Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (34 superfamilies) contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678 the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites |
Superfamily c.1.10: Aldolase [51569] (9 families) Common fold covers whole protein structure |
Family c.1.10.1: Class I aldolase [51570] (13 proteins) the catalytic lysine forms schiff-base intermediate with substrate possible link between the aldolase superfamily and the phosphate-binding beta/alpha barrels |
Protein Type I 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase [51586] (4 species) |
Salmonella enterica [TaxId:90370] [260153] (11 PDB entries) |
Domain d4clma_: 4clm A: [260650] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with cl, li, wpl |
Domain d4clmb_: 4clm B: [261069] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with cl, li, wpl |
Domain d4cnna_: 4cnn A: [307144] automated match to d4cnoc_ complexed with cit, cl, na |
Domain d4cnnb_: 4cnn B: [307145] automated match to d4cnoc_ complexed with cit, cl, na |
Domain d4cnoa_: 4cno A: [262598] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with 9py |
Domain d4cnob_: 4cno B: [260154] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with 9py |
Domain d4cnoc_: 4cno C: [262599] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with 9py |
Domain d4cnod_: 4cno D: [262600] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with 9py |
Domain d4cnpa_: 4cnp A: [307146] automated match to d4cnoc_ complexed with 9c4, cl, na |
Domain d4cnpb_: 4cnp B: [307147] automated match to d4cnoc_ complexed with 9c4, cl, na |
Domain d4uioa_: 4uio A: [274968] automated match to d4cnoc_ complexed with cl, na, vau |
Domain d6h5ca_: 6h5c A: [371843] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with fsq |
Domain d6h5cb_: 6h5c B: [371838] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with fsq |
Domain d6h5da_: 6h5d A: [371841] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with wpl |
Domain d6h5db_: 6h5d B: [371842] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with wpl |
Domain d6h5ga_: 6h5g A: [371833] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with fqz |
Domain d6h5ja_: 6h5j A: [371836] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with ft5 |
Domain d6sfea_: 6sfe A: [383763] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with l9z |
Domain d6sfeb_: 6sfe B: [383716] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with l9z |
Domain d6sfga_: 6sfg A: [383733] automated match to d4cnpa_ complexed with fqz, fsq |
Salmonella typhi [TaxId:90370] [51587] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d1gqna_: 1gqn A: [90514] |
Domain d1l9wa_: 1l9w A: [84570] complexed with dhs |
Domain d1l9wb_: 1l9w B: [84571] complexed with dhs |
Domain d1l9wc_: 1l9w C: [84572] complexed with dhs |
Domain d1l9wd_: 1l9w D: [84573] complexed with dhs |
Domain d1qfea_: 1qfe A: [29167] complexed with dhs |
Domain d1qfeb_: 1qfe B: [29168] complexed with dhs |
Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:1280] [117378] (2 PDB entries) Uniprot Q6GII7 |
Domain d1sfja_: 1sfj A: [112075] complexed with dhk |
Domain d1sfjb_: 1sfj B: [112076] complexed with dhk |
Domain d1sfla_: 1sfl A: [112077] |
Domain d1sflb_: 1sfl B: [112078] |
Streptococcus pyogenes [TaxId:301447] [225216] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d2ocza1: 2ocz A:1-223 [205249] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ocza2 automated match to d1sfja_ complexed with edo, mg |
Timeline for Protein Type I 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase from c.1.10.1: Class I aldolase: