Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds) |
Fold a.11: Acyl-CoA binding protein-like [47026] (2 superfamilies) core: 3 helices; bundle, closed, left-handed twist; up-and-down |
Superfamily a.11.2: Second domain of FERM [47031] (2 families) automatically mapped to Pfam PF00373 |
Family a.11.2.0: automated matches [254193] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [254423] (5 species) not a true protein |
Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [255207] (60 PDB entries) |
Domain d2he7a2: 2he7 A:191-296 [242029] Other proteins in same PDB: d2he7a1, d2he7a3 automated match to d1gg3a1 |
Domain d3qija2: 3qij A:291-396 [248903] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qija1, d3qija3, d3qija4, d3qijb1, d3qijb3, d3qijb4 automated match to d1gg3a1 complexed with unx |
Domain d3qijb2: 3qij B:291-396 [248906] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qija1, d3qija3, d3qija4, d3qijb1, d3qijb3, d3qijb4 automated match to d1gg3a1 complexed with unx |
Domain d4ny0a2: 4ny0 A:131-253 [254032] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ny0a1, d4ny0a3, d4ny0b1, d4ny0b3, d4ny0d1, d4ny0d3 automated match to d2al6a1 |
Domain d4ny0b2: 4ny0 B:131-253 [254035] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ny0a1, d4ny0a3, d4ny0b1, d4ny0b3, d4ny0d1, d4ny0d3 automated match to d2al6a1 |
Domain d4ny0d2: 4ny0 D:131-253 [254038] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ny0a1, d4ny0a3, d4ny0b1, d4ny0b3, d4ny0d1, d4ny0d3 automated match to d2al6a1 |
Domain d4zrja2: 4zrj A:104-214 [274135] Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrja1, d4zrja3 automated match to d1ni2a1 complexed with gol |
Domain d5ryma2: 5rym A:191-296 [395535] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryma1, d5ryma3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, hge |
Domain d5ryna2: 5ryn A:191-296 [395479] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryna1, d5ryna3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, ntv |
Domain d5ryoa2: 5ryo A:191-296 [395439] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryoa1, d5ryoa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, nu4 |
Domain d5rypa2: 5ryp A:191-296 [395462] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rypa1, d5rypa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wgm |
Domain d5ryqa2: 5ryq A:191-296 [395495] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryqa1, d5ryqa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, nvd |
Domain d5ryra2: 5ryr A:191-296 [395615] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryra1, d5ryra3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wgp |
Domain d5rysa2: 5rys A:191-296 [395451] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rysa1, d5rysa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, h0d |
Domain d5ryta2: 5ryt A:191-296 [395445] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryta1, d5ryta3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, nx7 |
Domain d5ryua2: 5ryu A:191-296 [395498] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryua1, d5ryua3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, uwv |
Domain d5ryva2: 5ryv A:191-296 [395511] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryva1, d5ryva3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wgs |
Domain d5rywa2: 5ryw A:191-296 [395624] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rywa1, d5rywa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, elq |
Domain d5ryxa2: 5ryx A:191-296 [395558] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryxa1, d5ryxa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, vzs |
Domain d5ryya2: 5ryy A:191-296 [395517] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryya1, d5ryya3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wgv |
Domain d5ryza2: 5ryz A:191-296 [395469] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ryza1, d5ryza3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, nvy |
Domain d5rz0a2: 5rz0 A:191-296 [395561] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz0a1, d5rz0a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, k0a |
Domain d5rz1a2: 5rz1 A:191-296 [395547] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz1a1, d5rz1a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wgy |
Domain d5rz2a2: 5rz2 A:191-296 [395507] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz2a1, d5rz2a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wh1 |
Domain d5rz3a2: 5rz3 A:191-296 [395483] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz3a1, d5rz3a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wh4 |
Domain d5rz4a2: 5rz4 A:191-296 [395667] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz4a1, d5rz4a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wh7 |
Domain d5rz5a2: 5rz5 A:191-296 [395693] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz5a1, d5rz5a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, whd |
Domain d5rz6a2: 5rz6 A:191-296 [395476] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz6a1, d5rz6a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with awd, dms, edo |
Domain d5rz7a2: 5rz7 A:191-296 [395489] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz7a1, d5rz7a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with ayv, dms, edo |
Domain d5rz8a2: 5rz8 A:191-296 [395504] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz8a1, d5rz8a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, whg |
Domain d5rz9a2: 5rz9 A:191-296 [395555] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rz9a1, d5rz9a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, gt4 |
Domain d5rzaa2: 5rza A:191-296 [395582] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzaa1, d5rzaa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, whm |
Domain d5rzba2: 5rzb A:191-296 [395532] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzba1, d5rzba3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, sfy |
Domain d5rzca2: 5rzc A:191-296 [395442] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzca1, d5rzca3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, o0p |
Domain d5rzda2: 5rzd A:191-296 [395514] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzda1, d5rzda3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, o1m |
Domain d5rzea2: 5rze A:191-296 [395570] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzea1, d5rzea3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, ryp |
Domain d5rzfa2: 5rzf A:191-296 [395573] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzfa1, d5rzfa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with 9ks, dms, edo |
Domain d5rzga2: 5rzg A:191-296 [395526] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzga1, d5rzga3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, whp |
Domain d5rzha2: 5rzh A:191-296 [395501] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzha1, d5rzha3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, nzd |
Domain d5rzia2: 5rzi A:191-296 [395492] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzia1, d5rzia3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, whs |
Domain d5rzja2: 5rzj A:191-296 [395551] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzja1, d5rzja3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with 7zc, dms, edo |
Domain d5rzka2: 5rzk A:191-296 [395473] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzka1, d5rzka3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, whv |
Domain d5rzla2: 5rzl A:191-296 [395448] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzla1, d5rzla3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, s7g |
Domain d5rzma2: 5rzm A:191-296 [395658] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzma1, d5rzma3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, why |
Domain d5rzna2: 5rzn A:191-296 [395486] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzna1, d5rzna3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, s7j |
Domain d5rzoa2: 5rzo A:191-296 [395598] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzoa1, d5rzoa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wj4 |
Domain d5rzpa2: 5rzp A:191-296 [395529] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzpa1, d5rzpa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, onq |
Domain d5rzqa2: 5rzq A:191-296 [395651] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzqa1, d5rzqa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wj7 |
Domain d5rzra2: 5rzr A:191-296 [395523] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzra1, d5rzra3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, vvg |
Domain d5rzsa2: 5rzs A:191-296 [395465] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzsa1, d5rzsa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, ur7 |
Domain d5rzta2: 5rzt A:191-296 [395544] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzta1, d5rzta3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wja |
Domain d5rzua2: 5rzu A:191-296 [395458] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzua1, d5rzua3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, nzj |
Domain d5rzva2: 5rzv A:191-296 [395595] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzva1, d5rzva3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wjd |
Domain d5rzwa2: 5rzw A:191-296 [395592] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzwa1, d5rzwa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wjg |
Domain d5rzxa2: 5rzx A:191-296 [395567] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzxa1, d5rzxa3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, o0y |
Domain d5rzya2: 5rzy A:191-296 [395538] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzya1, d5rzya3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, rzs |
Domain d5rzza2: 5rzz A:191-296 [395564] Other proteins in same PDB: d5rzza1, d5rzza3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wjj |
Domain d5s00a2: 5s00 A:191-296 [395576] Other proteins in same PDB: d5s00a1, d5s00a3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with dms, edo, wjm |
Domain d6cdsa2: 6cds A:104-214 [354849] Other proteins in same PDB: d6cdsa1, d6cdsa3, d6cdsb1, d6cdsb3 automated match to d1isna1 complexed with gol, peg, pio, po4 |
Domain d6cdsb2: 6cds B:104-214 [354848] Other proteins in same PDB: d6cdsa1, d6cdsa3, d6cdsb1, d6cdsb3 automated match to d1isna1 complexed with gol, peg, pio, po4 |
Domain d6ibea2: 6ibe A:191-296 [361443] Other proteins in same PDB: d6ibea1, d6ibea3 automated match to d2he7a2 complexed with edo, mes |
Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from a.11.2.0 automated matches: