Lineage for Protein: Tubulin beta-subunit

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2530962Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (388 folds)
  3. 2565345Fold d.79: Bacillus chorismate mutase-like [55297] (9 superfamilies)
    core: beta-alpha-beta-alpha-beta(2); mixed beta-sheet: order: 1423, strand 4 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2565735Superfamily d.79.2: Tubulin C-terminal domain-like [55307] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2565736Family d.79.2.1: Tubulin, C-terminal domain [55308] (4 proteins)
  6. 2565829Protein Tubulin beta-subunit [55313] (2 species)


  1. 2565830Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [64322] (7 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P02554
    1. Domain for 1jff:
    2. Domains for 1sa0:
      1. 2565835Domain d1sa0b2: 1sa0 B:246-438 [98772]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1sa0a1, d1sa0a2, d1sa0b1, d1sa0c1, d1sa0c2, d1sa0d1, d1sa0e1, d1sa0e2
        complexed with cn2, gdp, gtp, mg
      2. 2565836Domain d1sa0d2: 1sa0 D:246-438 [98776]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1sa0a1, d1sa0a2, d1sa0b1, d1sa0c1, d1sa0c2, d1sa0d1, d1sa0e1, d1sa0e2
        complexed with cn2, gdp, gtp, mg
    3. Domains for 1sa1:
      1. 2565840Domain d1sa1b2: 1sa1 B:246-438 [98781]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1sa1a1, d1sa1a2, d1sa1b1, d1sa1c1, d1sa1c2, d1sa1d1, d1sa1e_
        complexed with gdp, gtp, mg, pod
      2. 2565841Domain d1sa1d2: 1sa1 D:246-437 [98785]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1sa1a1, d1sa1a2, d1sa1b1, d1sa1c1, d1sa1c2, d1sa1d1, d1sa1e_
        complexed with gdp, gtp, mg, pod
    4. Domain for 1tvk:
    5. Domains for 1z2b:
      1. 2565838Domain d1z2bb2: 1z2b B:246-438 [144728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1z2ba1, d1z2ba2, d1z2bb1, d1z2bc1, d1z2bc2, d1z2bd1, d1z2be1, d1z2be2
        complexed with cn2, gdp, gtp, mg, vlb
      2. 2565839Domain d1z2bd2: 1z2b D:246-438 [144732]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1z2ba1, d1z2ba2, d1z2bb1, d1z2bc1, d1z2bc2, d1z2bd1, d1z2be1, d1z2be2
        automatically matched to 1Z2B B:246-438
        complexed with cn2, gdp, gtp, mg, vlb
    6. Domains for 5fnv:
      1. 2565833Domain d5fnvb2: 5fnv B:244-428 [317450]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5fnva1, d5fnva2, d5fnvb1, d5fnvc1, d5fnvc2, d5fnvd1, d5fnve_, d5fnvf1, d5fnvf2, d5fnvf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with acp, ca, gdp, gtp, mes, mg, x3h
      2. 2565834Domain d5fnvd2: 5fnv D:244-430 [317453]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5fnva1, d5fnva2, d5fnvb1, d5fnvc1, d5fnvc2, d5fnvd1, d5fnve_, d5fnvf1, d5fnvf2, d5fnvf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with acp, ca, gdp, gtp, mes, mg, x3h
    7. Domains for 6y4n:
      1. 2565831Domain d6y4nb2: 6y4n B:244-431 [402801]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6y4na1, d6y4na2, d6y4nb1, d6y4nc1, d6y4nc2, d6y4nd1, d6y4ne_, d6y4nf1, d6y4nf2, d6y4nf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with acp, ca, gdp, gtp, mes, mg, o9b, o9k, o9n, p6s, peg, pge, val
      2. 2565832Domain d6y4nd2: 6y4n D:244-431 [402815]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6y4na1, d6y4na2, d6y4nb1, d6y4nc1, d6y4nc2, d6y4nd1, d6y4ne_, d6y4nf1, d6y4nf2, d6y4nf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with acp, ca, gdp, gtp, mes, mg, o9b, o9k, o9n, p6s, peg, pge, val
  2. 2565843Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId:9823] [55314] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1tub:
    2. Domain for 2hxf:
    3. Domain for 2hxh:
    4. Domains for 4zhq:
      1. 2565852Domain d4zhqb2: 4zhq B:246-438 [320231]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zhqa1, d4zhqa2, d4zhqb1, d4zhqc1, d4zhqc2, d4zhqd1, d4zhqe_, d4zhqf1, d4zhqf2, d4zhqf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with 4q5, acp, ca, gdp, gol, gtp, mes, mg
      2. 2565853Domain d4zhqd2: 4zhq D:246-441 [320180]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zhqa1, d4zhqa2, d4zhqb1, d4zhqc1, d4zhqc2, d4zhqd1, d4zhqe_, d4zhqf1, d4zhqf2, d4zhqf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with 4q5, acp, ca, gdp, gol, gtp, mes, mg
    5. Domains for 4zi7:
      1. 2565848Domain d4zi7b2: 4zi7 B:246-440 [320164]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zi7a1, d4zi7a2, d4zi7b1, d4zi7c1, d4zi7c2, d4zi7d1, d4zi7e_, d4zi7f1, d4zi7f2, d4zi7f3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with 4sl, acp, ca, gdp, gol, gtp, mes, mg
      2. 2565849Domain d4zi7d2: 4zi7 D:246-441 [320169]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zi7a1, d4zi7a2, d4zi7b1, d4zi7c1, d4zi7c2, d4zi7d1, d4zi7e_, d4zi7f1, d4zi7f2, d4zi7f3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with 4sl, acp, ca, gdp, gol, gtp, mes, mg
    6. Domains for 4zol:
      1. 2565850Domain d4zolb2: 4zol B:246-440 [320196]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zola1, d4zola2, d4zolb1, d4zolc1, d4zolc2, d4zold1, d4zole_, d4zolf1, d4zolf2, d4zolf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with 55q, acp, ca, gdp, gol, gtp, mes, mg
      2. 2565851Domain d4zold2: 4zol D:246-441 [320223]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zola1, d4zola2, d4zolb1, d4zolc1, d4zolc2, d4zold1, d4zole_, d4zolf1, d4zolf2, d4zolf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with 55q, acp, ca, gdp, gol, gtp, mes, mg
    7. Domains for 5bmv:
      1. 2565846Domain d5bmvb2: 5bmv B:246-438 [319661]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bmva1, d5bmva2, d5bmvb1, d5bmvc1, d5bmvc2, d5bmvd1, d5bmve_, d5bmvf1, d5bmvf2, d5bmvf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with acp, ca, gdp, gol, gtp, mes, mg, vlb
      2. 2565847Domain d5bmvd2: 5bmv D:246-441 [319508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bmva1, d5bmva2, d5bmvb1, d5bmvc1, d5bmvc2, d5bmvd1, d5bmve_, d5bmvf1, d5bmvf2, d5bmvf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with acp, ca, gdp, gol, gtp, mes, mg, vlb
    8. Domains for 5jqg:
      1. 2565844Domain d5jqgb2: 5jqg B:244-428 [317591]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jqga1, d5jqga2, d5jqgb1, d5jqgc1, d5jqgc2, d5jqgd1, d5jqge_, d5jqgf1, d5jqgf2, d5jqgf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with acp, ca, cl, gdp, gtp, mes, mg
      2. 2565845Domain d5jqgd2: 5jqg D:244-431 [317584]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jqga1, d5jqga2, d5jqgb1, d5jqgc1, d5jqgc2, d5jqgd1, d5jqge_, d5jqgf1, d5jqgf2, d5jqgf3
        automated match to d1sa0b2
        complexed with acp, ca, cl, gdp, gtp, mes, mg

More info for Protein Tubulin beta-subunit from d.79.2.1: Tubulin, C-terminal domain

Timeline for Protein Tubulin beta-subunit from d.79.2.1: Tubulin, C-terminal domain: