Lineage for Protein: Trp repressor binding protein WrbA

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2855423Fold c.23: Flavodoxin-like [52171] (15 superfamilies)
    3 layers, a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 5 strand, order 21345
  4. 2856357Superfamily c.23.5: Flavoproteins [52218] (9 families) (S)
  5. 2856848Family c.23.5.8: WrbA-like [117474] (3 proteins)
  6. 2856857Protein Trp repressor binding protein WrbA [117475] (4 species)


  1. 2856858Deinococcus radiodurans [TaxId:1299] [117476] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q9RYU4
    1. Domains for 1ydg:
      1. 2856859Domain d1ydga1: 1ydg A:3-201 [116614]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ydga2, d1ydgb2, d1ydgc2, d1ydgd2, d1ydge2, d1ydge3, d1ydgf2, d1ydgg2, d1ydgh2
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4
      2. 2856860Domain d1ydgb1: 1ydg B:2-201 [116615]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ydga2, d1ydgb2, d1ydgc2, d1ydgd2, d1ydge2, d1ydge3, d1ydgf2, d1ydgg2, d1ydgh2
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4
      3. 2856861Domain d1ydgc1: 1ydg C:2-201 [116616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ydga2, d1ydgb2, d1ydgc2, d1ydgd2, d1ydge2, d1ydge3, d1ydgf2, d1ydgg2, d1ydgh2
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4
      4. 2856862Domain d1ydgd1: 1ydg D:2-201 [116617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ydga2, d1ydgb2, d1ydgc2, d1ydgd2, d1ydge2, d1ydge3, d1ydgf2, d1ydgg2, d1ydgh2
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4
      5. 2856863Domain d1ydge1: 1ydg E:2-201 [116618]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ydga2, d1ydgb2, d1ydgc2, d1ydgd2, d1ydge2, d1ydge3, d1ydgf2, d1ydgg2, d1ydgh2
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4
      6. 2856864Domain d1ydgf1: 1ydg F:3-201 [116619]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ydga2, d1ydgb2, d1ydgc2, d1ydgd2, d1ydge2, d1ydge3, d1ydgf2, d1ydgg2, d1ydgh2
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4
      7. 2856865Domain d1ydgg1: 1ydg G:2-201 [116620]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ydga2, d1ydgb2, d1ydgc2, d1ydgd2, d1ydge2, d1ydge3, d1ydgf2, d1ydgg2, d1ydgh2
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4
      8. 2856866Domain d1ydgh1: 1ydg H:2-201 [116621]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ydga2, d1ydgb2, d1ydgc2, d1ydgd2, d1ydge2, d1ydge3, d1ydgf2, d1ydgg2, d1ydgh2
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 1yrh:
      1. 2856867Domain d1yrha1: 1yrh A:4-199 [123923]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yrha2, d1yrhb3, d1yrhc3, d1yrhd3, d1yrhf3, d1yrhg3, d1yrhh3
        complexed with fmn
      2. 2856868Domain d1yrhb2: 1yrh B:4-201 [123924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yrha2, d1yrhb3, d1yrhc3, d1yrhd3, d1yrhf3, d1yrhg3, d1yrhh3
        automated match to d1ydge_
        complexed with fmn
      3. 2856869Domain d1yrhc2: 1yrh C:3-201 [123925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yrha2, d1yrhb3, d1yrhc3, d1yrhd3, d1yrhf3, d1yrhg3, d1yrhh3
        automated match to d1ydge_
        complexed with fmn
      4. 2856870Domain d1yrhd2: 1yrh D:3-201 [123926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yrha2, d1yrhb3, d1yrhc3, d1yrhd3, d1yrhf3, d1yrhg3, d1yrhh3
        automated match to d1ydge_
        complexed with fmn
      5. 2856871Domain d1yrhe_: 1yrh E: [123927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yrha2, d1yrhb3, d1yrhc3, d1yrhd3, d1yrhf3, d1yrhg3, d1yrhh3
        automated match to d1ydge_
        complexed with fmn
      6. 2856872Domain d1yrhf2: 1yrh F:2-201 [123928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yrha2, d1yrhb3, d1yrhc3, d1yrhd3, d1yrhf3, d1yrhg3, d1yrhh3
        automated match to d1ydge_
        complexed with fmn
      7. 2856873Domain d1yrhg2: 1yrh G:4-201 [123929]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yrha2, d1yrhb3, d1yrhc3, d1yrhd3, d1yrhf3, d1yrhg3, d1yrhh3
        automated match to d1ydge_
        complexed with fmn
      8. 2856874Domain d1yrhh2: 1yrh H:3-201 [123930]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yrha2, d1yrhb3, d1yrhc3, d1yrhd3, d1yrhf3, d1yrhg3, d1yrhh3
        automated match to d1ydge_
        complexed with fmn
  2. 2856875Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [188617] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2r96:
      1. 2856880Domain d2r96a_: 2r96 A: [168021]
        automated match to d1zwka1
        complexed with edo, fmn
      2. 2856881Domain d2r96c_: 2r96 C: [168022]
        automated match to d1zwka1
        complexed with edo, fmn
    2. Domains for 2r97:
      1. 2856878Domain d2r97a_: 2r97 A: [168023]
        automated match to d1zwka1
        complexed with fmn
      2. 2856879Domain d2r97c_: 2r97 C: [168024]
        automated match to d1zwka1
        complexed with fmn
    3. Domains for 2rg1:
      1. 2856876Domain d2rg1a_: 2rg1 A: [168109]
        automated match to d1zwka1
        complexed with cl
      2. 2856877Domain d2rg1b_: 2rg1 B: [168110]
        automated match to d1zwka1
        complexed with cl
  3. 2856882Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [317703] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4yqe:
      1. 2856883Domain d4yqea_: 4yqe A: [317829]
        automated match to d2rg1b_
        complexed with fmn, plq
      2. 2856884Domain d4yqeb_: 4yqe B: [317831]
        automated match to d2rg1b_
        complexed with fmn, plq
    2. Domains for 5f12:
      1. 2856885Domain d5f12a_: 5f12 A: [317713]
        automated match to d2rg1b_
        complexed with fmn
      2. 2856886Domain d5f12b_: 5f12 B: [317704]
        automated match to d2rg1b_
        complexed with fmn
  4. 2856887Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [142053] (3 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q9I509 3-198! Uniprot Q9I509 4-196
    1. Domains for 1zwk:
      1. 2856889Domain d1zwka1: 1zwk A:4-196 [125745]
        complexed with po4
      2. 2856890Domain d1zwkb_: 1zwk B: [125746]
        automated match to d2a5la1
        complexed with po4
    2. Domain for 1zwl:
    3. Domain for 2a5l:

More info for Protein Trp repressor binding protein WrbA from c.23.5.8: WrbA-like

Timeline for Protein Trp repressor binding protein WrbA from c.23.5.8: WrbA-like: