Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2530962Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (388 folds)
  3. 2607278Fold d.169: C-type lectin-like [56435] (1 superfamily)
    unusual fold
  4. 2607279Superfamily d.169.1: C-type lectin-like [56436] (9 families) (S)
  5. 2608201Family d.169.1.0: automated matches [191331] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2608202Protein automated matches [190159] (20 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2608257Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [186882] (106 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1xph:
  2. Domain(s) for 1ypo:
    1. 2608525Domain d1ypoa_: 1ypo A: [123825]
      automated match to d1yxja_
    2. 2608526Domain d1ypob_: 1ypo B: [123826]
      automated match to d1yxja_
    3. 2608527Domain d1ypoc_: 1ypo C: [123827]
      automated match to d1yxja_
    4. 2608528Domain d1ypod_: 1ypo D: [123828]
      automated match to d1yxja_
    5. 2608529Domain d1ypoe_: 1ypo E: [123829]
      automated match to d1yxja_
    6. 2608530Domain d1ypof_: 1ypo F: [123830]
      automated match to d1yxja_
    7. 2608531Domain d1ypog_: 1ypo G: [123831]
      automated match to d1yxja_
    8. 2608532Domain d1ypoh_: 1ypo H: [123832]
      automated match to d1yxja_
  3. Domain(s) for 1ypq:
  4. Domain(s) for 1ypu:
    1. 2608367Domain d1ypua_: 1ypu A: [123835]
      automated match to d1hyra_
    2. 2608368Domain d1ypub_: 1ypu B: [123836]
      automated match to d1hyra_
  5. Domain(s) for 1yxj:
    1. 2608326Domain d1yxja_: 1yxj A: [124187]
      automated match to d1hyra_
      complexed with edo
    2. 2608327Domain d1yxjb_: 1yxj B: [124188]
      automated match to d1hyra_
      complexed with edo
  6. Domain(s) for 1yxk:
    1. 2608475Domain d1yxka_: 1yxk A: [124189]
      automated match to d1hyra_
    2. 2608476Domain d1yxkb_: 1yxk B: [124190]
      automated match to d1hyra_
  7. Domain(s) for 2c6u:
  8. Domain(s) for 2ggx:
    1. 2608448Domain d2ggxa1: 2ggx A:235-355 [135164]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ggxa2, d2ggxb2, d2ggxc2
      complexed with ca, npj
    2. 2608449Domain d2ggxb1: 2ggx B:235-355 [135166]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ggxa2, d2ggxb2, d2ggxc2
      complexed with ca, npj
    3. 2608450Domain d2ggxc1: 2ggx C:235-355 [135168]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ggxa2, d2ggxb2, d2ggxc2
      complexed with ca, npj
  9. Domain(s) for 2go0:
  10. Domain(s) for 2kv3:
  11. Domain(s) for 2ls8:
  12. Domain(s) for 2nan:
  13. Domain(s) for 2orj:
    1. 2608314Domain d2orja1: 2orj A:235-355 [139261]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2orja2, d2orjb2, d2orjc2
      complexed with bm3, ca
    2. 2608315Domain d2orjb1: 2orj B:235-355 [139263]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2orja2, d2orjb2, d2orjc2
      complexed with bm3, ca
    3. 2608316Domain d2orjc1: 2orj C:235-355 [139265]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2orja2, d2orjb2, d2orjc2
      complexed with bm3, ca
  14. Domain(s) for 2ork:
    1. 2608339Domain d2orka1: 2ork A:235-355 [139267]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2orka2, d2orkb2, d2orkc2
      complexed with ca, ipd
    2. 2608340Domain d2orkb1: 2ork B:235-355 [139269]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2orka2, d2orkb2, d2orkc2
      complexed with ca, ipd
    3. 2608341Domain d2orkc1: 2ork C:235-355 [139271]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2orka2, d2orkb2, d2orkc2
      complexed with ca, ipd
  15. Domain(s) for 2os9:
    1. 2608302Domain d2os9a1: 2os9 A:235-355 [139290]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2os9a2, d2os9b2, d2os9c2
      complexed with ca, ins
    2. 2608303Domain d2os9b1: 2os9 B:235-355 [139292]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2os9a2, d2os9b2, d2os9c2
      complexed with ca, ins
    3. 2608304Domain d2os9c1: 2os9 C:235-355 [139294]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2os9a2, d2os9b2, d2os9c2
      complexed with ca, ins
  16. Domain(s) for 2ox8:
    1. 2608497Domain d2ox8a_: 2ox8 A: [166892]
      automated match to d1dv8a_
      complexed with ca, cl, zn
    2. 2608498Domain d2ox8b_: 2ox8 B: [166893]
      automated match to d1dv8a_
      complexed with ca, cl, zn
    3. 2608499Domain d2ox8c_: 2ox8 C: [166894]
      automated match to d1dv8a_
      complexed with ca, cl, zn
    4. 2608500Domain d2ox8d_: 2ox8 D: [166895]
      automated match to d1dv8a_
      complexed with ca, cl, zn
  17. Domain(s) for 2ria:
    1. 2608393Domain d2riaa1: 2ria A:235-355 [152059]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riaa2, d2riab2, d2riac2
      complexed with 289, ca
    2. 2608394Domain d2riab1: 2ria B:235-355 [152061]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riaa2, d2riab2, d2riac2
      complexed with 289, ca
    3. 2608395Domain d2riac1: 2ria C:235-355 [152063]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riaa2, d2riab2, d2riac2
      complexed with 289, ca
  18. Domain(s) for 2rib:
    1. 2608383Domain d2riba1: 2rib A:235-355 [152065]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riba2, d2ribb2, d2ribc2
      complexed with ca, gmh
    2. 2608384Domain d2ribb1: 2rib B:235-355 [152067]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riba2, d2ribb2, d2ribc2
      complexed with ca, gmh
    3. 2608385Domain d2ribc1: 2rib C:235-355 [152069]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riba2, d2ribb2, d2ribc2
      complexed with ca, gmh
  19. Domain(s) for 2ric:
    1. 2608399Domain d2rica1: 2ric A:235-355 [152071]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2rica2, d2rica3, d2ricb2, d2ricc2, d2ricc3
      complexed with ca, gmh
    2. 2608400Domain d2ricb1: 2ric B:235-355 [152073]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2rica2, d2rica3, d2ricb2, d2ricc2, d2ricc3
      complexed with ca, gmh
    3. 2608401Domain d2ricc1: 2ric C:235-355 [152075]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2rica2, d2rica3, d2ricb2, d2ricc2, d2ricc3
      complexed with ca, gmh
  20. Domain(s) for 2rid:
    1. 2608386Domain d2rida1: 2rid A:235-355 [152077]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2rida2, d2ridb2, d2ridc2
      complexed with 291, ca
    2. 2608387Domain d2ridb1: 2rid B:235-355 [152079]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2rida2, d2ridb2, d2ridc2
      complexed with 291, ca
    3. 2608388Domain d2ridc1: 2rid C:235-355 [152081]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2rida2, d2ridb2, d2ridc2
      complexed with 291, ca
  21. Domain(s) for 2rie:
    1. 2608370Domain d2riea1: 2rie A:235-355 [152083]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riea2, d2rieb2, d2riec2
      complexed with 293, ca
    2. 2608371Domain d2rieb1: 2rie B:235-355 [152085]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riea2, d2rieb2, d2riec2
      complexed with 293, ca
    3. 2608372Domain d2riec1: 2rie C:235-355 [152087]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2riea2, d2rieb2, d2riec2
      complexed with 293, ca
  22. Domain(s) for 2xr5:
  23. Domain(s) for 2xr6:
  24. Domain(s) for 2yhf:
    1. 2608358Domain d2yhfa_: 2yhf A: [198755]
      automated match to d2yhfi_
    2. 2608359Domain d2yhfb_: 2yhf B: [198756]
      automated match to d2yhfi_
    3. 2608360Domain d2yhfc_: 2yhf C: [198757]
      automated match to d2yhfi_
    4. 2608361Domain d2yhfd_: 2yhf D: [198758]
      automated match to d2yhfi_
    5. 2608362Domain d2yhfe_: 2yhf E: [198759]
      automated match to d2yhfi_
    6. 2608363Domain d2yhff_: 2yhf F: [198760]
      automated match to d2yhfi_
    7. 2608364Domain d2yhfg_: 2yhf G: [198761]
      automated match to d2yhfi_
    8. 2608365Domain d2yhfh_: 2yhf H: [198762]
      automated match to d2yhfi_
    9. 2608366Domain d2yhfi_: 2yhf I: [196350]
      automated match to d3m9za_
  25. Domain(s) for 3bbs:
    1. 2608441Domain d3bbsa_: 3bbs A: [305079]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca
    2. 2608442Domain d3bbsb_: 3bbs B: [305080]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca
    3. 2608443Domain d3bbsc_: 3bbs C: [305081]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca
    4. 2608444Domain d3bbsd_: 3bbs D: [305082]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca
  26. Domain(s) for 3bc6:
    1. 2608410Domain d3bc6a_: 3bc6 A: [305083]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca, mal
    2. 2608411Domain d3bc6b_: 3bc6 B: [305084]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca, mal
    3. 2608412Domain d3bc6c_: 3bc6 C: [305085]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca, mal
    4. 2608413Domain d3bc6d_: 3bc6 D: [305086]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca, mal
  27. Domain(s) for 3bc7:
    1. 2608305Domain d3bc7a_: 3bc7 A: [305087]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca, man
    2. 2608306Domain d3bc7b_: 3bc7 B: [305088]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca, man
    3. 2608307Domain d3bc7c_: 3bc7 C: [305089]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca, man
    4. 2608308Domain d3bc7d_: 3bc7 D: [305090]
      automated match to d3p7gb_
      complexed with ca, man
  28. Domain(s) for 3c22:
    1. 2608271Domain d3c22a_: 3c22 A: [208764]
      automated match to d3p5hc_
      complexed with ca, mg
    2. 2608272Domain d3c22b_: 3c22 B: [208765]
      automated match to d3p5hc_
      complexed with ca, mg
    3. 2608273Domain d3c22c_: 3c22 C: [208766]
      automated match to d3p5hc_
      complexed with ca, mg
    4. 2608274Domain d3c22d_: 3c22 D: [208767]
      automated match to d3p5hc_
      complexed with ca, mg
  29. Domain(s) for 3dbz:
    1. 2608389Domain d3dbza1: 3dbz A:235-355 [157526]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3dbza2, d3dbzb2, d3dbzb3, d3dbzc2
      complexed with ca, mpd
    2. 2608390Domain d3dbzb1: 3dbz B:235-355 [157528]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3dbza2, d3dbzb2, d3dbzb3, d3dbzc2
      complexed with ca, mpd
    3. 2608391Domain d3dbzc1: 3dbz C:235-355 [157530]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3dbza2, d3dbzb2, d3dbzb3, d3dbzc2
      complexed with ca, mpd
  30. Domain(s) for 3ff7:
    1. 2608406Domain d3ff7c_: 3ff7 C: [175742]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff7a1, d3ff7a2, d3ff7b1, d3ff7b2
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with acy
    2. 2608407Domain d3ff7d_: 3ff7 D: [175743]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff7a1, d3ff7a2, d3ff7b1, d3ff7b2
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with acy
  31. Domain(s) for 3g81:
    1. 2608396Domain d3g81a1: 3g81 A:235-355 [210439]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g81a2, d3g81b2, d3g81c2
      complexed with ca, mma
    2. 2608397Domain d3g81b1: 3g81 B:235-355 [210441]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g81a2, d3g81b2, d3g81c2
      complexed with ca, mma
    3. 2608398Domain d3g81c1: 3g81 C:235-355 [210443]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g81a2, d3g81b2, d3g81c2
      complexed with ca, mma
  32. Domain(s) for 3g83:
    1. 2608445Domain d3g83a1: 3g83 A:235-355 [210445]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g83a2, d3g83b2, d3g83c2
      complexed with ca, man
    2. 2608446Domain d3g83b1: 3g83 B:235-355 [210447]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g83a2, d3g83b2, d3g83c2
      complexed with ca, man
    3. 2608447Domain d3g83c1: 3g83 C:235-355 [210449]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g83a2, d3g83b2, d3g83c2
      complexed with ca, man
  33. Domain(s) for 3g84:
    1. 2608521Domain d3g84a1: 3g84 A:235-355 [210451]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g84a2, d3g84b2, d3g84c2
      complexed with ca, man; mutant
    2. 2608522Domain d3g84b1: 3g84 B:235-355 [210453]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g84a2, d3g84b2, d3g84c2
      complexed with ca, man; mutant
    3. 2608523Domain d3g84c1: 3g84 C:235-355 [210455]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g84a2, d3g84b2, d3g84c2
      complexed with ca, man; mutant
  34. Domain(s) for 3kqg:
    1. 2608505Domain d3kqga1: 3kqg A:199-327 [199661]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kqga2, d3kqgb2, d3kqgc2, d3kqgd2, d3kqge2, d3kqgf2
      complexed with ca
    2. 2608506Domain d3kqgb1: 3kqg B:199-325 [199663]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kqga2, d3kqgb2, d3kqgc2, d3kqgd2, d3kqge2, d3kqgf2
      complexed with ca
    3. 2608507Domain d3kqgc1: 3kqg C:199-325 [199665]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kqga2, d3kqgb2, d3kqgc2, d3kqgd2, d3kqge2, d3kqgf2
      complexed with ca
    4. 2608508Domain d3kqgd1: 3kqg D:199-326 [199667]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kqga2, d3kqgb2, d3kqgc2, d3kqgd2, d3kqge2, d3kqgf2
      complexed with ca
    5. 2608509Domain d3kqge1: 3kqg E:199-326 [199669]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kqga2, d3kqgb2, d3kqgc2, d3kqgd2, d3kqge2, d3kqgf2
      complexed with ca
    6. 2608510Domain d3kqgf1: 3kqg F:199-326 [199671]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3kqga2, d3kqgb2, d3kqgc2, d3kqgd2, d3kqge2, d3kqgf2
      complexed with ca
  35. Domain(s) for 3p5d:
    1. 2608317Domain d3p5da_: 3p5d A: [183513]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    2. 2608318Domain d3p5db_: 3p5d B: [183514]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    3. 2608319Domain d3p5dc_: 3p5d C: [183515]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    4. 2608320Domain d3p5dd_: 3p5d D: [183516]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
  36. Domain(s) for 3p5e:
    1. 2608298Domain d3p5ea_: 3p5e A: [183517]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    2. 2608299Domain d3p5eb_: 3p5e B: [183518]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    3. 2608300Domain d3p5ec_: 3p5e C: [183519]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    4. 2608301Domain d3p5ed_: 3p5e D: [183520]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
  37. Domain(s) for 3p5f:
    1. 2608310Domain d3p5fa_: 3p5f A: [183521]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    2. 2608311Domain d3p5fb_: 3p5f B: [183522]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    3. 2608312Domain d3p5fc_: 3p5f C: [183523]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
    4. 2608313Domain d3p5fd_: 3p5f D: [183524]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, man
  38. Domain(s) for 3p5g:
    1. 2608290Domain d3p5ga_: 3p5g A: [183525]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, fuc
    2. 2608291Domain d3p5gb_: 3p5g B: [183526]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, fuc
    3. 2608292Domain d3p5gc_: 3p5g C: [183527]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, fuc
    4. 2608293Domain d3p5gd_: 3p5g D: [183528]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca, fuc
  39. Domain(s) for 3p5h:
    1. 2608294Domain d3p5ha_: 3p5h A: [183529]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with bgc, ca
    2. 2608295Domain d3p5hb_: 3p5h B: [183530]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with bgc, ca
    3. 2608296Domain d3p5hc_: 3p5h C: [183531]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with bgc, ca
    4. 2608297Domain d3p5hd_: 3p5h D: [183532]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with bgc, ca
  40. Domain(s) for 3p5i:
    1. 2608321Domain d3p5ia_: 3p5i A: [183533]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca
    2. 2608322Domain d3p5ib_: 3p5i B: [183534]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca
    3. 2608323Domain d3p5ic_: 3p5i C: [183535]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca
    4. 2608324Domain d3p5id_: 3p5i D: [183536]
      automated match to d1k9jb_
      complexed with ca
  41. Domain(s) for 3p7f:
    1. 2608437Domain d3p7fa1: 3p7f A:198-328 [214670]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7fa2, d3p7fc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca
    2. 2608438Domain d3p7fb_: 3p7f B: [214671]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7fa2, d3p7fc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca
    3. 2608439Domain d3p7fc1: 3p7f C:198-326 [214672]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7fa2, d3p7fc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca
    4. 2608440Domain d3p7fd_: 3p7f D: [214673]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7fa2, d3p7fc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca
  42. Domain(s) for 3p7g:
    1. 2608335Domain d3p7ga1: 3p7g A:198-328 [214674]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7ga2, d3p7gc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, man
    2. 2608336Domain d3p7gb_: 3p7g B: [214675]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7ga2, d3p7gc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, man
    3. 2608337Domain d3p7gc1: 3p7g C:198-326 [214676]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7ga2, d3p7gc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, man
    4. 2608338Domain d3p7gd_: 3p7g D: [214677]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7ga2, d3p7gc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, man
  43. Domain(s) for 3p7h:
    1. 2608501Domain d3p7ha1: 3p7h A:198-328 [214678]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7ha2, d3p7hc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, mal
    2. 2608502Domain d3p7hb_: 3p7h B: [214679]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7ha2, d3p7hc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, mal
    3. 2608503Domain d3p7hc1: 3p7h C:198-325 [214680]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7ha2, d3p7hc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, mal
    4. 2608504Domain d3p7hd_: 3p7h D: [214681]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3p7ha2, d3p7hc2
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, mal
  44. Domain(s) for 3vlg:
  45. Domain(s) for 3vpp:
    1. 2608333Domain d3vppa_: 3vpp A: [201254]
      automated match to d3vppb_
      complexed with ca
    2. 2608334Domain d3vppb_: 3vpp B: [195488]
      automated match to d1ypqb_
      complexed with ca
  46. Domain(s) for 3wbp:
    1. 2608404Domain d3wbpa1: 3wbp A:83-210 [230211]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbpa2, d3wbpb2
      automated match to d2ox8a_
      complexed with edo
    2. 2608405Domain d3wbpb1: 3wbp B:83-210 [230210]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbpa2, d3wbpb2
      automated match to d2ox8a_
      complexed with edo
  47. Domain(s) for 3wbq:
    1. 2608519Domain d3wbqa1: 3wbq A:83-209 [233943]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbqa2
      automated match to d3wbra_
    2. 2608520Domain d3wbqb_: 3wbq B: [233942]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbqa2
      automated match to d3wbra_
  48. Domain(s) for 3wbr:
    1. 2608489Domain d3wbra1: 3wbr A:83-210 [230202]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbra2, d3wbrb2, d3wbrc2
      automated match to d2ox8a_
    2. 2608490Domain d3wbrb1: 3wbr B:83-210 [233944]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbra2, d3wbrb2, d3wbrc2
      automated match to d3wbra_
    3. 2608491Domain d3wbrc1: 3wbr C:83-210 [233946]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbra2, d3wbrb2, d3wbrc2
      automated match to d3wbra_
    4. 2608492Domain d3wbrd_: 3wbr D: [230203]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbra2, d3wbrb2, d3wbrc2
      automated match to d2ox8a_
    5. 2608493Domain d3wbre_: 3wbr E: [233948]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbra2, d3wbrb2, d3wbrc2
      automated match to d3wbra_
    6. 2608494Domain d3wbrf_: 3wbr F: [233947]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbra2, d3wbrb2, d3wbrc2
      automated match to d3wbra_
    7. 2608495Domain d3wbrg_: 3wbr G: [233945]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbra2, d3wbrb2, d3wbrc2
      automated match to d3wbra_
    8. 2608496Domain d3wbrh_: 3wbr H: [233949]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wbra2, d3wbrb2, d3wbrc2
      automated match to d3wbra_
  49. Domain(s) for 3wh2:
  50. Domain(s) for 3wh3:
  51. Domain(s) for 3whd:
    1. 2608469Domain d3whda_: 3whd A: [228569]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3whdc2
      automated match to d1xara_
      complexed with ca
    2. 2608470Domain d3whdc1: 3whd C:61-215 [229746]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3whdc2
      automated match to d3whda_
      complexed with ca
  52. Domain(s) for 3wwk:
    1. 2608569Domain d3wwkc_: 3wwk C: [260624]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wwka_, d3wwkb_, d3wwkd_, d3wwkg_, d3wwkh_, d3wwkj_, d3wwkk_
      automated match to d2ziba_
    2. 2608570Domain d3wwkf_: 3wwk F: [296134]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wwka_, d3wwkb_, d3wwkd_, d3wwkg_, d3wwkh_, d3wwkj_, d3wwkk_
      automated match to d2ziba_
    3. 2608571Domain d3wwki_: 3wwk I: [296137]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wwka_, d3wwkb_, d3wwkd_, d3wwkg_, d3wwkh_, d3wwkj_, d3wwkk_
      automated match to d2ziba_
    4. 2608572Domain d3wwkl_: 3wwk L: [296140]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wwka_, d3wwkb_, d3wwkd_, d3wwkg_, d3wwkh_, d3wwkj_, d3wwkk_
      automated match to d2ziba_
  53. Domain(s) for 4ak8:
    1. 2608286Domain d4ak8a_: 4ak8 A: [219008]
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, cl, mg; mutant
    2. 2608287Domain d4ak8b_: 4ak8 B: [219009]
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, cl, mg; mutant
    3. 2608288Domain d4ak8c_: 4ak8 C: [219010]
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, cl, mg; mutant
    4. 2608289Domain d4ak8d_: 4ak8 D: [219011]
      automated match to d2ziba_
      complexed with ca, cl, mg; mutant
  54. Domain(s) for 4gi0:
    1. 2608431Domain d4gi0a_: 4gi0 A: [221920]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    2. 2608432Domain d4gi0b_: 4gi0 B: [221921]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    3. 2608433Domain d4gi0c_: 4gi0 C: [221922]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
  55. Domain(s) for 4gj0:
    1. 2608328Domain d4gj0a_: 4gj0 A: [221933]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    2. 2608329Domain d4gj0b_: 4gj0 B: [221934]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    3. 2608330Domain d4gj0c_: 4gj0 C: [221935]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    4. 2608331Domain d4gj0d_: 4gj0 D: [221936]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
  56. Domain(s) for 4gjx:
    1. 2608481Domain d4gjxa_: 4gjx A: [221958]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    2. 2608482Domain d4gjxb_: 4gjx B: [221959]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    3. 2608483Domain d4gjxc_: 4gjx C: [221960]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    4. 2608484Domain d4gjxd_: 4gjx D: [221961]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    5. 2608485Domain d4gjxe_: 4gjx E: [221962]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    6. 2608486Domain d4gjxf_: 4gjx F: [221963]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    7. 2608487Domain d4gjxg_: 4gjx G: [221964]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
    8. 2608488Domain d4gjxh_: 4gjx H: [221965]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol; mutant
  57. Domain(s) for 4gk1:
    1. 2608375Domain d4gk1a_: 4gk1 A: [221966]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    2. 2608376Domain d4gk1b_: 4gk1 B: [221967]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    3. 2608377Domain d4gk1c_: 4gk1 C: [221968]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    4. 2608378Domain d4gk1d_: 4gk1 D: [221969]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    5. 2608379Domain d4gk1e_: 4gk1 E: [221970]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    6. 2608380Domain d4gk1f_: 4gk1 F: [221971]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    7. 2608381Domain d4gk1g_: 4gk1 G: [221972]
      automated match to d2ox9b_
      complexed with gol, so4; mutant
  58. Domain(s) for 4mth:
  59. Domain(s) for 4n32:
    1. 2608354Domain d4n32a_: 4n32 A: [229147]
      automated match to d3p5ea_
      complexed with 2f8, ca
    2. 2608355Domain d4n32b_: 4n32 B: [229148]
      automated match to d3p5ea_
      complexed with 2f8, ca
    3. 2608356Domain d4n32c_: 4n32 C: [229149]
      automated match to d3p5ec_
      complexed with 2f8, ca
    4. 2608357Domain d4n32d_: 4n32 D: [229146]
      automated match to d3p5ec_
      complexed with 2f8, ca
  60. Domain(s) for 4n33:
    1. 2608419Domain d4n33a_: 4n33 A: [229152]
      automated match to d3p5ea_
      complexed with bgc, ca, gal, nag
    2. 2608420Domain d4n33b_: 4n33 B: [229151]
      automated match to d3p5ea_
      complexed with bgc, ca, gal, nag
    3. 2608421Domain d4n33c_: 4n33 C: [229153]
      automated match to d3p5ec_
      complexed with bgc, ca, gal, nag
    4. 2608422Domain d4n33d_: 4n33 D: [229150]
      automated match to d3p5ec_
      complexed with bgc, ca, gal, nag
  61. Domain(s) for 4n34:
    1. 2608344Domain d4n34a_: 4n34 A: [229145]
      automated match to d3c22d_
      complexed with 2f8, ca
    2. 2608345Domain d4n34b_: 4n34 B: [235717]
      automated match to d4n34a_
      complexed with 2f8, ca
    3. 2608346Domain d4n34c_: 4n34 C: [235718]
      automated match to d4n34d_
      complexed with 2f8, ca
    4. 2608347Domain d4n34d_: 4n34 D: [229144]
      automated match to d3c22d_
      complexed with 2f8, ca
  62. Domain(s) for 4n35:
    1. 2608423Domain d4n35a_: 4n35 A: [235724]
      automated match to d4n34a_
      complexed with bgc, ca, gal, nag
    2. 2608424Domain d4n35b_: 4n35 B: [235725]
      automated match to d4n34a_
      complexed with bgc, ca, gal, nag
    3. 2608425Domain d4n35c_: 4n35 C: [235722]
      automated match to d4n34d_
      complexed with bgc, ca, gal, nag
    4. 2608426Domain d4n35d_: 4n35 D: [235723]
      automated match to d4n34d_
      complexed with bgc, ca, gal, nag
  63. Domain(s) for 4n36:
    1. 2608427Domain d4n36a_: 4n36 A: [235726]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with 2f8, ca, mg
    2. 2608428Domain d4n36b_: 4n36 B: [229142]
      automated match to d3c22d_
      complexed with 2f8, ca, mg
    3. 2608429Domain d4n36c_: 4n36 C: [235727]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with 2f8, ca, mg
    4. 2608430Domain d4n36d_: 4n36 D: [235728]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with 2f8, ca, mg
  64. Domain(s) for 4n37:
    1. 2608471Domain d4n37a_: 4n37 A: [235729]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with ca, mma
    2. 2608472Domain d4n37b_: 4n37 B: [235730]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with ca, mma
    3. 2608473Domain d4n37c_: 4n37 C: [235732]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with ca, mma
    4. 2608474Domain d4n37d_: 4n37 D: [235731]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with ca, mma
  65. Domain(s) for 4n38:
    1. 2608477Domain d4n38a_: 4n38 A: [235733]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with ca, gal, mg, nag
    2. 2608478Domain d4n38b_: 4n38 B: [235734]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with ca, gal, mg, nag
    3. 2608479Domain d4n38c_: 4n38 C: [235736]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with ca, gal, mg, nag
    4. 2608480Domain d4n38d_: 4n38 D: [235735]
      automated match to d4n36b_
      complexed with ca, gal, mg, nag
  66. Domain(s) for 4qkg:
  67. Domain(s) for 4qkh:
    1. 2608408Domain d4qkha1: 4qkh A:72-191 [269812]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qkha2, d4qkha3, d4qkhb2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag
    2. 2608409Domain d4qkhb1: 4qkh B:72-191 [269809]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qkha2, d4qkha3, d4qkhb2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag
  68. Domain(s) for 4qki:
    1. 2608414Domain d4qkia1: 4qki A:73-191 [269811]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qkia2, d4qkib2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag
    2. 2608415Domain d4qkib1: 4qki B:73-191 [269807]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4qkia2, d4qkib2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag
  69. Domain(s) for 4qkj:
  70. Domain(s) for 4wco:
    1. 2608533Domain d4wcoa_: 4wco A: [274340]
      automated match to d1hyrb_
      complexed with act, so4, zn
    2. 2608534Domain d4wcob_: 4wco B: [274338]
      automated match to d1hyrb_
      complexed with act, so4, zn
    3. 2608535Domain d4wcoc_: 4wco C: [274339]
      automated match to d1hyrb_
      complexed with act, so4, zn
  71. Domain(s) for 4zes:
    1. 2608373Domain d4zesa_: 4zes A: [273324]
      automated match to d3whdc_
      complexed with ca, mg, mma
    2. 2608374Domain d4zesb_: 4zes B: [273325]
      automated match to d3whdc_
      complexed with ca, mg, mma
  72. Domain(s) for 4zet:
    1. 2608573Domain d4zeta_: 4zet A: [273322]
      automated match to d3whdc_
      complexed with ca, gal, man, nag
    2. 2608574Domain d4zetb_: 4zet B: [273321]
      automated match to d3whdc_
      complexed with ca, gal, man, nag
  73. Domain(s) for 5b1w:
    1. 2608575Domain d5b1wa1: 5b1w A:106-234 [317196]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5b1wa2, d5b1wb2, d5b1wc2, d5b1wd2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca
    2. 2608576Domain d5b1wb1: 5b1w B:106-234 [317175]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5b1wa2, d5b1wb2, d5b1wc2, d5b1wd2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca
    3. 2608577Domain d5b1wc1: 5b1w C:106-232 [317179]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5b1wa2, d5b1wb2, d5b1wc2, d5b1wd2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca
    4. 2608578Domain d5b1wd1: 5b1w D:106-232 [317384]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5b1wa2, d5b1wb2, d5b1wc2, d5b1wd2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca
  74. Domain(s) for 5b1x:
    1. 2608553Domain d5b1xa1: 5b1x A:106-234 [317192]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5b1xa2, d5b1xb2, d5b1xc2, d5b1xd2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca, man, nag
    2. 2608554Domain d5b1xb1: 5b1x B:106-234 [317190]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5b1xa2, d5b1xb2, d5b1xc2, d5b1xd2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca, man, nag
    3. 2608555Domain d5b1xc1: 5b1x C:106-233 [317208]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5b1xa2, d5b1xb2, d5b1xc2, d5b1xd2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca, man, nag
    4. 2608556Domain d5b1xd1: 5b1x D:106-233 [317198]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5b1xa2, d5b1xb2, d5b1xc2, d5b1xd2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca, man, nag
  75. Domain(s) for 5jpv:
    1. 2608465Domain d5jpva_: 5jpv A: [335427]
      automated match to d4gj0a_
      complexed with ca, cl, lbt
    2. 2608466Domain d5jpvb_: 5jpv B: [335355]
      automated match to d4gj0a_
      complexed with ca, cl, lbt
  76. Domain(s) for 5jq1:
    1. 2608434Domain d5jq1a_: 5jq1 A: [335418]
      automated match to d4gj0a_
      complexed with ca, cl, zpf
    2. 2608435Domain d5jq1b_: 5jq1 B: [335356]
      automated match to d4gj0a_
      complexed with ca, cl, zpf
  77. Domain(s) for 5mgr:
    1. 2608402Domain d5mgra_: 5mgr A: [353363]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with bma, man, nag
    2. 2608403Domain d5mgrb_: 5mgr B: [353230]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with bma, man, nag
  78. Domain(s) for 5mgs:
    1. 2608457Domain d5mgsa_: 5mgs A: [352500]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with nag
    2. 2608458Domain d5mgsb_: 5mgs B: [352497]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with nag
    3. 2608459Domain d5mgsc_: 5mgs C: [352495]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with nag
    4. 2608460Domain d5mgsd_: 5mgs D: [352532]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with nag
    5. 2608461Domain d5mgse_: 5mgs E: [352570]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with nag
    6. 2608462Domain d5mgsf_: 5mgs F: [352578]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with nag
    7. 2608463Domain d5mgsg_: 5mgs G: [352522]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with nag
    8. 2608464Domain d5mgsh_: 5mgs H: [352516]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with nag
  79. Domain(s) for 5mgt:
    1. 2608451Domain d5mgta_: 5mgt A: [353243]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgtc2
      automated match to d4wcob_
      complexed with cl, nag, so4
    2. 2608452Domain d5mgtb_: 5mgt B: [353249]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgtc2
      automated match to d4wcob_
      complexed with cl, nag, so4
    3. 2608453Domain d5mgtc1: 5mgt C:90-215 [353254]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgtc2
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with cl, nag, so4
    4. 2608454Domain d5mgtd_: 5mgt D: [353364]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgtc2
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with cl, nag, so4
    5. 2608455Domain d5mgte_: 5mgt E: [353229]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgtc2
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with cl, nag, so4
    6. 2608456Domain d5mgtf_: 5mgt F: [353346]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5mgtc2
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with cl, nag, so4
  80. Domain(s) for 5naz:
  81. Domain(s) for 5nb0:
    1. 2608536Domain d5nb0a1: 5nb0 A:4-114 [359341]
      automated match to d1li1a1
      complexed with cl
    2. 2608537Domain d5nb0a2: 5nb0 A:115-228 [359342]
      automated match to d1li1a2
      complexed with cl
    3. 2608538Domain d5nb0b1: 5nb0 B:3-114 [359327]
      automated match to d1li1a1
      complexed with cl
    4. 2608539Domain d5nb0b2: 5nb0 B:115-228 [359328]
      automated match to d1li1a2
      complexed with cl
    5. 2608540Domain d5nb0c1: 5nb0 C:4-114 [359332]
      automated match to d1li1a1
      complexed with cl
    6. 2608541Domain d5nb0c2: 5nb0 C:115-228 [359335]
      automated match to d1li1a2
      complexed with cl
    7. 2608542Domain d5nb0d1: 5nb0 D:2-114 [359338]
      automated match to d1li1a1
      complexed with cl
    8. 2608543Domain d5nb0d2: 5nb0 D:115-228 [359339]
      automated match to d1li1a2
      complexed with cl
    9. 2608544Domain d5nb0e1: 5nb0 E:4-114 [359381]
      automated match to d1li1a1
      complexed with cl
    10. 2608545Domain d5nb0e2: 5nb0 E:115-228 [359382]
      automated match to d1li1a2
      complexed with cl
    11. 2608546Domain d5nb0f1: 5nb0 F:3-114 [359363]
      automated match to d1li1a1
      complexed with cl
    12. 2608547Domain d5nb0f2: 5nb0 F:115-228 [359364]
      automated match to d1li1a2
      complexed with cl
    13. 2608548Domain d5nb0g1: 5nb0 G:4-114 [359329]
      automated match to d1li1a1
      complexed with cl
    14. 2608549Domain d5nb0g2: 5nb0 G:115-228 [359330]
      automated match to d1li1a2
      complexed with cl
    15. 2608550Domain d5nb0h1: 5nb0 H:4-114 [359331]
      automated match to d1li1a1
      complexed with cl
    16. 2608551Domain d5nb0h2: 5nb0 H:115-228 [359333]
      automated match to d1li1a2
      complexed with cl
  82. Domain(s) for 5nb1:
    1. 2608557Domain d5nb1a1: 5nb1 A:4-112 [357533]
      automated match to d1li1c1
    2. 2608558Domain d5nb1a2: 5nb1 A:113-229 [357534]
      automated match to d1li1c2
    3. 2608559Domain d5nb1b1: 5nb1 B:5-112 [357597]
      automated match to d1li1c1
    4. 2608560Domain d5nb1b2: 5nb1 B:113-229 [357598]
      automated match to d1li1c2
    5. 2608561Domain d5nb1c1: 5nb1 C:5-112 [357504]
      automated match to d1li1c1
    6. 2608562Domain d5nb1c2: 5nb1 C:113-229 [357505]
      automated match to d1li1c2
    7. 2608563Domain d5nb1d1: 5nb1 D:5-112 [357586]
      automated match to d1li1c1
    8. 2608564Domain d5nb1d2: 5nb1 D:113-229 [357587]
      automated match to d1li1c2
    9. 2608565Domain d5nb1e1: 5nb1 E:6-112 [357564]
      automated match to d1li1c1
    10. 2608566Domain d5nb1e2: 5nb1 E:113-229 [357565]
      automated match to d1li1c2
    11. 2608567Domain d5nb1f1: 5nb1 F:5-112 [357553]
      automated match to d1li1c1
    12. 2608568Domain d5nb1f2: 5nb1 F:113-229 [357554]
      automated match to d1li1c2
  83. Domain(s) for 5vc1:
  84. Domain(s) for 5vyb:
  85. Domain(s) for 6jli:
  86. Domain(s) for 6py1:
  87. Domain(s) for 6tl7:
    1. 2608258Domain d6tl7a1: 6tl7 A:143-273 [392043]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl7a2, d6tl7b2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with ni
    2. 2608259Domain d6tl7b1: 6tl7 B:143-273 [391990]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl7a2, d6tl7b2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with ni
  88. Domain(s) for 6tl9:
    1. 2608511Domain d6tl9a1: 6tl9 A:143-270 [391997]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl9a2, d6tl9b2, d6tl9c2, d6tl9d2, d6tl9e2, d6tl9f2, d6tl9g2, d6tl9h2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with gol, njt
    2. 2608512Domain d6tl9b1: 6tl9 B:143-269 [391999]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl9a2, d6tl9b2, d6tl9c2, d6tl9d2, d6tl9e2, d6tl9f2, d6tl9g2, d6tl9h2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with gol, njt
    3. 2608513Domain d6tl9c1: 6tl9 C:143-269 [392002]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl9a2, d6tl9b2, d6tl9c2, d6tl9d2, d6tl9e2, d6tl9f2, d6tl9g2, d6tl9h2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with gol, njt
    4. 2608514Domain d6tl9d1: 6tl9 D:143-270 [392033]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl9a2, d6tl9b2, d6tl9c2, d6tl9d2, d6tl9e2, d6tl9f2, d6tl9g2, d6tl9h2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with gol, njt
    5. 2608515Domain d6tl9e1: 6tl9 E:143-270 [392011]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl9a2, d6tl9b2, d6tl9c2, d6tl9d2, d6tl9e2, d6tl9f2, d6tl9g2, d6tl9h2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with gol, njt
    6. 2608516Domain d6tl9f1: 6tl9 F:143-270 [392005]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl9a2, d6tl9b2, d6tl9c2, d6tl9d2, d6tl9e2, d6tl9f2, d6tl9g2, d6tl9h2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with gol, njt
    7. 2608517Domain d6tl9g1: 6tl9 G:143-270 [391995]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl9a2, d6tl9b2, d6tl9c2, d6tl9d2, d6tl9e2, d6tl9f2, d6tl9g2, d6tl9h2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with gol, njt
    8. 2608518Domain d6tl9h1: 6tl9 H:143-270 [391985]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6tl9a2, d6tl9b2, d6tl9c2, d6tl9d2, d6tl9e2, d6tl9f2, d6tl9g2, d6tl9h2
      automated match to d1ypob_
      complexed with gol, njt
  89. Domain(s) for 6tla:
    1. 2608416Domain d6tlaa_: 6tla A: [391987]
      automated match to d1ypqb_
      complexed with mes
    2. 2608417Domain d6tlab_: 6tla B: [392028]
      automated match to d1ypqb_
      complexed with mes
    3. 2608418Domain d6tlac_: 6tla C: [391979]
      automated match to d1ypqb_
      complexed with mes
  90. Domain(s) for 6wku:
    1. 2608348Domain d6wkua1: 6wku A:2-114 [402638]
      automated match to d1t61a1
      complexed with 1pe, cl, edo, p6g, pe8, peg, pg4, pge
    2. 2608349Domain d6wkua2: 6wku A:115-229 [402639]
      automated match to d1m3db2
      complexed with 1pe, cl, edo, p6g, pe8, peg, pg4, pge
    3. 2608350Domain d6wkua3: 6wku A:230-336 [402640]
      automated match to d1t61a1
      complexed with 1pe, cl, edo, p6g, pe8, peg, pg4, pge
    4. 2608351Domain d6wkua4: 6wku A:337-454 [402641]
      automated match to d1m3db2
      complexed with 1pe, cl, edo, p6g, pe8, peg, pg4, pge
    5. 2608352Domain d6wkua5: 6wku A:455-563 [402642]
      automated match to d1t61a1
      complexed with 1pe, cl, edo, p6g, pe8, peg, pg4, pge
    6. 2608353Domain d6wkua6: 6wku A:564-678 [402643]
      automated match to d1m3db2
      complexed with 1pe, cl, edo, p6g, pe8, peg, pg4, pge
  91. Domain(s) for 6yau:
  92. Domain(s) for 7jub:
  93. Domain(s) for 7juc:
  94. Domain(s) for 7jud:
    1. 2608282Domain d7juda_: 7jud A: [399034]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7judb2
      automated match to d3alta_
      complexed with ca, mma
    2. 2608283Domain d7judb1: 7jud B:628-761 [399217]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7judb2
      automated match to d3alta_
      complexed with ca, mma
  95. Domain(s) for 7jue:
  96. Domain(s) for 7juf:
    1. 2608275Domain d7jufa_: 7juf A: [399000]
      automated match to d3alta_
      complexed with ca, peg
    2. 2608276Domain d7jufb_: 7juf B: [399005]
      automated match to d3alta_
      complexed with ca, peg
  97. Domain(s) for 7jug:
  98. Domain(s) for 7juh:
  99. Domain(s) for 7l61:
  100. Domain(s) for 7l62:
  101. Domain(s) for 7l63:
  102. Domain(s) for 7l64:
  103. Domain(s) for 7l65:
  104. Domain(s) for 7l66:
  105. Domain(s) for 7l67:
  106. Domain(s) for 7l68:
    1. 2608277Domain d7l68a_: 7l68 A: [399421]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7l68b2
      automated match to d3alta_
      complexed with ca
    2. 2608278Domain d7l68b1: 7l68 B:628-761 [399413]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7l68b2
      automated match to d3alta_
      complexed with ca

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.169.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.169.1.0 automated matches: