Lineage for Protein: HIV nucleocapsid

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 3029608Class g: Small proteins [56992] (100 folds)
  3. 3036238Fold g.40: Retrovirus zinc finger-like domains [57755] (1 superfamily)
    metal(zinc)-bound fold
  4. 3036239Superfamily g.40.1: Retrovirus zinc finger-like domains [57756] (1 family) (S)
  5. 3036240Family g.40.1.1: Retrovirus zinc finger-like domains [57757] (6 proteins)
  6. 3036244Protein HIV nucleocapsid [57760] (2 species)
    duplication: two similar zinc-binding motifs


  1. 3036245Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, different isolates [TaxId:11676] [57761] (12 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P03350 389-429
    1. Domain for 1a1t:
    2. Domain for 1aaf:
      • 3036252Domain d1aafa_: 1aaf A: [45166]
        complexed with zn
        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    3. Domain for 1bj6:
    4. Domain for 1esk:
    5. Domain for 1f6u:
    6. Domain for 1hvn:
      • 3036250Domain d1hvne_: 1hvn E: [45161]
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with zn
        fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    7. Domain for 1hvo:
      • 3036249Domain d1hvoe_: 1hvo E: [45162]
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with zn
        fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    8. Domain for 1mfs:
    9. Domains for 1ncp:
      1. 3036257Domain d1ncpc_: 1ncp C: [45168]
        complexed with zn
        fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
      2. 3036258Domain d1ncpn_: 1ncp N: [45169]
        complexed with zn
        fragment; missing more than one-third of the common structure and/or sequence
    10. Domain for 1q3y:
    11. Domain for 1q3z:
    12. Domain for 2exf:
  2. 3036259Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 [TaxId:11709] [57762] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein HIV nucleocapsid from g.40.1.1: Retrovirus zinc finger-like domains

Timeline for Protein HIV nucleocapsid from g.40.1.1: Retrovirus zinc finger-like domains: