Lineage for Protein: Cellular retinoic-acid-binding protein (CRABP)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
  2. 2021373Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (177 folds)
  3. 2071989Fold b.60: Lipocalins [50813] (1 superfamily)
    barrel, closed or opened; n=8, S=12; meander
  4. 2071990Superfamily b.60.1: Lipocalins [50814] (10 families) (S)
    bind hydrophobic ligands in their interior
  5. 2072541Family b.60.1.2: Fatty acid binding protein-like [50847] (18 proteins)
    ten-stranded meander beta-sheet folded upon itself
    relates to the common fold by opening the barrel and insertion of beta-hairpin
  6. 2072594Protein Cellular retinoic-acid-binding protein (CRABP) [50861] (2 species)


  1. 2072595Cow and mouse (Bos taurus) and (Mus musculus), CRABP-I, identical sequences [TaxId:9913] [50863] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1cbi:
      1. 2072596Domain d1cbia_: 1cbi A: [27209]
      2. 2072597Domain d1cbib_: 1cbi B: [27210]
    2. Domains for 1cbr:
      1. 2072599Domain d1cbra_: 1cbr A: [27212]
        complexed with rea
      2. 2072600Domain d1cbrb_: 1cbr B: [27213]
        complexed with rea
    3. Domain for 2cbr:
  2. 2072601Human (Homo sapiens), CRABP-II [TaxId:9606] [50862] (52 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1blr:
    2. Domain for 1bm5:
    3. Domain for 1cbq:
    4. Domain for 1cbs:
    5. Domains for 1xca:
      1. 2072654Domain d1xcaa_: 1xca A: [27205]
      2. 2072655Domain d1xcab_: 1xca B: [27206]
    6. Domain for 2cbs:
    7. Domain for 2fr3:
    8. Domains for 2frs:
      1. 2072618Domain d2frsa_: 2frs A: [164449]
        automated match to d1blra_
        complexed with na; mutant
      2. 2072619Domain d2frsb_: 2frs B: [164450]
        automated match to d1blra_
        complexed with na; mutant
    9. Domains for 2fs6:
      1. 2072606Domain d2fs6a_: 2fs6 A: [134005]
        automated match to d1blr__
        complexed with act, cl, na
      2. 2072607Domain d2fs6b_: 2fs6 B: [134006]
        automated match to d1blr__
        complexed with act, cl, na
    10. Domains for 2fs7:
      1. 2072612Domain d2fs7a_: 2fs7 A: [134007]
        automated match to d1blr__
        complexed with act, cl
      2. 2072613Domain d2fs7b_: 2fs7 B: [134008]
        automated match to d1blr__
        complexed with act, cl
    11. Domain for 2g78:
    12. Domain for 2g79:
    13. Domain for 2g7b:
    14. Domain for 3cbs:
    15. Domain for 3cr6:
    16. Domain for 3cwk:
    17. Domains for 3d95:
      1. 2072603Domain d3d95a_: 3d95 A: [173765]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
      2. 2072604Domain d3d95b_: 3d95 B: [173766]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
    18. Domains for 3d96:
      1. 2072623Domain d3d96a_: 3d96 A: [173767]
        automated match to d1blra_
        complexed with act; mutant
      2. 2072624Domain d3d96b_: 3d96 B: [173768]
        automated match to d1blra_
        complexed with act; mutant
    19. Domains for 3d97:
      1. 2072610Domain d3d97a_: 3d97 A: [173769]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with b3p, na; mutant
      2. 2072611Domain d3d97b_: 3d97 B: [173770]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with b3p, na; mutant
    20. Domain for 3f8a:
    21. Domains for 3f9d:
      1. 2072641Domain d3f9da_: 3f9d A: [175588]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with lsr; mutant
      2. 2072642Domain d3f9db_: 3f9d B: [175589]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with lsr; mutant
    22. Domains for 3fa6:
      1. 2072620Domain d3fa6a_: 3fa6 A: [175605]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with lsr; mutant
      2. 2072621Domain d3fa6b_: 3fa6 B: [175606]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with lsr; mutant
    23. Domains for 3fa7:
      1. 2072648Domain d3fa7a_: 3fa7 A: [175607]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with b3p; mutant
      2. 2072649Domain d3fa7b_: 3fa7 B: [175608]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with b3p; mutant
    24. Domains for 3fa8:
      1. 2072630Domain d3fa8a_: 3fa8 A: [175609]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
      2. 2072631Domain d3fa8b_: 3fa8 B: [175610]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
    25. Domains for 3fa9:
      1. 2072652Domain d3fa9a_: 3fa9 A: [175611]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with act; mutant
      2. 2072653Domain d3fa9b_: 3fa9 B: [175612]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with act; mutant
    26. Domains for 3fek:
      1. 2072616Domain d3feka_: 3fek A: [175729]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with act, peg; mutant
      2. 2072617Domain d3fekb_: 3fek B: [175730]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with act, peg; mutant
    27. Domains for 3fel:
      1. 2072633Domain d3fela_: 3fel A: [175731]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with b3p; mutant
      2. 2072634Domain d3felb_: 3fel B: [175732]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with b3p; mutant
    28. Domains for 3fen:
      1. 2072614Domain d3fena_: 3fen A: [175733]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      2. 2072615Domain d3fenb_: 3fen B: [175734]
        automated match to d1bm5a_
        complexed with cl; mutant
    29. Domain for 3fep:
    30. Domains for 3i17:
      1. 2072626Domain d3i17a_: 3i17 A: [178016]
        automated match to d1blra_
      2. 2072627Domain d3i17b_: 3i17 B: [178017]
        automated match to d1blra_
    31. Domain for 4i9r:
    32. Domain for 4i9s:
    33. Domain for 4m6s:
    34. Domain for 4m7m:
    35. Domains for 4qgv:
      1. 2072639Domain d4qgva_: 4qgv A: [308139]
        automated match to d1xcaa_
        complexed with lmc; mutant
      2. 2072640Domain d4qgvb_: 4qgv B: [308140]
        automated match to d1xcaa_
        complexed with lmc; mutant
    36. Domains for 4qgw:
      1. 2072645Domain d4qgwa_: 4qgw A: [308141]
        automated match to d3fa9a_
        complexed with b3p, lmc; mutant
      2. 2072646Domain d4qgwb_: 4qgw B: [308142]
        automated match to d3fa9a_
        complexed with b3p, lmc; mutant
    37. Domains for 4qgx:
      1. 2072628Domain d4qgxa_: 4qgx A: [308143]
        automated match to d2g7ba_
        complexed with lmc; mutant
      2. 2072629Domain d4qgxb_: 4qgx B: [308144]
        automated match to d2g7ba_
        complexed with lmc; mutant
    38. Domain for 4ybp:
    39. Domain for 4ybu:
    40. Domain for 4yce:
    41. Domain for 4ych:
    42. Domain for 4yda:
    43. Domain for 4ydb:
    44. Domain for 4yfp:
    45. Domain for 4yfq:
    46. Domain for 4yfr:
    47. Domain for 4ygg:
    48. Domain for 4ygh:
    49. Domain for 4ygz:
    50. Domain for 4yh0:
    51. Domains for 4ykm:
      1. 2072637Domain d4ykma_: 4ykm A: [312054]
        automated match to d4m7ma_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      2. 2072638Domain d4ykmb_: 4ykm B: [312047]
        automated match to d4m7ma_
        complexed with ret; mutant
    52. Domains for 4yko:
      1. 2072635Domain d4ykoa_: 4yko A: [312072]
        automated match to d4m7ma_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      2. 2072636Domain d4ykob_: 4yko B: [312224]
        automated match to d4m7ma_
        complexed with ret; mutant

More info for Protein Cellular retinoic-acid-binding protein (CRABP) from b.60.1.2: Fatty acid binding protein-like

Timeline for Protein Cellular retinoic-acid-binding protein (CRABP) from b.60.1.2: Fatty acid binding protein-like: