Lineage for Protein: 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase IspF

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2958618Fold d.79: Bacillus chorismate mutase-like [55297] (9 superfamilies)
    core: beta-alpha-beta-alpha-beta(2); mixed beta-sheet: order: 1423, strand 4 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2960358Superfamily d.79.5: IpsF-like [69765] (2 families) (S)
    forms trimers with three closely packed beta-sheets; possible link between the YjgF-like (d.79.1) and 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase superfamilies (d.150.1)
  5. 2960359Family d.79.5.1: IpsF-like [69766] (3 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF02542
  6. 2960360Protein 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase IspF [69767] (6 species)


  1. 2960361Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [188969] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3elc:
      1. 2960371Domain d3elca1: 3elc A:1-156 [175052]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3elca2, d3elcb2, d3elcc2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with f01, gpp, zn
      2. 2960372Domain d3elcb1: 3elc B:1-156 [175053]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3elca2, d3elcb2, d3elcc2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with f01, gpp, zn
      3. 2960373Domain d3elcc1: 3elc C:1-156 [175054]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3elca2, d3elcb2, d3elcc2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with f01, gpp, zn
    2. Domain for 3eor:
    3. Domains for 3ern:
      1. 2960362Domain d3erna1: 3ern A:1-156 [175168]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3erna2, d3ernb2, d3ernc2, d3ernd2, d3erne2, d3ernf2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with car, gpp, so4, zn
      2. 2960363Domain d3ernb1: 3ern B:1-156 [175169]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3erna2, d3ernb2, d3ernc2, d3ernd2, d3erne2, d3ernf2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with car, gpp, so4, zn
      3. 2960364Domain d3ernc1: 3ern C:1-156 [175170]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3erna2, d3ernb2, d3ernc2, d3ernd2, d3erne2, d3ernf2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with car, gpp, so4, zn
      4. 2960365Domain d3ernd1: 3ern D:1-156 [175171]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3erna2, d3ernb2, d3ernc2, d3ernd2, d3erne2, d3ernf2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with car, gpp, so4, zn
      5. 2960366Domain d3erne1: 3ern E:1-156 [175172]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3erna2, d3ernb2, d3ernc2, d3ernd2, d3erne2, d3ernf2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with car, gpp, so4, zn
      6. 2960367Domain d3ernf1: 3ern F:1-156 [175173]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3erna2, d3ernb2, d3ernc2, d3ernd2, d3erne2, d3ernf2
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with car, gpp, so4, zn
    4. Domain for 3esj:
    5. Domain for 3fba:
  2. 2960374Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [69768] (14 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P62617 ! Uniprot P36663
    1. Domains for 1gx1:
      1. 2960381Domain d1gx1a1: 1gx1 A:1-156 [70675]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1gx1a2, d1gx1b2, d1gx1c2
        complexed with cdp, mn, so4, zn
      2. 2960382Domain d1gx1b1: 1gx1 B:1-156 [70676]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1gx1a2, d1gx1b2, d1gx1c2
        complexed with cdp, mn, so4, zn
      3. 2960383Domain d1gx1c1: 1gx1 C:1-156 [70677]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1gx1a2, d1gx1b2, d1gx1c2
        complexed with cdp, mn, so4, zn
    2. Domains for 1h47:
      1. 2960375Domain d1h47a1: 1h47 A:1-156 [111615]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h47a2, d1h47b2, d1h47c2, d1h47d2, d1h47e2, d1h47f2
        complexed with c5p, gpp, zn
      2. 2960376Domain d1h47b1: 1h47 B:1-156 [111616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h47a2, d1h47b2, d1h47c2, d1h47d2, d1h47e2, d1h47f2
        complexed with c5p, gpp, zn
      3. 2960377Domain d1h47c1: 1h47 C:1-156 [111617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h47a2, d1h47b2, d1h47c2, d1h47d2, d1h47e2, d1h47f2
        complexed with c5p, gpp, zn
      4. 2960378Domain d1h47d1: 1h47 D:1-156 [111618]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h47a2, d1h47b2, d1h47c2, d1h47d2, d1h47e2, d1h47f2
        complexed with c5p, gpp, zn
      5. 2960379Domain d1h47e1: 1h47 E:1-156 [111619]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h47a2, d1h47b2, d1h47c2, d1h47d2, d1h47e2, d1h47f2
        complexed with c5p, gpp, zn
      6. 2960380Domain d1h47f1: 1h47 F:1-156 [111620]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h47a2, d1h47b2, d1h47c2, d1h47d2, d1h47e2, d1h47f2
        complexed with c5p, gpp, zn
    3. Domains for 1h48:
      1. 2960396Domain d1h48a1: 1h48 A:1-156 [111621]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h48a2, d1h48b2, d1h48c2, d1h48d2, d1h48e2, d1h48f2
        complexed with c5p, cdi, gpp, mn, zn
      2. 2960397Domain d1h48b1: 1h48 B:1-156 [111622]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h48a2, d1h48b2, d1h48c2, d1h48d2, d1h48e2, d1h48f2
        complexed with c5p, cdi, gpp, mn, zn
      3. 2960398Domain d1h48c1: 1h48 C:1-157 [111623]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h48a2, d1h48b2, d1h48c2, d1h48d2, d1h48e2, d1h48f2
        complexed with c5p, cdi, gpp, mn, zn
      4. 2960399Domain d1h48d1: 1h48 D:1-156 [111624]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h48a2, d1h48b2, d1h48c2, d1h48d2, d1h48e2, d1h48f2
        complexed with c5p, cdi, gpp, mn, zn
      5. 2960400Domain d1h48e1: 1h48 E:1-156 [111625]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h48a2, d1h48b2, d1h48c2, d1h48d2, d1h48e2, d1h48f2
        complexed with c5p, cdi, gpp, mn, zn
      6. 2960401Domain d1h48f1: 1h48 F:1-157 [111626]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h48a2, d1h48b2, d1h48c2, d1h48d2, d1h48e2, d1h48f2
        complexed with c5p, cdi, gpp, mn, zn
    4. Domain for 1jy8:
    5. Domain for 1knj:
    6. Domain for 1knk:
    7. Domain for 1u3l:
    8. Domain for 1u3p:
    9. Domain for 1u40:
    10. Domain for 1u43:
    11. Domain for 1yqn:
    12. Domains for 2amt:
      1. 2960384Domain d2amta_: 2amt A: [162834]
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with 1aa, gpp, zn
      2. 2960385Domain d2amtb_: 2amt B: [162835]
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with 1aa, gpp, zn
      3. 2960386Domain d2amtc_: 2amt C: [162836]
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with 1aa, gpp, zn
      4. 2960387Domain d2amtd_: 2amt D: [162837]
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with 1aa, gpp, zn
      5. 2960388Domain d2amte_: 2amt E: [162838]
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with 1aa, gpp, zn
      6. 2960389Domain d2amtf_: 2amt F: [162839]
        automated match to d1h48c_
        complexed with 1aa, gpp, zn
    13. Domain for 2ao4:
    14. Domain for 2gzl:
  3. 2960406Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId:727] [75479] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1jn1:
      1. 2960419Domain d1jn1a_: 1jn1 A: [71754]
        structural genomics
        complexed with co, so4
      2. 2960420Domain d1jn1b_: 1jn1 B: [71755]
        structural genomics
        complexed with co, so4
      3. 2960421Domain d1jn1c_: 1jn1 C: [71756]
        structural genomics
        complexed with co, so4
    2. Domains for 1vh8:
      1. 2960407Domain d1vh8a1: 1vh8 A:2-158 [100647]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vh8a2, d1vh8b2, d1vh8c2, d1vh8d2, d1vh8e2, d1vh8f2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, pop
      2. 2960408Domain d1vh8b1: 1vh8 B:2-158 [100648]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vh8a2, d1vh8b2, d1vh8c2, d1vh8d2, d1vh8e2, d1vh8f2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, pop
      3. 2960409Domain d1vh8c1: 1vh8 C:2-158 [100649]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vh8a2, d1vh8b2, d1vh8c2, d1vh8d2, d1vh8e2, d1vh8f2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, pop
      4. 2960410Domain d1vh8d1: 1vh8 D:2-158 [100650]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vh8a2, d1vh8b2, d1vh8c2, d1vh8d2, d1vh8e2, d1vh8f2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, pop
      5. 2960411Domain d1vh8e1: 1vh8 E:2-158 [100651]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vh8a2, d1vh8b2, d1vh8c2, d1vh8d2, d1vh8e2, d1vh8f2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, pop
      6. 2960412Domain d1vh8f1: 1vh8 F:2-158 [100652]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vh8a2, d1vh8b2, d1vh8c2, d1vh8d2, d1vh8e2, d1vh8f2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, pop
    3. Domains for 1vha:
      1. 2960413Domain d1vhaa1: 1vha A:2-158 [100655]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vhaa2, d1vhab2, d1vhac2, d1vhad2, d1vhae2, d1vhaf2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, mn, pop
      2. 2960414Domain d1vhab1: 1vha B:2-158 [100656]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vhaa2, d1vhab2, d1vhac2, d1vhad2, d1vhae2, d1vhaf2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, mn, pop
      3. 2960415Domain d1vhac1: 1vha C:2-158 [100657]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vhaa2, d1vhab2, d1vhac2, d1vhad2, d1vhae2, d1vhaf2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, mn, pop
      4. 2960416Domain d1vhad1: 1vha D:2-158 [100658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vhaa2, d1vhab2, d1vhac2, d1vhad2, d1vhae2, d1vhaf2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, mn, pop
      5. 2960417Domain d1vhae1: 1vha E:2-158 [100659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vhaa2, d1vhab2, d1vhac2, d1vhad2, d1vhae2, d1vhaf2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, mn, pop
      6. 2960418Domain d1vhaf1: 1vha F:2-158 [100660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1vhaa2, d1vhab2, d1vhac2, d1vhad2, d1vhae2, d1vhaf2
        structural genomics
        complexed with acy, mn, pop
  4. 2960422Shewanella oneidensis [TaxId:70863] [118026] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q8EBR3
  5. 2960426Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId:3702] [187992] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2960428Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] [82720] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1iv1:
      1. 2960447Domain d1iv1a_: 1iv1 A: [76816]
      2. 2960448Domain d1iv1b_: 1iv1 B: [76817]
      3. 2960449Domain d1iv1c_: 1iv1 C: [76818]
      4. 2960450Domain d1iv1d_: 1iv1 D: [76819]
      5. 2960451Domain d1iv1e_: 1iv1 E: [76820]
      6. 2960452Domain d1iv1f_: 1iv1 F: [76821]
    2. Domains for 1iv2:
      1. 2960435Domain d1iv2a_: 1iv2 A: [76822]
        complexed with cdp, mg
      2. 2960436Domain d1iv2b_: 1iv2 B: [76823]
        complexed with cdp, mg
      3. 2960437Domain d1iv2c_: 1iv2 C: [76824]
        complexed with cdp, mg
      4. 2960438Domain d1iv2d_: 1iv2 D: [76825]
        complexed with cdp, mg
      5. 2960439Domain d1iv2e_: 1iv2 E: [76826]
        complexed with cdp, mg
      6. 2960440Domain d1iv2f_: 1iv2 F: [76827]
        complexed with cdp, mg
    3. Domains for 1iv3:
      1. 2960429Domain d1iv3a_: 1iv3 A: [76828]
        complexed with mg
      2. 2960430Domain d1iv3b_: 1iv3 B: [76829]
        complexed with mg
      3. 2960431Domain d1iv3c_: 1iv3 C: [76830]
        complexed with mg
      4. 2960432Domain d1iv3d_: 1iv3 D: [76831]
        complexed with mg
      5. 2960433Domain d1iv3e_: 1iv3 E: [76832]
        complexed with mg
      6. 2960434Domain d1iv3f_: 1iv3 F: [76833]
        complexed with mg
    4. Domains for 1iv4:
      1. 2960441Domain d1iv4a_: 1iv4 A: [76834]
        complexed with c5p, mg
      2. 2960442Domain d1iv4b_: 1iv4 B: [76835]
        complexed with c5p, mg
      3. 2960443Domain d1iv4c_: 1iv4 C: [76836]
        complexed with c5p, mg
      4. 2960444Domain d1iv4d_: 1iv4 D: [76837]
        complexed with c5p, mg
      5. 2960445Domain d1iv4e_: 1iv4 E: [76838]
        complexed with c5p, mg
      6. 2960446Domain d1iv4f_: 1iv4 F: [76839]
        complexed with c5p, mg

More info for Protein 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase IspF from d.79.5.1: IpsF-like

Timeline for Protein 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase IspF from d.79.5.1: IpsF-like: