Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2700837Fold a.25: Ferritin-like [47239] (6 superfamilies)
    core: 4 helices; bundle, closed, left-handed twist; 1 crossover connection
  4. 2700838Superfamily a.25.1: Ferritin-like [47240] (10 families) (S)
    contains bimetal-ion centre in the middle of the bundle
  5. 2703895Family a.25.1.0: automated matches [191307] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2703896Protein automated matches [190036] (60 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2704097Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [255624] (13 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2vux:
    1. 2704194Domain d2vuxa_: 2vux A: [243951]
      automated match to d2o1za_
      complexed with fe
    2. 2704195Domain d2vuxb_: 2vux B: [243952]
      automated match to d2o1za_
      complexed with fe
  2. Domain(s) for 4zjk:
  3. Domain(s) for 5jkk:
    1. 2704148Domain d5jkka_: 5jkk A: [334102]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, mg
    2. 2704149Domain d5jkkb_: 5jkk B: [334391]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, mg
    3. 2704150Domain d5jkkc_: 5jkk C: [334164]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, mg
    4. 2704151Domain d5jkkd_: 5jkk D: [334118]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, mg
    5. 2704152Domain d5jkke_: 5jkk E: [334193]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, mg
    6. 2704153Domain d5jkkf_: 5jkk F: [334206]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, mg
    7. 2704154Domain d5jkkg_: 5jkk G: [334190]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, mg
    8. 2704155Domain d5jkkh_: 5jkk H: [334246]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, mg
  4. Domain(s) for 5jkl:
    1. 2704157Domain d5jkla_: 5jkl A: [324471]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    2. 2704158Domain d5jklb_: 5jkl B: [324543]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    3. 2704159Domain d5jklc_: 5jkl C: [324484]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    4. 2704160Domain d5jkld_: 5jkl D: [324490]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    5. 2704161Domain d5jkle_: 5jkl E: [324535]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    6. 2704162Domain d5jklf_: 5jkl F: [324468]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    7. 2704163Domain d5jklg_: 5jkl G: [324558]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    8. 2704164Domain d5jklh_: 5jkl H: [324600]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    9. 2704165Domain d5jkli_: 5jkl I: [324518]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    10. 2704166Domain d5jklj_: 5jkl J: [324603]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    11. 2704167Domain d5jklk_: 5jkl K: [324475]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
    12. 2704168Domain d5jkll_: 5jkl L: [324482]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg
  5. Domain(s) for 5jkm:
    1. 2704181Domain d5jkma_: 5jkm A: [324549]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    2. 2704182Domain d5jkmb_: 5jkm B: [324488]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    3. 2704183Domain d5jkmc_: 5jkm C: [324565]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    4. 2704184Domain d5jkmd_: 5jkm D: [324489]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    5. 2704185Domain d5jkme_: 5jkm E: [324564]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    6. 2704186Domain d5jkmf_: 5jkm F: [324505]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    7. 2704187Domain d5jkmg_: 5jkm G: [324511]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    8. 2704188Domain d5jkmh_: 5jkm H: [324477]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    9. 2704189Domain d5jkmi_: 5jkm I: [324544]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    10. 2704190Domain d5jkmj_: 5jkm J: [324527]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    11. 2704191Domain d5jkmk_: 5jkm K: [324486]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
    12. 2704192Domain d5jkml_: 5jkm L: [324473]
      automated match to d3a9qe_
      complexed with fe, gol, mg
  6. Domain(s) for 5n26:
  7. Domain(s) for 5n27:
  8. Domain(s) for 5xb1:
    1. 2704196Domain d5xb1a_: 5xb1 A: [348604]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    2. 2704197Domain d5xb1b_: 5xb1 B: [348735]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    3. 2704198Domain d5xb1c_: 5xb1 C: [348486]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    4. 2704199Domain d5xb1d_: 5xb1 D: [348528]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    5. 2704200Domain d5xb1e_: 5xb1 E: [349003]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    6. 2704201Domain d5xb1f_: 5xb1 F: [348430]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    7. 2704202Domain d5xb1g_: 5xb1 G: [348602]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    8. 2704203Domain d5xb1h_: 5xb1 H: [348488]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    9. 2704204Domain d5xb1i_: 5xb1 I: [348781]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    10. 2704205Domain d5xb1j_: 5xb1 J: [348818]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    11. 2704206Domain d5xb1k_: 5xb1 K: [348462]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    12. 2704207Domain d5xb1l_: 5xb1 L: [348501]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    13. 2704208Domain d5xb1m_: 5xb1 M: [348521]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    14. 2704209Domain d5xb1n_: 5xb1 N: [348569]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    15. 2704210Domain d5xb1o_: 5xb1 O: [348473]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    16. 2704211Domain d5xb1p_: 5xb1 P: [348458]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    17. 2704212Domain d5xb1q_: 5xb1 Q: [348418]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    18. 2704213Domain d5xb1r_: 5xb1 R: [348437]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    19. 2704214Domain d5xb1s_: 5xb1 S: [348487]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    20. 2704215Domain d5xb1t_: 5xb1 T: [348510]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    21. 2704216Domain d5xb1u_: 5xb1 U: [348578]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    22. 2704217Domain d5xb1v_: 5xb1 V: [348450]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    23. 2704218Domain d5xb1w_: 5xb1 W: [348859]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
    24. 2704219Domain d5xb1x_: 5xb1 X: [348962]
      automated match to d3hx7b_
  9. Domain(s) for 5yi5:
    1. 2704220Domain d5yi5a_: 5yi5 A: [348840]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    2. 2704221Domain d5yi5b_: 5yi5 B: [348871]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    3. 2704222Domain d5yi5c_: 5yi5 C: [348827]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    4. 2704223Domain d5yi5d_: 5yi5 D: [348839]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    5. 2704224Domain d5yi5e_: 5yi5 E: [348842]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    6. 2704225Domain d5yi5f_: 5yi5 F: [349266]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    7. 2704226Domain d5yi5g_: 5yi5 G: [348873]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    8. 2704227Domain d5yi5h_: 5yi5 H: [348822]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    9. 2704228Domain d5yi5i_: 5yi5 I: [348968]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    10. 2704229Domain d5yi5j_: 5yi5 J: [348846]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    11. 2704230Domain d5yi5k_: 5yi5 K: [348841]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    12. 2704231Domain d5yi5l_: 5yi5 L: [349142]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    13. 2704232Domain d5yi5m_: 5yi5 M: [348915]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    14. 2704233Domain d5yi5n_: 5yi5 N: [348953]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    15. 2704234Domain d5yi5o_: 5yi5 O: [348939]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    16. 2704235Domain d5yi5p_: 5yi5 P: [348869]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    17. 2704236Domain d5yi5q_: 5yi5 Q: [349052]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    18. 2704237Domain d5yi5r_: 5yi5 R: [349198]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    19. 2704238Domain d5yi5s_: 5yi5 S: [348847]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    20. 2704239Domain d5yi5t_: 5yi5 T: [349000]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    21. 2704240Domain d5yi5u_: 5yi5 U: [349504]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    22. 2704241Domain d5yi5v_: 5yi5 V: [348893]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    23. 2704242Domain d5yi5w_: 5yi5 W: [349035]
      automated match to d5n27a_
    24. 2704243Domain d5yi5x_: 5yi5 X: [348863]
      automated match to d5n27a_
  10. Domain(s) for 7ck8:
    1. 2704169Domain d7ck8a_: 7ck8 A: [404708]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    2. 2704170Domain d7ck8b_: 7ck8 B: [404733]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    3. 2704171Domain d7ck8c_: 7ck8 C: [404767]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    4. 2704172Domain d7ck8d_: 7ck8 D: [404761]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    5. 2704173Domain d7ck8e_: 7ck8 E: [404728]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    6. 2704174Domain d7ck8f_: 7ck8 F: [404727]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    7. 2704175Domain d7ck8g_: 7ck8 G: [404713]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    8. 2704176Domain d7ck8h_: 7ck8 H: [404712]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    9. 2704177Domain d7ck8i_: 7ck8 I: [404821]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    10. 2704178Domain d7ck8j_: 7ck8 J: [404799]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    11. 2704179Domain d7ck8k_: 7ck8 K: [404719]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
    12. 2704180Domain d7ck8l_: 7ck8 L: [404720]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with cl, fe, gol, mg, oxy; mutant
  11. Domain(s) for 7ck9:
  12. Domain(s) for 7k3v:
    1. 2704098Domain d7k3va_: 7k3v A: [394699]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    2. 2704099Domain d7k3vb_: 7k3v B: [394685]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    3. 2704100Domain d7k3vc_: 7k3v C: [394723]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    4. 2704101Domain d7k3vd_: 7k3v D: [394907]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    5. 2704102Domain d7k3ve_: 7k3v E: [394728]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    6. 2704103Domain d7k3vf_: 7k3v F: [394698]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    7. 2704104Domain d7k3vg_: 7k3v G: [394725]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    8. 2704105Domain d7k3vh_: 7k3v H: [394678]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    9. 2704106Domain d7k3vi_: 7k3v I: [394746]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    10. 2704107Domain d7k3vj_: 7k3v J: [394783]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    11. 2704108Domain d7k3vk_: 7k3v K: [394646]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    12. 2704109Domain d7k3vl_: 7k3v L: [394653]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    13. 2704110Domain d7k3vm_: 7k3v M: [394671]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    14. 2704111Domain d7k3vn_: 7k3v N: [394714]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    15. 2704112Domain d7k3vo_: 7k3v O: [394643]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    16. 2704113Domain d7k3vp_: 7k3v P: [394682]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    17. 2704114Domain d7k3vq_: 7k3v Q: [394636]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    18. 2704115Domain d7k3vr_: 7k3v R: [394731]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    19. 2704116Domain d7k3vs_: 7k3v S: [394806]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    20. 2704117Domain d7k3vt_: 7k3v T: [394673]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    21. 2704118Domain d7k3vu_: 7k3v U: [394657]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    22. 2704119Domain d7k3vv_: 7k3v V: [394745]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    23. 2704120Domain d7k3vw_: 7k3v W: [394650]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    24. 2704121Domain d7k3vx_: 7k3v X: [394658]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
  13. Domain(s) for 7k3w:
    1. 2704122Domain d7k3wa_: 7k3w A: [394684]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    2. 2704123Domain d7k3wb_: 7k3w B: [394661]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    3. 2704124Domain d7k3wc_: 7k3w C: [394726]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    4. 2704125Domain d7k3wd_: 7k3w D: [394803]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    5. 2704126Domain d7k3we_: 7k3w E: [394798]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    6. 2704127Domain d7k3wf_: 7k3w F: [394693]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    7. 2704128Domain d7k3wg_: 7k3w G: [394696]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    8. 2704129Domain d7k3wh_: 7k3w H: [394927]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    9. 2704130Domain d7k3wi_: 7k3w I: [394826]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    10. 2704131Domain d7k3wj_: 7k3w J: [394662]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    11. 2704132Domain d7k3wk_: 7k3w K: [394706]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    12. 2704133Domain d7k3wl_: 7k3w L: [394663]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    13. 2704134Domain d7k3wm_: 7k3w M: [394668]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    14. 2704135Domain d7k3wn_: 7k3w N: [394707]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    15. 2704136Domain d7k3wo_: 7k3w O: [394730]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    16. 2704137Domain d7k3wp_: 7k3w P: [394794]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    17. 2704138Domain d7k3wq_: 7k3w Q: [394744]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    18. 2704139Domain d7k3wr_: 7k3w R: [394674]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    19. 2704140Domain d7k3ws_: 7k3w S: [394690]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    20. 2704141Domain d7k3wt_: 7k3w T: [394836]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    21. 2704142Domain d7k3wu_: 7k3w U: [394789]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    22. 2704143Domain d7k3wv_: 7k3w V: [394694]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    23. 2704144Domain d7k3ww_: 7k3w W: [394768]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn
    24. 2704145Domain d7k3wx_: 7k3w X: [394757]
      automated match to d5n27a_
      complexed with na, zn

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from a.25.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from a.25.1.0 automated matches: