Lineage for Protein: Initiation factor eIF2 gamma subunit, domain II

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2792909Fold b.43: Reductase/isomerase/elongation factor common domain [50412] (4 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed; n=6, S=10; greek-key
  4. 2792984Superfamily b.43.3: Translation proteins [50447] (7 families) (S)
  5. 2792985Family b.43.3.1: Elongation factors [50448] (11 proteins)
  6. 2793120Protein Initiation factor eIF2 gamma subunit, domain II [74962] (3 species)


  1. 2793121Methanococcus jannaschii [TaxId:2190] [101788] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2793123Pyrococcus abyssi [TaxId:29292] [74963] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1kjz:
    2. Domain for 1kk0:
    3. Domain for 1kk1:
    4. Domain for 1kk2:
    5. Domain for 1kk3:
  3. 2793129Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:2287] [141335] (10 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q980A5 207-320
    1. Domain for 2aho:
    2. Domain for 2plf:
    3. Domains for 2pmd:
      1. 2793143Domain d2pmda1: 2pmd A:207-320 [149663]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pmda2, d2pmda3, d2pmdb2, d2pmdb3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        complexed with gdp, gnp, ppv
      2. 2793144Domain d2pmdb1: 2pmd B:207-320 [149666]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pmda2, d2pmda3, d2pmdb2, d2pmdb3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        complexed with gdp, gnp, ppv
    4. Domain for 2qmu:
    5. Domain for 2qn6:
    6. Domains for 3i1f:
      1. 2793134Domain d3i1fa2: 3i1f A:207-320 [246641]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i1fa1, d3i1fa3, d3i1fb1, d3i1fb3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with gcp, po4
      2. 2793135Domain d3i1fb2: 3i1f B:207-320 [246644]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i1fa1, d3i1fa3, d3i1fb1, d3i1fb3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with gcp, po4
    7. Domains for 4m0l:
      1. 2793137Domain d4m0la2: 4m0l A:207-320 [253709]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m0la1, d4m0la3, d4m0lb1, d4m0lb3, d4m0lc1, d4m0lc3, d4m0ld1, d4m0ld3, d4m0le1, d4m0le3, d4m0lf1, d4m0lf3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with gdp, mg, po4
      2. 2793138Domain d4m0lb2: 4m0l B:207-320 [253712]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m0la1, d4m0la3, d4m0lb1, d4m0lb3, d4m0lc1, d4m0lc3, d4m0ld1, d4m0ld3, d4m0le1, d4m0le3, d4m0lf1, d4m0lf3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with gdp, mg, po4
      3. 2793139Domain d4m0lc2: 4m0l C:207-320 [253715]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m0la1, d4m0la3, d4m0lb1, d4m0lb3, d4m0lc1, d4m0lc3, d4m0ld1, d4m0ld3, d4m0le1, d4m0le3, d4m0lf1, d4m0lf3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with gdp, mg, po4
      4. 2793140Domain d4m0ld2: 4m0l D:207-320 [253718]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m0la1, d4m0la3, d4m0lb1, d4m0lb3, d4m0lc1, d4m0lc3, d4m0ld1, d4m0ld3, d4m0le1, d4m0le3, d4m0lf1, d4m0lf3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with gdp, mg, po4
      5. 2793141Domain d4m0le2: 4m0l E:207-320 [253721]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m0la1, d4m0la3, d4m0lb1, d4m0lb3, d4m0lc1, d4m0lc3, d4m0ld1, d4m0ld3, d4m0le1, d4m0le3, d4m0lf1, d4m0lf3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with gdp, mg, po4
      6. 2793142Domain d4m0lf2: 4m0l F:207-320 [253724]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4m0la1, d4m0la3, d4m0lb1, d4m0lb3, d4m0lc1, d4m0lc3, d4m0ld1, d4m0ld3, d4m0le1, d4m0le3, d4m0lf1, d4m0lf3
        automated match to d2qn6a1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with gdp, mg, po4
    8. Domain for 4m2l:
    9. Domain for 4m4s:
    10. Domain for 4m53:

More info for Protein Initiation factor eIF2 gamma subunit, domain II from b.43.3.1: Elongation factors

Timeline for Protein Initiation factor eIF2 gamma subunit, domain II from b.43.3.1: Elongation factors: