Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2874558Fold c.43: CoA-dependent acyltransferases [52776] (1 superfamily)
    core: 2 layers, a/b; mixed beta-sheet of 6 strands, order 324561; strands 3 & 6 are antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2874559Superfamily c.43.1: CoA-dependent acyltransferases [52777] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2874761Family c.43.1.0: automated matches [191456] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2874762Protein automated matches [190703] (7 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2874763Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId:226186] [187847] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2874767Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [255239] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2ihw:
      1. 2874792Domain d2ihwa_: 2ihw A: [242129]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl
      2. 2874793Domain d2ihwb_: 2ihw B: [242130]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl
      3. 2874794Domain d2ihwc_: 2ihw C: [242131]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl
      4. 2874795Domain d2ihwd_: 2ihw D: [242132]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl
      5. 2874796Domain d2ihwe_: 2ihw E: [242133]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl
      6. 2874797Domain d2ihwf_: 2ihw F: [242134]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl
      7. 2874798Domain d2ihwg_: 2ihw G: [242135]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl
      8. 2874799Domain d2ihwh_: 2ihw H: [242136]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl
    2. Domains for 2ii3:
      1. 2874768Domain d2ii3a_: 2ii3 A: [242137]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cao, cl
      2. 2874769Domain d2ii3b_: 2ii3 B: [242138]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cao, cl
      3. 2874770Domain d2ii3c_: 2ii3 C: [242139]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cao, cl
      4. 2874771Domain d2ii3d_: 2ii3 D: [242140]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cao, cl
      5. 2874772Domain d2ii3e_: 2ii3 E: [242141]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cao, cl
      6. 2874773Domain d2ii3f_: 2ii3 F: [242142]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cao, cl
      7. 2874774Domain d2ii3g_: 2ii3 G: [242143]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cao, cl
      8. 2874775Domain d2ii3h_: 2ii3 H: [242144]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cao, cl
    3. Domains for 2ii4:
      1. 2874784Domain d2ii4a_: 2ii4 A: [242145]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with cl, coa
      2. 2874785Domain d2ii4b_: 2ii4 B: [242146]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with cl, coa
      3. 2874786Domain d2ii4c_: 2ii4 C: [242147]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with cl, coa
      4. 2874787Domain d2ii4d_: 2ii4 D: [242148]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with cl, coa
      5. 2874788Domain d2ii4e_: 2ii4 E: [242149]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with cl, coa
      6. 2874789Domain d2ii4f_: 2ii4 F: [242150]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with cl, coa
      7. 2874790Domain d2ii4g_: 2ii4 G: [242151]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with cl, coa
      8. 2874791Domain d2ii4h_: 2ii4 H: [242152]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with cl, coa
    4. Domains for 2ii5:
      1. 2874776Domain d2ii5a_: 2ii5 A: [242153]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl, co6
      2. 2874777Domain d2ii5b_: 2ii5 B: [242154]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl, co6
      3. 2874778Domain d2ii5c_: 2ii5 C: [242155]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl, co6
      4. 2874779Domain d2ii5d_: 2ii5 D: [242156]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl, co6
      5. 2874780Domain d2ii5e_: 2ii5 E: [242157]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl, co6
      6. 2874781Domain d2ii5f_: 2ii5 F: [242158]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl, co6
      7. 2874782Domain d2ii5g_: 2ii5 G: [242159]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl, co6
      8. 2874783Domain d2ii5h_: 2ii5 H: [242160]
        automated match to d3maec_
        complexed with act, cl, co6
  3. 2874800Escherichia coli [TaxId:83334] [257130] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 2874804Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [351317] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6ct0:
    2. Domain for 6h05:
  5. 2874807Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId:265669] [225867] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2874811Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [189181] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2874813Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [267774] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2deb:
      1. 2874814Domain d2deba1: 2deb A:441-658 [264251]
        automated match to d1nm8a2
        complexed with bog, coa, plm
      2. 2874815Domain d2debb1: 2deb B:441-657 [264252]
        automated match to d1nm8a2
        complexed with bog, coa, plm
    2. Domain for 2fw3:
    3. Domain for 2fyo:
    4. Domains for 2h4t:
      1. 2874819Domain d2h4ta1: 2h4t A:441-655 [264297]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2h4ta2, d2h4tb2
        automated match to d1nm8a2
        complexed with d12
      2. 2874820Domain d2h4ta3: 2h4t A:32-440 [343677]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2h4ta2, d2h4tb2
        complexed with d12
      3. 2874821Domain d2h4tb1: 2h4t B:441-656 [264298]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2h4ta2, d2h4tb2
        automated match to d1nm8a2
        complexed with d12
      4. 2874822Domain d2h4tb3: 2h4t B:32-440 [343678]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2h4ta2, d2h4tb2
        complexed with d12
    5. Domains for 2rcu:
      1. 2874816Domain d2rcua1: 2rcu A:441-658 [264499]
        automated match to d1nm8a2
        complexed with bog, buj
      2. 2874817Domain d2rcub1: 2rcu B:441-658 [264500]
        automated match to d1nm8a2
        complexed with bog, buj
    6. Domain for 4ep9:
    7. Domain for 4eph:
    8. Domain for 4eyw:

More info for Protein automated matches from c.43.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.43.1.0: automated matches: