Lineage for Species: Streptomyces avidinii [TaxId: 1895]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2415300Fold b.61: Streptavidin-like [50875] (8 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed; n=8, S=10; meander
  4. 2415301Superfamily b.61.1: Avidin/streptavidin [50876] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2415302Family b.61.1.1: Avidin/streptavidin [50877] (3 proteins)
  6. 2415640Protein automated matches [190191] (2 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2415735Species Streptomyces avidinii [TaxId:1895] [189343] (98 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Streptomyces avidinii [TaxId: 1895]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2bc3:
    1. 2415780Domain d2bc3a2: 2bc3 A:14-159 [128279]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bc3a3
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with gol, so4
    2. 2415781Domain d2bc3b_: 2bc3 B: [128280]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bc3a3
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with gol, so4
  2. Domain(s) for 2qcb:
  3. Domain(s) for 2wpu:
  4. Domain(s) for 2y3e:
    1. 2415756Domain d2y3ea_: 2y3e A: [170556]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with gol
    2. 2415757Domain d2y3eb_: 2y3e B: [170557]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with gol
  5. Domain(s) for 2y3f:
  6. Domain(s) for 3mg5:
    1. 2415787Domain d3mg5a_: 3mg5 A: [181113]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with btn, gol; mutant
    2. 2415788Domain d3mg5b_: 3mg5 B: [181114]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with btn, gol; mutant
    3. 2415789Domain d3mg5c_: 3mg5 C: [181115]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with btn, gol; mutant
    4. 2415790Domain d3mg5d_: 3mg5 D: [181116]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with btn, gol; mutant
  7. Domain(s) for 3pk2:
  8. Domain(s) for 3rdm:
  9. Domain(s) for 3rdo:
  10. Domain(s) for 3rdq:
  11. Domain(s) for 3rds:
  12. Domain(s) for 3rdu:
  13. Domain(s) for 3rdx:
    1. 2415889Domain d3rdxa1: 3rdx A:13-134 [215744]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rdxa2, d3rdxb2
      automated match to d1mm9a_
      complexed with gol
    2. 2415890Domain d3rdxb1: 3rdx B:13-135 [215745]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rdxa2, d3rdxb2
      automated match to d1mm9a_
      complexed with gol
  14. Domain(s) for 3re5:
  15. Domain(s) for 3re6:
  16. Domain(s) for 3t6f:
    1. 2415774Domain d3t6fa_: 3t6f A: [185662]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with bso, btn, gol, so4
    2. 2415775Domain d3t6fb_: 3t6f B: [185663]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with bso, btn, gol, so4
  17. Domain(s) for 3t6l:
  18. Domain(s) for 3wyq:
    1. 2415736Domain d3wyqa_: 3wyq A: [268112]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with btn, gol, so4; mutant
    2. 2415737Domain d3wyqb_: 3wyq B: [268120]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with btn, gol, so4; mutant
  19. Domain(s) for 3wzn:
    1. 2415791Domain d3wzna1: 3wzn A:13-134 [306940]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzna2, d3wznb2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with btn, so4; mutant
    2. 2415792Domain d3wznb1: 3wzn B:13-133 [306942]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzna2, d3wznb2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with btn, so4; mutant
  20. Domain(s) for 3wzo:
    1. 2415852Domain d3wzoa1: 3wzo A:13-137 [306944]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzoa2, d3wzob2, d3wzoc2, d3wzod2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with cd, gol, p6g, zoe; mutant
    2. 2415853Domain d3wzob1: 3wzo B:13-134 [306946]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzoa2, d3wzob2, d3wzoc2, d3wzod2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with cd, gol, p6g, zoe; mutant
    3. 2415854Domain d3wzoc1: 3wzo C:13-135 [306948]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzoa2, d3wzob2, d3wzoc2, d3wzod2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with cd, gol, p6g, zoe; mutant
    4. 2415855Domain d3wzod1: 3wzo D:13-135 [306950]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzoa2, d3wzob2, d3wzoc2, d3wzod2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with cd, gol, p6g, zoe; mutant
  21. Domain(s) for 3wzp:
    1. 2415741Domain d3wzpa1: 3wzp A:13-134 [306952]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzpa2, d3wzpb2, d3wzpc2, d3wzpd2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with gol, zof; mutant
    2. 2415742Domain d3wzpb1: 3wzp B:13-133 [306954]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzpa2, d3wzpb2, d3wzpc2, d3wzpd2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with gol, zof; mutant
    3. 2415743Domain d3wzpc1: 3wzp C:13-134 [306956]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzpa2, d3wzpb2, d3wzpc2, d3wzpd2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with gol, zof; mutant
    4. 2415744Domain d3wzpd1: 3wzp D:13-133 [306958]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzpa2, d3wzpb2, d3wzpc2, d3wzpd2
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with gol, zof; mutant
  22. Domain(s) for 3wzq:
    1. 2415863Domain d3wzqa1: 3wzq A:13-135 [306960]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzqa2, d3wzqb2, d3wzqc2, d3wzqd2
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with p6g, zof; mutant
    2. 2415864Domain d3wzqb1: 3wzq B:13-135 [306962]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzqa2, d3wzqb2, d3wzqc2, d3wzqd2
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with p6g, zof; mutant
    3. 2415865Domain d3wzqc1: 3wzq C:13-134 [306964]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzqa2, d3wzqb2, d3wzqc2, d3wzqd2
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with p6g, zof; mutant
    4. 2415866Domain d3wzqd1: 3wzq D:13-135 [306966]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3wzqa2, d3wzqb2, d3wzqc2, d3wzqd2
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with p6g, zof; mutant
  23. Domain(s) for 3x00:
    1. 2415752Domain d3x00a1: 3x00 A:13-134 [268118]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3x00a2, d3x00b2, d3x00c2, d3x00d2
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with edn, zof; mutant
    2. 2415753Domain d3x00b1: 3x00 B:13-134 [268114]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3x00a2, d3x00b2, d3x00c2, d3x00d2
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with edn, zof; mutant
    3. 2415754Domain d3x00c1: 3x00 C:13-134 [268111]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3x00a2, d3x00b2, d3x00c2, d3x00d2
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with edn, zof; mutant
    4. 2415755Domain d3x00d1: 3x00 D:13-134 [268113]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3x00a2, d3x00b2, d3x00c2, d3x00d2
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with edn, zof; mutant
  24. Domain(s) for 4bx5:
    1. 2415778Domain d4bx5a_: 4bx5 A: [228157]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bx5b_, d4bx5d_
      automated match to d4jnja_
      complexed with edo, pg4
    2. 2415779Domain d4bx5c_: 4bx5 C: [228156]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bx5b_, d4bx5d_
      automated match to d4jnja_
      complexed with edo, pg4
  25. Domain(s) for 4bx6:
    1. 2415816Domain d4bx6a_: 4bx6 A: [228158]
      automated match to d4jnja_
      complexed with mpd
    2. 2415817Domain d4bx6b_: 4bx6 B: [234282]
      automated match to d4bx6c_
      complexed with mpd
    3. 2415818Domain d4bx6c_: 4bx6 C: [228159]
      automated match to d4jnja_
      complexed with mpd
    4. 2415819Domain d4bx6d_: 4bx6 D: [234284]
      automated match to d4bx6a_
      complexed with mpd
  26. Domain(s) for 4bx7:
    1. 2415920Domain d4bx7a_: 4bx7 A: [228160]
      automated match to d4jnja_
      complexed with b4f, mpd
    2. 2415921Domain d4bx7b_: 4bx7 B: [234283]
      automated match to d4bx6c_
      complexed with b4f, mpd
  27. Domain(s) for 4cph:
    1. 2415848Domain d4cpha_: 4cph A: [258649]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with lh4
    2. 2415849Domain d4cphb_: 4cph B: [258652]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with lh4
    3. 2415850Domain d4cphc_: 4cph C: [258651]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with lh4
    4. 2415851Domain d4cphd_: 4cph D: [259186]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with lh4
  28. Domain(s) for 4cpi:
    1. 2415796Domain d4cpia_: 4cpi A: [259755]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with ca, lh4, peg; mutant
    2. 2415797Domain d4cpib_: 4cpi B: [259187]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with ca, lh4, peg; mutant
    3. 2415798Domain d4cpic_: 4cpi C: [258650]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with ca, lh4, peg; mutant
    4. 2415799Domain d4cpid_: 4cpi D: [262605]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with ca, lh4, peg; mutant
  29. Domain(s) for 4dne:
    1. 2415913Domain d4dnea_: 4dne A: [251501]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with dtb, so4; mutant
    2. 2415914Domain d4dneb_: 4dne B: [251502]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with dtb, so4; mutant
  30. Domain(s) for 4ekv:
  31. Domain(s) for 4gd9:
    1. 2415837Domain d4gd9a_: 4gd9 A: [202237]
      automated match to d4gd9b_
      complexed with btn, so4
    2. 2415838Domain d4gd9b_: 4gd9 B: [197245]
      automated match to d1swgd_
      complexed with btn, so4
    3. 2415839Domain d4gd9c_: 4gd9 C: [202238]
      automated match to d4gd9b_
      complexed with btn, so4
    4. 2415840Domain d4gd9d_: 4gd9 D: [202239]
      automated match to d4gd9b_
      complexed with btn, so4
  32. Domain(s) for 4gda:
    1. 2415739Domain d4gdaa_: 4gda A: [202240]
      automated match to d4gdab_
      complexed with btn, eoh, gol, so4
    2. 2415740Domain d4gdab_: 4gda B: [197244]
      automated match to d1swgd_
      complexed with btn, eoh, gol, so4
  33. Domain(s) for 4gjs:
    1. 2415834Domain d4gjsa1: 4gjs A:14-134 [234478]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4gjsa2, d4gjsb2
      automated match to d4bx5a_
      complexed with 0od, rh
    2. 2415835Domain d4gjsb1: 4gjs B:14-134 [234479]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4gjsa2, d4gjsb2
      automated match to d4bx5a_
      complexed with 0od, rh
  34. Domain(s) for 4gjv:
  35. Domain(s) for 4jnj:
    1. 2415896Domain d4jnja_: 4jnj A: [197198]
      automated match to d1rxkb_
      complexed with btn, zn
    2. 2415897Domain d4jnjb_: 4jnj B: [202749]
      automated match to d4jnja_
      complexed with btn, zn
    3. 2415898Domain d4jnjc_: 4jnj C: [202750]
      automated match to d4jnja_
      complexed with btn, zn
    4. 2415899Domain d4jnjd_: 4jnj D: [202751]
      automated match to d4jnja_
      complexed with btn, zn
  36. Domain(s) for 4oka:
  37. Domain(s) for 4y5d:
    1. 2415765Domain d4y5da_: 4y5d A: [277367]
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with dms, mt6, p6g, pe3
    2. 2415766Domain d4y5db_: 4y5d B: [277370]
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with dms, mt6, p6g, pe3
    3. 2415767Domain d4y5dc_: 4y5d C: [277369]
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with dms, mt6, p6g, pe3
    4. 2415768Domain d4y5dd_: 4y5d D: [277368]
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with dms, mt6, p6g, pe3
  38. Domain(s) for 4yvb:
    1. 2415800Domain d4yvba_: 4yvb A: [312643]
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with btn
    2. 2415801Domain d4yvbb_: 4yvb B: [312182]
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with btn
    3. 2415802Domain d4yvbc_: 4yvb C: [312187]
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with btn
    4. 2415803Domain d4yvbd_: 4yvb D: [312230]
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with btn
  39. Domain(s) for 5b5f:
    1. 2415761Domain d5b5fa_: 5b5f A: [330323]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with 6f3
    2. 2415762Domain d5b5fb_: 5b5f B: [330326]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with 6f3
    3. 2415763Domain d5b5fc_: 5b5f C: [330362]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with 6f3
    4. 2415764Domain d5b5fd_: 5b5f D: [330327]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with 6f3
  40. Domain(s) for 5b5g:
    1. 2415842Domain d5b5ga_: 5b5g A: [330325]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with 6fx, so3
    2. 2415843Domain d5b5gb_: 5b5g B: [330410]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with 6fx, so3
    3. 2415844Domain d5b5gc_: 5b5g C: [330342]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with 6fx, so3
    4. 2415845Domain d5b5gd_: 5b5g D: [330332]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with 6fx, so3
  41. Domain(s) for 5cse:
    1. 2415901Domain d5csea1: 5cse A:14-133 [278926]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5csea2, d5cseb2
      automated match to d2bc3a_
      complexed with cl, svp
    2. 2415902Domain d5cseb1: 5cse B:14-134 [278928]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5csea2, d5cseb2
      automated match to d2bc3a_
      complexed with cl, svp
  42. Domain(s) for 5f2b:
  43. Domain(s) for 5ira:
  44. Domain(s) for 5jd2:
    1. 2415915Domain d5jd2a_: 5jd2 A: [326270]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with byy
    2. 2415916Domain d5jd2b_: 5jd2 B: [326296]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with byy
    3. 2415917Domain d5jd2c_: 5jd2 C: [326262]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with byy
    4. 2415918Domain d5jd2d_: 5jd2 D: [326260]
      automated match to d4yvbb_
      complexed with byy
  45. Domain(s) for 5n8t:
    • 2415871Domain d5n8ta_: 5n8t A: [339799]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with dal, dgl, dgn, dhi, dle, dly, dth, dtr
  46. Domain(s) for 5to2:
    1. 2415884Domain d5to2a_: 5to2 A: [334336]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5to2d_
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with peg
    2. 2415885Domain d5to2b_: 5to2 B: [334274]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5to2d_
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with peg
    3. 2415886Domain d5to2c_: 5to2 C: [334254]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5to2d_
      automated match to d3ry1b_
      complexed with peg
  47. Domain(s) for 5vcq:
    1. 2415927Domain d5vcqa_: 5vcq A: [348241]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with bn7
    2. 2415928Domain d5vcqb_: 5vcq B: [348343]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with bn7
    3. 2415929Domain d5vcqc_: 5vcq C: [348202]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with bn7
    4. 2415930Domain d5vcqd_: 5vcq D: [348208]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with bn7
  48. Domain(s) for 5vkx:
  49. Domain(s) for 5vl5:
  50. Domain(s) for 5vl8:
  51. Domain(s) for 5wba:
  52. Domain(s) for 5wbb:
  53. Domain(s) for 5wbd:
  54. Domain(s) for 6anx:
  55. Domain(s) for 6auc:
  56. Domain(s) for 6aue:
  57. Domain(s) for 6auh:
  58. Domain(s) for 6aul:
  59. Domain(s) for 6auo:
  60. Domain(s) for 6ess:
  61. Domain(s) for 6esu:
  62. Domain(s) for 6fh8:
  63. Domain(s) for 6fry:
  64. Domain(s) for 6gh7:
    1. 2415745Domain d6gh7a_: 6gh7 A: [358521]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with eyw
    2. 2415746Domain d6gh7b_: 6gh7 B: [358514]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with eyw
    3. 2415747Domain d6gh7c_: 6gh7 C: [358511]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with eyw
    4. 2415748Domain d6gh7d_: 6gh7 D: [358718]
      automated match to d1n9mc_
      complexed with eyw
  65. Domain(s) for 6s4q:
    1. 2415909Domain d6s4qa1: 6s4q A:15-134 [374851]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6s4qa3, d6s4qb3
      automated match to d2bc3a2
      complexed with 4ir, gol
    2. 2415910Domain d6s4qa2: 6s4q A:197-317 [374852]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6s4qa3, d6s4qb3
      automated match to d2bc3a2
      complexed with 4ir, gol
    3. 2415911Domain d6s4qb1: 6s4q B:15-134 [374808]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6s4qa3, d6s4qb3
      automated match to d2bc3a2
      complexed with 4ir, gol
    4. 2415912Domain d6s4qb2: 6s4q B:197-318 [374809]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6s4qa3, d6s4qb3
      automated match to d2bc3a2
      complexed with 4ir, gol
  66. Domain(s) for 6s50:
    1. 2415923Domain d6s50a1: 6s50 A:15-136 [374819]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6s50a3, d6s50b3
      automated match to d2bc3a2
      complexed with 4ir, gol, so4
    2. 2415924Domain d6s50a2: 6s50 A:197-320 [374820]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6s50a3, d6s50b3
      automated match to d2bc3a2
      complexed with 4ir, gol, so4
    3. 2415925Domain d6s50b1: 6s50 B:15-136 [374910]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6s50a3, d6s50b3
      automated match to d2bc3a2
      complexed with 4ir, gol, so4
    4. 2415926Domain d6s50b2: 6s50 B:197-318 [374911]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6s50a3, d6s50b3
      automated match to d2bc3a2
      complexed with 4ir, gol, so4
  67. Domain(s) for 6t1e:
  68. Domain(s) for 6t1g:
    1. 2415887Domain d6t1ga1: 6t1g A:14-135 [391766]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6t1ga2, d6t1gb2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with edo, hl9
    2. 2415888Domain d6t1gb1: 6t1g B:14-133 [391730]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6t1ga2, d6t1gb2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with edo, hl9
  69. Domain(s) for 6t1k:
  70. Domain(s) for 6t2l:
  71. Domain(s) for 6t2y:
    1. 2415874Domain d6t2ya1: 6t2y A:14-135 [395678]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6t2ya2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with edo, hl9
    2. 2415875Domain d6t2yb_: 6t2y B: [395649]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6t2ya2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with edo, hl9
  72. Domain(s) for 6t2z:
    1. 2415772Domain d6t2za_: 6t2z A: [395675]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with hl9
    2. 2415773Domain d6t2zb_: 6t2z B: [395848]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with hl9
  73. Domain(s) for 6t30:
    1. 2415876Domain d6t30a1: 6t30 A:14-136 [395599]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6t30a2, d6t30b2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with edo, gol, hl9
    2. 2415877Domain d6t30b1: 6t30 B:14-134 [395601]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6t30a2, d6t30b2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with edo, gol, hl9
  74. Domain(s) for 6t31:
    1. 2415770Domain d6t31a_: 6t31 A: [395644]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6t31b2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with hl9
    2. 2415771Domain d6t31b1: 6t31 B:14-136 [395704]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6t31b2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with hl9
  75. Domain(s) for 6t32:
    1. 2415856Domain d6t32a_: 6t32 A: [395669]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with hl9
    2. 2415857Domain d6t32b_: 6t32 B: [395672]
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with hl9
  76. Domain(s) for 6uc3:
    1. 2415869Domain d6uc3a_: 6uc3 A: [392315]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with btn, dv7
    2. 2415870Domain d6uc3b_: 6uc3 B: [392318]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with btn, dv7
  77. Domain(s) for 6ud1:
    1. 2415813Domain d6ud1a_: 6ud1 A: [400657]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with cl, dv7
    2. 2415814Domain d6ud1b_: 6ud1 B: [400653]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with cl, dv7
  78. Domain(s) for 6ud6:
    1. 2415794Domain d6ud6a_: 6ud6 A: [392313]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with cl, dv7, gol
    2. 2415795Domain d6ud6b_: 6ud6 B: [392291]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with cl, dv7, gol
  79. Domain(s) for 6udb:
    1. 2415809Domain d6udba_: 6udb A: [392305]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with dv7, peg
    2. 2415810Domain d6udbb_: 6udb B: [392329]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with dv7, peg
    3. 2415811Domain d6udbc_: 6udb C: [392301]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with dv7, peg
    4. 2415812Domain d6udbd_: 6udb D: [392316]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with dv7, peg
  80. Domain(s) for 6udc:
    1. 2415903Domain d6udca_: 6udc A: [392306]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with btn, dv7
    2. 2415904Domain d6udcb_: 6udc B: [392372]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with btn, dv7
    3. 2415905Domain d6udcc_: 6udc C: [392390]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with btn, dv7
    4. 2415906Domain d6udcd_: 6udc D: [392310]
      automated match to d4ekva_
      complexed with btn, dv7
  81. Domain(s) for 6ui0:
  82. Domain(s) for 6uiu:
  83. Domain(s) for 6uiy:
  84. Domain(s) for 6uiz:
  85. Domain(s) for 6us6:
  86. Domain(s) for 6vjl:
  87. Domain(s) for 6vo9:
  88. Domain(s) for 6vob:
  89. Domain(s) for 6voz:
  90. Domain(s) for 6vp1:
    1. 2415782Domain d6vp1a1: 6vp1 A:14-134 [400655]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp1a2, d6vp1b2, d6vp1c2, d6vp1d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, km3
    2. 2415783Domain d6vp1b1: 6vp1 B:14-134 [400714]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp1a2, d6vp1b2, d6vp1c2, d6vp1d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, km3
    3. 2415784Domain d6vp1c1: 6vp1 C:14-134 [400781]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp1a2, d6vp1b2, d6vp1c2, d6vp1d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, km3
    4. 2415785Domain d6vp1d1: 6vp1 D:14-134 [400672]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp1a2, d6vp1b2, d6vp1c2, d6vp1d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, km3
  91. Domain(s) for 6vp2:
    1. 2415858Domain d6vp2a1: 6vp2 A:14-134 [400767]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp2a2, d6vp2b2, d6vp2c2, d6vp2d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, azi, km3
    2. 2415859Domain d6vp2b1: 6vp2 B:14-134 [400735]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp2a2, d6vp2b2, d6vp2c2, d6vp2d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, azi, km3
    3. 2415860Domain d6vp2c1: 6vp2 C:14-134 [400690]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp2a2, d6vp2b2, d6vp2c2, d6vp2d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, azi, km3
    4. 2415861Domain d6vp2d1: 6vp2 D:14-134 [400695]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp2a2, d6vp2b2, d6vp2c2, d6vp2d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, azi, km3
  92. Domain(s) for 6vp3:
    1. 2415820Domain d6vp3a1: 6vp3 A:14-134 [400790]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp3a2, d6vp3b2, d6vp3c2, d6vp3d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, km3
    2. 2415821Domain d6vp3b1: 6vp3 B:14-134 [400755]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp3a2, d6vp3b2, d6vp3c2, d6vp3d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, km3
    3. 2415822Domain d6vp3c1: 6vp3 C:14-134 [401148]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp3a2, d6vp3b2, d6vp3c2, d6vp3d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, km3
    4. 2415823Domain d6vp3d1: 6vp3 D:14-134 [401170]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6vp3a2, d6vp3b2, d6vp3c2, d6vp3d2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with act, km3
  93. Domain(s) for 7dy0:
  94. Domain(s) for 7efc:
  95. Domain(s) for 7efd:
  96. Domain(s) for 7kby:
  97. Domain(s) for 7kbz:
    1. 2415880Domain d7kbza1: 7kbz A:14-134 [399229]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7kbza2, d7kbzb2, d7kbzc2, d7kbzd2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with cyn, km3
    2. 2415881Domain d7kbzb1: 7kbz B:14-134 [399220]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7kbza2, d7kbzb2, d7kbzc2, d7kbzd2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with cyn, km3
    3. 2415882Domain d7kbzc1: 7kbz C:14-134 [399211]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7kbza2, d7kbzb2, d7kbzc2, d7kbzd2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with cyn, km3
    4. 2415883Domain d7kbzd1: 7kbz D:14-134 [399196]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7kbza2, d7kbzb2, d7kbzc2, d7kbzd2
      automated match to d2bc3b_
      complexed with cyn, km3
  98. Domain(s) for 7knl:

More info for Species Streptomyces avidinii [TaxId:1895] from b.61.1.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Streptomyces avidinii [TaxId:1895] from b.61.1.1 automated matches: