Lineage for Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HbN [TaxId: 1773]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2685878Fold a.1: Globin-like [46457] (2 superfamilies)
    core: 6 helices; folded leaf, partly opened
  4. 2685879Superfamily a.1.1: Globin-like [46458] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2685880Family a.1.1.1: Truncated hemoglobin [46459] (2 proteins)
    lack the first helix (A)
  6. 2685881Protein Protozoan/bacterial hemoglobin [46460] (6 species)
  7. 2685890Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HbN [TaxId:1773] [63437] (8 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q10784

PDB entries in Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HbN [TaxId: 1773]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1idr:
    1. 2685895Domain d1idra_: 1idr A: [62301]
      complexed with hem, oxy, po4
    2. 2685896Domain d1idrb_: 1idr B: [62302]
      complexed with hem, oxy, po4
  2. Domain(s) for 1rte:
    1. 2685897Domain d1rtea_: 1rte A: [105096]
      complexed with cyn, hem, so4
    2. 2685898Domain d1rteb_: 1rte B: [105097]
      complexed with cyn, hem, so4
  3. Domain(s) for 1s56:
    1. 2685903Domain d1s56a_: 1s56 A: [105260]
      complexed with cyn, hec, hem, k, po4, xe
    2. 2685904Domain d1s56b_: 1s56 B: [105261]
      complexed with cyn, hec, hem, k, po4, xe
  4. Domain(s) for 1s61:
    1. 2685905Domain d1s61a_: 1s61 A: [105283]
      complexed with cyn, hem, k, nbn, po4
    2. 2685906Domain d1s61b_: 1s61 B: [105284]
      complexed with cyn, hem, k, nbn, po4
  5. Domain(s) for 2gkm:
    1. 2685891Domain d2gkma_: 2gkm A: [164742]
      automated match to d1s56b_
      complexed with cyn, hem, na; mutant
    2. 2685892Domain d2gkmb_: 2gkm B: [164743]
      automated match to d1s56b_
      complexed with cyn, hem, na; mutant
  6. Domain(s) for 2gkn:
    1. 2685901Domain d2gkna_: 2gkn A: [164744]
      automated match to d1s56b_
      complexed with cyn, hem, na; mutant
    2. 2685902Domain d2gknb_: 2gkn B: [164745]
      automated match to d1s56b_
      complexed with cyn, hem, na; mutant
  7. Domain(s) for 2gl3:
    1. 2685893Domain d2gl3a_: 2gl3 A: [164754]
      automated match to d1s56b_
      complexed with cyn, hem, na, po4; mutant
    2. 2685894Domain d2gl3b_: 2gl3 B: [164755]
      automated match to d1s56b_
      complexed with cyn, hem, na, po4; mutant
  8. Domain(s) for 2gln:
    1. 2685899Domain d2glna_: 2gln A: [164760]
      automated match to d1s56b_
      complexed with cyn, hem, na, po4; mutant
    2. 2685900Domain d2glnb_: 2gln B: [164761]
      automated match to d1s56b_
      complexed with cyn, hem, na, po4; mutant

More info for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HbN [TaxId:1773] from a.1.1.1 Protozoan/bacterial hemoglobin

Timeline for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HbN [TaxId:1773] from a.1.1.1 Protozoan/bacterial hemoglobin: