Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (147 folds) |
Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (33 superfamilies) contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678 the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites |
Superfamily c.1.10: Aldolase [51569] (9 families) Common fold covers whole protein structure |
Family c.1.10.1: Class I aldolase [51570] (13 proteins) the catalytic lysine forms schiff-base intermediate with substrate possible link between the aldolase superfamily and the phosphate-binding beta/alpha barrels |
Protein automated matches [190095] (15 species) not a true protein |
Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] [189130] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3hija_: 3hij A: [177603] automated match to d1xkya1 complexed with gol, na |
Domain d3hijb_: 3hij B: [177604] automated match to d1xkya1 complexed with gol, na |
Domain d3hijc_: 3hij C: [177605] automated match to d1xkya1 complexed with gol, na |
Domain d3hijd_: 3hij D: [177606] automated match to d1xkya1 complexed with gol, na |
Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [188824] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3cq0a_: 3cq0 A: [173395] automated match to d1f05a_ complexed with edo, gol, pg4 |
Domain d3cq0b_: 3cq0 B: [173396] automated match to d1f05a_ complexed with edo, gol, pg4 |
Escherichia coli [TaxId:469008] [189446] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d2wnzd_: 2wnz D: [169497] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 2op, etx, lac; mutant |
Domain d2wo5a_: 2wo5 A: [169505] automated match to d1hl2a_ |
Domain d2wo5b_: 2wo5 B: [169506] automated match to d1hl2a_ |
Domain d2wo5c_: 2wo5 C: [169507] automated match to d1hl2a_ |
Domain d2wo5d_: 2wo5 D: [169508] automated match to d1hl2a_ |
Domain d2ygya_: 2ygy A: [195649] automated match to d2wo5a_ complexed with 1pe, cl |
Domain d2ygyb_: 2ygy B: [195648] automated match to d2wo5a_ complexed with 1pe, cl |
Domain d2ygyc_: 2ygy C: [195647] automated match to d2wo5a_ complexed with 1pe, cl |
Domain d2ygyd_: 2ygy D: [195650] automated match to d2wo5a_ complexed with 1pe, cl |
Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [189174] (4 PDB entries) |
Domain d2wkja_: 2wkj A: [169407] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 1pe, pyr; mutant |
Domain d2wkjb_: 2wkj B: [169408] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 1pe, pyr; mutant |
Domain d2wkjc_: 2wkj C: [169409] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 1pe, pyr; mutant |
Domain d2wkjd_: 2wkj D: [169410] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 1pe, pyr; mutant |
Domain d2wnna_: 2wnn A: [169477] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 1pe, na |
Domain d2wnnb_: 2wnn B: [169478] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 1pe, na |
Domain d2wnnc_: 2wnn C: [169479] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 1pe, na |
Domain d2wnnd_: 2wnn D: [169480] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with 1pe, na |
Domain d2wnqa_: 2wnq A: [169482] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with cl; mutant |
Domain d2wnqb_: 2wnq B: [169483] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with cl; mutant |
Domain d2wnqc_: 2wnq C: [169484] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with cl; mutant |
Domain d2wnqd_: 2wnq D: [169485] automated match to d1hl2a_ complexed with cl; mutant |
Domain d2wpbd_: 2wpb D: [196428] automated match to d2wnqa_ complexed with zzi; mutant |
Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [187041] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d2cwnb_: 2cwn B: [130930] Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwna1 automated match to d1f05a_ |
Domain d2e1da_: 2e1d A: [146627] automated match to d1f05a_ complexed with so3 |
Domain d2e1db_: 2e1d B: [146628] automated match to d1f05a_ complexed with so3 |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [189568] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3l21a_: 3l21 A: [179863] automated match to d1xxxa1 complexed with act, bme, cl, gol, pyr, so4; mutant |
Domain d3l21b_: 3l21 B: [179864] automated match to d1xxxa1 complexed with act, bme, cl, gol, pyr, so4; mutant |
Domain d3l21c_: 3l21 C: [179865] automated match to d1xxxa1 complexed with act, bme, cl, gol, pyr, so4; mutant |
Domain d3l21d_: 3l21 D: [179866] automated match to d1xxxa1 complexed with act, bme, cl, gol, pyr, so4; mutant |
Domain d3l21e_: 3l21 E: [179867] automated match to d1xxxa1 complexed with act, bme, cl, gol, pyr, so4; mutant |
Domain d3l21f_: 3l21 F: [179868] automated match to d1xxxa1 complexed with act, bme, cl, gol, pyr, so4; mutant |
Oleispira antarctica [TaxId:188908] [189374] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3m16a_: 3m16 A: [180709] automated match to d1i2oa_ |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:208964] [189421] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3noea_: 3noe A: [182448] automated match to d1dhpa_ complexed with pgo |
Domain d3noeb_: 3noe B: [182449] automated match to d1dhpa_ complexed with pgo |
Pyrobaculum aerophilum [TaxId:13773] [187314] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1vcvb_: 1vcv B: [119989] Other proteins in same PDB: d1vcva1 automated match to d1vcva1 complexed with zn |
Salmonella enterica [TaxId:99287] [189300] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3m7wa_: 3m7w A: [180921] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with dqa, gol |
Domain d3m7wb_: 3m7w B: [180922] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with dqa, gol |
Domain d3m7wc_: 3m7w C: [180923] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with dqa, gol |
Domain d3m7wd_: 3m7w D: [180924] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with dqa, gol |
Domain d3m7we_: 3m7w E: [180925] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with dqa, gol |
Domain d3m7wf_: 3m7w F: [180926] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with dqa, gol |
Salmonella typhimurium [TaxId:90371] [189452] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d3oexa_: 3oex A: [182970] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with cl |
Domain d3oexb_: 3oex B: [182971] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with cl |
Domain d3oexc_: 3oex C: [182972] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with cl |
Domain d3oexd_: 3oex D: [182973] automated match to d1gqna_ complexed with cl |
Domain d4gfsa_: 4gfs A: [193583] automated match to d3oexb_ complexed with ni, sin |
Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:2287] [195677] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d2ydab_: 2yda B: [195678] automated match to d1w3ia_ complexed with epe, gol, ipa |
Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId:273075] [189712] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d3s0ca_: 3s0c A: [185239] automated match to d1vpxe_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3s0cd_: 3s0c D: [185240] automated match to d1vpxe_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3s0ce_: 3s0c E: [185241] automated match to d1vpxe_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3s1ue_: 3s1u E: [193657] automated match to d3s0cd_ complexed with cl, e4p |
Domain d3s1wa_: 3s1w A: [185247] automated match to d1vpxe_ complexed with flc, gol |
Domain d3s1wb_: 3s1w B: [185248] automated match to d1vpxe_ complexed with flc, gol |
Domain d3s1wc_: 3s1w C: [185249] automated match to d1vpxe_ complexed with flc, gol |
Domain d3s1wd_: 3s1w D: [185250] automated match to d1vpxe_ complexed with flc, gol |
Domain d3s1we_: 3s1w E: [185251] automated match to d1vpxe_ complexed with flc, gol |
Thermoproteus tenax [TaxId:2271] [186816] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1w8sb_: 1w8s B: [120745] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Domain d1w8sc_: 1w8s C: [120746] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Domain d1w8sd_: 1w8s D: [120747] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Domain d1w8se_: 1w8s E: [120748] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Domain d1w8sf_: 1w8s F: [120749] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Domain d1w8sg_: 1w8s G: [120750] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Domain d1w8sh_: 1w8s H: [120751] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Domain d1w8si_: 1w8s I: [120752] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Domain d1w8sj_: 1w8s J: [120753] Other proteins in same PDB: d1w8sa1 automated match to d1ok6a_ complexed with fbp |
Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [186818] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d1wa3a_: 1wa3 A: [120802] automated match to d1vlwb_ complexed with pyr, so4 |
Domain d1wa3b_: 1wa3 B: [120803] automated match to d1vlwb_ complexed with pyr, so4 |
Domain d1wa3c_: 1wa3 C: [120804] automated match to d1vlwb_ complexed with pyr, so4 |
Domain d1wa3d_: 1wa3 D: [120805] automated match to d1vlwb_ complexed with pyr, so4 |
Domain d1wa3e_: 1wa3 E: [120806] automated match to d1vlwb_ complexed with pyr, so4 |
Domain d1wa3f_: 1wa3 F: [120807] automated match to d1vlwb_ complexed with pyr, so4 |
Domain d3pb0a_: 3pb0 A: [183617] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3pb0b_: 3pb0 B: [183618] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3pb0c_: 3pb0 C: [183619] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3pb0d_: 3pb0 D: [183620] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3pb2a_: 3pb2 A: [183622] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3pb2b_: 3pb2 B: [183623] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3pb2c_: 3pb2 C: [183624] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3pb2d_: 3pb2 D: [183625] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3pb2e_: 3pb2 E: [183626] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with gol |
Domain d3pb2f_: 3pb2 F: [183627] automated match to d1o5ka_ complexed with gol |
Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.1.10.1: Class I aldolase: