Lineage for Species: Clostridium cochlearium [TaxId: 1494]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2826025Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (34 superfamilies)
    contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678
    the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites
  4. 2840022Superfamily c.1.19: Cobalamin (vitamin B12)-dependent enzymes [51703] (4 families) (S)
  5. 2840058Family c.1.19.2: Glutamate mutase, large subunit [51707] (1 protein)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF06368
  6. 2840059Protein Glutamate mutase, large subunit [51708] (1 species)
  7. 2840060Species Clostridium cochlearium [TaxId:1494] [51709] (5 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Clostridium cochlearium [TaxId: 1494]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1cb7:
    1. 2840067Domain d1cb7b_: 1cb7 B: [29648]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1cb7a_, d1cb7c_
      complexed with cob, tar
    2. 2840068Domain d1cb7d_: 1cb7 D: [29649]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1cb7a_, d1cb7c_
      complexed with cob, tar
  2. Domain(s) for 1ccw:
    1. 2840061Domain d1ccwb_: 1ccw B: [29646]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ccwa_, d1ccwc_
      complexed with cnc, tar
    2. 2840062Domain d1ccwd_: 1ccw D: [29647]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ccwa_, d1ccwc_
      complexed with cnc, tar
  3. Domain(s) for 1i9c:
    1. 2840065Domain d1i9cb_: 1i9c B: [71137]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1i9ca_, d1i9cc_
      complexed with 2as, 5ad, b12, glu
    2. 2840066Domain d1i9cd_: 1i9c D: [71139]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1i9ca_, d1i9cc_
      complexed with 2as, 5ad, b12, glu
  4. Domain(s) for 6h9e:
    1. 2840063Domain d6h9eb_: 6h9e B: [372879]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6h9ea_, d6h9ec_
      automated match to d1ccwb_
      complexed with b12, fwk, gol, tar
    2. 2840064Domain d6h9ed_: 6h9e D: [372850]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6h9ea_, d6h9ec_
      automated match to d1ccwb_
      complexed with b12, fwk, gol, tar
  5. Domain(s) for 6h9f:
    1. 2840069Domain d6h9fb_: 6h9f B: [372888]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6h9fa_, d6h9fc_
      automated match to d1ccwb_
      complexed with 8zb, b12, tar
    2. 2840070Domain d6h9fd_: 6h9f D: [372978]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6h9fa_, d6h9fc_
      automated match to d1ccwb_
      complexed with 8zb, b12, tar

More info for Species Clostridium cochlearium [TaxId:1494] from c.1.19.2 Glutamate mutase, large subunit

Timeline for Species Clostridium cochlearium [TaxId:1494] from c.1.19.2 Glutamate mutase, large subunit: