Lineage for Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 83332]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2852293Fold c.14: ClpP/crotonase [52095] (1 superfamily)
    core: 4 turns of (beta-beta-alpha)n superhelix
  4. 2852294Superfamily c.14.1: ClpP/crotonase [52096] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2853595Family c.14.1.0: automated matches [191346] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2853596Protein automated matches [190246] (71 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2854044Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83332] [187022] (13 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 83332]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2c8t:
    1. 2854065Domain d2c8ta_: 2c8t A: [241428]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    2. 2854066Domain d2c8tb_: 2c8t B: [241429]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    3. 2854067Domain d2c8tc_: 2c8t C: [241430]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    4. 2854068Domain d2c8td_: 2c8t D: [241431]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    5. 2854069Domain d2c8te_: 2c8t E: [241432]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    6. 2854070Domain d2c8tf_: 2c8t F: [241433]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    7. 2854071Domain d2c8tg_: 2c8t G: [241434]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    8. 2854072Domain d2c8th_: 2c8t H: [241435]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    9. 2854073Domain d2c8ti_: 2c8t I: [241436]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    10. 2854074Domain d2c8tj_: 2c8t J: [241437]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    11. 2854075Domain d2c8tk_: 2c8t K: [241438]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    12. 2854076Domain d2c8tl_: 2c8t L: [241439]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    13. 2854077Domain d2c8tm_: 2c8t M: [241440]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    14. 2854078Domain d2c8tn_: 2c8t N: [241441]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
  2. Domain(s) for 2cby:
    1. 2854092Domain d2cbyb_: 2cby B: [130203]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cbya1
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    2. 2854093Domain d2cbyc_: 2cby C: [130204]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cbya1
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    3. 2854094Domain d2cbyd_: 2cby D: [130205]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cbya1
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    4. 2854095Domain d2cbye_: 2cby E: [130206]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cbya1
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    5. 2854096Domain d2cbyf_: 2cby F: [130207]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cbya1
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    6. 2854097Domain d2cbyg_: 2cby G: [130208]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cbya1
      automated match to d1tyfa_
  3. Domain(s) for 2ce3:
    1. 2854098Domain d2ce3a_: 2ce3 A: [130297]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    2. 2854099Domain d2ce3b_: 2ce3 B: [130298]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    3. 2854100Domain d2ce3c_: 2ce3 C: [130299]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    4. 2854101Domain d2ce3d_: 2ce3 D: [130300]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    5. 2854102Domain d2ce3e_: 2ce3 E: [130301]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    6. 2854103Domain d2ce3f_: 2ce3 F: [130302]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    7. 2854104Domain d2ce3g_: 2ce3 G: [130303]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    8. 2854105Domain d2ce3h_: 2ce3 H: [130304]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    9. 2854106Domain d2ce3i_: 2ce3 I: [130305]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    10. 2854107Domain d2ce3j_: 2ce3 J: [130306]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    11. 2854108Domain d2ce3k_: 2ce3 K: [130307]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    12. 2854109Domain d2ce3l_: 2ce3 L: [130308]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    13. 2854110Domain d2ce3m_: 2ce3 M: [130309]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
    14. 2854111Domain d2ce3n_: 2ce3 N: [130310]
      automated match to d1tyfa_
  4. Domain(s) for 3q0g:
    1. 2854079Domain d3q0ga_: 3q0g A: [184108]
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with bco, coa, gol, mg
    2. 2854080Domain d3q0gb_: 3q0g B: [184109]
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with bco, coa, gol, mg
    3. 2854081Domain d3q0gc_: 3q0g C: [184110]
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with bco, coa, gol, mg
    4. 2854082Domain d3q0gd_: 3q0g D: [184111]
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with bco, coa, gol, mg
    5. 2854083Domain d3q0ge_: 3q0g E: [184112]
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with bco, coa, gol, mg
    6. 2854084Domain d3q0gf_: 3q0g F: [184113]
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with bco, coa, gol, mg
  5. Domain(s) for 3q0j:
    1. 2854050Domain d3q0ja_: 3q0j A: [184114]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q0jb2
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with caa
    2. 2854051Domain d3q0jb1: 3q0j B:1-254 [184115]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q0jb2
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with caa
    3. 2854052Domain d3q0jc_: 3q0j C: [184116]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q0jb2
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with caa
    4. 2854053Domain d3q0jd_: 3q0j D: [184117]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q0jb2
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with caa
    5. 2854054Domain d3q0je_: 3q0j E: [184118]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q0jb2
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with caa
    6. 2854055Domain d3q0jf_: 3q0j F: [184119]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3q0jb2
      automated match to d1duba_
      complexed with caa
  6. Domain(s) for 4fjw:
    1. 2854047Domain d4fjwd_: 4fjw D: [193056]
      automated match to d3q0jd_
    2. 2854048Domain d4fjwe_: 4fjw E: [202039]
      automated match to d4fjwd_
    3. 2854049Domain d4fjwf_: 4fjw F: [202040]
      automated match to d4fjwd_
  7. Domain(s) for 4jjt:
    1. 2854056Domain d4jjta_: 4jjt A: [240343]
      automated match to d4jjtb_
      complexed with act, gol
    2. 2854057Domain d4jjtb_: 4jjt B: [235016]
      automated match to d3pe8a_
      complexed with act, gol
    3. 2854058Domain d4jjtc_: 4jjt C: [240344]
      automated match to d4jjtb_
      complexed with act, gol
  8. Domain(s) for 4z0m:
    1. 2854062Domain d4z0ma_: 4z0m A: [312258]
      automated match to d3qkab_
    2. 2854063Domain d4z0mb_: 4z0m B: [312236]
      automated match to d3qkab_
    3. 2854064Domain d4z0mc_: 4z0m C: [312220]
      automated match to d3qkab_
  9. Domain(s) for 5dtp:
    1. 2854059Domain d5dtpa1: 5dtp A:1-243 [313456]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtpa2, d5dtpb2, d5dtpc2
      automated match to d3he2a_
    2. 2854060Domain d5dtpb1: 5dtp B:1-243 [313488]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtpa2, d5dtpb2, d5dtpc2
      automated match to d3he2a_
    3. 2854061Domain d5dtpc1: 5dtp C:1-243 [313445]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtpa2, d5dtpb2, d5dtpc2
      automated match to d3he2a_
  10. Domain(s) for 5dtw:
    1. 2854086Domain d5dtwa1: 5dtw A:1-243 [313476]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtwa2, d5dtwb2, d5dtwc2, d5dtwd2, d5dtwe2, d5dtwf2
      automated match to d3he2a_
      complexed with 5f9
    2. 2854087Domain d5dtwb1: 5dtw B:1-243 [313626]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtwa2, d5dtwb2, d5dtwc2, d5dtwd2, d5dtwe2, d5dtwf2
      automated match to d3he2a_
      complexed with 5f9
    3. 2854088Domain d5dtwc1: 5dtw C:1-243 [313497]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtwa2, d5dtwb2, d5dtwc2, d5dtwd2, d5dtwe2, d5dtwf2
      automated match to d3he2a_
      complexed with 5f9
    4. 2854089Domain d5dtwd1: 5dtw D:1-243 [313454]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtwa2, d5dtwb2, d5dtwc2, d5dtwd2, d5dtwe2, d5dtwf2
      automated match to d3he2a_
      complexed with 5f9
    5. 2854090Domain d5dtwe1: 5dtw E:1-243 [313554]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtwa2, d5dtwb2, d5dtwc2, d5dtwd2, d5dtwe2, d5dtwf2
      automated match to d3he2a_
      complexed with 5f9
    6. 2854091Domain d5dtwf1: 5dtw F:1-243 [313472]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5dtwa2, d5dtwb2, d5dtwc2, d5dtwd2, d5dtwe2, d5dtwf2
      automated match to d3he2a_
      complexed with 5f9
  11. Domain(s) for 5kjp:
  12. Domain(s) for 6ldz:
  13. Domain(s) for 6wyi:

More info for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83332] from c.14.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83332] from c.14.1.0 automated matches: