Lineage for Protein: Lipase A

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2899459Fold c.69: alpha/beta-Hydrolases [53473] (1 superfamily)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 8 strands, order 12435678, strand 2 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2899460Superfamily c.69.1: alpha/beta-Hydrolases [53474] (43 families) (S)
    many members have left-handed crossover connection between strand 8 and additional strand 9
  5. 2900958Family c.69.1.18: Bacterial lipase [53570] (4 proteins)
    lack the first two strands of the common fold
  6. 2900979Protein Lipase A [64145] (4 species)
    minimal alpha/beta hydrolase fold;


  1. 2900980Bacillus subtilis [TaxId:1423] [64146] (18 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P37957 34-212
    1. Domains for 1i6w:
      1. 2900984Domain d1i6wa_: 1i6w A: [61859]
        complexed with cd
      2. 2900985Domain d1i6wb_: 1i6w B: [61860]
        complexed with cd
    2. Domain for 1isp:
    3. Domains for 1r4z:
      1. 2900990Domain d1r4za_: 1r4z A: [111689]
        complexed with ril
      2. 2900991Domain d1r4zb_: 1r4z B: [111690]
        complexed with ril
    4. Domains for 1r50:
      1. 2900982Domain d1r50a_: 1r50 A: [111691]
        complexed with sil
      2. 2900983Domain d1r50b_: 1r50 B: [111692]
        complexed with sil
    5. Domain for 1t2n:
    6. Domain for 1t4m:
    7. Domains for 2qxt:
      1. 2901011Domain d2qxta_: 2qxt A: [151456]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
      2. 2901012Domain d2qxtb_: 2qxt B: [151457]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
    8. Domains for 2qxu:
      1. 2901000Domain d2qxua_: 2qxu A: [151458]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
      2. 2901001Domain d2qxub_: 2qxu B: [151459]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
      3. 2901002Domain d2qxuc_: 2qxu C: [151460]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
      4. 2901003Domain d2qxud_: 2qxu D: [151461]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
      5. 2901004Domain d2qxue_: 2qxu E: [151462]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
      6. 2901005Domain d2qxuf_: 2qxu F: [151463]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
      7. 2901006Domain d2qxug_: 2qxu G: [151464]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
      8. 2901007Domain d2qxuh_: 2qxu H: [151465]
        automated match to d1i6wa_
    9. Domain for 3d2a:
    10. Domains for 3d2b:
      1. 2901008Domain d3d2ba_: 3d2b A: [173635]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      2. 2901009Domain d3d2bb_: 3d2b B: [173636]
        automated match to d1t2na_
    11. Domains for 3d2c:
      1. 2901013Domain d3d2ca_: 3d2c A: [173637]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      2. 2901014Domain d3d2cb_: 3d2c B: [173638]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      3. 2901015Domain d3d2cc_: 3d2c C: [173639]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      4. 2901016Domain d3d2cd_: 3d2c D: [173640]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      5. 2901017Domain d3d2ce_: 3d2c E: [173641]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      6. 2901018Domain d3d2cf_: 3d2c F: [173642]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      7. 2901019Domain d3d2cg_: 3d2c G: [173643]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      8. 2901020Domain d3d2ch_: 3d2c H: [173644]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      9. 2901021Domain d3d2ci_: 3d2c I: [173645]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      10. 2901022Domain d3d2cj_: 3d2c J: [173646]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      11. 2901023Domain d3d2ck_: 3d2c K: [173647]
        automated match to d1t2na_
      12. 2901024Domain d3d2cl_: 3d2c L: [173648]
        automated match to d1t2na_
    12. Domains for 5cri:
      1. 2900994Domain d5cria_: 5cri A: [278921]
        automated match to d1r50a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2900995Domain d5crib_: 5cri B: [278916]
        automated match to d1r50a_
        complexed with so4
    13. Domains for 5ct4:
      1. 2900992Domain d5ct4a_: 5ct4 A: [278924]
        automated match to d1i6wb_
        complexed with bm0, cl, so4
      2. 2900993Domain d5ct4b_: 5ct4 B: [278925]
        automated match to d1i6wb_
        complexed with bm0, cl, so4
    14. Domains for 5ct5:
      1. 2900998Domain d5ct5a_: 5ct5 A: [278936]
        automated match to d1i6wb_
        complexed with bm0, cl, so4
      2. 2900999Domain d5ct5b_: 5ct5 B: [278935]
        automated match to d1i6wb_
        complexed with bm0, cl, so4
    15. Domain for 5ct8:
    16. Domain for 5ct9:
    17. Domain for 5cta:
    18. Domain for 5cur:
  2. 2901025Bacillus subtilis [TaxId:224308] [278932] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2901028Geobacillus thermoleovorans [TaxId:33941] [419778] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 2901030Proteus mirabilis [TaxId:584] [224908] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4gw3:
      • 2901032Domain d4gw3a_: 4gw3 A: [234540]
        automated match to d4gxna_
        complexed with 1pe, ca, gol, ipa

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    2. Domain for 4gxn:
      • 2901034Domain d4gxna_: 4gxn A: [194028]
        automated match to d1ex9a_
        complexed with ca, dep, pge

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    3. Domain for 4hs9:
      • 2901031Domain d4hs9a_: 4hs9 A: [193086]
        automated match to d1ex9a_
        complexed with 1pe, ca, cl, gol, pe4; mutant

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    4. Domain for 6jd9:
      • 2901033Domain d6jd9a_: 6jd9 A: [371883]
        automated match to d4gw3a_
        complexed with ca, mpd; mutant

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together

More info for Protein Lipase A from c.69.1.18: Bacterial lipase

Timeline for Protein Lipase A from c.69.1.18: Bacterial lipase: