Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds) |
Fold a.30: ROP-like [47379] (8 superfamilies) 4 helices; dimer of identical alpha-hairpin subunits; bundle, closed, left-handed twist |
Superfamily a.30.2: Homodimeric domain of signal transducing histidine kinase [47384] (2 families) |
Family a.30.2.0: automated matches [227712] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [227713] (2 species) not a true protein |
Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:243274] [227714] (7 PDB entries) |
Domain d4jasa1: 4jas A:244-320 [252851] Other proteins in same PDB: d4jasa2, d4jasb_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, mg; mutant |
Domain d4jaua1: 4jau A:238-320 [227715] Other proteins in same PDB: d4jaua2 automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp; mutant |
Domain d4java1: 4jav A:234-320 [252854] Other proteins in same PDB: d4java2, d4javb2, d4javc_, d4javd_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, cl, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d4javb1: 4jav B:236-320 [252856] Other proteins in same PDB: d4java2, d4javb2, d4javc_, d4javd_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, cl, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d4xiva1: 4xiv A:291-354 [279038] Other proteins in same PDB: d4xiva2, d4xivb2 automated match to d1b3qa1 complexed with acp, adp |
Domain d4xivb1: 4xiv B:289-354 [279040] Other proteins in same PDB: d4xiva2, d4xivb2 automated match to d1b3qa1 complexed with acp, adp |
Domain d5uhta1: 5uht A:244-320 [347909] Other proteins in same PDB: d5uhta2, d5uhtb_, d5uhtc2, d5uhtd_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, gol, mg, so4 |
Domain d5uhtc1: 5uht C:244-320 [347849] Other proteins in same PDB: d5uhta2, d5uhtb_, d5uhtc2, d5uhtd_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, gol, mg, so4 |
Domain d6rfva1: 6rfv A:246-320 [381125] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rfva2, d6rfvb2, d6rfvc_, d6rfvd_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, mg, so4 |
Domain d6rfvb1: 6rfv B:247-320 [380974] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rfva2, d6rfvb2, d6rfvc_, d6rfvd_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, mg, so4 |
Domain d6rgya1: 6rgy A:243-320 [380989] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rgya2, d6rgyb2, d6rgyc_, d6rgyd_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, cit, mg, so4 |
Domain d6rgyb1: 6rgy B:244-320 [381032] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rgya2, d6rgyb2, d6rgyc_, d6rgyd_ automated match to d2c2aa1 complexed with adp, cit, mg, so4 |
Timeline for Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:243274] from a.30.2.0 automated matches: