Lineage for Protein: Immunoglobulin light chain lambda variable domain, VL-lambda

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.05
  2. 1755445Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (176 folds)
  3. 1755446Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (31 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 1755447Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) (S)
  5. 1755448Family b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) [48727] (33 proteins)
  6. 1757501Protein Immunoglobulin light chain lambda variable domain, VL-lambda [88534] (9 species)
    VL-lambda domains of human antibodies are clustered by the sequence similarity within the germline encoded segment and then by the size of the complementarity determining regions CDR1 and CDR2, so the clusters may correspond to putative germline families in the human genome; mouse VL-lambda domains belong to a single germline family


  1. 1757502Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) [TaxId:10029] [88542] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 1757505Human (Homo sapiens), cluster 1 [TaxId:9606] [88535] (4 PDB entries)
    SQ NA # Bence-Jones protein JTO ! Uniprot P06317 # Ig lambda chain V-VI region SUT
    1. Domains for 1cd0:
      1. 1757508Domain d1cd0a_: 1cd0 A: [20559]
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein JTO
      2. 1757509Domain d1cd0b_: 1cd0 B: [20560]
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein JTO
    2. Domains for 1pew:
      1. 1757506Domain d1pewa_: 1pew A: [104135]
        complexed with cd; mutant
      2. 1757507Domain d1pewb_: 1pew B: [104136]
        complexed with cd; mutant
    3. Domains for 1pw3:
      1. 1757510Domain d1pw3a_: 1pw3 A: [104335]
        complexed with cd
      2. 1757511Domain d1pw3b_: 1pw3 B: [104336]
        complexed with cd
    4. Domains for 2cd0:
      1. 1757512Domain d2cd0a_: 2cd0 A: [20561]
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein WIL
      2. 1757513Domain d2cd0b_: 2cd0 B: [20562]
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein WIL
  3. 1757514Human (Homo sapiens), cluster 2 [TaxId:9606] [88536] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1bjm:
      1. 1757519Domain d1bjma1: 1bjm A:1-111 [20524]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1bjma2, d1bjmb2
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein LOC
      2. 1757520Domain d1bjmb1: 1bjm B:1-111 [20525]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1bjma2, d1bjmb2
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein LOC
    2. Domain for 1nl0:
    3. Domains for 1q1j:
      1. 1757525Domain d1q1jl1: 1q1j L:1-108 [95585]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q1jh1, d1q1jh2, d1q1ji1, d1q1ji2, d1q1jl2, d1q1jm2
        part of anti HIV-1 Fab 447-52d
      2. 1757526Domain d1q1jm1: 1q1j M:1-108 [95587]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q1jh1, d1q1jh2, d1q1ji1, d1q1ji2, d1q1jl2, d1q1jm2
        part of anti HIV-1 Fab 447-52d
    4. Domain for 1rzf:
    5. Domain for 2fb4:
    6. Domain for 2ig2:
    7. Domain for 2j6e:
    8. Domain for 2rhe:
    9. Domains for 3bjl:
      1. 1757521Domain d3bjla1: 3bjl A:1-111 [20526]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bjla2, d3bjlb2
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein LOC
      2. 1757522Domain d3bjlb1: 3bjl B:1-111 [20527]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bjla2, d3bjlb2
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein LOC
    10. Domains for 4bjl:
      1. 1757523Domain d4bjla1: 4bjl A:2-111 [20528]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bjla2, d4bjlb2
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein LOC
      2. 1757524Domain d4bjlb1: 4bjl B:2-111 [20529]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bjla2, d4bjlb2
        VL dimer of Bence-Jones protein LOC
  4. 1757529Human (Homo sapiens), cluster 3.1 [TaxId:9606] [88537] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 1757531Human (Homo sapiens), cluster 3.2 [TaxId:9606] [88538] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 1757533Human (Homo sapiens), cluster 4 [TaxId:9606] [88539] (23 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1a8j:
      1. 1757572Domain d1a8jh1: 1a8j H:1-111 [20598]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a8jh2, d1a8jl2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with pme
      2. 1757573Domain d1a8jl1: 1a8j L:1-111 [20597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a8jh2, d1a8jl2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with pme
    2. Domains for 1dcl:
      1. 1757540Domain d1dcla1: 1dcl A:1-111 [20565]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dcla2, d1dclb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757541Domain d1dclb1: 1dcl B:1-111 [20566]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dcla2, d1dclb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    3. Domains for 1jvk:
      1. 1757534Domain d1jvka1: 1jvk A:1-112 [71897]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1jvka2, d1jvkb2
        part of amyloidogenic protein BUR
      2. 1757535Domain d1jvkb1: 1jvk B:1-112 [71899]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1jvka2, d1jvkb2
        part of amyloidogenic protein BUR
    4. Domains for 1lgv:
      1. 1757538Domain d1lgva1: 1lgv A:1-112 [84608]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lgva2, d1lgvb2
        part of amyloidogenic protein BUR
      2. 1757539Domain d1lgvb1: 1lgv B:1-112 [84610]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lgva2, d1lgvb2
        part of amyloidogenic protein BUR
    5. Domains for 1lhz:
      1. 1757536Domain d1lhza1: 1lhz A:1-112 [84612]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lhza2, d1lhzb2
        part of amyloidogenic protein BUR
      2. 1757537Domain d1lhzb1: 1lhz B:1-112 [84614]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lhza2, d1lhzb2
        part of amyloidogenic protein BUR
    6. Domains for 1mcb:
      1. 1757550Domain d1mcba1: 1mcb A:1-111 [20575]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcba2, d1mcbb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757551Domain d1mcbb1: 1mcb B:1-111 [20576]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcba2, d1mcbb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    7. Domains for 1mcc:
      1. 1757558Domain d1mcca1: 1mcc A:1-111 [20583]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcca2, d1mccb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757559Domain d1mccb1: 1mcc B:1-111 [20584]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcca2, d1mccb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    8. Domains for 1mcd:
      1. 1757546Domain d1mcda1: 1mcd A:1-111 [20571]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcda2, d1mcdb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with ace, dpn, dpr, his, nh2
      2. 1757547Domain d1mcdb1: 1mcd B:1-111 [20572]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcda2, d1mcdb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with ace, dpn, dpr, his, nh2
    9. Domains for 1mce:
      1. 1757562Domain d1mcea1: 1mce A:1-111 [20587]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcea2, d1mceb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with ace, bal, dpn, dpr, his
      2. 1757563Domain d1mceb1: 1mce B:1-111 [20588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcea2, d1mceb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with ace, bal, dpn, dpr, his
    10. Domains for 1mcf:
      1. 1757554Domain d1mcfa1: 1mcf A:1-111 [20579]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcfa2, d1mcfb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with ace, bal, dpn, dpr, his
      2. 1757555Domain d1mcfb1: 1mcf B:1-111 [20580]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcfa2, d1mcfb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with ace, bal, dpn, dpr, his
    11. Domains for 1mch:
      1. 1757574Domain d1mcha1: 1mch A:1-111 [20599]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcha2, d1mchb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757575Domain d1mchb1: 1mch B:1-111 [20600]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcha2, d1mchb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    12. Domains for 1mci:
      1. 1757556Domain d1mcia1: 1mci A:1-111 [20581]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcia2, d1mcib2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757557Domain d1mcib1: 1mci B:1-111 [20582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcia2, d1mcib2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    13. Domains for 1mcj:
      1. 1757570Domain d1mcja1: 1mcj A:1-111 [20595]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcja2, d1mcjb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with ace, dpn, dpr, nh2
      2. 1757571Domain d1mcjb1: 1mcj B:1-111 [20596]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcja2, d1mcjb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
        complexed with ace, dpn, dpr, nh2
    14. Domains for 1mck:
      1. 1757548Domain d1mcka1: 1mck A:1-111 [20573]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcka2, d1mckb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757549Domain d1mckb1: 1mck B:1-111 [20574]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcka2, d1mckb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    15. Domains for 1mcl:
      1. 1757566Domain d1mcla1: 1mcl A:1-111 [20589]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcla2, d1mclb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757567Domain d1mclb1: 1mcl B:1-111 [20590]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcla2, d1mclb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    16. Domains for 1mcn:
      1. 1757564Domain d1mcna1: 1mcn A:1-111 [20591]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcna2, d1mcnb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757565Domain d1mcnb1: 1mcn B:1-111 [20592]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcna2, d1mcnb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    17. Domain for 1mco:
    18. Domains for 1mcq:
      1. 1757552Domain d1mcqa1: 1mcq A:1-111 [20577]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcqa2, d1mcqb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757553Domain d1mcqb1: 1mcq B:1-111 [20578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcqa2, d1mcqb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    19. Domains for 1mcr:
      1. 1757568Domain d1mcra1: 1mcr A:1-111 [20593]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcra2, d1mcrb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757569Domain d1mcrb1: 1mcr B:1-111 [20594]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcra2, d1mcrb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    20. Domains for 1mcs:
      1. 1757560Domain d1mcsa1: 1mcs A:1-111 [20585]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcsa2, d1mcsb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757561Domain d1mcsb1: 1mcs B:1-111 [20586]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcsa2, d1mcsb2
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    21. Domains for 1mcw:
      1. 1757576Domain d1mcwm1: 1mcw M:1-111 [20601]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcwm2, d1mcww2
        part of heterologous L chain dimer MCG-WEIR
      2. 1757577Domain d1mcww1: 1mcw W:1-111 [20602]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcwm2, d1mcww2
        part of heterologous L chain dimer MCG-WEIR
    22. Domains for 2mcg:
      1. 1757542Domain d2mcg11: 2mcg 1:1-111 [20567]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2mcg12, d2mcg22
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757543Domain d2mcg21: 2mcg 2:1-111 [20568]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2mcg12, d2mcg22
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
    23. Domains for 3mcg:
      1. 1757544Domain d3mcg11: 3mcg 1:1-111 [20569]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mcg12, d3mcg22
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
      2. 1757545Domain d3mcg21: 3mcg 2:1-111 [20570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mcg12, d3mcg22
        part of the antibody MCG light chain dimer
  7. 1757579Human (Homo sapiens), cluster 5 [TaxId:9606] [88540] (7 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q8N355 20-230 # 94% sequence identity; natural chimera: antibody light chain (Fab HYB3)
    1. Domain for 1adq:
    2. Domains for 1lil:
      1. 1757587Domain d1lila1: 1lil A:2-107 [20557]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lila2, d1lilb2
        part of Bence-Jones protein CLE
      2. 1757588Domain d1lilb1: 1lil B:2-107 [20558]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lila2, d1lilb2
        part of Bence-Jones protein CLE
    3. Domains for 1w72:
      1. 1757582Domain d1w72l1: 1w72 L:1-107 [114303]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w72a1, d1w72a2, d1w72b_, d1w72d1, d1w72d2, d1w72e_, d1w72h1, d1w72h2, d1w72i1, d1w72i2, d1w72l2, d1w72m2
        complexed with gol
      2. 1757583Domain d1w72m1: 1w72 M:1-107 [114305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w72a1, d1w72a2, d1w72b_, d1w72d1, d1w72d2, d1w72e_, d1w72h1, d1w72h2, d1w72i1, d1w72i2, d1w72l2, d1w72m2
        complexed with gol
    4. Domains for 1zvo:
      1. 1757590Domain d1zvoa1: 1zvo A:3-108 [125710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zvoa2, d1zvob2
        automatically matched to d1adql1
      2. 1757591Domain d1zvob1: 1zvo B:3-108 [125712]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zvoa2, d1zvob2
        automatically matched to d1adql1
    5. Domain for 2dd8:
    6. Domains for 2g75:
      1. 1757585Domain d2g75b1: 2g75 B:2-108 [147088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2g75a1, d2g75a2, d2g75b2, d2g75c1, d2g75c2, d2g75d2
        automated match to d2dd8l1
      2. 1757586Domain d2g75d1: 2g75 D:2-108 [147092]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2g75a1, d2g75a2, d2g75b2, d2g75c1, d2g75c2, d2g75d2
        automated match to d2dd8l1
    7. Domains for 8fab:
      1. 1757580Domain d8faba1: 8fab A:3-105 [19772]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d8faba2, d8fabb1, d8fabb2, d8fabc2, d8fabd1, d8fabd2
        part of Fab HIL
      2. 1757581Domain d8fabc1: 8fab C:3-105 [19774]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d8faba2, d8fabb1, d8fabb2, d8fabc2, d8fabd1, d8fabd2
        part of Fab HIL
  8. 1757592Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [88541] (35 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1a6u:
    2. Domains for 1a6v:
      1. 1757611Domain d1a6vl_: 1a6v L: [20256]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a6vh_, d1a6vi_, d1a6vj_
        part of Fv B1-8
        complexed with npc
      2. 1757612Domain d1a6vm_: 1a6v M: [20258]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a6vh_, d1a6vi_, d1a6vj_
        part of Fv B1-8
        complexed with npc
      3. 1757613Domain d1a6vn_: 1a6v N: [20260]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a6vh_, d1a6vi_, d1a6vj_
        part of Fv B1-8
        complexed with npc
    3. Domain for 1a6w:
    4. Domain for 1dl7:
      • 1757619Domain d1dl7l_: 1dl7 L: [20498]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dl7h_
        part of Fv M3C65; conflict: annotated in PDB as human protein
        complexed with nch
    5. Domains for 1etz:
      1. 1757617Domain d1etza1: 1etz A:1-110 [20480]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1etza2, d1etzb1, d1etzb2, d1etzh1, d1etzh2, d1etzl2
        part of anti-sweetener Fab NC10.14
        complexed with gas
      2. 1757618Domain d1etzl1: 1etz L:1-110 [20478]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1etza2, d1etzb1, d1etzb2, d1etzh1, d1etzh2, d1etzl2
        part of anti-sweetener Fab NC10.14
        complexed with gas
    6. Domain for 1f4w:
    7. Domain for 1f4x:
    8. Domain for 1f4y:
    9. Domain for 1gig:
    10. Domain for 1ind:
    11. Domain for 1ine:
    12. Domain for 1jn6:
    13. Domains for 1jnh:
      1. 1757624Domain d1jnha1: 1jnh A:1-108 [66939]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1jnha2, d1jnhb1, d1jnhb2, d1jnhc2, d1jnhd1, d1jnhd2, d1jnhe2, d1jnhf1, d1jnhf2, d1jnhg2, d1jnhh1, d1jnhh2
        part of anti-estradiol Fab 10G6D6
        complexed with eco
      2. 1757625Domain d1jnhc1: 1jnh C:1-108 [66943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1jnha2, d1jnhb1, d1jnhb2, d1jnhc2, d1jnhd1, d1jnhd2, d1jnhe2, d1jnhf1, d1jnhf2, d1jnhg2, d1jnhh1, d1jnhh2
        part of anti-estradiol Fab 10G6D6
        complexed with eco
      3. 1757626Domain d1jnhe1: 1jnh E:1-108 [66947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1jnha2, d1jnhb1, d1jnhb2, d1jnhc2, d1jnhd1, d1jnhd2, d1jnhe2, d1jnhf1, d1jnhf2, d1jnhg2, d1jnhh1, d1jnhh2
        part of anti-estradiol Fab 10G6D6
        complexed with eco
      4. 1757627Domain d1jnhg1: 1jnh G:1-108 [66951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1jnha2, d1jnhb1, d1jnhb2, d1jnhc2, d1jnhd1, d1jnhd2, d1jnhe2, d1jnhf1, d1jnhf2, d1jnhg2, d1jnhh1, d1jnhh2
        part of anti-estradiol Fab 10G6D6
        complexed with eco
    14. Domain for 1mfa:
    15. Domain for 1mfb:
    16. Domain for 1mfc:
    17. Domain for 1mfd:
    18. Domain for 1mfe:
    19. Domains for 1nc2:
      1. 1757603Domain d1nc2a1: 1nc2 A:1-110 [91781]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nc2a2, d1nc2b1, d1nc2b2, d1nc2c2, d1nc2d1, d1nc2d2
        part of Fab 2d12.5
        complexed with cl, doe, nag, yt3
      2. 1757604Domain d1nc2c1: 1nc2 C:1-110 [91785]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nc2a2, d1nc2b1, d1nc2b2, d1nc2c2, d1nc2d1, d1nc2d2
        part of Fab 2d12.5
        complexed with cl, doe, nag, yt3
    20. Domains for 1nc4:
      1. 1757606Domain d1nc4a1: 1nc4 A:1-110 [91789]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nc4a2, d1nc4b1, d1nc4b2, d1nc4c2, d1nc4d1, d1nc4d2
        part of Fab 2d12.5
        complexed with cl, dof, gd3, nag
      2. 1757607Domain d1nc4c1: 1nc4 C:1-110 [91793]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nc4a2, d1nc4b1, d1nc4b2, d1nc4c2, d1nc4d1, d1nc4d2
        part of Fab 2d12.5
        complexed with cl, dof, gd3, nag
    21. Domain for 1ngp:
    22. Domain for 1ngq:
    23. Domains for 1nj9:
      1. 1757620Domain d1nj9a1: 1nj9 A:1-108 [91897]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nj9a2, d1nj9b1, d1nj9b2, d1nj9h1, d1nj9h2, d1nj9l2
        part of cocaine hydrolytic Fab 15a10
        complexed with na
      2. 1757621Domain d1nj9l1: 1nj9 L:1-108 [91903]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nj9a2, d1nj9b1, d1nj9b2, d1nj9h1, d1nj9h2, d1nj9l2
        part of cocaine hydrolytic Fab 15a10
        complexed with na
    24. Domain for 1p4b:
    25. Domain for 1p4i:
    26. Domains for 1pg7:
      1. 1757629Domain d1pg7w1: 1pg7 W:1-108 [94682]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1pg7h1, d1pg7h2, d1pg7i1, d1pg7i2, d1pg7l1, d1pg7l2, d1pg7m1, d1pg7m2, d1pg7w2, d1pg7x1, d1pg7x2, d1pg7y2, d1pg7z1, d1pg7z2
        part of Fab 6A6
      2. 1757630Domain d1pg7y1: 1pg7 Y:1-108 [94686]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1pg7h1, d1pg7h2, d1pg7i1, d1pg7i2, d1pg7l1, d1pg7l2, d1pg7m1, d1pg7m2, d1pg7w2, d1pg7x1, d1pg7x2, d1pg7y2, d1pg7z1, d1pg7z2
        part of Fab 6A6
    27. Domain for 1q0x:
    28. Domain for 1q0y:
    29. Domain for 1sm3:
    30. Domains for 1yuh:
      1. 1757635Domain d1yuha1: 1yuh A:2-109 [20098]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yuha2, d1yuhb1, d1yuhb2, d1yuhh1, d1yuhh2, d1yuhl2
        part of an anti-nitrophenol Fab
        complexed with np
      2. 1757636Domain d1yuhl1: 1yuh L:2-109 [20096]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yuha2, d1yuhb1, d1yuhb2, d1yuhh1, d1yuhh2, d1yuhl2
        part of an anti-nitrophenol Fab
        complexed with np
    31. Domain for 2bjm:
    32. Domain for 2vir:
    33. Domain for 2vis:
    34. Domain for 2vit:
    35. Domains for 3c6l:
      1. 1757638Domain d3c6la1: 3c6l A:7-109 [155977]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3c6la2, d3c6lc1, d3c6lc2, d3c6ld1, d3c6ld2, d3c6le2, d3c6lg1, d3c6lg2, d3c6lh1, d3c6lh2
        automatically matched to d1lila1
        complexed with ca
      2. 1757639Domain d3c6le1: 3c6l E:7-109 [155983]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3c6la2, d3c6lc1, d3c6lc2, d3c6ld1, d3c6ld2, d3c6le2, d3c6lg1, d3c6lg2, d3c6lh1, d3c6lh2
        automatically matched to d1lila1
        complexed with ca
  9. 1757640Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [101504] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1oaq:
    2. Domains for 1oar:
      1. 1757646Domain d1oarl_: 1oar L: [92713]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oarh_, d1oari_, d1oarj_, d1oark_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with azn, cac, cl, dms, edo, na
      2. 1757647Domain d1oarm_: 1oar M: [92714]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oarh_, d1oari_, d1oarj_, d1oark_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with azn, cac, cl, dms, edo, na
      3. 1757648Domain d1oarn_: 1oar N: [92715]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oarh_, d1oari_, d1oarj_, d1oark_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with azn, cac, cl, dms, edo, na
      4. 1757649Domain d1oaro_: 1oar O: [92716]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oarh_, d1oari_, d1oarj_, d1oark_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with azn, cac, cl, dms, edo, na
    3. Domains for 1oau:
      1. 1757642Domain d1oaul_: 1oau L: [92721]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oauh_, d1oaui_, d1oauj_, d1oauk_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with dnf, imd, ser
      2. 1757643Domain d1oaum_: 1oau M: [92722]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oauh_, d1oaui_, d1oauj_, d1oauk_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with dnf, imd, ser
      3. 1757644Domain d1oaun_: 1oau N: [92723]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oauh_, d1oaui_, d1oauj_, d1oauk_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with dnf, imd, ser
      4. 1757645Domain d1oauo_: 1oau O: [92724]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oauh_, d1oaui_, d1oauj_, d1oauk_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with dnf, imd, ser
    4. Domains for 1oax:
      1. 1757655Domain d1oaxl_: 1oax L: [92729]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oaxh_, d1oaxj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with anq
      2. 1757656Domain d1oaxm_: 1oax M: [92730]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oaxh_, d1oaxj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with anq
      3. 1757657Domain d1oaxn_: 1oax N: [92731]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oaxh_, d1oaxj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with anq
      4. 1757658Domain d1oaxo_: 1oax O: [92732]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oaxh_, d1oaxj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with anq
    5. Domains for 1oay:
      1. 1757651Domain d1oayl_: 1oay L: [92737]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oayh_, d1oayj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with fur
      2. 1757652Domain d1oaym_: 1oay M: [92738]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oayh_, d1oayj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with fur
      3. 1757653Domain d1oayn_: 1oay N: [92739]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oayh_, d1oayj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with fur
      4. 1757654Domain d1oayo_: 1oay O: [92740]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oayh_, d1oayj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
        complexed with fur
    6. Domains for 1oaz:
      1. 1757659Domain d1oazl_: 1oaz L: [92745]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oaza_, d1oazb_, d1oazh_, d1oazj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
      2. 1757660Domain d1oazn_: 1oaz N: [92746]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oaza_, d1oazb_, d1oazh_, d1oazj_
        part of IgE Fv spe-7
    7. Domain for 1ocw:

More info for Protein Immunoglobulin light chain lambda variable domain, VL-lambda from b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like)

Timeline for Protein Immunoglobulin light chain lambda variable domain, VL-lambda from b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like):

  • Protein Immunoglobulin light chain lambda variable domain, VL-lambda from b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) first appeared in SCOP 1.65
  • Protein Immunoglobulin light chain lambda variable domain, VL-lambda from b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) appears in SCOPe 2.04
  • Protein Immunoglobulin light chain lambda variable domain, VL-lambda from b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) appears in SCOPe 2.06
  • Protein Immunoglobulin light chain lambda variable domain, VL-lambda from b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08