Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2734165Fold a.138: Multiheme cytochromes [48694] (1 superfamily)
    variable number of helices and little beta structure; not a true fold
    annotated by the SCOP(e) curators as 'not a true fold'
  4. 2734166Superfamily a.138.1: Multiheme cytochromes [48695] (4 families) (S)
    duplication: contains multiple CxxCH motifs
  5. 2734319Family a.138.1.3: Di-heme elbow motif [48711] (8 proteins)
    the main characteristic feature of this motif is the packing of its two hemes
    many members contains one or more complete motifs flanked by incomplete motifs and/or other domains
  6. 2734414Protein automated matches [190276] (12 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2734415Desulfovibrio desulfuricans [311126] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2734420Desulfovibrio vulgaris [TaxId:882] [187896] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2j7a:
      1. 2734421Domain d2j7aa_: 2j7a A: [165927]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      2. 2734422Domain d2j7ab_: 2j7a B: [165928]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      3. 2734423Domain d2j7ad_: 2j7a D: [165929]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      4. 2734424Domain d2j7ae_: 2j7a E: [165930]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      5. 2734425Domain d2j7ag_: 2j7a G: [165931]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      6. 2734426Domain d2j7ah_: 2j7a H: [165932]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      7. 2734427Domain d2j7aj_: 2j7a J: [165933]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      8. 2734428Domain d2j7ak_: 2j7a K: [165934]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      9. 2734429Domain d2j7am_: 2j7a M: [165935]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      10. 2734430Domain d2j7an_: 2j7a N: [165936]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      11. 2734431Domain d2j7ap_: 2j7a P: [165937]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
      12. 2734432Domain d2j7aq_: 2j7a Q: [165938]
        automated match to d1oaha_
        complexed with act, ca, hec, lmt
    2. Domains for 2vr0:
      1. 2734433Domain d2vr0a_: 2vr0 A: [206418]
        automated match to d2j7ah_
        complexed with ca, hec, hqo
      2. 2734434Domain d2vr0b_: 2vr0 B: [206419]
        automated match to d2j7ah_
        complexed with ca, hec, hqo
      3. 2734435Domain d2vr0d_: 2vr0 D: [206420]
        automated match to d2j7ah_
        complexed with ca, hec, hqo
      4. 2734436Domain d2vr0e_: 2vr0 E: [206421]
        automated match to d2j7ah_
        complexed with ca, hec, hqo
  3. 2734437Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [189512] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 2734442Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [187218] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2rdz:
      1. 2734447Domain d2rdza_: 2rdz A: [151967]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, edo, hec, so4
      2. 2734448Domain d2rdzb_: 2rdz B: [151968]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, edo, hec, so4
      3. 2734449Domain d2rdzc_: 2rdz C: [151969]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, edo, hec, so4
      4. 2734450Domain d2rdzd_: 2rdz D: [151970]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, edo, hec, so4
    2. Domains for 3tor:
      1. 2734443Domain d3tora_: 3tor A: [185897]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, eu, hec
      2. 2734444Domain d3torb_: 3tor B: [185898]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, eu, hec
      3. 2734445Domain d3torc_: 3tor C: [185899]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, eu, hec
      4. 2734446Domain d3tord_: 3tor D: [185900]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, eu, hec
  5. 2734451Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [269982] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2734454Nitrosomonas europaea [TaxId:228410] [256253] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2734458Nitrosomonas europaea [TaxId:915] [256367] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4n4n:
      1. 2734465Domain d4n4na_: 4n4n A: [253875]
        automated match to d1fgja_
        complexed with hec, k, po4
      2. 2734466Domain d4n4nc_: 4n4n C: [253876]
        automated match to d1fgja_
        complexed with hec, k, po4
      3. 2734467Domain d4n4ne_: 4n4n E: [253877]
        automated match to d1fgja_
        complexed with hec, k, po4
    2. Domains for 4n4o:
      1. 2734468Domain d4n4oa_: 4n4o A: [253878]
        automated match to d1fgja_
        complexed with 12p, hec, hoa, k, po4
      2. 2734469Domain d4n4oc_: 4n4o C: [253879]
        automated match to d1fgja_
        complexed with 12p, hec, hoa, k, po4
      3. 2734470Domain d4n4oe_: 4n4o E: [253880]
        automated match to d1fgja_
        complexed with 12p, hec, hoa, k, po4
    3. Domains for 6m0p:
      1. 2734471Domain d6m0pa_: 6m0p A: [399944]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with 1pe, hec, isw, jug, peg
      2. 2734472Domain d6m0pc_: 6m0p C: [399967]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with 1pe, hec, isw, jug, peg
      3. 2734473Domain d6m0pe_: 6m0p E: [400008]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with 1pe, hec, isw, jug, peg
    4. Domains for 6m0q:
      1. 2734459Domain d6m0qa_: 6m0q A: [399953]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with hec, isw, peg, pg4, pge
      2. 2734460Domain d6m0qc_: 6m0q C: [399925]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with hec, isw, peg, pg4, pge
      3. 2734461Domain d6m0qe_: 6m0q E: [399921]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with hec, isw, peg, pg4, pge
      4. 2734462Domain d6m0qg_: 6m0q G: [399941]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with hec, isw, peg, pg4, pge
      5. 2734463Domain d6m0qi_: 6m0q I: [399930]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with hec, isw, peg, pg4, pge
      6. 2734464Domain d6m0qk_: 6m0q K: [400047]
        automated match to d4n4na_
        complexed with hec, isw, peg, pg4, pge
  8. 2734474Shewanella algae [TaxId:38313] [375398] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 2734476Shewanella frigidimarina [TaxId:318167] [255317] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 2734478Shewanella oneidensis [TaxId:70863] [195500] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3ubr:
      1. 2734481Domain d3ubra_: 3ubr A: [195502]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, hec
      2. 2734482Domain d3ubrb_: 3ubr B: [195501]
        automated match to d1gu6a_
        complexed with ca, hec
    2. Domains for 6p73:
      1. 2734479Domain d6p73a_: 6p73 A: [383050]
        automated match to d3ubra_
        complexed with ca, hec
      2. 2734480Domain d6p73b_: 6p73 B: [383059]
        automated match to d3ubra_
        complexed with ca, hec
  11. 2734483Wolinella succinogenes [TaxId:273121] [187068] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2e80:
    2. Domain for 2e81:
  12. 2734486Wolinella succinogenes [TaxId:844] [187217] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3bnf:
    2. Domain for 3bng:
    3. Domain for 3bnh:
    4. Domain for 3bnj:

More info for Protein automated matches from a.138.1.3: Di-heme elbow motif

Timeline for Protein automated matches from a.138.1.3: Di-heme elbow motif: