Lineage for Species: Bordetella phage bpp-1 [TaxId: 194699]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2825480Fold b.163: Pseudo beta-prism I [141657] (1 superfamily)
    beta-sandwich with one regular beta-sheet and the other beta-sheet bent in the middle with a set of aligned beta-bulges
  4. 2825481Superfamily b.163.1: Bacteriophage trimeric proteins domain [141658] (2 families) (S)
    found in phage proteins that form trimers, but is not involved in the trimerisation
  5. 2825482Family b.163.1.1: Mtd domain-like [141659] (1 protein)
  6. 2825483Protein Major tropism determinant (Mtd), N-terminal domain [141660] (1 species)
    includes extra N-terminal trimerization domain; beta-alpha-beta(3)
  7. 2825484Species Bordetella phage bpp-1 [TaxId:194699] [141661] (6 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q775D6 5-170
    includes other related Bordetella phages

PDB entries in Species: Bordetella phage bpp-1 [TaxId: 194699]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1yu0:
  2. Domain(s) for 1yu1:
  3. Domain(s) for 1yu2:
  4. Domain(s) for 1yu3:
  5. Domain(s) for 1yu4:
    1. 2825487Domain d1yu4a1: 1yu4 A:5-170 [124033]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1yu4a2, d1yu4b2, d1yu4c2
      complexed with mg
    2. 2825488Domain d1yu4b1: 1yu4 B:5-170 [124035]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1yu4a2, d1yu4b2, d1yu4c2
      automated match to d1yu4a1
      complexed with mg
    3. 2825489Domain d1yu4c1: 1yu4 C:5-170 [124037]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1yu4a2, d1yu4b2, d1yu4c2
      automated match to d1yu4a1
      complexed with mg
  6. Domain(s) for 2iou:
    1. 2825492Domain d2ioua1: 2iou A:5-170 [147750]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ioua2, d2ioub2, d2iouc2, d2ioud2, d2ioue2, d2iouf2, d2ioug_, d2iouh_
      automated match to d1yu0a1
      complexed with mg
    2. 2825493Domain d2ioub1: 2iou B:5-170 [147752]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ioua2, d2ioub2, d2iouc2, d2ioud2, d2ioue2, d2iouf2, d2ioug_, d2iouh_
      automated match to d1yu0a1
      complexed with mg
    3. 2825494Domain d2iouc1: 2iou C:5-170 [147754]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ioua2, d2ioub2, d2iouc2, d2ioud2, d2ioue2, d2iouf2, d2ioug_, d2iouh_
      automated match to d1yu0a1
      complexed with mg
    4. 2825495Domain d2ioud1: 2iou D:5-170 [147756]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ioua2, d2ioub2, d2iouc2, d2ioud2, d2ioue2, d2iouf2, d2ioug_, d2iouh_
      automated match to d1yu0a1
      complexed with mg
    5. 2825496Domain d2ioue1: 2iou E:5-170 [147758]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ioua2, d2ioub2, d2iouc2, d2ioud2, d2ioue2, d2iouf2, d2ioug_, d2iouh_
      automated match to d1yu0a1
      complexed with mg
    6. 2825497Domain d2iouf1: 2iou F:5-170 [147760]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2ioua2, d2ioub2, d2iouc2, d2ioud2, d2ioue2, d2iouf2, d2ioug_, d2iouh_
      automated match to d1yu0a1
      complexed with mg

More info for Species Bordetella phage bpp-1 [TaxId:194699] from b.163.1.1 Major tropism determinant (Mtd), N-terminal domain

Timeline for Species Bordetella phage bpp-1 [TaxId:194699] from b.163.1.1 Major tropism determinant (Mtd), N-terminal domain: