act, gol, zn
    39. Domains for 4wi2:
      1. 2748665Domain d4wi2a2: 4wi2 A:340-444 [277631]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi2a1, d4wi2b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo
      2. 2748666Domain d4wi2b2: 4wi2 B:340-444 [277625]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi2a1, d4wi2b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo
    40. Domains for 4wi3:
      1. 2748742Domain d4wi3a2: 4wi3 A:340-444 [277635]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi3a1, d4wi3b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
      2. 2748743Domain d4wi3b2: 4wi3 B:340-444 [277633]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi3a1, d4wi3b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
    41. Domains for 4wi4:
      1. 2748746Domain d4wi4a2: 4wi4 A:340-444 [277653]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi4a1, d4wi4b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo; mutant
      2. 2748747Domain d4wi4b2: 4wi4 B:340-444 [277651]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi4a1, d4wi4b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo; mutant
    42. Domains for 4wi5:
      1. 2748755Domain d4wi5a2: 4wi5 A:340-444 [277627]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi5a1, d4wi5b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo; mutant
      2. 2748756Domain d4wi5b2: 4wi5 B:340-444 [277629]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi5a1, d4wi5b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo; mutant
    43. Domains for 4wi6:
      1. 2748679Domain d4wi6a2: 4wi6 A:340-444 [277623]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi6a1, d4wi6b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo; mutant
      2. 2748680Domain d4wi6b2: 4wi6 B:340-444 [277619]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi6a1, d4wi6b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo; mutant
    44. Domains for 4wi7:
      1. 2748661Domain d4wi7a2: 4wi7 A:340-444 [277649]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi7a1, d4wi7b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo; mutant
      2. 2748662Domain d4wi7b2: 4wi7 B:340-444 [277647]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi7a1, d4wi7b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
        complexed with edo; mutant
    45. Domains for 4wi8:
      1. 2748753Domain d4wi8a2: 4wi8 A:340-444 [277621]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi8a1, d4wi8b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
      2. 2748754Domain d4wi8b2: 4wi8 B:340-444 [277617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi8a1, d4wi8b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
    46. Domains for 4wi9:
      1. 2748720Domain d4wi9a2: 4wi9 A:340-444 [277614]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi9a1, d4wi9b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
      2. 2748721Domain d4wi9b2: 4wi9 B:340-444 [277612]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wi9a1, d4wi9b1
        automated match to d3d6ga2
    47. Domain for 4x98:
    48. Domains for 4x99:
      1. 2748698Domain d4x99a2: 4x99 A:340-444 [273485]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x99a1, d4x99b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      2. 2748699Domain d4x99b2: 4x99 B:340-444 [273489]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x99a1, d4x99b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
    49. Domains for 4zne:
      1. 2748681Domain d4znee2: 4zne E:340-446 [279406]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4znee1, d4znej1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with nag, zn
      2. 2748682Domain d4znej2: 4zne J:340-444 [279403]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4znee1, d4znej1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with nag, zn
    50. Domains for 5bw7:
      1. 2748744Domain d5bw7a2: 5bw7 A:340-444 [278031]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bw7a1, d5bw7b1, d5bw7c1, d5bw7c2
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with cl; mutant
      2. 2748745Domain d5bw7b2: 5bw7 B:340-444 [278029]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bw7a1, d5bw7b1, d5bw7c1, d5bw7c2
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with cl; mutant
    51. Domains for 5d4q:
      1. 2748700Domain d5d4qa2: 5d4q A:340-444 [313384]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5d4qa1, d5d4qb1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with fuc
      2. 2748701Domain d5d4qb2: 5d4q B:340-444 [313323]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5d4qa1, d5d4qb1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with fuc
    52. Domains for 5d6d:
      1. 2748759Domain d5d6da2: 5d6d A:340-444 [313468]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5d6da1, d5d6db1, d5d6dc1, d5d6dc2
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with fuc, nag
      2. 2748760Domain d5d6db2: 5d6d B:340-443 [313461]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5d6da1, d5d6db1, d5d6dc1, d5d6dc2
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with fuc, nag
    53. Domains for 5dvo:
      1. 2748732Domain d5dvoa2: 5dvo A:340-445 [313691]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dvoa1, d5dvob1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with so4
      2. 2748733Domain d5dvob2: 5dvo B:340-445 [313721]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dvoa1, d5dvob1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with so4
    54. Domains for 5gsq:
      1. 2748657Domain d5gsqa2: 5gsq A:340-444 [336262]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gsqa1, d5gsqb1, d5gsqc1, d5gsqd1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
      2. 2748658Domain d5gsqb2: 5gsq B:340-444 [336007]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gsqa1, d5gsqb1, d5gsqc1, d5gsqd1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
      3. 2748659Domain d5gsqc2: 5gsq C:340-444 [335974]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gsqa1, d5gsqb1, d5gsqc1, d5gsqd1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
      4. 2748660Domain d5gsqd2: 5gsq D:340-444 [335936]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gsqa1, d5gsqb1, d5gsqc1, d5gsqd1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
    55. Domains for 5hsf:
      1. 2748642Domain d5hsfa_: 5hsf A: [315159]
        automated match to d1pfca_
        complexed with pge
      2. 2748643Domain d5hsfb_: 5hsf B: [314837]
        automated match to d1pfca_
        complexed with pge
    56. Domains for 5hy9:
      1. 2748725Domain d5hy9a2: 5hy9 A:340-443 [329231]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hy9a1, d5hy9b1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
      2. 2748726Domain d5hy9b2: 5hy9 B:340-443 [329282]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hy9a1, d5hy9b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
    57. Domains for 5hye:
      1. 2748663Domain d5hyea2: 5hye A:340-443 [329222]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hyea1, d5hyec1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
      2. 2748664Domain d5hyec2: 5hye C:340-443 [329210]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hyea1, d5hyec1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
    58. Domain for 5hyf:
    59. Domains for 5hyi:
      1. 2748749Domain d5hyia2: 5hyi A:340-445 [329263]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hyia1, d5hyib1, d5hyic1, d5hyid1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      2. 2748750Domain d5hyib2: 5hyi B:340-444 [329248]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hyia1, d5hyib1, d5hyic1, d5hyid1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      3. 2748751Domain d5hyic2: 5hyi C:340-444 [329302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hyia1, d5hyib1, d5hyic1, d5hyid1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
      4. 2748752Domain d5hyid2: 5hyi D:340-444 [329294]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hyia1, d5hyib1, d5hyic1, d5hyid1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
    60. Domain for 5iw3:
    61. Domains for 5jih:
      1. 2748639Domain d5jiha2: 5jih A:340-443 [332930]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jiha1, d5jihb1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
      2. 2748640Domain d5jihb2: 5jih B:340-443 [332905]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jiha1, d5jihb1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
    62. Domains for 5jii:
      1. 2748644Domain d5jiia2: 5jii A:340-443 [332993]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jiia1, d5jiib1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
        complexed with gol, po4
      2. 2748645Domain d5jiib2: 5jii B:340-444 [332936]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jiia1, d5jiib1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
        complexed with gol, po4
    63. Domains for 5jik:
      1. 2748653Domain d5jika2: 5jik A:340-443 [332965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jika1, d5jikb1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
      2. 2748654Domain d5jikb2: 5jik B:340-443 [332914]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jika1, d5jikb1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
    64. Domains for 5k64:
      1. 2748690Domain d5k64a2: 5k64 A:340-443 [338514]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k64a1, d5k64b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 2748691Domain d5k64b2: 5k64 B:340-443 [338519]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5k64a1, d5k64b1
        automated match to d1hzhh4
        complexed with gol, mes
    65. Domain for 5m3v:
    66. Domain for 5tps:
    67. Domains for 5v43:
      1. 2748711Domain d5v43a2: 5v43 A:340-444 [335900]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v43a1, d5v43b1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
      2. 2748712Domain d5v43b2: 5v43 B:340-444 [335891]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5v43a1, d5v43b1
        automated match to d4dz8a2
    68. Domains for 6d58:
      1. 2748705Domain d6d58a2: 6d58 A:340-443 [368831]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6d58a1, d6d58b1
        automated match to d4w4oa2
      2. 2748706Domain d6d58b2: 6d58 B:340-443 [368809]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6d58a1, d6d58b1
        automated match to d4w4oa2
    69. Domain for 6yt7:
  3. 2748774Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [88591] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1cqk:
      1. 2748775Domain d1cqka_: 1cqk A: [21547]
        CH-gamma-3 domain only from antibody MAK33
      2. 2748776Domain d1cqkb_: 1cqk B: [21548]
        CH-gamma-3 domain only from antibody MAK33
    2. Domains for 1igy:
      1. 2748777Domain d1igyb4: 1igy B:363-474 [20877]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1igya1, d1igya2, d1igyb1, d1igyb2, d1igyb3, d1igyc1, d1igyc2, d1igyd1, d1igyd2, d1igyd3
        part of intact IgG1 antibody Mab61.1.3
      2. 2748778Domain d1igyd4: 1igy D:363-474 [20881]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1igya1, d1igya2, d1igyb1, d1igyb2, d1igyb3, d1igyc1, d1igyc2, d1igyd1, d1igyd2, d1igyd3
        part of intact IgG1 antibody Mab61.1.3
  4. 2748779Mouse (Mus musculus), gamma2 [TaxId:10090] [88592] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2748782Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [88593] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1frt:
    2. Domains for 1i1a:
      1. 2748785Domain d1i1ac2: 1i1a C:342-443 [21541]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1aa1, d1i1aa2, d1i1ab_, d1i1ac1, d1i1ad1
        part of a Fc
        complexed with cys, nag
      2. 2748786Domain d1i1ad2: 1i1a D:342-443 [21543]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1aa1, d1i1aa2, d1i1ab_, d1i1ac1, d1i1ad1
        part of a Fc
        complexed with cys, nag
    3. Domains for 1i1c:
      1. 2748783Domain d1i1ca2: 1i1c A:342-443 [21537]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1ca1, d1i1cb1
        part of a Fc
      2. 2748784Domain d1i1cb2: 1i1c B:342-443 [21539]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1ca1, d1i1cb1
        part of a Fc

More info for Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 3, CH3-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like)

Timeline for Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 3, CH3-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like):

  • Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 3, CH3-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) first appeared in SCOP 1.65
  • Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 3, CH3-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) appears in SCOPe 2.07