Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2921985Fold c.121: Ribose/Galactose isomerase RpiB/AlsB [89622] (1 superfamily)
    3 layers: a/b/a, core: parallel beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 21354; topological similarity to a part of the arginase/deacetylase fold
  4. 2921986Superfamily c.121.1: Ribose/Galactose isomerase RpiB/AlsB [89623] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2922038Family c.121.1.0: automated matches [191649] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2922039Protein automated matches [191196] (11 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2922040Anaplasma phagocytophilum [TaxId:212042] [195541] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2922043Brucella melitensis [TaxId:224914] [315464] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2922046Coccidioides immitis [TaxId:246410] [226073] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3qd5:
      1. 2922049Domain d3qd5a_: 3qd5 A: [215184]
        automated match to d2vvpa_
        complexed with edo, iod
      2. 2922050Domain d3qd5b_: 3qd5 B: [215185]
        automated match to d2vvpa_
        complexed with edo, iod
    2. Domain for 3sdw:
    3. Domain for 3sgw:
  4. 2922051Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [226818] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2922058Giardia lamblia [TaxId:184922] [226146] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2922061Lactobacillus rhamnosus [TaxId:568704] [229308] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4lfk:
      1. 2922074Domain d4lfka_: 4lfk A: [235354]
        automated match to d4lfma_
      2. 2922075Domain d4lfkb_: 4lfk B: [235351]
        automated match to d4lfmd_
      3. 2922076Domain d4lfkc_: 4lfk C: [235353]
        automated match to d4lfma_
      4. 2922077Domain d4lfkd_: 4lfk D: [235352]
        automated match to d4lfmd_
    2. Domains for 4lfl:
      1. 2922062Domain d4lfla_: 4lfl A: [235355]
        automated match to d4lfma_
        complexed with tg6
      2. 2922063Domain d4lflb_: 4lfl B: [235356]
        automated match to d4lfmd_
        complexed with tg6
      3. 2922064Domain d4lflc_: 4lfl C: [235359]
        automated match to d4lfma_
        complexed with tg6
      4. 2922065Domain d4lfld_: 4lfl D: [235357]
        automated match to d4lfmd_
        complexed with tg6
    3. Domains for 4lfm:
      1. 2922066Domain d4lfma_: 4lfm A: [229310]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with psj
      2. 2922067Domain d4lfmb_: 4lfm B: [235358]
        automated match to d4lfmd_
        complexed with psj
      3. 2922068Domain d4lfmc_: 4lfm C: [235362]
        automated match to d4lfma_
        complexed with psj
      4. 2922069Domain d4lfmd_: 4lfm D: [229309]
        automated match to d3he8b_
        complexed with psj
    4. Domains for 4lfn:
      1. 2922070Domain d4lfna_: 4lfn A: [235363]
        automated match to d4lfma_
        complexed with rbl
      2. 2922071Domain d4lfnb_: 4lfn B: [235364]
        automated match to d4lfmd_
        complexed with rbl
      3. 2922072Domain d4lfnc_: 4lfn C: [235366]
        automated match to d4lfma_
        complexed with rbl
      4. 2922073Domain d4lfnd_: 4lfn D: [235365]
        automated match to d4lfmd_
        complexed with rbl
  7. 2922078Leishmania infantum [TaxId:5671] [369049] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 2922080Mycoplasma genitalium [TaxId:243273] [360298] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 2922082Trypanosoma brucei [TaxId:185431] [369044] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 2922085Trypanosoma cruzi [TaxId:353153] [189510] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3k7o:
      1. 2922092Domain d3k7oa_: 3k7o A: [179149]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
      2. 2922093Domain d3k7ob_: 3k7o B: [179150]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
    2. Domains for 3k7p:
      1. 2922086Domain d3k7pa_: 3k7p A: [179151]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with po4; mutant
      2. 2922087Domain d3k7pb_: 3k7p B: [179152]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with po4; mutant
    3. Domains for 3k7s:
      1. 2922088Domain d3k7sa_: 3k7s A: [179165]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with r52
      2. 2922089Domain d3k7sb_: 3k7s B: [179166]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with r52
      3. 2922090Domain d3k7sc_: 3k7s C: [179167]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with r52
      4. 2922091Domain d3k7sd_: 3k7s D: [179168]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with r52
    4. Domains for 3k8c:
      1. 2922094Domain d3k8ca_: 3k8c A: [179181]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with res
      2. 2922095Domain d3k8cb_: 3k8c B: [179182]
        automated match to d1nn4b_
        complexed with res
    5. Domains for 6fxl:
      1. 2922096Domain d6fxla1: 6fxl A:1-153 [369047]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fxla2, d6fxlc2, d6fxld2
        automated match to d3k7pa_
        complexed with po4
      2. 2922097Domain d6fxlb_: 6fxl B: [369046]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fxla2, d6fxlc2, d6fxld2
        automated match to d3k7pa_
        complexed with po4
      3. 2922098Domain d6fxlc1: 6fxl C:1-153 [369079]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fxla2, d6fxlc2, d6fxld2
        automated match to d3k7pa_
        complexed with po4
      4. 2922099Domain d6fxld1: 6fxl D:1-153 [369063]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fxla2, d6fxlc2, d6fxld2
        automated match to d3k7pa_
        complexed with po4
  11. 2922100Trypanosoma cruzi [TaxId:5693] [193715] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from c.121.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.121.1.0: automated matches: