Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 3021034Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (69 folds)
  3. 3029261Fold f.67: Bestropin channel-like [418719] (1 superfamily)
    four transmembrane helices; forms pentameric pore channel
  4. 3029262Superfamily f.67.1: Bestropin channel-like [418750] (1 family) (S)
  5. 3029263Family f.67.1.1: Bestropin channel-like [418819] (3 proteins)
    Pfam PF01062
  6. 3029303Protein automated matches [419263] (3 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 3029304Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [420069] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6vx5:
      1. 3029310Domain d6vx5a_: 6vx5 A: [416973]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
      2. 3029311Domain d6vx5b_: 6vx5 B: [416974]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
      3. 3029312Domain d6vx5c_: 6vx5 C: [416975]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
      4. 3029313Domain d6vx5d_: 6vx5 D: [416976]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
      5. 3029314Domain d6vx5e_: 6vx5 E: [416977]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
    2. Domains for 6vx8:
      1. 3029305Domain d6vx8a_: 6vx8 A: [416978]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
      2. 3029306Domain d6vx8b_: 6vx8 B: [416979]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
      3. 3029307Domain d6vx8c_: 6vx8 C: [416980]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
      4. 3029308Domain d6vx8d_: 6vx8 D: [416981]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
      5. 3029309Domain d6vx8e_: 6vx8 E: [416982]
        automated match to d6n28a_
        complexed with cl
  2. 3029315Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:1432554] [420021] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6iv0:
      1. 3029331Domain d6iv0a_: 6iv0 A: [416124]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 3029332Domain d6iv0b_: 6iv0 B: [416125]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 3029333Domain d6iv0c_: 6iv0 C: [416126]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 3029334Domain d6iv0d_: 6iv0 D: [416127]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 3029335Domain d6iv0e_: 6iv0 E: [416128]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
    2. Domains for 6iv1:
      1. 3029336Domain d6iv1a_: 6iv1 A: [416129]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 3029337Domain d6iv1b_: 6iv1 B: [416130]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 3029338Domain d6iv1c_: 6iv1 C: [416131]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 3029339Domain d6iv1d_: 6iv1 D: [416132]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 3029340Domain d6iv1e_: 6iv1 E: [416133]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
    3. Domains for 6iv2:
      1. 3029326Domain d6iv2a_: 6iv2 A: [416134]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 3029327Domain d6iv2b_: 6iv2 B: [416135]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 3029328Domain d6iv2c_: 6iv2 C: [416136]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 3029329Domain d6iv2d_: 6iv2 D: [416137]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 3029330Domain d6iv2e_: 6iv2 E: [416138]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
    4. Domains for 6iv3:
      1. 3029316Domain d6iv3a_: 6iv3 A: [416139]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 3029317Domain d6iv3b_: 6iv3 B: [416140]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 3029318Domain d6iv3c_: 6iv3 C: [416141]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 3029319Domain d6iv3d_: 6iv3 D: [416142]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 3029320Domain d6iv3e_: 6iv3 E: [416143]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
    5. Domains for 6iv4:
      1. 3029341Domain d6iv4a_: 6iv4 A: [416144]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 3029342Domain d6iv4b_: 6iv4 B: [416145]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 3029343Domain d6iv4c_: 6iv4 C: [416146]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 3029344Domain d6iv4d_: 6iv4 D: [416147]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 3029345Domain d6iv4e_: 6iv4 E: [416148]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
    6. Domains for 6jlf:
      1. 3029321Domain d6jlfa_: 6jlf A: [416257]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 3029322Domain d6jlfb_: 6jlf B: [416258]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 3029323Domain d6jlfc_: 6jlf C: [416259]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 3029324Domain d6jlfd_: 6jlf D: [416260]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 3029325Domain d6jlfe_: 6jlf E: [416261]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
  3. 3029346Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [419986] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5x87:
      1. 3029382Domain d5x87a_: 5x87 A: [415555]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 3029383Domain d5x87b_: 5x87 B: [415556]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 3029384Domain d5x87c_: 5x87 C: [415557]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 3029385Domain d5x87d_: 5x87 D: [415558]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 3029386Domain d5x87e_: 5x87 E: [415559]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with zn; mutant
    2. Domains for 6ivj:
      1. 3029362Domain d6ivja_: 6ivj A: [416149]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, zn
      2. 3029363Domain d6ivjb_: 6ivj B: [416150]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, zn
      3. 3029364Domain d6ivjc_: 6ivj C: [416151]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, zn
      4. 3029365Domain d6ivjd_: 6ivj D: [416152]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, zn
      5. 3029366Domain d6ivje_: 6ivj E: [416153]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, zn
    3. Domains for 6ivk:
      1. 3029357Domain d6ivka_: 6ivk A: [416154]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, pge, zn
      2. 3029358Domain d6ivkb_: 6ivk B: [416155]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, pge, zn
      3. 3029359Domain d6ivkc_: 6ivk C: [416156]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, pge, zn
      4. 3029360Domain d6ivkd_: 6ivk D: [416157]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, pge, zn
      5. 3029361Domain d6ivke_: 6ivk E: [416158]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, pge, zn
    4. Domains for 6ivm:
      1. 3029372Domain d6ivma_: 6ivm A: [416159]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, leu, na, pg4, zn
      2. 3029373Domain d6ivmb_: 6ivm B: [416160]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, leu, na, pg4, zn
      3. 3029374Domain d6ivmc_: 6ivm C: [416161]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, leu, na, pg4, zn
      4. 3029375Domain d6ivmd_: 6ivm D: [416162]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, leu, na, pg4, zn
      5. 3029376Domain d6ivme_: 6ivm E: [416163]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, leu, na, pg4, zn
    5. Domains for 6ivn:
      1. 3029377Domain d6ivna_: 6ivn A: [416164]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with cl, glu, zn
      2. 3029378Domain d6ivnb_: 6ivn B: [416165]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with cl, glu, zn
      3. 3029379Domain d6ivnc_: 6ivn C: [416166]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with cl, glu, zn
      4. 3029380Domain d6ivnd_: 6ivn D: [416167]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with cl, glu, zn
      5. 3029381Domain d6ivne_: 6ivn E: [416168]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with cl, glu, zn
    6. Domains for 6ivo:
      1. 3029347Domain d6ivoa_: 6ivo A: [416169]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, pge, zn
      2. 3029348Domain d6ivob_: 6ivo B: [416170]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, pge, zn
      3. 3029349Domain d6ivoc_: 6ivo C: [416171]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, pge, zn
      4. 3029350Domain d6ivod_: 6ivo D: [416172]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, pge, zn
      5. 3029351Domain d6ivoe_: 6ivo E: [416173]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, pge, zn
    7. Domains for 6ivq:
      1. 3029352Domain d6ivqa_: 6ivq A: [416174]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, zn
      2. 3029353Domain d6ivqb_: 6ivq B: [416175]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, zn
      3. 3029354Domain d6ivqc_: 6ivq C: [416176]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, zn
      4. 3029355Domain d6ivqd_: 6ivq D: [416177]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, zn
      5. 3029356Domain d6ivqe_: 6ivq E: [416178]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, na, pg4, zn
    8. Domains for 6ivr:
      1. 3029367Domain d6ivra_: 6ivr A: [416179]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, zn
      2. 3029368Domain d6ivrb_: 6ivr B: [416180]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, zn
      3. 3029369Domain d6ivrc_: 6ivr C: [416181]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, zn
      4. 3029370Domain d6ivrd_: 6ivr D: [416182]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, zn
      5. 3029371Domain d6ivre_: 6ivr E: [416183]
        automated match to d4wd7b_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, zn

More info for Protein automated matches from f.67.1.1: Bestropin channel-like

Timeline for Protein automated matches from f.67.1.1: Bestropin channel-like:

  • Protein automated matches from f.67.1.1: Bestropin channel-like is new in SCOPe 2.08-stable