Lineage for Species: Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2787872Fold b.40: OB-fold [50198] (17 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed or partly opened n=5, S=10 or S=8; greek-key
  4. 2790988Superfamily b.40.6: MOP-like [50331] (4 families) (S)
  5. 2791072Family b.40.6.3: ABC-transporter additional domain [50338] (4 proteins)
    probably stems out from the biMOP domain
  6. 2791092Protein Maltose transport protein MalK, C-terminal domain [63406] (2 species)
  7. 2791093Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [101772] (15 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1q12:
    1. 2791108Domain d1q12a1: 1q12 A:236-370 [95529]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q12a2, d1q12b2, d1q12c2, d1q12d2
      complexed with atp
    2. 2791109Domain d1q12b1: 1q12 B:236-370 [95531]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q12a2, d1q12b2, d1q12c2, d1q12d2
      complexed with atp
    3. 2791110Domain d1q12c1: 1q12 C:236-370 [95533]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q12a2, d1q12b2, d1q12c2, d1q12d2
      complexed with atp
    4. 2791111Domain d1q12d1: 1q12 D:236-370 [95535]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q12a2, d1q12b2, d1q12c2, d1q12d2
      complexed with atp
  2. Domain(s) for 1q1b:
    1. 2791126Domain d1q1ba1: 1q1b A:236-370 [95562]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q1ba2, d1q1bb2, d1q1bc2, d1q1bd2
    2. 2791127Domain d1q1bb1: 1q1b B:236-370 [95564]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q1ba2, d1q1bb2, d1q1bc2, d1q1bd2
    3. 2791128Domain d1q1bc1: 1q1b C:236-370 [95566]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q1ba2, d1q1bb2, d1q1bc2, d1q1bd2
    4. 2791129Domain d1q1bd1: 1q1b D:236-370 [95568]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q1ba2, d1q1bb2, d1q1bc2, d1q1bd2
  3. Domain(s) for 1q1e:
    1. 2791122Domain d1q1ea1: 1q1e A:236-370 [95570]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q1ea2, d1q1eb2
    2. 2791123Domain d1q1eb1: 1q1e B:236-370 [95572]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1q1ea2, d1q1eb2
  4. Domain(s) for 2awn:
    1. 2791096Domain d2awna1: 2awn A:236-371 [127459]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2awna2, d2awna3, d2awnb2, d2awnb3, d2awnc2, d2awnc3, d2awnd2, d2awnd3
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg
    2. 2791097Domain d2awnb1: 2awn B:236-371 [127461]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2awna2, d2awna3, d2awnb2, d2awnb3, d2awnc2, d2awnc3, d2awnd2, d2awnd3
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg
    3. 2791098Domain d2awnc1: 2awn C:236-371 [127463]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2awna2, d2awna3, d2awnb2, d2awnb3, d2awnc2, d2awnc3, d2awnd2, d2awnd3
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg
    4. 2791099Domain d2awnd1: 2awn D:236-371 [127465]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2awna2, d2awna3, d2awnb2, d2awnb3, d2awnc2, d2awnc3, d2awnd2, d2awnd3
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg
  5. Domain(s) for 2awo:
    1. 2791118Domain d2awoa1: 2awo A:236-371 [127467]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2awoa2, d2awoa3, d2awob2, d2awob3, d2awoc2, d2awoc3, d2awod2, d2awod3
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg
    2. 2791119Domain d2awob1: 2awo B:236-371 [127469]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2awoa2, d2awoa3, d2awob2, d2awob3, d2awoc2, d2awoc3, d2awod2, d2awod3
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg
    3. 2791120Domain d2awoc1: 2awo C:236-371 [127471]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2awoa2, d2awoa3, d2awob2, d2awob3, d2awoc2, d2awoc3, d2awod2, d2awod3
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg
    4. 2791121Domain d2awod1: 2awo D:236-371 [127473]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2awoa2, d2awoa3, d2awob2, d2awob3, d2awoc2, d2awoc3, d2awod2, d2awod3
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg
  6. Domain(s) for 2r6g:
    1. 2791114Domain d2r6ga1: 2r6g A:236-371 [151604]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2r6ga2, d2r6ga3, d2r6gb2, d2r6gb3, d2r6ge_, d2r6gf1, d2r6gf2, d2r6gg1
      automated match to d3puza2
      complexed with atp
    2. 2791115Domain d2r6gb1: 2r6g B:236-371 [151606]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2r6ga2, d2r6ga3, d2r6gb2, d2r6gb3, d2r6ge_, d2r6gf1, d2r6gf2, d2r6gg1
      automated match to d3puza2
      complexed with atp
  7. Domain(s) for 3puv:
    1. 2791106Domain d3puva2: 3puv A:236-371 [200231]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puva1, d3puva3, d3puvb1, d3puve1, d3puve2, d3puvf1, d3puvf2, d3puvg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg, pgv, umq, vo4
    2. 2791107Domain d3puvb2: 3puv B:236-369 [200233]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puva1, d3puva3, d3puvb1, d3puve1, d3puve2, d3puvf1, d3puvf2, d3puvg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, mg, pgv, umq, vo4
  8. Domain(s) for 3puw:
    1. 2791100Domain d3puwa2: 3puw A:236-371 [200237]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puwa1, d3puwa3, d3puwb1, d3puwe1, d3puwe2, d3puwf1, d3puwf2, d3puwg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, alf, mg, pgv, umq
    2. 2791101Domain d3puwb2: 3puw B:236-369 [200239]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puwa1, d3puwa3, d3puwb1, d3puwe1, d3puwe2, d3puwf1, d3puwf2, d3puwg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, alf, mg, pgv, umq
  9. Domain(s) for 3pux:
    1. 2791102Domain d3puxa2: 3pux A:236-371 [200244]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puxa1, d3puxa3, d3puxb1, d3puxe1, d3puxe2, d3puxf1, d3puxf2, d3puxg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, bef, mg, pgv, umq
    2. 2791103Domain d3puxb2: 3pux B:236-369 [200246]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puxa1, d3puxa3, d3puxb1, d3puxe1, d3puxe2, d3puxf1, d3puxf2, d3puxg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with adp, bef, mg, pgv, umq
  10. Domain(s) for 3puy:
    1. 2791124Domain d3puya2: 3puy A:236-371 [248659]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puya1, d3puya3, d3puyb1, d3puye1, d3puye2, d3puyf1, d3puyf2, d3puyg_
      automated match to d3puza2
      complexed with anp, mg, pgv
    2. 2791125Domain d3puyb2: 3puy B:236-369 [248661]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puya1, d3puya3, d3puyb1, d3puye1, d3puye2, d3puyf1, d3puyf2, d3puyg_
      automated match to d3puza2
      complexed with anp, mg, pgv
  11. Domain(s) for 3puz:
    1. 2791116Domain d3puza2: 3puz A:236-371 [200250]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puza1, d3puzb1, d3puze_, d3puzf1, d3puzf2, d3puzg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with anp, mg, pgv
    2. 2791117Domain d3puzb2: 3puz B:236-371 [200252]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3puza1, d3puzb1, d3puze_, d3puzf1, d3puzf2, d3puzg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with anp, mg, pgv
  12. Domain(s) for 3pv0:
    1. 2791130Domain d3pv0a2: 3pv0 A:236-371 [248667]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3pv0a1, d3pv0b1, d3pv0e_, d3pv0f1, d3pv0f2, d3pv0g_
      automated match to d3puza2
      complexed with pgv
    2. 2791131Domain d3pv0b2: 3pv0 B:236-371 [248669]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3pv0a1, d3pv0b1, d3pv0e_, d3pv0f1, d3pv0f2, d3pv0g_
      automated match to d3puza2
      complexed with pgv
  13. Domain(s) for 3rlf:
    1. 2791094Domain d3rlfa2: 3rlf A:236-371 [200494]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rlfa1, d3rlfa3, d3rlfb1, d3rlfb3, d3rlfe1, d3rlfe2, d3rlff1, d3rlff2, d3rlfg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with anp, mg, pgv, umq
    2. 2791095Domain d3rlfb2: 3rlf B:236-371 [200496]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rlfa1, d3rlfa3, d3rlfb1, d3rlfb3, d3rlfe1, d3rlfe2, d3rlff1, d3rlff2, d3rlfg_
      automated match to d1q12a1
      complexed with anp, mg, pgv, umq
  14. Domain(s) for 4khz:
    1. 2791112Domain d4khza2: 4khz A:236-371 [228478]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4khza1, d4khzb1, d4khze_, d4khzf1, d4khzf2, d4khzg_
      automated match to d2awna1
      complexed with pgv
    2. 2791113Domain d4khzb2: 4khz B:236-371 [228480]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4khza1, d4khzb1, d4khze_, d4khzf1, d4khzf2, d4khzg_
      automated match to d2awna1
      complexed with pgv
  15. Domain(s) for 4ki0:
    1. 2791104Domain d4ki0a2: 4ki0 A:236-371 [228488]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ki0a1, d4ki0a3, d4ki0b1, d4ki0b3, d4ki0e_, d4ki0f1, d4ki0f2, d4ki0g_
      automated match to d2awna1
      complexed with anp, mg, pgv, umq
    2. 2791105Domain d4ki0b2: 4ki0 B:236-371 [228490]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ki0a1, d4ki0a3, d4ki0b1, d4ki0b3, d4ki0e_, d4ki0f1, d4ki0f2, d4ki0g_
      automated match to d2awna1
      complexed with anp, mg, pgv, umq

More info for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] from b.40.6.3 Maltose transport protein MalK, C-terminal domain

Timeline for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] from b.40.6.3 Maltose transport protein MalK, C-terminal domain: