Lineage for Species: Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 3021034Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (69 folds)
  3. 3024792Fold f.23: Single transmembrane helix [81407] (42 superfamilies)
    not a true fold
    annotated by the SCOP(e) curators as 'not a true fold'
  4. 3025949Superfamily f.23.13: Ubiquinone-binding protein QP-C of cytochrome bc1 complex (Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase) [81508] (1 family) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF02939
  5. 3025950Family f.23.13.1: Ubiquinone-binding protein QP-C of cytochrome bc1 complex (Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase) [81507] (2 proteins)
  6. 3025997Protein automated matches [191133] (1 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 3025998Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] [189229] (8 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031]:

  1. Domain(s) for 3h1h:
    1. 3026011Domain d3h1hg_: 3h1h G: [246423]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3h1ha1, d3h1ha2, d3h1hb1, d3h1hb2, d3h1hc1, d3h1hc2, d3h1hd1, d3h1hd2, d3h1he1, d3h1he2, d3h1hf_, d3h1hh_, d3h1hj_, d3h1hn1, d3h1hn2, d3h1ho1, d3h1ho2, d3h1hp1, d3h1hp2, d3h1hq1, d3h1hq2, d3h1hr1, d3h1hr2, d3h1hs_, d3h1hu_, d3h1hw_
      automated match to d3l75g_
      complexed with bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, pee, unl, uq
    2. 3026012Domain d3h1ht_: 3h1h T: [246435]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3h1ha1, d3h1ha2, d3h1hb1, d3h1hb2, d3h1hc1, d3h1hc2, d3h1hd1, d3h1hd2, d3h1he1, d3h1he2, d3h1hf_, d3h1hh_, d3h1hj_, d3h1hn1, d3h1hn2, d3h1ho1, d3h1ho2, d3h1hp1, d3h1hp2, d3h1hq1, d3h1hq2, d3h1hr1, d3h1hr2, d3h1hs_, d3h1hu_, d3h1hw_
      automated match to d3l75g_
      complexed with bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, pee, unl, uq
  2. Domain(s) for 3h1j:
    1. 3026013Domain d3h1jg_: 3h1j G: [246447]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3h1ja1, d3h1ja2, d3h1jb1, d3h1jb2, d3h1jc1, d3h1jc2, d3h1jd1, d3h1jd2, d3h1je1, d3h1je2, d3h1jf_, d3h1jh_, d3h1jj_, d3h1jn1, d3h1jn2, d3h1jo1, d3h1jo2, d3h1jp1, d3h1jp2, d3h1jq1, d3h1jq2, d3h1jr1, d3h1jr2, d3h1js_, d3h1ju_, d3h1jw_
      automated match to d3l75g_
      complexed with cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, pee, plc, sma, unl, uq
    2. 3026014Domain d3h1jt_: 3h1j T: [246459]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3h1ja1, d3h1ja2, d3h1jb1, d3h1jb2, d3h1jc1, d3h1jc2, d3h1jd1, d3h1jd2, d3h1je1, d3h1je2, d3h1jf_, d3h1jh_, d3h1jj_, d3h1jn1, d3h1jn2, d3h1jo1, d3h1jo2, d3h1jp1, d3h1jp2, d3h1jq1, d3h1jq2, d3h1jr1, d3h1jr2, d3h1js_, d3h1ju_, d3h1jw_
      automated match to d3l75g_
      complexed with cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, pee, plc, sma, unl, uq
  3. Domain(s) for 3l70:
    1. 3025999Domain d3l70g_: 3l70 G: [180010]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l70a1, d3l70a2, d3l70b1, d3l70b2, d3l70c1, d3l70c2, d3l70d1, d3l70d2, d3l70e1, d3l70e2, d3l70f_, d3l70h_, d3l70j_, d3l70n1, d3l70o1, d3l70o2, d3l70p1, d3l70p2, d3l70q1, d3l70q2, d3l70r1, d3l70r2, d3l70s_, d3l70u_, d3l70w_
      automated match to d1be3g_
      complexed with bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, jzv, pee, uq
    2. 3026000Domain d3l70t_: 3l70 T: [180014]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l70a1, d3l70a2, d3l70b1, d3l70b2, d3l70c1, d3l70c2, d3l70d1, d3l70d2, d3l70e1, d3l70e2, d3l70f_, d3l70h_, d3l70j_, d3l70n1, d3l70o1, d3l70o2, d3l70p1, d3l70p2, d3l70q1, d3l70q2, d3l70r1, d3l70r2, d3l70s_, d3l70u_, d3l70w_
      automated match to d1be3g_
      complexed with bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, jzv, pee, uq
  4. Domain(s) for 3l71:
    1. 3026005Domain d3l71g_: 3l71 G: [180018]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l71a1, d3l71a2, d3l71b1, d3l71b2, d3l71c1, d3l71c2, d3l71d1, d3l71d2, d3l71e1, d3l71e2, d3l71f_, d3l71h_, d3l71j_, d3l71n1, d3l71n2, d3l71o1, d3l71o2, d3l71p1, d3l71p2, d3l71q1, d3l71q2, d3l71r1, d3l71r2, d3l71s_, d3l71u_, d3l71w_
      automated match to d1be3g_
      complexed with azo, bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, pee, uq
    2. 3026006Domain d3l71t_: 3l71 T: [180022]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l71a1, d3l71a2, d3l71b1, d3l71b2, d3l71c1, d3l71c2, d3l71d1, d3l71d2, d3l71e1, d3l71e2, d3l71f_, d3l71h_, d3l71j_, d3l71n1, d3l71n2, d3l71o1, d3l71o2, d3l71p1, d3l71p2, d3l71q1, d3l71q2, d3l71r1, d3l71r2, d3l71s_, d3l71u_, d3l71w_
      automated match to d1be3g_
      complexed with azo, bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, pee, uq
  5. Domain(s) for 3l72:
    1. 3026009Domain d3l72g_: 3l72 G: [247373]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l72a1, d3l72a2, d3l72b1, d3l72b2, d3l72c1, d3l72c2, d3l72d1, d3l72d2, d3l72e1, d3l72e2, d3l72f_, d3l72h_, d3l72j_, d3l72n1, d3l72n2, d3l72o1, d3l72o2, d3l72p1, d3l72p2, d3l72q1, d3l72q2, d3l72r1, d3l72r2, d3l72s_, d3l72u_, d3l72w_
      automated match to d3l75g_
      complexed with bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, ikr, pee, uq
    2. 3026010Domain d3l72t_: 3l72 T: [247385]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l72a1, d3l72a2, d3l72b1, d3l72b2, d3l72c1, d3l72c2, d3l72d1, d3l72d2, d3l72e1, d3l72e2, d3l72f_, d3l72h_, d3l72j_, d3l72n1, d3l72n2, d3l72o1, d3l72o2, d3l72p1, d3l72p2, d3l72q1, d3l72q2, d3l72r1, d3l72r2, d3l72s_, d3l72u_, d3l72w_
      automated match to d3l75g_
      complexed with bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, ikr, pee, uq
  6. Domain(s) for 3l73:
    1. 3026007Domain d3l73g_: 3l73 G: [247397]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l73a1, d3l73a2, d3l73b1, d3l73b2, d3l73c1, d3l73c2, d3l73d1, d3l73d2, d3l73e1, d3l73e2, d3l73f_, d3l73h_, d3l73j_, d3l73n1, d3l73n2, d3l73o1, d3l73o2, d3l73p1, d3l73p2, d3l73q1, d3l73q2, d3l73r1, d3l73r2, d3l73s_, d3l73u_, d3l73w_
      automated match to d3l75g_
      complexed with bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, jzz, pee, uq
    2. 3026008Domain d3l73t_: 3l73 T: [247409]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l73a1, d3l73a2, d3l73b1, d3l73b2, d3l73c1, d3l73c2, d3l73d1, d3l73d2, d3l73e1, d3l73e2, d3l73f_, d3l73h_, d3l73j_, d3l73n1, d3l73n2, d3l73o1, d3l73o2, d3l73p1, d3l73p2, d3l73q1, d3l73q2, d3l73r1, d3l73r2, d3l73s_, d3l73u_, d3l73w_
      automated match to d3l75g_
      complexed with bog, cdl, fes, gol, hec, hem, jzz, pee, uq
  7. Domain(s) for 3l74:
    1. 3026001Domain d3l74g_: 3l74 G: [180026]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l74a1, d3l74a2, d3l74b1, d3l74b2, d3l74c1, d3l74c2, d3l74d1, d3l74d2, d3l74e1, d3l74e2, d3l74f_, d3l74h_, d3l74j_, d3l74n1, d3l74n2, d3l74o1, d3l74o2, d3l74p1, d3l74p2, d3l74q1, d3l74q2, d3l74r1, d3l74r2, d3l74s_, d3l74u_, d3l74w_
      automated match to d1be3g_
      complexed with azi, bog, cdl, fes, fmx, hec, hem, pee, unl, uq
    2. 3026002Domain d3l74t_: 3l74 T: [180030]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l74a1, d3l74a2, d3l74b1, d3l74b2, d3l74c1, d3l74c2, d3l74d1, d3l74d2, d3l74e1, d3l74e2, d3l74f_, d3l74h_, d3l74j_, d3l74n1, d3l74n2, d3l74o1, d3l74o2, d3l74p1, d3l74p2, d3l74q1, d3l74q2, d3l74r1, d3l74r2, d3l74s_, d3l74u_, d3l74w_
      automated match to d1be3g_
      complexed with azi, bog, cdl, fes, fmx, hec, hem, pee, unl, uq
  8. Domain(s) for 3l75:
    1. 3026003Domain d3l75g_: 3l75 G: [180034]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l75a1, d3l75a2, d3l75b1, d3l75b2, d3l75c1, d3l75c2, d3l75d1, d3l75d2, d3l75e1, d3l75e2, d3l75f_, d3l75h_, d3l75j_, d3l75n1, d3l75n2, d3l75o1, d3l75o2, d3l75p1, d3l75p2, d3l75q1, d3l75q2, d3l75r1, d3l75r2, d3l75s_, d3l75u_, d3l75w_
      automated match to d1be3g_
      complexed with azi, bog, cdl, fes, fnm, hec, hem, pee, unl, uq
    2. 3026004Domain d3l75t_: 3l75 T: [180038]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3l75a1, d3l75a2, d3l75b1, d3l75b2, d3l75c1, d3l75c2, d3l75d1, d3l75d2, d3l75e1, d3l75e2, d3l75f_, d3l75h_, d3l75j_, d3l75n1, d3l75n2, d3l75o1, d3l75o2, d3l75p1, d3l75p2, d3l75q1, d3l75q2, d3l75r1, d3l75r2, d3l75s_, d3l75u_, d3l75w_
      automated match to d1be3g_
      complexed with azi, bog, cdl, fes, fnm, hec, hem, pee, unl, uq

More info for Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] from f.23.13.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] from f.23.13.1 automated matches: