Lineage for Protein: Bacillus 1-3,1-4-beta-glucanase

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2778274Fold b.29: Concanavalin A-like lectins/glucanases [49898] (1 superfamily)
    sandwich; 12-14 strands in 2 sheets; complex topology
  4. 2778275Superfamily b.29.1: Concanavalin A-like lectins/glucanases [49899] (27 families) (S)
  5. 2779081Family b.29.1.2: Glycosyl hydrolases family 16 [49925] (7 proteins)
    Pfam PF00722
  6. 2779082Protein Bacillus 1-3,1-4-beta-glucanase [49926] (5 species)


  1. 2779083Bacillus licheniformis [TaxId:1402] [49927] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2779085Bacillus macerans [TaxId:44252] [49929] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ajk:
      1. 2779090Domain d1ajka_: 1ajk A: [24176]
        circularly permuted
        complexed with ca, epe, po4
      2. 2779091Domain d1ajkb_: 1ajk B: [24177]
        circularly permuted
        complexed with ca, epe, po4
    2. Domains for 1ajo:
      1. 2779092Domain d1ajoa_: 1ajo A: [24179]
        circularly permuted
        complexed with ca
      2. 2779093Domain d1ajob_: 1ajo B: [24180]
        circularly permuted
        complexed with ca
    3. Domains for 1axk:
      1. 2779088Domain d1axka1: 1axk A:1-156,A:342-393 [24181]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1axka2, d1axkb2
        interrupted by the insertion of a xylanase domain from Bacillus subtilis
        complexed with ca
      2. 2779089Domain d1axkb1: 1axk B:1-156,B:342-394 [24182]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1axka2, d1axkb2
        interrupted by the insertion of a xylanase domain from Bacillus subtilis
        complexed with ca
    4. Domain for 1cpm:
    5. Domain for 1cpn:
    6. Domains for 1mac:
      1. 2779086Domain d1maca_: 1mac A: [24183]
        complexed with ca
      2. 2779087Domain d1macb_: 1mac B: [24184]
        complexed with ca
  3. 2779096Fibrobacter succinogenes [TaxId:833] [89270] (5 PDB entries)
    a natural circularly permuted protein
    1. Domain for 1mve:
    2. Domains for 1zm1:
      1. 2779101Domain d1zm1a_: 1zm1 A: [125278]
        automated match to d1mvea_
        complexed with ca
      2. 2779102Domain d1zm1b_: 1zm1 B: [125279]
        automated match to d1mvea_
        complexed with ca
    3. Domain for 2r49:
    4. Domain for 2r4a:
    5. Domain for 3hr9:
  4. 2779103Paenibacillus macerans [TaxId:44252] [188026] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2779108synthetic, hybrid between Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus macerans proteins [49928] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1byh:
    2. Domain for 1glh:
    3. Domain for 2ayh:

More info for Protein Bacillus 1-3,1-4-beta-glucanase from b.29.1.2: Glycosyl hydrolases family 16

Timeline for Protein Bacillus 1-3,1-4-beta-glucanase from b.29.1.2: Glycosyl hydrolases family 16: