Lineage for Species: Mouse (Mus musculus), cluster 4 [TaxId: 10090]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2739517Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 2739518Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2739519Family b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) [48727] (33 proteins)
  6. 2739730Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain, VH [88543] (22 species)
    VH domains of human and mouse antibodies are clustered by the sequence similarity within the germline encoded segment and then by the size of the complementarity determining regions CDR1 and CDR2, so the clusters may correspond to putative germline families in the species genomes; VH domains with artificial or grafted exogenous CDRs are listed as engineered species
  7. 2740454Species Mouse (Mus musculus), cluster 4 [TaxId:10090] [88554] (34 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P06327 20-117 # HV52_MOUSE (P06327) Ig heavy chain V region VH558 A1/A4 precursor; 57% sequence identity ! Uniprot P01631 # KV2G_MOUSE (P01631) Ig kappa chain V-II region 26-10

PDB entries in Species: Mouse (Mus musculus), cluster 4 [TaxId: 10090]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1a4j:
    1. 2740467Domain d1a4jb1: 1a4j B:1-119 [20233]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1a4ja1, d1a4ja2, d1a4jb2, d1a4jh2, d1a4jl1, d1a4jl2
      part of humanized Diels-Alder catalytic Fab
    2. 2740468Domain d1a4jh1: 1a4j H:1-119 [20231]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1a4ja1, d1a4ja2, d1a4jb2, d1a4jh2, d1a4jl1, d1a4jl2
      part of humanized Diels-Alder catalytic Fab
  2. Domain(s) for 1a4k:
    1. 2740469Domain d1a4kb1: 1a4k B:1-119 [20237]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1a4ka1, d1a4ka2, d1a4kb2, d1a4kh2, d1a4kl1, d1a4kl2
      part of humanized Diels-Alder catalytic Fab
      complexed with cd, fra
    2. 2740470Domain d1a4kh1: 1a4k H:1-119 [20235]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1a4ka1, d1a4ka2, d1a4kb2, d1a4kh2, d1a4kl1, d1a4kl2
      part of humanized Diels-Alder catalytic Fab
      complexed with cd, fra
  3. Domain(s) for 1bj1:
    1. 2740486Domain d1bj1h1: 1bj1 H:1-123 [20323]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1bj1h2, d1bj1j1, d1bj1j2, d1bj1k2, d1bj1l1, d1bj1l2, d1bj1v_, d1bj1w_
      part of humanized Fab-12 neutralizing VEGF
      complexed with so4
    2. 2740487Domain d1bj1k1: 1bj1 K:1-123 [20325]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1bj1h2, d1bj1j1, d1bj1j2, d1bj1k2, d1bj1l1, d1bj1l2, d1bj1v_, d1bj1w_
      part of humanized Fab-12 neutralizing VEGF
      complexed with so4
  4. Domain(s) for 1c1e:
  5. Domain(s) for 1cl7:
  6. Domain(s) for 1cz8:
    1. 2740489Domain d1cz8h1: 1cz8 H:1-123 [20327]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1cz8h2, d1cz8l1, d1cz8l2, d1cz8v_, d1cz8w_, d1cz8x1, d1cz8x2, d1cz8y2
      part of humanized Fab-12 neutralizing VEGF; affinity matured
      complexed with so4
    2. 2740490Domain d1cz8y1: 1cz8 Y:1-123 [20329]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1cz8h2, d1cz8l1, d1cz8l2, d1cz8v_, d1cz8w_, d1cz8x1, d1cz8x2, d1cz8y2
      part of humanized Fab-12 neutralizing VEGF; affinity matured
      complexed with so4
  7. Domain(s) for 1dba:
  8. Domain(s) for 1dbb:
  9. Domain(s) for 1dbj:
  10. Domain(s) for 1dbk:
  11. Domain(s) for 1dbm:
  12. Domain(s) for 1fj1:
    1. 2740494Domain d1fj1b1: 1fj1 B:1-114 [20119]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1fj1a1, d1fj1a2, d1fj1b2, d1fj1c1, d1fj1c2, d1fj1d2, d1fj1e_, d1fj1f_
      part of Fab LA-2 against OspA
    2. 2740495Domain d1fj1d1: 1fj1 D:1-114 [20121]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1fj1a1, d1fj1a2, d1fj1b2, d1fj1c1, d1fj1c2, d1fj1d2, d1fj1e_, d1fj1f_
      part of Fab LA-2 against OspA
  13. Domain(s) for 1ghf:
  14. Domain(s) for 1i7z:
    1. 2740465Domain d1i7zb1: 1i7z B:9-113 [61921]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7za1, d1i7za2, d1i7zb2, d1i7zb3, d1i7zc1, d1i7zc2, d1i7zd2, d1i7zd3
      part of humanized Fab GNC92H2
      complexed with coc
    2. 2740466Domain d1i7zd1: 1i7z D:9-113 [61925]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7za1, d1i7za2, d1i7zb2, d1i7zb3, d1i7zc1, d1i7zc2, d1i7zd2, d1i7zd3
      part of humanized Fab GNC92H2
      complexed with coc
  15. Domain(s) for 1iai:
  16. Domain(s) for 1jgl:
  17. Domain(s) for 1jhk:
  18. Domain(s) for 1jp5:
    1. 2740473Domain d1jp5a2: 1jp5 A:128-247 [67002]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1jp5a1, d1jp5b1
      part of scFv 1695; complexed with the epitope peptide from HIV-1 protease
    2. 2740474Domain d1jp5b2: 1jp5 B:128-247 [67004]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1jp5a1, d1jp5b1
      part of scFv 1695; complexed with the epitope peptide from HIV-1 protease
  19. Domain(s) for 1mhh:
    1. 2740471Domain d1mhhb1: 1mhh B:1-113 [79121]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1mhha1, d1mhha2, d1mhhb2, d1mhhc1, d1mhhc2, d1mhhd2, d1mhhe_, d1mhhf_
      part of anti-HCV Fab 19D9D6
      complexed with edo; mutant
    2. 2740472Domain d1mhhd1: 1mhh D:1-113 [79125]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1mhha1, d1mhha2, d1mhhb2, d1mhhc1, d1mhhc2, d1mhhd2, d1mhhe_, d1mhhf_
      part of anti-HCV Fab 19D9D6
      complexed with edo; mutant
  20. Domain(s) for 1n4x:
    1. 2740460Domain d1n4xh1: 1n4x H:304-417 [85324]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1n4xh2, d1n4xh3, d1n4xi2, d1n4xi3, d1n4xl1, d1n4xl2, d1n4xm1, d1n4xm2
      part of scFv 1695
      complexed with cl
    2. 2740461Domain d1n4xi1: 1n4x I:304-417 [85325]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1n4xh2, d1n4xh3, d1n4xi2, d1n4xi3, d1n4xl1, d1n4xl2, d1n4xm1, d1n4xm2
      part of scFv 1695
      complexed with cl
  21. Domain(s) for 1n64:
  22. Domain(s) for 1nca:
  23. Domain(s) for 1ncb:
  24. Domain(s) for 1ncc:
  25. Domain(s) for 1ncd:
  26. Domain(s) for 1nlb:
  27. Domain(s) for 1ob1:
    1. 2740496Domain d1ob1b1: 1ob1 B:1-113 [86750]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ob1a1, d1ob1a2, d1ob1b2, d1ob1c1, d1ob1c2, d1ob1c3, d1ob1d1, d1ob1d2, d1ob1e2, d1ob1f1, d1ob1f2, d1ob1f3
      part of anti-Pf MSP1 Fab
      complexed with cac
    2. 2740497Domain d1ob1e1: 1ob1 E:1-113 [86756]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ob1a1, d1ob1a2, d1ob1b2, d1ob1c1, d1ob1c2, d1ob1c3, d1ob1d1, d1ob1d2, d1ob1e2, d1ob1f1, d1ob1f2, d1ob1f3
      part of anti-Pf MSP1 Fab
      complexed with cac
  28. Domain(s) for 1svz:
    1. 2740456Domain d1svza2: 1svz A:128-247 [202909]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1svza1, d1svzb1
      automated match to d1jp5a2
    2. 2740457Domain d1svzb2: 1svz B:128-247 [202911]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1svza1, d1svzb1
      automated match to d1jp5a2
  29. Domain(s) for 1tet:
  30. Domain(s) for 1tpx:
    1. 2740500Domain d1tpxb1: 1tpx B:1-113 [107190]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1tpxa_, d1tpxb2, d1tpxc2
      MQ P06327 P01864 # ! natural chimera
    2. 2740501Domain d1tpxc1: 1tpx C:1-107 [107192]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1tpxa_, d1tpxb2, d1tpxc2
      MQ P01631 P01837 # ! natural chimera
  31. Domain(s) for 1tqb:
    1. 2740498Domain d1tqbb1: 1tqb B:1-113 [107213]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1tqba_, d1tqbb2, d1tqbc2
      MQ P06327 P01864 # ! natural chimera
    2. 2740499Domain d1tqbc1: 1tqb C:1-107 [107215]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1tqba_, d1tqbb2, d1tqbc2
      MQ P01631 P01837 # ! natural chimera
  32. Domain(s) for 1tqc:
    1. 2740502Domain d1tqcb1: 1tqc B:1-113 [107218]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1tqca_, d1tqcb2, d1tqcc2
      MQ P06327 P01864 # ! natural chimera
    2. 2740503Domain d1tqcc1: 1tqc C:1-107 [107220]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1tqca_, d1tqcb2, d1tqcc2
      MQ P01631 P01837 # ! natural chimera
  33. Domain(s) for 1ymh:
    1. 2740484Domain d1ymhb1: 1ymh B:1-113 [197665]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ymha1, d1ymha2, d1ymhb2, d1ymhc1, d1ymhc2, d1ymhd2, d1ymhe_, d1ymhf_
      automated match to d1nlbh1
    2. 2740485Domain d1ymhd1: 1ymh D:1-113 [197669]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ymha1, d1ymha2, d1ymhb2, d1ymhc1, d1ymhc2, d1ymhd2, d1ymhe_, d1ymhf_
      automated match to d1nlbh1
  34. Domain(s) for 2dbl:

More info for Species Mouse (Mus musculus), cluster 4 [TaxId:10090] from b.1.1.1 Immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain, VH

Timeline for Species Mouse (Mus musculus), cluster 4 [TaxId:10090] from b.1.1.1 Immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain, VH: