Lineage for Protein: Class sigma GST

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2876126Fold c.47: Thioredoxin fold [52832] (2 superfamilies)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 4 strands, order 4312; strand 3 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2876127Superfamily c.47.1: Thioredoxin-like [52833] (24 families) (S)
  5. 2876589Family c.47.1.5: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), N-terminal domain [52862] (19 proteins)
  6. 2877135Protein Class sigma GST [81362] (5 species)


  1. 2877136Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) [TaxId:7227] [82427] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2877139Heligmosomoides polygyrus [TaxId:6339] [110608] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q9NJQ6 # Fragment
  3. 2877148Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [89705] (16 PDB entries)
    Uniprot O60760
    synonym: hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase
    1. Domains for 1iyh:
      1. 2877171Domain d1iyha2: 1iyh A:2-75 [83791]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iyha1, d1iyhb1, d1iyhc1, d1iyhd1
        complexed with gsh, mg
      2. 2877172Domain d1iyhb2: 1iyh B:202-275 [83793]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iyha1, d1iyhb1, d1iyhc1, d1iyhd1
        complexed with gsh, mg
      3. 2877173Domain d1iyhc2: 1iyh C:402-475 [83795]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iyha1, d1iyhb1, d1iyhc1, d1iyhd1
        complexed with gsh, mg
      4. 2877174Domain d1iyhd2: 1iyh D:602-675 [83797]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iyha1, d1iyhb1, d1iyhc1, d1iyhd1
        complexed with gsh, mg
    2. Domains for 1iyi:
      1. 2877177Domain d1iyia2: 1iyi A:2-75 [83799]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iyia1, d1iyib1, d1iyic1, d1iyid1
        complexed with ca, gsh
      2. 2877178Domain d1iyib2: 1iyi B:202-275 [83801]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iyia1, d1iyib1, d1iyic1, d1iyid1
        complexed with ca, gsh
      3. 2877179Domain d1iyic2: 1iyi C:402-475 [83803]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iyia1, d1iyib1, d1iyic1, d1iyid1
        complexed with ca, gsh
      4. 2877180Domain d1iyid2: 1iyi D:602-675 [83805]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iyia1, d1iyib1, d1iyic1, d1iyid1
        complexed with ca, gsh
    3. Domains for 1v40:
      1. 2877159Domain d1v40a2: 1v40 A:2-75 [113513]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1v40a1, d1v40b1, d1v40c1, d1v40d1
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, o16
      2. 2877160Domain d1v40b2: 1v40 B:202-275 [113515]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1v40a1, d1v40b1, d1v40c1, d1v40d1
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, o16
      3. 2877161Domain d1v40c2: 1v40 C:402-475 [113517]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1v40a1, d1v40b1, d1v40c1, d1v40d1
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, o16
      4. 2877162Domain d1v40d2: 1v40 D:602-675 [113519]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1v40a1, d1v40b1, d1v40c1, d1v40d1
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, o16
    4. Domains for 2cvd:
      1. 2877151Domain d2cvda2: 2cvd A:2-75 [130862]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2cvda1, d2cvdb1, d2cvdc1, d2cvdd1
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with gol, gsh, hql, mg
      2. 2877152Domain d2cvdb2: 2cvd B:2-75 [130864]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2cvda1, d2cvdb1, d2cvdc1, d2cvdd1
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with gol, gsh, hql, mg
      3. 2877153Domain d2cvdc2: 2cvd C:2-75 [130866]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2cvda1, d2cvdb1, d2cvdc1, d2cvdd1
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with gol, gsh, hql, mg
      4. 2877154Domain d2cvdd2: 2cvd D:2-75 [130868]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2cvda1, d2cvdb1, d2cvdc1, d2cvdd1
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with gol, gsh, hql, mg
    5. Domains for 3ee2:
      1. 2877194Domain d3ee2a2: 3ee2 A:2-75 [158118]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ee2a1, d3ee2b1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, mg, nzo
      2. 2877195Domain d3ee2b2: 3ee2 B:2-75 [158120]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ee2a1, d3ee2b1
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, mg, nzo
    6. Domains for 3vi5:
      1. 2877167Domain d3vi5a1: 3vi5 A:2-75 [217828]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi5a2, d3vi5b2, d3vi5c2, d3vi5d2
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with ca, gol, gsh, m4m
      2. 2877168Domain d3vi5b1: 3vi5 B:202-275 [217830]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi5a2, d3vi5b2, d3vi5c2, d3vi5d2
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with ca, gol, gsh, m4m
      3. 2877169Domain d3vi5c1: 3vi5 C:402-475 [217832]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi5a2, d3vi5b2, d3vi5c2, d3vi5d2
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with ca, gol, gsh, m4m
      4. 2877170Domain d3vi5d1: 3vi5 D:602-675 [217834]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi5a2, d3vi5b2, d3vi5c2, d3vi5d2
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with ca, gol, gsh, m4m
    7. Domains for 3vi7:
      1. 2877163Domain d3vi7a1: 3vi7 A:2-75 [217836]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi7a2, d3vi7b2, d3vi7c2, d3vi7d2
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with ca, cbd, gsh
      2. 2877164Domain d3vi7b1: 3vi7 B:202-275 [217838]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi7a2, d3vi7b2, d3vi7c2, d3vi7d2
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with ca, cbd, gsh
      3. 2877165Domain d3vi7c1: 3vi7 C:402-475 [217840]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi7a2, d3vi7b2, d3vi7c2, d3vi7d2
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with ca, cbd, gsh
      4. 2877166Domain d3vi7d1: 3vi7 D:602-675 [217842]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3vi7a2, d3vi7b2, d3vi7c2, d3vi7d2
        automated match to d1iyha2
        complexed with ca, cbd, gsh
    8. Domains for 5ywe:
      1. 2877184Domain d5ywea1: 5ywe A:2-75 [360982]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ywea2, d5yweb2, d5ywec2, d5ywed2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg
      2. 2877185Domain d5yweb1: 5ywe B:2-75 [360966]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ywea2, d5yweb2, d5ywec2, d5ywed2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg
      3. 2877186Domain d5ywec1: 5ywe C:2-75 [360952]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ywea2, d5yweb2, d5ywec2, d5ywed2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg
      4. 2877187Domain d5ywed1: 5ywe D:2-75 [360926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ywea2, d5yweb2, d5ywec2, d5ywed2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg
    9. Domains for 5ywx:
      1. 2877190Domain d5ywxa1: 5ywx A:2-75 [357213]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ywxa2, d5ywxb2, d5ywxc2, d5ywxd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with 93c, gol, gsh, mg
      2. 2877191Domain d5ywxb1: 5ywx B:2-75 [357182]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ywxa2, d5ywxb2, d5ywxc2, d5ywxd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with 93c, gol, gsh, mg
      3. 2877192Domain d5ywxc1: 5ywx C:2-75 [357137]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ywxa2, d5ywxb2, d5ywxc2, d5ywxd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with 93c, gol, gsh, mg
      4. 2877193Domain d5ywxd1: 5ywx D:2-75 [357204]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ywxa2, d5ywxb2, d5ywxc2, d5ywxd2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with 93c, gol, gsh, mg
    10. Domains for 5yx1:
      1. 2877155Domain d5yx1a1: 5yx1 A:2-75 [360884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5yx1a2, d5yx1b2, d5yx1c2, d5yx1d2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, ux4
      2. 2877156Domain d5yx1b1: 5yx1 B:2-75 [360954]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5yx1a2, d5yx1b2, d5yx1c2, d5yx1d2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, ux4
      3. 2877157Domain d5yx1c1: 5yx1 C:2-75 [360956]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5yx1a2, d5yx1b2, d5yx1c2, d5yx1d2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, ux4
      4. 2877158Domain d5yx1d1: 5yx1 D:2-75 [360937]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5yx1a2, d5yx1b2, d5yx1c2, d5yx1d2
        automated match to d2cvda2
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, ux4
    11. Domain for 6n4e:
    12. Domains for 6w58:
      1. 2877196Domain d6w58a1: 6w58 A:1-75 [396114]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w58a2, d6w58b2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, sws
      2. 2877197Domain d6w58b1: 6w58 B:1-75 [396131]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w58a2, d6w58b2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, sws
    13. Domains for 6w8h:
      1. 2877188Domain d6w8ha1: 6w8h A:2-75 [396101]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w8ha2, d6w8hc2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with edo, gsh, tjg
      2. 2877189Domain d6w8hc1: 6w8h C:1-75 [396103]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w8ha2, d6w8hc2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with edo, gsh, tjg
    14. Domains for 6ztc:
      1. 2877175Domain d6ztca1: 6ztc A:1-75 [417432]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ztca2, d6ztcb2, d6ztcb3
        automated match to d6n69b1
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, qpn
      2. 2877176Domain d6ztcb1: 6ztc B:1-75 [417434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ztca2, d6ztcb2, d6ztcb3
        automated match to d6n69b1
        complexed with gol, gsh, mg, qpn
    15. Domains for 7jr6:
      1. 2877181Domain d7jr6a1: 7jr6 A:1-75 [405325]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jr6a2, d7jr6a3, d7jr6b2, d7jr6b3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, mg, na, vh4
      2. 2877182Domain d7jr6b1: 7jr6 B:1-75 [405336]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jr6a2, d7jr6a3, d7jr6b2, d7jr6b3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, mg, na, vh4
    16. Domains for 7jr8:
      1. 2877149Domain d7jr8a1: 7jr8 A:1-75 [405366]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jr8a2, d7jr8a3, d7jr8b2, d7jr8b3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with cl, edo, gsh, mg, na, vh7
      2. 2877150Domain d7jr8b1: 7jr8 B:1-75 [405363]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jr8a2, d7jr8a3, d7jr8b2, d7jr8b3
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with cl, edo, gsh, mg, na, vh7
  4. 2877198Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [52875] (3 PDB entries)
    synonym: hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase
    1. Domains for 1pd2:
      1. 2877203Domain d1pd212: 1pd2 1:1-75 [33007]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1pd211, d1pd221
        complexed with gsh
      2. 2877204Domain d1pd222: 1pd2 2:1-75 [33008]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1pd211, d1pd221
        complexed with gsh
    2. Domains for 5y9z:
      1. 2877199Domain d5y9za1: 5y9z A:2-75 [357864]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y9za2, d5y9zb2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with dio, edo, gol, gsh, mg, pge
      2. 2877200Domain d5y9zb1: 5y9z B:2-75 [357830]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y9za2, d5y9zb2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with dio, edo, gol, gsh, mg, pge
    3. Domains for 6n69:
      1. 2877201Domain d6n69a1: 6n69 A:2-75 [366928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6n69a2, d6n69b2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, kdv
      2. 2877202Domain d6n69b1: 6n69 B:1-75 [366901]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6n69a2, d6n69b2
        automated match to d1pd212
        complexed with gsh, kdv
  5. 2877205Squid (Ommastrephes sloani pacificus) [TaxId:6634] [52876] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1gsq:
    2. Domain for 2gsq:

More info for Protein Class sigma GST from c.47.1.5: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), N-terminal domain

Timeline for Protein Class sigma GST from c.47.1.5: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), N-terminal domain: