Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-DR2 [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2937550Fold d.19: MHC antigen-recognition domain [54451] (1 superfamily)
  4. 2937551Superfamily d.19.1: MHC antigen-recognition domain [54452] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2937552Family d.19.1.1: MHC antigen-recognition domain [54453] (13 proteins)
  6. 2938367Protein Class II MHC beta chain, N-terminal domain [88819] (15 species)
  7. 2938411Species Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-DR2 [TaxId:9606] [88822] (13 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P04229 30-219

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-DR2 [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1bx2:
    1. 2938421Domain d1bx2b2: 1bx2 B:3-92 [38184]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1bx2a1, d1bx2a2, d1bx2b1, d1bx2d1, d1bx2d2, d1bx2e1
      complexed with nag
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    2. 2938422Domain d1bx2e2: 1bx2 E:3-92 [38186]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1bx2a1, d1bx2a2, d1bx2b1, d1bx2d1, d1bx2d2, d1bx2e1
      complexed with nag
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
  2. Domain(s) for 1fv1:
    1. 2938412Domain d1fv1b2: 1fv1 B:1-92 [38180]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1fv1a1, d1fv1a2, d1fv1b1, d1fv1d1, d1fv1d2, d1fv1e1
      complexed with gol, so4
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    2. 2938413Domain d1fv1e2: 1fv1 E:1-92 [38182]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1fv1a1, d1fv1a2, d1fv1b1, d1fv1d1, d1fv1d2, d1fv1e1
      complexed with gol, so4
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
  3. Domain(s) for 1hqr:
  4. Domain(s) for 1jwm:
  5. Domain(s) for 1jws:
  6. Domain(s) for 1jwu:
  7. Domain(s) for 1sje:
  8. Domain(s) for 1sjh:
  9. Domain(s) for 1t5w:
    1. 2938416Domain d1t5wb2: 1t5w B:1-92 [106484]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1t5wa1, d1t5wa2, d1t5wb1, d1t5wd1, d1t5wd2, d1t5we1
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    2. 2938417Domain d1t5we2: 1t5w E:1-92 [106488]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1t5wa1, d1t5wa2, d1t5wb1, d1t5wd1, d1t5wd2, d1t5we1
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
  10. Domain(s) for 1t5x:
  11. Domain(s) for 1ymm:
  12. Domain(s) for 1zgl:
    1. 2938426Domain d1zglb2: 1zgl B:1-92 [125034]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1zgla1, d1zgla2, d1zglb1, d1zgld1, d1zgld2, d1zgle1, d1zglg1, d1zglg2, d1zglh1, d1zglj1, d1zglj2, d1zglk1, d1zglp1, d1zglp2, d1zglp3, d1zglr1, d1zglr2, d1zglr3, d1zglt1, d1zglt2, d1zglt3, d1zglv1, d1zglv2, d1zglv3
      automatically matched to d1fv1b2
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    2. 2938427Domain d1zgle2: 1zgl E:2-92 [125038]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1zgla1, d1zgla2, d1zglb1, d1zgld1, d1zgld2, d1zgle1, d1zglg1, d1zglg2, d1zglh1, d1zglj1, d1zglj2, d1zglk1, d1zglp1, d1zglp2, d1zglp3, d1zglr1, d1zglr2, d1zglr3, d1zglt1, d1zglt2, d1zglt3, d1zglv1, d1zglv2, d1zglv3
      automatically matched to d1fv1b2
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    3. 2938428Domain d1zglh2: 1zgl H:1-92 [125042]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1zgla1, d1zgla2, d1zglb1, d1zgld1, d1zgld2, d1zgle1, d1zglg1, d1zglg2, d1zglh1, d1zglj1, d1zglj2, d1zglk1, d1zglp1, d1zglp2, d1zglp3, d1zglr1, d1zglr2, d1zglr3, d1zglt1, d1zglt2, d1zglt3, d1zglv1, d1zglv2, d1zglv3
      automatically matched to d1fv1b2
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    4. 2938429Domain d1zglk2: 1zgl K:1-92 [125046]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1zgla1, d1zgla2, d1zglb1, d1zgld1, d1zgld2, d1zgle1, d1zglg1, d1zglg2, d1zglh1, d1zglj1, d1zglj2, d1zglk1, d1zglp1, d1zglp2, d1zglp3, d1zglr1, d1zglr2, d1zglr3, d1zglt1, d1zglt2, d1zglt3, d1zglv1, d1zglv2, d1zglv3
      automatically matched to d1fv1b2
      fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
  13. Domain(s) for 2nna:

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-DR2 [TaxId:9606] from d.19.1.1 Class II MHC beta chain, N-terminal domain

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-DR2 [TaxId:9606] from d.19.1.1 Class II MHC beta chain, N-terminal domain: