Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds) |
Fold b.18: Galactose-binding domain-like [49784] (1 superfamily) sandwich; 9 strands in 2 sheets; jelly-roll |
Superfamily b.18.1: Galactose-binding domain-like [49785] (35 families) |
Family b.18.1.2: Discoidin domain (FA58C, coagulation factor 5/8 C-terminal domain) [49791] (4 proteins) automatically mapped to Pfam PF00754 |
Protein B1 domain of neuropilin-1 [82016] (2 species) |
Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [82017] (9 PDB entries) |
Domain d1kexa_: 1kex A: [77350] |
Domain d4rn5a1: 4rn5 A:273-427 [278713] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rn5a2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with act, gol, zn |
Domain d5c7ga_: 5c7g A: [319328] automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with bcn, na |
Domain d5ijra_: 5ijr A: [332334] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ijrb2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with dms, hrg |
Domain d5ijrb1: 5ijr B:273-427 [332333] Other proteins in same PDB: d5ijrb2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with dms, hrg |
Domain d5iyya1: 5iyy A:273-427 [332536] Other proteins in same PDB: d5iyya2, d5iyyb2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with r40 |
Domain d5iyyb1: 5iyy B:273-427 [332540] Other proteins in same PDB: d5iyya2, d5iyyb2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with r40 |
Domain d5j1xa_: 5j1x A: [332626] Other proteins in same PDB: d5j1xc2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with ar5, dms |
Domain d5j1xb_: 5j1x B: [332544] Other proteins in same PDB: d5j1xc2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with ar5, dms |
Domain d5j1xc1: 5j1x C:273-427 [332603] Other proteins in same PDB: d5j1xc2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with ar5, dms |
Domain d5j1xd_: 5j1x D: [332594] Other proteins in same PDB: d5j1xc2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with ar5, dms |
Domain d5jgia1: 5jgi A:273-427 [334203] Other proteins in same PDB: d5jgia2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with aag |
Domain d5jgib_: 5jgi B: [334286] Other proteins in same PDB: d5jgia2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with aag |
Domain d5jgqa1: 5jgq A:273-427 [334135] Other proteins in same PDB: d5jgqa2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with 6jy, dms |
Domain d5jgqb_: 5jgq B: [334120] Other proteins in same PDB: d5jgqa2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with 6jy, dms |
Domain d5jhka_: 5jhk A: [334548] Other proteins in same PDB: d5jhkb2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with 6k8 |
Domain d5jhkb1: 5jhk B:273-427 [334573] Other proteins in same PDB: d5jhkb2 automated match to d1kexa_ complexed with 6k8 |
Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [256384] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d2orxa1: 2orx A:273-426 [243374] automated match to d1sddb4 |
Domain d2orxa2: 2orx A:427-586 [243375] automated match to d1sddb4 |
Timeline for Protein B1 domain of neuropilin-1 from b.18.1.2: Discoidin domain (FA58C, coagulation factor 5/8 C-terminal domain):