Lineage for Species: Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId: 1392]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2689745Fold a.2: Long alpha-hairpin [46556] (20 superfamilies)
    2 helices; antiparallel hairpin, left-handed twist
  4. 2690049Superfamily a.2.11: Fe,Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD), N-terminal domain [46609] (2 families) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00081
  5. 2690339Family a.2.11.0: automated matches [227154] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2690340Protein automated matches [226859] (39 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2690377Species Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] [224993] (2 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId: 1392]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1xre:
    1. 2690378Domain d1xrea1: 1xre A:3-92 [203155]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1xrea2, d1xreb2
      automated match to d1jr9a1
      complexed with mn
    2. 2690379Domain d1xreb1: 1xre B:3-92 [203157]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1xrea2, d1xreb2
      automated match to d1jr9a1
      complexed with mn
  2. Domain(s) for 1xuq:
    1. 2690380Domain d1xuqa1: 1xuq A:3-92 [203169]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1xuqa2, d1xuqb2
      automated match to d1unfx1
      complexed with mn
    2. 2690381Domain d1xuqb1: 1xuq B:3-92 [203171]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1xuqa2, d1xuqb2
      automated match to d1unfx1
      complexed with mn

More info for Species Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] from a.2.11.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] from a.2.11.0 automated matches: