Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds) |
Fold b.22: TNF-like [49841] (1 superfamily) sandwich, 10 strands in 2 sheets; jelly-roll |
Superfamily b.22.1: TNF-like [49842] (2 families) |
Family b.22.1.0: automated matches [191519] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190873] (4 species) not a true protein |
Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [188225] (28 PDB entries) |
Domain d2ka3a_: 2ka3 A: [242434] automated match to d4f3ja_ |
Domain d2ka3b_: 2ka3 B: [242435] automated match to d4f3ja_ |
Domain d2ka3c_: 2ka3 C: [242436] automated match to d4f3ja_ |
Domain d2o0oa_: 2o0o A: [243258] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with mg |
Domain d2o0ob_: 2o0o B: [243259] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with mg |
Domain d2o0oc_: 2o0o C: [243260] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with mg |
Domain d2oiia_: 2oii A: [243340] automated match to d4f3ja_ |
Domain d2oiib_: 2oii B: [243341] automated match to d4f3ja_ |
Domain d2oiic_: 2oii C: [243342] automated match to d4f3ja_ |
Domain d2qe3a_: 2qe3 A: [205774] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl |
Domain d2re9a_: 2re9 A: [168062] automated match to d1a8ma_ complexed with gol, mg |
Domain d2re9b_: 2re9 B: [168063] automated match to d1a8ma_ complexed with gol, mg |
Domain d2re9c_: 2re9 C: [168064] automated match to d1a8ma_ complexed with gol, mg |
Domain d2rjka_: 2rjk A: [206136] automated match to d2re9a_ mutant |
Domain d2rjla_: 2rjl A: [206137] automated match to d2re9a_ mutant |
Domain d3k51a_: 3k51 A: [212165] automated match to d2re9a_ |
Domain d3mi8a_: 3mi8 A: [213261] automated match to d2re9a_ |
Domain d3ugna_: 3ugn A: [306654] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with gol, nag, po4 |
Domain d3ugnb_: 3ugn B: [306655] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with gol, nag, po4 |
Domain d3ugnc_: 3ugn C: [306656] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with gol, nag, po4 |
Domain d4doua1: 4dou A:108-244 [251529] automated match to d1c3ha_ complexed with ca, edo, gol, na |
Domain d4doua2: 4dou A:245-385 [251530] automated match to d1c3ha_ complexed with ca, edo, gol, na |
Domain d4doua3: 4dou A:386-525 [251531] automated match to d1c3ha_ complexed with ca, edo, gol, na |
Domain d4en0a_: 4en0 A: [220674] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with gol, nag, po4 |
Domain d4en0b_: 4en0 B: [220675] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with gol, nag, po4 |
Domain d4en0c_: 4en0 C: [220676] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with gol, nag, po4 |
Domain d4f3ja1: 4f3j A:103-243 [194367] Other proteins in same PDB: d4f3ja2, d4f3ja3 automated match to d1c3ha_ |
Domain d4j6ga_: 4j6g A: [234929] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl, mg, nag |
Domain d4j6gb_: 4j6g B: [234930] automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl, mg, nag |
Domain d4kg8a_: 4kg8 A: [240424] automated match to d4kg8b_ mutant |
Domain d4kg8b_: 4kg8 B: [235163] automated match to d2re9a_ mutant |
Domain d4kgga_: 4kgg A: [253265] automated match to d4kg8b_ complexed with mg; mutant |
Domain d4kggb_: 4kgg B: [253266] automated match to d4kg8b_ complexed with mg; mutant |
Domain d4kgqa_: 4kgq A: [224294] automated match to d1tnfa_ complexed with mg; mutant |
Domain d4kgqb_: 4kgq B: [224295] automated match to d1tnfa_ complexed with mg; mutant |
Domain d4msva_: 4msv A: [229327] automated match to d1tnra_ complexed with gol, mg |
Domain d4nn0a1: 4nn0 A:103-238 [238026] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nn0a2, d4nn0b2, d4nn0c2 automated match to d4f3ja_ complexed with act, edo, so4 |
Domain d4nn0b1: 4nn0 B:103-242 [238025] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nn0a2, d4nn0b2, d4nn0c2 automated match to d4f3ja_ complexed with act, edo, so4 |
Domain d4nn0c1: 4nn0 C:103-239 [238027] Other proteins in same PDB: d4nn0a2, d4nn0b2, d4nn0c2 automated match to d4f3ja_ complexed with act, edo, so4 |
Domain d4oula1: 4oul A:997-1127 [263348] Other proteins in same PDB: d4oula2 automated match to d4oulb_ complexed with ca, gol |
Domain d4oulb_: 4oul B: [260722] Other proteins in same PDB: d4oula2 automated match to d2wnve_ complexed with ca, gol |
Domain d4oulc_: 4oul C: [263349] Other proteins in same PDB: d4oula2 automated match to d4oulb_ complexed with ca, gol |
Domain d4ould_: 4oul D: [263350] Other proteins in same PDB: d4oula2 automated match to d4oulb_ complexed with ca, gol |
Domain d4oule_: 4oul E: [263351] Other proteins in same PDB: d4oula2 automated match to d4oulb_ complexed with ca, gol |
Domain d4oulf_: 4oul F: [263352] Other proteins in same PDB: d4oula2 automated match to d4oulb_ complexed with ca, gol |
Domain d4ouma_: 4oum A: [260725] automated match to d2wnve_ complexed with flc, ipa, pg4 |
Domain d4rsua_: 4rsu A: [309540] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rsud1, d4rsud2, d4rsud3, d4rsue1, d4rsue2, d4rsue3, d4rsuf1, d4rsuf2, d4rsuf3, d4rsuj1, d4rsuj2, d4rsuj3, d4rsuk1, d4rsuk2, d4rsuk3, d4rsul1, d4rsul2 automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl, gol, nag |
Domain d4rsub_: 4rsu B: [309541] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rsud1, d4rsud2, d4rsud3, d4rsue1, d4rsue2, d4rsue3, d4rsuf1, d4rsuf2, d4rsuf3, d4rsuj1, d4rsuj2, d4rsuj3, d4rsuk1, d4rsuk2, d4rsuk3, d4rsul1, d4rsul2 automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl, gol, nag |
Domain d4rsuc_: 4rsu C: [309542] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rsud1, d4rsud2, d4rsud3, d4rsue1, d4rsue2, d4rsue3, d4rsuf1, d4rsuf2, d4rsuf3, d4rsuj1, d4rsuj2, d4rsuj3, d4rsuk1, d4rsuk2, d4rsuk3, d4rsul1, d4rsul2 automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl, gol, nag |
Domain d4rsug_: 4rsu G: [309552] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rsud1, d4rsud2, d4rsud3, d4rsue1, d4rsue2, d4rsue3, d4rsuf1, d4rsuf2, d4rsuf3, d4rsuj1, d4rsuj2, d4rsuj3, d4rsuk1, d4rsuk2, d4rsuk3, d4rsul1, d4rsul2 automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl, gol, nag |
Domain d4rsuh_: 4rsu H: [309553] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rsud1, d4rsud2, d4rsud3, d4rsue1, d4rsue2, d4rsue3, d4rsuf1, d4rsuf2, d4rsuf3, d4rsuj1, d4rsuj2, d4rsuj3, d4rsuk1, d4rsuk2, d4rsuk3, d4rsul1, d4rsul2 automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl, gol, nag |
Domain d4rsui_: 4rsu I: [309554] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rsud1, d4rsud2, d4rsud3, d4rsue1, d4rsue2, d4rsue3, d4rsuf1, d4rsuf2, d4rsuf3, d4rsuj1, d4rsuj2, d4rsuj3, d4rsuk1, d4rsuk2, d4rsuk3, d4rsul1, d4rsul2 automated match to d2re9a_ complexed with cl, gol, nag |
Domain d5hkja1: 5hkj A:2-136 [314774] automated match to d2wnvb_ complexed with ca, nag |
Domain d5hkja2: 5hkj A:142-275 [314775] automated match to d2wnvb_ complexed with ca, nag |
Domain d5hkja3: 5hkj A:276-408 [314776] automated match to d2wnvb_ complexed with ca, nag |
Domain d5hzfa1: 5hzf A:3-136 [314840] automated match to d2wnvb_ complexed with mg |
Domain d5hzfa2: 5hzf A:140-275 [314841] automated match to d2wnvb_ complexed with mg |
Domain d5hzfa3: 5hzf A:276-407 [314842] automated match to d2wnvb_ complexed with mg |
Domain d5kc5a1: 5kc5 A:58-193 [320203] Other proteins in same PDB: d5kc5a2 automated match to d2wnvb_ complexed with nag |
Domain d5kc6a1: 5kc6 A:59-193 [320106] Other proteins in same PDB: d5kc6a2, d5kc6b2, d5kc6c2 automated match to d4qpyb_ complexed with nag; mutant |
Domain d5kc6b1: 5kc6 B:59-193 [320099] Other proteins in same PDB: d5kc6a2, d5kc6b2, d5kc6c2 automated match to d4qpyb_ complexed with nag; mutant |
Domain d5kc6c1: 5kc6 C:59-193 [320158] Other proteins in same PDB: d5kc6a2, d5kc6b2, d5kc6c2 automated match to d4qpyb_ complexed with nag; mutant |
Domain d5l19a_: 5l19 A: [322268] automated match to d4msva_ complexed with so4, zn; mutant |
Domain d5l36a_: 5l36 A: [322264] automated match to d4msva_ complexed with na; mutant |
Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from b.22.1.0 automated matches: