Lineage for Protein: Glucose-resistance amylase regulator CcpA, C-terminal domain

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2912917Fold c.93: Periplasmic binding protein-like I [53821] (1 superfamily)
    consists of two similar intertwined domain with 3 layers (a/b/a) each: duplication
    parallel beta-sheet of 6 strands, order 213456
  4. 2912918Superfamily c.93.1: Periplasmic binding protein-like I [53822] (2 families) (S)
    Similar in architecture to the superfamily II but partly differs in topology
  5. 2912919Family c.93.1.1: L-arabinose binding protein-like [53823] (18 proteins)
    has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
  6. 2912965Protein Glucose-resistance amylase regulator CcpA, C-terminal domain [117740] (2 species)


  1. 2912966Bacillus megaterium [TaxId:1404] [117741] (10 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P46828 58-322 ! Uniprot P46828
    1. Domains for 1rzr:
      1. 2912990Domain d1rzra2: 1rzr A:61-332 [111990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rzra1, d1rzrc1, d1rzrd1, d1rzrg1, d1rzrl_, d1rzrs_, d1rzrt_, d1rzry_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4
      2. 2912991Domain d1rzrc2: 1rzr C:61-332 [111992]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rzra1, d1rzrc1, d1rzrd1, d1rzrg1, d1rzrl_, d1rzrs_, d1rzrt_, d1rzry_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4
      3. 2912992Domain d1rzrd2: 1rzr D:61-332 [111994]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rzra1, d1rzrc1, d1rzrd1, d1rzrg1, d1rzrl_, d1rzrs_, d1rzrt_, d1rzry_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4
      4. 2912993Domain d1rzrg2: 1rzr G:61-332 [111996]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rzra1, d1rzrc1, d1rzrd1, d1rzrg1, d1rzrl_, d1rzrs_, d1rzrt_, d1rzry_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4
    2. Domains for 1sxg:
      1. 2912968Domain d1sxga_: 1sxg A: [112141]
        complexed with 171
      2. 2912969Domain d1sxgb_: 1sxg B: [112142]
        complexed with 171
      3. 2912970Domain d1sxgd_: 1sxg D: [112143]
        complexed with 171
      4. 2912971Domain d1sxgf_: 1sxg F: [112144]
        complexed with 171
      5. 2912972Domain d1sxgi_: 1sxg I: [112145]
        complexed with 171
      6. 2912973Domain d1sxgp_: 1sxg P: [112146]
        complexed with 171
    3. Domains for 1sxh:
      1. 2912974Domain d1sxha_: 1sxh A: [112147]
      2. 2912975Domain d1sxhd_: 1sxh D: [112148]
    4. Domains for 1sxi:
      1. 2912977Domain d1sxia_: 1sxi A: [112149]
        complexed with mg
      2. 2912978Domain d1sxib_: 1sxi B: [112150]
        complexed with mg
      3. 2912979Domain d1sxid_: 1sxi D: [112151]
        complexed with mg
      4. 2912980Domain d1sxig_: 1sxi G: [112152]
        complexed with mg
      5. 2912981Domain d1sxii_: 1sxi I: [112153]
        complexed with mg
      6. 2912982Domain d1sxik_: 1sxi K: [112154]
        complexed with mg
      7. 2912983Domain d1sxil_: 1sxi L: [112155]
        complexed with mg
      8. 2912984Domain d1sxim_: 1sxi M: [112156]
        complexed with mg
      9. 2912985Domain d1sxin_: 1sxi N: [112157]
        complexed with mg
      10. 2912986Domain d1sxir_: 1sxi R: [112158]
        complexed with mg
      11. 2912987Domain d1sxit_: 1sxi T: [112159]
        complexed with mg
      12. 2912988Domain d1sxiw_: 1sxi W: [112160]
        complexed with mg
    5. Domains for 1zvv:
      1. 2912994Domain d1zvva2: 1zvv A:60-332 [125728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zvva1, d1zvvb1, d1zvvg1, d1zvvj1, d1zvvp_, d1zvvw_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with iod
      2. 2912995Domain d1zvvb2: 1zvv B:60-332 [125730]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zvva1, d1zvvb1, d1zvvg1, d1zvvj1, d1zvvp_, d1zvvw_
        automated match to d1zvva2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with iod
      3. 2912996Domain d1zvvg2: 1zvv G:60-332 [125732]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zvva1, d1zvvb1, d1zvvg1, d1zvvj1, d1zvvp_, d1zvvw_
        automated match to d1zvva2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with iod
    6. Domain for 2hsg:
    7. Domain for 2jcg:
    8. Domain for 2nzu:
    9. Domain for 2nzv:
    10. Domain for 2oen:
  2. 2912999Lactococcus lactis [TaxId:1358] [255517] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein Glucose-resistance amylase regulator CcpA, C-terminal domain from c.93.1.1: L-arabinose binding protein-like

Timeline for Protein Glucose-resistance amylase regulator CcpA, C-terminal domain from c.93.1.1: L-arabinose binding protein-like:

  • Protein Glucose-resistance amylase regulator CcpA, C-terminal domain from c.93.1.1: L-arabinose binding protein-like first appeared in SCOP 1.71
  • Protein Glucose-resistance amylase regulator CcpA, C-terminal domain from c.93.1.1: L-arabinose binding protein-like appears in SCOPe 2.07