Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2928974Fold d.9: IL8-like [54116] (2 superfamilies)
  4. 2928975Superfamily d.9.1: Interleukin 8-like chemokines [54117] (2 families) (S)
    form dimers with different dimerisation modes
  5. 2928976Family d.9.1.1: Interleukin 8-like chemokines [54118] (25 proteins)
  6. 2929190Protein RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted) [54132] (2 species)
    has different dimerisation mode
  7. 2929191Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [54133] (19 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P13501 25-91

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1b3a:
    1. 2929200Domain d1b3aa_: 1b3a A: [37410]
      synthetic, total chemical synthesis
      complexed with aop, so4
    2. 2929201Domain d1b3ab_: 1b3a B: [37411]
      synthetic, total chemical synthesis
      complexed with aop, so4
  2. Domain(s) for 1eqt:
    1. 2929194Domain d1eqta_: 1eqt A: [37412]
      complexed with so4
    2. 2929195Domain d1eqtb_: 1eqt B: [37413]
      complexed with so4
  3. Domain(s) for 1hrj:
    1. 2929248Domain d1hrja_: 1hrj A: [37418]
    2. 2929249Domain d1hrjb_: 1hrj B: [37419]
  4. Domain(s) for 1rtn:
    1. 2929246Domain d1rtna_: 1rtn A: [37414]
    2. 2929247Domain d1rtnb_: 1rtn B: [37415]
  5. Domain(s) for 1rto:
    1. 2929244Domain d1rtoa_: 1rto A: [37416]
    2. 2929245Domain d1rtob_: 1rto B: [37417]
  6. Domain(s) for 1u4l:
    1. 2929205Domain d1u4la_: 1u4l A: [113017]
      complexed with acy
    2. 2929206Domain d1u4lb_: 1u4l B: [113018]
      complexed with acy
  7. Domain(s) for 1u4m:
    1. 2929207Domain d1u4ma_: 1u4m A: [113019]
      complexed with acy
    2. 2929208Domain d1u4mb_: 1u4m B: [113020]
      complexed with acy
  8. Domain(s) for 1u4p:
    1. 2929198Domain d1u4pa_: 1u4p A: [113022]
      complexed with acy; mutant
    2. 2929199Domain d1u4pb_: 1u4p B: [113023]
      complexed with acy; mutant
  9. Domain(s) for 1u4r:
    1. 2929209Domain d1u4ra_: 1u4r A: [113030]
      complexed with so4; mutant
    2. 2929210Domain d1u4rb_: 1u4r B: [113031]
      complexed with so4; mutant
    3. 2929211Domain d1u4rc_: 1u4r C: [113032]
      complexed with so4; mutant
    4. 2929212Domain d1u4rd_: 1u4r D: [113033]
      complexed with so4; mutant
  10. Domain(s) for 2l9h:
    1. 2929240Domain d2l9ha_: 2l9h A: [242815]
      automated match to d1rtoa_
    2. 2929241Domain d2l9hb_: 2l9h B: [242816]
      automated match to d1rtoa_
    3. 2929242Domain d2l9hc_: 2l9h C: [242817]
      automated match to d1rtoa_
    4. 2929243Domain d2l9hd_: 2l9h D: [242818]
      automated match to d1rtoa_
  11. Domain(s) for 5cmd:
    1. 2929234Domain d5cmda_: 5cmd A: [315208]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with so4
    2. 2929235Domain d5cmdb_: 5cmd B: [315194]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with so4
    3. 2929236Domain d5cmdc_: 5cmd C: [315218]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with so4
    4. 2929237Domain d5cmdd_: 5cmd D: [315261]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with so4
    5. 2929238Domain d5cmde_: 5cmd E: [315280]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with so4
    6. 2929239Domain d5cmdf_: 5cmd F: [315192]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with so4
  12. Domain(s) for 5coy:
    1. 2929192Domain d5coya_: 5coy A: [315274]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with peg, po4
    2. 2929193Domain d5coyb_: 5coy B: [315290]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with peg, po4
  13. Domain(s) for 5dnf:
    1. 2929213Domain d5dnfa_: 5dnf A: [315627]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
    2. 2929214Domain d5dnfb_: 5dnf B: [315630]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
    3. 2929215Domain d5dnfc_: 5dnf C: [315303]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
    4. 2929216Domain d5dnfd_: 5dnf D: [315463]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
    5. 2929217Domain d5dnfe_: 5dnf E: [315371]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
    6. 2929218Domain d5dnff_: 5dnf F: [315282]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
    7. 2929219Domain d5dnfg_: 5dnf G: [315328]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
    8. 2929220Domain d5dnfh_: 5dnf H: [315240]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
    9. 2929221Domain d5dnfi_: 5dnf I: [315273]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with bgc, cl, gla, so4, trs
  14. Domain(s) for 5l2u:
    1. 2929223Domain d5l2ua_: 5l2u A: [337500]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
    2. 2929224Domain d5l2ub_: 5l2u B: [337597]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
    3. 2929225Domain d5l2uc_: 5l2u C: [337487]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
    4. 2929226Domain d5l2ud_: 5l2u D: [337604]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
    5. 2929227Domain d5l2ue_: 5l2u E: [337501]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
    6. 2929228Domain d5l2uf_: 5l2u F: [337558]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
    7. 2929229Domain d5l2ug_: 5l2u G: [337530]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
    8. 2929230Domain d5l2uh_: 5l2u H: [337494]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
    9. 2929231Domain d5l2ui_: 5l2u I: [337589]
      automated match to d1u4lb_
      complexed with cl, epe, gol
  15. Domain(s) for 5uiw:
  16. Domain(s) for 6aez:
    1. 2929202Domain d6aeza_: 6aez A: [372497]
      automated match to d1g91a_
      complexed with so4
    2. 2929203Domain d6aezb_: 6aez B: [372518]
      automated match to d1g91a_
      complexed with so4
    3. 2929204Domain d6aezc_: 6aez C: [372513]
      automated match to d1g91a_
      complexed with so4
  17. Domain(s) for 6log:
  18. Domain(s) for 6stk:
    1. 2929196Domain d6stka_: 6stk A: [391725]
      automated match to d1rtoa_
      complexed with act, gol; mutant
    2. 2929197Domain d6stkb_: 6stk B: [391600]
      automated match to d1rtoa_
      complexed with act, gol; mutant
  19. Domain(s) for 7o7f:

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.9.1.1 RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted)

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.9.1.1 RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted):