Lineage for Species: Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId: 226186]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2739517Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 2762430Superfamily b.1.4: beta-Galactosidase/glucuronidase domain [49303] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2762928Family b.1.4.0: automated matches [254272] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2762929Protein automated matches [254633] (19 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2762955Species Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId:226186] [255613] (7 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId: 226186]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2vjx:
    1. 2762956Domain d2vjxa1: 2vjx A:220-330 [153203]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vjxa4, d2vjxa5, d2vjxb4, d2vjxb5, d2vjxb6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, ifl
    2. 2762957Domain d2vjxa2: 2vjx A:784-864 [153204]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vjxa4, d2vjxa5, d2vjxb4, d2vjxb5, d2vjxb6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, ifl
    3. 2762958Domain d2vjxa3: 2vjx A:679-783 [153205]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vjxa4, d2vjxa5, d2vjxb4, d2vjxb5, d2vjxb6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, ifl
    4. 2762959Domain d2vjxb1: 2vjx B:220-330 [153208]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vjxa4, d2vjxa5, d2vjxb4, d2vjxb5, d2vjxb6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, ifl
    5. 2762960Domain d2vjxb2: 2vjx B:784-864 [153209]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vjxa4, d2vjxa5, d2vjxb4, d2vjxb5, d2vjxb6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, ifl
    6. 2762961Domain d2vjxb3: 2vjx B:679-783 [153210]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vjxa4, d2vjxa5, d2vjxb4, d2vjxb5, d2vjxb6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, ifl
  2. Domain(s) for 2vl4:
    1. 2762986Domain d2vl4a1: 2vl4 A:220-330 [153254]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vl4a4, d2vl4a5, d2vl4b4, d2vl4b5, d2vl4b6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mnm
    2. 2762987Domain d2vl4a2: 2vl4 A:784-864 [153255]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vl4a4, d2vl4a5, d2vl4b4, d2vl4b5, d2vl4b6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mnm
    3. 2762988Domain d2vl4a3: 2vl4 A:679-783 [153256]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vl4a4, d2vl4a5, d2vl4b4, d2vl4b5, d2vl4b6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mnm
    4. 2762989Domain d2vl4b1: 2vl4 B:220-330 [153259]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vl4a4, d2vl4a5, d2vl4b4, d2vl4b5, d2vl4b6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mnm
    5. 2762990Domain d2vl4b2: 2vl4 B:784-864 [153260]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vl4a4, d2vl4a5, d2vl4b4, d2vl4b5, d2vl4b6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mnm
    6. 2762991Domain d2vl4b3: 2vl4 B:679-783 [153261]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vl4a4, d2vl4a5, d2vl4b4, d2vl4b5, d2vl4b6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mnm
  3. Domain(s) for 2vmf:
    1. 2762992Domain d2vmfa1: 2vmf A:220-330 [153316]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vmfa4, d2vmfa5, d2vmfb4, d2vmfb5, d2vmfb6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mvl
    2. 2762993Domain d2vmfa2: 2vmf A:784-864 [153317]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vmfa4, d2vmfa5, d2vmfb4, d2vmfb5, d2vmfb6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mvl
    3. 2762994Domain d2vmfa3: 2vmf A:679-783 [153318]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vmfa4, d2vmfa5, d2vmfb4, d2vmfb5, d2vmfb6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mvl
    4. 2762995Domain d2vmfb1: 2vmf B:220-330 [153321]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vmfa4, d2vmfa5, d2vmfb4, d2vmfb5, d2vmfb6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mvl
    5. 2762996Domain d2vmfb2: 2vmf B:784-864 [153322]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vmfa4, d2vmfa5, d2vmfb4, d2vmfb5, d2vmfb6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mvl
    6. 2762997Domain d2vmfb3: 2vmf B:679-783 [153323]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vmfa4, d2vmfa5, d2vmfb4, d2vmfb5, d2vmfb6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, mvl
  4. Domain(s) for 2vo5:
    1. 2762974Domain d2vo5a1: 2vo5 A:220-330 [153350]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vo5a4, d2vo5a5, d2vo5b4, d2vo5b5, d2vo5b6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, vbz
    2. 2762975Domain d2vo5a2: 2vo5 A:784-864 [153351]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vo5a4, d2vo5a5, d2vo5b4, d2vo5b5, d2vo5b6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, vbz
    3. 2762976Domain d2vo5a3: 2vo5 A:679-783 [153352]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vo5a4, d2vo5a5, d2vo5b4, d2vo5b5, d2vo5b6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, vbz
    4. 2762977Domain d2vo5b1: 2vo5 B:220-330 [153355]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vo5a4, d2vo5a5, d2vo5b4, d2vo5b5, d2vo5b6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, vbz
    5. 2762978Domain d2vo5b2: 2vo5 B:784-864 [153356]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vo5a4, d2vo5a5, d2vo5b4, d2vo5b5, d2vo5b6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, vbz
    6. 2762979Domain d2vo5b3: 2vo5 B:679-783 [153357]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vo5a4, d2vo5a5, d2vo5b4, d2vo5b5, d2vo5b6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, vbz
  5. Domain(s) for 2vot:
    1. 2762968Domain d2vota1: 2vot A:220-330 [153379]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vota4, d2vota5, d2votb4, d2votb5, d2votb6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, nhv
    2. 2762969Domain d2vota2: 2vot A:784-864 [153380]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vota4, d2vota5, d2votb4, d2votb5, d2votb6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, nhv
    3. 2762970Domain d2vota3: 2vot A:679-783 [153381]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vota4, d2vota5, d2votb4, d2votb5, d2votb6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, nhv
    4. 2762971Domain d2votb1: 2vot B:220-330 [153384]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vota4, d2vota5, d2votb4, d2votb5, d2votb6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, nhv
    5. 2762972Domain d2votb2: 2vot B:784-864 [153385]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vota4, d2vota5, d2votb4, d2votb5, d2votb6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, nhv
    6. 2762973Domain d2votb3: 2vot B:679-783 [153386]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vota4, d2vota5, d2votb4, d2votb5, d2votb6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, nhv
  6. Domain(s) for 2vr4:
    1. 2762962Domain d2vr4a1: 2vr4 A:220-330 [153495]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vr4a4, d2vr4a5, d2vr4b4, d2vr4b5, d2vr4b6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with 17b, br, cl, edo
    2. 2762963Domain d2vr4a2: 2vr4 A:784-864 [153496]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vr4a4, d2vr4a5, d2vr4b4, d2vr4b5, d2vr4b6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with 17b, br, cl, edo
    3. 2762964Domain d2vr4a3: 2vr4 A:679-783 [153497]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vr4a4, d2vr4a5, d2vr4b4, d2vr4b5, d2vr4b6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with 17b, br, cl, edo
    4. 2762965Domain d2vr4b1: 2vr4 B:220-330 [153500]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vr4a4, d2vr4a5, d2vr4b4, d2vr4b5, d2vr4b6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with 17b, br, cl, edo
    5. 2762966Domain d2vr4b2: 2vr4 B:784-864 [153501]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vr4a4, d2vr4a5, d2vr4b4, d2vr4b5, d2vr4b6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with 17b, br, cl, edo
    6. 2762967Domain d2vr4b3: 2vr4 B:679-783 [153502]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vr4a4, d2vr4a5, d2vr4b4, d2vr4b5, d2vr4b6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with 17b, br, cl, edo
  7. Domain(s) for 2wbk:
    1. 2762980Domain d2wbka2: 2wbk A:220-330 [244097]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbka1, d2wbka3, d2wbkb1, d2wbkb3, d2wbkb6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, m2f
    2. 2762981Domain d2wbka4: 2wbk A:679-783 [244099]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbka1, d2wbka3, d2wbkb1, d2wbkb3, d2wbkb6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, m2f
    3. 2762982Domain d2wbka5: 2wbk A:784-864 [244100]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbka1, d2wbka3, d2wbkb1, d2wbkb3, d2wbkb6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, m2f
    4. 2762983Domain d2wbkb2: 2wbk B:220-330 [244102]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbka1, d2wbka3, d2wbkb1, d2wbkb3, d2wbkb6
      automated match to d2je8a1
      complexed with br, cl, edo, m2f
    5. 2762984Domain d2wbkb4: 2wbk B:679-783 [244104]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbka1, d2wbka3, d2wbkb1, d2wbkb3, d2wbkb6
      automated match to d2je8a3
      complexed with br, cl, edo, m2f
    6. 2762985Domain d2wbkb5: 2wbk B:784-864 [244105]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbka1, d2wbka3, d2wbkb1, d2wbkb3, d2wbkb6
      automated match to d2je8a2
      complexed with br, cl, edo, m2f

More info for Species Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId:226186] from b.1.4.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId:226186] from b.1.4.0 automated matches: